Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:6-65,每个团体最多 9 人
用时: 6 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 酒店接送服务(仅限精选酒店;在清迈市中心内)
- 专业英语导游与专业司机
- 游侠
- 乘坐有空调的小型货车运输
- 与饮用水共进午餐
- 饮用水和冷毛巾的小吃
- 旅行意外保险
未包含内容- 上/下市中心酒店附加费(THB500 / way; 6-15Km&THB1,000 / way; 16-30Km)
- 额外的食物和饮料
- 小费(不是强制性的)
- 酒精饮料
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- Touring Center, 14 (1st Floor Sriphum Rachadamnoen Rd, Tambon Si Phum, Muang Chang Wat Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand旅游中心的办公室 注意:如果您愿意在起点与我们见面,请在出发前一天告知我们。
接送服务详情- 我们提供清迈市中心所有酒店的接机服务。 (酒店距离旅游中心办公室仅5公里)。对于服务区以外的酒店,将收取额外费用,请随时联系我们的预订团队。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:10775P8- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 不建议有背部问题和心脏病或其他严重疾病的参与者
- 没有儿童价格将适用于此产品,8岁以下的儿童将受到父母的强烈关注
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 旅行者应该具备良好的身体素质
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 9 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:10775P8
- juddylee0 条分享参观白庙、蓝庙、黑庙从清迈包车往清莱大约要190公里,所需路程时间约要三小时多,中途会停靠一个温泉站,可以泡脚,水温很烫只能沾一下,也可以煮蛋,有商家卖燕窝、水果等东西,公共厕所要收费5元泰铢。白庙门票100元泰铢,值得去参观;蓝庙后方还在陆续建造中,目前不收费;黑庙其实是博物馆,展示的是一些动物标本,门票50元(我个人是觉得如果时间不够可以不用去黑庙)撰写日期:2019年11月4日
- JelleHofland0 条分享虽是漫长之旅,但是很不错我们在这里泡了温泉,逛了白庙,吃了午餐,又乘船欣赏了周围美景。这是一趟很漫长的旅行,但是绝对值了。白庙...怎么说呢,你会看到一些你所意料不到的东西,还是挺有趣的。午餐很棒(如果你提前要求的话,还会为你准备素食)。约翰是一个非常有热情的导游,Sighn人也很好,是个非常值得信赖的司机,我们乘坐的车非常舒适。撰写日期:2019年8月13日
- medwards4150 条分享和两个超棒的导游一起,参加了两次精彩的旅行我们参观了两座寺庙和旧时的儿童法庭,它现在已被改建成了兰纳人历史博物馆。Mai是我们的导游,她非常友好,作为兰纳部落的后裔她精通兰纳部落的历史。我们第二次旅行参观了双龙寺和苗族山部落。我们的导游是John the Baptiste。他知识渊博,待人友好。我们在苗族山部落喝了很好喝的咖啡,欣赏了部落的景色、了解了他们的历史以及他们是如何种植咖啡的。我们会毫不犹豫地让John或者Mai作为我们未来旅行的导游,我强烈推荐他们两个人。撰写日期:2019年5月12日
- chaschloe0 条分享好的解说很重要我和一个朋友去了Doi su thep和Wat Umong的半日游。我们选择这个旅游项目的初衷是想了解一下寺庙的历史,每一个局部所象征的是什么,希望有人能帮我们解答每一个萦绕在心中的疑问,听完讲解觉得真是太有趣了。我们的导游约翰,他人不错而且比较专业,我们玩得很开心,虽然只有短暂时间。旅游车干净整洁,而且车上备有冰水和糖果。由于当时热浪来袭,半日游还真是不错的选择,游完后还可以降降温。但同时我觉得当时真应该再多玩一天的。(遗憾的是,我们再没有去争取这样机会的理由了)撰写日期:2019年5月7日
- Global_Desi1230 条分享金三角/白寺之旅,很棒在清迈的时候,酒店给我们推荐了这家旅行中心,后来报了这里的项目。项目全程持续一整天,13小时以上,线路从清莱—温泉/白寺—午餐—金三角观景点—沿湄公河进入老挝。车辆是9座的,坐的很舒服。司机技术很棒,导游年轻,讨人喜欢,沿路不断给大家讲解。中途停车的时候他们会不限量地提供饮用水和免费的茶水与咖啡。旅行中心很专业,推荐。旅途虽然距离很长,但开了眼界,玩的很愉快。撰写日期:2019年2月7日
