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- 入场/门票 - Stilt Fishermen Sri Lanka
- 入场/门票 - 丛林海滩
- 入场/门票 - 加勒城堡
- 入场/门票 - KOSGODA Turtle Conservation and Research Centre
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- Bandaranayake Intl Airport, Colombo Sri Lanka
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- Departure505924214280 条分享good trip非常好的旅行社,接机服务非常好,非常有耐心的等待,还帮着买电话卡,还钱,向导人也很好,有的会说中文得劲。好,很好,非常好,老好了撰写日期:2020年1月24日
- krlsa0 条分享非常棒的旅行,是因为我们有些非常棒的司机和老板。我和哥哥姐姐来到这里,他们已经是第三次来这里了,每次都从这家定旅行车,无论是司机还是老板人都非常好,我们以后如果有机会我们还是会定这家的旅行车的。撰写日期:2016年8月10日
- 小鸽子70 条分享租车给我们开车的“马路基”司机,人好,开车技术也好,坐车一点都不会晕车,英语在这也算是好的了,人也比较活络,总之临走时还有点恋恋不舍,希望一切安好!撰写日期:2016年8月9日
- simswang0 条分享第三次来这已经是第三次来兰卡了,一切都这么熟悉.司机小哥每天辛苦的把我们从一个地方到另一个,起早贪黑,任劳任怨。临走老板还请我们喝了下午茶,现在老板的车队生意做大了,下次来说不定可以租辆房车开了。。。。。。。撰写日期:2016年8月9日
- 168870 条分享good5天4晚的行程非常的愉快,斯里兰卡真的很美,而且当地居民很淳朴,导游姑娘给我订的酒店非常的漂亮舒适,行程安排的也圆满,司机兄弟恰米卡非常的热情以及友善,驾驶技术也很不错,我告诉他下次我还会过来玩,带上我的家庭,并且让他来接我,撰写日期:2016年4月28日
- Yangpei0 条分享第二次斯里兰卡旅行第一次来到斯里兰卡这座陌生声的城市,还好有这位好司机兼导游恰米卡陪伴着我们,给我们做向导,这次又和老公来到这座城市,接机的还是恰米卡,看到他感觉很亲切就像是好久不见的老朋友,依旧那么热情,但是由于他家里有事,这次行程他给我们安排了很亲切的尼玛大叔,大叔人真的很好,辛苦啦,感谢,期待下次的旅行,继续找到恰米卡撰写日期:2015年12月4日
- simswang0 条分享完美的斯里兰卡二次游这是我今年第二次来锡兰,头一次全程都是帅气老板chamika接送,这次是可爱大叔nimal来的。都很不错,几乎是有求必应,而且还给做了很多推荐的酒店景点,真心不错,性价比也够高非常值得推荐。反正我以后再来还会再用。撰写日期:2015年12月2日
- 成成的承诺0 条分享难忘锡兰此次斯里兰卡自由行为7个成人2个小孩,历时10天斯里兰卡环岛游。我们租用了Sanota Walkers的商务车3天,从科伦坡机场到 Tissamaharama(蒂瑟),价格非常合理。导游Chimika和司机陪着我们车行400多公里,给予我们无微不至的关心和照顾。Chimika细心周到,让所有团友身处异国他乡却感到很踏实。每天早上总是准时到在酒店大堂接我们去景点,他会仔细地讲解每一个景点,不论我们走在什么地方,他都是耐心的陪着我们,非常敬业。坐火车时,他们还亲自上站台接送,免去了我们的担心。请他和司机和我们一起吃饭,他们都是要了最普通的炒饭,非常朴实。他推荐的餐厅和酒店性价比都很好,我们大家非常满意。因为一路上有他,我们的兰卡之行才如此的美妙和圆满。谢谢Sanota Walkers公司,谢谢Chimaka 和 我们忘记名字的司机!如果有机会我们再去锡兰,还会再找他们做我们的导游。撰写日期:2015年9月6日
- Mr_木0 条分享帅气的导游Chamika带我们雾里穿行霍顿平原这次斯里兰卡行,租用了Sanotawalkers 的面包车,Chamika 和司机全程陪同,帮我们开车、定宾馆、确定旅游的景点等等,为我们做了很多的事情,让我们度过了一个快乐的假期。我喜欢霍顿平原那种朦胧的感觉,变幻莫测,帅气的斯里兰卡导游Chamika清晨带我们雾里穿行霍顿平原,一阵阵白茫茫的雾涌过来,拥抱了平原上所有的一切,一会风一会雨一会阳光,就像老天不断地跟我们嬉戏。麋鹿在平原上散步,在我们的车窗面前向内张望,与我们友好地互动。撰写日期:2015年8月14日
- wenzhudejiayuan0 条分享让我们流连忘返的斯里兰卡此次斯里兰卡自由行为8个成人1个小孩,历时10天斯里兰卡环岛游。我们租用了Sanota Walkers的商务车,导游Chimika和司机陪着我们车行近1300多公里,给予我们无微不至的关心和照顾.Chimika(我们按照他的姓和名字给他起了一个中文名字“麦启明”)服务非常是细心周到,让所有团友身处异国他乡却感到很踏实。每天早上总是准时到在酒店大堂接我们去景点,他会仔细地讲解每一个景点,每一个参观的寺庙,可惜我们的英语能力不是太好,不能完全理解他的解说。不论我们走在什么地方,他都是耐心的陪着我们,有时候由于人多照相耽误了一些时间,他也是默默的跟着我们,非常敬业。去霍顿平原那天走了将近6个小时,回来的路上又去了牧场,耽误了中午吃饭的时间,他也是陪着我们饿肚子,使我们非常内疚。有时候请他和司机和我们一起吃饭,他们都是要了最普通的炒饭,非常朴实。因为一路上有他,我们的兰卡之行才如此的美妙和圆满。谢谢Sanota Walkers公司,谢谢Chimaka 和 我们忘记名字的司机!如果有机会我们再去兰卡,还会再找他们做我们的导游。撰写日期:2015年8月8日
