Mauna Kea日出体验
Mauna Kea日出体验
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
通过Mauna Kea日出冒险,从夏威夷的最高点迎接这一天。一个清晨的醒来值得观看地平线上方出现的第一股火热的光芒。在13,000英尺(3,900米)的山峰上观看这个壮观的灯光表演后,在温暖的等候面包车上下山,享用欧陆式早餐,并在Mauna Kea的Silversword围场内的原生植物中漫步。
年龄限制:16-99,每个团体最多 10 人
用时: 7 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 从夏威夷群岛最高的山峰观看日出
- 通过色彩缤纷的晨光看大岛变换
- 提供的露营地让您在山顶保持温暖
- 包括欧陆式早餐和精选希洛酒店的接送服务
- 地方税
- 咖啡,茶和热巧克力
- KONA酒店的客人可享用新鲜烹制的欧陆式早餐。 HILO的客人可以在位于Imiloa天文中心的Sky Garden Restaurant餐厅用餐
- 司机/导游
- 酒店接送服务(仅限特定酒店)
- 连帽冬季派克大衣
- HILO客人可享受Imiloa访问和零售店的特别折扣
- -请与当地运营商确认接送时间和地点
- 入场/门票 - 游客信息中心
- 入场/门票 - 莫纳克亚山峰
- 入场/门票 - 马鞍道
- 入场/门票 - 夏威夷大岛
未包含内容- 小费
- 出发地点:提供旅行者接送服务。
- 选项 1Hawaii Forest & Trail, 73-5593 A, 73-5593 Olowalu St, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740, USAHawaii Forest&Trail Kona总部 - 我们的导游将在大楼入口与您会面。
- 选项 2Hilo Hawaiian Hotel, 71 Banyan Dr, Hilo, HI 96720, USAHilo Hawaiian Hotel - 我们的导游将使用4x4白色14客车,并将在较低的公共停车场与您会面。
接送服务详情- - 请与当地运营商确认您的接送时间和地点 - 入住KONA的客人必须在位于Kailua-Kona,HI 96740的Olowalu Street#A 73-5593的Hawaii Forest&Trail Kona总部见面。 - Charley's Thai Cuisine餐厅位于Waikoloa Beach地区Queen's MarketPlace的后方。我们用黄色遮阳伞拾取路边。 - HILO的客人可以选择酒店接客服务,请与当地运营商确认接客时间。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2804P20- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 最低年龄为16岁
- 患有呼吸系统疾病或心脏病的人,孕妇或健康状况不佳的人不应参加此次峰会
- 水肺潜水员请注意,山顶海拔高度超过13,000英尺(4000米)
- 客人应穿着露趾鞋,穿或穿长裤,轻薄夹克或毛衣。
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- -请与当地运营商确认接送时间和地点-住在KONA的客人必须在我们夏威夷森林与小径科纳总部见面,该总部位于凯鲁瓦-科纳(HI 96740)Olowalu Street #A A 73-5593A。-Charley's Thai Cuisine位于Waikoloa海滩区皇后市场的后方。我们在黄色的雨伞旁捡起路边。 -住在HILO的客人可以选择酒店接客,请与当地运营商确认接客时间。
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 10 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2804P20
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- 1117jennL0 条分享给人深刻印象的大岛一日游漫长的一天,但美好的一天!我们的导游马特(他是昆虫学家,或者外行的昆虫专家,有着非常有趣的工作经历)从酒店接送我们出发,带我们来到格林威尔农场的咖啡农场,并在早上开始享用一些顶级的科纳咖啡和早餐。许多美味的咖啡品种可供品尝和购买,我们当然品尝和购买了咖啡!接下来是参观熔岩隧道(洞穴),非常迷人。从大岛到火山口和彩虹瀑布,我们还在一个火山公园吃了午饭,那里有一条很短的自然步道。马特是一个出色的向导,让整个团队都参与进来,知识渊博。参观结束时,他推荐了不错的餐厅给我们,我们很高兴接受了他的建议。这是一个在大岛上游览一些主要景点的好方式!撰写日期:2019年9月18日
- wayneo7610 条分享奇妙的观星之旅!我和妻子一起在夏威夷森林山道公司报名,去冒纳凯亚山山顶进行了观星之旅。整个旅行给我们留下了很深的印象。我们的导游杰夫非常出色。他非常了解夏威夷的历史,观星方面的知识也非常渊博。我大学时学过天文学,但我还是从杰夫那里学到了不少东西!事实上,这是一次日落登山和夜间观星二合一的旅行;首先是日落时分登上冒纳凯亚山的顶峰,景色壮美,然后是观星旅行。我们都很喜欢这次旅行,并且认为夏威夷森林山道公司是一家优秀的公司。当我们下次再来夏威夷时,我们会毫不犹豫地和他们再预订一次旅行。撰写日期:2019年7月5日
