供应商/业主为:Tibet Vista
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:3-80,每个团体最多 12 人
用时: 13 天
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 早餐
- 午餐
- 早餐
- 早餐
- 晚餐
- 早餐
- 小组(2-12人)
- 讲英语的西藏导游
- 乘坐舒适的面包车或小巴与经验丰富的当地司机(包括汽油)
- 车内氧气瓶(4L或7L)
- 责任旅游保险
- 旅行期间提供的饮用水
- 机场、火车站至拉萨的接机服务
- 所有住宿包括双人间酒店、宿舍床上的宾馆
- 拉萨和日喀则酒店早餐
- 景点门票、喜马拉雅珠穆朗玛峰大本营区、冈仁波齐峰生态巴士费用
- 平台服务费。
未包含内容- 午饭和晚饭
- 给导游和司机的小费
- 尼泊尔旅行社办理签证服务费
- 往返拉萨的机票/火车票
- 吉隆边境接送至加德满都,60美元/人
- 入场/门票 - 布达拉宫
- 入场/门票 - 拉萨大昭寺
- 入场/门票 - 西藏自治区拉萨市八廓街步行街
- 入场/门票 - 哲蚌寺
- 入场/门票 - 色拉寺
- 入场/门票 - 羊卓雍措湖
- 入场/门票 - 卡若拉冰川
- 入场/门票 - 白居寺
- 入场/门票 - 扎什伦布寺
- 入场/门票 - 珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区
- 入场/门票 - 绒布寺
- 入场/门票 - 玛旁雍错湿地
- 入场/门票 - 冈仁波齐峰
- 入场/门票 - 卓玛拉山口
- 入场/门票 - 玛旁雍错森林公园
- 出发地点:提供旅行者接送服务。接送服务详情
- 拉萨贡嘎国际机场距市中心约70公里,机场至酒店车程约1.5小时。考虑到距离和语言障碍,西藏维斯塔提供免费机场接送服务。 当您抵达机场后,我们的藏族当地接机导游会手持写有您名字的牌子在出口处等候您,送您至接送车,陪同您前往酒店,并协助您办理酒店入住手续-在。行程结束后,我们的导游将到酒店接您并护送您前往机场。 接机时间:上午10:00接游客;下午 13:30; 17:00 下午 机场送机时刻表:早上06:30接载游客;上午 08:00; 12:00 PM 如果您的航班时间不在我们的接送时间表内,请随时联系我们的旅行顾问,我们将尽力为您安排最合适的接送服务。 除了机场接送服务外,西藏远景酒店还根据您的抵达/出发时间提供酒店至拉萨火车站之间的无限制免费接送服务。 请注意:如果每次接送的乘客少于 3 人,我们可能会使用公共机场巴士或出租车等公共交通工具,而不是使用我们的班车服务。
提供机场接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的机场列表中进行选择。- Lhasa Airport, Lhasa China
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7462P16- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 提前至少20天预订,以便旅游经营者可以获得您的西藏许可证。西藏许可证将在中国的一个城市送到客户的送货地址/酒店地址。请注意,旅行社将在预订确认后与您联系。
- 旅客须在旅行日期前至少15天提供护照和中国签证的复印件。
- 注意:拉萨客户的机场接机和送机需要由旅游供应商安排。如果客户从加德满都飞往拉萨,请不要提前申请中国L签证,因为客户需要通过旅行社从中国驻加德满都大使馆申请西藏集团签证。在此之前,他们需要征求旅游供应商的邀请函。如果客户从中国的一个城市乘坐火车或从拉萨乘坐火车,他们需要向中国大使馆申请中国L签证。
- 每次预订至少需要2人
- 价格是双人入住的价格。单人间需视供应情况和额外收费而定
- 从其他旅行社获得西藏旅行证的旅行者不能预订一日游
- 如果旅行者的计划包括在西藏的多个目的地,则必须从同一供应商处预订多日游
- 最低年龄为3岁
- 供应商可以使用火车代替车辆
- 请安排旅行日期前一天到拉萨,以及旅行日期后一天到拉萨,因为外国游客不能独自访问西藏。
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 12 人
- 如果您在原定出发日期前至少 7 天取消,则无需支付取消手续费。
- 如果您在预定出发日期前 3 到 6 天内取消,将收取 50% 的取消费。
- 如果您在原定出发日期前 2 天内取消,将收取 100%的取消手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7462P16
20 个站点
第 1 天
第 2 天
第 3 天
第 4 天
第 5 天
日喀则到 EBC 350 公里
第 6 天
第 7 天
Saga 到 Darchen,途经 Lake...
