供应商/业主为:Himalayan Glacier Trekking - Private Day Tours
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珠穆朗玛峰基地营豪华旅馆Trek是世界上最大的徒步旅行之一,是在喜马拉雅山徒步旅行的无与伦比的机会,埃德蒙·希拉里爵士和丹增诺尔盖在1953年开始了他们的史诗之旅。这次旅行还包括适应环境和文化徒步前往Khumbu山谷风景秀丽的夏尔巴中心地带。这次旅行的另一个显着特点是有机会留在最好的当地豪华旅馆,体验典型的喜马拉雅生活方式。享受Khumbu地区附近喜马拉雅山脉的壮丽景色,这里有世界上六座最高的山峰。珠穆朗玛峰,山洛子峰,山Makalu和Cho Oyu在视线之上超越了一切。除了徒步旅行,还可以一睹世界着名登山者夏尔巴人的生活。徒步旅行进一步提供了一个巨大的机会,可以在萨加玛塔国家公园的世界遗产地进行调查,并探索世界上最高的佛教寺院。
年龄限制:4-70,每个团体最多 12 人
用时: 15 天
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 所有机场/酒店接送
- Hotel Yatri suites&Spa酒店位于加德满都,提供早餐
- 在豪华旅馆(Yeti Mountain Homes)住宿五晚,在山区最好的当地旅馆住宿六晚
- 徒步旅行期间的所有餐点
- 欢迎和告别晚宴
- 国内航班和机场离境税(我们最多可携带15公斤行李,包括背包和日用旅行包)
- 私人车辆在加德满都引导城市之旅
- 一位经验丰富的英语徒步旅行者(徒步旅行指南),助理徒步旅行者(4名徒步旅行者:1名助理导游)和夏尔巴搬运工搬运行李(2名徒步旅行者:1名搬运工),包括工资,保险,设备,航班,食宿
- 羽绒服,四个季节性睡袋,喜马拉雅冰川行李袋,T恤和徒步地图(羽绒服和睡袋将在旅行结束后归还)
- 所有必要的纸质作品,如国家公园许可证,TIMS
- 独家医疗包
- 所有政府和地方税
- 咖啡和/或茶
未包含内容- 尼泊尔签证费(还带有准确的美元现金和两张护照照片)
- 往返加德满都的国际机票
- 超重行李费。如果我们携带超过15公斤的行李,我们将额外支付额外的每公斤1-1.5美元。
- 加德满都的额外夜宿,因为提前抵达,晚出发,早退山(由于任何原因)比预定的行程
- 在加德满都的午餐和晚餐(以及从山上提前返回的情况,而不是预定的行程)
- 旅行和救援保险
- 个人开支(电话,洗衣,酒吧账单,电池充电,额外搬运工,瓶装或开水,淋浴等)
- 导游和搬运工的提示
- 出发地点:提供旅行者接送服务。接送服务详情
- 喜马拉雅冰川的代表将在机场拿着公司的标语牌在那里。他将接您,并乘坐私家车将您护送到您指定的酒店。
提供机场接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的机场列表中进行选择。- Tribhuvan Airport, Kathmandu Nepal
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:24589P20- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 在我们的珠穆朗玛峰大本营豪华小屋徒步旅行期间,我们可以享用典型的尼泊尔美食,不同的民族美食以及各种国际美食(西藏,大陆,意大利和印度),从比萨饼和薯条到苹果派。我们甚至可以享用热巧克力,各种面包,各种饮料和小吃。我们过夜的茶馆或小屋菜单将供应一日早餐。午餐将在前往目的地的途中供应,晚餐和早餐将在您过夜的茶馆供应。我们在加德满都逗留期间将提供欢迎晚宴,告别晚宴和早餐
- 秋季(9月中旬至12月中旬)和春季(3月至5月)是这次徒步旅行的最佳季节。天气晴朗,温暖,景色优美。但是夜晚很冷,在高海拔地区可能会降到冰点。冬季(12月,1月,2月)也适合珠穆朗玛峰基地营地徒步旅行,唯一的问题是寒冷(显然)。在夏季或季风(6月,7月)徒步旅行将受到降雨的影响,但夏季徒步旅行对于敏锐的植物学家来说可能是一个福音。春季和秋季徒步旅行的路线很拥挤。但在季风和冬季期间,这些路线并不紧凑,游客可以尽情享受大自然所提供的一切。
- 您可能每天在陡峭的丘陵地带上行走6-7小时,通常是粗糙的小径,但没有真正的极端天气。适度的小径需要达到5500米,每天上升约400-700米。在某些日子里,您还将面对高氧气和低氧气,因此需要采取积极的态度并保持身体健康。以前的远足或露营经验更可取
- 与喜马拉雅冰川一起旅行时,您的安全是最重要的考虑因素。请注意,出于安全考虑,如果认为有必要,您的领导有权修改或取消行程的任何部分。我们将尽一切努力保持上述行程;然而,由于这次冒险需要在偏远的山区旅行,我们不能保证我们不会偏离它。天气状况,团体成员的健康状况,意外的自然灾害等都可能导致行程的变化。领导者将尽力确保旅行按计划进行,但如果需要,请准备好灵活。请注意,由于天气条件不利,加德满都 - 卢克拉 - 加德满都航班往往会延误几个小时,甚至可能会被取消一天,两天或更多天。即使在最好的季节也可能出现这种情况。因此,在这种情况下,您必须准备好在加德满都或卢克拉机场进行长时间等待,因为这可能发生在跋涉的开始或结束时,甚至两者都可能发生!我们会尽力避免这种延误,并为您安排下一班航班。我们还在这种情况下组织直升机救援,如果可以并且应我们的客户要求。这架直升机的收费约为3500美元,每次飞行可以提升4-5人。尽管如此,我们建议您为可能的延误/取消做好准备,并且如果可能的话,在旅行结束时提供一些额外的缓冲日(1-2天)以适应此类延迟。如果一切顺利,您仍然有几天的缓冲日,那么您甚至可以参加可选活动,可以根据要求安排喜马拉雅冰川。可选活动可能包括访问您选择的地点/地标,冒险运动,购物等。如果航班延误/取消发生在旅行开始并且它太长以至于扰乱您的往返旅行计划,您可以自由选择另一种旅行,例如在安纳普尔纳峰,Langtang或任何其他地区徒步旅行。如果您对替代旅行不感兴趣而宁愿等待您原先的首选旅行,欢迎您在加德满都等候飞往卢克拉的航班。但是,请注意,如果您在机场等待时间而且没有参加其他旅行,或者由于时间限制您只是稍后进行短途旅行,则不会退款。如果在旅行前取消预订,我们将在加德满都的宾馆为您提供住宿和午餐。如果在完成艰苦跋涉后航班延误/取消,您将负责所有费用。另请注意,您将无权获得以后不会使用的套餐中包含的服务(如酒店,交通,航班等)的任何退款。
