供应商/业主为:Signature Royal Cruise
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年龄限制:0-100,每个团体最多 32 人
用时: 2 天
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 午餐
- 午餐
- 晚餐
- 早餐
- 空调车
- 配有 WiFi
- 带有冷/热组织的迎宾饮料
- 入场费和观光费
- 机舱内免费水果安装
- 太极拳课程,渔村里的竹船,烹饪示范,...
- 欢乐时光–买01送01免费(5.30至6.30 pm)
- 皮划艇费用
未包含内容- 费利克斯豪华大巴往返接送(15个座位)
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- 6 Lê Thánh Tông, Hồng Gai, Thành phố Hạ Long, Quảng Ninh 20000, Vietnam在广宁省下龙湾本街码头的Le Thanh Tong街6号上午11:30集合
接送服务详情- 如果您的酒店位于河内老城区,请在酒店接客(需额外收费)-如果您不住在河内老城区,请前往河内NgôQuyền街14号
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。提供港口接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的港口列表中进行选择。- 14 Ngô Quyền Street, Hanoi - if you do not stay in Hanoi Old Quarter
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
- 提供婴儿座椅
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:12229P5- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 32 人
- 如果您在原定出发日期前至少 4 天取消,则无需支付取消手续费。
- 如果您在原定出发日期前 3 天内取消,将收取 100%的取消手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:12229P5
3 个站点
第 1 天
第 2 天
- 334gabrielle0 条分享名副其实!2019年10月底,我在皇家游轮上进行了3天2夜的拜土龙湾之旅。我一个人住在高级套房。其实,我的伴侣一年前就来体验了这次航行,在选择之前做了大量的研究,所以他高度推荐这次航行。我也选择了这里,因为我听说下龙湾会很拥挤,污染也很严重。拜土龙湾应该不那么拥挤,而且保存得更好。第一天,他们从我在河内的酒店接我上车,既便捷又舒服。途中我们在一家珍珠公司(传奇珍珠)停了下来,那里很有趣,有一个很大的展览室,但我没有感到他们极力促使人们购买的压力。我们接着又去了一个牡蛎养殖场(哈珍珠)——我建议可以在这个地方停留一会儿,因为它更私密一点!一到港口,一切都安排得井井有条,效率很高。我们喝冰茶等了一小会儿,直到登船。我的房间很漂亮,很宽敞,而且非常干净。床和枕头都很舒服。里面有免费的水、咖啡、茶和水果,阳台很漂亮,我花了很多时间坐在那里看风景。浴室里所有的洗漱用品都准备得很齐全,还有一个带有u盘的电视,里面放着最近的电影。在我逗留期间,船上的工作人员都很乐于助人。在我看来,工作人员真的付出了相当多的努力,才使得这次旅行变得很特别。第一天,Vinh是我们的游轮总导游,他组织能力很强,而且信息丰富。托马斯从小是在这里长大,对这个地区非常了解,他也很友好。第一天我们去了水上渔村和下龙珍珠养殖场。在这里你可以自己划独木舟,也可以被拖着到处走,我觉得划独木舟很好玩,也不太费劲。牡蛎养殖场非常有趣,在这里可以了解到他们是如何制造珍珠和养殖牡蛎的。一名工人向我们展示了人工养殖的珍珠是如何制成的。它的规模比传奇明珠小,只有一个小展厅,同样也没有很迫切让大家购买的压力。在那里工作的女士们都非常乐于助人,而且非常诚实(我也会再回一下这个地方——看看更多的细节!)如果你打算买珍珠,我绝对推荐这个地方!第二天,我们在白土龙湾附近划了一天的船,可以划独木舟或摩托艇去那里的海滩。在这里划独木舟更有挑战性,时间也更长。不幸的是,那天是涨潮和多云,所以不是一个理想的海滩日。然后是一些放松时间——山姆为我做了一个很好的热石头按摩,绝对值30美元。最后一天我们早上7点去了一个山洞——这个点绝对是去那里的最好时机!很多人在我们之后不久就到了那里,如果有那么多拥挤的人群,那么肯定就不会像我们那么愉快了。每天你都可以选择看日出、打太极、做春卷、开开心心的享受、晚饭后钓鱿鱼。或者你可以就只是简单的放松一下——我很喜欢这种灵活性。总的来说,我认为这里的食物非常棒——分量超级大,不过有时我也会觉得很糟糕,有些食物我不能吃!午餐和晚餐都是装盘的,早餐是自助餐,结合了西方和亚洲特色的食物。饮料是额外收费的,但价格很合理。海湾的景色非常美丽。很明显,这就是为什么这里是如此受欢迎的旅游目的地!我发现这里的水没有受到污染,而且几乎在任何时候,这里的景色也不会被其他船只遮挡。我唯一感到其他船只或游客有点拥挤的时候是我们晚上靠岸和参观山洞的时候。我认为早点去是有好处的,导游带着我们在早上7点去了山洞,比大部分人去的都早,或者也可以干脆选择晚点去,这样也不会感到太拥挤。真的很难用语言表达,我度过了一个多么美好的旅行,我毫不犹豫地向大家推荐这次旅行,我觉得这是游览下龙湾最好的方式了。我认为这家公司真的做的很棒!撰写日期:2019年10月25日
