阿斯旺阿布辛贝神庙私人一日游 - 私人旅游
阿斯旺阿布辛贝神庙私人一日游 - 私人旅游
供应商/业主为:Egypt Unlimited Tours
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
成人价格最低 元(具体价格视团体规模而定)
年龄 0-99
用时: 8–10 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:德语, 阿拉伯文, 葡萄牙语, 英语, 意大利语, 法语, 西班牙语
- 酒店接送服务
- 瓶装水
- 私人空调车。
- 合格的埃及古物学家指南
- 所有服务费和税费
- 私人旅游
- 税费和服务费。
- 收取两个寺庙的费用
- 入场/门票 - 阿布辛贝
未包含内容- 小费
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 我们从阿斯旺,火车站或阿斯旺机场的所有酒店接客 向我们发送您在阿斯旺的接送地点的信息。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。提供机场接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的机场列表中进行选择。- Aswan International Airport, Aswan, Aswan Governorate 1230801, Egypt
提供港口接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的港口列表中进行选择。- Blue Shadow Nile Cruise, 3VWW+GV6, Sheyakhah Thalethah, Aswan, Aswan Governorate 1240892, Egypt
- The Oberoi Philae, Luxury Nile Cruiser, Abbas Farid, Sheyakhah Oula, Qism, Aswan Governorate 81511, Egypt
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 交通工具有无障碍设施
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:57870P7- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 所有参与者在预订时都需要护照名称,号码,到期日和国家/地区
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 这是一项私人游览/活动。 只有您的团队能够参加
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:57870P7
- 1参观阿布辛贝的两座寺庙
- xiaohuaf20240 条分享2月体验了尼罗河游船整体服务不错 缺点是船比较差 大家记得下单后要和他们沟通船 我们的royal elite这条船房间小 还是双床 并且顶层游泳池很小 总体不太舒服 导游服务还是不错的 但是整体游览行程安排得比较紧 本来第三天是要去卢克索和卡纳克 结果穿跑的慢浪费了一天时间撰写日期:2024年2月17日
- Ricocnsz0 条分享难忘的埃及神庙之旅很多年以来,我对埃及这个古老的文明古国充满了向往。2019年的21月,终于得以来到这个神奇的国家。8天的旅程看完一座又一座宏伟的神庙,古代埃及人实在太不可思议。这段美妙而又舒适的旅行最需要感谢的,是无限埃及旅行社的安排,留着小胡子戴眼镜总带着一丝坏笑的Mohamed——有求必应、使命必达,面对团里成员任何的问题,都会得到他肯定而有力的回复“没问题!我来搞定。”,他是一个让我们这些在外旅行的旅者、在异国他乡非常有安全感的人。 如果,您也有可能去埃及旅行,无限埃及旅行社的Mohamed领队,会是你在埃及最好的伙伴,选他,就对了。 我还会再去埃及,也还会再联系Mohamed,让他为我安排。撰写日期:2020年1月5日
- AmandaKL0 条分享放松身心的心灵之旅这是我第二次访问埃及,去年我第一次访问埃及的时候,穆罕默德和他的团队(Hares)安排了一次很棒的旅行,所以我毫不犹豫地再次选择他们,因为我知道我会得到很好的照顾。埃及无限旅行社是埃及的旅游公司。强烈推荐,6星评级。撰写日期:2019年10月31日
- Sheng78780 条分享为期16天的埃及之旅了不起的个性化和优质的五星级服务!满足你提出的每一个要求! 穆罕默德(Mohammed)会毫不犹豫地对我们的要求说“好的”,特别是要求驾驶员在将我们送到机场之前,在超市停下来让我去拿我的东西。强烈推荐这里😉撰写日期:2019年10月29日
- AmyLiew0 条分享神圣的埃及之旅,与Sherwin Ng同行的10天我只能说:他们的服务棒极了!我们的旅程很顺利。因为这次旅行更多的是精神上的旅行而不是身体上的旅行,所以他们也能够理解我们的情感需求。非常感谢Mohamed、Hare和整个团队!撰写日期:2019年10月28日
- 13Emeraldstar0 条分享在古埃及印象深刻的11日之旅对于埃及无限旅这一个行程,我真的是无法用语言形容的它的好!从我到达开罗机场的那一刻,我就没有担心过任何后勤有关的事情,因为这个旅游公司都非常注重旅行的任何细节,这让我非常的惊讶!从机场接机到接下来整个的行程,我都非常的享受,也没有担心过安全问题。从阿斯旺到很多漂亮的寺庙,到一个三晚的尼罗河邮轮之旅,都配备了一流的住宿条件和所有相关人员的热情。。。我非常享受从导游哈尔斯(Hares)那里学习大量关于埃及漫长复杂的历史知识。而且我们的导游也是这个旅程的高潮。我被埃及的很多方面所惊艳。非常感谢穆罕穆德和哈尔斯,你们都非常的棒!我迫不及待的告诉所有人,我还会再来的!!撰写日期:2019年10月28日
