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希尔伍德(Hillwood)是Marjorie Merriweather Post的故乡,Marjorie Merriweather Post是一位开创性的女商人,敬业的公民,慷慨的慈善家和杰出的收藏家。作为Postum Cereal Company(后来的General Foods)的继承人,Marjorie(1887-1973)是她那个时代最富有的女性之一。她专注于收集法国和俄罗斯的艺术,并在她的一生中做出了重大的慈善贡献。 1955年,马乔里(Marjorie)购买了希尔伍德(Hillwood)作为她的春季和秋季住宅。她花了两年的时间对Hillwood进行翻新和扩建,创建了一个适合自己生活方式的住所,同时还作为她非凡艺术品收藏的博物馆。希尔伍德(Hillwood)的魅力始于1977年,是一所公共机构。从玛乔莉·波斯特(Marjorie Post)迷人的生活到精心维护的豪宅和花园,希尔伍德(Hillwood)甚至比法贝热蛋(FabergéEggs)更胜一筹。
年龄 6-120
用时: 2–4 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
书面指南:中文, 俄文, 英语, 法语, 西班牙语
- 博物馆商店
- 介绍性取向膜
- 入场/门票 - 山林博物馆&花园
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- pmjc0 条分享对过去富裕世界的看法这是一个美丽的地方,地板,房子,家具,艺术品。我很庆幸它现在是个博物馆。但我一直在想:“一个人或者一个家庭怎么会积累了这么多财富呢?”我也不能忽视这样一个事实,即今天世界各地都有比这更多的财富存在。但不知何故,这些想法干扰了我对这个地方的愉悦感。我们的导游在指出许多吸引人的东西都做得非常出色,我很感激这个团队被分成了四个,这样我们就可以有非常独特的个人体验了。撰写日期:2019年8月10日
- IsabelTPE0 条分享很棒的私人博物馆Mansion里的蒐藏非常惊人 仿佛小行欧洲精品博物馆 许多瓷器和舒适的空间 日式庭园非常别致 绿叶扶疏 也有微中国玉器/观音蒐藏 有woods遮荫 即使艳阳高照 也凉爽 里头还有photography 展览 Greenhouse Rose garden也有维护 简言之 是个维护良好 可看性大的私人别馆/mansion/garden 雅致 馆藏丰富不输欧洲 值得一访撰写日期:2019年7月6日
- w9451060 条分享不错的家庭博物馆Post女士在房子里面收藏了许多优秀的俄罗斯艺术品和肖像画。她的家具和餐具也很棒。带着家人在她家里散步拍照,非常愉快。五月的花园很漂亮。在外面吃的午餐很棒。我们不得不避开一些大型旅游巴士,但总的来说非常安静。天气不错,所以我们步行20分钟可到地铁(山丘)。他们更喜欢把这个作为菲利普斯博物馆的例子。就“家庭博物馆”而言,比起the Phillips博物馆我更喜欢这里。撰写日期:2019年5月16日
- PrincetonBelle0 条分享哥伦比亚地区必去的景点这里有绝对令你惊叹的房子和场地。我在咖啡馆吃的午饭,味道很好,价格也合理。关于入场费给一个建议-按照你的实际情况购买。这里真是真正震撼人心的美国历史写实片段-适合各个年龄段的人去。撰写日期:2019年3月23日
- Cate B0 条分享优雅的生活方式这里是谷物公司女继承人玛乔丽·梅里韦瑟·波斯特的众多房产之一,你需要多次造访才能完全体会这种生活。但是长达一小时的讲解,再加上你自己在房子里闲逛的时间,无论看什么别致的展品耗费的时间,再加上参观壮丽的庭院的时间(尤其是日本的花园),需要大半天。这儿的优势是有大量的现成停车位,而优步让这里进出更方便,同时,也让人对女主人在房子上的洞察力和风格心怀敬畏。撰写日期:2019年2月23日
- jmch4910 条分享独一无二的历史景观这个博物馆实际上是某人的家,所以你可以看到在20世纪60年代某人是如何生活在这里的景象,四周都是奇珍异宝。此外,花园也令人惊叹。每个“花园房”都是为娱乐而设计的,就像在大厦里一样。撰写日期:2019年2月10日
- anua_8900 条分享华盛顿不为人知的好地方这是城市中的一处漂亮的地方,从范内斯地铁站大约15-20分钟步行就能到。花园在每个季节都呈现出不同的景象,如果你对建筑和历史感兴趣,这个庄园非常不错。撰写日期:2019年1月15日
- Vance2020 条分享漂亮的房子,很棒的故事很幸运,我们参观时天气很好。我参观了内部,导游很好,他们似乎都非常享受自己在做的事情。主人的故事很精彩,以及她如何使用财富,她还知道这座房子最后会对公众开放。在咖啡店里享用了美味的餐食和一杯红酒(服务很好),然后我自己在庭院里闲逛。这儿离广场有点距离(坐优步需要20美元),但是来这儿很值得。我和当地人谈起这个地方,他们都没有听说过这里,这可能就是这儿不拥挤的原因吧。撰写日期:2018年9月30日