- 由于字数限制,行程细节很简单。请访问Himalayan Glacier网站了解更多详情。
- Everest Base camp Luxury Lodge徒步旅行期间有三种住宿类型。我们将入住Yatri Suites&Spa或加德满都的Moonlight或类似酒店。在徒步旅行期间,我们将入住Yeti Mountain Home(豪华旅馆),并将在当地最好的旅馆中度过6晚。与加德满都的酒店和豪华小屋不同,当地小屋设有共用洗衣和卫生间设施。 Everest Base Camp Luxury Lodge trek旅馆的所有住宿均为双人共用。单人间还可以额外支付1390美元。但是,单人间仅可在加德满都和山区的豪华小屋内使用。在当地旅馆里,这可能并不总是可行的。
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 12 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:24589P20
- andy24l0 条分享珠穆朗玛峰基地营短途旅行 - 14天喜马拉雅冰川公司组织良好,可以快速回答您旅行前的任何问题。我的向导(Suresh Pandey)非常细心,并且对于徒步旅行路线和我们遇到的所有山脉都非常了解。我不确定其他公司是否这样做,但他在我们达到的每个里程碑都检查我的血氧水平。尼泊尔绝对是一生中的一次冒险之旅,我非常感谢他们的热情好客,美丽的文化,美味的食物以及最美妙的景色。撰写日期:2019年8月20日
- Dilip P0 条分享徒步旅行的服务和食物都很好喜玛拉雅冰川上有着知识渊博、提供很多支持的工作人员。导游波特带我们前往米拉峰的旅途非常愉快。办事处为徒步旅行的规划提供了很棒的支持和信息。有机会的话,公司可以改善一下他们的徒步旅行者和办事处工作人员之间的沟通。撰写日期:2019年5月13日
- Buddhist R0 条分享HG再一次获得我的好评这是我第二次和HG的旅行,再次体验到它真的是太棒了!我的第一次旅行是去EBC徒步的,今年他们带我去了不丹、尼泊尔和西藏。无可置疑,他们在安排旅行的每一个方面都很在行,让客人们感到舒适和自信。在每个国家,他们帮我们安排的住宿环境都挺不错的。导游们都很优秀,知识渊博,英语还说得很好,所以选择HG压根没有什么好担心的,从你到机场的那一刻起,他们就一直在机场等候了,态度很友好,而且时刻准备好帮你解决任何问题。感谢HG给了我又一次难忘的旅行,我会极力向大家推荐的!撰写日期:2018年12月25日
- Fabio P0 条分享难忘一辈子的旅行这是我梦寐以求最赞,印象最深刻的一次旅行。除了喜马拉雅冰川徒步旅行自身让我们觉得很赞以外,他的整个团队都很棒。他们非常的体贴,让我在整个旅程中感觉非常开心且轻松了不少。我不知道该说些什么去感谢你们带给我的这次这么棒的旅行体验,但是我必须感谢我们的导游,巴米塔帕,他非常的有耐性,专业且人很友好。毫无疑问,他是我在这次旅行中遇到的最棒的导游。我希望在下次别的旅行中能再遇上他。撰写日期:2018年10月6日
- llvxii0 条分享MEBC200%会向所有人推荐Himalayan Glacier团队,特别是Homnath, Suman和他们的船员。他们太不可思议了!这次旅行是一生中只有一次的经历,HG团队Homnath和Suman让这次旅行体验变得更加精彩。HG团队确保我们在旅途中安全、健康,确保100%的成功。我们听说其他公司试图破坏他们客户的徒步旅行,这样他们就能从客户那里得到更多的钱——而HG不是这样。他们真的照顾了我们,确保我们走得很好,吃得好,喝得好,睡得好。我真的无法描述全体人员是多么的令人震撼,他们是这趟惊人的旅行中如此重要的一部分。非常想念他们,希望能再和他们一起工作!撰写日期:2018年7月11日
- F14M0 条分享马纳斯鲁峰之行这是我第一次去尼泊尔。我去了马纳斯鲁峰非常漂亮,风景多变,所以我选择了去那里,一点都没让我失望。令人惊喜的美景和自然环境!在他们官网的主页上对一切都做了详细描述。神奇之旅!我的向导Deu bahadghale先生非常杰出,热心助人,让我感觉游客的满意就是他的首要任务。他总是能告诉我们有关我们周围的一切,非常好。我想应该没有比他更好的向导了,我很愿意再次和他一起旅行。我还要提到Dilman Gahle先生,他是我的行李背夫。他表现得很好,总是很有礼貌。我将毫不犹豫地再次选择Himalayan Glacier旅行社 !弗雷德里克·马丁留言撰写日期:2018年6月1日
- KaliNZ10 条分享尼泊尔和不丹的9天之旅。我和一个朋友预订了这次旅行,并于4月初前往加德满都和不丹。来自喜马拉雅冰川的Vidya在旅行前非常积极地与我们沟通,并根据航班时刻表来变更行程。抵达加德满都后,我们在HG办公室会见了Vidya和Naba,我们的不丹之行很顺利地进行了。我建议去不丹的人一定要先有时间适应海拔高度,然后再去虎穴寺徒步旅行。虽然喜马拉雅冰川的旅行没什么不好的,但在纳加尔克返回尼泊尔停留的一夜非常令人失望——到处的道路工程使驾驶体验很不舒服,而可怕的空气污染模糊了喜马拉雅山脉的景观。再次感谢来自喜马拉雅冰川的Vidya和Naba,这是一次非常难忘的经历。撰写日期:2018年4月19日
