Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
尼泊尔Ghorepani徒步旅行中令人兴奋的徒步旅行路线之一提供了一个见证安纳普尔纳地区美景的绝佳机会。这个地方充满了尼泊尔文化和传统的宝藏。 Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek通过杜鹃花林提供赏心悦目的日出景观。这次旅行的一个重要亮点是在Poon Hill上攀登,可能是地球上最壮观的山脉。当太阳升起时,它接触到喜马拉雅巨人,道拉吉里(8,167米)和安纳普尔纳(8,091米)的白雪皑皑的山顶,以及逐渐出现的迷宫般的其他山峰,就像你的眼睛无法相信的魅力一样。它为喜马拉雅山峰提供了一个很好的机会。在这次徒步旅行中,您将参观一些最好的地方,如Jhinu温泉(1780米),Landruk Gurung村和小型Dhampus村。
年龄限制:11-65,每个团体最多 15 人
用时: 16 天
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 早餐
- 晚餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 机场接送
- 乘坐旅游巴士从加德满都-Beshishar-Bhulbhule 和博卡拉-加德满都乘坐巴士
- 加德满都和博卡拉的 3 星级酒店,以双床共享 BB 为基础
- 徒步旅行期间在旅馆住宿含早餐
- 徒步船员的餐食、住宿、保险等费用
- 加德满都和博卡拉的导游观光旅游
- TIMS 和徒步旅行所需的许可证
- 跋涉期间的必要设备(必要时提供睡袋和行李袋)
- 第一天的欢迎晚宴
- 机票(Jomsom-博卡拉)
- 所有政府税收和办公费用
- 入场/门票 - 加德满都
未包含内容- 在加德满都、博卡拉和徒步旅行日享用午餐和晚餐。
- 加德满都城市观光入场费
- 机票 PKR-KTM
- 行程中未提及的任何其他活动或项目
- 个人支出
- 抵达后在加德满都机场办理签证
- 入场/门票 - 博大哈佛塔
- 入场/门票 - 帕斯帕提那寺
- 入场/门票 - Patan Durbar Square
- 入场/门票 - 苏瓦扬布佛塔
- 出发地点:提供旅行者接送服务。接送服务详情
- 不适用
提供机场接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的机场列表中进行选择。- Tribhuvan Airport, Kathmandu Nepal
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:29135P9- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 如果您没有常规旅行社,那么您可以在其中一个站点查看国际航班选项。
- 他们通常有很好的报价。在您查看好报价后,我建议您尝试从当地旅行社购买相同的航班。这样一来,航班取消/改签就更加灵活了。
- 在旅行期间,每个房间将容纳两人。如果您更喜欢私人住宿,您会找到“单一补充”选项。重要提示:请注意,在徒步旅行期间,有些旅馆没有足够的房间来提供私人住宿。因此,即使您购买了单人补充剂,您最终也会在跋涉的几天里合住一个房间。
- 我们当地的尼泊尔团队是尼泊尔最有经验和最受尊敬的徒步旅行队之一。该团队获得完全许可,并隶属于尼泊尔徒步旅行机构协会 (TAAN)、尼泊尔登山协会、尼泊尔旅游局、尼泊尔政府、可持续旅游网络、喜马拉雅救援协会和加德满都环境教育项目。凭借丰富的经验、训练有素、友善的向导和彬彬有礼的搬运工,您一定会获得一次美妙而难忘的体验。
- 如果您购买了旅行券,请在确定后尽快通知我们适合您的旅行日期。我们需要时间为您购买国内机票和其他安排,请确认您的行程地点
- 旅游开始前2个月。您在特定旅游日期的预订视景点供应情况而定,因此请尽快预订您的位置。另请发送您的兑换代码和优惠券编号。
- 我们的徒步旅行将在安纳布尔纳峰地区一个非常美丽的地方进行。预计每天跋涉约 5-7 小时或每天约 10-14 公里。建议您在徒步前几个月通过适当的训练为徒步做好准备,例如爬山或爬楼梯、慢跑以及在健身房花一些时间来提高体力。如果您在到达尼泊尔之前非常健康并且进行了足够的训练,那么徒步旅行将会很愉快,并且适合 60 岁出头的健康人士。对于那些希望欣赏喜马拉雅山峰美景的人来说,这条徒步路线是最受欢迎的徒步路线。
- 如果您有健康问题,请咨询您的医生,了解徒步旅行的可取性。太棒了!在我们酒店附近的加德满都很容易买到任何徒步装备,例如手杖、夹克、水瓶和背包。重要的!请带上两张照片作为您的徒步许可证。
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 高原反应将从3000米开始。通常低于三 3000 米不会出现与高度相关的问题,通常对于稳定健康的人来说。但高于它会导致与高原有关的疾病。如果您有可能导致问题的健康状况,请咨询医生关于徒步旅行的建议