- Conor L0 条分享清迈茵他侬山小团一日游超棒的经历,物超所值。我们的导游约翰和司机贝尔都很赞。景观壮观,在当地村庄了解地方作物及他们的生活方式而度过的时间非常有意思。我们强烈推荐这体验。撰写日期:2019年1月3日
- alexmtang0 条分享导游约翰很友善这次旅行享受了很多活动、有趣的地方,乘船去了老挝一个岛屿。白庙很远,但值得一看。来时带一顿丰盛的午餐、瓶装水、冷毛巾和一杯饮料。撰写日期:2018年12月9日
- John O0 条分享清莱一日游我们的导游是John,我们的司机是Wetchiam。我们真的很享受看到泰国北部的农村地区的景色和短暂进入老挝的经历。这两个人一整天都很乐于助人,很有礼貌。我希望我们能在一些站点多呆一段时间,但我也明白我们必须要去很多地方。撰写日期:2018年9月1日
- 0 条分享精彩的观光我真的很推荐这次旅行——组织的很好,很有价值,导游很有见识,体贴周到。非常愉快的一天。谢谢约翰和司机Prayut对我们的关心!撰写日期:2018年7月18日
- Art S0 条分享跟着“施洗者约翰”逛大象公园我们的导游John和司机Uthai很棒呢。我们这天的旅程十分难忘。他们很准时,车辆很干净,而且还提供免费饮用水。John风趣幽默。我们去公园的路上他为我们作了详尽的讲解,包括泰国的历史事件。大象公园里的大象都很温顺,健康状态也很好。可以在里面骑大象和看表演。我们还坐了牛车呢。我们也去了其他景点呢。John把我们一家都照顾得很好呢,他让顾客感到很舒适,这是源于他对这里的热爱。撰写日期:2018年6月10日
- Ana Luísa G0 条分享大象营+虎王国的一日游这是我们在亚洲最棒的一次旅行!我们的导游和司机很令人惊喜,非常准时,知识渊博,还给我们提供所有必要的或者更多的建议。我们一天的旅行从大象农场开始(真心推荐,他们对动物很好),然后去了一些长颈族村庄,但是这一部分我们真的欣赏不了,感觉像一个人类动物园。后来在一个兰花农场吃了一顿美好的午餐!然后就是老虎王国,这里的动物似乎没有被麻醉,所以我们很喜欢这里。最意外的部分是一个粪便农场,我们自己做了再生纸和一本书,很可爱并且没有一点异味。强烈推荐这个一日游!撰写日期:2018年4月16日
- Mary H0 条分享清莱我们利用这家公司进行我们的白庙之旅。我们的导游John和我们的司机Kiat做得很棒。John非常有见地,英语说得很好。午餐出色。他甚至在回家的路上自己花钱带我们出去喝咖啡。美好的一天。撰写日期:2018年2月22日
- 靜薇 郭0 条分享清迈古城单车半日游导游叫Gun,全程详尽且亲切导览,又每问必答,专业与亲和度百分百!一趟古城游下来,穿越了大街小巷,感受清迈新旧冲突却无违和感的维妙韵致,品尝了传统市场的几种庶民小吃,也聊色了解到清迈的历史,进庙的规矩,市民的生活......,真的物超所值!撰写日期:2018年1月28日
- LadyPearl470 条分享人人都喜欢的有趣的一天我们去了村子里参观凯伦人,还去参观了象园,其中包括乘坐木筏之旅。我们的导游是施洗约翰,他知识渊博,见多识广。来接我们的客车非常舒适宽敞,让我们的这一天过得更加愉快。撰写日期:2018年1月5日
- b00p580 条分享素贴山和苗族村寨导游很棒,具有丰富知识,很有幽默感。我们首先去参观了山上的村子,喝了一杯好咖啡,村里的人都很热情。看到村民们生产和参与经济和泰国生活很有趣。素贴山是超级有趣的,我们的导游关于僧侣方面的知识非常渊博,他自己从前就是一个僧侣。我们留下来唱圣歌,而且随时都感到受欢迎。这是一次绝对会推荐的旅行-很多人知识去了寺庙,但村子很值得一看。撰写日期:2017年7月26日
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2 条点评
Pilar T
16 条分享
2022年8月 • 家庭
Our guide was M,
He was very kind and taught us countless facts about the traditions and the culture of Chiang Mai. He took us to the places that local thai people actually go to, and the type of food they order at restaurants (not the classical turist food…). Throughout the walk in the jungle he showed us the most amazing parts of nature that the jungle had (anywhere from giant orange mushrooms to beautiful blue butterflies, everything was astonishing).