- 德芙贝贝0 条分享斯里兰卡美轮美奂,此次兰卡自由行8人,历时15天斯里兰卡环岛游。我们租用了Sanota Walkers的商务车,Chimika和司机Dilurk 陪着我们车行近2000多公里,给予我们无微不至的关心和照顾. 司机Dilurk的车技超好,服务非常贴心,会在风景优美的地方停车让我们拍照;Chimika(“吃米糕”为了让队友能记住他的名字,我按音给他取了个外号)服务更是细 心周到,让所有队友身处异国他乡却能感受到如家般的温暖和关怀。他会仔细地讲解每一个景点,每一个参观的寺庙;不论我们走在什么地方,他总是在我们的视线之内。沙滩上嬉戏,他会站在不远处守望;瀑布底下游玩,他会跟着我们下池塘,爬山的时候,他总是跟在我们身后,下山的时候走在我们前头,好几次我们累了渴了,他还买了酸奶和当地的饮料给我们,就好像家中的大哥。他随时帮我们照相,以至于后来我们我们把一台相机放在他手里,他会唱歌,歌声低婉动听,在斯里兰卡的热带风情中融入了一种温柔的情愫,因为一路上有他,我们的兰卡之行才如此的美妙和圆满。谢谢Sanota Walkers公司,谢谢Chimaka 和 Dilurk!撰写日期:2015年7月25日
- simswang0 条分享有求必应,不厌其烦今年2月份带着老婆和4个朋友一起去的斯里兰卡,老板chamika亲自热情全程接待我们,对于我们行程上的安排有求必应,甚至带着我们找到了照片上那些比较偏僻的景区。11月底还会再去一次斯里兰卡,已经约好了chamika,十分期待这次的旅程。撰写日期:2015年7月5日
- AiradDuan0 条分享景色秀美,热情友善美蕊莎的海边太棒了!沙滩、海浪、海鲜、出海观鲸!可以试着在海涛声中缓缓睡去,太放松了。加勒就像鼓浪屿,环球中国餐厅的海鲜一定要吃哦!狮子岩很壮美!亚拉国家公园可以与野生动物近距离接触,只是没看到锡兰豹!茶厂买了很多茶叶。世界尽头好危险。斯里兰卡的人民对中国游客比较友好,我们还坐了火车,高山茶园线可以坐在门口。司机服务很周到。总体上看,此次行程非常令人满意!撰写日期:2015年3月21日
- 龟龟0 条分享有山有水,环境宜人当地人热情友善,导游每到一处都会主动介绍相关背景,各地自然景观宜人,山中郁郁葱葱,海边微风徐徐,度假游玩的好去处。撰写日期:2015年3月6日
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59 条点评
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nathalie f
法国里昂577 条分享
2024年4月 • 夫妻情侣
a nice experience, on the other hand it has become very touristy, the sinners ask for money to stage themselves and take photos However it remains very pleasant and it allows them to live better
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Czar Rod J
4 条分享
2024年2月 • 独自旅游
Had a really great time in Galle area. Beautiful place. This tour was awesomely executed, and the driver (and his son) and the tour agency owner were very helpful, friendly and accommodating.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Jóhanna María J
1 条分享
2024年3月 • 好友
We went on a tour to Galle, and it exceeded our expectations. Our tour guide, Deshan, was simply amazing. His knowledge of the area, coupled with his friendly demeanor, made the experience truly memorable. The stops along the way were diverse, offering insights into the rich history and culture of Galle. From exploring the iconic Galle Fort to visiting jungle beach and a sea turtle conservation center. It was truly a great day, thanks to Deshan and the well-planned itinerary. Highly recommended for anyone looking to explore the beauty of Galle!
