供应商/业主为:Mosaic Adventure
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琅当谷徒步旅行(Langtang Valley Trek)将其合资企业纳入拥有美丽的高山湖泊和美丽的Kyanjin Gompa的美丽偏僻的琅当河谷。郎塘谷徒步旅行小径坐落在尼泊尔最未受破坏的国家公园之一,在加德满都以北,靠近西藏边境,是首都最容易到达的高地避难所。白雪皑皑的群山环绕着这个偏远的山谷,其顶峰是Langtang Lirung(7246m),而浓密的森林,茂密的农田,传统村庄以及Bhote Koshi和Langtang Khola的深谷则占据了山谷的底部。多姿多彩的杜鹃花,橡树,枫树和tree木森林是各种野生动植物的家园。野猪,喜马拉雅黑熊,食草动物,灰叶猴,豹子,麝香鹿和濒临灭绝的小熊猫都称这为绿色庇护所。
年龄限制:12-80,每个团体最多 12 人
用时: 8 天
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 午餐
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- 早餐
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- 午餐
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- 早餐
- 早餐
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- 晚餐
- 晚餐
- 往返于Syabrubesi的巴士。
- 所有费用和税费
- 茶馆住宿。
- 搬运工(2名参与者中的一名)
未包含内容- 饮料(茶/咖啡,瓶装水等)
- 小费
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 酒店详细信息将在确认预订后收集,并会相应安排从酒店(在Thamel)取车。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:21967P6- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 12 人
- 如果您在原定出发日期前至少 4 天取消,则无需支付取消手续费。
- 如果您在原定出发日期前 3 天内取消,将收取 100%的取消手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:21967P6
6 个站点
第 1 天
第 2 天
第 3 天
第 4 天
跋涉到Kyanjin Gompa。
第 5 天
前往Kyanjin Ri或Tsergo Ri的旅行。
第 6 天
第 7 天
第 8 天
- Jamie C0 条分享再闯珠峰Prav和Rudra是我们攀登珠峰大本营的特别可靠的向导。他们确保我们30个人都能得到很好的照顾,并为穿越萨加尔马撒国家公园的艰难旅程做好了准备。对于这两个家伙和他们的团队,我们不能再要求更多了。他们做了太多只为确保我们开心。我祝愿他们未来一切都好,感谢他们给我所有难忘的回忆!撰写日期:2019年9月8日
- Culture6796290 条分享Good trip写点中文吧。 给了团费就包括所有洗费项目,导游十分专业和友善,所有要求都会尽量满足,同时有准备惊起给我们,令到我们每天辛苦完都心灵得到满足,沿路一边唱歌一边讲解,体验良好,之后还会再次参加下一次的徒步之旅,信我,会上隐的。撰写日期:2018年9月20日
- Kieran L0 条分享瞥见尼泊尔山脉从我们预订跋涉的那一刻起,专业的马赛克团队迅速做出回应。我们预订了3天的“外星人旅程”不到一个礼拜,他们就满足了我们的需求。虽然天气不好,风景依然辉煌,Pralhad(我们的导游)太棒了。尼泊尔的山区和村庄的景色完美无瑕。如果要我推荐的话,我肯定会推荐你去跋涉的。撰写日期:2017年5月10日
- mpage20170 条分享一边徒步旅行,一边欣赏喜马拉雅山,策划得很棒我们的7人5天的跋涉相当完美无缺,从加德满都的一日游到爬上整座山的体验真是棒极了。我强烈推荐我们的导游鲁德拉。他满足了我们需要的一切。我们的团队有的人走得快,有的人慢,但导游轻松地把我们安排得好好的,我们经常重新组合,所以你不用担心需要快走或慢走。我们选择了“豪华”的住宿,感觉非常棒——但团队为我们准备的随身物品很一般,所以如果你要去更昂贵的路线,一定要检查你是否有带你真正需要的东西!撰写日期:2017年5月6日
