供应商/业主为:Your Egypt Tours
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄 0-85
用时: 6–7 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:德语, 中文, 英语, 意大利语, 法语, 西班牙语
- 合格的埃及古物学家指南
- 酒店接送服务
- 空调车
- 景点门票(根据所选的旅游选项而定)
- 30 分钟骑骆驼(取决于所选的旅游选项)
- 在 VIP 餐厅享用午餐(根据选择的旅游选项而定)
- 入场/门票 - 吉萨金字塔
- 入场/门票 - 萨卡拉金字塔群
- 入场/门票 - Mit Rahina Museum
未包含内容- 金字塔墓室的入口。
- 任何额外费用
- 感激
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 游览从位于开罗和吉萨市中心的酒店出发。请在预订时提供您酒店的详细信息。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 提供婴儿座椅
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- 这是一项私人游览/活动。 只有您的团队能够参加
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- alanshannon0 条分享出色的定制旅行我们的定制旅行包括开罗,阿斯旺和卢克索,以及阿斯旺和卢克索之间的几站,整体远超我们预期。 导游知识丰富,服务到位。 二十年前我到访过埃及,并在没有向导的情况下去了一些景点。 但这次旅行不同,因为有导游陪同,使得行程更加丰富有趣了。个人建议哦,如果没有导游的话,就不要去埃及的历史遗址 - 诸位也顺便将埃及之旅打算起来吧 - 这里的一切都太棒了。撰写日期:2018年12月18日
- ingakjohnson0 条分享开罗(Cairo):您埃及之旅的第1—3天我们从“带你游埃及”(Your Egypt Tour)这儿预订了几次旅游和机场接送服务,到目前为止,我们对于这些体验一直很满意。我们的二日游,都去了吉萨(Giza)、孟菲斯(Memphis)和萨卡拉(Saqarah),还去了埃及博物馆、城堡和雪花石膏清真寺(Alabaster Mosque)。我们的导游易卜拉欣·艾伦(Ibrahim Allan)非常棒。他不仅知识渊博,而且笑得令人陶醉。他更是一位伟大的摄影师,能为我们挑选最佳拍照角度,并告诉我们如何摆姿势才能拍出最精彩的照片。我们期待着在卢克索(Luxor)的下一次探索。撰写日期:2018年10月29日
- rjamnew0 条分享超赞的预定服务和埃及之旅合作至今仍是一次美妙的经历。我们是一群朋友和家人组成的团体,带着许多不同的愿望和需求在埃及旅行了几天,并在埃及之旅订了很多次旅程。他们毫不犹豫地回答了我们所有的问题,重新安排了我们的行程以适应我们计划的改变,并确保我们设计的埃及之旅满足了每个人的需求。和埃及之旅合作,计划一次一生难忘的旅行是一件非常愉快的事情。和莫娜一起工作真的感觉好得超乎想象。不要犹豫,赶紧和他们预定吧。撰写日期:2018年9月6日
- RomanHolidays670 条分享最棒的!我参加过这家旅行公司的很多旅行。我们去过亚历山大港,德尔阿马纳和孟菲斯。导游非常棒,尤其是塔哈。老板Abuelnaga先生尽力满足我们的要求。明年我回到埃及时,会再一次预订他们公司的旅行团。撰写日期:2018年5月21日
- sabrinaxie20180 条分享非常精彩的旅程我和我先生通过朋友推荐找到了这家旅行社 我们这次9天的行程安排比较仓促,只提前1个半月开始准备。多亏了客服Mona hamdy先生专业和及时的安排,我们成功规划了一个完美的行程。(开罗及周边4天,阿斯旺和卢克索共4天,红海1天) 来埃及玩的朋友首先会问的必然是安全问题,我们的感觉是埃及其实蛮安全的,没听说有人偷抢东西,我碰到的当地人都蛮友善的(据说金字塔旁边的骗子蛮多,但我们全程有导游陪同,完全没受到过骚扰) 旅行社有安排两个导游- Taha(开罗及周边)和 Ashraf (阿斯旺到卢克索),和其他很多地方相比,埃及的导游受过非常好的教育和专业培训,他们的专业知识都非常丰富,令我们受益匪浅 (到埃及这样历史丰富的国度游玩,如果不想仅仅走马观花拍几张照片,建议还是要请一个导游) 导游除了工作,其实也更像朋友,某天我随便聊到喜欢吃埃及的椰枣,几天以后taha在路上还专门帮我买了一些做路上的零食(顺便提个醒,千万不要在埃及机场买椰枣,巨贵巨难吃,谁吃谁知道) 至于埃及的美景,自己看图吧(最后一张是我们和taha一起拍的照片)撰写日期:2018年3月11日
