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在阿卡罗阿港(Akaroa Harbour)游轮中,仅可容纳12位乘客,在野生海豚附近游泳。您将在自然栖息地碰到赫克托氏海豚,这是世界上最小,最稀有的海豚。提供潜水服和口罩,让您在水中畅游,其次是热饮和淋浴。
年龄限制:8-99,每个团体最多 12 人
用时: 3 小时 30 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 阿卡罗亚港海豚巡游体验
- 在野生海豚的自然栖息地游泳
- 乘坐专门建造的游艇在水域中巡游
- 每次出发最多可容纳12名乘客
- 3.5小时含化妆/淋浴(水上2.5小时)
- 湿衣、靴子和可选面罩(适合游泳者)
- 热巧克力和饼干
- 包括您的船长和向导者的实时评论
- 热水淋浴设施
- 最后办理入住时间为游览时间前 15 分钟
- 出发地点:
- 82 Beach Road, Akaroa 7520, New Zealand出发地点: 阿卡罗阿的主要码头 日期: 10月1日至4月30日 返回点: 游轮返回原出发地,提前15分钟办理登机手续
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3661SWDS_SWDW- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 8 岁至 12 岁的儿童游泳者必须有成人游泳者陪同。
- 13 岁至 17 岁之间的儿童必须由成人观众陪同。
- Akaroa地理位置优越,距离基督城国际机场仅有120分钟车程。 您可以自己开车或搭乘班车,每天往返于基督城市中心和阿卡罗阿之间。
- 不提供或不允许提供救生衣,如果需要救生衣,该产品不适合,请参加我们的阿卡罗阿港自然巡游。
- 万一您没有看到任何海豚,您将收到我们的阿卡罗亚港自然巡游券,以便您改天加入我们。
- 与海豚同游的儿童最低年龄为 8 岁,作为观众参加的最低年龄为 4 岁
- 最后入住时间为游览时间前 15 分钟
- 如果您患有哮喘/过敏,请注意您需要随身携带吸入器/EpiPen
- 请在前一天重新确认您的预订,以便获得最新天气信息。
- 所有医疗状况都需要申报,因为由于受伤或最近的手术,该产品可能不适合。
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 12 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3661SWDS_SWDW
- 82 Beach Road, Akaroa 7520, New Zealand出发地点: 阿卡罗阿的主要码头 日期: 10月1日至4月30日 返回点: 游轮返回原出发地,提前15分钟办理登机手续
- 1我们在阿卡罗阿最亲密的海豚体验,距离基督城只有90分钟。 与赫克托的海豚一起畅游,在这个3.5小时的全包游览中观赏新西兰毛皮海豹等其他野生动物。 最多12名游泳者,您将享受由我们经验丰富的船长和大自然向导者带领的个性化游览。 从阿卡罗阿的主要码头开始,结识其他冒险家,并准备提供的湿装。 安全简报后,踏上一生一次的旅程,探索阿卡罗阿港的野生动物、壮丽的风景,并与赫克托海豚一起畅游。 尊重野生动物是我们的首要任务,您的向导者将提供有关保护的见解。 您的机票的一部分支持保护部。 包括: 5毫米高品质泳衣,可选面膜,热巧克力,游泳后饼干和热水淋浴。 海豚承诺: 我们的导游在寻找赫克托海豚方面成功率很高。 如果您没有看到它们,享受免费的阿卡罗阿自然巡游,下次再来。
