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年龄 0-99
用时: 8 天
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现场指南:英语, 法语, 西班牙语
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  • 早餐
  • 早餐
  • 早餐
  • 晚餐
  • 晚餐
  • 早餐
  • 早餐
  • 早餐
  • 私人空调车,整个旅程和燃料。
  • 马拉喀什和非斯麦地那持证当地导游
  • 司机/导游
  • 机场抵达和出发或酒店接送
  • 住宿 7 晚酒店或传统 Riads,
  • 旅行时船上新鲜瓶装矿泉水
  • 沙漠探险,骑骆驼和豪华夜间营地(带卫生间和淋浴的私人帐篷)
  • 配有卫生间
  • 停车费
  • 行程中未列出的餐食及所有饮品
  • 给司机、当地导游、酒店和餐厅工作人员的小费
  • 个人支出
  • 纪念碑的入场费。
  • 入场/门票 - 麦地那
  • 入场/门票 - Chefchaouen Blue Expedition
  • 入场/门票 - 沃吕比利斯
  • 入场/门票 - 麦地那梅克内斯
  • 入场/门票 - Chouara皮革厂
  • 入场/门票 - Dades Gorges
  • 入场/门票 - 马拉喀什聚居区
  • 入场/门票 - 马若雷勒花园

    • 我们的司机导游将在您的住宿或机场到达大厅举着显示您姓名的牌子等候您。我们期待您的光临!
      • Mohamed V Airport, Casablanca Morocco
      • Port de pêche Casablanca, JC58+735, Casablanca 20290, Morocco

        • 不提供无障碍通道
        • 婴儿车可入内
        • 允许携带服务型动物
        • 靠近公共交通
        • 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
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        • 大部分旅行者都可以参加
        • 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
        • 这是一项私人游览/活动。 只有您的团队能够参加

