Numb Trail山地自行车之旅清迈
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
入住Trailhead泰国,在清迈激动人心的一天中享受双重乐趣,周围环绕着Doi Suthep Pui国家公园的美景,并享有邻近的Ob Khan国家公园的壮丽景色。这一天从快速流动的小径100%下坡开始,具有丰富的功能,如跳跃,水滴和梦幻般流动的单轨。
年龄限制:15-65,每个团体最多 6 人
用时: 7 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 高级全悬挂YT Jeffsy。
- 防护装备 - 头盔,(应要求提供全脸)护膝,护肘,手套,保湿包
- 饮料,午餐和小吃
- 保险
- 友好和专业的指导
未包含内容- 酒精饮料(可购买)
- 小费
- 个人支出
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- TRAILHEAD All Mountain Bike Tour, 48-50, Soi 1, Pra Pokklao Rd, Phra Sing, Mueang Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。提供机场接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的机场列表中进行选择。- Chiang Mai Intl Airport, Chiang Mai Thailand
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:19437P6- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 请在预订时告知任何特定的饮食要求
- 在各种天气条件下操作,请穿着合适
- 必须在预订时告知所有车手高度和右前方制动杆的优选侧面
- 所有参与者在预订时都需要护照名称,号码,到期日和国家/地区
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 旅行者应该具备良好的身体素质
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 6 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:19437P6
- 1享用一杯咖啡
- Sandyyoung0 条分享超出想像的棒!准时旅馆接送,过程精彩,人员亲切,乡村林道有点起伏刺激,提供专业登山车,庭园午餐非常好吃,总之物超所值,来清迈旅游,推荐参加一趟TrailHead办的行程,简易到专业都有,相信应该都不差!撰写日期:2019年10月18日
- David N0 条分享很好的服务和徒步旅行,有足够的指导,让人觉得见多识广,但也很孤独我们在导游的带领下徒步旅行了20公里,花了6个小时,喜欢这里的地形、攀岩、灌木/丛林和小径以及令人惊叹的景色(有时会受到云层的影响,但不能因此责怪向导!)撰写日期:2019年8月26日
- 957basb0 条分享镇上最好的咖啡和奶昔!除了一家不错的自行车运动商店外,他们还有一家咖啡馆,里面有最好的咖啡(热的)和最好的奶昔...撰写日期:2019年8月9日
- valtsut0 条分享总的来说跟团很棒由于旅途中有点不舒服,我不确定是否还要预订艰难的瀑布之旅,我和我妻子最后选择了金田之旅。没有遗憾——一切都很好很顺利。这条路很容易骑,但是乡村的风景和当地的日常生活绝对值得一看。一切安排都进行良好。导游很好,很有礼貌,也很有趣。所有的装置都很好,提前为我们调整好了。旅行结束时,还提供了一顿美味的午餐。很棒的体验。两年前,我跟过另一个组织者——trailhead给我的体验好多了。继续加油——下次旅行见!撰写日期:2019年7月13日
- Apru110 条分享太棒了!在旅行的开始阶段每个人都很好,帮了我们很大的忙。我们在去之前喝了一杯奶昔(很美味),最后喝了新鲜的椰子和啤酒!是的!非常有挑战性,但很有趣!我们只有4个人一个队伍,但是在一起旅行非常棒!撰写日期:2019年4月22日
- HugsfromGallus0 条分享难以忘怀的经历比起购物,我们更享受这次的体验。服务、装备,乃至向导指引都很出色。导游在前面骑着自行车,我们一行乘车跟在后面。这里有美丽的自然风光,地形有一些起伏,中途有几个停留饮水的站点,如果你骑车累了随时都能把自行车放到车上然后坐上一会。我们非常享受行程尾声的冰镇椰子,以及之后的午餐。撰写日期:2019年4月9日