- Gareth D0 条分享与Mosaic探险一起进行珠峰大本营徒步旅行多么棒的一次旅行,百分百推荐Mosaic公司,每次旅行的沟通都是一流的, Madhev回答我们所有的问题,全程无可挑剔的后勤,我们的导游--Rishi和Bishal很出色,把我们当贵族一样来照顾。这是一次严峻的挑战,不过想不到一只更好的团队能来帮助你完成挑战的。任何人变得虚弱的时候,我们都被照看得很周全。性价比很高,没必要再找别的公司了!Gareth和 Linda ,约克郡,英国。撰写日期:2017年4月20日
- Cristi B0 条分享艰苦跋涉到珠穆朗玛峰的基地帐篷!你好,我刚从珠峰大本营回来。这是最棒的旅行,感谢Mosaic冒险…一切顺利,我强烈建议选择Mosaic冒险…如果你想去旅行,可以请Rishi作为导游.....他是做这项工作的人…玩得高兴......!撰写日期:2017年3月20日
- eddyjones6750 条分享很棒的旅途我的妻子和我都不是经验丰富的徒步者,但我们在去年10月想充分利用在尼泊尔的时间去试试。 这是参观蓝塘谷的很好时间段,因为天空晴朗,我们有良好的视线可以看到白雪皑皑的喜马拉雅山。我们开始在Syarbrubensi徒步往蓝塘谷。这景象真的很棒!清爽的空气和令人惊叹的景色对我们来说很值得几个小时的徒步旅行。我真的很感激我们在Mosaic Adventures预订的徒步,因为他们从我们到达尼泊尔的第一天就很照顾我们。可以说,这次跋涉和亲近自然使我和我的妻子更像一对夫妇了。撰写日期:2017年2月10日
- Nussica C0 条分享完美无暇POON HILL(鱼尾峰)之登山宝训的探索生命旅程因着张邨文先生和Mosaic Adventure .创办人的Madhav的信念, 用爱燃亮了「生命行者」希望之火炬,参与了Hand in Hand Project重建家园的服务后。感谢 Mosaic Adventure 安排四天三夜完美无暇的探索生命旅程。这次POON HILL(鱼尾峰)之登山宝训,,很感恩能够和十载知己-大师一起经历。从Gumdi 6下山后,安排一辆车送我们到Phokara,第一次来到Phokara入住的酒店非常舒适,晚间我们2人结伴走到Lake Side 的主街道,这里分布很多的餐馆,和手工艺品店。我们可以有美好的选择。第二天安排最帅的Santosh Dharel陪伴我们四日三夜的徙步之旅,喜爱大自然的我们,心灵沐浴于树木参天的森林里,森林里有山涧石头路,我们四人一唱一和,享受这片人间净土,亦在一条瀑布下”玩花舞腿”乐透了.第三天行程重头戏我们终于登上”PoonHill”看着金光耀眼的日出,那一刻心里无比感动。希望十年之后亦能重游旧地,有能力和毅力再次和大师登山,第四天行走下山,偶遇垂死蝴蝶, 让她赵在我的手背上感恩她的生命力很顽强, 行走约一公里,蝴蝶重生了, 轻轻地飞翔,回归大自然的山溪,能够有这次毕生难忘的经历,最重要是Mosaic Adventure 的负责人释心安排. 给予他们A级超值之旅。撰写日期:2017年1月24日
- David C0 条分享EBC直升机为忙碌的人进行长途跋涉!我之前走过很多地方,经验教会了我只选择最好的旅行公司来处理冒险。我在其他公司有很多不好的经历,比如糟糕的顾客服务,小偷,缺少准备等等。自从我知道Mosaic Adventure,我一直带上他们在尼泊尔徒步行走。我最后一次和他们的冒险是EBC用直升机的返回选择进行长途跋涉。这是一次很好的经历,我推荐给那些没有很多时间在卢克拉来回徒步行走的登山者。实际上我没有很多的时间,但想要一个飞跃巨大的喜马拉雅山脉的不同的经历。谢Madhav和Rudra-你们分享给我们的经历很特殊很难忘!撰写日期:2017年1月10日
- Vase850 条分享EBC的跋涉一个去过EBC的朋友,他们推荐马赛克冒险的Raj,所以我们联系这家公司,前往珠峰大本营。我喜欢看Raj和他的团队,尤其是在确保我们不用准备很多,而且我们可以省钱的同时有一个美妙的时光。选择一个旅游公司不仅要考虑业务,而且要考虑额外的英里!撰写日期:2017年1月5日
- Diane H0 条分享找Rudra就对了!首次登山,参考了评论后选择了马赛克冒险。我很幸运地有Rudra作为我的向导,他非常有经验,知识渊博,给了我很多帮助,指出了山峰,著名的植物,动物群,简单地向我介绍了第二天的安排。我们每晚打牌,和其他的客人一起玩,非常开心。我和他一起度过了非常愉快的时光,于是我决定和他一起再来一次安纳普尔纳环游。很幸运有Rudra充当安纳普尔纳环游的搬运工,不管是打牌还是说一些很傻的笑话,他都让我从头笑到尾。真的非常开心。感谢马赛克!撰写日期:2016年12月15日