        • 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。

        如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:145374P2



        • DesertTrips
        • rikkyy2022
          0 条分享
          5.0 分,共 5 分
          这是我第一次来非洲旅行,由于听说摩洛哥自由行不是很安全,所以选择了跟团游。对旅行有高质量要求的我们最终选择了这家旅行社的私家团。事实证明我们的选择是正确的!从前期的沟通到旅行中途的交流都非常顺畅,Med和Kahlil根据我们的要求做了私人定制,每一封邮件都回复得非常及时。旅行途中Kahlil给我们讲了很多摩洛哥的历史和柏柏尔当地的文化习俗,在每一个景点他都全程陪伴我们,并且叮嘱一定要注意安全,晚上不要独自出门。 在马拉喀什那一天是我的生日,Kahlil和马拉喀什的导游Mustapha给我准备了生日惊喜!我们在马拉喀什升级的酒店也非常棒!真的是非常意外也非常开心的一个生日! 由于最后一天是早班飞机,Kahlil早上6点就在酒店等我们了,告别的时候我们说好了过几年会再来这里旅游,到时候一定再会见面的! 我很推荐大家选择这家旅行社,如果大家英语沟通没问题,这个行程会是非常好的体验!酒店都是他们精心挑选的,很干净,位置方便,服务也很热情。Kahlil,菲斯的导游Hassan,马拉喀什的导游Mustapha都很认真负责、友好热情。强烈推荐给准备来摩洛哥的旅客!
        • kunchang c
          0 条分享
          5.0 分,共 5 分
          在三月份就在规划去摩洛哥的行程,鉴于在2017年再摩洛哥遇到的糟糕经历 还是决定参加一个私人团。这是我做的最正确的决定。一方面能够避免一些危险的状况,另一方面我们可以更深入的了解当地文化,而不是走马观花的看一些景点。 在前期,Med和Khalil就我们对于旅行的要求给予了非常多的建议。作为对旅行要求很高的人,我觉得他们他们非常的有耐心,也愿意不断的听取我们的想法,并对行程进行修改。 在到达机场后,Khalil作为司机兼导游早早地来接我们。并且因为我们只在卡萨布兰卡呆半天,Khalil询问我们的意愿,直接带我们去看了哈桑二世的夜景,这本是行程之外的内容。不止如此,Khalil在整个行程中,都把我们当成好朋友来看待,一路上不仅带我们去看风景,也会讲很多摩洛哥当地的历史,文化甚至分享当地特色的音乐给我们听。此外,他极其的负责任,在知道我是摄影爱好者后,带我们去看舍夫沙万的落日,去菲斯的最高点看落日,爬着撒哈拉的沙丘看落日。为了我们能够在沙漠里里拍到银河,在沙漠里等着我们到两点,然后开车送我们到酒店。这些部分完全不在他的职责范围内,但是他会尽力的达成你的想法,让你满意。 最惊喜的莫过于,最后一天是我女朋友的生日,我们在马拉喀什的导游Mustapha和Khalil为我女朋友准备了鲜花和礼物!!!整个行程除了快乐和充实实在找不到其他词来形容了。 走之前和Khalil说好,几年后再来摩洛哥玩还会联系他!总之,我强烈推荐这一家旅行社,不论是服务,餐饮还是酒店真的好的没有话说。highly recommended!
        • gezichenshanjun
          0 条分享
          5.0 分,共 5 分
        • traveler-jinjin
          0 条分享
          5.0 分,共 5 分
          像阿拉丁神灯里的画面一样,摩洛哥是一个神奇且梦幻的国度,有沙漠也有海,有山也有森林。摩洛哥通用阿拉伯语和法语,幸运的是我们的司机Khali小哥全程英文交流无障碍,他总是知道哪些地方拍照最美,带着我跟朋友直奔各个拍照地点,推荐的酒店也很棒,充满异域风情,酒店整面墙壁都是手工马赛克,让我印象深刻。 值得再来的国家,Khali也是值得信赖的朋友!
        • zhulinyanzi
          0 条分享
          5.0 分,共 5 分
          和很多人一样,出发摩洛哥之前都会在小红书,微博,马蜂窝上搜攻略,看到的大多是一些”危险“的评价,所以老实说出发前心里是有点小担心的,从抵达马拉喀什下飞机后都是一直小心翼翼的,直到遇上我们这次的司机小哥卡里。我们在马拉喀什所住的酒店在巷子里,离可以停车的地方要步行五分钟,第一次见面我们还不怎么熟悉,他就这么嘿嘿一笑,就主动把我们大大的巷子搬下楼,在确定我们没有落下什么东西后就一手一个巷子拖着走。后面的每一天也都是这样,因为摩洛哥的酒店大部分都没有电梯,都是楼梯而且都不是临近马路的,卡里和酒店的老板们都是帮我们搬上搬下。一路上,卡里很热衷于“应对”我们各种稀奇古怪的问题,当他回答不上来的时候,都会不好意思的说一句,“sorry, I don't know ",引得我们哈哈大笑,不知不觉就会很安心。卡里知道沿途上适合拍照的地方,也有一些是跟着旅游团很难发现的地方,跟着卡里,你能欣赏到原汁原味的摩洛哥,有一个难忘的旅行回忆。
        • albert1234567899
          0 条分享
          5.0 分,共 5 分
          非常棒的一次经历,司导非常专业热情菲斯一城一色彩, 白色的卡萨布兰卡,红色马拉喀什, 黄色菲斯的,蓝色的舍夫沙万… 每个城市都散发着与众不同的气质; 一域一底蕴, 在摩洛哥,能够看到甚至是听到不同文化的影响, 就以问好都有好多种说法, 除了当地的阿拉伯语“alsalam alikum” 比如在南部的索维拉,大家见面会说“Bonjour” 而到北部的丹吉尔,人们会用西班牙语“Hola”向你打招呼 从卡萨布兰卡逆时针环游摩洛哥, 漫天盘旋的海鸥指引着海港小镇索维拉的方向, 充斥着满眼精明的阿拉伯商人叫卖声的马拉喀什, 在干涸的撒哈拉沙漠遇见一整夜的大暴雨, 穿梭于菲斯密集逼仄的麦地那小巷之间, 偶然在穆莱伊德里斯的grand terrasse看到“山城”全景, 在蓝色小镇舍夫沙万逗趣可爱的小猫咪, 甚至尝试了骆驼肉汉堡, 在直布罗陀海峡边等了一场日落, 在艾西拉的各路艺术家的涂鸦与壁画前大笑合影, 在名不见经传的首都拉巴特堵车到抓狂…… 所有的一切,构筑了这次奇幻的摩洛哥之旅 而所有的一切,都无法准确描绘摩洛哥的神奇
        • Nomad68413309441
          0 条分享