- Discover008469187860 条分享愉快之旅管理团队非常优秀,服务态度好虽然语言不通,但丝毫不影响为我们服务,邮轮上环境优美,食物可口新鲜值得一游,我会再来的撰写日期:2019年10月24日
- Elin H0 条分享一段一生难忘的体验,值得一来从来没坐过皇家标志游轮去下龙湾。这是我们的第一次。我靠TripAdvisor选择了合适的乘船游览。我们没有失望。通过邮件联系,非常周到。我们通过他们预定了4人的私人接送。坐了2个半小时去到码头,一路都很愉快。路上还停靠了下龙湾珍珠店。登船前的等待区也不错。员工很棒。房间干净。我们上的船有12个套房。足够小,但有大的房间和浴室。床足够舒适。我们吃的每一餐都不错。这趟旅行3天2晚。我们觉得不够。只在中午12点之后稍微在游轮上待了下。之后是去看渔村的一个活动。然后船上有一个烹饪课。晚餐之前的欢乐时光很有帮助。第二天一整天都远离游轮。非常值得。在下龙湾划独木舟。那里非常漂亮质朴。我们还在那游泳。接着在回去主船之前,在当天的船只上吃了午餐。总体上,客户服务出色。唯一要抱怨的是 - 太短暂了。高度推荐这个乘船游览。撰写日期:2019年10月17日
- DerriQ0 条分享好极了我们体验了一次一夜巡游,对我们来说时间已经足够了。下龙湾很漂亮,游船上的工作人员都那么亲切、随和。给蒂姆点赞,他真是太棒了。我们来这里是庆祝结婚10周年的,工作人员在我们吃饭的时候悄悄地装饰了我们的房间,所以当我们回到房间时,我们感到非常震惊、喜出望外,真是太赞了,谢谢大家!我唯一想说的是你得记下你喝了什么饮料,因为当我们结账时拿到账单,发现上面写的饮料似乎比我们前一天晚上喝的要多一些,所以价格很贵。除此之外,这里的食物真是太棒了,真是一次美妙的旅行。谢谢蒂姆和员工团队!撰写日期:2019年9月7日
- REIEMMA0 条分享Ha Long 游船之旅整个旅程都很棒,尤其是我们的邮轮经理蒂姆,他让我们的旅程变得如此难忘!他尽力的确保每个人都过得舒适,让我们对所有的活动都了如指掌,还讲了一些让每个人都笑个不停的笑话。一切都安排得井井有条。每项活动都有足够的时间,也有时间放松和了解船上的其他人。食物棒极了,酒吧里的存货也很多。强烈推荐这里。一切都很完美!撰写日期:2019年9月5日
- Maryim1230 条分享Best trip ever整个船上的活动也很完善 整个团队都十分友善 Tim 系我地既领队 把行程安排得十分妥贴 有不同的活动可以参加 食物也很好 整个房间也很整洁美丽!撰写日期:2019年7月11日
- Veronafood0 条分享蜜月旅行这趟旅程成真是难忘之旅,谢谢🙏🏾Tim 的安排跟照顾,让我们这趟旅程充满美好回忆,他们的crew member是我们遇见最棒的团队,非常推荐大家来下龙湾的Signature royal cruise~撰写日期:2019年6月25日
- Expedition3879200 条分享非常好的服务Megan , manager 非常好 亲切友善乐于助人 照像技术好下次还会再来!食物很好吃 房间宽敞舒适干净 是来下龙湾的第一选则 谢谢你们撰写日期:2019年6月19日
- Traveler4783330 条分享Halong bay with Megan Team!服务人员都很好也很有耐心,大家可以来试试,晚上可以钓小管,参观钟乳石,风景很美,想体验不一样的生活吗?快来快来撰写日期:2019年6月6日
- LillianHuang2240 条分享Great Trip这次选择了两天一夜的行程,船员们都很热情,房间很舒适,食物也好吃,晚上还可以钓小管,是一次很棒的体验!撰写日期:2019年6月6日
- 123hoo0 条分享Halong Bay with wonderful Megan team服务很好船员们都很亲切尤其是Megan,房间很干净行程安排方面每个景点都有足够的时间,晚上活动是钓小管可以跟船长有些活动,从房间窗外看出去的景色让人赞叹,是个很好的体验❤️撰写日期:2019年6月6日
- Matt_Ocean0 条分享中规中矩,接待流程稍嫌混乱船本身的状况还不错,我的房间虽小但有小阳台又有浴缸,很舒服的房间,若可选择建议选有阳台的卧舱,可以有自己的私人户外空间;只是船上,浴室的热水忽冷忽热的,可惜了. 餐也中规中矩,只是没有太多惊喜. 谈到服务这点,我想这点有很大的改进空间,首先从河内接送到check in地点时, 下车时乱成一团, 完全看不出船公司有秩序的安顿旅客,一大群人挤在下车处找行李,找接待人员,很像在逃难,有些人因此找不到行李而生气,影响旅游心情. 船上几乎只靠一位主管级的导游在撑场面,带团, 解说,做菜课及收费都是同一位,不过他很幽默,算是有把气氛带很好,但其它工作人员似乎比较像是在旁看戏,有些工作人员甚至不大主动招呼客人, 像我们晚上去夜钓时,有位值班人员自己在夜钓处那听耳机玩手机也不招呼我们,得等我们找不到钓的工具时问他他才理我们, 这点实在不好,但船公司有特别注意在客人每次上下船时要求主要工作人员在上船处挥手接送,算是有把热情带到. 船上行程排的很紧凑,但缺点是少了悠闲在船上欣赏风景的时间. 另外会有一次去参观渔村的行程,建议自己划船走,可以自由的悠闲体会下龙湾的水上风光 下龙湾的确是要住船上一晚来感受一下此处特别的风景,是个很不错的体验撰写日期:2019年1月4日
- lchchris0 条分享顶级的亲切服务我们参加了三天两夜的旅程,实在有着意想不到的惊喜。这艘船不大,大概有16间房间,分布于三层。但房间布置精美,浴室更设有按摩池。 最值得赞赏的是船员的服务态度。经理Vinh极具幽默感,又会带动气氛。他总会在合适的时候与我们交谈说笑,让任何一位乘客都感到被重视。 绝对值得推介。撰写日期:2016年12月9日