- Ioana_10100 条分享尼泊尔14天短途旅行多么美好的经历呀!由于前期每个问题都得到Narayan和Tony的充分解答,我们旅途前的事先计划也非常容易。我们的导游Shiva以及我们的行李员Saroj非常的好,耐心,友好知识渊博,而且总是精神饱满。他们在方方面面都做得很专业,并且尽心尽力地确保我们满意。跟他们一起我们真的很享受我们的时光。强烈推荐喜马拉雅冰川。撰写日期:2018年1月2日
- SKM5120 条分享从安纳波纳基地出发的11日长途跋涉我这一生都渴望去尼泊尔旅行,多亏了Himalayan Glacier让我的愿望实现了。旅行前的计划非常简单,对于每个问题他们的工作人员都能完美的回答。可以直接打电话给他们的北美代表,讨论关于长途跋涉的任何事情,这也是非常有益的。HGT很有效率地处理了加德满都的一切事务,包括为我们预定了额外的住宿。我们的导游和服务员都是一流的,他们每一件事都做得很专业。我今年65岁了,在长途跋涉中没有遇到关于海拔高度、食物和水的任何问题。我相信,按照HGT计划的每一天的节奏,我能够成功地适应海拔高度。Himalayan Glacier将是我未来徒步旅行的首选。撰写日期:2017年12月23日
- robt_wndy0 条分享在不丹的22天我们跟Himalayan Glacier徒步旅行公司一起计划了一次旅行,10天西藏,10天不丹,然而中共决定临时通知关闭西藏尼泊尔边境。我们只能跟Vidya一起做了第二个计划,变成了22天都在不丹,深入不丹的东部地区。我们度过了奇妙的旅程,其中包括5天的龙之路徒步。在徒步中所有工作人员、住宿、我们的向导还有司机都很优秀。我会推荐跟着这家公司游览不丹。撰写日期:2017年11月13日
- Anba A0 条分享徒步去EBC欢迎我们的第一个人是HGT的导游Suresh。他是一个温和的人,他照顾我们每一个人。他是一个会照顾人又很可爱的人。他总是问我们每个人是否有任何不舒服的症状,马上就来照顾我们。他与我们更像兄弟,父亲,甚至是一个医生,他的笑容总是让我们快乐,说的是Naba,他在介绍会议第一天很清楚,关于EBC SOP很清楚,他微笑的脸,脚踏实地的人,他是如此的给予,我需要说在他餐厅的最后一顿晚餐是迷人的,服务很好,简言之,HGT是最好的。撰写日期:2017年10月4日
- Jordan M0 条分享Nirekha Peak,Lobuche East和Kyajo Ri Climbs我进行了一次喜马拉雅冰川独自旅行,在4周内征服了三个高峰。尽管脱离了这个后勤和技术难度复杂以及时间很长的旅程,喜马拉雅冰川很值得挑战。 他们需要我们非常适应,灵活,最重要的是交际,这不仅有助于具有增长经验,而且有助于此次三个成功的攀登。去喜马拉雅山去旅行任何一个登山的人都可以,他们必须打顶尖的打,并尽量使一切不可能变成为可能。一个梦幻般的公司,更重要的是一群人。很高兴能够结识一个不仅效率高,而且道德友好的团队。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2017年7月19日
- Marcy S0 条分享很好的旅行,去到了世界最高地方一次超棒的旅行经历之后,需要花点时间调整回到正常生活。喜马拉雅旅游团队非常细心的保证我们舒适安全。国际旅行需要酒吧,会比我们西方人的预期差一点。住宿整体干净。导游招待热情。无线网络连接没有我预期的好,所以想要及时保持办公室工作几乎是不可能的。我们不需要额外氧气,虽然是在17,300英尺的高度。给我们提供了高原反应的药和止痛药...都很好。只是稍微有一点头疼。旅行之前的所有沟通都顺畅,高效。机场接机方便。司机开车技术好。我们去了他们的办公室,亲自见到了他们的团队,很开心。他们的个性化服务专注,招待热情。绝对推荐这里。M. Schackne撰写日期:2017年7月10日
- Shannan T0 条分享EBC与导游吉里我丈夫和我有一个惊人的冒险徒步EBC与我们的导游吉里。吉里知识渊博,准备充分和有同情心的。他会提前打电话,试图为我们保留最好的房间,帮我拿夹克和包,当我累了。他总是以他的方式,以确保我们舒适,有乐趣和安全。这次旅行是由Narayan组织的。在喜马拉雅冰川为我们举办了一个美妙的假期。撰写日期:2017年5月22日
- traveller8420 条分享超棒的珠峰扎营徒步旅行我和我男朋友刚从尼泊尔回来,珠峰扎营徒步旅行超棒的,我强烈推荐这家旅行社给大家。从开始到结束的一切都很顺利。只是在出发前,我食物中毒了。于是Naba帮我们把旅行推迟一天,重新安排了一切,包括我们的航班,他还帮助我们预订各种活动。我们的领头真的特别好。跟他们一块我们感到非常安全,大家都很照顾我们。谢谢喜马拉雅冰川!撰写日期:2017年4月13日
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13 条点评
Manish S
2 条分享
2023年10月 • 独自旅游
I had an amazing trip and the whole hike went smooth. My guide Kapil provided all the support I needed and kept me in good spirits with his positvity.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi B9542VNmanishs,
Thank you for embarking on the Everest Base Camp Trek with Himalayan Glacier. We're thrilled to hear that you had an amazing trip and that everything went smoothly for you.