- medward19690 条分享与“你的埃及之旅”的卢克索一日行我们在导游Ashraf先生的带领下,在卢克索的旅行中度过了美好的一天。由于客户服务代表Mona Hamdy的帮助,预订过程很简单。卢克索是一座露天博物馆,到处都是寺庙和纪念碑。我们整体上很喜欢这个城市和埃及。如果你将访问卢克索,我会推荐这家旅行社和Ashraf先生。撰写日期:2018年1月14日
- dontcallmeillcallyou0 条分享萨法加港口的超棒冒险旅行我们坐船去的卢克索,在那整个晚上看了寺庙和帝王谷。真是不平凡的两天。行程安排和导游很给力。第一天我们参观了卡纳克神庙和卢克索复体。在尼罗河上划船。晚饭后在卡纳克神庙看了表演,很美好的一天。第二天我们参观了帝王谷,强烈推荐参观古墓,你会印象深刻的,尽管需要额外收费。在这个地方花了很长时间,完全不会失望!你们把埃及旅行弄的很好,谢谢你们给我带来了不一样的两天撰写日期:2017年12月10日
- Elisa B0 条分享神奇的私人旅行我在埃及度过了6个美妙的日子。埃及之旅为我们不同寻常的团队组织了一次精心设计的旅行。我们4个人,我的朋友,我和我们的两位父母亲。这次旅行为了我们的兴趣和需求而精心安排的井井有条。在开罗,然后是卢克索和阿斯旺的导游,他们非常博学,平易近人。他们为我们建议了更有意义的事情,而且总是有良好的知识和礼貌。埃及是势不可挡的:天气,人们开始吃的食物。真正让我感到震撼的是历史的惊人数量,以及它被保存和维护的方式。遗址都是可以访问的,干净的,安全的!我不能停止建议我所有的朋友和同事去埃及旅行!撰写日期:2017年11月6日
- Roger A0 条分享在这里玩得很开心我跟同一个中介/向导去了两趟旅行,第一天去吉萨金字塔、斯芬克斯狮身人面像和孟菲斯。第二天去开罗城市之旅:埃及博物馆、萨拉赫厄尔丁城堡和吉萨汗·哈利利市场。两天都挺不错的,非常专业,而且井井有条。他们非常准时的来酒店接你,一切都按照日程表来。我的埃及古物学向导Mamdouh经验丰富而且知识渊博,给我们提供了尽可能多的信息。总的来说我很满意,在开罗玩得很开心,还看到了主流景点。强烈推荐撰写日期:2017年9月22日
- raffamasc0 条分享卢克索旅游我们有机会带着一位非常专业的导游-艾熙参观了令人惊叹的卢克索!他的经验和良好的方式使我们受益匪浅,这里的故事和艺术保存在这里,从卡纳克到山谷,使我们的旅程更加特别。撰写日期:2017年8月15日
- TJ W0 条分享非常棒的经历我的儿子和我去了吉萨作为他的毕业礼物。Mamdoh Sr和 Mamdoh Jr知识渊博,愿意回答我们的所有问题。Sr.是司机,Jr.是我们的导游。我们增加了帆船夜游尼罗河的旅游项目,并参观了开罗El-Fishawi最古老的咖啡店。我们旅游是在斋月期间,我们在晚上还被带着游览了开罗市中心,这是一个非常棒的经验。我们都建议与司机和导游带着一起参观。谢谢你们!撰写日期:2017年7月15日
- Mislaidy P0 条分享棒棒的吉萨(埃及)之旅大爱埃及之旅(Egypt Tour)的服务!!!两周前,我们参加了一个吉萨和亚历山大市的二日游。这家旅行社让我们在埃及的日子变得很特别,在旅行中承诺的一切他们都一一兑现了。Mamdouh(我们的导游)超乎想象的优秀,他就像我们的家人一样,而且对埃及的历史也是了如指掌。强烈推荐这家旅行社。谢谢你们,Mamdouh和埃及之旅,是你们让我们在埃及的日子充满了美好的回忆!!!!撰写日期:2017年5月15日
- t0ny07100 条分享去阿拉曼和历史名胜亚历山大市的私人旅行我的向导,Mamdouh和司机,Afshan,就按照安排的时间一样,八点就到我的旅馆了。交通工具是一辆崭新的而且舒适的带有空调的迷你巴士。我在阿拉曼和Mamdouh度过了非常有趣的一天,他的英语很好,很博学的。接下来的一天我参观地下墓穴,城堡,庞培庙和罗马竞技场。Mamdouh是一个在埃及历史方面的专家,他的言论肯定提高了我旅程的质量。最后我们在kadoura吃午餐,这里是城里最好的鱼餐馆,在这里你可以挑选当天捕捞的鱼类和海鲜。总的来说,非常愉快的体验,我强烈推荐这家公司。撰写日期:2017年4月22日