- Leonard K0 条分享一瞥最富有之人曾经的生活方式首先,这里只是玛乔丽·梅里韦瑟·波斯特(宝氏谷物公司的女继承人,现属通用食品公司)的其中一处房产;她在每年的春天和秋天会来这里居住。在阿第伦达克山脉中,她还拥有一处房产用以度夏,而她在佛罗里达的房子(叫做马阿拉戈)则用以过冬。如今夏宅和冬宅已属他人,而华盛顿的这处住宅现在则归一个非营利基金会所有,负责宅邸的维护保养并向游客开放参观。不仅仅是房屋本身极为有趣,宅中之物也是如此(她是个有名的收藏家,而且有着一段迷人的历史),还有庭院和花园(基金会现在有超过200名园丁志愿者使其保持美观)也是引人入胜。尽情欣赏吧!撰写日期:2018年8月27日
- Cubsfan_19740 条分享华盛顿附近的隐藏瑰宝这个地方真的是太漂亮了。从华盛顿市区过来只要15分钟。安静,漂亮,又不拥堵。他们有导游和自导音频导游,我们选择了自助游(不带音频介绍),我们真的太喜欢这里了。在这里你可以看到太多的屋子,可以参观很多房间。可以注意到主人Post的收藏都很精致。我们也很喜欢Faberge项目的特别展览。地板和温室也很漂亮。还有一些小花园可以溜达,其中日式的小花园是我的最爱。这里还有一家咖啡馆,有提供特快咖啡午餐。我和我老公是周六下午来的,所以停车场停车还很容易。附近也都没什么人,真是远离了华盛顿的喧嚣、撰写日期:2018年8月11日
- Mary D0 条分享美丽的山林博物馆&花园我们在参观华盛顿地区的时候,想找一个和之前参观过的国家名胜古迹不同的地方参观。在上网搜索之后,我们发现了山林博物馆,Majorie Merriweather Post女士的府邸。这儿没有辜负我们费心的寻找。这儿法贝热和俄式展品的数量仅次于俄罗斯本身。在这里参观你可以选择佩戴这儿提供的头戴式耳机自由参观,也可以随着一个小组跟着讲解员。这儿的建筑和所蕴含的信息非常精彩,这儿的花园也很美妙,里面1000株兰花的展览,是我见过最多姿多彩的。撰写日期:2018年7月20日
- John G0 条分享超棒!这是必去之地!博物馆很惊艳,有许多美妙的展品,都是天然的。博物馆和花园的介绍短片以及导游(包括“入口”)都讲得很清楚,我强烈推荐这两个地方。讲解完毕后,您可以自由参观博物馆和花园,导游知道的很多,也很有耐心。花园很美丽,房屋很好看。真的是参观和玩乐的好地方!撰写日期:2018年5月9日
- P F B0 条分享隐藏的瑰宝在多次出入华盛顿后,我终于参观了这家山林博物馆&花园(Hillwood Estate)。 我已经开始期待再度光顾这里了!我于早上10点这里刚开始营业室抵达这里,很高兴我这么做了,因为这里(随后)就变得有点拥挤。这是座漂亮的博物馆,馆内有各种各样的展览可欣赏。那里有部15分钟的电影很值得一,因为这部电影介绍了馆内展览的各种东西是如何获得的。馆内的庭园漂亮,包括还有一个日式花园,是不错的漫步地。此外还有一家咖啡馆,咖啡馆的食物和饮料选择不多,但是如果你要在该博物馆呆很长时间了的话,那么去咖啡馆吃点东西很方便。撰写日期:2018年4月23日
- Diane R0 条分享非常美!可能这不是你旅行中最想去的地方,但是这里非常值得一游!这里有美丽的房子和花园,还有博物馆展览。可惜的是,我们去的时候在下雨,我们下次会再来看看这个美丽的夏日花园的。撰写日期:2018年4月7日
- Xhiaohong J0 条分享值得参观。最好先了解一下女主人的背景。春天景色会更美。 室内展品很多要慢慢看。据说弗罗里达的海湖庄园曾经也是她家的。按照参观指南没有讲解也能看明白。撰写日期:2018年3月14日
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16 条点评
犹他州Highland282 条分享
2024年6月 • 好友
This is an beautiful estate with gardens and a world class art collection. It's overlooked by the vast majority of visitors to Washington, DC, and that makes it all the more special for those who visit. The collection of French and Russian art is extremely beautiful and includes very rare Faberge eggs. Hillwood is well worth a visit!