第 8 天
Darchen-Drirapuk(行驶 7 公里,徒步 13 公里)
第 9 天
Drirapuk-Dzutrpuk(徒步 18 公里)
第 10 天
Dzutripuk-Darchen(徒步 7 公里,行驶 5 公里)
第 11 天
达庆萨迦 (450km)
第 12 天
第 13 天
尼泊尔边境 Rashuwaghadi 至加德满都(8-9...
- Nomad280534780530 条分享西藏游导游普美工作认真负责,专业知识丰富,对每位团员照顾周到,关心备至。感谢 Tibet Vista 选用优秀的导游和司机,让我们全程旅途愉快顺利!撰写日期:2024年9月24日
- Navigator311483585440 条分享非常棒的一次西藏旅行 感谢Jig Me我们第一次来到西藏旅行 和我们的导游Jig Me经历了完美的八天时间 期间他会为我们耐心讲解美丽西藏的令人震撼的历史撰写日期:2024年9月17日
- kave210 条分享凯拉什山的精神之旅-从拉萨,珠穆朗玛峰大本营到凯拉什山,从基荣到加德满都尼泊尔的13天旅行Lotsé和司机Dawa非常出色,而且也很幽默。Lotsé是一个非常聪明的人,他对佛教和文化有很深的了解。他也很乐于助人,很善良。我们一行有13个人,坐在大巴车里,度过了一次难忘的人生旅程。在凯拉什山徒步旅行之后,我们都在温泉泡了个澡,然后去了马纳萨洛瓦湖。最后一站是在西藏和尼泊尔边境的基荣。西藏是一个多么美丽的地方,还有当地的人和食物都很好。孩子们不停地打招呼。我们还遇到了Sonum和Tenzin等其他导游,他们也很乐于助人,亲切有趣,谢谢Jim Pel和Tibet Vista旅行社!撰写日期:2019年10月29日
- PedroPeng0 条分享完美的一次旅行我是带外国朋友选择的六天旅行,总体非常满意。运气很好六天全晴天,参观的景色实在太美,手机拍的任何照片哪怕重复都不忍心删除。旅行社的服务很规范,非常满意,行程安排得合理紧凑又不累。导游很好,特别是去日喀则行程的导游Daniel,态度非常好,英文非常标准,怕我英文不好,经常中英双文给我们讲解,路上还自掏腰包买西瓜给我们吃,非常nice!撰写日期:2019年7月4日
- Companion315263576750 条分享西藏林芝四天游2018年11月9日至11月12日这四天在林芝,波密,然乌湖,卡定沟,巴松措等地方旅游,玩的很开心的!很感谢次增导游小姐和次仁司机陪我的这几天,次增小姐性格很开朗,感觉她有一肚子的西藏故事跟传说,讲上几天都讲不完。次仁司机师傅开车非常稳重安全,他(她)们一路上的服务很好,非常周到,尤其是次增小姐很贴心,一路上要求我注意身体,多添加衣服注意保暖,注意安全,还经常询问我对高原反应的情况,遇到特殊情况的时候能随机应变,使我在这几天旅行既增长了对西藏的识识,也增添了很多快乐!总之我对次增导游小姐和次仁司机师傅非常感谢非常满意,如果以后有机会再去西藏,还希望他(她)们来当我的导游和司机!撰写日期:2019年1月17日
- chocomoonheaven0 条分享非常非常棒的一次旅程!我们这些 一行7人 去西藏旅游~ 第一次来~旅行社有帮忙去订 火车票!都按照我们想去的地方! 去编好了 行程 和住宿。我们一路来都不用 担心甚么! 非常感谢 !。出发前。我一直都有很多 准备问题一直问Leon大哥! 都好快就回复了所有的问题!连我去请教西宁住那一间酒店!他们都帮我们找了几间。给我们选择!。 网页上的资料也非常有用! 到了 西藏之后 Dhawa大哥就在等待着我们! 一路上都好像一家人一样~ 一直问我们 喜欢甚么! 叫我们不要着凉! 都怕我们有高反! 一直叫我们休息~。 (到最后没有一个人不适呢!)我们这一群人又特别喜欢拍照。都要大哥一直在寒风中等我们~。感谢大哥都一直在旁 看着我们。 还会主动问我们 行程要甚么安排! 最后都按照我们意愿。一直去完成这旅行!。 司机大哥的车技 真的太棒了!一直开着我们都没有晕车! 而且走的路 不平。他都一一开过! 超棒的! 所以再来西藏的话。我还是会 找这个旅行社 帮忙安排! 最后再一次感谢 Leon 大哥, Dhawa 大哥。还有 司机大哥 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻撰写日期:2018年9月19日
- zhuzhu19990 条分享西藏之旅很感谢次增导游小姐陪我们的这几天,次增小姐性格很开朗,给我们这次旅行增添了很多欢乐,感觉她有一肚子的西藏故事跟传说,讲个几天都讲不完,感觉还没有听够她的故事,我们就要走了。她很贴心,会告诉我们要多加衣服,注意自己的重要物品等等。还会经常询问我们高原反应的情况,还需要多注意些什么。遇到特殊情况的时候,也能随机应变。总之,我们对这次次增导游非常满意,如果以后有机会,还希望她来当我们的导游。撰写日期:2018年9月13日