- s41722490 条分享虽然最终没能去成,但是他们看起来还不错!6月初在这里预订了周日下午的邮轮,但由于恶劣的天气和巨浪,出于安全考虑,他们很明智地取消了。他们马上打电话给我,提出要重新预订我们的机票,但是因为我们只在克赖斯特彻奇度过周末,第二天又回到澳大利亚,很不幸我们没有订到。第二个工作日,他们很快就把我的卡退了,这是我收到的最快的退款!他们似乎是一个非常诚实和安全意识很强的企业,因为我们一年要出游新西兰几次,所以下次我们再来克赖斯特彻奇和阿卡罗的时候,他们是我们出游的首选。撰写日期:2019年7月5日
- 4historyandculture0 条分享海滩路61号的礼品店我们在陆地上停留了几个小时。 我们没有付费参加任何的旅行团,并且是很喜欢这边的礼品店和纪念品的。 我买了两只新西兰填充羊羔作为礼物,还有两个手提包。 这里的收银员是非常友好的。撰写日期:2019年5月25日
- sd10480 条分享壮观的海鸟和海豚令人愉快的下午巡游,观赏企鹅、海狗、海豚、三种信天翁和无数只其他海鸟。最精彩的是看到当地的拖网渔船收回渔网,海豚和鸟类都在争夺残羹剩饭。旅途愉快,但一定要在好天气的时候去。撰写日期:2019年4月25日
- Caroline W0 条分享与海豚一起游泳很不幸的是我们没能下水,因为海豚并没有与我们接触。我们一共只看了2只海豚,这也很令人失望。当船员们竭尽全力寻找海豚时,我就已经对这次旅行感到失望了。因为我们无法下水游泳,所以打了个小折扣,但我觉得这是不够的。本来支付海豚观光部分的旅游费用对我们来说是没什么问题的,但由于我们甚至都没有下水,我认为这部分应该全额退款。实际支付的价格是我认为应该支付的价格的两倍。撰写日期:2019年4月3日
- Amelia A0 条分享跟人一起游泳……没有海豚体验太糟糕了。这是野生海豚,有个公司想要骗你的钱,自称会让你跟它们一起游泳。甚至他们的宣传材料也是P过的,没有人跟这些海豚一起游泳,不像他们让你想象得那么近。我们连续尝试了两天,而且是在不同的时段。花了175新西兰元,没有海豚也没有游泳。就是个廉价的船游项目,赠送一杯稀薄无味的热巧克力。希望你喜欢把钱扔到水里,那么这就是你那么做的绝佳场所!!仅有的海豚我们是在海滩上看到的,甚至不是在船上看得到。我完全不推荐这一体验。去散散步,或者参加为期一小时的独木舟游(25新西兰元),那样花钱少得多,看到的东西却会多得多。撰写日期:2019年3月11日
- Gary S0 条分享乘船旅行非常开心我们离码头都只有5分钟的路程,船长示意我们从船的一边往外看,能看到海豚在旁边游泳。几分钟之后,我们看到小企鹅也在水中嬉戏,虽然数量没有海豚多,但是时不时出现在眼前。船长把我们带到一片开阔的水域,然后又进入一个隐蔽的区域,在那里我们可以看到几只海豹躺在海岸线的熔岩和岩石之间。在水上呆了几个小时之后我们返回码头,在这里我们看到了巨大的蝠鲼 ,实在太开心了。撰写日期:2019年2月15日
- Chris B0 条分享在这个景点有很棒的旅行体验这边有非常乐于助人又有好的员工。我们打算去看海豚,因为我们在海湾附近玩的时候没有看见。我们在这边拍了很多漂亮的照片。在游玩期间员工给我们拍照片价钱非常的实惠,非常的值得。在这边玩的很开心。真的是一个很不错的景点。撰写日期:2019年1月21日
- Feistlet19670 条分享愉快的旅程今天,我们和船长凯特、船员塔拉和丹在阿卡罗阿湾享受了两个小时的游轮之旅。评论很精彩——博学、幽默、引人入胜、有趣。我们看到了赫克托耳海豚,白鳍企鹅,海豹,还有很多鸟!海湾口附近的浪没有那么有趣,但船上的孩子们特别喜欢看,看得很有趣!船员有趣、物有所值的游船之旅。撰写日期:2019年1月12日