          5.0 分,共 5 分
          一场说走就走的旅行! 四月份和姐妹们突然冒出旅行的想法,目的地选择北非摩洛哥,然后没有犹豫,没有太多准备,我们把一切交给当地私人订制师,卡里小哥哥全程作为司机以及当地向导,带我们畅畅快快的在摩洛哥进行了为期一周的深度游。卡里带我们体验了当地人最真实的生活,品尝了本地人家做的最地道当地食物,沙漠之行是我印象最深的一部分,诺玛特家族的原生态生活深深的触动了我,原来人在无欲无求的情况下可以那么容易收获快乐!夕阳下骑骆驼,夜幕下被被繁星笼罩,一切都如此美好 摩洛哥最有名的几个城市,各有风格,红色的马拉喀什,蓝色的舍夫沙万,小瑞士之称- 伊芙兰。。。太多美好的回忆。 最后非常感谢我们摩洛哥的私人导游,卡里先生!真的非常善良贴心可爱的波波尔小哥哥,下次去摩洛哥二游,还会预约这位小哥哥
        • GrandTour46073685600
          0 条分享
          5.0 分,共 5 分
        • Wanderer12976640262
          0 条分享
          5.0 分,共 5 分
          完全没有做攻略的一次旅行,临出发前一天还在外地出差,但是本次摩洛哥之旅大大超出了我们的预期。 司机卡里非常专业,一路开车带我们去美美的景点拍照,去最棒的餐厅和酒店。 我们决定每年都去一次摩洛哥,当然啦每次去都会让卡里小哥给我们做向导!
        • xiaoheng666
          0 条分享
          5.0 分,共 5 分
          wonderful trip!
          这次旅途十分满意,每天的行程安排也都比较合理,三个一点都没做攻略的妹子玩的非常开心。首先先吹爆一下我们的司机小哥哥Khalid,虽然英语一般但是人超级纯朴,跟着他十分踏实,一路上多亏了他的照顾。再者就是沙漠里的骆驼小哥,人真的是超级搞笑,让我们的撒哈拉之旅变得无比难忘。还有硬要跟我们一起玩飞行棋的前台小哥,各种敬业专业的英文地接导游,都使我们的摩洛哥之旅变得无比生动有趣。这几天的酒店安排也是惊喜多多,既有当地特色的raid,也有nice view的高级酒店。八 天下来玩的是精疲力尽但也满意而归,感谢给了我们编织了一场彩色的摩洛哥之梦
        • Companion05389100023
          0 条分享
          5.0 分,共 5 分
          Amazing trip to Morocco
          惊人的沙漠之旅 - 4天/ 3夜马拉喀什到非斯 我通过他们网站上的联系表格进行了初步调查,预订了我们三口之家的私人旅行.Khalil迅速回复了行程细节和定价。我要求做一些改变,他满足了我的所有要求。在我为沙漠之旅联系的3家旅游运营商中,khalil是我的每一封电子邮件,并且价格最优惠。我毫不犹豫地选择了这家公司并通过PayPal存款。 这次旅行绝对是我整个旅行的亮点。Khalil来马拉喀什的里亚德接我们。他非常专业,每次都准时与我们见面,定期停在有干净卫生间的咖啡馆,带我们走在当地市场,而不会推荐我们买任何东西。他是一个非常好的车手,知道什么时候开快车,何时减速,以及如何在双车道道路上安全通行。他很灵活,允许我们在车上播放我们的音乐,并停下来,带我们去当地最喜欢的美食点,并参观沙漠中的Nomad家庭。Khalil安排的酒店都是一流的,提供一流的食物和服务。在日落时骑骆驼到我们的沙漠营地,这很漂亮。我们在撒哈拉沙漠营地度过了一个难忘的夜晚。帐篷干净,宽敞,配有热水淋浴,食物丰富。主持人点燃了篝火,并在银河系下播放柏柏尔音乐。 第四天,Khalil开车带我们去了非斯的里亚德。是时候说再见了。从马拉喀什到菲斯,穿过阿特拉斯山脉和撒哈拉沙漠,这是一个漫长的车程,但Khalil使它变得有趣和愉快。他为我们处理了所有小细节,比如在骑骆驼之前喝冰水或为猴子买水果,所以我们有一个非常无忧无虑的旅行。 Khalil真的是最棒的!我强烈推荐这家旅游公司(Khalil和他的同事)给任何想要体验摩洛哥的人。
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        麻里子 高
        2 条分享
        5.0 分,共 5 分
        2025年1月 • 好友
        An amazing tour around Morocco! All the stops in the major cities and scenic points in between were great, we had so much fun.
        Our driver/tour guide Said was very thoughtful and flexible, which made the trip with two kids extremely easy.
        此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
        Hi Dear Mariko! Thank you so much for your positive feedback! It was an amazing year-end Morocco journey with all of you! It's heartwarming to hear that every stop along the way brought joy and excitement to your family. Said's caring and flexible attitude truly made your trip special, especially with the little ones. Your kind words will surely bring a smile to his face. We're truly thrilled to have been a part of your journey and can't wait to create more magical memories together in the future! Take care and stay safe :) Team
        此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