- miagao11280 条分享very wonderful trip, even i have the high altitude stress ,breath hard , walking slow ,but all is worth to see the view世界上最高的湖惊艳到了我, 尽管路程很遥远,真是辛苦司机Thopjhor了,山路不好走,但是他开车很稳,以至于我不怎么晕车,还有导游小姐姐Tserina相当热心肠,说着一口流利的英语,一路上耐心介绍景点,提醒我们注意安全,还买当地特色的酸奶给我们吃,到了景点帮我们拍照,带我们去吃当地特色到餐厅,非常友好,让我感受到了当地人到温暖和友好热情,尽管我一路上高反,走路走不快,但是一路到风景和温暖到人心真的很值得!这次旅行令我终身难忘,还交到了导游小姐姐这个朋友。The highest lake in the word really impressed me, even long driving with driver Thopjhor, really hard working for him, and tour guide Tserina, all the way take care of us, she bought us yogurt, remind us be care of the high moutain , even took the great picture for me hahah , and show us everywhere she know and nice local food, i feel really warmly welcome from her, I have high moutain stress , cant breath, walking slow ,but all is worth to see the view ,and make friend with tour guide Tserina, very nice person and full of spirit. ppl are much nice than the natual view, i can never forget about the travel in my life.撰写日期:2018年8月20日
- Kristy W0 条分享西藏之旅终于去左中国最后一片净土啦!这里真的是非常美丽😍😍😍但没有想过自己是这么弱鸡,竟然有这么大的高原反应,幸好有导游及同伴们的帮助,感觉舒服多了!超喜欢他们的。然后辛苦了超级贴心的导游Penpa这么多天的照顾,如果可以给评分的肯定会给五星! #缘份撰写日期:2018年4月22日
- leeoiyee0 条分享Tibet Vista is a wonderful tourTibet Vista 是一间专业、用心安排的旅行社。由于本人未曾到西藏,所以在出发前有许多关于旅程的疑问,包括高山症的预防、带备的衣物等,他们也一一解答。甚至我到西藏前住的重庆一间酒店,因联络不上,他们的办公室职员(章先生)也代为联络,照顾周到。让我出发到西藏前有足够的装备及心理预备。尤其是最紧张及最担心购买重庆至拉萨的青藏铁路车票,Tibet Vista也妥善办妥,心存感激! 除了感谢Tibet Vista的妥善安排,还要特别感谢我的导游Norbu Tsering(罗布次仁),他不但专业讲解,还处事认真,包括处理我们的証件、安检等过关文件。他也用心对待每位旅客。在旅程中,我们有时需要帮助时他都尽力帮忙。例如︰我一到拉萨需要购买高山药,他便带我到药房购买;我要购买西藏有名的青稞啤酒,他也带我去购买。全程他跟我们有说有笑,成为我第一位在西藏认识的好朋友。 我也要欣赏司机(拉达),他全程表现专业及安全驾驶。纵然他驾驶长达九小时,由日喀则到珠峰基地要经过崎岖险要的山路、旁边是湍急的河流,拉达都安全带我们到达目的地。他全程展现灿烂笑容,敬业乐业! 这次西藏之旅顺利完成,有赖Tibet Vista悉心安排行程,以及导游(Norbu)及司机(拉达)的带领,让我有愉快又轻松的旅程。希望在不久将来,我可以再来西藏与大家相见,雪域再遇!撰写日期:2017年8月18日
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18 条点评
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1 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
This 13 day tour is an incredible way to see a lot of Tibet's highlights in one trip and I would not hesitate at all to recommend it to anybody seeking to discover this stunning rooftop of our planet. The sights you will see all in one trip, from the buddhist monasteries to the up-close grandeur of Everest, Kailash, Gurla Mandhata and more, are unlike other tour you could think of.
