Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:14-50,每个团体最多 30 人
用时: 3 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:瑞典语, 俄文, 英语, 法语, 丹麦文
- 使用水肺潜水装备
- 专业且经过认证的潜水教练
未包含内容- 私人交通
- 纪念照片(可用现金购买)
- 出发地点:
- 99 Soi Pakbang, Tambon Karon, Amphoe Mueang Phuket, Chang Wat Phuket 83100, Thailand请准时在卡塔海滩的普吉岛潜水旅游商店与我们会面 如果您未能按时到场,我们无法以任何理由退款或改期 建议潜水后12小时不要飞行,如果是单次潜水,18小时重复潜水
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:167261P6- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 10 岁以下儿童
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 30 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:167261P6
- Hellotousilvia0 条分享不能再更好的教练与课程!大推真心大推Phuket five tours的所有一切服务。从最一开始的接洽变非常快速,马上订下两天后的SSI潜水课程,价格非常实惠,还可以在两天之内完成所有必须潜水课程(一次海潜、三次船潜)已经必须的泳池课。(学科可以自行网上学习)对于时间不多的人非常棒!两天后就可以马上入水享受潜水的乐趣。船上伙食非常好吃,每次上岸都有食物能吃超爽!最重要的教练我真的要强烈推荐Scottish Michael,他是我见过最有耐心的人了,所有的演练都是一步一步骤的慢慢教,没有强烈苏格兰口音所以非常容易理解,他已经当教练超过十年经验丰富,跟他学习真的非常有安全感,做错也不会催促你完成。我跟我的潜伴都觉得非常幸运有他来带我们入门。(我之前曾经在台湾上过padi教练的课,跟当时的感受真的天壤之别,价钱还更加便宜)如果对英文有一点程度,我强烈建议大家来找Michael上课,我觉得很难找到这么好的教练了!非常感谢他!撰写日期:2020年2月20日
- liankevin0 条分享不错的潜水体验三次潜水,到皇帝岛大约11点了,第一次潜水主要是教怎么做及注意事项,午饭后第二次才真正开始去欣赏海底美景,但是最后的一次才是最漂亮的,鱼多,珊瑚也多。教练Roman人不错,耐心,幽默,英语发音好,练习英语听力很不错!!撰写日期:2019年12月26日
- UH9830 条分享潜水好去处第一次嚟布吉,同朋友去左一间潜水学校,学潜水,有两位专业导师教我地,两位教练好细心好专业,坐船出海潜水嘅地点船上嘅食物都好好,最重要两位教练教识我地潜水学左好多安全同其他潜水嘅知识撰写日期:2019年12月11日
- Connector094801370930 条分享学习ow+aow非常愉快的一次学习经历,教练Michael Kerr人超级好,英文口音像高考听力一般精准,在专业名词上害怕我们听不懂,还专门给我们用Google一个一个翻译,而且Michael照相技术一级棒,教学严格。。错误动作一次一次重新练习。下次再来找Michael学习高氧! 中国人别怕,语言问题不大!撰写日期:2019年10月8日
- AlexanderTurok0 条分享精彩的1天浮潜之旅我们前往拉查雅和拉查诺伊群岛,进行了为期一天的浮潜之旅。尽管我们大多数的同船伙伴都去那里潜水,但我们仍然得到了很多关注,我们被带到了周围,参观了很多地方,回来的时候很开心。这次旅行组织得很顺利,包括教官和船员在内的每一个人都经验丰富,非常友好,乐于助人。我们潜水的地方非常棒,有很多鱼类和海洋生物可以观赏。总结:非常舒适且令人兴奋的旅行!撰写日期:2019年8月26日
- 12salaha0 条分享国际潜水学校(ssi)开放水道我刚刚完成了我的开放水域课程。从第一天,我就喜欢私人游泳池。使用阿拉伯语的ssi应用程序非常有帮助,也很容易。苏格兰的迈克尔是我的教练,他在上课时和我相处得很好,他教我所有的潜水知识。我很幸运能和苏格兰的迈克尔一起上这门课撰写日期:2019年8月5日
- NiszamA0 条分享潜水一日游这是我第三次参加“普及潜水游”(PDT)。从我们预定好的那一刻,到潜水结束被送回别墅,全程我们都被悉心照顾。David 一如既往地通过电子邮件给我们及时的回复,他来别墅接我们然后送我们去码头,是个可靠又守时的人。我们的教练是苏格兰人 Michael,他超级热情,充满激情,对潜水地点、海洋生物等知识掌握得耳熟能详,当然了他也非常关心我们这一路的安全问题。全程有他做我们的教练我非常有安全感。毋庸置疑,在普吉岛潜水要找“普及潜水游”(PDT)。对了,其他船员也都很棒!无论是潜入水中还是待在水面,他们都随时准备好了帮助你。撰写日期:2019年7月20日
- zhunjie0 条分享与弗兰克一起的SSI开放潜水课程我刚刚通过了普吉岛潜水之旅的SSI开放潜水认证。这是一所管理得很好的潜水学校,拥有一个私人游泳池。游泳池很干净。我遇到了弗兰克,他是我的课程教练。他把所有的技能都讲得很清楚,教学时也很有耐心。我和他一起潜水的体验很好,即使这是我第一次潜水,我也觉得很安全。撰写日期:2019年6月23日
- Excursion7982310 条分享作为一位第一次玩潜水的人来说,这次经历真心超赞!我和我的妻子都是第一次玩潜水,这次经历对我们来说真心超赞!我们很幸运能让米凯尔·福斯曼来做我们的教练!在整个潜水的过程中,他是如此的让人安心、富于耐心,提供了丰富的信息。我们一开始多少都有点紧张,但到了第二次潜水时,我们感到非常自在,能够真正去享受潜水这项运动,而不是老去担心各种潜水的程序和设备。强烈推荐第一次玩潜水的游客们选择米凯尔作为你们的教练!撰写日期:2019年5月31日
- Adrian S0 条分享很棒的体验整个潜水体验都以一种特殊的方式进行。我们的潜水教练迈克非常友好,他向我们保证我们在水下都很安全。强烈推荐,希望再次回到山羊岛附近潜水!:)撰写日期:2019年5月16日