We're especially glad to hear that your guide, Kapil, provided you with the support you needed and kept your spirits high with his positivity. Our guides are dedicated to ensuring that our trekkers have a safe, enjoyable, and memorable experience, and it sounds like Kapil did just that for you.
We hope that your time in the Himalayas was filled with awe-inspiring moments and unforgettable memories. If you ever decide to explore the region further or take on another adventure, we would be delighted to have you join us again.
Warm regards,
Himalayan Glacier
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Taylor D
1 条分享
2023年10月 • 独自旅游
The trek changed me in ways I could not have predicted. The hospitality of Nepal is, like many other aspects of the trip, insurmountable. My trip began two years ago when I booked it, without the hard working and caring folks at Himalayan Glacier I may have never saw it through.
The team will treat you to their country and what it has to offer the world, so be sure to have an open heart and mind. Keep in mind we are all tourists. Try not to be the kind we talk about when we get back home.
Mother Nature is unforgiving. Himalayan Glacier will keep you safe if you follow instructions. The professionalism and their literacy in reading the mountain is crucial. Please be prepared to be in nature, be conscious of how precious each meal and each rest is. My guide Kapil would say “this is the mountain life. Relax”. What I think he means is to slow down, not just our pace to mitigate muscle cramps, but to slow down the mind; to allow the possibility of taking in the experience.
It has taken me months to think of what to write here. Nepal has a special place in my heart that I hope you feel too, like when you return a piece of you is permanently linked to its awesome beauty.
You will meet amazing people along the way, and some of the first amazing people you will meet will be the crew at Himalayan Glacier.
The team will treat you to their country and what it has to offer the world, so be sure to have an open heart and mind. Keep in mind we are all tourists. Try not to be the kind we talk about when we get back home.
Mother Nature is unforgiving. Himalayan Glacier will keep you safe if you follow instructions. The professionalism and their literacy in reading the mountain is crucial. Please be prepared to be in nature, be conscious of how precious each meal and each rest is. My guide Kapil would say “this is the mountain life. Relax”. What I think he means is to slow down, not just our pace to mitigate muscle cramps, but to slow down the mind; to allow the possibility of taking in the experience.
It has taken me months to think of what to write here. Nepal has a special place in my heart that I hope you feel too, like when you return a piece of you is permanently linked to its awesome beauty.
You will meet amazing people along the way, and some of the first amazing people you will meet will be the crew at Himalayan Glacier.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Taylor D,
Thank you immensely for choosing to embark on an adventure with Himalayan Glacier. We are overjoyed to hear that you thoroughly enjoyed your trip and that it was handled with the highest safety precautions.
Your words resonate deeply with us, and we are honored to have been a part of a transformative journey for you. The breathtaking landscapes and the warm hospitality of Nepal indeed leave an indelible mark on those who visit.
Your reflections on the experience are profound, and we appreciate your reminder to approach travel with an open heart and mind, respecting both the environment and the local culture. Safety is paramount in our endeavors, and we are grateful for your trust in our team's professionalism and expertise.
Kapil and our dedicated team strive to create memorable experiences while ensuring the well-being of our guests. Your advice to slow down and fully immerse oneself in the mountain life is invaluable.
It warms our hearts to know that Nepal holds a special place in yours, and we hope that your connection to its awe-inspiring beauty remains everlasting.
Thank you for your kind words and for acknowledging the efforts of our team. We cherish the opportunity to have met wonderful individuals like yourself along the way.
Warm regards,
Himalayan Glacier Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Steve M
4 条分享
2023年11月 • 好友
Trip was amazing! Himalayan Glacier's service was exceptional from the initial booking all the way through to dropping us off at the airport to return home. Our guide Shankar Bhatta was great from the moment he met us at the airport all the way until he dropped us off! We always knew what was ahead of us for each and every day and we were well prepared. I would highly recommend Himalayan Glacier! The welcome and farewell dinners with Sagar, the CEO, Shankar and Sabin were outstanding in every way!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Steve,
We are truly grateful for your kind words and thrilled to know that your Bhutan Tour with Himalayan Glacier Adventure Company was an outstanding and excellently planned experience.
It warms our hearts to hear that from the moment you booked your trip until the time we bid you farewell at the airport, our services met your expectations. Shankar Bhatta, your guide, is an invaluable member of our team, and we're delighted to hear about the positive impact he had on your journey. Ensuring that you were well-prepared for each day and providing a seamless experience is a testament to our commitment to delivering exceptional service.
We are particularly pleased that you enjoyed the welcome and farewell dinners with Sagar, our CEO, and the team. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and your recommendation means a lot to us.
Thank you for choosing Himalayan Glacier Adventure Company for your adventure, and we look forward to welcoming you back for more memorable experiences in the future.
Warm regards,
[Sagar Pandey]
CEO and Owner
Himalayan Glacier Adventure Company
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
加利福尼亚普莱森顿8 条分享
2023年10月 • 家庭
After 3 years of dreaming of majestic Himalayas, endless U-Tube trekking videos and online reviews, I finally settled on Himalayan Glacier for Everest Base Camp Luxury Lodge Trek for mother-daughter trip to celebrate our 25th and 50th birthdays. The dream is now accomplished, and I couldn’t be happier with the choice of company that I have made.
