供应商/业主为:Seoul City Tour
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 40 人
用时: 6 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:中文, 英语
- 专家指南
- 乘坐舒适的空调客车
- 酒店接送
- 入场/门票 - 临津阁
- 入场/门票 - 坡州市
- 入场/门票 - Dora Observatory
- 入场/门票 - Dorasan Station
未包含内容- 小费
- 电车
- 酒店下车
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- Hongik Univ. Station, Seoul, South Korea最后出发地点 : 弘益大学地铁站3号出口 上午:08:00 下午 : 10:00
接送服务详情- 我们只接所有旅客从首尔市中心地区位于酒店。 根据您的酒店位置,会议时间都不同。 所以,您必须与当地旅游经营者确认确切的会面地点和会面时间。 如果您住在Airbnb或当地住宅区,请告诉我们您的住宿名称(附地址 ) 。 然后,我们将为您安排会面地点。 ** 最後出發地點為弘益大學地鐵站3號出口上午08:00/上午10:00 **最后一分钟预订(旅游开始前12小时 ) , 请直接在弘益大学地铁站3号出口集合,因为我们无法为您安排酒店接机。 请致电我们获取确切的会议时间。 ** 仁川不提供接机服务(不在首尔) * * 在DMZ+悬索桥选项的情况下,接机仅在明洞地铁站9号出口AM 07:30 & Hongik Univ提供。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。返程:- City Hall, Seoul, South Korea(如果您选择全日游选项,我们会将您送回酒店)
- 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6780P37- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 您必须在出发前从当地旅行社获得确切的集合地点和时间
- 旅行当天需要有效护照
- 您无需发送护照复印件
- 请按照导游的说明进行拍照的时间和地点
- 若部分行程因意外军情或当地情况取消,恕不退款
- 适度步行穿过陡峭狭窄的隧道 - 建议穿着舒适的衣服和鞋子
- 至少需要 2 名成人才能预订下午游
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 如果您因为迟到或混乱的旅行日期错过了旅游巴士,将不予退款。
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 40 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6780P37
- 途经Seoul
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4途经South KoreaCity Hall
- Seoul, South Korea(如果您选择全日游选项,我们会将您送回酒店)
- utmoststarh0 条分享DMZ之旅韩国DMZ之旅是一段难以忘怀的体验。从踏入非军事区开始,我就感受到一种历史与现实交织的独特氛围。这里不仅仅是一个旅游景点,更是一个让人深刻反思和平与战争的地方。 导游非常专业,详细介绍了DMZ的历史背景和现状,让我们对朝韩关系有了更深的了解。观景台提供了绝佳的视野,可以远眺朝鲜的景象,感觉既震撼又新奇。撰写日期:2024年6月13日
- apaia20240 条分享韩国之旅——DMZ导游柳真很耐心,旅行过程中也讲解了旅行地的背景故事,让我们旅行更充实,更好享受这次韩国之旅,还给我们推荐了好吃的冰淇淋,点赞。哈哈哈红红火火恍恍惚惚哈哈哈哈哈,非常满意。柳真跟以前的一个女爱豆名字一样诶~撰写日期:2024年6月7日
- suny9420 条分享很开心的旅程玩的很开心,류진导游认真负责,中文特别好,而且还会帮忙拍照,很开心的一次旅行!来的前一天导游就联系了我,加上了微信,并且告知了注意事项。第二天早上在约定地点见面,然后就出发了,先后去了吊桥,临津阁和平公园和第三地道,中午还在统一村吃了饭。很开心!撰写日期:2024年3月15日
- 678wangs0 条分享dmz快乐一日很棒的一次旅行,一次把dmz有关的地方差不多全看完了(除了板门店不能去)讲解也很专业,导游非常了解历史。时间安排很合理,还好把地道放在最后。爬地道好累好累,但是很有成就感!!!如果有朋友再来韩国我想我会推荐的撰写日期:2024年3月15日
- X6672XM_0 条分享一次很棒且内容丰富的旅行!!一次很棒且内容丰富的旅行。首尔旅行社前一天通过 Line 联系我确认我的预订。他们非常乐于助人并且很快回答我的任何问题。弘大入口站的接送很顺利,市政厅站还车。导游的解释很详尽。真的很喜欢第三隧道步行,并通过免费的双筒望远镜看到朝鲜一侧。撰写日期:2024年1月10日
- Coastal592903564380 条分享非常棒的旅行这次的 DMZ 之旅 是一次难忘的经历!导游非常专业,知识渊博,不仅详细讲解了 朝韩历史,还结合现实情况,让我们对 半岛局势 有了更深入的了解。整个行程安排合理,参观了 第三地道、都罗展望台等重要景点,让我们感受到历史的厚重与和平的珍贵。 我的导游是Charles,不知道为什么他的牌子的照片我发不上来,只能在这里说明,我非常推荐Charles 导游的讲解风趣幽默,能把复杂的历史背景讲得生动易懂,同时还能回答各种问题,展现出极高的专业素养。此外,他还特别照顾团队成员,让大家都能顺利参与各项活动,感受到最佳的旅行体验。 如果你对 韩国历史、南北关系 感兴趣,DMZ 之旅 绝对值得一去!强烈推荐这位优秀的导游撰写日期:2025年2月5日
- yiiween0 条分享Yeoni 是很好的导游很也希望下次还能再来喜欢这个旅程 导游很好 风景很美 很舒适 很壮观 同时也很喜欢韩国 ❤️下次来可以再找这个导游带领大家去观光撰写日期:2019年11月13日
- mikev8390 条分享南山韩国民族村——朝鲜王朝宫殿建筑群南山谷韩屋村和首尔塔一日游 非常幸运全程都有尤莉当我们的导游,对我来说,她是最棒和最乐于助人的导游。她总是在身旁及时的帮助我们,总是询问我们是否还好,旅程体验感如何,还会为出发前一天无法及时联系上我,和我确认行程而道歉(我接受道歉,但是没有必要),世界上只有少数导游才会打电话给你,还记得你的名字,这就是尤莉和其他导游的不同之处,特别对于像我和家人这种经常旅游的人来说。为此次超赞还富有教育意义的旅行点赞。一定要去首尔,希望我们还有机会和尤莉见面,上帝保佑首尔,当然还有尤莉!撰写日期:2019年9月28日