- 在跋涉期间有两个不错的选择可以提供适当的饮用水。您可以携带净水药片或从沿途经过认可和监管的“纯净水”站收取象征性费用装满您的瓶子。作为最后的选择,您也可以在旅馆购买瓶装水,但不推荐这样做。
- 在徒步旅行期间每天至少喝 3 升纯净水非常重要。
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 加德满都和博卡拉会有洗衣设施,但在徒步旅行时没有。
- 根据您计划旅行的时间,穿上合适的衣服并为意外的天气做好准备很重要。相当磨损的登山靴/鞋子是必须的!对于 11 月和 3 月前两周之间的旅行,请带一件适合零摄氏度的夹克。其他时间游览请带上适合4-6摄氏度的外套,否则白天天气会比较暖和或宜人。
- 如果你有自己的睡袋,你可以带上。否则,我们会在徒步旅行期间为您提供睡袋。
- 您可以在抵达加德满都机场时支付额外费用获得签证。请携带2张照片用于签证。预计在获得签证的过程中会有一些等待时间。您也可以在出发前联系离您最近的 Nep1ali 大使馆获得签证。
- 是的,迎新活动将在您抵达后和开始徒步旅行之前在加德满都酒店进行。迎新会安排在游览的第一天晚上。一般情况下,迎新会在下午 5 点或 6 点举行,这将在您抵达酒店时发布。
- 对于每个旅行日期,将有几个单独的组。每个徒步旅行团最多可容纳 16 人,并配有经验丰富的英语导游。跋涉期间会有合适数量的搬运工搬运您的行李。
- 在加德满都,我们将入住喜马拉雅套房酒店。强烈推荐这些地方,但请不要指望欧洲标准的酒店。这些酒店是不错的、干净的旅游酒店,按照尼泊尔的标准,质量上乘。在博卡拉,我们住在 Hotel Dandelion 或 Lake Star。在徒步旅行中,我们将入住由尼泊尔家庭经营的简陋小屋。在徒步旅行期间,浴室在房间外面,热水依赖于太阳能电池板,所以不要指望有很多热水淋浴。
- 加德满都、博卡拉和徒步旅行日的午餐和晚餐不在旅游范围内,费用可能会有所不同,具体取决于餐点和餐厅类别
- 如果您想近距离观赏珠穆朗玛峰和喜马拉雅山峰,我们可以安排登山飞行。您可以联系我们进行预订。
- 强烈建议您购买旅游保险。请咨询您的旅行社,选择合适的保险公司。
- Insure and Go 或 World Nomads 是两家可能的保险公司。所有参加 EBC 或 Annapurna Circuit 徒步旅行的客户都必须购买旅行保险。它应该为整个旅行期间提供足够的保护,包括人身伤害、死亡、医疗费用、遣返费用、直升机救援、空中救护和行李的足够保险。
- 尼泊尔平均宽度只有200公里左右,但在这短短的距离内,陆地海拔却从60米上升到8848米。因此,天气取决于尼泊尔地方的海拔高度。然而,总的来说,尼泊尔有四个气候季节:春季、夏季、秋季和冬季。
- 春天从三月开始到五月。这个季节的温度在 20C 到 30C(68F 到 86F)之间波动。夏季从去年的六月开始到八月。这些也是季风月份,偶尔会有夜间雷暴和高温。秋天从 9 月下旬开始,到 11 月结束。在此期间,气候通常干燥温和,温度在 20C 至 30C(68F 至 86F)之间波动。冬天从十二月开始到二月。早上和晚上很冷,而下午阳光明媚。这几个月的温度从 10C 上升到 20C(59F 到 68F)。在高海拔地区,冬季寒冷。
- 很难给出您应该携带的确切金额。费用会根据您想在购物上花费多少以及您想在哪里吃什么饭菜(午餐和晚餐)而有所不同。徒步旅行只接受尼泊尔卢比
- 对于徒步旅行,我们将为两人配备一名搬运工。徒步旅行的重量限制为每人 10-13 公斤。在徒步旅行之前,我们会将所有超重行李存放在我们的博卡拉酒店,并且只带走我们在徒步旅行中需要的东西。
- 给导游、搬运工和司机小费的一般经验法则取决于跋涉的长度。搬运工确实很欣赏个人小费,尽管向导和他的搬运工将他们收集到的小费汇总起来再分给他们的情况并不少见,向导会得到更多的小费来监督旅行者和搬运工的福利和安全作为一个整体。也就是说,这只是一个指南,您可以根据所提供的服务给予您认为合适的小费,让您的旅程令人难忘。
- 每次预订最多 15 人
- 旅行当天需要出示当前有效的护照
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 15 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:29135P9
20 个站点
第 1 天
第 2 天
第 3 天
第 4 天
第 5 天
Jagat 到达拉帕尼 (1995m)
第 6 天
Dharapani 到 Chame (2670m)
第 7 天
第 8 天
比桑到马南 (3540m)
第 9 天
第 10 天
Manang 到 Ledar (4200m)
第 11 天
Ledar 到 High 营地
第 12 天
High Camp 到 Muktinath (3760m) 通过...