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17 条点评
sujit c
1 条分享
2023年12月 • 家庭
The moment we got into the luxary bus at Opera house Hanoi the team of Royal signature Cruise take very good care of us. We were in royal suit at 3rd level of cruise. Mr. Morning was our travel guide and fantastic guiding us. Crew was warm and gentle. Enjoyed every moment onboard.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Li h
2 条分享
2023年11月 • 家庭
I booked the cruise through Agoda.com for better pricing. I corresponded with Mr. Duong Tuan from their sales department via WhatsApp & email. He patiently and thoroughly answered my many questions. I opted to pay extra to use their shuttle service ($20 per person per direction) for my family to be picked up at my Airbnb in Old Quarter of Hanoi. Despite the chaotic area of my Airbnb, they managed to locate us and ensured we got on the shuttle. The shuttle was clean with sufficient AC. When we arrived to the cruise, we found out one of the rooms we booked got upgraded to their VIP room. This was a great surprise for my mother-in-law since this was her first cruise ever. We also enjoyed the other two balcony attached room we had originally booked. Nothing beats the sunrise/sunset views from those balconies. The rooms on the boat was not too noisy and did not have any moldy smell, both of which I have experienced on a previous Halong cruise on a value priced boat. Mr. Morning, our cruise guide was great. He provided historic backgrounds of the places we visited and attended to everyone's needs. The staff was courteous and maintain professionalism at all times. They were able to accommodate my husband's no seafood diet. The food in general was catered toward foreigners with minimal authentic Vietnamese cuisine. The cruise takes you to Bai Tu Long Bay which has the same views as Halong Bay but without the overcrowding of many cruise ships and without the excessive littering in the waters. The cruise had only 2 shortcomings on this trip. The water temperature strangely changes depending on the the how high or low you held the shower head. The VIP room's AC unit ran out of freon which the staff tried to mitigated with a fan. Luckily the VIP room was located at the bow of the boat, so opening the doors and windows provided sufficient airflow in lieu of the AC.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
南非开普敦86 条分享
This was our first time in Halong Bay.