- Lacey P0 条分享很棒的一天我和丈夫刚刚玩了布法罗士兵山地自行车道,非常棒。我们体验了山地车,但没有很多崎岖的下坡/上坡路,所以只有一点挑战性,但值得!我们的导游库姆很棒!真的让人振奋,还拍到了几次我滑倒的搞笑画面,(谢谢!)这是我们泰国之行的亮点之一。山地自行车之行一定要选择Trailhead !撰写日期:2019年2月26日
- markrU8283DZ0 条分享通往天堂的阶梯我一直住在曼谷平坦的地区,所以我说我并没有对前一个小时的骑行做好准备是合理的,因为真的很困难。我很高兴我一直坚持到了最后,整个骑行过程很有趣,有一些不错的滑行过程。Khun kom一直在后面照看我和我的车子,他就像穿梭在山丘之间的子弹那样自如。他还拍了一些不错的视频,很好看,我在里面就像一只兔子一样上蹿下跳。丛林里的寺庙很神奇,那天天气也很好。如果你有自行车装备就带上,但如果你是有骑行经验的,就不用带护膝了。撰写日期:2019年2月6日
- Daydream678400 条分享Numb小径真的好不错拖车头是一个很不错的装备提供商,同时还拥有一流的导游。我对他们的英语和装备都留下了深刻的印象。我们在明尼苏达和威斯康星骑山地自行车,发现Numb小径非常具有挑战性。坡度陡峭、地形崎岖、还有陡降等,内容相当的丰富。但是请注意黑色钻石的标签。撰写日期:2019年1月14日
- Vickie D0 条分享我们很享受这段有趣的城市观光之旅今天早上,我的丈夫和我在犹豫要不要参加Traihead的自行车观光,后来决定参加。我们的导游是Lake,他带我们游览了整个城市,一共3小时。整个体验很棒!他知道这座城市的很多历史,而且还修改了路线,加上了Silver Temple这个点,因为我们提出想去参观那里。我们高度推荐Trailhead!撰写日期:2018年8月10日
- rsgarrison740 条分享清迈下山骑行我们很多天的下山骑行冒险之旅都是Lek和他的组员当导游,他们非常的棒。强烈推荐有经验的骑手来开启新挑战。骑行之旅也是根据团队里骑手的需求而定制的。我们还会再来。撰写日期:2018年6月23日
- Fraser R0 条分享城市骑行之旅墙裂推荐!此次由Lek带队的城郊游比我们预期得还要好!我们用大把时间探索了本来不敢去发现的东西。我们就问了下那个(不记得名字了),Lek就专门停下来给我们买了这种好玩的泰式传统水果糖让我们尝。在这些热闹的街道上骑骑逛逛感觉舒心而安全,淋雨都是件开心的事!强烈推荐TrailHead骑行,发现不一样的清迈!撰写日期:2018年6月1日
- TheSeals50 条分享很棒的骑行,保养良好的自行车,很好的装备今天我们当了水牛士兵,从接待到冷椰子水,再到最后的冰沙,我们享受这里的每一分钟。在国家公园里骑自行车很棒的,Trailhead也提供了合适的骑行装备。保养良好的双悬架自行车(YT Jeffsy,27.5寸)、防护装备、背包状况良好,这写很重要,让骑行变得更好。我们是一小团队(4名骑手)加上友好的导游。我已经和他们预约了明天的另外一次骑行活动!我们在小山径上见...撰写日期:2018年5月7日
- Hsuan-wei C0 条分享完美的体验第一次接触登山自行车的行程,很感谢Joe在行前很仔细的为我们说明如何操作换档,不厌其烦至少讲了三次才让我们试骑。途中向导Cho不断停下来为我们拍照,或是在短暂休息空档为我们说明Doi Suthep - Pui National Park沿途的景色。补给车司机Joe一路上开车都非常稳定做事也很仔细,Joe英文非常流利可以向他提出许多对于泰国的疑问,他都会非常有耐心地为你解答。补给车上都备有冰水与可乐,可以随时畅饮。 虽然过程很累,但是骑车所经过的景色实在很美,不同于既定印象中的泰国,强烈推荐可以来骑车看看不一样的清迈,感受一种前所未有的旅行经验!撰写日期:2018年4月17日
- veraste30 条分享此次清迈外部汽车旅行非常有趣,导游也很不错。在游客办公室里,可以提供自行车和行车头盔。工作人员做了简短的介绍,我们试了试车子,然后就出发了。导游人很不错,把我们照顾得很好,整个旅行期间还帮我我们拍了很多视频、照片,后来还发给了我们。旅行并不累,而且很有趣。整个旅行是4 x 4的,所以如果你感觉自己做不到的话,可以选择乘坐轿车。为我们提供了饮用水、椰子汁,最后还在一家很不错的餐厅用了很棒的午餐。撰写日期:2018年3月16日
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32 条点评
2 条分享
Perfect day mountain biking in a fun and sometime challenging trail.