第 13 天
Muktinath 到 Jomsom(2720m)
第 14 天
Jomsom 到博卡拉 (820m) 乘飞机和博卡拉观光旅游
第 15 天
第 16 天
- JanetC31090 条分享壮观人生难得的且真的是值得一游的飞跃美丽又神秘的第一高峰,大约50分钟的飞行往返 在风和日丽,阳光灿烂的清晨飞行,欣赏峰峰相连的壮丽景色撰写日期:2019年12月17日
- abdullahy2350 条分享难忘的经历!我跟兄弟在尼泊尔和HSJ(和我们的导游比什努),他从抵达到离开都很照顾我们。我们的项目是“珠穆朗玛峰全景旅行”,他们可以很灵活地为我们改变顺序。所以我们没有丝毫不满。强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年8月21日
- Ashish35520 条分享HSJ安排的迪拜之旅真的太棒了!对惯常的工作和行程感到非常疲乏,因此我想休假放松。一位朋友建议我向HSJ寻求些度假的建议。因为这是第一次和HSJ打交道,我一开始还有些犹豫。令人惊喜的是,HSJ的员工都超级棒!他们是最佳的顾问和帮手。迪拜之旅价格合适,物有所值。我玩得很尽兴。虽然只在迪拜待了五天,但是我感觉就像住了一个月那么充实。感谢HSJ!撰写日期:2019年7月9日
- 437janiner0 条分享印度和尼泊尔精彩的旅行我是通过澳大利亚的Luxury Escapes 预订的这次旅行。我们两对夫妻,对Himalayan Social Journey都很满意。如果我要再去的话,我会直接跟Himalayan Social Journey预订。他们对你所有的需求都有很好的反馈,对此非常感谢。撰写日期:2019年5月18日
- OZ39390 条分享旅程很精彩——工作人员很棒我们的行程安排了为期7天的珠穆朗玛峰和直升机旅行,还增加了为期3天的Chitwan野生动物园之旅。嗯,我们对这趟旅行的期望很高,因为我们决定在大本营订婚。结束这趟旅程后我们并没有感到失望。喜马拉雅社会之旅的工作人员真是太棒了。他们很随和。我们通过他们来组织所有额外附加的活动没有任何问题。也没遇上什么麻烦。未来我还会和他们一起旅行的。我们永远不会忘记这次旅行。非常感谢喜马拉雅社会之旅。安玛莉和杰米留撰写日期:2019年4月27日
- Tagalongdene0 条分享珠穆朗玛飞行,奇特旺旅行,还有加德满都城市之旅我们体验了一次迷人且安排得很专业的珠穆朗玛飞行之旅,奇特旺的旅行也是很好,以及很有趣的加德满城市之旅。除了去机场接我们的司机(有点没啥反应),所有我们见到的人都很不错。加德满都的住宿很到位了,但是奇特旺的酒店就有一些问题,特别是热水的间断性供应。喜马拉雅社交之旅,提供了所承诺的一切东西,性价比很高,我们毫不犹豫地推荐这里!撰写日期:2019年3月16日
- Hilary M0 条分享全方位,百分之百的成功和导游Bishnu以及他的助手Bassan在果卡纳度假村完成了为期两天的豪华旅行后,我和丈夫两人结束了一次史诗般长达16天的珠峰大本营徒步旅行。适宜的天气保佑了我们十个人的团队,我们玩得格外愉快。Bishnu每天都会简要介绍第二天游玩的内容,更重要的是他每天都会记录我们的健康情况,确保我们的身体处在最佳状态,我们十个人都能安全到达大本营。Bishnu和Bassan时时刻刻都想尽一切办法让我们的旅行变成一次有趣而且难忘的回忆。Himalayan Social Journey公司再一次兑现了他们之前承诺的一切。我们去印度游玩期间也选择了这家公司,我向其他来尼泊尔或印度游玩的人强烈推荐这家公司。撰写日期:2018年10月4日
- kyantalinaria0 条分享一辈子的经历尼泊尔真是令人惊叹! 感谢喜马拉雅社交之旅,我们出色的导游Mingmar Sherpa,还有同样出色的搬运工Janaak,我们拥有了一辈子的经历。每一处都充满着探险,每一个回合不断地给我们惊喜。从开始到结束,所有问题都得到解答,而且也没什么很繁重的任务。没有任何问题没有得到回答,也没有任何太大的任务。你再也找不到比这更好的二人组来指导你完成下一次的冒险了。 一定要让这两位加入到在喜马拉雅山你生命中最艰难跋涉的团队中。撰写日期:2018年8月8日