- Hoimingdun0 条分享非凡Poonhill之旅2015年4月25日尼泊尔发生7.8级大地震后,「Shelters Up Nepal (SUN)计划」创办人张邨文和尼泊尔朋友Madhav联同香港义工组织「生命行者」走到偏远小村庄Gumidi,为有需要的家庭集资重建房屋。今年10月,我有机会到当地参加这项重建计划,与其他义工一起探访村民并为重建的房屋绘画壁画。期间,我认识了Madhav,他是Mosaic Adventure的老板,为人风趣幽默,脑筋灵活,充满爱心,曾经在英国留学的他,见多识广,说得一口流利英语。完成了义工服务后,我和朋友参加了Mosaic的Poonhill四天之旅,当Madhav知道我们装备不够,还细心地借出睡袋及行山杖呢!出发前一日,Mosaic安排了司机和向导在我们离开Gumidi的中途接载我们去尼泊尔第二大城市Pokhara,无论交通和酒店的安排都非常贴心和有质素。出发当日早上,向导Santosh Dharel准时带我们到达起步点,Santosh是一位外型带点摇滚味的年青人,初见面时予人害羞的感觉,相处后不难发现他非常敬业乐业,待人有礼,有耐性,而且观察力很强,好几次他留意到友人体力不继时,会主动帮忙拿背包,协助我们调整步伐。休息的时候,他又跟我们学唱广东歌,在超美的景致中唱着笑着,实在太舒畅了。每日到达Guest House的时候,Santosh总是细心为我们打点一切,让我们得到最好的休息。我要非常感谢Mosaic为我们带来这次愉快及难忘的旅程,下次再游尼泊尔,Mosaic Adventure必然是我的首选!撰写日期:2016年12月4日
- Q1017KYjulies0 条分享Mosaic是在尼泊尔徒步的唯一选择!在喜马拉雅的汤坡崎徒步时,我和Mosaic Adventures有了一次非常棒的经历。徒步的每个部分都是无缝连接,Mosaic的运作很专业。非常感谢Madhav,回复一直很快,提供最好的信息,也谢谢我的向导Santosh,他教了我很多尼泊尔文化,一直照顾我。因为就我一个女性,对于我的旅行有点不安,但是跟着Mosaic,一切都不用担心。如果你考虑在尼泊尔徒步,别考虑太多,只需预约。这里创造梦想!撰写日期:2016年11月29日
- igor59590 条分享摩西风格!超级满意。雷杰非常有耐心,回答我所有的问题(两年),所以我到达尼泊尔的时候已经完全准备好了。马达夫为我们做好了一切准备(酒店很棒,早餐也不错)。我们的导游瑞希非常开朗活泼,认识所有人。当你早上一个人奔往机场的时候你就会发现多想找人陪伴了。不管是茶餐厅还是餐馆,我们好像都是第一个。我朋友斯高特之前有来过这里,很喜欢这里的卡片把戏和游戏。很乐意回答所有的问题。撰写日期:2016年11月9日
- gl8930 条分享珠峰大本营(EBC)旅行我跟同马赛克参加了16天的珠峰大本营(EBC)旅行,整个体验让我觉得非常开心。我很欣赏在世纪旅行开始之前的快速响应,业主之一——马达夫——总是快速回复我的所有电子邮件问题。至于实际的跋涉,我很幸运有一个真正伟大的导游BN(Bhabanath)一直陪着我。他有很多在尼泊尔徒步旅行的经验,超赞的客户心理研究,他竭尽所能使我们的徒步旅行体验尽可能完美。我想推荐马赛克冒险给所有考虑在尼泊尔徒步旅行的人。你一定不会失望的,他们是一个很棒的团队。撰写日期:2016年10月29日
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13 条点评
April Brenner
密歇根1 条分享
2023年10月 • 好友
I started planning for the Langtang Valley trek from April 2023 and contacted many companies that sell trekking packages in Nepal. There are various packages that companies offer, but I liked the 8-day trip that Mosaic Adventure runs. During my initial research among the many companies that I reached out to, Mosaic stood out due to their quick response, proper information and reasonable cost.
From our pre-trek briefing by Madhav, we were impressed and knew that it was going to be a good 8 days of our Nepal stay. He clearly briefed us about the trek, things to expect and what not to expect while exploring trails in Nepal. This made us clearly make up our minds and we were well prepared for the hike.