- Martha A0 条分享10天之旅-精神/文化/友谊阿斯旺,3天尼罗河巡游,卢克索和开罗。穆罕默德的专业精神和对每一个后勤微观细节的关注都是不同寻常的。从在机场迎接,到在各个地点来回换乘,瓶装水,舒适的空调巴士,酒店登记入住,用餐,每一个合理的要求都得到了满足。我感到很安全,所有人都热情地接待我。感谢这次难忘经历✨期待预订我的下一次埃及之旅。撰写日期:2019年10月19日
- clarencel20150 条分享4天3晚的开罗之旅我们是一群潜水员,在红海潜水之旅后,我们准备进行短暂的陆上游览。由于停留时间短暂,我没有预料到能够进行如此棒的开罗之旅。但是,这家旅行社非常棒,莫斯塔夫阿德尔先生是我们4日游的中文向导。他带着温暖的笑容迎接我们,他的中文非常流利,让我们感到惊讶。他是一位非常友善和贴心的导游,向我们介绍了他所了解的埃及的所有历史。非常精彩的介绍,他对自己国家的文化和历史充满热情,让我们的整个旅行非常愉快。他还教给我们如何用当地语言进行简单问候,这使我们彼此之间更加亲近。我们实在不愿意跟他说再见。几位女士甚至在告别时掉了眼泪。我们会想念我们在一起度过的时光,我肯定会再来卢克索,埃及之旅非常有趣。下次再见!撰写日期:2019年10月15日
- taiying_xu0 条分享开罗、卢克索和阿斯旺参观知名景点和神庙我们在埃及11天,非常难忘。在开罗我们住在金字塔旁边的酒店,看着金字塔和美景,享用美食,真是一生难有的体验。 我们当然也去了不同的金字塔,甚至有机会进入金字塔。之后,我们去卢克索,参观了哈索尔神庙、帝王谷和卢克索博物馆,每一个都是有意义和价值。卢克索博物馆虽然物品没有开罗博物馆丰富,但给我留下的印象一点也不比开罗博物馆差,我们还感受了热气球,看到早晨埃及的美景,尼罗河和沙漠、农田和古迹。在阿斯旺,我们去了ISIS神庙,当地土著人的村庄、骑骆驼、在沙漠里尽情玩耍,非常开心,只是可惜,没有来得及体验帆船。这一趟之所以影响深刻,是因为Unlimited旅行社真的是贴心的做了一切最好的安排,每个酒店都非常舒适、美丽,仅仅是待在酒店就可以身心放松。unlimited安排的埃及导游也非常棒,用中文讲解埃及的文化、历史等,可以更深了解埃及。一路的美食,全团没有任何人想起中餐。 当然,要特别感谢随行的朋友们,尤其是Rae,每个部分,他的点评都是神来之点睛。撰写日期:2019年3月26日
- 601lulus0 条分享永生难忘的回忆这趟旅程真是让我永生难忘,经理人穆罕默德先生,和领队玛丽小姐,全程无微不足不至的照顾,自掏腰包的礼物跟送餐,更是让我感动万分,我真心的推荐,如果要来埃及玩,一定要选择他们公司,我迫不及待的期待下一次的埃及旅游了撰写日期:2019年3月15日
- hotme1170 条分享难忘的回忆,希望埃及能越来越繁荣。同时希望价格能更优惠一些。因为我们不懂英文,所以导游很耐心的用翻译软件跟我们沟通,有他们在我们的埃及旅行就很有安全感,是我们很难忘的回忆,当然如果价格能在优惠一点就更好了,希望埃及能越来越繁荣,那样旅游的人将会更多,现在很多人不敢来埃及,当然希望有机会你们能来中国做客。撰写日期:2018年10月2日
- 美玉 王0 条分享灵性旅游一趟灵魂之旅,让头脑都清析了,洗涤我的内在,加上有一个很棒的旅游公司帮我们完成所有的安排,值得推荐给大家撰写日期:2018年6月9日
- phone679073f732e20180 条分享非常靠谱的地接旅游公司我们定制了一个旅游行程,从开罗到卢克索再到阿斯旺,总共10天,从酒店到餐饮,然后接送以及景点安排,都非常妥当安全。我们体验到了埃及当地的人民风情以及民族特色,参观了神庙,也走访了清真寺基督教堂,也购买了当地的特产,纸莎草,精油,地毯。导游中文很好,沟通完全没有问题。总之这是一次非常棒的埃及之旅。相信我下次去的话,还会再找他们的。。撰写日期:2018年3月31日
- jnts19800 条分享内外皆无极限的一场埃及圣地旅行这是第一次去埃及,出发前朋友们都给了一堆对于埃及的负面臆测,但实地到了埃及,发现这里的人事物都很美好,特别是协助安排Egypt Unlimited Tours的在地人Mohamed以及导游Fatma,无微不至的照顾我们旅程所有面向,像家人一般,让我们在旅程中可以尽情的放松敞开身心,接受这伟大文明的洗礼,完全不用去担心一般旅行常会遇到的问题! 我们从开罗到路克索,一路到亚斯旺,从北到南游历了诸多金字塔与神庙,见证了埃及文明背后蕴藏的巨大能量,让身与心都得到了解放,即使是神圣的旅程,Egypt Unlimited Tours也尽可能地满足了我们来到异乡的购物期盼,同时给予我们相当优质的饮食与住宿。 诚心推荐想去埃及旅游的人,洽询 Egypt Unlimited Tours的服务,若是你正准备安排一段旅行却不知该往哪去,那他们规划的埃及游是你现在的首选!撰写日期:2018年3月22日
- 133pamelat0 条分享埃及初体验带着忐忑的心来到埃及,一下飞机就有导游来接机,bus专程接送到饭店安排住宿休息,一整个都不用操心。每天都是安排得好好,只需要开心地享受。当地导游Fatma对于埃及文化导览非常专业。司机先生也非常细心尽量让车子处于平稳状态,让我们坐在车上很安稳。在购物时,Egypt Unlimited Tours的老板Mohamed甚至出手帮忙,让我们能以很棒的价格买到喜欢的物品,这实在是太感动。如果来埃及游玩,真心推荐参加Egypt Unlimited Tours,绝对是玩的愉快又安全。撰写日期:2018年3月22日