- chrishW9871DB0 条分享绝对是最好的!非常感谢Franck与我分享他的知识和对潜水的热情。我感觉很安全,很受照顾,他让我的这次考证过程尽可能地有趣。即使我不是他们的学生,也要大声称赞Mike和Simon,感谢他们照顾我。这是个非常棒的团队,多亏了他们,我现在能肯定我会把潜水当做一辈子的爱好。撰写日期:2019年4月27日
- Tom's t0 条分享有趣的潜水我花了3天的时间与普吉岛潜水导游一起潜水,这是一次很棒的短期度假。维姬是一个优秀的潜水向导,她很专业,可以找到通常你潜水时会漏掉的所有可爱的小生物。我百分百推荐和他们一起潜水。撰写日期:2019年4月7日
- Ibrahim S0 条分享开开心心地潜水潜水一直都是我的愿望之一,很高兴选择了这家潜水社。我的潜水教练Roman指导我潜水,他有多年的潜水经历,十分精通潜水,他一直保护着我的安全。如果你想安全地潜水,拍一些好看的照片,拥有一次美妙的潜水经历,那么就来这里吧。撰写日期:2019年3月15日
- Liz H0 条分享真正的五星体验从开始到最后结束,“普及潜水游”(PDT)都提供了相当一流的服务。我并不是只在普吉岛待几天时间,因此并没有提前预定。但是我在联系“普吉潜水游”的十二个小时之内就成功的进行了潜水——大卫宏(David Hall)是这里的老板,他通过电子邮件和瓦次艾普(whatsapp)非常积极的回应我。在小皇帝岛(Racha Noi),我和两位初潜水员一起进行了为初学者准备的水肺试潜。我很高兴自己通过了,并且获得了自己的教练,尽管我知道团队的规模通常都很小。我的教练迈克尔·克尔(Michael Kerr)是我遇到过的最棒的教练之一。我不是那种会唱赞歌的人(更别说留下评论了),因此这位教练是真的很棒。他非常的有耐心,人也很善良,确保对于我这样一个只潜过一次水的人老说,全程我都能感到舒适和安全。我向任何人都强烈推荐这家普吉潜水游。撰写日期:2019年2月22日
- piazzeus0 条分享很棒的体验12月31日和苏格兰人迈克在卡尔塔海滩进行了两次潜水。一切都很完美,井井有条。虽然能见度不高,但他对这片区域非常熟悉,并以一种让你充分享受海底生活的方式指导你。谢谢您!撰写日期:2019年2月14日
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95 条点评
1 条分享
2024年12月 • 夫妻情侣
My wife and friend had no scuba experience but both thoroughly enjoyed it. I was especially grateful to our guide Gan who really helped my wife, who is not a good swimmer, feel very comfortable with scuba techniques. Gan took the time to help my wife grasp the basics in the pool before going into the ocean where she paid special attention to my wife making sure she felt safe the whole time. Once in the ocean Gan showed us a lot more than what we saw in the pictures posted online. She pointed out all the interesting animals along the reef, it was a great experience.
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7 条分享
2024年8月 • 独自旅游
I undertook and completed a 3 day SSI Open Water Diving Course with Alla at their Kata Road location for 12,000 Baht. First day was a half day training at their swimming pool in Kata (830am to 1pm), second and third days were full open water dive days (730am hotel pickup and 5pm hotel drop off). You'll also have to complete some online study and tests beforehand, which I finished in about half a day.
Breakfast, lunch and snacks were catered on dive days. Food was decent but not gourmet. We docked at Racha Noi and Racha Yai for lunch and you couldn't ask for better views.
Alla was lovely and I felt well taken care of during the lessons and dives. She also took great photos and videos, which I purchased for an additional 1,500 Baht. My only reservation would be for non-native/ESL English speakers. Communication might be a little challenging for you as Alla had quite a strong Ukranian accent. I personally didn't have much of a problem.
