供应商/业主为:Hyur Service
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年龄 0-99
用时: 6–7 小时
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现场指南:俄文, 英语
- 专业的英语或俄语导游服务(如果选择“带导游”选项)
- 空调车和专业司机
- 根据要求在路线上额外停靠
- 瓶装水
- 埃里温免费接送服务
- 车辆和乘客保险
未包含内容- 午餐
- Tsaghkadzor 索道门票 3000 AMD ~ 7.90$ 每人
- 入场/门票 - Tsaghkadzor Ropeway
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
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- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
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每个团体(最多 3 人)
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- Dream524708589170 条分享包车就选他家这家公司真的是埃里温最靠谱的旅游公司没有之一了,无论是独自包车还是跟团游都非常不错。 约了周日的包车游,司机大叔Mike(or Mickle)不太会说英语,但非常努力和我们沟通,每一个地方都停下告诉我们怎么走,人很热心。撰写日期:2024年8月13日
- Roving631877951040 条分享虽然累但值得这是我们在这家旅行社报的第三个行程。导游一如既往地专业,负责。这趟路程14个小时,距离远,教堂信息量大。导游从头到尾一直在讲解,非常敬业和辛苦。我们很认可他的努力,也感谢司机先生的辛苦付出。撰写日期:2024年8月7日
- Roving631877951040 条分享不虚此行我们参加了8月4号去埃奇米阿津教堂的一日游。车子很舒适,有随车WiFi,有饮用水和小点心,最主要的是,通过我们的导游Arpi的详细讲解,我们对每个景点的历史知识和亚美尼亚的文化内涵都有了清晰的了解。她是一位非常认真负责的导游,很有激情。撰写日期:2024年8月5日
- Roving631877951040 条分享一趟完美的旅程我们参加了8月5号去Geghard修道院的这个一日游。行程安排得非常合理,张弛有度。修道院实在太让人惊叹,不愧是世界文化遗产!其他的景点也都非常有特色。我们随行的导游Meline,中文名字叫“美丽”,是一个热情,有趣,有耐心且善于活跃气氛的女士。来自不同国家的游客在她的组织下,气氛非常融洽。她提供的讲解也非常专业,信息量很大。她能够说不错的汉语,因为她曾在中国工作过五年。当然,她的英语十分流利。所以不用担心有任何听不明白的地方。我们很喜欢她,也感谢我们的司机师傅。撰写日期:2024年8月5日
- bbpiggy0 条分享埃里温附近一日游Hyur公司的导游都很赞,讲解的很到位。即使我参加了一个很大的团(46人)但是导游的安排和讲解很合理,喜欢Manya和司机Norik的服务,希望以后能跟这个公司更多的导赏团撰写日期:2024年7月22日
- bbpiggy0 条分享埃里温周边一日游组织良好的旅行,有可爱的导游,我的导游 Meline提供了教堂的详细信息和亚美尼亚历史的解说,喜欢以愉快的态度分享历史事实。我的司机Avet是一位真正的绅士,总是帮我开车门。 我喜欢在阳光明媚的日子参观塞凡湖和塞凡修道院撰写日期:2024年7月21日
- Dreamer528705162460 条分享塔特夫修道院从埃里温出发大约四小时车程,建在悬崖之上,往下远眺,是绿色的一望无际的大峡谷。修道院之上是缆车,据说是亚美尼亚最大的缆车,乘缆车前行大概有几百米,大峡谷的景色尽收眼底。中间品尝了传统的亚美尼亚鸡肉餐,一路上的时间安排非常合理,导非常好的一次旅行,导游Karen Khachatryan和aro非常负责,景色很美很震撼尝试了缆车看大峡谷,去了悬崖边的塔特夫修道院,这里的人民和平而美好撰写日期:2024年6月9日
- Navigator673874055590 条分享非常好很好的活动,导游Tamara很有激情。 然后Tripadviser很难用,我Tm输入这么多Trip adviser告诉我字符数过少,我真无语。 活动很好,很好,很好,很好。 给Tamara点赞,很好的回忆。撰写日期:2024年6月8日
- D1653SR_0 条分享历史知识拉满的一天导游MIKAYEL and 司机 Arakel非常非常好!每个景点都讲解的很细致,包括历史故事,宗教文化和礼节,学到了很多知识。能从这些建筑里见证亚美尼亚丰富的历史,还遇见了很可爱的猫猫狗狗们。会推荐给朋友们!撰写日期:2024年5月3日
- jiaqil20240 条分享愉快的旅行愉快的旅行,司机Аро非常友善,司机很守时就在酒店门口等候,车辆非常干净,还为我们准备了水,沿途看了很多的风景,想在哪里拍照可以告诉他他会停车等你拍照,或许我们下次还会来这里旅行。撰写日期:2024年1月5日
- Getaway063612442520 条分享Good experience and memories with Hyur Service我们在Hyur Service预定了两趟行程,其中一趟是私人旅程,这给了我们非常棒的体验,特别是我们的司机,Arekel 先生,对我们无微不至的照顾,推荐的餐厅也非常棒 We booked two trips with Hyur Service, one of which was a private trip, which gave us a great experience, especially our driver, Mr. Arekel, who took good care of us and recommended excellent restaurants撰写日期:2024年8月12日