- aaronr5660 条分享美好之旅我和我朋友与最后一刻预定了这个观光游项目,我们很幸运(预定成功)得以参加这个观光活动。Tina是我们的导游, 她特别优秀。她很亲切友好,风趣,英语流利。将来有机会还会参加这个观光游项目。它真得让我们首尔之旅变得特别美好。感谢Tina。——来自 Aaron R的评价。撰写日期:2019年9月24日
- Neil A0 条分享和凯蒂的DMZ之旅我们在DMZ进行了半天的旅行,同时还在这儿吃了午餐,这次旅行真的非常的有趣,导游凯蒂也是。她照顾了我们一整天,同时在巴士上她也告诉了我们很多这儿的背景,以及我们需要了解和一些关于这儿有趣的故事。感谢凯蒂让我们渡过了愉快的一天,也非常的高兴遇见了你。撰写日期:2017年5月20日
- Robbie_1290 条分享超棒的旅行强烈推荐DMZ和JSA,我们通过viator预定了旅行,非常享受。我们的导游是丽贝卡,他给我们介绍了DMZ的历史,非常亲切。最棒的是她给我们用韩语唱了一首歌在回家的路上。去吧不会后悔的!撰写日期:2017年4月28日
- Terry L0 条分享与米娅同游神奇的城市我们要感谢我们很棒的导游-米娅;她带领我们参观了首尔,并提供信息让我们更了解韩国。她确保每个问题和请求都有被照顾得到。在旅行之后,她甚至给了我们一份我们可以去的推荐的地点和我们可以尝试的食物清单。我们旅游团中的每个人都玩得很高兴。撰写日期:2017年4月7日
- uelcat0 条分享花的值的假期这是美妙的旅行。非常有教育意义,有历史战争纪念碑,首尔塔很棒的景观,令人惊叹。也有南伞来河内村。多亏了凯蒂帕克和他们的公司。当在韩国时,我们强烈推荐这里。撰写日期:2017年3月17日
- Theodor1110 条分享失望DnZ旅游,上午十点到下午17点——接机很顺利——开车去战争博物馆,一小时结束。如果你对历史感兴趣的话时间可能有点短。我看了大约50%——然后就到了午饭时间。历史景点附近没有解释说明——开车去DMZ。我们大约可以停20分钟。在兴趣点上...军营旁边有界限在中间,然后必须离开。——由于安全原因我们无法参观到两个有趣的景点。这是可以接受的...但我们没有收到任何关于这方面的信息...所以2/3的DMZ景点没有去——导游的英语很差...嗯...没有导游...称他为组织者...而不是解说者。总体来说:DAX不见了,只有二十分钟。真的很有趣。不值这个价钱...你自己就可以看到这些...只需租一辆车。撰写日期:2017年2月21日
- Yuyuan L0 条分享认识历史2/2号参加DMZ一日游,早上7点左右由导游小李过来接恰,上了游览车,因我是第一个上车,所以一路上需要接一团团的家庭或朋友,陆续上车,分别有中文和英文团体。 先到了临津阁公园稍作等待,可能是中文的团体人数太少,被分到另一台全中文的游览车,一路参观了都罗山火车站、展望台、非武装地带DMZ展馆、第三隧道、统一村等等,之后又回到临津阁公园后,差不多结束今天的行程。 此时,又需在此等待,回首尔的路程,需要与之前过来的游览车一起回去,这样换车上车下车,年轻人也许还好,不过对年纪大点的哥哥姊姊可能就比较困扰,不过导游小李尽可能让安排尽善尽美。 整体来讲,DMZ旅程中,我们了解当时战争的历史,也让我们反省这些的过去,导游耐心的讲解,把所知的告诉我们,尽可能给我们旅客制造美好的回忆,这部分是值得鼓励的,谢谢Seoul city tour 给我这趟旅程,也谢谢导游小李。撰写日期:2017年2月3日
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12 条点评
2 条分享
Chloe was a very knowledgeable and funny tour guide and gave us a lot of interesting information about the history of Korea and the DMZ. Highly recommended!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hello, this is Jessie from Seoul City Tour.
We are glad to hear that you had an overall great experience, we are looking forward to seeing you once again!
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4 条分享
2024年10月 • 家庭
Getting up early is worth it, as we were able to limit the queues and ensure we had tickets. Katie was really informative, helpful and her English impeccable. Fantastic half day tour of the DMZ. .
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hello, this is Alex from Seoul City Tour.
Thank you for leaving such a nice review! It's great to hear that you found the tour so informative.
Our priority is to give the most memorable experience, so we are very satisfied to see that you appreciated our efforts :)
Hope to see you again in Seoul City Tour
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Monica M