On the trip, we were accompanied by one guide and 2 porters for our group of 4 people. We were led by guide Ramesh and porters Ram and Prabin. All three of these guys are wonderful people that I have ever met. Ramesh was there all the time to make sure things were well taken care of and the porters were always supportive and at some points offered to carry our daypack as well — which is a nice gesture even though we didn't want to bother them with more loads, which they were already carrying.
Overall, an amazing experience and I would like to thank Madhav, Ramesh, Ram and Prabin for their effort in making our Langtang trek an amazing experience.
From our pre-trek briefing by Madhav, we were impressed and knew that it was going to be a good 8 days of our Nepal stay. He clearly briefed us about the trek, things to expect and what not to expect while exploring trails in Nepal. This made us clearly make up our minds and we were well prepared for the hike.
On the trip, we were accompanied by one guide and 2 porters for our group of 4 people. We were led by guide Ramesh and porters Ram and Prabin. All three of these guys are wonderful people that I have ever met. Ramesh was there all the time to make sure things were well taken care of and the porters were always supportive and at some points offered to carry our daypack as well — which is a nice gesture even though we didn't want to bother them with more loads, which they were already carrying.
Overall, an amazing experience and I would like to thank Madhav, Ramesh, Ram and Prabin for their effort in making our Langtang trek an amazing experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
美国1 条分享
2023年11月 • 好友
8 days trip to Kyanjing Gompa was amazing. We enjoyed fantastic views, visited incredible places and met incredibly friendly people. While the accommodations were not of great quality, we weren't there for that, so we had an awesome time. The trip was well organized, guide Rudra was wonderful, porter Ram was nice and our 8-day adventure concluded with great memories. Thank you Mosaic Adventure for organizing this trek for our small group of 3 people.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
1 条分享
2023年10月 • 家庭
I went on this trek with my 13 year old son. He was having altitude sickness during the trek and our guide, Madan, he hold him for hours during some days of the trek to assist him to ascend. Thank you very much Madan, if not we would not have achieved our destination in Kyenjin Gompa.
I would also like to especially mention one of our porter (can't remember his name) who is always smiling and being so friendly and caring. He went beyond a porter and at some point serving as a guide to my son.
Lastly, to Madhav, you are so well organized. Everything is on time and has given us a good vehicle for airport transfer and our day trip in Kathmandu.
I would also like to especially mention one of our porter (can't remember his name) who is always smiling and being so friendly and caring. He went beyond a porter and at some point serving as a guide to my son.
Lastly, to Madhav, you are so well organized. Everything is on time and has given us a good vehicle for airport transfer and our day trip in Kathmandu.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hunt S
马来西亚乔治城1 条分享
2023年10月 • 好友
I had the experience of a lifetime trekking the Langtang Valley trail with guide Purna from Mosaic Adventure. I was lucky to have Purna as a guide, along with Rupak and two other porters, Naresh and Kesab. Madhav in the office, our guide, porters — everyone was nothing but helpful and kind. It was great fun trekking with this team.
I cannot recommend Mosaic Adventure enough; this team goes outside their comfort zone to make the best out of our 8 days trip.
I cannot recommend Mosaic Adventure enough; this team goes outside their comfort zone to make the best out of our 8 days trip.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
edward h
2 条分享
2023年9月 • 好友
The trip is well organized from the planning phase with Madhav who’s always so helpful and responsive, to the airport pick up/drop off and the sightseeing in Kathmandu. They came to our hotel to do the briefing for the trekking as well as bringing other equipment like duffel bags, sleeping bags and down jackets that we can use for free for the trip. During the actual trekking, Rudra, our guide, is always so knowledgeable. Him and our porters, Rum and Rupak, are always so attentive and making sure that we have everything we need and well fed.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Jo Yean K
新加坡新加坡1 条分享
2023年9月 • 好友
The entire trip was exactly what we needed. The 8 days of the Langtang trek with 2 days dedicated to the drive and 6 days of trekking, formed an amazing adventure. From Syabrubesi to Kyanjing Gompa, including that side trip to Tsergo Ri, each place had its own unique charm.
Our guide Rudra played a key role in making the trip successful for us. Of course, our porter Prabin was amazing, tirelessly carrying our heavy bags without complaint and silently sharing the journey with us.
Everything was well organized from start to finish and went as smoothly as we had hoped. We highly recommend this team for trekking in Nepal.
Our guide Rudra played a key role in making the trip successful for us. Of course, our porter Prabin was amazing, tirelessly carrying our heavy bags without complaint and silently sharing the journey with us.