- War1430 条分享哇,棒呆了我们的船长K女士太棒了,她带给我们很多欢笑与乐趣,而且十分了解这里的优点所在。我们来这里的日子刚刚好,看到了超过50只海豚,还有一些海狗和小企鹅。我们乘坐的船也很棒,干净又整洁。撰写日期:2019年1月4日
- rayt660 条分享很棒的航行我们5个人乘船游览了港口。Captan先生非常博学,我们非常幸运地在2小时的航行中看到了无数海豚、企鹅和海豹。那天的天气很好,这使这次航行变得格外愉快。强烈推荐这次航行。撰写日期:2018年12月28日
- 706ss0 条分享奇妙的经历,强烈推荐这次旅程真的是太棒了!能够和海豚们一起在它们的生活环境中一起游泳真的太美好了,而且我们在水里和它们一起待了很长时间(多亏了高品质的厚潜水服)。我们问了很多关于海豚的问题,学到了很多东西,但是我觉得旅行公司可以把这个包含在每次旅程的内容中,这样每个人都可以得到这些信息。奇妙而难忘的经历。撰写日期:2018年12月19日
- Passenger274056106440 条分享这一天非常愉快,我们和海豚一起游泳阿利斯泰尔和克里斯绝对是梦之队!我们遇到了一点麻烦,找到了一些愿意和我们一起游泳的海豚,他们决定把我们带到水里,他们成功地做到了。我们非常感激所有工作人员为了我们开心而作出的努力,所有的员工都那么可爱,乐于助人。撰写日期:2018年11月17日
- Dawn Fergie F0 条分享很棒的巡航,与海豹一起完成很棒的巡航。美丽的风景,高耸入云的火山岩层,牛,绵羊和山羊在陡峭的山坡上吃草,还能看到海豚,甚至是海豹。船长和船员都很棒。在水上的几个小时非常好。撰写日期:2018年11月4日
- skidiot0 条分享美好的经历黑猫邮轮位于阿卡罗瓦的码头!工作人员非常友好!!当你上船时,你会拿到一件厚的潜水衣,靴子和手套。更衣室一尘不染,我们回来后用的是热水淋浴。非常感谢艾利斯特和朱尔斯上尉!他们让我们立刻和这些美丽的小动物一起游泳!他们乐于助人,友好,知识渊博!是的,水很凉,大约52华氏度,但你可以在船上喝热茶和吃姜汁饼干来暖和一下,还有暖手宝!不要错过与濒临绝种的海豚一起游泳的机会!带上你的相机,或者你可以买一些很棒的照片!撰写日期:2018年10月27日
- 819annest0 条分享真的太棒了!对我来讲,这是最好的体验之一,我喜欢它甚至多于Milford Sounds和其它一些“旅游热门景点”。Helen、Tara和Julien真的做得很棒!我们不仅看到了海豚,还看到了海豹和企鹅!真的非常有趣,难忘而且真的超享受这个行程。我强烈推荐参加Nature Cruise Tour!撰写日期:2018年10月17日
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164 条点评
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Andrew J
2 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
Well worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to just float with dolphins.
The staff were so friendly and informative so do yourself a favour and join the trip.
The staff were so friendly and informative so do yourself a favour and join the trip.