        東京4 条分享
        5.0 分,共 5 分
        2024年12月 • 家庭

        We enjoyed a lot! Although it was a long trip all around Morocco in 8 days, we could enjoy a lot in all the cities because of the kindness of travel agency and especially the driver!!
        He was very considerate and supportive to all of our family and also he is a good photographer! Thank you for everything!!
        此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
        Hi Dear Kensuke! Thank you so much for your thoughtful review! Your heartfelt words have truly brightened our day! The vivid recount of your 8-day Moroccan adventure fills us with joy! Hearing that the adjusted itinerary and our choices met your expectations is incredibly rewarding. It warms our hearts to know that Said, the guide/driver, played a special role in enhancing your journey with his knowledge, care, and photography skills. We deeply appreciate your kind words and are delighted that your family had a great time. Here's to more unforgettable adventures together in the future! Until we cross paths again! Team
        此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

        Paloma J
        西班牙马德里1 条分享
        5.0 分,共 5 分
        2024年11月 • 家庭
        This was my first time doing a trip like this and I would 110% recommend it to anyone! Everything from the booking to the execution of the trip was so amazing. The itinerary was jam-packed with our must-see sights. Every accommodation was top-notch. having Deserttrips takes the stress of arranging away and we had the privilege of having Saïd, our driver, and friend! Great company. Thanks a lot for taking care of us and being patient. You made the trip very easy and beautiful! One of our favorite pics is of our kids with him because he made our trip so memorable. The family still quotes many of his lines as he taught us about each site. We will forever hold onto the education he gave us and the fond memories we made with him. The Sahara desert was a highlight of our trip through Ait Benhaddou and Dades one of the best trips in our lives we really can't say enough kind words about our experience. Thank you!
        此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
        Hi there Paloma, Thank you so much for your generous feedback! We're overjoyed to learn that your Moroccan trip with us was a triumph! Hearing about the positive impact Saïd had on your family's memories fills us with gratitude. Thanks again for trusting us and for your kind recommendation. Choosing DesertTrips is a true honor for us. We're excited about the prospect of welcoming you back in the future. With warmest wishes, Team
        此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

        1 条分享
        5.0 分,共 5 分
        2024年11月 • 夫妻情侣
        We had an incredible time. The riads we stayed at were absolutely beautiful. We haven't stopped talking about all that we did and saw.
        If you haven't been to Morocco this is the way to go.
        此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
        Hi dear Traveler, Thank you very much for your wonderful feedback! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your experience in the riads. Your kind words and recommendation truly mean a lot to us. Thank you for choosing DesertTrips. We look forward to the opportunity to assist you with your future adventure plans! Sincerely, Team
        此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

        13 条分享
        5.0 分,共 5 分
        2024年11月 • 好友
        Said Ouacha, my driver (and now new friend) during my recent trip to Morocco with Desert Trips, provided an outstanding experience that truly enhanced our adventure. From the moment we met him, it was clear that we were in capable hands. His professionalism and deep knowledge of Moroccan culture and geography made every journey not just a drive, but an insightful exploration.

