早上 Kealakekua 浮潜之旅
早上 Kealakekua 浮潜之旅
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Kealakekua 湾清澈的海水和色彩缤纷的海洋生物非常适合浮潜:学习如何在 Kealakekua 湾进行为期半天的游轮浮潜,这是大自然爱好者的完美选择。有足够的时间享受船上的水滑梯和跳高平台,为年轻的旅行者增添了一些家庭乐趣。包括健康美味的植物性早餐和午餐,以提供无缝体验。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 90 人
用时: 4 小时 30 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 从船上获取科纳海岸线的不同视角
- 了解如何使用板载指令和提供的设备进行浮潜
- 板载水滑梯和跳高平台是家庭的理想选择
- 房价包含早餐和午餐,客人可以在船上购买饮品
- 美味的植物性早餐和午餐
- 环保防晒霜
- 使用内胎和多种漂浮选项
- 使用呼吸管设备和水下观察盒
- 税
- 海洋管理用户费
未包含内容- SNUBA 需额外付费
- 小费
- 清晨从凯奥豪湾启航,开始浮潜之旅。当您靠近凯阿拉凯库亚湾碧绿的海水时,您可以在船上欣赏科纳海岸线。在船上享用以植物为基础的早餐,搭配当地生产的科纳咖啡。 当您的船到达凯阿拉凯库亚湾时,您可以在平静的海水中畅游。沿着船上的水滑梯滑下,在船上提供的设备和指导下与色彩斑斓的鱼儿一起浮潜。 浮潜后,享用美味的植物午餐,并在船上享受水上活动,包括漂浮装备、 高台跳水和两个 15 英尺的水滑梯。 游览结束后返回您原来的出发点。
- 出发地点:
- 78-7130 Kaleiopapa St, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740, USA在位于 Keauhou Bay 的 Fair Wind 办公室办理入住手续。 **在列出的旅行登记时间后 15 分钟开始登船。** -游轮乘客,请在预订时致电 FAIR WIND 获取旅行说明 - 如果您因迟到而错过旅行,则无法退款或重新安排时间。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 允许携带服务型动物
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3216SNORKEL- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 在海里一定很舒服。
- 我们的船只不允许使用全脸呼吸管面罩
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 90 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3216SNORKEL
- 599deannal0 条分享顺风浮潜之旅,美好的一天早上我们去参加了浮潜之旅,总共四个半小时,他们有提供所有的浮潜设备(包括防晒霜)和使用说明。同时还包括了早餐和午餐。食物很不错,分量也刚刚好!员工们很棒!非常随和,幽默和专业,他们都懂得很多。唯一不太好的一点是,我觉得因为人们频繁的拜访使得库克船长公园里的珊瑚礁不那么好看了。那里拥挤不堪,海洋生物稀少。不过别误会,我们玩得很开心。撰写日期:2019年10月16日
- NROBY19860 条分享不可错过的冒险之旅在选择旅行团队的时候,我研究了好几条浮潜路线,我发现由于科纳海岸存在大量的熔岩,导致该地区的浮潜具有很高的危险性。惟有这家浮潜团体拥有一艘多层大船,无论是排水量、旅游路线,还是船上的餐饮条件,都是最优秀的,最适合在下午顺风航行三个半小时。我们的旅行团棒极了,每个人都很兴奋。船长和船员们都很出色,为这次冒险之旅增添了许多乐趣。在浮潜了一个半小时之余,我们还看到了成群出没的海豚和一条巨大的蝠鲼。这次浮潜之旅既安全又充满了乐趣,如果你在夏威夷旅行,一定要来试一试。撰写日期:2019年8月27日
- talineesser0 条分享有趣的浮潜体验和很友好的船员我们参加了下午的浮潜巡游,我的家人在船上和水中度过了愉快的时光。船很干净,维护得很好,我们都有足够的空间来漫游。船员很棒。刚开始我有点晕船,但船员给了我姜,并建议我应该到船的后面,这很有效。我们甚至在回来的路上看到了海豚。这很棒,因为我拒绝做任何圈养海豚的行为,看到它们在船附近游泳,狂野而自由,真是太棒了。谢谢你们让我拥有如此美好的体验。撰写日期:2019年7月18日
- IrishLadyfromOR0 条分享很棒的浮潜之旅这是我们第三次去这个大岛并且每次去我们都会在Fairwind报名浮潜。船很不错,船长和船员都非常好。午餐很好吃。我的姐妹有点身体不舒服,船员给予我们很多帮助。我非常感激他们的帮忙。撰写日期:2019年7月11日