Perfect to discover mountain biking
Awesome organization, equipment and guides.
Totally recommend it.
Perfect to discover mountain biking
Awesome organization, equipment and guides.
Totally recommend it.
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Thank you for your lovely feedback! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your experience with us. We are committed to maintaining our high standards of service and continuously improving for our customers. You are always welcome to join us for cycling anytime
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
瑞士苏黎世26 条分享
Lift assisted MTB day in the jungle for the Numb Tour. Local guides take you on their trails. Good mix of rooty, rocky, fast and loose and hard pack trails. Hopping the canyon size rain ruts adds to the fun.
Lunch stop included.
You’ll get lots of photos and videos of the day too.
The bikes are desperate for a bush and bearing service, but they function. Deathgrip for the win 😄
Lunch stop included.
You’ll get lots of photos and videos of the day too.
The bikes are desperate for a bush and bearing service, but they function. Deathgrip for the win 😄
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Thank you for your great review! We're so happy to hear you enjoyed the Numb Tour and had fun riding the mix of trails, from rooty and rocky to fast and loose, with those canyon-sized rain ruts adding an extra thrill! It’s great that the local guides made the experience even better. We're glad you enjoyed the photos and videos, too!
We appreciate your feedback on the bikes. We’ll make sure to give them the attention they need to keep everything in top shape. Thanks again for your review and for choosing us for your adventure. We hope to see you again soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Denis Cindro
斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那1 条分享
2023年11月 • 夫妻情侣
Mountain biking is our favorite sport and also when we are traveling around the globe, I check on TrailForks if there are trails around places we are visiting. Recently we visited Thailand and we stayed for some days in Chiang Mai. Close by is Doi Suthep with planty of trails. So I started to look for somebody offering biking tours there and I found TrailHead who is offering also enduro tour with shuttle - Numb Trail Mountain Biking Tour. We could not plan far in advance as we didn't know exactly when we will be in town, so we contacted the company one day before the day we want to join the tour. We received their answer immediately, they were very cooperative, they explained the difficulty of the tour, checked our biking knowledge and then they organized everything so that we could take part in the tour.
We were in group of 5 bikers and 2 guides, everything was perfectly organized, shuttle, bikes, meals... We did two rides, we enjoyed them. The trails were demanding (black on TrailForks was correct indication of difficulty). Some parts were really difficult as the rain made deep channels in the middle of the path - we think it would be good to have a maintenance campaign on the trails for future users.
I really enjoyed biking on these challenging trails followed by nice flow trails, all of them surrounded with different environment, from deep woods to coffee and lychee plantation...
I recommend for those who like demanding trails marked with red or black color on TrailForks. There is epic trail called Comfortably Nunmb in Whistler, Canada. This one is also, maybe in a bit different way.
We were in group of 5 bikers and 2 guides, everything was perfectly organized, shuttle, bikes, meals... We did two rides, we enjoyed them. The trails were demanding (black on TrailForks was correct indication of difficulty). Some parts were really difficult as the rain made deep channels in the middle of the path - we think it would be good to have a maintenance campaign on the trails for future users.
I really enjoyed biking on these challenging trails followed by nice flow trails, all of them surrounded with different environment, from deep woods to coffee and lychee plantation...
I recommend for those who like demanding trails marked with red or black color on TrailForks. There is epic trail called Comfortably Nunmb in Whistler, Canada. This one is also, maybe in a bit different way.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you so much for your detailed and thoughtful review! We're thrilled to hear that your experience with the *Numb Trail Mountain Biking Tour* lived up to your expectations, especially since you're such avid mountain bikers! It's fantastic that the tour was well-organized and that the trails offered the challenge you were looking for. We also appreciate your feedback about the trail conditions—maintaining them is definitely something we’re always working on to make sure future riders enjoy a safe and smooth experience.
It’s awesome to know that you enjoyed the variety of environments, from the woods to the plantations, and that you found the trails comparable to the epic *Comfortably Numb* in Whistler! Thank you for recommending us to fellow riders who love demanding trails. We’d love to have you back for another adventure the next time you’re in Chiang Mai!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Duboc J
2 条分享
2023年9月 • 独自旅游
It was an amazing experience into the Chiang Mai jungle.
In term of ride the Numb trail is complete roots, rocks, steep section, good flow, you get everything you need to have fun with nice points of view.