        Said navigated the diverse landscapes of Morocco with ease, ensuring our comfort throughout the trip. His driving was smooth and safe, which allowed us to relax and enjoy the stunning views of the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara Desert. He was always punctual, picking us up on time and accommodating our schedule with a smile.

        What set Said apart was his ability to tailor our experience to our interests. He took the time to understand what we wanted to see and do, suggesting local eateries and hidden gems that showed us the real Morocco.

        Said's passion for his country was evident in every conversation. He shared fascinating stories about Moroccan history, traditions, and daily life, enriching our understanding of the culture, teachingus new words and phrases, and playing us amazing Moroccan and Berber music. His warmth and friendliness made it easy to connect with him, trust him, and have a lot of fun.

        I cannot recommend Said Ouacha highly enough for anyone looking to explore Morocco. His expertise, kindness, and dedication to providing an exceptional travel experience made our trip truly unforgettable. If you're planning a visit to this beautiful country, make sure to request Said as your driver—you won't be disappointed!

        -Dana Wood
        Silt, Colorado
        此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
        Hi dear Dana, thank you so much for taking the time to let us know how we're doing and how your exciting trip went! We truly appreciate your kind words for Said. He's passionate about making each trip special, and we're delighted to hear that he contributed to making your adventure unforgettable with his excellent driving, expertise, kindness, and dedication. It's always wonderful to hear about the meaningful connections our drivers create with our guests, and we will be sure to pass along your compliments to Said. We sincerely appreciate your trust and recommendation! It was a pleasure to host you, and we look forward to the opportunity to customize your next trip in the new year! Warm regards,  Team
        此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

        Erin F
        9 条分享
        5.0 分,共 5 分
        2024年11月 • 好友
        If Morocco has been on your bucket list, then book this trip now. My friend and I went in November, which was a perfect time to go- warm, but not too hot, and no rain. We were referred to Desert Trips by a previous client and we had a wonderful experience.

        Med was responsive to our questions and kept us updated and informed on the trip. He was accommodating to our requested itinerary changes and we added a cooking class and spa afternoon (a trip to a hammam is a must). Said, our driver (aka The World’s Best Driver 🥇), was so kind, thoughtful, and fun. Said’s big personality is surpassed only by his bigger heart. Our local guides were brilliant- a wellspring of knowledge, history, and culture.

        As two gals traveling, we always felt safe. The Moroccan people are some of the most welcoming and generous people I’ve ever met. I would go back in a heartbeat!
        此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
        Hi dear Erin, Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback❤️!! We were delighted to see the stunning photos you shared, and we're thrilled to hear that you had a wonderful experience! We're especially pleased to learn that our driver, Said, made such a positive impact on your trip. Your commendation of him as “The World’s Best Driver” truly means a lot to us. We also appreciate your kind words regarding our local guides and the immersive experiences, including the hammam and cooking class. We're grateful for your recommendation, and we would be honored to assist you with your next booking. Should you have any future travel plans, please do not hesitate to reach out. We look forward to ensuring that your next experience is just as enjoyable. Wish you the very best and stay safe, Team
        此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