All in all, I had a wonderful time and would strongly recommend Phuket Dive Tours to most anyone.
Breakfast, lunch and snacks were catered on dive days. Food was decent but not gourmet. We docked at Racha Noi and Racha Yai for lunch and you couldn't ask for better views.
Alla was lovely and I felt well taken care of during the lessons and dives. She also took great photos and videos, which I purchased for an additional 1,500 Baht. My only reservation would be for non-native/ESL English speakers. Communication might be a little challenging for you as Alla had quite a strong Ukranian accent. I personally didn't have much of a problem.
All in all, I had a wonderful time and would strongly recommend Phuket Dive Tours to most anyone.
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比利时Tildonk6 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Great experience, very friendly staff, clear explanation before entering the water, 2 divers accompanied us during our dive initiation, constantly checking how we were doing. Great boat with good facilities and nice lunch. Strongly recommended!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Even H
英国敦提32 条分享
Great day. Brilliant instructor and crew. Boat was perfect size and not crowded and diving site was brilliant. Scuba first time and instructor was really good and guided me without any issues. Even better. Gan coached my wife to try snorkeling for the first time and she is now sold. Highly recommended.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Boston, MA346 条分享
2024年4月 • 家庭
We took the Open Water Course which included one pool session, 2 beach fives, and 2 boat dives at Racha Yai island. It was the best experience. The location of Phuket Five Tours at Kata Beach was best. They have own dive training pool there, and the place is located within walking distance to Kata Beach which was useful for the day-2 beach dives. Our instructor, Mr. Somkid, was so understanding and paced his training based on our abilities. We went slow but steady - and got certified within the 3 days of learning.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
比利时Amougies3 条分享
2023年12月 • 夫妻情侣
First scuba diving experience…superbe organized and super trainer.
We did the 3hr initiation and were blessed with Kann as instructor. What an experience and amazing underwater life so near to the coast. We will surely come back. Definitely recommended!
We did the 3hr initiation and were blessed with Kann as instructor. What an experience and amazing underwater life so near to the coast. We will surely come back. Definitely recommended!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
英国伦敦2 条分享
2023年11月 • 好友
Try 3 scuba dives day trip was amazing. We were picked up at our air bnb at 7:30 am and we were taken to a Chalong pier, from where we went to Racha Noi.
The 4 of us had two inscrutors that took great care of us. We had breakfast and were taught some basics of scuba. Victor was very good at explaining and responding to all of our queries.
Initial dive was slow and in shallow waters. Rope was used for controlled dive.
Both inscrutors were very tentative and great at pointing out interesting marine life.
One of the inscrutors also took amazing pictures and videos.
Food on the boat was delicious and we were served breakfast, lunch and snack with plenty of water, coffee and tea. The crew was very helpful with getting us in and out of the boat.
Highly recommend!
The 4 of us had two inscrutors that took great care of us. We had breakfast and were taught some basics of scuba. Victor was very good at explaining and responding to all of our queries.
Initial dive was slow and in shallow waters. Rope was used for controlled dive.
Both inscrutors were very tentative and great at pointing out interesting marine life.
One of the inscrutors also took amazing pictures and videos.
Food on the boat was delicious and we were served breakfast, lunch and snack with plenty of water, coffee and tea. The crew was very helpful with getting us in and out of the boat.
Highly recommend!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Linn P
3 条分享
2023年10月 • 独自旅游
Had an AMAZING experience with these guys😍 I did my SSI course and couldn’t have chosen a better company to do it with. A professional, relaxed and fun environment thanks to Jon our instructor. The dives felt secure and the sites were beautiful! Thank you for everything Jon and your team✨
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Chris W
英国谢菲尔德41 条分享
2023年8月 • 夫妻情侣
Professional, courteous, accommodating and kind. I really can't say enough good things about the team here.
I did a one day pool try dive here and I'm currently two days into my three day open water course. My partner is slightly less confident than I am and our instructor Jon is exactly the right mix of kind and assertive. She feels safe learning with him.
The equipment provided to us for rental is high quality, sometimes even brand new, and we'll maintained.
This is one of the only dive schools in the area with their own pool so if you want to avoid fighting with other schools in a shared pool of too many people during high season then this is definitely the place!
Looking forward to finishing my SSI open water in the next few days and will definitely be back for more!
I did a one day pool try dive here and I'm currently two days into my three day open water course. My partner is slightly less confident than I am and our instructor Jon is exactly the right mix of kind and assertive. She feels safe learning with him.
The equipment provided to us for rental is high quality, sometimes even brand new, and we'll maintained.
This is one of the only dive schools in the area with their own pool so if you want to avoid fighting with other schools in a shared pool of too many people during high season then this is definitely the place!
Looking forward to finishing my SSI open water in the next few days and will definitely be back for more!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
noor a
1 条分享
2023年8月 • 夫妻情侣
we had a great experience, thanks to our guide Kan! She was patient and helpful😍 we definitely recommend
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
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