Tenzing is an absolutely amazing guide, very attentive to all our needs and requests, and knows everything there is to know about Tibet, the places you see on this tour, the cultures and customs of its people, and more. He made sure we were all safe and comfortable at high altitude, and delivered the best experience we could have asked for. Likewise, our driver Norbu provided some great, comfortable driving, despite some of the longer days on the road. The lemon and ginger tea served was divine.
Thank you again Tenzing, Norbu, and Tibet Vista!
Tenzing is an absolutely amazing guide, very attentive to all our needs and requests, and knows everything there is to know about Tibet, the places you see on this tour, the cultures and customs of its people, and more. He made sure we were all safe and comfortable at high altitude, and delivered the best experience we could have asked for. Likewise, our driver Norbu provided some great, comfortable driving, despite some of the longer days on the road. The lemon and ginger tea served was divine.
Thank you again Tenzing, Norbu, and Tibet Vista!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
越南河内6 条分享
3 days to Everest Base Camp and Mt. Kailash is my best tour so far. I could not complete it without the big support from our tour guide, Ten Zing. He's the best guide ever! He's knowledgeable, passionate, kind and patient with all my requests, especially when I got altitude sickness at EBC and during Kora Kailash. Thank you Ten Zing!
Also, I would like to thank you to our driver, Norbu. He drove safely and skillfully through the mountains terrain in Tibet!
Nothing to complain! Let's book Kailash tour with Tibet Vista, you will not regret it!
Also, I would like to thank you to our driver, Norbu. He drove safely and skillfully through the mountains terrain in Tibet!
Nothing to complain! Let's book Kailash tour with Tibet Vista, you will not regret it!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dermot O
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 独自旅游
Tenzing was an awesome guide. Very informative and interesting. Very calm and efficient, even when dealing with difficult people. Tibet Vista were very good too. An incredible experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
德国汉堡1 条分享
very competent guidance by the Everest-Tenzin guide/profound knowledge of country, people and culture gained/unforgettable experience/
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
1 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
We've just finished 13 days trip. Our Tour Guide Mr. T. Phurbu who is very knowledgeable, extremely patient and helpful. And I also would like to thank senior trip advisor Ms. Mary for arranging a fabulous trip. We really enjoyed. Thank you
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
荷兰Loenen aan de Vecht2 条分享
2024年8月 • 独自旅游
An incredible journey, very well organized beyond expectations. Contact with the sales support was quick and punctual. An excellent local guide who took care of and had eye for everything. A well-skilled driver who assisted very good. The accommodations were perfect and the tour had exactly the right amount of intensity. A great way to experience wonderful Tibet.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Azaria C
加利福尼亚洛杉矶1 条分享
2024年7月 • 独自旅游
Great experience with Tibet Visa. Thank you for making it possible to fulfill my dream and do a full Mt Kailash Kora, safely and joyfully. Especially many thanks for Laura for her professionalism and big heart during whole process.
Best wishes,
Best wishes,
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Mareike & Andy
1 条分享
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
Dear Tibet Vista Team,
Dear Jigme,
We participated in the 13-day adventure tour from Lhasa to Kathmandu from May 16th to 28th, 2024, and the experiences and countless impressions of the trip are still resonating with us today. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Jigme, our friendly tour guide, once again. For his perfect organization, clear communication at all times, and for taking care of the 10-member group. The highlight of the tour was certainly the circumambulation of the sacred mountain Mt. Kailash during the Saga Dawa Festival. It was challenging for both body and mind due to the altitude, but we now carry this unique experience proudly and humbly in our hearts. THANK YOU for this once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Overall, we must conclude that the long bus rides require endurance, patience, and good stamina - the trip should "only" be undertaken in good health. The enormous altitude should not be underestimated.
Nonetheless, the travel hardships are worth it, as Tibet offers fantastic nature that is unparalleled. Moreover, it is a precious gift to be able to experience Tibetan culture.