From the pickup at our Hotel in Hanoi till we disembarked was a great experience.
Mr Morning, our Tour Master/Guide, welcomed us with a big smile at the Port. He explained everything in detail. The itinerary was executed on time every time.
The welcome on board with the crew in their most beautiful dress was very special.
The crew went out of their way to make the experience very special. Each of us was felt very very special.
Compliments to the chef and kitchen staff - the food was far above any expectations. Well done!!! The variety of dishes and presentation was 5 star!
The excursions were fantastic.
Mr Morning, we thank you, the Captain and all the staff for making this our unforgettable experience.
Well done to all!
Greetings from South Africa
From the pickup at our Hotel in Hanoi till we disembarked was a great experience.
Mr Morning, our Tour Master/Guide, welcomed us with a big smile at the Port. He explained everything in detail. The itinerary was executed on time every time.
The welcome on board with the crew in their most beautiful dress was very special.
The crew went out of their way to make the experience very special. Each of us was felt very very special.
Compliments to the chef and kitchen staff - the food was far above any expectations. Well done!!! The variety of dishes and presentation was 5 star!
The excursions were fantastic.
Mr Morning, we thank you, the Captain and all the staff for making this our unforgettable experience.
Well done to all!
Greetings from South Africa
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
2 条分享
2022年6月 • 夫妻情侣
Via Halong Bay Cruise hadden we de Signature Royal Cruise geboekt. De communicatie via Whatsapp verliep vlot en duidelijk. De bus kwam op tijd, de cruise was leuk, er is een goed gevuld programma en het eten is buitengewoon goed. De cruise manager Lee deed erg zijn best om het iedereen naar zijn zin te maken.
Tip: boek direct via de cruise zelf voor een betere prijs en om ervoor te zorgen dat alles direct geregeld is.
Tip: boek direct via de cruise zelf voor een betere prijs en om ervoor te zorgen dat alles direct geregeld is.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Abhishek Niranjan
印度Lucknow District2 条分享
Spent fantastic time in the cruise, very nice staff and best part is their food and service. Best food i eat in Vietnam was on this cruise. Thank you so much Signature team for this.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Mayank G
8 条分享
2020年2月 • 夫妻情侣
We stayed here for our 1st Anniversary and had a great time. The view was breathtaking from the deck specially during the sunset. The food and hospitality was beyond excellence we loved how Tommy and his team arranged a surprise for us with cake and flowers to make our evening all the more special.
Highly recommended!!
Highly recommended!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear our valued guests,
Thank you very much for taking the time to share such wonderful feedback with us and with Trip Advisor travelers.
It is very pleasing to know that you had a good overall experience on the cruise and particularly enjoyed our atmosphere. We are humbled by your compliments. Rest assured that these will be shared with all of our Ambassadors as we are certain that this will motivate them to continue on striving harder for excellence.
We would be glad to have you back on our cruise again in the near future.
Contact us to get a discount if you or your family come back to us.
We wish you and your family all the best.
Kind regards,
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
英国吉尔福德2,300 条分享
We have just returned from a most enjoyable overnight cruise through Bai Tu Long Bay with Signature Royal.