- Sightseer587780526150 条分享亚美尼亚最经典的一日游路线订了猫头鹰的亚美尼亚一日游,特别惊喜的一天,参观了深坑修道院、诺拉旺克、Tatev修道院,还乘坐了世界最长的缆车,这天线路体验到了亚美尼亚悠久的历史文化,而且风景绝美,午餐在一个酒庄的院子里,环境很好,还品尝当地特色的葡萄酒。我们的司机Aro 车技娴熟,我们的导游Karen是个很温柔帅气的小伙子,一路都在双语讲解很详细,解答问题也很耐心,真是一次难忘的旅程!撰写日期:2024年6月29日
- Sightseer058998596810 条分享one day trip with Karen and LevonOne day trip experience with Karen and Levon is really impressive. They make my day!Karen和Levon的深坑修道院一日游非常棒,Karen非常耐心讲解,hyur service的一日团性价比最高,来埃里温报团首选,准备再冲个塞凡湖的一日团。撰写日期:2024年3月18日
- Quest321395296680 条分享monasteries and cable car of the city Cakkhkadzor缆车是露天的,能感受到最美的风景,塞凡湖和教堂和雪山一起简直不要太融洽。导游Karen讲解得好详细,也会给我们拍照,Hyur Service is the best.撰写日期:2023年12月9日
- Compass659333491460 条分享人生目前为止最赞的一次一日游在埃里温呆了两天,原本想订两个整天的一日游,但在线支付出了点问题,我第一天的行程没赶得及,到埃里温之后直接到门店订了第二天到塞凡湖的行程。Hyur主门店很好找,就在Square Station地铁站往北走大概两三百米,里面的员工非常nice,预定非常丝滑。塞凡湖这个行程不够赶,去了四个景点,时间安排得当,关键是非常非常悠闲,阳光明媚+景色美+轻松悠闲,简直了,没有比这更赞的了。Hyur的小巴上有Wi-Fi,有水,有一点小零食,还可以带行李(行李放在后备箱),午餐费用不包括,但导游会给大家安排好,是那种聚餐式的午餐。导游Sam讲话很温柔,全程安排得当,讲解也很用心,司机叫Hike,这名字有个性。沿途美景送上照片。撰写日期:2023年10月8日
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70 条点评
Shahen A
7 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
Nice drive out of Yerevan into the countryside, passing by obsidian quarries. At the Tsakhgadzor Ropeway we enjoyed lovely views for a little under 15 minutes. On the plateau, you can go horse riding, or quad biking/ATV - although we just opted for a quick hike as didn't want to spend too long on this bit. After returning back down, it was a short drive to the Kecharis monastery. After a time of quiet reflection, we moved to lake Sevan - where we climbed up the 200 odd stairs to the Sevanavank monastery with beautiful views over the lake! After coming back down, we sat down to a nice meal of salads followed by a main. Before the hour drive back to Yerevan.
In all, it was a lovely peaceful half day with a friendly and professional driver. Thank you Arman and Hyur Service!
In all, it was a lovely peaceful half day with a friendly and professional driver. Thank you Arman and Hyur Service!
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It’s so nice to hear that you were satisfied with our services. You can surely rely on our company in future as well!
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Lay J
2 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
We enjoyed the Trip a lot. Our Guide Mrs "Anna " was very helpful and has knowledge on the places, the history, she took us pictures and videos. It was a day to remember . Also not to miss our Driver "Grigor " he has smile on his face all day long , trying to give us the best experience in our trip.