- 800alexandraw0 条分享乘直升机去珠峰大本营关于这次我们乘直升机从加德满都到珠峰的旅程,我不知道再怎么高度评价才算足够。天气晴好,景色优美无比。直升机是全新的,飞行员也极为出色。这是一个值得一生中经历一次的旅程,绝对值得前来体验一番。撰写日期:2018年3月1日
- zeynep_guide0 条分享六天五夜的文化之旅!我和我丈夫决定在尼泊尔过春节,我们去了加德满都、纳加阔特和博卡拉。我事先在猫途鹰上做了功课最后选择了这家公司,因为看到上面好评比较多。虽然我们在各个方面都准备好了,但是我觉得他们在野营、徒步和登山这方面更专业。博卡拉是我们最喜欢的地方,加德满都很漂亮,但是纳加阔特并不值得一去。我们的司机好像叫Subas?他很友好,导游也不错。公司老板一再确保大家都准备无误,而且一直在照顾大家。我还是很推荐这家公司的。撰写日期:2018年1月13日
- Rocketeers F0 条分享不丹之旅在这里,我享受到了最棒的旅行。风景很赞,但最棒的还是当地的人们。我的导游,还有挑夫们,他们总是面带微笑,令人欣慰。如果你在尼泊尔,我强烈推荐你选择这里的旅行。我保证你不会后悔的。撰写日期:2017年12月8日
- Kimi K0 条分享16天的珠穆朗玛峰跋涉之旅上周,我和丈夫完成了14天的珠穆朗玛峰跋涉之旅。目前,我们正在令人难以置信的戈卡尔纳森林度假村放松。我们有着最令人难以置信的体验,我们不能错过这儿的组织活动,他们提供了2个经验丰富的导游甘加和尚卡尔,并提供一切我们可能需要的东西。从第一天开始,我们的导游就已经清晰地将计划列在我们的议程上。即便有时候事情会变得困难,我们的行李也能够无缝地安排好,并且能够满足我们的需求。如果你想去体验珠穆朗玛峰,只管选择这里吧。这真是一生难以忘记的体验!撰写日期:2017年11月24日
- schnark0 条分享很棒的旅行,感谢两位杰出的向导萨罗杰和格涅沙在这家公司有极好的体验,很大程度上是因为提供的一流的导游服务,我们之间用电子邮件交流快速地解决问题。萨罗杰是我们主要的向导,对我们的团队进行了很好的管理,确保每个人都100%的安全,并且身体/精神都适合长途跋涉。无论什么时候遇到挑战,他都能熟练地、高效地进行排序,他果断地做了额外的工作。我们的副导(格涅沙)熟练地配合支持他,确保我们往返都完好无损。虽然该组织可能想重新考虑选择几个酒店(主要是卢克拉一个),但一切都很有效,这使得它成为了很棒的经历。很 高兴地向大家推荐这家公司。撰写日期:2017年10月4日
- Suzcarter820 条分享珠峰大本营我们去珠峰大本营的旅行,改变了我们一生的体验。我们6月6日出发(出发的时候就快到雨季了),但是很幸运天气很不错。推荐携带小吃,燕麦坚果能量棒、巧克力、糖果、水果干、坚果等等,但是饭菜也很不错。夏尔巴人导游很不错,知识丰富,很幽默,很有冒险精神,我们在他的带领下成功去了珠峰大本营。推荐来这里旅行。旅行很不错。撰写日期:2017年6月27日
- swilhelmsen0 条分享很棒的一次经历这次跋涉是惊人的,在这里,我们有着一次很棒的享受。 指导和搬运工是非常友好的,这里一切都组织得都很好。 这绝对是一个永远不会忘记的经历。撰写日期:2017年5月31日
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43 条点评
Amrit Shrestha
尼泊尔加德满都68 条分享
Mind Blowing Annapurna Kora Trek
Annapurna Circuit Trek is one of the best top 10 trekking destination of the world. Entire Annapurna Circuit Trek is amazing and mind blowing. Day by day , nature suprise us with new vegetation, culture, village and scenery. The view of Annapurna makes us speechless.