- Chelsea C0 条分享优秀、专业、贴心的公司细节不多赘述,这家公司很尽职尽责的给我们提供了服务,在我们提额外要求时也考虑周到。我强烈向需要来一场Kona冒险的人们推荐这家顺风浮潜。除了非常棒的氛围外还充满夏威夷精神-谢谢你顺风浮潜!撰写日期:2019年5月22日
- 735nancyf0 条分享午后潜水—太棒了我们昨天下午来到这里潜水了。我们是第一次潜水,工作人员都很棒。我丈夫不会游泳,他们让他用管子。他们把一切都解释得很到位。我们在水里呆了整整一个半小时。热带鱼和海胆非常漂亮。我们还看到许多海豚在游泳、在跳跃。我们强烈推荐大岛顺风浮潜之旅,而且绝对会推荐这个给所有人的。撰写日期:2019年4月24日
- Forest690 条分享水上美好的一天我们在科纳附近的水上度过了美好的一天。船员们都很棒,考虑到吃饭的人数,食物非常好,而且这一天的安排方式也很适合我。尽管珊瑚礁本身和我看到的鱼的数量并不能与我在墨西哥的经历相提并论,但我非常享受这一天,并感谢我们在水里度过的时间以及船员们提供的照顾。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2019年3月22日
- 936catrinag0 条分享鲸鱼,潜水,还有更多这是一次非常棒的浮潜之旅,每个人都可以选择很多娱乐项目!工作人员乐于助人,也很专业,待人友好,而且, 饭菜也很不错,库克船长掌舵潜水很棒。在回来的路上,我们还看到了两条巨大的鲸鱼!撰写日期:2019年3月13日
- dwillw20150 条分享给新朋友带来轻松愉快的乐趣很有趣,有包括简单的食物。对于所有的新手来说,这应该是最重要的。无论残疾年龄大小。我1岁半的孩子玩得很开心,我看到不止1个人拿着拐杖,甚至还有一个使用助行架的人玩得很开心。全体船员都很友善,乐于助人。它看起来像一个游泳池,但我们在不到15分钟的时间里看到了鲸鱼,当我们在海岸上旅行30分钟时,这是一个历史课。在那里我们跟数百条颜色鲜艳的鱼一起浮潜,那是在午饭前。撰写日期:2019年1月21日
- Erin O0 条分享午后浮潜超开心的时光!我和一个8个月的宝宝一起来到这里,这里的员工实在是太周到了,还给他准备了一个可以来回活动并玩乐的区域!我们在出海时还看到了海豚和蝠鲼。强烈推荐这个旅行,尤其是如果你想要找一个适合小孩子玩乐的出海之行,这是很难得的!撰写日期:2019年1月6日
- firstavefred0 条分享在水面上的美好一天船员很棒。 早餐和午餐都很棒。 我们在浮潜时和白天看到了很多热带鱼,我们也见到了蝠鲼和巨大的旋转海豚荚。 很棒的家庭娱乐活动!撰写日期:2018年12月23日
- hawaiigo0 条分享周年纪念这趟旅行也太有意思了,迫不及待想要再来玩一次了!提供的饭菜十分可口,大多数都是无麸质的,这一点让人十分惊喜。船长非常接地气,还鼓励我丈夫去试试划桨板,她最后也确实让我丈夫拿到了一块划桨板。撰写日期:2018年12月6日
- Tourist4286190 条分享和Divemaster Becky浮潜Rebecca工作完成得很好,显然也非常热爱这份工作。这是我们第一次浮潜,是一次很棒的经历。我有潜水执照,但我的妻子从来没有尝试过,Rebecca总是确保我的妻子感觉舒服且自信后才潜入水底。我们非常推荐Rebecca。现在我的妻子想要体验深潜。我们都是60来岁。撰写日期:2018年12月1日
- NatalieLMarcus0 条分享非常赞的客户服务我和老公从附近的海滩游到了库克船长号,并不知道游了多久。我们游了一英里多的时候又累又渴。当我们游到纪念馆的时候,Dante和Issac已经在Fair Wind II上了,他们非常惊讶,给我们递了水,让了座。我们甚至都不是他们的客户,但他们还是帮忙给了我们水!非常感谢你们!撰写日期:2018年10月29日
- Kathleen S0 条分享最棒的旅行之一这艘船的上船口是我见过的最容易,最宽阔的入口。对于老年人来说,这绝对是很保险的。然后会用一个漂亮的淡水软管洗掉盐。船员很厉害,很棒。在船上午餐你可以吃的就是在船上做的东西。设备都运行良好,船员安全意识很高。撰写日期:2018年10月3日
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546 条点评
Marcus M
3 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
Fantastic snorkeling and some of the clearest water I've ever been in boat ride was great as it allowed us to see the island from a different perspective. Staff were amazing and took good care of it. I would have done this trip two times in a week that we were there if I would have known how good it was.