- Abigail H0 条分享美丽的日落和星星!杰夫是一位出色的导游,他向我们介绍了许多关于该岛、莫纳克亚山和恒星/太阳系的信息。我不是一个天文学家,只是对自然之美感兴趣,他很擅长解释我们所看到的,并让它保持有趣。晚餐很好,而且山顶上的甜点也恰到好处!我希望希洛市内或附近能有班车接送,或者我们可以选择在晚餐地点见面,因为我们的车程很长,我们不得不折回原路。总之,我完全推荐这次旅行!这比你自己的车或租来的车在路上冒险要好得多。小组很小,每个人都有足够的时间通过望远镜观察,而且空间足够。撰写日期:2019年5月3日
- Explorer545476356010 条分享濒临灭绝的原生栖息地我了解了很多关于这个岛屿的地质、地理和生态信息,还了解了夏威夷的文化,同时还欣赏到了一些濒临灭绝的鸟类。亮点是有许多Palila和Pueo美丽的风景。撰写日期:2019年4月11日
- David B0 条分享我们看到了palia以及其他30多种物种,包括pueo和Hawaii amakihi这是我和妻子第二次参夏威夷森林山道的观鸟之旅。非常棒,如果你有兴趣在大岛上看到鸟类,尤其是稀有的当地夏威夷鸟类,我推荐你去夏威夷森林和山道之旅。我们这次旅行的目的是去看palila,一种夏威夷蜜旋木雀,目前野生蜜旋木雀只剩下大约1000只。Taj,我们的鸟类导游让这个愿望实现了!我们看到了palia以及其他30多种物种,包括pueo和Hawaii amakihi。Taj拥有丰富的知识,不仅了解鸟类,还了解植物、历史、文化和夏威夷语。这是从早上6点开始的整整12小时的一天,我们在一些崎岖的地形上跋涉了7英里。我们一定会再去夏威夷森林和山道之旅。撰写日期:2019年3月21日
- JamesGang128030 条分享非常美妙的观星之旅我们的夏威夷森林和山道观星之旅给我们留下了难以磨灭的印象。向导Jeff和Jason充满热情,知识渊博,装备齐全,在高海拔的地区为我们做了一顿丰富的晚餐,他们还准备了备用的外套为我们保暖,真是太贴心了。去夏威夷旅游不可错过哦!应该没有别的地方可以如此清晰地观看星星了吧。强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年3月2日
- Jeff H0 条分享一次有趣且增长见闻的旅行我们强烈推荐这次旅行。徒步去看瀑布很容易,景色令人叹为观止。我们的导游Gary非常友好,知识渊博。我们探险的最后一站是吃午餐。是这次旅行的亮点!撰写日期:2019年2月6日
- Navigate662154095940 条分享一次很棒的旅行!我和我的丈夫来这里看日出,我们一致认为来这里是我们第一次夏威夷之旅的高光时刻。当我们在去莫纳克亚山的半路上看到凌晨四点的夜空是那么的清晰,我们被震惊了。我们的导游也告诉了我们在南北半球可以看到的星座都是什么。从山上看到的景色真的太美了!我们的导游说这次是全年最好的一次旅行。而且导游把我们照顾的很好,也非常知识丰富。因为我的耳朵过敏的问题,导游杰森一直都在照看我是否有状况。一定要跟他们带的旅行团队到这里来玩。他们对我们很友好,对环境也很友好。撰写日期:2019年1月16日
- Sightsee675997308160 条分享非常感谢感谢善良的Matty在我们旅行中提供体贴的照顾!我们能够清晰感受到你对自然和山川的热爱。关于拍照的好位置的小提醒简直太棒了,要是有关于穿多少衣服合适的提醒就更好了——还好大衣、手套和热饮救了我们一命。我在选日出还是日落之旅之间犹豫不决,超开心在日出之旅中有机会看到了星星~撰写日期:2018年12月13日
- drhjones150 条分享科哈拉瀑布探险这次旅行和徒步旅行真是太棒了!我们的导游Garry直接从我们酒店接我们,给了我们最好的旅行。他对当地的历史、植物和动物有很深的了解。此外,我们还可以在瀑布的底部游泳。这里的景色壮观,整个游览都是完美无瑕的。我们来这里是一时冲动的决定,我们很高兴这么做了!这是我们旅行中最好的部分!撰写日期:2018年10月9日
- tildeny0 条分享蜿蜒曲折地穿越瀑布丛间我们的导游马克提供的信息非常丰富,但他也并非发表长篇大论的演讲,这正是医生所要求的。他打破僵局从让每个人介绍自己开始。景色很美,在最后一个瀑布里游泳使人神清气爽。这次旅行被描述为一次轻松的家庭友之旅。没有提到抬腿踩好台阶,也没有提到路线可能会滑,但事实的确如此。如果事先我们能知道就好了。他们提供一切要用到的物品,毛巾,雨衣,水瓶,甚至背包。食物是“旅游”食品,三明治,薯条,饮料和饼干。还是强烈推荐这次旅行。撰写日期:2018年9月23日
- Joe P0 条分享莫纳克亚山山顶观日落之旅Jason是我们此次旅程的向导/司机。他的夏威夷文化知识和个人幽默感完美融合。他使得我们的旅程鲜活起来。我们一开始只能在游客中心看日落,因为通往山顶的路关闭了。但是Jason始终在与管理机构保持联络,我们正打算掉头下山的时候,管理机构打开了路!我们一直爬到了山顶!我高度推荐这个旅程,推荐Jason作为向导!撰写日期:2018年8月12日
- K H0 条分享观星和山顶日出景色都很棒公司安排从我们的度假酒店接我们,快捷又方便。导游很友好,知识渊博。我们坐的车很舒适,可以容纳一小群人。该公司提供了派克大衣和热巧克力,在寒冷的早晨旅途中非常棒。天空和日落的景色令人惊叹。早餐很丰盛,而且可以进行一些社交。总之,我强烈推荐这次短途旅行。撰写日期:2018年7月22日
- Judith W0 条分享自然爱好者的梦幻之旅,组织得很好、准时,涵盖了观鸟、地质、植物向导在自然物种方面是专家,有十分广博的观鸟知识,把这趟旅行组织得很好,又准时。所使用的设备都很高端,因此发现了稀有物种,我们也学到了很多关于生态、植物和夏威夷自然的特色。 根本没有空气质量问题(对于担心岛屿东南角火山喷发的人来说,喷发的地方完全是在岛的另一边)。撰写日期:2018年7月1日