On reaching Manang, we feel like we are in Sangri La one of the hidden valley of the world. The culture, food and the warm hospitality amalgamation with local authentic culture is unbelievable.
Above Manang the thin air and the exotic and erotic location in nature gives us peace and makes us free from world"s hectic rat race.
On reaching Yak Kharka and Thorang La Phedi, the breathness we take compel to feel how lucky we are.
After Thorang La Pass, the sacred and spiritual Muktinath Temple makes us feel pure and enlightened to some degree.
Annapurna Circuit Trek is one of the best top 10 trekking destination of the world. Entire Annapurna Circuit Trek is amazing and mind blowing. Day by day , nature suprise us with new vegetation, culture, village and scenery. The view of Annapurna makes us speechless.
On reaching Manang, we feel like we are in Sangri La one of the hidden valley of the world. The culture, food and the warm hospitality amalgamation with local authentic culture is unbelievable.
Above Manang the thin air and the exotic and erotic location in nature gives us peace and makes us free from world"s hectic rat race.
On reaching Yak Kharka and Thorang La Phedi, the breathness we take compel to feel how lucky we are.
After Thorang La Pass, the sacred and spiritual Muktinath Temple makes us feel pure and enlightened to some degree.
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Dear Amrit,
Warm Greetings!!
Thank you for sharing such an evocative and heartfelt review of the Annapurna Circuit Trek. Your vivid descriptions capture the essence of the journey beautifully. The way you articulate the changing landscapes, cultures, and experiences along the trek is truly inspiring. It's event that the Annapurna Circuit Trek offers an unforgettable adventure, blending natural beauty with cultural encounters.
Manang with its hidden valley charm, seems like a magical place, and your description makes it sound like a slice of paradise. The mention of the thin air and serene landscapes above manang adds a sense of adventure and tranquility to the experience.
Reaching Yak Kharka and Thorang La Phedi and feeling the pure air and breathtaking views must indeed be a profound experience. The spiritual significance of Muktinath Temple, as you described, seems to offer a sense of purification and enligtenment, rounding off the trek on a high note.
Thank you for capturing the spirit of the Annapurna Circuit Trek so wonderfully. Your review will undoubtedly inspire many others to embark on this incredible journey.
Best Regards
The HSJ Team
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Nepal Holiday
尼泊尔加德满都4 条分享
2023年5月 • 好友
The view is amazing when reaching the top of Thorong La Pass. The weater is clear and the mountain is crystal clear, with great Annapurna ranges.
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Dear Guest
Warm Greetings,
Thank you so much for the glowing 5 star review. We're thrilled to hear that you enjoy your trek. Your kind words mean a lot to our team. We hope to welcome you back for another adventure soon.
Thank you
Warm Regards
Himalayan social journey team
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suraj k
5 条分享
2023年12月 • 独自旅游
what made me do it-
Well it was my first Himalayan trek to one of the highest peaks also the altitude, Though this came up in my mind while watching Everest movie in Netflix which made me wanted to test my limits and also from long time I wanted to test my body limits too.
About the Himalayan social journey partner-
being new to the country Nepal, i see people were very friendly almost most of them speaks English mostly the local vendors.