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Cristina B
1 条分享
2024年1月 • 家庭
everything ok Galle is wonderful we had a wonderful day and the fisherman were very nice. the small and very sad tsunami museum.
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Tia C
2 条分享
2023年10月 • 夫妻情侣
My husband and I went on the tour in October while we were on our honeymoon. Deshan was our tour guide and he was great! It was a long day but we got to see so much ans Deshan was very flexible. We had such an amazing memorable time and definitely got our money's worth! I would recommend this tour to anyone!
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86 条分享
We were contacted by the provider in advance via WhatsApp and briefed on the most important points regarding the meeting point, the process and written information about the sights/stops. We really appreciated this. The documents - like the tour - were in English. However, the documents can easily be translated into German via WhatsApp if required.
The guide was reservedly friendly, attentive and very informative. Thank you! As a European, you generally have to get used to the way people drive here in Sri Lanka. But the guide did this well.
The included lunch was very fine and in a good restaurant right by the sea.
We can absolutely recommend this tour. The three stops in the afternoon in the herb garden (in Bali they do this with tea tastings), gemstones, and probably also at the mask factory (we skipped that) are informative but ultimately more like sales events. But whether you want to buy something is up to you. But that loses one point in the rating. This should be better declared in the description.
The positive thing about the private tour is that you can leave something out or see something else. The Tsunami Museum is rather small and the pictures are a bit yellowed. Still worth a visit, as it is run by someone who was affected and she describes the situation at the time very impressively.
The fort is beautiful, but the whole complex is only designed for tourist purposes. There are lots of shops where the locals never go shopping because it is far too expensive. You don't see real life in Sri Lanka there.
The guide was reservedly friendly, attentive and very informative. Thank you! As a European, you generally have to get used to the way people drive here in Sri Lanka. But the guide did this well.
The included lunch was very fine and in a good restaurant right by the sea.
We can absolutely recommend this tour. The three stops in the afternoon in the herb garden (in Bali they do this with tea tastings), gemstones, and probably also at the mask factory (we skipped that) are informative but ultimately more like sales events. But whether you want to buy something is up to you. But that loses one point in the rating. This should be better declared in the description.
The positive thing about the private tour is that you can leave something out or see something else. The Tsunami Museum is rather small and the pictures are a bit yellowed. Still worth a visit, as it is run by someone who was affected and she describes the situation at the time very impressively.
The fort is beautiful, but the whole complex is only designed for tourist purposes. There are lots of shops where the locals never go shopping because it is far too expensive. You don't see real life in Sri Lanka there.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
3 条分享
2023年10月 • 独自旅游
This agency truly respected my feelings and intentions, allowing me to enjoy my time at my own pace. Mr. Tharindu, my guide, also took plenty of photos for me. I already miss Sri Lanka and I'd love to spend more time there. Hope I can go back there again so soon!
If I were to point out one thing, it was regrettable that I felt pressured to purchase at the gem & jewelry shop. But they became beautiful souvenirs for my mom and me.
Apart from this, everything else was truly perfect. Mr. Tharindu was a very kind, attentive, and careful person. He took care of me a lot! And the scenery in Galle was breathtaking. I highly recommend this tour for anyone who loves the sea, nature, and animals! This is the best memory I will never forget.
If I were to point out one thing, it was regrettable that I felt pressured to purchase at the gem & jewelry shop. But they became beautiful souvenirs for my mom and me.
Apart from this, everything else was truly perfect. Mr. Tharindu was a very kind, attentive, and careful person. He took care of me a lot! And the scenery in Galle was breathtaking. I highly recommend this tour for anyone who loves the sea, nature, and animals! This is the best memory I will never forget.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Andy T
3 条分享
2023年10月 • 家庭
We had a fantastic day trip to Galle as a family group of 8. Our guide DC was friendly and knowledgeable and we packed a huge amount into the day. Lunch on the beach was tasty, and the highlight of the day was a visit to the turtle hatchery. The walk down to jungle beach was too challenging for some of our party but the rest of us enjoyed a quick dip in the sea. Be prepared to spend a few dollars on souvenirs or donations at each stop and you will enjoy the experiences more!