- anamariadecima71810 条分享你的埃及游真的是很适合独自的女游客我去了一个很棒的埃及游,叫做尼罗河女王。我的导游Mamdouh和 Ash很友好,知识面很广,他们解释古埃及的每一个纪念碑的细节,他们还说了埃及的现在传统,婚姻,社会的女人角色和其他的事情。酒店和尼罗河女王游真的值得5星,我喜欢住在那里。作为一个独自的女游客,我可以说埃及很安全,因为这是我在去埃及之前最关心的事情。Mona Hamdy是旅游公司的线上客服,和整个埃及游的员工真的让我很记忆深刻!撰写日期:2017年3月6日
- LawZieYan0 条分享很赞的旅行我和我朋友对所有的导游都十分满意,因为他们真的很棒!先给 Mamdouah Ismail先生(我们开罗到亚历山大之行的旅游)和 Ashraf 先生(我们卢克索之行的导游)。当然了我们的朋友Mamdouh先生总是一直那么热心和守时。此外,Mohammad先生为我们在埃及机场提供了很好的指导。他们都很照顾我们。所有的旅行都很棒,我们在埃及度过了一段美好的时光。我们强烈推荐这个旅行团给其它人。你的埃及之旅……谢谢你们周到的服务!撰写日期:2017年1月8日
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10 条点评
Ahmed E
阿联酋迪拜1 条分享
The organization of our tour by Your Egypt Tours was flawless. Every day was filled with delightful experiences, and the local guides were enthusiastic and informative. We enjoyed every moment.
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Dont T
1 条分享
Fantastic setup! During our entire stay in Egypt with Your Egypt Tours, we felt extremely at ease. Her plans were just how I wanted them to be. I heartily suggest her to anyone looking for reasonably priced, high-quality services. I also really enjoyed the pictures she set up and the camel ride. incredibly competent
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
明尼苏达21 条分享
We had a very nice day with our guide Ahmed Ali. He knows everything about the sites and couldn’t have been more polite. Sam the driver did a great job in the Cairo traffic too. Going inside the Pyramid of Khufu was our main interest and we had the time to do this (it is optional and an extra fee.) Just walking around the Pyramids of Giza themselves were the highlight for us so spend as much time here as you can before moving on. The Sphinx, Memphis and Saqqara don’t need a lot of time if you ask me. If you opt for the camel ride at the lookout (a short photo op ride for an extra fee) know that our handlers pushed hard for more tip than the guide suggest. We chose to be firm at the recommended tip. The photos did turn out nice.