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18 条点评
Turner S
1,502 条分享
2024年1月 • 夫妻情侣
It's a long drive to Abu Simbel from Aswan. We arrived after 3.5 hours with one brief stop along the way. The earlier you can leave the better. We had a great guide in Mara. Very knowledgeable and thorough. You will enjoy Abu Simbel but bring a book for the long drive. There is nothing to see along the way but desert. Don't forget to tip your driver cause that is a long day for them behind the wheel.
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Jim M
弗吉尼亚福尔斯彻奇13 条分享
2023年1月 • 独自旅游
Long drive to and from temples was smooth and allowed catch up nap and appreciation of vast desert. The temples were awesome and explanations by my guide Adham were succinct and illuminating throughout. In addition he was an excellent photographer. Highly recommend the experience.Bucket list trip.
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加利福尼亚圣何塞223 条分享
I’m glad I booked a private Abu simbel tour with Egypt Unlimited Tour. From the booking to the drop off to the hotel, everything was top notch. The booking and communication with Mr. Mohamed Mostafa was quick, clear, and straightforward. The online payment system also worked flawlessly and securely.
I opted to leave our hotel at a later time instead of the 4 am departure to avoid the crowd and it was granted. We met up and got assisted by one of the staff member to get to the van and meet our tour guide for the day. We also got 2 drivers who took turns driving since it was a long drive. We felt safe the whole time and got to stop when we needed a restroom break or snacks/drinks.
We had the privilege to be guided by Maram Abdeen! She was sweet, caring, and very accommodating. She made sure my family and I were comfortable the whole time during the commute and during the walk around the temple. She constantly checked on my aunt who had mobility issues and checked all of us if we were okay in the heat. She was also very knowledgable and she taught us the rich history of Abu Simbel. Maram also gave lots of suggestions and tips on restaurants, stores, souvenirs, etc. She also bought us delicious local Egyptian lunch!
In the short time we spent with her, we all felt like we were treated like family members, not just another clients.