- Hannah F0 条分享我做过的最好的事情之一?!愿望清单中的一个又可以打勾了。导游知识渊博,在天文学,地质学和夏威夷神话方面有丰富的专业知识。这个钱花得值。不要拖延了,就订下这个行程吧。撰写日期:2018年4月8日
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68 条点评
1 条分享
2020年3月 • 夫妻情侣
This was an amazing experience! It’s a little pricey and hard to get up so early but definitely worth it! Our guide was kind, thoughtful and extremely knowledgeable with lots of information and facts along the way. You stop at the visitor center and stargaze for a while before heading up to the summit then drive up to the top and watch the sunrise for about 45 minutes! It is breathtaking and unlike any experience we’ve had before. PLEASE REMEMBER TO HYDRATE A LOT THE NIGHT BEFORE AND MORNING OF THIS HELPS PREVENT ALTITUDE SICKNESS! And it really works! You will be at almost 14,000 ft and it’s usually around freezing temp so pack very warm clothes and they give you parka and gloves as well. Once you’re done you have breakfast at the bottom. For us it was fresh fruit, home made banana bread and burritos. The whole experience was perfect I only wish we could spend more time at the top because it was so beautiful!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Gary P
加利福尼亚圣何塞4 条分享
2020年2月 • 夫妻情侣
If you can work this tour into your itternary,do it. The sky was unobstructed when we got to 9K where we acclimatized and Matt did a fantastic job of showing us the stars with and with out a telescope. We did evening star gazing the last time we were here, and way too many people which caused poor light discipline. Matt also added a running commentary on the Big Island of Hawaii. Matt made the tour very special to us all.
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密歇根Norton Shores26 条分享
2020年2月 • 好友
Well worth the time and money. Matt was very knowledgeable and was able to speak of local plants, animals, stars, culture, and more. It was so worth getting up early. I would highly recommend this experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Iowa City, United States41 条分享
2019年7月 • 家庭
We were extremely lucky to be able to do this tour. We were originally scheduled to do the sunset tour but got a call from the company telling us that Mauna Kea was going to be closed for several days as they start to bring up equipment for a new telescope. Our only choice was a Sunrise tour. It turns out we were the last tour to go up to the summit before everything was closed down and protests started.