Thank you from the bottom of the heart ❤️
Thank you from the bottom of the heart ❤️
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Thank you for the warm words! Thank you for choosing our company! Hope to have another chance to host you!
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弗吉尼亚斯特林6 条分享
Had a beautiful day with our tour guide Meline and driver Hagop. Full of fun and information about all the sites. The adults and the kids enjoyed it very much and we can’t wait to come back and tour with her again! Highly recommend Meline!!!
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We are thankful for your kind review. It is our pleasure to ensure our customers have a wonderful stay!
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Giacomo B
Lessona, Piemonte, Italy18 条分享
2024年6月 • 独自旅游
Amazing views, very well organised tour, with complimentary snack provided. We were accompanied by Levon, our driver, and by our tour guide, Marina, who was exhaustive in her explanations and kept adding anecdotes, so she was never boring. Good meal at Sevan lake restaurant. Suggested for a day trip from Erevan.
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Thank you so much for your lovely review! We are excited at the prospect of organizing another fantastic vacation for you in Armenia!
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Daniil U
14 条分享
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侣
We had a great tour with Levon and Marina.
Lake was beautiful. Mountains as well. Also we had some great vegetarian lunch.
Lake was beautiful. Mountains as well. Also we had some great vegetarian lunch.
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Many thanks for your kind words and review! We would be delighted to welcome you back to Armenia anytime!
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Jennifer M
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates13 条分享
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
My husband and I, and another couple (our friends) have just finished a private day trip from Yerevan to Lake Sevan and several churches and monasteries around the area. Our guide, Maria, was very knowledgeable and helpful, and made everything go very smoothly all day, from pickup to drop off. She was very friendly and genuine and helped us to get a lot out of our visits to the various sites. The driver, Garen, drove very safely and took good care of us. The minivan was comfortable and clean. It was a great day out of the city and we have already booked two more tours with Hyur (and Maria) for later in the week.
Hyur was extremely responsive when our original tour destination was blocked due to the river flooding in the region, and helped us to completely revise our tour plans to visit other areas not affected. The desk agent who helped us (I didn’t get her name) was polite and accommodating even while making complicated last minute itinerary adjustments due to the weather emergency.
Hyur was extremely responsive when our original tour destination was blocked due to the river flooding in the region, and helped us to completely revise our tour plans to visit other areas not affected. The desk agent who helped us (I didn’t get her name) was polite and accommodating even while making complicated last minute itinerary adjustments due to the weather emergency.
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We are thankful for your kind review. It is our pleasure to ensure our customers have a wonderful stay!
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Bruce M
10 条分享
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
We had a great tour! Stunning mountainous green countryside, snowcapped peaks and fantastic ancient monasteries. Our guide Maria was fun and very knowledgeable and gave us a lot of great historical context that made the sites and monasteries more interesting. Our driver Karen was safe and very professional. Great day trip out of the city.
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Your fantastic review is greatly valued! We are always ready to organize your vacations whenever you need!
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Mari C
纽约州纽约市94 条分享
2024年5月 • 独自旅游
Guide Ella and driver Grigor created an AMAZING experience for me. As a solo female I felt extremely safe. Car was very nice and driver felt very safe. Ella had great knowledge and passion. The three places I visited were just stunningly beautiful. It was a perfect private tour. Thank you !
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Thanks a million! We will be glad to host you whenever you decide to visit us again!
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Anastasiia B
3 条分享
A great tour with a great driver! The view was breathtaking as always and the service was outstanding. Our driver Vagram was kind and a great professional - the trip was very smooth. He picked us up on time and gave us some info on our stops and timing. Vagram told us some interesting facts about the places that we have passed on our way to the main points of the tour, and even offered to have a stop between the main points to take some pictures.
Overall 10/10, will recommend!
Overall 10/10, will recommend!
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Thank you so much for the review and kind words! It will be pleasure to host you in Armenia also in future!
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3 条分享
2024年4月 • 好友
We had such a good time. Our tour guide Tamar and driver Krikor or Gregory were absolutely A-MAZING! She was very knowledgable and guided us with so much passion and love. I would highly highly recommend her! And he was so corteous and a safe driver. We booked them again for 2 days tours. Felt like family with them. More than 5 stars really!
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Thank you for the review! We will be glad to provide you with our services again!
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