The porters, the guides and trek leader each and every person were very humble throughout the whole journey, looking towards every service offering every possible thing they can.
special mentions to - Roshni kathiwada and Vishal who supported me in the difficult time while trekking being there for me where my body was giving up
Ganesh the trek leader for looking the necessary needs and being humble
The journey -
It was tough for me , everyday after reaching stay point was an accomplishment I enjoyed each and every moment of the steps that i have placed the waterfalls, the wildlife and finally the Annapurna base camp which had one of the fantastic views i have ever seen in my life. The hilly area were the profound things that i like very much
At the end meeting new people every day and listening to them was a good thing in this trek.
The food-
The 2nd day when i ate daal bhaat i found it very delicious and from that day i have eaten different styles of that dish and i liked it very much also being nutritious. The stay of hotel was also good spacious room were there.
At the end a best time of this 2023 year and to end it.
Well it was my first Himalayan trek to one of the highest peaks also the altitude, Though this came up in my mind while watching Everest movie in Netflix which made me wanted to test my limits and also from long time I wanted to test my body limits too.
About the Himalayan social journey partner-
being new to the country Nepal, i see people were very friendly almost most of them speaks English mostly the local vendors.
The porters, the guides and trek leader each and every person were very humble throughout the whole journey, looking towards every service offering every possible thing they can.
special mentions to - Roshni kathiwada and Vishal who supported me in the difficult time while trekking being there for me where my body was giving up
Ganesh the trek leader for looking the necessary needs and being humble
The journey -
It was tough for me , everyday after reaching stay point was an accomplishment I enjoyed each and every moment of the steps that i have placed the waterfalls, the wildlife and finally the Annapurna base camp which had one of the fantastic views i have ever seen in my life. The hilly area were the profound things that i like very much
At the end meeting new people every day and listening to them was a good thing in this trek.
The food-
The 2nd day when i ate daal bhaat i found it very delicious and from that day i have eaten different styles of that dish and i liked it very much also being nutritious. The stay of hotel was also good spacious room were there.
At the end a best time of this 2023 year and to end it.
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Dear Suraj,
Namaste from the Himalayan Social Journey!!
Thank you immensely for sharing your incredible Himalayan trekking experience with us! We're thrilled to hear that your journey to one of the highest peaks was a fulfilling test of your limits and a remarkable adventure.
It's heartwarming to know that our team, including Roshni Kathiwada, Vishal, and Ganesh, provided exceptional support, guiding you through the challenging moments and making your trek memorable with their kindness and assistance.
We're immensely grateful for your kind words and thrilled that 2023 concluded with such a rewarding experience. Thank you for choosing us as your travel partner. We hope to welcome you back for more adventures in the future!
Himalayan Social Journey Team
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Kumar S
1 条分享
2023年12月 • 好友
Guides - Ganesh and Roshni very helpful and very patient
Porters - services were excellent
Well organized trek.
Would highly recommend with Himalayan Social Journey.
Porters - services were excellent
Well organized trek.
Would highly recommend with Himalayan Social Journey.
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Dear KumarsB8409KA,
Namaste from the Himalayan Social Journey!!
Thank you immensely for your kind words!
We're thrilled that Ganesh, Roshni, and our porters provided excellent support during your trek.
Your high recommendation means a lot to us. We look forward to more adventures together!
Himalayan Social Journey Team
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Kim B
1 条分享
2023年11月 • 好友
The most amazing adventure ever. This company were so easy to deal with and made our trip unforgettable . We had the most amazing guide who we couldn’t recommend more highly . His name was Shankar Timalsina, he went above and beyond to make us comfortable and took the best care of us all. Our porters were amazing as well we were very happy with our whole experience .
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Dear Guest,
Namaste from the Himalayan Social Journey!!
Thank you immensely for your wonderful feedback!
We're thrilled that your adventure with us was unforgettable, and we're delighted that Shankar and our porters exceeded your expectations.
Your recommendation means a lot, and we're looking forward to more amazing adventures together!
Himalayan Social Journey Team
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Felipe C
2 条分享
2023年4月 • 独自旅游
The Annapurna circuit trek was a 12 days experience guided by a local and expert guide Ganesh, who has walked these mountains many times, which give you a sense of confidence and safety. Also out of his love for his job Ganesh is always attentive to any detail around you in order to you to be confortable and safe.