Regarding the Trailhead organization, everything is going super smoothly from the morning pick up to the hotel return with friendly bilingual guides.
Special kudos for the pictures and videos they took and you received by email only few hours after the tour.
In few words, if you like MTB I strongly recommend to try Trailhead !
In term of ride the Numb trail is complete roots, rocks, steep section, good flow, you get everything you need to have fun with nice points of view.
Regarding the Trailhead organization, everything is going super smoothly from the morning pick up to the hotel return with friendly bilingual guides.
Special kudos for the pictures and videos they took and you received by email only few hours after the tour.
In few words, if you like MTB I strongly recommend to try Trailhead !
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thanks for taking the time to review us on Trip Advisor. We're glad you had an amazing experience on our Numb downhill tour! As you say, it offers everything an advanced rider needs for their MTB fix. We're glad you like the complimentary photos and videos too and appreciate the recommendation.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
密歇根萨吉诺8 条分享
If you like downhill mountain biking this is a great place to go. Tour guides are very good at explaining the trail as you ride. The trail can get pretty crazy and it had my adrenaline pumping the whole way. Will definitely be going again in the future.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thanks for taking the time to review us on Trip Advisor. Numb by name, Numb by nature :) It is indeed crazy and challenging in places but hopefully a fun time for everyone. Our guides do a great job at explaining everything to prepare you as much as possible and take great care of all customers. We look forward to hosting you again in the future.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Steve C
英国纽伯里32 条分享
Best day of my trip to Thailand, proper awesome DH mountain biking. Excellent organisation, great team, super guides. Hope to see Dan and team again sometime, 10/10 👍
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thanks for taking the time to review us on Trip Advisor. We appreciate your kind words and glad you enjoyed the downhill MTB with Trailhead Thailand! We hope you can see us again in the future.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
香港1 条分享
2022年9月 • 家庭
All the trails were fantastic. Chiang Mai is totally worth coming to for the mountain biking! The guides were great too. Made for a great day. Even in the rain it was totally worth while. Definately want to go again.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thanks for taking the time to review us on Trip Advisor. We're glad you had an awesome time on our Numb downhill tour and enjoyed the amazing trails. As you say, even in rain it's a great time so we're glad you joined Trailhead Thailand.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Trevor W
7 条分享
2022年7月 • 独自旅游
I’m a very experienced mountain biker and was coming to Chiangmai specifically to do some trail riding. After doing some research on various tour groups I settled on Trail Head; I couldn’t have hoped for a better experience. From pick up at my hotel, to sipping delicious coffee preride at the shop, to the transportation to the trail, to the snacks, and the incredible local knowledge of the guides; Trail Head really was an exceptional experience. Dan, Lek, and Kom really know the trails in the area and are super friendly and welcoming. The bike I rented was top notch and in great shape, it really handled the aggressive trails we rode with ease. The locations we went riding were unbelievable and really showed me the natural beauty of the area. The photos Dan took with his SLR were amazing and I really appreciated that they sent links to my email containing the photos from the days riding. If you’re thinking about going with Trail Head for any of your Chiangmai adventures I couldn’t recommend them enough! When I come back to Chiangmai I’ll absolutely be going on another ride with this incredible company! Trail Head for life!!!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thanks for taking the time to review us on Trip Advisor. It was great to host you for several tours with Trailhead Thailand and appreciate you taking the time to write feedback. It was a pleasure showing you the different regions as well as brand new tours such as Heart of Darkness and hope you enjoyed the rest of your travels.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Mathieu V
1 条分享
2022年1月 • 夫妻情侣
We've had a fantastic day!
The company is very professional and the mountainbikes are true trail bikes.
Both Dan and Lek were amazing guides and know the mountains very well.
Be aware the trails are difficult. Movies and pictures don't show the steepness of the trails. However, they're a lot of fun if you have mtb experience.
The company is very professional and the mountainbikes are true trail bikes.
Both Dan and Lek were amazing guides and know the mountains very well.
Be aware the trails are difficult. Movies and pictures don't show the steepness of the trails. However, they're a lot of fun if you have mtb experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thanks for taking the time to review us on Trip Advisor. We're glad you had a fantastic day and appreciate the kind words. As you mention the trails are certainly not easy but strive to keep riders relaxed and at ease and not rushing down to allow for maximum enjoyment. We hope you enjoyed the rest of your time in Chiang Mai and have a safe trip back home.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Justin M
7 条分享
2021年11月 • 独自旅游
I did a half day Numb tour. From the first initial contact with Dan from Trailhead, I knew I was in good hands. Prompt and detailed responses in emails answered all of my questions and inquiries.