Trekking to Everest base camp was challenging both physically and mentally but was absolutely worth it. Nothing beats the feeling of standing in front of the majestic mountains and admiring their beauty. Pictures just don’t do justice to these mountains. This trip was a dream come true and a life-changing experience for us both.
All this would not be possible without meticulous planning by the entire Himalayan Glacier team. Prashant, our travel adviser, who all year long made sure to answer my endless questions in the super timely manner and communicate my wishes to the rest of the team. Our super guide Sudar who made sure all logistics taken care of and who provided guidance and encouragement during the trek. Bir, assistant leader, who carried by backpack when the hills where too overwhelming. And our porters carried our heavy luggage between the destinations, so we didn’t have too. Not to forget other Himalayan Glacier team members who greeted us at the airport and took us around Kathmandu for an excursion and evening dinners, ensuring we are well taken care the entire time in Nepal. Amazing trip from the start to finish.
I would like to offer special thanks to Sudar, our super guide. I cannot thank him enough for the amazing experience and I am convinced without his attention to detail, problem solving skills, encouragement and help throughout the trek, I would not have made it to my goal. He is truly THE BEST. There was no small or big task for him and most of the time we didn’t even have to ask him, he would notice the smallest things and try to make us more comfortable. His ability to juggle the need to keep moving to complete the trek and allowing me to move at my own pace even if I needed to stop and rest (or take a photo) almost near every bolder or a big rock is unmatched. You are a superstar Sudar. I will always think of you as a friend, a magic maker and the master of a trail.
The lodges and food in the first 6 days of the trek exceeded all our expectations. After long and tiring hiking days was nothing like finding exceptionally delicious food (even better than in Kathmandu), hot showers and very comfortable warm beds. At the higher elevations and remote places, we still felt very well taken care off as well. I would highly recommend Himalayan Glacier to anyone considering embarking on the life altering EBC journey and would not hesitate to travel with them myself. Thank you, Himalayan Glacier. Dhanyabad!
Trekking to Everest base camp was challenging both physically and mentally but was absolutely worth it. Nothing beats the feeling of standing in front of the majestic mountains and admiring their beauty. Pictures just don’t do justice to these mountains. This trip was a dream come true and a life-changing experience for us both.
All this would not be possible without meticulous planning by the entire Himalayan Glacier team. Prashant, our travel adviser, who all year long made sure to answer my endless questions in the super timely manner and communicate my wishes to the rest of the team. Our super guide Sudar who made sure all logistics taken care of and who provided guidance and encouragement during the trek. Bir, assistant leader, who carried by backpack when the hills where too overwhelming. And our porters carried our heavy luggage between the destinations, so we didn’t have too. Not to forget other Himalayan Glacier team members who greeted us at the airport and took us around Kathmandu for an excursion and evening dinners, ensuring we are well taken care the entire time in Nepal. Amazing trip from the start to finish.
I would like to offer special thanks to Sudar, our super guide. I cannot thank him enough for the amazing experience and I am convinced without his attention to detail, problem solving skills, encouragement and help throughout the trek, I would not have made it to my goal. He is truly THE BEST. There was no small or big task for him and most of the time we didn’t even have to ask him, he would notice the smallest things and try to make us more comfortable. His ability to juggle the need to keep moving to complete the trek and allowing me to move at my own pace even if I needed to stop and rest (or take a photo) almost near every bolder or a big rock is unmatched. You are a superstar Sudar. I will always think of you as a friend, a magic maker and the master of a trail.
The lodges and food in the first 6 days of the trek exceeded all our expectations. After long and tiring hiking days was nothing like finding exceptionally delicious food (even better than in Kathmandu), hot showers and very comfortable warm beds. At the higher elevations and remote places, we still felt very well taken care off as well. I would highly recommend Himalayan Glacier to anyone considering embarking on the life altering EBC journey and would not hesitate to travel with them myself. Thank you, Himalayan Glacier. Dhanyabad!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Voyage35340945051,
It's wonderful to hear about your dream-come-true Everest Base Camp Luxury Lodge Trek with Himalayan Glacier, and we're honored to have been a part of your mother-daughter adventure. Your detailed and heartfelt account of your experience truly warms our hearts.
Trekking to Everest Base Camp is indeed a physically and mentally challenging endeavor, but the reward of standing in the shadow of the majestic Himalayan peaks is unparalleled. We are delighted to have been able to make your dream a reality and provide you with a life-changing experience.
Your recognition of the meticulous planning and support by the entire Himalayan Glacier team, from your travel adviser Prashant to your super guide Sudar and the entire team in Nepal, is greatly appreciated. Prashant's timely communication and Sudar's guidance and encouragement, along with Bir and the porters' invaluable assistance, ensured a smooth and comfortable trekking experience.
Sudar's dedication and attention to detail truly stand out, and your words are a testament to his exceptional qualities as a guide. The fact that he noticed and accommodated your needs, even the smallest ones, is a reflection of his commitment to making your journey comfortable and enjoyable. We will make sure to pass on your kind words to Sudar.
We are pleased to hear that the lodges and food during the trek exceeded your expectations, offering comfort, delicious meals, and warm beds after long hiking days. Your recommendation of Himalayan Glacier to others considering the Everest Base Camp journey is a valuable endorsement, and we're grateful for your trust.
Thank you for choosing Himalayan Glacier and for sharing your remarkable adventure with us. Your journey is a testament to the magic of the Himalayas and the quality of our service.
CEO and Owner at
Himalayan Glacier Adventure Company
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Phil B
2 条分享
Himalayan Glacier took such good care of us! From the welcome at the airport by our guide, the explanation of our upcoming journey at the office in Kathmandu and then the days on the trek, we could not have been happier!
Our guide Man and porter Krishna were super professional. They made sure we were always comfortable and knew what to expect. The health checks at the end of the day added extra re-assurance that we were not going to cause ourselves big issues as we progressed to base camp.