The way the daily distances has been scheduled made them very workable, with even time to spend around the different and beautiful villages where you are going to sleep over.
Mention apart for the overwhelming beauty of the scenery along the Annapurna circuit; no wonder why it is considered one of the most beautiful trekking s in the world. Snow peaks, waterfalls, valleys , rivers fill up your heart with beauty and gratitude.
Immensely thankful to the Himalayan team who always were calling in order to check everything were going good. Thanks to this group of people who make efforts to contribute to make Annapurna circuit such a wonderful experience.
The way the daily distances has been scheduled made them very workable, with even time to spend around the different and beautiful villages where you are going to sleep over.
Mention apart for the overwhelming beauty of the scenery along the Annapurna circuit; no wonder why it is considered one of the most beautiful trekking s in the world. Snow peaks, waterfalls, valleys , rivers fill up your heart with beauty and gratitude.
Immensely thankful to the Himalayan team who always were calling in order to check everything were going good. Thanks to this group of people who make efforts to contribute to make Annapurna circuit such a wonderful experience.
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Dear Felipe,
Thank you for such a great review about our Annapurna Circuit Trek. We thank you for choosing Himalayan Social Journey and are very pleased you had a wonderful trip with us. We are so glad to receive great feedback about our tour and about our guide, Ganesh. He is a fantastic guy and the pride of our company.
We will love to see you again in near future.
Best regards,
Himalayan Social Journey team.
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Kim H
澳大利亚悉尼101 条分享
Highly recommended this company based in Kathmandu. We have completed 2 tours with them in 2019 and 2022. They are professional and experienced team.
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Dear kim,
Namaste and Warm Greetings from Himalayan Social Journey!!
We appreciate you taking the effort to write such a great review. We are so happy that you had such a pleasant journey, and hearing this makes our job worthwhile.
We are overjoyed to know that you find our services recommendable to others.
Thank you for sharing the pictures and choosing Himalayan Social Journey once again. Looking forward to see you again.
With Best Regards,
Himalayan Social Journey Team
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澳大利亚纽卡斯尔4 条分享
We had a fabulous trek with our guide Bini and porter Prakash, they could not do enough for us, making sure we trekked safely and enjoyed the experience. The whole team from Himalayan Social Journey were fantastic from our drivers to the hotel and office staff. We were unable to complete our whole holiday in Nepal due to Covid and we would like to thank HSJ for all their assistance in helping us return home. Hopefully we will be able to return to Nepal one day and complete our holiday and will definitely book with Himalayan Social Journey.
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Thank you for your kind words. We are glad that you enjoyed your trip. We would love to continue serving awesome travelers like you. Thanks again!
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1 条分享
2020年3月 • 夫妻情侣
We had an amazing time visiting Nepal. Trekking was probably physically the most challenging thing we’ve done but so rewarding at the end and good for the soul.
Our guide and the porters were the most friendly, caring people. They always made sure we were safe and informed. We saw and captured some incredible views that will make lifelong memories. We returned feeling, very relaxed, grateful and super fit 😂. Thank you for fantastic adventure.
Our guide and the porters were the most friendly, caring people. They always made sure we were safe and informed. We saw and captured some incredible views that will make lifelong memories. We returned feeling, very relaxed, grateful and super fit 😂. Thank you for fantastic adventure.
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Thanks for your kind gesture. We're so happy that you had a fantastic adventure. Can't wait to have you guys back in Nepal!
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Bernie Murch
1 条分享
2020年2月 • 好友
This trek could not of been possible without our amazing guide Prakash and Sambul our porter, these guys are the best, they are fun, helpful, professional, organized and knowledgeable about the mountains.
Doing this trek in the off season had an element of adventure because of the conditions, we experienced some incredible views and challenges, a trip of a life time for all of us!
H.S.J were able to meet our individual needs and can absolutely recommend them to any one. We intend coming back in 2 years time and will definitely book with H.S.J again, requesting Prakash as our guide and Sambul as our porter. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Xxx
Doing this trek in the off season had an element of adventure because of the conditions, we experienced some incredible views and challenges, a trip of a life time for all of us!
H.S.J were able to meet our individual needs and can absolutely recommend them to any one. We intend coming back in 2 years time and will definitely book with H.S.J again, requesting Prakash as our guide and Sambul as our porter. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Xxx
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