Dan sent me a reminder email the night before pick up, and they were perfectly on time to pick me up at the hotel. Quick trip to the shop to sign a waiver and we were on our way to the mountian.
The YT Jeffsey I was provided for the ride did the job and gave me the confidence to handle the Enduro trail and done of the big ruts that have formed over the rainy season. After a quick warm up and slight downhill trail I felt completely comfortable on the Jeffsey, and was plowing down the trails in no time. Only complaint I had was the dropper post was a bit sticky, too be expected for a rental bike. Bike fit and handled great with low speed compression and rebound on the fork plus rebound on the rear shock.
Kom (my guide) was absolutely great, from the time he picked me up from the hotel so the way through lunch. Felt like I was riding with an old buddy, on more steep Technical trails he wasn't rushing or pushy, we'd stop and a quick look at the trail and discuss best line to take. Lots of laughs and great fun on the trail with Kom, would love to ride with him again.
The trail was awesome with tons of different terrain from rock gardens, slabs, loam, fast single track, and some pretty sick features. Sure beats the sandy trails we get back in Chonburi. Trailhead will also take photos for you and guide will ride with a gopro and provide some footage for your trip to share!
Back at the shop Iwaas greeted with a sweet small coconut and quick browse around the shop. The cashier (sorry I didn't catch her name!) was so nice and showed me how to get all the skin out of the coconut without having to use a spoon! They have some really good brands they're like OneUp Composites, Burger, Melon, YT, etc., I grabbed some grips and a Trailhead Jersey to eat when I'm riding back home
All in all, I can't say enough good things about Dan, Kom and the rest of the team at Trailhead. Professional, friendly, knowledgeable, and just a bunch of good people. Don't hesitate to book! They're open and ready to take you shredding!
10/10 definitely recommend
Dan sent me a reminder email the night before pick up, and they were perfectly on time to pick me up at the hotel. Quick trip to the shop to sign a waiver and we were on our way to the mountian.
The YT Jeffsey I was provided for the ride did the job and gave me the confidence to handle the Enduro trail and done of the big ruts that have formed over the rainy season. After a quick warm up and slight downhill trail I felt completely comfortable on the Jeffsey, and was plowing down the trails in no time. Only complaint I had was the dropper post was a bit sticky, too be expected for a rental bike. Bike fit and handled great with low speed compression and rebound on the fork plus rebound on the rear shock.
Kom (my guide) was absolutely great, from the time he picked me up from the hotel so the way through lunch. Felt like I was riding with an old buddy, on more steep Technical trails he wasn't rushing or pushy, we'd stop and a quick look at the trail and discuss best line to take. Lots of laughs and great fun on the trail with Kom, would love to ride with him again.
The trail was awesome with tons of different terrain from rock gardens, slabs, loam, fast single track, and some pretty sick features. Sure beats the sandy trails we get back in Chonburi. Trailhead will also take photos for you and guide will ride with a gopro and provide some footage for your trip to share!
Back at the shop Iwaas greeted with a sweet small coconut and quick browse around the shop. The cashier (sorry I didn't catch her name!) was so nice and showed me how to get all the skin out of the coconut without having to use a spoon! They have some really good brands they're like OneUp Composites, Burger, Melon, YT, etc., I grabbed some grips and a Trailhead Jersey to eat when I'm riding back home
All in all, I can't say enough good things about Dan, Kom and the rest of the team at Trailhead. Professional, friendly, knowledgeable, and just a bunch of good people. Don't hesitate to book! They're open and ready to take you shredding!
10/10 definitely recommend
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thanks for taking the time to review us on Trip Advisor. We're glad you had a good time on the Numb half day tour. We appreciate the feedback on the bike and its good to know you were happy with it overall, we will endeavor to fix the sticky dropper to ensure the best possible standards for bike rental.
Our guides take great pride in providing the best mountain biking experience and love taking photos and videos and most importantly, having fun with our guests.
We hope you enjoy the Trailhead jersey and that you can come and ride with us again soon and experience more trails on a full day tour.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
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