All other fees were covered and Ahmed made everything go smooth and carefree.
We normally self guide and rarely book tours, but we enjoyed this hassle free day in capable hands. Thanks Ahmed!
All other fees were covered and Ahmed made everything go smooth and carefree.
We normally self guide and rarely book tours, but we enjoyed this hassle free day in capable hands. Thanks Ahmed!
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1 条分享
Thank you, Thank you Mamdouh (our tour guide) for making this experience so great! dont know where to start here..... As someone who travels often and does tons of research before booking/planning trips I wasn't sure what to expect with Your Egypt Tours. Obviously they have several great reviews, so I was just hoping for the best. This was my first visit to Egypt and was there with my Father and Brothers who were just planning on "going to the pyramids" for one of the days we were in Cairo. After reading some do's/don't from other travelers I took it upon myself to book us a guided tour to make sure we made the most out of the day. This tour was handsdown THE BEST MONEY SPENT during the 8-days we spent in Egypt. Our guide Mamdouh was the best! I could go on and on and on.... As I said above I always do tons of research when planning trips, however, I have NEVER done my part by contributing and writing up a review of my experience. I knew at the end of our day with Mamdouh that this would be my first. Thank you again!
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Roseline B
5 条分享
2019年4月 • 好友
One of the most beautiful vacation ever was the four days touring Cairo with the outstanding driver, Nagy, who managed to get us through the jamming traffic and with our distinguished tour guide, Sam Othman of Memphis Tours. Sam is a well qualified, motivated, and responsible tour guide. Every morning, he will be at the hotel lobby even before the time set, waiting for us to start our excursion. His knowledgeable background has made it possible for us to understand the huge Egyptian history. His tirelessness has guided us to the most ancient monuments of Cairo: The Great Pyramids of Giza Plateau, Memphis, Saqqara, the Museum, the castles, Muhammad Aly Mosque, good food, great shopping... a friendly ambiance that really made us feel like at home. All the bests and my gratitude to Sam who is so devoted and does a superb job for Memphis Tours. A true Egyptologist. I warmly recommend Memphis Tours and Sam Othman to everyone who wants to visit Egypt.
Many thanks to Sam. Job well done ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Many thanks to Sam. Job well done ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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Alexandra F
澳大利亚黄金海岸284 条分享
My husband and I started our first day off in Egypt doing this private tour and it qas worth every cent. Our guide Ibrahim was fantastic and knowledgeable about all things ancient Egypt. Ibrahim and our driver Mohammed were both friendly and great to chat to and spend the day with. We really wanted to buy some genuine papyrus and they took us to a place in Giza where we purchased some beautiful artwork.
On top of this wonderful day of learning and new experiences, Ibrahim became our personal photographer getting all the best shots at all locations so we have beautiful memories and also a great Instagram photo lol.
Highly recommend Ibrahim if you choose to do this tour.
On top of this wonderful day of learning and new experiences, Ibrahim became our personal photographer getting all the best shots at all locations so we have beautiful memories and also a great Instagram photo lol.
Highly recommend Ibrahim if you choose to do this tour.
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佛罗里达彭萨科拉16 条分享
2018年12月 • 家庭
This was the most memorable tour of our trip to the Middle East, made very special by an excellent guide Mamdouh Ismail, a knowledgeable and personable Egyptoligist. Mamdouh thoroughly enjoys his role as guide, teaching all about ancient history, culture and artifacts, and was especially helpful in stopping for breaks, to get drinks and locally made Pita bread. We rode camels, climbed pyramids, gazed at ancient wonders and were treated like friends and welcome guests. This all inclusive tour allowed us to see the major sites around Cairo and Giza in one day, with door to door transportation and safe transfers between the sites-our driver was amazing, too (driving in and around Cairo requires great skill!).. Our Guide directed us to a lovely meal at the local Sakkara Restaurant which was a treat! This tour and guide and driver made this an amazing, unforgettable adventure!