Thank you Maram and the Egypt Unlimited tours! We will use your service again when we visit Egypt.
I opted to leave our hotel at a later time instead of the 4 am departure to avoid the crowd and it was granted. We met up and got assisted by one of the staff member to get to the van and meet our tour guide for the day. We also got 2 drivers who took turns driving since it was a long drive. We felt safe the whole time and got to stop when we needed a restroom break or snacks/drinks.
We had the privilege to be guided by Maram Abdeen! She was sweet, caring, and very accommodating. She made sure my family and I were comfortable the whole time during the commute and during the walk around the temple. She constantly checked on my aunt who had mobility issues and checked all of us if we were okay in the heat. She was also very knowledgable and she taught us the rich history of Abu Simbel. Maram also gave lots of suggestions and tips on restaurants, stores, souvenirs, etc. She also bought us delicious local Egyptian lunch!
In the short time we spent with her, we all felt like we were treated like family members, not just another clients.
Thank you Maram and the Egypt Unlimited tours! We will use your service again when we visit Egypt.
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5 条分享
Fantastic tour, and some of the best temples in Egypt. Mostafa was a fun an engaging and knowledgeable tour guide that helped me understand the history of Egypt and the significance of the temples. Highly recommend for anyone staying in Aswan!
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8 条分享
2022年3月 • 独自旅游
The temples are extraordinary! They are not only beautiful, but are an engineering marvel as well. The time and money spent to come here were well worth it and have provided a lifetime experience!
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7 条分享
Wir haben die Tour sehr kurzfrist gebucht, trotzdem hat alles perfekt geklappt. Innert wenigen Minuten wurde alles bestätigt, wir bekamen einen tollen deutschsprachigen Guide und einen freundlichen Fahrer mit neuem Auto.
Die Fahrt ist lang, aber dank einem kurzen Zwischenstop in einem Kaffee verlief sie kurzweilig.
Der Service vorher und nachher top!
Abu Simbel selbst ist unfassbar beeindruckend, die lange Reise lohnt auf jeden Fall!
Danke für den unvergesslichen Tag, den wir jedem:jeder zur Wiederholung empfehlen!
Die Fahrt ist lang, aber dank einem kurzen Zwischenstop in einem Kaffee verlief sie kurzweilig.
Der Service vorher und nachher top!
Abu Simbel selbst ist unfassbar beeindruckend, die lange Reise lohnt auf jeden Fall!
Danke für den unvergesslichen Tag, den wir jedem:jeder zur Wiederholung empfehlen!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Vielen Dank für Ihre wunderbare Bewertung ... Wir sind sehr dankbar für Ihre Unterstützung und Ihre positiven Worte. Gefühle über unseren Service bedeuten uns viel, das ist unser Ziel. Wir warten darauf, Sie wieder zu bedienen.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Tim M
2 条分享
I was really impressed with Egypt Unlimited Tours. They were very professional and our guide Mohammed was very knowledgeable. I would recommend this tour and look forward in booking future tours with this company.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for your wonderful review...We are so appreciated for your support, and your positive words, Feelings about our service means a lot to us, that is what we always aim for. We are waiting to serve you again.
EUT Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Matthew H
华盛顿西雅图3 条分享
Mohamed arranged this private tour for the two of us, and our guide was Mostafa. We were picked up at 7am from our hotel, and the 3 hour drive really went by like nothing as my friend and I were chatting with Mostafa about all sorts of different topics.
Mostafa is a very friendly, knowledgeable guy. We covered many topics, both on ancient and modern Egypt. On the way to Abu Simbel, you get a view of some of the desert being reclaimed as farmland by the Egyptian military, and Mostafa knows quite a bit about it. He's not able to go inside of the temples with you, which you'll find is typical of many of the sites, but gives you a very clear and detailed description before you enter.
The temples of Abu Simbel themselves were probably the most interesting sites we saw in Egypt. I recommend going, even given that it kills a day, especially if you get a good guide like Mostafa to chat to the entire journey.
Mohamed is highly responsive and a true professional. He seems to have a list of high quality guides at his disposal, and he was able to arrange tours for us with very little notice. I'll definitely contact him again the next time I'm in Egypt.
Mostafa is a very friendly, knowledgeable guy. We covered many topics, both on ancient and modern Egypt. On the way to Abu Simbel, you get a view of some of the desert being reclaimed as farmland by the Egyptian military, and Mostafa knows quite a bit about it. He's not able to go inside of the temples with you, which you'll find is typical of many of the sites, but gives you a very clear and detailed description before you enter.