加拿大多伦多24 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Very informative tour that took us to the Udusan Unification Observatory and Third Infiltration Tunnel. It was a very hot day so we appreciated the air-conditioned introductory short films that preceded each site! Our tour guide Eden gave us a concise and interesting primer on Korean War history. While we were okay with the Third Infiltration tunnel, it might not be suitable for anyone with heart problems since the climb upwards can be quite taxing. All in all, a very rich experience. (The tour company Seoul City Tour, especially Sora, was very prompt in answering all online booking and pickup questions prior to the tour. )
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hello, this is Max from Seoul City Tour.
We truly appreciate your reviews, it helps us to improve our services and to offer a better
experience to our customers, We hope to see you soon again with Seoul city tour.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Yi-Yun L
1 条分享
2024年5月 • 好友
This tour is highly recommended, especially our tour guide Katie! She is sooooo passionate and kind to everyone. She explained the history, story and fun facts so well. If you are interested in the relationship/history of north & South Korea, pls definitely join this tour when visiting Korea!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hello, this is Sam from Seoul City Tour.
Thank you very much for recommending us, we love to know that we have fulfilled our mission of taking you to live the best experiences.
Thank you
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
2 条分享
2024年5月 • 好友
The trip was amazing! we enjoy the itinerary from beginning to end, especially we'd like to shout out to our tour guide Katie, who is full of enthusiasm and care for all the ppl on the bus and she explains everything in details! I love this tour so much and would definitely continue to join other tour when I visit Seoul next time!
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Hello, this is Jay from Seoul City Tour.
Thank you for taking the time to leave a review and let us know how we are doing. It is good to know that our team matched your expectations, and made your experience memorable. It was a pleasure to serve you.
Please come back again soon!
Thank you
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Valerie H
13 条分享
This half day trip went from pickup at 9:10 am til drop off at 5:15 approximate. Grace was our tour guide and she was very informative. We got a great capsule history lesson as we got started and a bit more history along the way between stops and Informative history pertaining to the next stop. We were also informed of upcoming food and restroom opportunities. The history between North and South Korea is sad and I learned more about the other countries involved in their history of conflict. We were in and around the DMZ most of the trip and stopped at the market just outside the S Korean village in the DMZ where we could try soybean ice cream and purchase some food and snacks for souvenirs. Many opportunities to grab a coffee, snack, lunch and souvenirs.