The accommodations chosen by Himalayan Glacier were excellent on the luxury trek. The Yeti mountain homes were far better than we were expecting! Above Namche the choice of accommodation becomes more limited obviously due to the altitude.
We made a couple of changes to our itinerary along the way and they were gladly accommodated.
There is no doubt the trek is challenging, but with Man's support and his understanding of our abilities, we took our time and walked within our own abilities. We would not have made it to base camp without his guidance and support.
A big thank you to Man, Krishna, Rayuna (our planner) and of course Mr. Sagar Pandey, CEO of Himalayan Glacier who checked in on us throughout the trip to make sure our expectations were being exceeded.
Our guide Man and porter Krishna were super professional. They made sure we were always comfortable and knew what to expect. The health checks at the end of the day added extra re-assurance that we were not going to cause ourselves big issues as we progressed to base camp.
The accommodations chosen by Himalayan Glacier were excellent on the luxury trek. The Yeti mountain homes were far better than we were expecting! Above Namche the choice of accommodation becomes more limited obviously due to the altitude.
We made a couple of changes to our itinerary along the way and they were gladly accommodated.
There is no doubt the trek is challenging, but with Man's support and his understanding of our abilities, we took our time and walked within our own abilities. We would not have made it to base camp without his guidance and support.
A big thank you to Man, Krishna, Rayuna (our planner) and of course Mr. Sagar Pandey, CEO of Himalayan Glacier who checked in on us throughout the trip to make sure our expectations were being exceeded.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Phill,
We are incredibly grateful for your kind words and feedback regarding your experience with Himalayan Glacier. It was our utmost pleasure to take care of you during your journey, and we are thrilled to hear that you were delighted with our services every step of the way.
Starting from the warm welcome at the airport by our guide to the detailed explanation of your upcoming journey at our office in Kathmandu, we are pleased to know that our efforts contributed to your overall satisfaction.
We are proud of our guide Man and porter Krishna for their exceptional professionalism. They ensured your comfort and provided valuable insights throughout the trek. The daily health checks further reassured you and helped maintain your well-being as you progressed toward base camp.
Choosing the right accommodations is crucial, and we are glad that our selections for the luxury trek, especially the Yeti Mountain Homes, exceeded your expectations. We understand that the options become more limited as you ascend in altitude, and we strive to provide the best possible choices for our trekkers.
Flexibility is important to us, and we are pleased that the changes you requested to your itinerary were accommodated willingly. Our priority is to tailor the trek to your preferences and ensure a personalized experience.
Undoubtedly, the trek to Everest Base Camp is challenging, but with Man's guidance and his understanding of your abilities, you were able to take your time and walk within your comfort zone. We deeply appreciate your recognition of his support, as reaching base camp would not have been possible without his expertise.
We extend our gratitude to Man, Krishna, Rayuna (our planner), and Mr. Sagar Pandey, CEO of Himalayan Glacier, who personally checked in on you throughout the trip to ensure that your expectations were not just met, but exceeded.
Thank you once again for placing your trust in Himalayan Glacier Adventure. We are honored to have been part of your journey, and we look forward to creating more memorable adventures in the future.
Warm regards,
Himalayan Glacier Adventure Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
卡罗莱纳州Holly Springs22 条分享
Himalayan Glacier provided amazing service from the planning and prep phase with Prasant to the actual trek to Everest Base Camp and back. Every detail was handled by the company and our wonderful and experienced Guide Ashish G. We received truly white glove service throughout and our guide took excellent care of us ensuring our accommodations were adequate and we always had plenty of great food. The company was able to quickly modify our trek after the airlines caused our luggage to be delayed and they handled ALL the logistics and details around our nightly lodging, food, our general health, local flights, park entry fees, etc. We had several people throughout the Trek ask us about Himalayan Glacier after seeing how attentive and friendly our guide and porter were.
An example of this was that I would wake up very early every morning and after realizing this, our guide would also be the first one awake in the tea house with me so he could get me coffee as soon as the kitchen opened. Now that was truly above and beyond!
My son got a little sick on the trip and our guide sprung into action instructing the kitchen on what to cook to help him feel better and always putting his health and safety first while he recovered.
The Luxury Package was well worth the money as the accomodations were always the best available.
The Welcome and Farewell dinners were delightful and a great way to meet other trekkers and the members of the Himalayan Glacier company, including Sagar the owner.
I really can't compliment this company enough as I did not have a single complaint or problem the entire time! I would highly recommend this tour group and their guides for this once in a lifetime experience!
An example of this was that I would wake up very early every morning and after realizing this, our guide would also be the first one awake in the tea house with me so he could get me coffee as soon as the kitchen opened. Now that was truly above and beyond!
My son got a little sick on the trip and our guide sprung into action instructing the kitchen on what to cook to help him feel better and always putting his health and safety first while he recovered.
The Luxury Package was well worth the money as the accomodations were always the best available.
The Welcome and Farewell dinners were delightful and a great way to meet other trekkers and the members of the Himalayan Glacier company, including Sagar the owner.
I really can't compliment this company enough as I did not have a single complaint or problem the entire time! I would highly recommend this tour group and their guides for this once in a lifetime experience!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Steven,
Good Morning!
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for choosing Himalayan Glacier as your guide for the Everest Base Camp trek. Our team is thrilled to hear that you had a fantastic and successful journey, thanks to their efforts in ensuring your safety and enjoyment throughout the trek. We are also grateful for the time you took to share your experience on Trip Advisor, providing valuable insights for fellow adventure seekers like yourself.
At every step of the way, we strive to provide exceptional service, and we are delighted that you found our planning and preparation phase, led by Prasant, to be excellent. From there, your actual trek with our experienced guide, Ashish G, was nothing short of amazing. They took care of every detail, ensuring your accommodations were comfortable and that you had an abundance of delicious food. We take pride in our white-glove service, and it brings us joy to know that you felt well taken care of throughout your journey.