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NJ42 条分享
2022年5月 • 好友
It was very nice. There is huge collection of Russian art. Plus, park on the property and nice café for lunch
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Eric B
德克萨斯州伍德兰兹171 条分享
2023年3月 • 夫妻情侣
The house and estate are fascinating to see, but the collection of art, jewelry, furnishings, and other collectibles that Marjorie Post assembled during her lifetime is just beyond amazing. This museum is very well worth the effort to visit. There is a very comprehensive and well done audio tour that can be downloaded to your phone that explains the rooms and collections.
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Boris Vinogradsky, MD
西维吉尼亚Bridgeport575 条分享
We come to the Hillwood Estate every chance we get when we come to DC. Never had a tour. This time we had a tour by Wilhelmina Ishard. What a remarkable woman - smart, knowledgeable and enthusiastic. She loves history and knows a lot of it. Fantastic.
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弗吉尼亚福尔斯彻奇6,748 条分享
This place is a must the exterior and the interior area exquisite to see. The interiors has so much history from the house owner Marjorie Merriweather and the exquisite party she just to have. The outside is also breath taking with the relaxing gardens and water fountain. It a must to visit during the spring, summer and fall.
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新墨西哥阿拉莫戈多287 条分享
had never been here before and thoroughly enjoyed it, one of the few places that appears to be fully open, and really wanting to take care of their guests. very busy place, beautiful gardens and mansion to wander around in.
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俄亥俄辛辛那提210 条分享
Hillwood is worth one visit. It's somewhat hidden, and a good 15-minute walk from the nearest Metro red line stop (Van Ness - DCU).
The collection inside the Mansion was not so interesting. The gardens outside around the estate were more interesting.
The collection inside the Mansion was not so interesting. The gardens outside around the estate were more interesting.
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Meg W
卡罗莱纳州罗利153 条分享
I have been visiting Washington several times a years for 20 years and did not discover the Hillwood Estate until this year. Sadly, I have missed an incredible experience!
We first visited the gardens and museum Easter weekend. The grounds were lovely, but flowers were not blooming yet. The museum is captivating with jewels, historic French furnishings, china, art, and abundant decorating. Eye candy everywhere! One could spend a day in the museum and never see every detail. The Russians sold off so much of their imperial heritage to Marjorie Merriweather Post (yes, Post cereal), that it’s wonder there is anything left in Russia.
We revisited in May to see the azaleas blooming and were enthralled. Just incredible!
The beautiful gardens were, like the estate, were meticulously planned and maintained.
We could seen that the gardeners were getting ready to turn spring into summer, so there will be new things at every visit.
We first visited the gardens and museum Easter weekend. The grounds were lovely, but flowers were not blooming yet. The museum is captivating with jewels, historic French furnishings, china, art, and abundant decorating. Eye candy everywhere! One could spend a day in the museum and never see every detail. The Russians sold off so much of their imperial heritage to Marjorie Merriweather Post (yes, Post cereal), that it’s wonder there is anything left in Russia.
We revisited in May to see the azaleas blooming and were enthralled. Just incredible!
The beautiful gardens were, like the estate, were meticulously planned and maintained.
We could seen that the gardeners were getting ready to turn spring into summer, so there will be new things at every visit.
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弗吉尼亚亚历山德里亚47 条分享
Today's outing was Glorious! Marjorie Merriweather Post was a powerhouse, a tour de force. Her spring and fall home, Hillwood, takes you back in time to a very elegant, luxury lifestyle of an American Heiress. Her love of French and Imperial Russian fine and decorative arts is viewed through her extensive collections. And the gardens are heavenly zen. HIGHLY recommend a visit to anyone coming to the DC area. Add this to your touring itinerary. The estate did an extremely good job with keeping guests well distanced with timed entry tickets, masks required inside and outside (except at the cafe while eating).
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Tom G
哥伦比亚特区华盛顿特区97 条分享
This is a unique collection of the former home of Marjorie Merriweather Post. The had a broad interest in art. I think her collection is mostly known for it Russian pieces. It is truly magnificent. The house is gorgeous as are the gardens. I had not been there for several years but I am glad I visited again. We spent Sunday afternoon there which was not enough and I will go back when the garden blooms for a different experience. The cafe there is fine for a casual lunch.
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