Dear Jigme,
We participated in the 13-day adventure tour from Lhasa to Kathmandu from May 16th to 28th, 2024, and the experiences and countless impressions of the trip are still resonating with us today. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Jigme, our friendly tour guide, once again. For his perfect organization, clear communication at all times, and for taking care of the 10-member group. The highlight of the tour was certainly the circumambulation of the sacred mountain Mt. Kailash during the Saga Dawa Festival. It was challenging for both body and mind due to the altitude, but we now carry this unique experience proudly and humbly in our hearts. THANK YOU for this once-in-a-lifetime experience!
Overall, we must conclude that the long bus rides require endurance, patience, and good stamina - the trip should "only" be undertaken in good health. The enormous altitude should not be underestimated.
Nonetheless, the travel hardships are worth it, as Tibet offers fantastic nature that is unparalleled. Moreover, it is a precious gift to be able to experience Tibetan culture.
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Toronto11 条分享
2024年4月 • 好友
We travelled to Tibet (including Everest Base Camp), Nepal, Bhutan and India with Tibet Vista. The experience was excellent from booking to send-off. Our first online contact, Liam, was extremely responsive and always provided prompt answers, guidance and assurances. The GUIDES AND DRIVERS in each country were TOP NOTCH -- knowledgable, considerate and enthusiastic about sharing their culture with us. Some highlights:
In Tibet, Tanzen impressively managed the diverse needs for our international group of 12. He confidently provided reassurance and oxygen to those challenged by altitude; delighted us with local culture, food and drink options; and facilitated when there were border challenges.
In Nepal, Bir Babadar's creative problem solving skills, enriched our experience multiple times - getting around holiday crowds and enabling us to experience Nepal's rural beauty without too much arduous travel. He even arranged an impromptdu Momo cooking lesson and a healing bowl relaxation session!
In Bhutan, Jemmy, helped us to feel some of the awesomeness of the country's spirituality. His explanations, his beautiful chanting, and his calm manner made us feel welcome and one step closer to nature and enlightenment.
In India, Sushil helped us to appreciate India beyond the obvious great food, architecture and history. When asked, he shared personal life experiences and thoughts on different topics -- both curent and past. He was delightful to engage with!
Overall, the quality Tibet Travel staff, guides and drivers was excellent!
In Tibet, Tanzen impressively managed the diverse needs for our international group of 12. He confidently provided reassurance and oxygen to those challenged by altitude; delighted us with local culture, food and drink options; and facilitated when there were border challenges.
In Nepal, Bir Babadar's creative problem solving skills, enriched our experience multiple times - getting around holiday crowds and enabling us to experience Nepal's rural beauty without too much arduous travel. He even arranged an impromptdu Momo cooking lesson and a healing bowl relaxation session!
In Bhutan, Jemmy, helped us to feel some of the awesomeness of the country's spirituality. His explanations, his beautiful chanting, and his calm manner made us feel welcome and one step closer to nature and enlightenment.
In India, Sushil helped us to appreciate India beyond the obvious great food, architecture and history. When asked, he shared personal life experiences and thoughts on different topics -- both curent and past. He was delightful to engage with!
Overall, the quality Tibet Travel staff, guides and drivers was excellent!
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宾夕法尼亚匹兹堡6 条分享
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
Overall excellent trip organized and provided by Tibet Vista.
This trip covers major parts of Tibet region including 3 days Kora around Kailash, Major Monasteries in Lhasa along with Potala palace and Jokhang temple.
Tibet vista guide Tenzing provided excellent service during our trip, it was during busy Saga dawa festival. Our group had some challenges in getting porters and ponies yet Tenzing could able to provide us shared porters and ponies ,hr thorouly explained the rules in sharing porters in the beginning itself. All of us enjoyed the trip very well, Credit goes to our guide Tenzing's organizational skills.
This trip covers major parts of Tibet region including 3 days Kora around Kailash, Major Monasteries in Lhasa along with Potala palace and Jokhang temple.
Tibet vista guide Tenzing provided excellent service during our trip, it was during busy Saga dawa festival. Our group had some challenges in getting porters and ponies yet Tenzing could able to provide us shared porters and ponies ,hr thorouly explained the rules in sharing porters in the beginning itself. All of us enjoyed the trip very well, Credit goes to our guide Tenzing's organizational skills.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。