Furthermore, we appreciate your recognition of our ability to handle unexpected challenges. When your luggage was delayed due to the airlines, our team swiftly modified the trek and managed all the logistics, including nightly lodging, food, flights, park entry fees, and more. It's wonderful to hear that fellow trekkers noticed the attentive and friendly nature of our guide and porter, generating interest in the Himalayan Glacier among them.
We are humbled by your kind words regarding the above-and-beyond service you experienced. The fact that our guide woke up early with you at the tea house to ensure you had coffee as soon as the kitchen opened showcases our commitment to going the extra mile. Additionally, when your son fell ill, our guide promptly took action, instructing the kitchen on preparing meals to aid his recovery and prioritizing his health and safety.
The Luxury Package you chose proved to be worth every penny, providing you with the best available accommodations. The Welcome and Farewell dinners served as delightful opportunities to meet other trekkers and members of our team, including Sagar, the owner.
We cannot thank you enough for your high praise of our company. The fact that you had no complaints or issues throughout the entire journey means the world to us. We wholeheartedly recommend Himalayan Glacier and our guides for anyone seeking a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Once again, we sincerely appreciate your trust in us and your recommendation. It would be our honor to serve you again in the future or assist you with any other adventure you seek.
Warm regards,
The Himalayan Glacier Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Dan B
澳大利亚Maroubra82 条分享
An amazing experience from start to finish. The team at Himalaya Glacier took such great care of me answering my barrage of questions before I left, their hospitality in Kathmandu and the care taken by my guide Pradeep on the walk itself. Every aspect was meticulously planned and executed. I can't recommend this team strongly enough.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Dan,
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for choosing Himalayan Glacier for your Everest Base Camp Trek. We are delighted to hear that your decision to choose us exceeded your expectations, and our team worked tirelessly to ensure your safety, provide a memorable experience, and make your trek a success. We also appreciate your valuable time in sharing your experience on Trip Advisor, as it will undoubtedly inspire other travelers.
From the moment you reached out to us, our team at Himalayan Glacier was dedicated to providing exceptional care and support. We understand that you had numerous questions before your departure, and we were more than happy to address each one of them. We believe in providing detailed information and ensuring that our trekkers are well-prepared for their adventure.
Throughout your journey, starting from your arrival in Kathmandu, our team displayed warm hospitality, ensuring your comfort and peace of mind. We believe that the experience should be seamless from beginning to end, and we are glad that our efforts in planning and executing every aspect meticulously were evident to you.
Pradeep, your guide, played a crucial role in making your trek a remarkable experience. His expertise, care, and dedication were evident as he guided you along the trail. We take immense pride in our guides, as they are the backbone of our operations, ensuring the safety and well-being of our trekkers.
We genuinely appreciate your strong recommendation for our team at Himalayan Glacier. It means a lot to us and motivates us to continue delivering exceptional services to our valued clients. We consider it an honor to have been a part of your journey to Everest Base Camp.
Once again, thank you for choosing Himalayan Glacier, and we hope to welcome you back for another unforgettable adventure in the future.
The Himalayan Glacier Adventure Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
10 条分享
2023年4月 • 夫妻情侣
Best guide company out there. Himalayan Glacier was by far the most responsive company when we first began making inquiries regarding our trek to Everest Base Camp and once we selected them as our company of choice, they diligently provided all the necessary information we needed for our trek prior to our arrival in Nepal. Our coordinators, Sajal and Sanket, typically responded to any question or concern within an hour or two of our email (and thanks to Rayuna who was able to assist with an administrative matter during our trek - super responsive via WhatsApp).
Prior to flight to Kathmandu, we had a very clear understanding of our itinerary, packing list, tip recommendations, arrival process, etc. Once we arrived in Nepal, Himalayan Glacier treated us like royalty. Our guide Suresh, who met us at the airport, was experienced and knowledgeable (and fun) and we had total confidence in him throughout our trek. Suresh always put our safety first and constantly pointed out things of interest during our trek. His pride in providing us with excellent service was obvious and he made our trek a wonderful experience. Our porter, Bir was equally committed to making our trek enjoyable and he was truly a remarkable young man - strong, friendly and always smiling.
Their luxury package was well worth the money and we would highly recommend it as the accommodations and food far surpassed our expectations. Himalayan Glacier handled all the logistics of the trip in a seamless and professional manner. When my husband suffered an injury in Kathmandu the day before we were to depart on our trek, Himalayan Glacier responded in the most incredible manner. Our guide ensured he got excellent medical treatment, personally taking him to a clinic where he received great care, and when our trip was postponed by a day, Himalayan Glacier re-arranged our entire itinerary to ensure we had the same luxury accommodations that had been originally scheduled for our trip which was no easy feat considering it's the most crowded season for trekking. The owner and CEO of the company, Sagar, visited us in our hotel room to make sure we were able to proceed with the trek and then called my husband each night of our trek to ensure he was doing well and his injury was healing appropriately. We were truly amazed by the service and care provided by this company. Our guide, Suresh, was genuinely concerned about my husband's injury and adjusted our pace each day according to how my husband was feeling. Suresh seemed to know everyone along the trail and at the hotels, and with just a nod of his head, we were provided with the best accommodations, warm face towels, ginger tea and a reserved dining table. There simply aren't enough positive things we can say about Himalayan Glacier's team and their immaculate service. We would absolutely use them again for any future treks we take. They even managed to provide us with "blue skies" every day of our trek - we didn't even need coats at Base Camp!! We highly recommend this company - thank you Himalayan Glacier for the adventure of a lifetime!