The temples of Abu Simbel themselves were probably the most interesting sites we saw in Egypt. I recommend going, even given that it kills a day, especially if you get a good guide like Mostafa to chat to the entire journey.
Mohamed is highly responsive and a true professional. He seems to have a list of high quality guides at his disposal, and he was able to arrange tours for us with very little notice. I'll definitely contact him again the next time I'm in Egypt.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Mattew,
Thank you so much for sharing your views and experience with us. We are so pleased to see how happy you are with your trip. Your review is highly appreciated and is very important to us and the community of whom are thinking about travelling soon.
Thanks, EUT Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Yeny Briggs
意大利威尼托1 条分享
2021年6月 • 家庭
The tour was amazing! The staff arrived on time and provided all the support we needed. The guide was very knowledgeable and he shared important recommendations about the local community in Aswan
Great tour company!
Great tour company!
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Dear Yeny,
Thank you so much for sharing your views and experience with us. We are so pleased to see how happy you are with your trip. Your review is highly appreciated and is very important to us and the community of whom are thinking about travelling soon.
Thanks, EUT Team
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Eric S
3 条分享
My wife and I wanted to visit Abu Simbel for a long time and we are delighted that we done it through this tour. From the moment I contacted Mostafa he was a pleasure to deal with. Everything was booked and confirmed with ease.
Abu Simbel itself is a very long journey by car but the air conditioned vehicle was very comfortable and the drivers were excellent. Our guide was Ahmed and he was brilliant. He was very knowledgable and explained all the history and answered our questions in excellent English. The site itself is absolutely incredibly and well worth the journey!
I also booked a tour to Philae Temple followed by an afternoon sailing and lunch on a felucca with this company and that was a real threat as well. Ahmed was our guide for that as well and was brilliant again. The felucca sailing was fantastic and the lunch was absolutely delicious. This was also a real highlight of our trip to Aswan.
I would highly recommend both these tours with this company, and Ahmed as a knowledgable and friendly guide with great English
Abu Simbel itself is a very long journey by car but the air conditioned vehicle was very comfortable and the drivers were excellent. Our guide was Ahmed and he was brilliant. He was very knowledgable and explained all the history and answered our questions in excellent English. The site itself is absolutely incredibly and well worth the journey!
I also booked a tour to Philae Temple followed by an afternoon sailing and lunch on a felucca with this company and that was a real threat as well. Ahmed was our guide for that as well and was brilliant again. The felucca sailing was fantastic and the lunch was absolutely delicious. This was also a real highlight of our trip to Aswan.
I would highly recommend both these tours with this company, and Ahmed as a knowledgable and friendly guide with great English
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Dear Eric,
Thank you for your wonderful review...We are so appreciated for your support, and your positive words about Egypt Unlimited Tours service. We are so happy that you spent a lovely time in our beloved country specially in Aswan with our team.
EUT Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
We will disembarks on April 8th morning from Mayfair cruise, total 2 people. Will you pickup from the cruise dock and take us to Aswan airport after the tour.
We are on a 5-day 4 night cruise on the Nile from Luxor to Aswan. Our cruise - MS Mayfair - disembarks on March 27th morning. We are 4 travellers. Can you pickup from the cruise dock? If so at what time?
Nous sommes sur un băteau à Assouan, vous viendrai nous chercher ? On a essayez de réserver mais on arrive pas !
1) Does tour price include cruise ship pickup and return?
2) Since we are interested in private November 15th Abu Simbel tour, must pickup time still be 4am? Can it be later?
Thank you.
Hi, i have a few questions. 1. since it is private tour, could we stay at the temples longer? 2. how big is the car (we have ~15 people)? 3. could you share the model and year of car? 4. will security guard come with us? thanks
Hi, how long the tour will be? And how big is the car? Can it fit all our luggages? When will we come back to Aswan? Can you drop us to hotel, airport or train station after the trip? Also is it possible to arrange a transfer from Aswan to Marsa Alam? Please let us know. Thanks you! -Cherrie ( we have a group of people)
Hi, how long the tour will be? And how big is the car? Can it fit all our luggages? When will we come back to Aswan? Can you drop us to hotel, airport or train station after the trip? Also is it possible to arrange a transfer from Aswan to Marsa Alam? Please let us know. Thanks you! -Cherrie ( we have a group of people)
Do you pick up from Nile river cruise and if so what time would you suggest for pick up.
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