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Mathew A
10 条分享
2023年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Unfortunately our tour to Galle was overshadowed with poor weather but I've taken that into consideration with this review. The stilt fisherman site was just for show, they are just acting and was therefore disappointing. The Galle fort was mildly interesting as was the tsunami picture museum. One of the stops was at a herb garden where we were sat down, handed a catalogue of products and a pencil and asked to awkwardly sit through a sales pitch of medicinal plants products we might like to buy, where we could mark our catalogue when they spoke about a product we might like to purchase. We included lunch in our package, where the staff were rude when paying up. The highlight was stopping past the turtle sanctuary, where we saw baby turtles a few days old and some of the older ones too. We were a bit concerned about the driving standard.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Chamika M
We appreciate your understanding regarding the weather conditions on the day of your tour.
Regarding the stilt fishermen, they indeed engage in traditional fishing daily and showcase their skills to our visitors, providing an authentic experience of Sri Lankan culture.
I'm glad to clarify that lunch expenses are covered by the company, and any additional drinks would be the responsibility of the client.
In regard to the lunch restaurant, we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the behavior of our staff. We take this matter seriously and will address it with the restaurant staff to ensure a more pleasant dining experience for our clients in the future. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve our services.
At the spice garden, visitors have the opportunity to explore the growing spices, and there is absolutely no pressure to make a purchase. You are free to choose whether or not to buy any products.
Thank you for your feedback, and we hope you will consider experiencing our tours again in the future.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Jessica S
意大利米兰9 条分享
Really great experience, you can visit the main points of the south-west coast and get in touch with Sri Lanka history. Best parts for sure Tsunami museum and turtles hatchery. Or maybe the lunch by the sea and the jungle beach!
Great our guide that explained us really well all the things.
Great our guide that explained us really well all the things.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Chamika M
I wanted to reach out and extend our sincerest gratitude for your kind comments about our company. Your positive feedback means the world to us, and we're thrilled to hear about your fantastic experience exploring the south-west coast of Sri Lanka with us.
It warms our hearts to know that you had a truly memorable journey, where you not only visited the key highlights of the region but also immersed yourself in Sri Lanka's rich history and culture. Your mention of the Tsunami museum and the turtles hatchery as standout experiences is appreciated, as these attractions hold a special place in our itineraries for their significance and impact.
We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed the seaside lunch and your time at Jungle Beach. Our team takes great pride in curating unique and unforgettable moments for our clients, and it's rewarding to know that these experiences left a lasting impression.
Our dedicated guide played a crucial role in ensuring you had an informative and engaging tour. We believe that a knowledgeable and passionate guide can make all the difference, and it's fantastic to hear that our guide was able to provide you with valuable insights and explanations throughout the journey.
Once again, thank you for choosing Lanka Tour Host as your travel partner, and for taking the time to share your positive thoughts. Your feedback is invaluable to us, as it inspires us to continue delivering exceptional service and memorable adventures.
We look forward to the opportunity of welcoming you back in the future to explore even more of the beauty and history that Sri Lanka has to offer. If there's anything else we can assist you with or if you plan to visit again, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Wishing you many more wonderful travel experiences ahead!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Hi, we’re really keen to do this trip, it looks amazing! Would you be able to pick up and drop off from the postcard hotel in Galle? Thanks
Hi there,
I am currently staying in ahangama. Do you arrange pick ups from this hotel if we wanted to start the day tour from here?
Me and my wife would be staying at amari galle for 2 days. Do you have your pick up facility from there?
Dear Sir/Madam,
It's a Pleasure to have you with us.
Of course we can pickup you from your hotel. Please let me know your pickup details.
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Chamika Mahasinghe
Please send me the your requirement. I will get back soon
Hi, my boyfriend and I are staying in the club dolphin hotel in kammala, we would love to do this tour. Is it possible to arrange pick up from our hotel and we can pay more?
Hello, we are visiting the south of Sri Lanka in December- January. Are you operating tours this time? What is the weather like during this time? Thank you!
Good mng.we are at Waduwa today on 11th nov.2018Sunday.
can we get train for Galle from here and come back ? Please Time table
I have interesting on this day tour. Please advise if we can go to fishing on the poles? need extra pay? how much.
also can you email me the quotation tour packaging for Mar 09 2019 (9:00am) arrive CMB, departure Mar 21 (23:50pm) / 2 people
Hi, Thank you for interest. We provide all Entrance fees and Lunch. So You no need to pay anything.
Hi , we are looking to come in Colombo in July! We are afraid is not the season! And we won't catch to book activities, the weather won't be good? What would you advice?
Thank you
Hi. very Warm Welcome to Sanota Walkers!!.
Thank you very much for Interest. July is Good season to visit Galle. So you can book your tour with Tripadvisor Experiences.
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