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    7GQJMJQQ+3XV, MJQQ+3XV Luxor, Egypt
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    Luxor International Airport, Luxor, Luxor Governorate 85955, Egypt
  • 根据确认的接送时间,您会发现我们的导游在等您,他会举着标有我们公司名称的牌子 从卢克索的酒店或尼罗河游轮接客 从卢克索机场接机 从卢克索火车站接客
  • Luxor Airport, Luxor Egypt

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    • Emo Tours Egypt
    • 861xinrand
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
      Our tour guide Ali is the best of the best. Ali的中文非常好,完全交流无障碍。 废话也不要多说了。 总结一下。 1. 任何不必要的shopping, 只有景点 2. 知识渊博,轻松回答我们任何问题 3. 带我们去的午饭非常好吃,在帝王谷旁边,叫什么paris。不是旅游公司带去的破餐厅,是真正的好餐厅。 4. 请我们喝甘蔗汁,帮我们付洗手间的钱
    • Curiosity65222917455
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
      Wonderful trip with Salwa at Luxor
      My boyfriend and I had a wonderful day with Salwa at Luxor for the day tour. Salwa is very experienced guide with a archeology master degree, she’s like a book with all the Egypt history in it. We never feel bored during the trip, every small details, Salwa will tell you the history about it. I highly recommend Salwa for your trip in Luxor! 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
    • Christina M C
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
      我先在开罗玩了一天探索埃及古王国风光,然后又去卢克索了解埃及新王国时期的景点。我的司机hamada亲切友好,总是准时过来接我,小心平稳的开车,带着我在整个城市转悠。我的导游Ahmed Omar是最棒的。我们先参观了壮观的帝王谷,几乎所有埃及国王/法老死后都埋在帝王谷,比如著名的图特摩斯一世,图特摩斯二世,图塔卡门法老、拉美西斯六世、麦尔涅普塔赫、阿蒙霍特帕二世的陵墓都在此地。我们然后参观了女王庙,我个人最爱女王庙。 你可以在这看到图特摩斯一世的女儿哈特谢普苏特女王 她是埃及在位时间最长的女王;她在十八王朝期间,在位统治长达20年。是的,她是一位成功的女国王。我们接着参观了阿蒙霍特帕三世祭殿和曼农巨像。我们最后还有时间乘坐船只沿尼罗河而下前往漂亮的香蕉岛。我们在岛上喝了咖啡,稍作休息,然后还参观了整个岛屿。除了香蕉树,岛上还有其它东西可观看。随后,我们出发前往景色优美的卡纳克神庙(karnak temple),最后以卢克索神庙圆满结束此次旅行。Ahmed沿路不断向我介绍十八王朝和十九王朝的历史以及哈特谢普苏特女王,详细向我描述了各座庙宇上的象形文字。他是位优秀的导游,知识渊博,我希望将来可以和朋友再到该地游玩,届时还可以请Ahmed做我们的导游。我在卢克索度过美好而又令人难忘的时光。作为独自旅行的女游客, 我和Ahmed在卢克索游玩时觉得很安全,我们玩得非常开心。我非常感谢Emo Tours Egypt体贴周到的旅行安排,也感谢安排Ahemd做我的导游。
    • Lovetravel08810
      0 条分享
      1.0 分,共 5 分
    • ngyihui
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
      首先,非常感谢我们的导游瓦利德。当我们从卢克索驱车3个小时到达阿斯旺时,他的微笑和热情的款待迎接了我们。他知识渊博,热情地与我们分享故事和信息,和他在一起绝对没有无聊的时刻。我们觉得瓦利德一直在照顾我们。我们可以看到他非常热情,会耐心地向我们解释埃及的历史,这促使我们想要从他身上学到更多。我特别喜欢他教我们如何识别雕刻在墙上的象形文字和文字背后的含义,没有他的解释,墙就是墙。瓦利德经常问我们要不要照片,他很乐意为我们拍照。他甚至会分享额外的信息,给我们看他手机上那些我们没有去过的地方的照片。这是一个漫长而累人的一天,但我们结束了一天的充实,满意和快乐。我们对他的体贴周到感激不尽,我们对他的专业和好客感到惊讶。我们很高兴知道第二天他也将作我们的向导去阿布辛贝神庙。同时,我们要感谢我们的司机Mando的谨慎和娴熟的驾驶技术。给他竖起大拇指!我们高度推荐它们,非常感谢Emo Tours的Walid和Mahmoud !
    • Martin P
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • markbS6888MN
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
      这次旅程很棒,我们的导游知识丰富。如果你要游览卢克索,Emo 旅行社是一家一流的运营商。整个行程种我们都感觉很安全,车子里开着空调,非常凉快,司机也会在每个站点等着我们。每一天都很长,需要步行,所以确保喝水量是平常的两倍。强烈推荐这个导游。
    • 829rogerv
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • sexitrexi
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
      Naama太棒了!我们看了所有的景点 - 哈特谢普苏特神庙,国王谷,卡纳克,卢克索神庙 - 而不仅仅是“飞过”...... Naama给了我们发生背景和历史意义,使我们的访问既有意义又有效率。我们还享用了一顿令人难以置信的埃及美食午餐,这一直是我梦寐以求的。 这是精彩的、令人难忘的、完成了人生清单的一天,而且还有一位出色的导游作伴。谢谢你,Naama!
    • daniela_zimm
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • Worldtraveler1292
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
      这是一次奇妙的旅行。我的导游安吉,知识渊博,很随和。有足够的时间问问题,随心所欲的拍很多照片。我强烈推荐! !
    • KamranP2
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • CSims5
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • prasad128
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
    • JJY-Karen
      0 条分享
      5.0 分,共 5 分
      一早导览Naama小姐来饭店大厅接我上车,还帮我开车门(小小一个动作让我觉得很贴心),路上她很仔细的介绍今日的行程,先去哈托尔神殿再去阿比多斯神殿,包括我们会在景点停留多久、车程要花多久时间她都有很仔细的告知。 两间神殿她都有把重点讲解给我听,包括壁画中的故事等等的。 介绍完后也都有给我足够的自由活动时间,完全不会催促我及打扰我,有任何问题也都会为我解答
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    5.0 分,共 5 分51 条点评