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华盛顿Battle Ground2 条分享
Snorkeling was great,wonderful people and it was a lot of fun. The food was traditional Hawaiian, not great for kids and picky eaters!!
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科罗拉多森特尼尔105 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
We did this snorkel trip to Captain Cook monument on the last day of our trip. It was the perfect activity to end it. The snorkeling in this bay was incredible. Probably top 2 of all the places I've snorkeled. We had about 100% visibility to the ocean floor. The gear was in great condition as well. They also provided inner tubes and those boogie boards with a cut out so young kids can have an experience as well. for those who did not want to or couldn't snorkel. The variety of fish in this bay was incredible. Truly felt like you were in a fish tank. We saw spotted eels, octopus, sea slugs in addition. We also were welcomed by 3 spinner dolphins who led us into the bay. The crew was top notch in every aspect and truly seemed like they loved what they did. Also of note, the food served is entirely plant based. You would never have known it though and everything was delicious. We also enjoyed sliding off the two 15ft slides at the back of the cat as well as jumping off the side of the boat. Side note regarding check in. There were 3 boats that dock in the same area. Make sure you are in the correct line. Once you are checked in they do provide you with mineral based sunscreen as the tables while you wait to board. Even if you get their 15 minutes ahead of time, their parking lot is small and fills up quickly. There is ample parking on the street surround the Outrigger Kona resort but you will have a walk, so factor this into your arrival time especially if you are going on this particular tour in the morning. Would recommend this outfitter and tour to anyone who visited the Big Island.
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Sharon V
蒙大拿大瀑布市18 条分享
2024年11月 • 好友
We love this trip, this is our go to activity when we are on the Big Island. The snorkel adventure never gets old! Lots of fish, great knowledge of the area, this time we saw dolphins, a humpback whale and her calf, what an experience! The boats and crew were attentive to guests needs, very helpful, if someone was having a challenge with gear or snorkeling they were patient and professional! I highly recommend this organization and crew!!!!
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Bob D
加利福尼亚洛杉矶68 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
This was our 4th time snorkeling with Four Winds. The BEST snorkel cruise boat charter in Hawaii. Comfortable and clean boat, great crew, excellent healthy food choices and good snorkeling. The Kona Coast Snorkel Tour on the Hula Kai is the best!
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whende b
加利福尼亚Arcata1 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
I had an amazing time on the Fairwind snorkel tour to Kealakekua Bay! The crew was incredibly friendly and knowledgeable, making the entire experience enjoyable from start to finish. The boat ride was smooth, and the stunning coastline views were a bonus. Once we reached the bay, the snorkeling was incredible – The crew provided plenty of guidance and safety tips. Overall, it was a perfect day on the water, and I highly recommend this tour for anyone visiting the Big Island!
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Deborah F
Taber, Alberta, Canada8 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
This was a great snorkel trip with our family of 24 celebrating our 50th Anniversary
All teens and adults that totally enjoyed the snorkel The boat was fun with two slides and a dive platform. Crew was very friendly and fun
The only thing that was not great was the only choice of all vegan food. Although it was ok we had many teen kids and some adults that did not like it. Therefore they had no option of anything to eat the entire trip.
Over all it was awesome morning snorkel
All teens and adults that totally enjoyed the snorkel The boat was fun with two slides and a dive platform. Crew was very friendly and fun
The only thing that was not great was the only choice of all vegan food. Although it was ok we had many teen kids and some adults that did not like it. Therefore they had no option of anything to eat the entire trip.
Over all it was awesome morning snorkel
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Jackie Dimick
犹他州南乔丹3 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
This was a great experience from the friendly staff to the very clean boat. My family and I loved the dual slides, high platform to jump into the way, and the wide stairs to enter the water if you wanted ease. I would definitely book with them again and again!