Walking into and through the 3rd tunnel from N Korea discovered by SK was an interesting opportunity highlighting the continuing efforts by N Korea to reclaim S Korea.
Grace was responsive to questions as well.
The only negative is that I could have used a bit more time at a few of the stops to look around at the many things to see and read. Would definitely do this again with other family members.
Walking into and through the 3rd tunnel from N Korea discovered by SK was an interesting opportunity highlighting the continuing efforts by N Korea to reclaim S Korea.
Grace was responsive to questions as well.
The only negative is that I could have used a bit more time at a few of the stops to look around at the many things to see and read. Would definitely do this again with other family members.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hello, this is Alex from Seoul City Tour.
We truly appreciate your reviews, it helps us to improve our services and to offer a better experience to our customers, and your comment would be great encouragement for Grace.
We hope to see you soon again with Seoul city tour.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Beatrice P
1 条分享
2023年6月 • 家庭
I think that the half day tour was perfect for our family. Our tour guide, Mr. “Cool” Park provided a good amount of historical background for each of the locations we visited mixed with funny/tragic anecdotes. I highly recommend getting him as a tour guide since he was able to keep our family (15 of us in total, age range from 10-81 years old) engaged.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hello this is David from Seoul City Tour.
Thank you so much for taking your time to write such a nice and detailed review.
We really appreciate it.
We hope to see you some other day soon agian.
Thank you:)
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Wanchai15 条分享
A very interesting trip although at the time we went we were unable to reach the actual border due to an outbreak of swine flu. We were dropped off at the war museum on the way back into town and that is well worth a visit
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Priyanka B
马来西亚吉隆坡3 条分享
The alternative tour planned for today was very well organised. The tour guide Yeoni displayed utmost patience with all. She explained about history of various places we visited. And always ready to help out with the photos. The Odu Obsevatory was fantastic- we could see the propaganda village on the other side of the border.
The Imjingak peace park was beautiful as we could see a lot of information and emotions from the past.
This is a recommended tour as thr DMZ was not open to public.
I wish you good luck
Priyanka Bakshi
The Imjingak peace park was beautiful as we could see a lot of information and emotions from the past.
This is a recommended tour as thr DMZ was not open to public.
I wish you good luck
Priyanka Bakshi
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
This is Jennie from Seoul City Tour !
We are very glad to hear you enjoyed the tour well with our company ! We will let Yeoni know how much you enjoyed the tour with her !
We really appreciate your good review :)
Hope to see you again !
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Brian S
澳大利亚Malvern5 条分享
We got off to a bad start when the visit to the 3rd Observation tunnel was taken off the itinerary due to swine flu. Not their fault, but certainty not ours, and the content was substantially downgraded with a substitute visit to the war museum in downtown Seoul, which is easy to get to, with free admission - don't need a tour for that. I would've at least expected a discount from the original price when an inferior product was delivered.
To add insult to injury, the visit to Imjinak was extremely hurried, yet there was LOTS of time to be dragged through the "shopping".
Another example of their poor planning is the way we had to be at our pick up point at 7.20, (not our hotel), and were then driven around downtown Seoul for a full hour, when to our dismay, we realised we were passing an area 2 blocks from where we had been picked up.
Happily we did not opt for the lunch option which sounded pretty ordinary.
The guide was pretty good, and is the only reason the rating is 2 stars and not 1.
Probably the worst organised tour I've ever had the misfortune to go on.
To add insult to injury, the visit to Imjinak was extremely hurried, yet there was LOTS of time to be dragged through the "shopping".
Another example of their poor planning is the way we had to be at our pick up point at 7.20, (not our hotel), and were then driven around downtown Seoul for a full hour, when to our dismay, we realised we were passing an area 2 blocks from where we had been picked up.
Happily we did not opt for the lunch option which sounded pretty ordinary.
The guide was pretty good, and is the only reason the rating is 2 stars and not 1.
Probably the worst organised tour I've ever had the misfortune to go on.
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*即将售罄: 根据过去 30 天的 Viator 预订数据和从供应商处获取的信息,此体验很可能会在 Tripadvisor 旗下品牌 Viator 上售罄。