    5.0 分,共 5 分
    2024年10月 • 独自旅游
    The flight from Cairo to Luxor was arranged by Emo tours and very straightforward. They pick you up from your hotel to airport, and then airport to hotel when you return to Cairo. Upon arrival to Luxor an Emo tours rep meets you at the airport. That's when I met Salwa who was nothing short of PHENOMENAL. She helps you with bartering, doesn't pressure you, has an amazing fund of knowledge, and is so so kind. She's the Egyptian mother you need. As a solo female traveler, I would recommend her over and over and over again. And as to the Temples, Museum, and Valley of the kings, it's nothing like you'll ever see in the world. Definitely worth the trip.
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    Dear Our Valued Customer First of all we would like to convey our heartiest thanks to you for your wonderful Feedback We are sure that Without your Feedback, it would not have been possible at all for any other travelers to know about who we are we are happy that you enjoyed the day We appreciate your time and efforts in Providing a feedback to us . Thank you Kind regards, Emo Tours Egypt
    此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

    Camilo G
    14 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    2024年9月 • 独自旅游
    Salwa was an amazing tour guide. She has all the knowledge and shows all the temple details so well. The car is clean and has air conditioning. The driver was super kind. 100% Recommended.
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    Dear Guest , We would like to thank you for your lovely words...It was a pleasure to show you the beauty of our amazing country within your stay in Egypt Your positive feelings about Egypt and our Sincerely devoted company, mean so much to us, and that is what we always aim for. Your safety, comfort and satisfaction are very important to us more than anything else. We hope to see you again soon with a longer stay. . kind regards, Emo Tours Egypt
    此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

    Matthew R
    3 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    2023年7月 • 独自旅游
    I am so lucky to have taken this one-on-one tour with Salwa. She was truly an expert on Egyptian history and demonstrated by our extensive talks. Salwa was also very kind and open. The tour went at my pace and I didn’t feel rushed. I also liked how I didn’t feel pressured to by anything. I told Salwa what I wanted to buy and she recommended a few places. It was nice having a private guide who new the line between advocating for the client (me) while keeping a working relationship with her people. These private tours have changed how I travel moving forward.
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    Dear Valued Guest, In this time of gratitude, we give thanks for you. We value your patronage and appreciate your confidence in us. Counting you among our customers is something for which we are especially grateful. So On behalf of all of us at EMO TOURS EGYPT, We wish you a good day ,Thank you so much. Sincerely, EMO TOURS EGYPT
    此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