Everything was well organized from start to finish and went as smoothly as we had hoped. We highly recommend this team for trekking in Nepal.
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Wendy M
台湾台北市1 条分享
2023年9月 • 好友
An amazing trek to Langtang Valley with Purna as our guide.
Purna was so knowledgeable, helpful and very patient with all our questions. He provided us with the best advice and encouragement when we needed it.
Our porter was also excellent at navigating those hills ups and downs with our heavy backpacks.
It was a great 8 days! Thank you, guys!
Purna was so knowledgeable, helpful and very patient with all our questions. He provided us with the best advice and encouragement when we needed it.
Our porter was also excellent at navigating those hills ups and downs with our heavy backpacks.
It was a great 8 days! Thank you, guys!
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Daniela R
澳大利亚墨尔本1 条分享
2023年8月 • 独自旅游
I went on an 8-day Langtang Valley trek in August with guide Ramesh. It was a good trek, staying in local teahouses with friendly owners.
August might not be the best time for the trek — I got the heads up from Raj about the weather before signing up. That helped me get the right gear and clothing. But, August was my only window for this trek, so here I am, finished with the amazing trek and loads of good things to say. Despite the monsoon and not-so-great weather, I enjoyed it all—nice teahouse owners, local folks, a quiet trail and a stunning landscape. I caught a few glimpses of Himalayan peaks, although I wasn't there just for the mountains.
Overall, Mosaic Adventures did a great job organizing the trek and big thanks to Raj for getting me the excellent guide Ramesh.
I was a bit unsure about doing this trek as a solo female. If you're in the same boat, don't worry - just book your trek with them! Mosaic Adventures is a fantastic local company to go with. I highly recommend them to anyone wanting to book a trek in Nepal.
August might not be the best time for the trek — I got the heads up from Raj about the weather before signing up. That helped me get the right gear and clothing. But, August was my only window for this trek, so here I am, finished with the amazing trek and loads of good things to say. Despite the monsoon and not-so-great weather, I enjoyed it all—nice teahouse owners, local folks, a quiet trail and a stunning landscape. I caught a few glimpses of Himalayan peaks, although I wasn't there just for the mountains.
Overall, Mosaic Adventures did a great job organizing the trek and big thanks to Raj for getting me the excellent guide Ramesh.
I was a bit unsure about doing this trek as a solo female. If you're in the same boat, don't worry - just book your trek with them! Mosaic Adventures is a fantastic local company to go with. I highly recommend them to anyone wanting to book a trek in Nepal.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Alain lee
加拿大温哥华1 条分享
2023年10月 • 好友
It was my first time trekking in Nepal and I didn't want to go for a harder one. So, my friend and I booked a trek to Langtang Valley. The trip was well organized with proper pre trek information for us to prepare accordingly. They answered all of our questions with patience and guided us properly, presenting all options along with their advantages/disadvantages. If I hadn't listened to them about upgrading to a private jeep, I would have regretted it.
Guide Purna and porter Nabin were exceptional throughout our 8-day journey. Hopefully, we will be back for other longer treks. Thanks, Team Mosaic!
On my first trekking experience, I was a bit worried, but thanks to Purna (the best guide who made me feel very safe!) and porter Nabin! You guys are the best. I will definitely recommend this crew to anyone.
Again, thank you for making my trekking experience unforgettable.
Guide Purna and porter Nabin were exceptional throughout our 8-day journey. Hopefully, we will be back for other longer treks. Thanks, Team Mosaic!
On my first trekking experience, I was a bit worried, but thanks to Purna (the best guide who made me feel very safe!) and porter Nabin! You guys are the best. I will definitely recommend this crew to anyone.
Again, thank you for making my trekking experience unforgettable.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
5 条分享
Everything was superb, right from the start. My son and I were the only clients in the jeep taking us to and from the trek, so there was lots of room ( unlike some parts of the road!!)
Purna, our guide, was amazing, from keeping our pace to the right level, to encouragement when things seemed tough.He even had the weather gods provide snow before we walked up Kjanjin Ri. ( see photos)
The tea house accommodation, and meals, also were a highlight. Order the Dahl Bhat set. I cannot rate our trip highly enough. Just do this trip ,and have an experience of a lifetime.
Purna, our guide, was amazing, from keeping our pace to the right level, to encouragement when things seemed tough.He even had the weather gods provide snow before we walked up Kjanjin Ri. ( see photos)
The tea house accommodation, and meals, also were a highlight. Order the Dahl Bhat set. I cannot rate our trip highly enough. Just do this trip ,and have an experience of a lifetime.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。