We are very grateful for having found this company and M.
He was very kind and taught us countless facts about the traditions and the culture of Chiang Mai. He took us to the places that local thai people actually go to, and the type of food they order at restaurants (not the classical turist food…). Throughout the walk in the jungle he showed us the most amazing parts of nature that the jungle had (anywhere from giant orange mushrooms to beautiful blue butterflies, everything was astonishing).
We are very grateful for having found this company and M.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
哥伦比亚特区华盛顿特区130 条分享
2017年10月 • 夫妻情侣
After our guide M and driver Sayan picked up my companion and I, we were told it would only be the two of us. This was fortuitous. A private tour is always the best because the pace is realized, never dependent on others. Our first stop was a local market where we witnessed vendors displaying their wares, especially the prepared foods. It was a early in the morning so the place was abuzz. We then drove up to Doi Suthep and spent leisurely time at the temple and surrounding grounds. Our guide M was informative with his presentation and responsive and knowledgeable with answers to our questions. We were not rushed and thoroughly enjoyed the temple and its rich history.
The trekking portion of the tour began innocently enough as we were led from the temple up a marked trail that landed us among some cabins in an area designated for camping and lodging. From there we met with a park ranger. We were already prepped with small trekking backpacks and sprayed with insect repellent. Into the forest we descend for the next 2 hours covering about 3.5 KM. Because this was the rainy season, the footing was often slippery, but our excellent guide and the superb Park Ranger was always close to lend a helping hand. The pace moved as quickly as the terrain would allow, with stopping for respite and general explanation about the surrounding flora and fauna. It is strenuous at times but well worth the experience. It is not an easy trek, but on a scale from 1-10, I would say this was a 6 because of the wetness encountered. So if you are going on this adventure, inquire about the local or current condition of the trail. The numerous waterfalls encountered along the way added to the picturesque and wonderful nature of the trek.
When we were done sweating (I carried an extra shirt and towel to leave in the touring van) and drove down to the flats, we were treated to an incredible lunch of the famous Chiang Mai noodle soup called Koi Soi (kow soy). All together, this was a wonderful experience made more so by our unplanned private tour with M. I highly recommend Touring Center for your tour needs while in Chiang Mai.
The trekking portion of the tour began innocently enough as we were led from the temple up a marked trail that landed us among some cabins in an area designated for camping and lodging. From there we met with a park ranger. We were already prepped with small trekking backpacks and sprayed with insect repellent. Into the forest we descend for the next 2 hours covering about 3.5 KM. Because this was the rainy season, the footing was often slippery, but our excellent guide and the superb Park Ranger was always close to lend a helping hand. The pace moved as quickly as the terrain would allow, with stopping for respite and general explanation about the surrounding flora and fauna. It is strenuous at times but well worth the experience. It is not an easy trek, but on a scale from 1-10, I would say this was a 6 because of the wetness encountered. So if you are going on this adventure, inquire about the local or current condition of the trail. The numerous waterfalls encountered along the way added to the picturesque and wonderful nature of the trek.
When we were done sweating (I carried an extra shirt and towel to leave in the touring van) and drove down to the flats, we were treated to an incredible lunch of the famous Chiang Mai noodle soup called Koi Soi (kow soy). All together, this was a wonderful experience made more so by our unplanned private tour with M. I highly recommend Touring Center for your tour needs while in Chiang Mai.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi I am a solo traveller and I am interested to join another group if possible. I am looking at 22nd July or 30th July. Is this a full hike from the bottom to the top of the mountain?
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