    Eliane C
    9 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    Salwa was our tour guide and did an amazing job at explaining all of the history in detail. She did not rush us & definitely did everything she could to make our group of 4 feel welcomed.
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    Dear our valued customer I would like to thank you for this review and for your positive points of view . The most important thing of our company is the comfort and enjoyment of the customer during his tour and while in Egypt . We hope you will be back in Egypt again to visit more charming places . Thank you again . Best regards Emo Tours Egypt
    此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

    Jorge A
    2 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    Excellent tour!! Mohamed Basry and the driver took us around luxor. He is very knowledgeable about Egyptian history and he has great sense of humor. We learned a lot and had fun at the same time . I really recommend this tour and make sure to have Mohamed as your guide.
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    Dear our valued customer I would like to thank you for this review and for your positive points of view . The most important thing of our company is the comfort and enjoyment of the customer during his tour and while in Egypt . We hope you will be back in Egypt again to visit more charming places . Thank you again . Best regards Emo Tours Egypt
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    16 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    2022年11月 • 独自旅游
    My guide, Salwa, was very knowledgeable, passionate, hardworking and gracious. She even offered to help me find an earlier flight back at the end of the tour because I had to wait around with nothing to do for 6 hours. My driver, Hosan, was also very polite and made me feel safe. I'd definitely recommend this tour for anyone looking to see all the highlights of Luxor in a day without feeling rushed or hustled. Wonderful experience.
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    Dear our valued customer I would like to thank you for this review and for your positive points of view . The most important thing of our company is the comfort and enjoyment of the customer during his tour and while in Egypt . We hope you will be back in Egypt again to visit more charming places . Thank you again . Best regards Emo Tours Egypt
    此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

    raveena r
    3 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    Great organization by emo tours. Salwa, our guide was fantastic and was very knowledgeable egyptologist. Very patient and answered all our questions. Would recommend salwa if you are looking for a guide in Luxor!
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    Dear Our Valued Customer First of all we would like to convey our heartiest thanks to you for your wonderful Feedback We are sure that Without your Feedback, it would not have been possible at all for any other travelers to know about who we are we are happy that you enjoyed the day We appreciate your time and efforts in Providing a feedback to us . Thank you Kind regards, Emo Tours Egypt
    此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

    Nia H
    9 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    2022年10月 • 好友
    This was an amazing experience! Salsa was our tour guide and was so knowledgeable! She really made the monuments come alive. She also took the best pictures. I would definitely book this tour again when I return to Egypt.
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    Dear our valued customer We are pleased you were so happy with your tour experience and thank you for your fabulous compliments for the excellent service you received from our team,y as well as for your recommendation. we look forward to welcoming you back . Gratefully Emo Tours Egypt
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    Nate K
    卡罗莱纳州夏洛特80 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    2022年9月 • 夫妻情侣
    My tour operator arrived on time to pick us up from the hotel, transported us to the Airport and we met our guide in Luxor. Salwa our tour guide was totally awesome!! She was very knowledgeable and an egyptologist!! She took her time explaining and maintained a good pace through out the day! All in all I would 100% recommend Emo Tours!!!
    此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
    Dear our valued customer Thanks for the awesome review, We work hard to meet expectations like yours, and we’re happy to hear we hit the mark for you. Come back and see us soon. Sincerely Emo Tours Egypt
    此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

    Christine F
    3 条分享
    5.0 分,共 5 分
    First time doing a private tour and we loved the experience overall!

    Mahmoud Hakiem picked us up from our hotel promptly. He was professional and friendly. Him and the driver took us to the airport on time and guided us on where to go in the airport. When we got to Luxor, we were met by our tour guide (Hisham) and another driver. The tour was excellent! Hiaham was knowledgeable and friendly. He always asked if we had any questions and made sure we were comfortable. I liked how the tour was at our own pace too. He gave us time to explore a bit more on our own if we wanted to and we never felt rushed. Lastly, both him and the driver always opened the door for us going in and out of the car. We really felt like VIPs. For lunch we stopped at a restaurant near the Valley of the Kings called Paris Restaurant. The food was delicious! When we returned to Cairo, Mahmoud and the driver were already there waiting for us.

    It was really such a pleasant experience overall and I highly recommend!
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    Dear our valued customer Thank you so much for your kind words, We really appreciate you taking the time out to share your experience with us .We count ourselves lucky for customers like you. We look forward to seeing you again in the future! Best regards, Emo Tours Egypt
    此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。

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