        Liina t
        英国英格兰2 条分享
        5.0 分,共 5 分
        2024年10月 • 夫妻情侣
        We spent 8day in Morocco in the middle of October for a trip of a lifetime. Every aspect of our tour was superbly planned and engraved. Med planned our trip in meticulous detail making sure we had an exceptional holiday. The weather was magnificent, and breathtaking landscapes. Everywhere we went we met friendly, helpful, and very polite people. Morocco is one of the most diverse and unforgettable countries we have visited. Our driver was super great and took excellent care of us. He explained a lot to us about the culture of Morocco, and he always had a nice and did everything to ensure that we had a magical trip. He found us the very best places to eat and made sure we saw everything we came to see! THANK YOU!!
        Finally, The itinerary was well thought out and well planned. These are the memories that always make me happy – They were just great people, full of kindness, and hospitality like nowhere else. I couldn't recommend more this company highly. Whatever you do.!! Don’t visit Morocco without them!
        此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
        Hi dear Liina, Thank you for your wonderful feedback! We are thrilled to hear that your 8-day trip was a memorable experience and that your driver/guide contributed significantly to the magic of your journey. It’s great to know he provided exceptional care, particularly by introducing you to the best places to eat. We take pride in ensuring that every aspect of your journey is thoughtfully planned, and we are delighted that it resulted in happy memories for you. Thank you for choosing our services and for your generous recommendation. We look forward to assisting you in creating even more unforgettable memories on your future adventures! Keep well and safe,  Team
        此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

        Miyoko S
        2 条分享
        5.0 分,共 5 分
        2024年9月 • 好友
        This tour was amazing. Having a super driver, Said, made the trip even more exciting. He drove safely, was always punctual, gave us all the necessary information and explained about the daily lives of local people. We cannot thankful him enough. More than 2000km drive. We had lots of fun with him. We would definitely recommend this tour to anyone planning to travel to Morocco. Thanks again Said for the great trip.
        此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
        Hi dear Miyoko, Thank you so much for your delightful review! We're beyond thrilled to hear that your trip with our driver/guide, Said, was exciting and great! We're thrilled that his knowledge, attentiveness, and passion for Morocco made your trip so special and great. Thank you for recommending DesertTrips! We can't wait to help you plan for an even more fulfilling adventure in the future! All the best! Team
        此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

        A C
        佛罗里达那不勒斯9 条分享
        5.0 分,共 5 分
        2024年9月 • 好友
        I am so lucky we decided to take a tour with Said and Desert Trips! If we hadn't, I think we would have missed the heart and soul of Morocco! This trip includes a lot of time on the road, but it's worth it to see the cities, landscapes, and people that make this country so special. We particularly enjoyed the Fes tour, and of course the highlight of a night in the beautiful Sahara desert at Erg Chebbi. The Oasis camp is beautiful, and we never had any issues with our accommodations, which were all great. The hotel in Dades Gorge was particularly impressive. Said made our trip extra special by surprising us with a birthday celebration including singing and dancing in the desert. Truly a time we will remember for the rest of our lives.
        此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
        Hi dear Heather, Thank you so much for the fabulous review! It's wonderful to know that your trip will be a cherished memory! Your kind words about the beautiful accommodations, and the journey through the Sahara are truly appreciated. We're particularly delighted to hear about the positive impact Said, your driver, had on your journey. We'll be sure to pass on your compliments to him for his efforts in arranging your birthday. Once again, thank you for choosing us for your trip, and we hope to welcome you back for more adventures in the future...come back soon! Warmly, Team
        此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

        Miyoko S
        2 条分享
        5.0 分,共 5 分
        2024年9月 • 好友
        The driver and Guide were both great people and the trip to 45 was the best. He was very punctual and gave an apt explanation at key points in the race. I was able to touch the lives of ordinary people in Idlib, Morocco. The restaurant that they introduced us to at lunchtime was also a lovely place that we would never have been able to find ourselves in 45. We are assured that the memories of Forty-Six will be great when these drivers and Guides are with us on our journey. It was a tour I would definitely recommend to my friends.
        Overnight in the desert, we couldn't see the desert sunset we were expecting from 45 with a sudden storm. But the fact that he desperately clung on to the camel for forehand is another memory I will never forget.
        Thank you for this tour. Thank you very much.
        此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
        Hi dear Miyoko, Thank you for your kind words! We’re glad to hear you enjoyed the trip and that our driver and guide made it memorable. It’s great that you got to experience local life and enjoy our restaurant recommendation. While the storm prevented the sunset and sunrise, we're happy the camel ride became a special memory. We appreciate your recommendation and hope to see you again for another adventure! Safe travels! Team!
        此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

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