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Brent W
6 条分享
We’ve done this tour more than 25 times since 1995. If we go to the Big Island, then we always do this tour. It’s the best, easiest snorkel on the island. But over the years they have lowered the guest experience a little. It used to be a fun trip with lots of snorkel time capped off by a fun BBQ of burgers dogs and veggie options.
In recent years they have done a good job making the tour more Ecco friendly which is smart because they depend on the ecosystem for their livelihood. Reef safe sunscreen is required, no plastic, and a conscience effort to reduce their carbon foot print, all of which is to be applauded. But they may have gone a little too far. Every place that offers food offers vegan or vegetarian options. But I’ve noticed that places that focus on vegan/vegetarian don’t provide the opposite courtesy of a no vegan/veg option to their customers that may not enjoy vegan/veg. Seems like a small thing to provide an option to those customers that either can’t eat vegan/veg or who simply prefer a higher protein diet.
The above is just a suggestion to be more inclusive for every guest. As I said, we’ve done this trip more than 25 times over 30 years and occasionally, like this time, we’ll do it twice. We obviously love it and so will you. We don’t go for the food, we go for the snorkeling and if you want to snorkel on the Big Island this is the best place to start.
In recent years they have done a good job making the tour more Ecco friendly which is smart because they depend on the ecosystem for their livelihood. Reef safe sunscreen is required, no plastic, and a conscience effort to reduce their carbon foot print, all of which is to be applauded. But they may have gone a little too far. Every place that offers food offers vegan or vegetarian options. But I’ve noticed that places that focus on vegan/vegetarian don’t provide the opposite courtesy of a no vegan/veg option to their customers that may not enjoy vegan/veg. Seems like a small thing to provide an option to those customers that either can’t eat vegan/veg or who simply prefer a higher protein diet.
The above is just a suggestion to be more inclusive for every guest. As I said, we’ve done this trip more than 25 times over 30 years and occasionally, like this time, we’ll do it twice. We obviously love it and so will you. We don’t go for the food, we go for the snorkeling and if you want to snorkel on the Big Island this is the best place to start.
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Aloha! Thank you for your continued support and for sharing your experience with us. We’re so glad to hear that you’ve enjoyed our snorkel tour for over 30 years—it truly means a lot to have loyal guests like you!
We appreciate your kind words about our eco-friendly efforts. Protecting the environment is a priority for us, and we’re proud to make strides in sustainability.
Thank you for your suggestion regarding food options. While we will be focusing on plant-based meals in the future, we always strive to make our offerings delicious and satisfying for everyone. Your feedback is invaluable, and we’ll continue to look for ways to enhance the dining experience for all our guests.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
墨西哥新瓦雅塔53 条分享
My group of friends and I come to the Big Island every 2-3 years and we always book this trip with FairWind- it’s a must-do for anyone who loves the water . The snorkeling is amazing and it’s fun to hang out on the boat or float around in an inner tube afterwards.Lunch is delicious, I love the fact that it’s plant-based, it gets many people to try something new!
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I would say about 30-40 minutes each way. But they actually stop along the way and try and snorkel at a couple places. It was totally worth it. The boat was super easy to get on and off of. We will do it again in a second. The staff was awesome. You won’t be disappointed!!!
I need to cancel my reservation how can I don that. reservation was made on 8/19 we were going on the 9/8 sailing
We are going to be on Kona island for a cruise. Are we able to do this excursion if we are on a cruise? Do you offer transportation from the cruise port?
do you have to be a first time snorkeler for this cruise? I see it says learn to snorkel
I would said that from experienced to pretty amateur would have a great time. By "pretty amateur", I mean you should maybe go by Snorkel Bob's snorkel shops, and then rent masks and fins a day or two before you go (Snorkel Bob's has prescription masks for rent---this is a big deal if you want to see fish and coral in focus!)---and practice in the pool until it feels ok to be breathing through a tube and bobbing up and down. And then, when you get in the ocean, the salt water will make you even a bit more buoyant and it will be more fun! Pro tip: In addition to the prescription vision masks at Snorkel Bobs, consider renting "shortie" diving suits if you think you might be cold in the ocean water---especially for thin kids--they'll be much more comfortable, float better wearing the neoprene, and have a better experience. :)
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