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Robert J
英国伦敦26 条分享
It was a brilliant excursion. We saw and swam with lots of dolphins. I think we were exceptionally lucky. The crew were great fun. I was nervous about the wetsuit and swimming but needn’t have been
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Kia ora Robert, thanks so much for taking the time to review your experience on TripAdvisor. Sounds like you had an amazing day out in the water with our amazing Akaroa team! We looking forward to seeing you again in Akaroa soon.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Claire S
5 条分享
2024年10月 • 家庭
Great fun for the whole family. Loved it. Ben and Chris were awesome. Had our 9 year old swimming and toddler on the boat and both had a blast.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Kia ora clairel544ND, thank you for sharing your experience on TripAdvisor. We’re thrilled to hear your whole family had a blast. Ben and Chris will be delighted to know they helped make your day memorable. We’d love to see you all again soon! Ngā mihi nui, The Black Cat Cruises Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Marc Vorrath
5 条分享
2024年11月 • 独自旅游
Amazing experience! There were so many dolphins all around us and they came so close. After the swimming the dolphins were chasing the boat and jumping out of the water. So crazy, so amazing. A must-do in Akaroa! The crew were nice, friendly and gave us the best experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Kia ora Marc2307, thank you for your amazing review! It sounds like you had an unforgettable encounter with our Hector's dolphins, having them so close and chasing the boat must have been incredible to witness. We’re so glad our friendly crew helped make it a standout experience for you. Akaroa truly is a special place, and we’re thrilled you enjoyed every moment. We hope to see you again for more adventures! Ngā mihi nui, The Black Cat Cruises Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
13 条分享
Our guides found the dolphins quickly and we immediately got in the water. The water was cold, about 51 degrees Fahrenheit, but we had 5 mm wetsuits on to keep us warm. The wetsuits also keep you afloat so you don’t have to move to stay on top of the water. The dolphins swam around and between us for a while and when they left, we moved to a new spot. We got in again and had more fun with them. We then went to a cove and saw 5 fur seals on the rocks, including a pup. You only wear the wetsuit on the cruise and it keeps you warm. Upon returning to the dock, we had hot showers and changed back into our dry clothes. The operator sent us pictures to download immediately.
Overall, we had a great experience. The dive guide, Harry, was very friendly and helped everyone.
Overall, we had a great experience. The dive guide, Harry, was very friendly and helped everyone.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Kia ora Cruiser735505, thank you for sharing your review on TripAdvisor. It’s fantastic to hear you had such a great experience swimming with the Hector’s dolphins - it must have been incredible having them swim so close. We’re glad the wetsuits kept you warm and comfortable, and that Harry and the team made sure everyone had a great time - they are the best, we are so lucky to have such a superstar crew! We hope to welcome you back for more adventures in the future. Ngā mihi nui, The Black Cat Cruises Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Kevin C
7 条分享
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侣
Had an afternoon swim with dolphins tour scheduled for Nov 19th. Drove 1.5 hours from Christchurch, to only hear that they were going to cancel our tour as we showed up to the shop. No call before hand, and the reason given “the morning boat didn’t see many dolphins and it was choppy, so the captain decided to cancel the afternoon tour.” I’m not a captain, but it was a beautiful sunny day with not much wind (included a picture from the top of the crater to give perspective). They tried selling us on a harbor cruise because the boat is bigger so could handle rougher water. We even went to another harbor cruise company to see if they offered the swimming, and they seemed surprised the tour was cancelled. When booking this experience, we understood there was a risk we may not be able to swim with dolphins, and may not even see any, but seemed a little shady that the boat didn’t even go out. I think the description on the website makes it seem like chances of actually swimming with dolphins is much higher than it truly is. Led to us wasting a whole day of our honeymoon. They did provide full refund though.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Kia ora C7031CZkevinc, thank you for your feedback, and we completely understand your frustration, especially after travelling all the way from Christchurch. As you mentioned, while it looked like a beautiful day from the wharf, the sea conditions were quite different with large swells and choppy waters, especially at the entrance to the harbour. This meant we could only operate within a limited area. The morning swim had minimal dolphin sightings and with the conditions as they were, we couldn’t safely allow swimmers into the water. Guest safety is always a priority for us. We regret that we didn’t communicate the situation sooner, as we understand how challenging it can be to judge the conditions from the shore. In these circumstances, we always offer guests the option to transfer to our Akaroa Nature Cruise for viewing or to reschedule for a future date. We’re truly sorry for the disruption to your honeymoon, and we’d love the opportunity to welcome you back for a more successful swim in the future. Ngā mihi nui, The Black Cat Cruises Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Laura R
2 条分享
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侣
We went on the swimming with dolphins tour - but didn't swim with dolphins. We were spectators for the entire tour. We paid full rate but should have paid spectators rate. Very disappointing. Poor business. Sent an email to company. Still no response.