The tour it self was wonderful and the best experience on the island this trip. Our guide Katlyn was so knowledgable and wonderful to talk with. We stopped at the vis center area to look at the stars before heading up to the summit. We saw shooting stars and the milky way like I have never seen before. This was on our bucket list and worth every penny. The summit was so calm and like we were on another planet. We had no problems with the attitude including our 16 yr old daughter. However, it is cold so dress for it. I think the sunrise was better than the sunset tour would have been. Less people and quieter. If you get a chance do this tour with this company! They are super professional and have a great tour guide in Katlyn. She answered so many questions and was wonderful to chat with during breakfast.
The tour it self was wonderful and the best experience on the island this trip. Our guide Katlyn was so knowledgable and wonderful to talk with. We stopped at the vis center area to look at the stars before heading up to the summit. We saw shooting stars and the milky way like I have never seen before. This was on our bucket list and worth every penny. The summit was so calm and like we were on another planet. We had no problems with the attitude including our 16 yr old daughter. However, it is cold so dress for it. I think the sunrise was better than the sunset tour would have been. Less people and quieter. If you get a chance do this tour with this company! They are super professional and have a great tour guide in Katlyn. She answered so many questions and was wonderful to chat with during breakfast.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Lance J
Baldwin2 条分享
2019年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Beautiful morning with a very knowledgeable guide. Joel answered all questions asked of him and made sure to check on everyone during the tour.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Jodi W
加利福尼亚圣地亚哥70 条分享
2019年7月 • 独自旅游
Planned our Hawaiian vacation on the Big Island specifically so I could go to Mauna Kea; and I elected to book the Sunrise Tour so I didn’t miss any daytime activities with my family.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see the sunrise, as the summit was surrounded by thick clouds, strong winds, and rain. BUT… Matt, our driver and guide, was very professional and very knowledgable. His knowledge of Hawai’i, the topography, Mauna Kea, and the observatories at the summit, made it a very enjoyable and valuable trip, even though we were not able to enjoy a beautiful sunrise.
Hawaii Forest and Trail is a top notch organization and I would certainly book with them again. Highly recommended!
Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see the sunrise, as the summit was surrounded by thick clouds, strong winds, and rain. BUT… Matt, our driver and guide, was very professional and very knowledgable. His knowledge of Hawai’i, the topography, Mauna Kea, and the observatories at the summit, made it a very enjoyable and valuable trip, even though we were not able to enjoy a beautiful sunrise.
Hawaii Forest and Trail is a top notch organization and I would certainly book with them again. Highly recommended!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
马里兰巴尔的摩2 条分享
We went on the Mauna Kea Sunrise Tour on 7/8/19 on our honeymoon. Due to a tropical storm it rained during our trip and we were unable to see the sunrise. Hawaii Forest and Trail employees made the best of the situation and made sure everyone left with a happy and satisfying experience! Thank you! We will definitely use Hawaii Forest and Trail when we come back and would recommend them for any tour they offer! You cannot go wrong booking with them!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Tom B
加利福尼亚洛杉矶3 条分享
2019年7月 • 独自旅游
What a great trip! The sunrise was beautiful. Our guides Matt and Katelyn were excellent and provided so much information about Hawaii and Mauna Kea. I look forward to going back again soon!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Susan C
Tuscaloosa6 条分享
2019年6月 • 夫妻情侣
My husband and I bought the Mauna Kea sunrise tour after the stargazing tour was full. I was worried that I would be disappointed because I’ve been an amateur astronomer for years. This trip ended up exceeding all my expectations! We were picked up at the hotel by a friendly and efficient tour guide. He told us everything to expect, which I appreciated. On the drive up the mountain, he told us the history of the island and its folklore. I have no idea how long the trip was because he kept us so entertained, only seemed like a few minutes.
Once we got to the 9000 foot level of Mauna Kea, he gave us plenty of time to get acclimated, which I needed. At that point, the sun had not come up yet and I got my stargazing in. What a spectacular view! We were above the clouds and could see the Milky Way and plenty of constellations. You are so high up that you can see much more of the sky than you would at ground level.
Next, we went up the rest of the mountain and we were at the peak when the sun came out. It was absolutely breathtaking! By this point, we were totally acclimated and I didn’t feel like I was almost 14,000 feet above sea level. We could see the other volcanoes from there and a wonderful view of the sunrise. We had plenty of time to take pictures and just enjoy the moment. Afterwards, we all had breakfast together, which was provided.
The trip up Mauna Kea requires an experienced driver and our tour guide knew exactly what he was doing. The tour provided parkas for us, as well as coffee, and water. Our tour guide was very attentive and made sure everyone was well cared for.