Prior to flight to Kathmandu, we had a very clear understanding of our itinerary, packing list, tip recommendations, arrival process, etc. Once we arrived in Nepal, Himalayan Glacier treated us like royalty. Our guide Suresh, who met us at the airport, was experienced and knowledgeable (and fun) and we had total confidence in him throughout our trek. Suresh always put our safety first and constantly pointed out things of interest during our trek. His pride in providing us with excellent service was obvious and he made our trek a wonderful experience. Our porter, Bir was equally committed to making our trek enjoyable and he was truly a remarkable young man - strong, friendly and always smiling.
Their luxury package was well worth the money and we would highly recommend it as the accommodations and food far surpassed our expectations. Himalayan Glacier handled all the logistics of the trip in a seamless and professional manner. When my husband suffered an injury in Kathmandu the day before we were to depart on our trek, Himalayan Glacier responded in the most incredible manner. Our guide ensured he got excellent medical treatment, personally taking him to a clinic where he received great care, and when our trip was postponed by a day, Himalayan Glacier re-arranged our entire itinerary to ensure we had the same luxury accommodations that had been originally scheduled for our trip which was no easy feat considering it's the most crowded season for trekking. The owner and CEO of the company, Sagar, visited us in our hotel room to make sure we were able to proceed with the trek and then called my husband each night of our trek to ensure he was doing well and his injury was healing appropriately. We were truly amazed by the service and care provided by this company. Our guide, Suresh, was genuinely concerned about my husband's injury and adjusted our pace each day according to how my husband was feeling. Suresh seemed to know everyone along the trail and at the hotels, and with just a nod of his head, we were provided with the best accommodations, warm face towels, ginger tea and a reserved dining table. There simply aren't enough positive things we can say about Himalayan Glacier's team and their immaculate service. We would absolutely use them again for any future treks we take. They even managed to provide us with "blue skies" every day of our trek - we didn't even need coats at Base Camp!! We highly recommend this company - thank you Himalayan Glacier for the adventure of a lifetime!
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Dear Bob & Lauryn,
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for choosing Himalayan Glacier Adventure Company for your Everest Base Camp trek and for sharing your amazing feedback on TripAdvisor. Your review has made us extremely proud of our team, who strive to provide our clients with exceptional experiences and memories to cherish.
We are thrilled to hear that you found our team responsive, professional, and efficient throughout the entire process, from planning to execution. It is wonderful to know that our coordinators, Sajal, Sanket, and Rayuna, were able to assist you with all your queries and ensure that you had a clear understanding of the itinerary, packing list, arrival process, and other important details prior to your arrival in Nepal.
We are delighted to hear that our guide, Suresh, was experienced, knowledgeable, and fun, and that you had total confidence in him throughout your trek. It is heartening to know that he always put your safety first and went out of his way to make your trek enjoyable and memorable. We are equally pleased to hear that our porter, Bir, was friendly, strong, and always smiling, and that he contributed to making your trek a wonderful experience.
We are thrilled to know that you found our luxury package well worth the money and that the accommodations and food exceeded your expectations. We are proud that our team was able to handle all the logistics of the trip in a seamless and professional manner, and that we were able to provide you with excellent service and care even when unexpected circumstances arose.
Your words of appreciation for our CEO, Sagar, and his personal involvement in ensuring that you and your husband had the best possible experience despite the injury, are truly humbling. We are delighted to hear that our team was able to provide you with blue skies every day of your trek and that you did not even need coats at Base Camp!
Thank you for recommending our company and for entrusting us with your adventure of a lifetime. We are honored to have been a part of your journey, and we would be delighted to welcome you back for any future treks you take.
Best regards,
Himalayan Glacier Team
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夏威夷夏威夷大岛2 条分享
Amazing from start to finish! Excellent communication as we planned our trip. Our guide, Pradeep met us at the airport, and we were extremely well cared for by him and the team, from beginning to end. The trek, accommodations, food and other inclusions were wonderful, but even better was that we truly made friends with our porter, guide and even the owner of the company. Truly a life-changing experience, and one I would recommend to anyone!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi HIHubby
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with other travelers, Himalayan Glacier Adventure Company team is always attentive to offering and delivering the best service and personalized local experiences. Thank you so much for your trust in the Himalayan Glacier Team. We look forward to seeing you for your next adventure.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
伊利诺伊州芝加哥6 条分享
I have recently done a private Everest Base Camp trek, organized by the Himalayan Glacier team. The team has done a wonderful job! I would like to start by thanking Rayuna, who is an adventure planner at the company and has been my principal contact before I arrived in Nepal. Rayuna has been amazing every step of the way, from planning and booking to answering all the questions and providing all the necessary information for the trip. It has been particularly challenging since the trip was first scheduled right before the pandemic, and we had to move and re-schedule several times following changes in covid restrictions. I was very glad to be able to also meet Rayuna in person in Kathmandu and thank her in person. Now to the actual Nepal experience. Everything was very well organized and worked like a well-oiled machine. My guide Sudar was great all the way to and from the Base Camp. He took care of everything along the way. He was also great at balancing what we needed to do to complete the trek in time with letting me move at more or less my pace, so I can pause to take that extra photo or just take a look at the magnificent scenery around me or slow down a bit to allow my body to acclimate to high altitude as we kept ascending to the Base Camp. Sudar was always there to answer any additional questions and share a joke. I also would like to mention our lovely porter - Bir - who always had a smile on his face! This trip would have been so much harder without the guidance of Sudar and the help of Bir to carry our stuff. As much as I tried to limit my load to bare necessities, the duffel bag still had some serious weight to it. So, thank you Bir! Overall, I had a wonderful trip - magnificent views of the majestic Himalayas, great food all along the way, and lovely people around. Thank you very much to the Himalayan Glacier team for their help organizing the trip! I am definitely coming for more!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi svetaud2018
You are brave and you did a solo trek to the mountain and did complete it as planned. Thank you so much for your review experiences, we are making even better experiences in the coming days. See you next time.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。