Our only regret was that we hadn't booked a two night trip but .......
Our cruise manager, Thomas, was a wonderful host who threw himself into every activity with a smile, always seeking to maximise his guests experience. He really was a star who could have done no more.
Our cabin was a pleasant surprise; quite large and with nice balcony area which was great for watching the world drift by.
Food was well presented, plentiful and tasty.
A cruise is never a cheap option but Bai Tu Long Bay/Ha Long Bay is an exceptional area that you really shouldn't miss. We chose Signature as they seemed to specialise in trips on Bai Tu Long, which we were told was less busy than Ha Long. Certainly we didn't feel overwhelmed by other vessels.
Our only regret was that we hadn't booked a two night trip but .......
Our cruise manager, Thomas, was a wonderful host who threw himself into every activity with a smile, always seeking to maximise his guests experience. He really was a star who could have done no more.
Our cabin was a pleasant surprise; quite large and with nice balcony area which was great for watching the world drift by.
Food was well presented, plentiful and tasty.
A cruise is never a cheap option but Bai Tu Long Bay/Ha Long Bay is an exceptional area that you really shouldn't miss. We chose Signature as they seemed to specialise in trips on Bai Tu Long, which we were told was less busy than Ha Long. Certainly we didn't feel overwhelmed by other vessels.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear our valued guests,
On behalf of Signature Cruises, I send my sincerest thanks to you for choosing us as a part of your journey to Vietnam.
We are very happy when we see you had an amazing tour. It's encouragement with us to bring the most exciting tour to tourists in the future.
We also send your thanks to all the crews on the cruise. We are looking forward to seeing you again and we hope we will have a chance to serve you one more time or your friends, relatives.
Please contact us to have a discount voucher for the next time you travel with us.
We wish you and your family happiness and luck!
Kind regards,
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Susan G
佛罗里达迈阿密海滩4 条分享
2020年2月 • 家庭
The view is spectacular! Food was excellent, rooms are super clean! We enjoyed the activities they prepared for us! They know what they were doing when they prepared our itinerary because when we visited the cave in the morning, we were already done before the crowd started coming in so we got to enjoy the sights inside the cave and the view on top of the hill.The staff were super nice and attentive!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear our valued guests,
Thank you very much for taking the time to share such wonderful feedback with us and with Trip Advisor travelers.
It is very pleasing to know that you had a good overall experience on the cruise and particularly enjoyed our atmosphere. We are humbled by your compliments. Rest assured that these will be shared with all of our Ambassadors as we are certain that this will motivate them to continue on striving harder for excellence.
We would be glad to have you back on our cruise again in the near future.
Contact us to get a discount if you or your family come back to us.
We wish you and your family all the best.
Kind regards,
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
香港8 条分享
We travelled on board during christmas holidays and had great fun. The cruise was neat and clean. Our room was spacious and cosy. The cuisine is tailor-made based on your eating habit. Captain Tommy was friendly and caring. Every passenger is well taken care of. I’d definitely recommend this cruise trip to every one.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear beloved guest,
We truly appreciate your nice comment regarding the your stay at our Signature Halong Cruise.
Your commendation has been shared with the team to keep everyone motivated in exerting efforts to make every guest feel welcome and valued.
Thank you very much for your kind review. We look forward to welcoming you back in the not too distant future.
Warm regards.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Nu Nu
1 条分享
2020年1月 • 家庭
It was a fantastic experience for our you family, especially our host, Thomas, preparing special food for kids, helping out with our 70 years old Mum climbing up the cave and anything we have asked for.
The staff on the cruise were very helpful and polite.
Will recommend for this unforgettable trip.
The staff on the cruise were very helpful and polite.
Will recommend for this unforgettable trip.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear beloved guest,
Thank you very much for taking the time to write the kind review.
I am delighted to hear how much you appreciated our beautiful cruise. I am particularly happy to know that our wonderful staff once again succeeded in offering the warm Signature Cruise hospitality.
It was a pleasure having you with us and we look forward to welcoming you back again very soon.
Warm regards.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
May i know what's the itinerary for this cruise? How much is the price for transportation for Hanoi to Halong Bay? And do you have contact number for further questions?
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