I highly recommend this tour. It was fun, informative, and definitely one of those things you have to experience to fully appreciate it as words do not do it justice. Considering the experience, the view, the accommodations that were provided, and getting so much history, this tour was worth every penny.
Once we got to the 9000 foot level of Mauna Kea, he gave us plenty of time to get acclimated, which I needed. At that point, the sun had not come up yet and I got my stargazing in. What a spectacular view! We were above the clouds and could see the Milky Way and plenty of constellations. You are so high up that you can see much more of the sky than you would at ground level.
Next, we went up the rest of the mountain and we were at the peak when the sun came out. It was absolutely breathtaking! By this point, we were totally acclimated and I didn’t feel like I was almost 14,000 feet above sea level. We could see the other volcanoes from there and a wonderful view of the sunrise. We had plenty of time to take pictures and just enjoy the moment. Afterwards, we all had breakfast together, which was provided.
The trip up Mauna Kea requires an experienced driver and our tour guide knew exactly what he was doing. The tour provided parkas for us, as well as coffee, and water. Our tour guide was very attentive and made sure everyone was well cared for.
I highly recommend this tour. It was fun, informative, and definitely one of those things you have to experience to fully appreciate it as words do not do it justice. Considering the experience, the view, the accommodations that were provided, and getting so much history, this tour was worth every penny.
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5 条分享
2019年6月 • 好友
We did the Mauna Kea sunrise tour today and it was absolutely amazing.
Matt, our Guide, picked us up at the HFT headquarter at 2:10 am and after picking up some ppl. at a different location we headed up to the top of Mauna Kea.
Along the drive (up and down) Matt explained a lot about the nature, the mountains, Hawaii, culture, etc. Matt was an awesome guide with amazing knowledge about all the different things that are interesting on such a trip.
We did some stargazing at the visitor centre, saw the milky way, Saturn and another planet through the telescope. Matt also explained how in ancient times Polynesian seafarers used the stars to navigate and pointed out some other constellations. All in all amazing night skie and very informative.
We then drove up to the mountain top and arrived approximately 10 min before sunrise. It was unexpectedly "warm" with 44F (6 celsius) but no wind. We walked along the telescopes and took many many pictures.
We had one more stop with a different view before we decended.
The breakfast was also good and welcome after all the excitement.
All in all I can highly recommend this tour and HFT. Thanks for this amazing experience!
Matt, our Guide, picked us up at the HFT headquarter at 2:10 am and after picking up some ppl. at a different location we headed up to the top of Mauna Kea.
Along the drive (up and down) Matt explained a lot about the nature, the mountains, Hawaii, culture, etc. Matt was an awesome guide with amazing knowledge about all the different things that are interesting on such a trip.
We did some stargazing at the visitor centre, saw the milky way, Saturn and another planet through the telescope. Matt also explained how in ancient times Polynesian seafarers used the stars to navigate and pointed out some other constellations. All in all amazing night skie and very informative.
We then drove up to the mountain top and arrived approximately 10 min before sunrise. It was unexpectedly "warm" with 44F (6 celsius) but no wind. We walked along the telescopes and took many many pictures.
We had one more stop with a different view before we decended.
The breakfast was also good and welcome after all the excitement.
All in all I can highly recommend this tour and HFT. Thanks for this amazing experience!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Our family, 4 people, is considering to join this tour.
I have two questions.
First, if we would join 24th Aug. tour, the date we depart will be 24th; midnight between 23rd and 24th, is that right?
Second, is it possible to pick us up and send back to the Mauna Kea beach hotel for example?
If it is, we would gladly join the tour.
Looking forward to your reply.Thank you.
About how long do you have to view the stars during the Sunrise experience? Is it enough time to take some long exposure pictures or just briefly view the stars?
Hey Amy, it all depends on the road conditions to the summit of the Mauna Kea. Sometimes the high winds delay things and the rangers won’t let the tour proceed to the top (only happens usually in winter months). When I went this happened. We didn’t make it to the summit. Instead we spent most of the time around the half way point and had a good 40 minutes of stargazing before sunrise begin. I imagine if we had been able to pass the rangers to the top we might have had 20 minutes of stargazing before getting to the top for sunrise. It all depends on weather conditions. What an amazing trip though. It was incredible!!
1 条分享
I think the minibus holds about 12 people so you would need to book the whole thing. I’m sure HF&T could advise. But nb the whole thing is very weather dependent - we were cancelled once before we got on the trip - and the weather has been very unsettled lately.
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