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Kia ora lauraW7381GY, thank you for sharing your recent experience with us. We’re really sorry to hear you were disappointed. Swimming with wild dolphins can be unpredictable, and while we always aim to deliver an incredible experience, safety and the dolphins’ behaviour sometimes mean we can’t get in the water. We apologise for the delay in responding to your email and will follow up right away for you. Ngā mihi nui, The Black Cat Cruises Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Keri W
11 条分享
What an incredible life changing experience! We booked this cruise knowing we may not get to swim with the dolphins but we knew we would at least see them. We appreciate the fact that this is a “wild” experience and the crew does not bait or manipulate the dolphins. However, the dolphins were ready to play! We had a great swim and were able to be within feet of the dolphins watching them swim and jump. It was exhilarating! Our crew was amazing! Thomas, Harriet, Lexie and Will took great care of us, taught us about the dolphins and their behavior and were very careful to let the dolphins make the call on whether we would swim or not. And the best was their excitement when they saw the dolphins and their excitement in watching us experience them in the water. The crew was as excited as we were! I loved seeing how magical it was for them even though they do this everyday. This was an incredible experience with an incredible crew! It’s a MUST DO!!!
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德国埃森43 条分享
The Hector dolphins travel in much smaller groups than the dolphins at Kaikoura (another species). We've seen dolphins several times. They usually glide around the boat just below the surface of the water at a further distance. Accordingly, it was difficult to take good photos. The crew points out that they are wild animals. You can't touch them. Participants in the water must wait and see if the dolphins approach. I was only there as a spectator from the boat and from there I could see much more of the dolphins than the swimmers. The crew was very nice and professional. My recommendation would be to book the much cheaper nature watching tour. If you book the swimming tour, it is important to take into account that you swim in the water for about 15 minutes, so that a dolphin may swim past at high speed.
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新西兰惠灵顿12 条分享
2024年9月 • 独自旅游
This was an absolutely amazing experience Harry was an awesome photographer 📸 thanks team at black cat will be back again ❤️
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We are a family of 4 persons and we would like to do the excurtion
Our girls ( 11 and 17) would like to swimm with the dolphins and we would like only to be in the boat
Do you think it s possible and whitch price is it ?
It would be the 6 of January at 10 oclock
Thank you very much
Nous sommes 4 avec nos filles de 11 et 18 ans
Nous souhaiterions réaliser cette sortie et savoir si :
Elles peuvent nager avec les dauphins sans nous .?
Existe t il une sortie à partir de 10h ?
Pratiquez vous un tarif famille ?
Vous remerciant
Hallo, wir sind am 09. Februar 2020 in Akaroa und wollten jetzt die Aktivität "Schwimmen mit wilden Delfinen" buchen, laut Kalender ist dieses Datum nicht fett hinterlegt. Wann kann ich hierfür buchen?
Danke und Gruß
I will be in Akaroa on Sep 4th, based on the weather forecast, it will rain. Can we swim with the dolphin on a rainy day? how cold is the water in early September? Thanks
no problem to swim with dolphins in the rain and you will have a thick wetsuit so that whatever the water temperature, it wont be a problem either
Not a very confident sea swimmer are there any floaters or noodles available??
I read how the other tour which you are offering (Akaroa Nature Habour Cruise) offers scenery of the extinct volcanic crater. Can I check if Swimming with Wild Dolphins yours offer this scenery as well?
Yes we did go to the volcanic crater thats also the place where baby seals have there babybath.
In one of the videos you have it shows a woman with a noodle. Are these available?
We are there on a cruise late December
Noodles are available and nice if you get surprised by the cold and lose your breath. The sea is big and can seem overwhelming when you suddenly lie in it. I was not the first one and certainly will not be the last one to find it difficult to breath until you get used to the circumstances. But it is definitely worth it!!
Hi we are planning a trip and my kids would be 5&8 yrs of age would this be something they could do?? Or what is your age requirements
Children must be aged 8 years or older.
Children aged 8-12 years old must be accompanied by an Adult swimmer in the water.
All Children (16 years or younger) must be accompanied (on the vessel) by an Adult or guardian 18years or older.
Kan det virkelig passe at man som single ikke har mulighed for at svømme med delfiner nu hvor jeg er kørt så langt for at gøre det?
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