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Singapore7 条分享
2018年6月 • 家庭
Let me start with the good:
This was a wonderful and fascinating day. The pick up was well organised, the transport was excellent, the guide was fantastic and knowledgeable. And the sites of course are world class. They took us to the sights as advertised, and it was magnificent.
BUT there is something to be careful with.The tour guide and the driver set the pace of the tour, and will keep the pace relatively high, with the result that the "day tour" is finished by lunch time. At that point, they will encourage you to do more, all at US$30 per person. (we were three) or simply drop you off at the hotel after lunch.
At that point, it turns into an Egyptian market negotiation. Although the cost of the driver and guide was for a "day tour", they basically convince you that you got to pay for them a second time. To the point where it becomes unpleasant and annoying.
My strong advice is to take your time at the sites, and get the most out of the guide at your disposal. Do not get rushed. But if you do want to add the Egyptian museum to your itinerary, negotiate it before you book the tour or, latest, at the start of the day.
At the end, we had a wonderful day, simply because the sites were amazing and the guide was knowledgeable.
This was a wonderful and fascinating day. The pick up was well organised, the transport was excellent, the guide was fantastic and knowledgeable. And the sites of course are world class. They took us to the sights as advertised, and it was magnificent.
BUT there is something to be careful with.The tour guide and the driver set the pace of the tour, and will keep the pace relatively high, with the result that the "day tour" is finished by lunch time. At that point, they will encourage you to do more, all at US$30 per person. (we were three) or simply drop you off at the hotel after lunch.
At that point, it turns into an Egyptian market negotiation. Although the cost of the driver and guide was for a "day tour", they basically convince you that you got to pay for them a second time. To the point where it becomes unpleasant and annoying.
My strong advice is to take your time at the sites, and get the most out of the guide at your disposal. Do not get rushed. But if you do want to add the Egyptian museum to your itinerary, negotiate it before you book the tour or, latest, at the start of the day.
At the end, we had a wonderful day, simply because the sites were amazing and the guide was knowledgeable.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
瑞士苏黎世2 条分享
2018年5月 • 夫妻情侣
Sehr interessante und beeindruckende Ausflug. Besonders hervorheben war unser Guide Mahmoud. Er hat sehr viel Wissen, war nie aufdringlich eine echte Portion Humor und kennt sich sonst in Ägypten sehr gut aus. Wir haben gerade am Folgetag nochmals im Cairo ein anderes Ausfllug mit Ihm gebucht. Hat alles perfekt geklappt.
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Nicole M
俄亥俄North Royalton15 条分享
2018年1月 • 好友
My friend and I visited Egypt (on limited time) on our way to the UAE so we decided to do a day tour in Egypt. This tour was incredibly amazing! We had an awesome tour guide, Mamdouh, who is very knowledgeable about the pyramids and Egyptian history in general. He took us to the cites and since we had extra time, recommended other *must see places* and took us there as well, such as the history museum and a boat ride on the Nile. The history museum is a must, you get to see artifacts 3,000+ yrs old and will see them no where else in the world. Mamdouh is very attentive, kind, and fun. He is a great photographer and took really nice/fun pics of my friend and I with the pyramids, sphinx, etc. He also took us to the authentic souvenir shops away from the markets selling souvenirs that are made in china. I significantly recommend this tour with Mamdouh. We had such an amazing time in Egypt, my friend and I felt safe the entire time. We definitely want to come back, 2 days in Egypt was not enough time! There is so much to see!
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What is the time frame for a normal tour? I am only going to be there for 1 day (fly in on Friday evening and out on Saturday)
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