Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:2-99,每个团体最多 40 人
用时: 4 小时 30 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 全面参观新加坡顶级家庭景点之一
- 跳过拥挤的白天动物园,享受不寻常的夜间体验
- 从开放式电车上观赏野生动物,然后在带导游的步道上近距离观看
- 包括夜间生物秀或Thuambakar防火表演
- 空调车
- 酒店接送
- 知识渊博的当地导游为您提供热情服务
- 入场/门票 - 夜间野生动物园
未包含内容- 饮品
- 小费
- 您的旅行将从新加坡和圣淘沙岛的大多数主要酒店开始。抵达夜间野生动物园,与城市动物园一样,是野生动物保护区的一部分。您可以搭乘露天电车,在略微照明的丛林公园内骑行。 通过水库,开车通过旨在模仿动物自然环境的栖息地。沿途观察动物,然后沿着“野生动物园”步道进行导游步行。沿东洛奇小道(East Lodge Trail)观察豹,狮子,鬣狗,老虎和猪。 查看Wallaby Trail,寻找原产于澳大利亚的野生动物。 您的入场费包括访问夜间生物和Thumbuakar节目。如果您选择前者,可以前往雨林进行一些关于某些夜行动物行为的互动节目。 Thumbuakar是一种文化火舞表演。 升级为Ulu Ulu Safari Restaurant餐厅的乡村夜间自助晚餐。
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- Furama RiverFront, 405 Havelock Rd, Singapore 169633一层,酒店大堂东游酒廊
接送服务详情- 旅游从新加坡市区或圣淘沙岛的指定酒店出发,不包括樟宜村酒店和樟宜机场皇冠假日酒店 -------------------------------------------------------------- 旅游开始前 45 分钟在圣淘沙酒店接客 -------------------------------------------------------------- 旅游开始前 30 分钟在市区酒店接客 -------------------------------------------------------------- 如果没有酒店建议,您必须自行前往我们的协调点 The Robertson House by The Crest Collection,并在旅游开始前 30 分钟在大厅(Tour East 旅游服务台)与导游会面。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3695NSC- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 由于演出人气火爆,不能保证您可以入场观看,建议您提前到场排队
- 游览时间包括往返景点的旅行时间。
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 40 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:3695NSC
- 1世界上第一个夜间野生动物园*位于40公顷的次级丛林中,将在黄昏之后以惊人的效果展现热带丛林的神秘和戏剧。 从凶悍的捕食者到怯懦的森林居民,在微妙的月光下,在自然栖息地看到无数的夜行动物。 优先登机,您无需排队等候通过东环路和西环路的电车。经过一个大型水库,编织专门设计的栖息地,以复制从喜马拉雅山麓到东南亚雨林和印度次大陆的自然环境。 让导游带您步行,近距离观看一些动物。根据天气情况,还有机会在夜间生物秀中捕捉Thumbuakar表演的火食技巧或20分钟的动物盛会。 您可以选择在Ulu Ulu Safari Restaurant餐厅迷人的乡村环境中享用当地美食自助餐和国际美食。
- sarahlp20190 条分享在动物园进行家庭早餐,很棒我真的很想和红毛猩猩一起吃早餐。已经查询过到达那里的很多方式,但这次为期半天的旅行一切都非常顺利 - 他们到酒店来接我。我从其他评论中得知,没有足够的时间参观整个动物园,但到了11:45,我们已经看到了我们想要的所有动物,而且炎热的天气让我们疲惫,所以我们很高兴回到车上。在去动物园的路上,我们的导游为我们讲解了地图的每一个细节,并推荐了参观动物园每个部分的时间和顺序,非常有帮助的。他还为我们说明了回程的交通方式 - 因为如果我们决定晚些回去,他不会等待。我们到达的时候,人非常多,但是我们被带到了预留的座位,早餐就在红毛猩猩附近。Tour East实际上是“与猩猩共进早餐”的赞助方,这可能就是我们能得到这么好的座位的原因。自助早餐很美味,有很多选择。我们的导游告诉我们,当他们宣布可以拍照时,不要着急,这是一个很好的建议。餐厅需要排队,但是我们不赶时间,并在等待时抚摸了蟒蛇。拍摄照片的时间很紧,当然不允许触摸猩猩,但工作人员非常乐于助人,用我的相机帮忙拍照,还有专业摄影师拍照。早餐后,我们看到了电车,这是环游动物园的很好的方式,但并不能看到很多动物,导游告诉过我们这一点。我们参观了动物园,动物们让我们印象深刻。如果你体力好的话,你可以轻松地在那里游玩一整天,但我们觉得很累,所以很高兴与导游一起回来,并在那个下午去其他地方参观。撰写日期:2019年8月26日
- Niki L0 条分享在动物园度过了超棒的一天这里有许多不同的动物,所有的树林里都有许多栖息地。沿途有许多地方可以买饮品,也有许多厕所。这里还有一个不错的水上乐园,适合孩子们来此玩耍和冲凉。撰写日期:2019年8月21日
- 579KeithD0 条分享Keith这是一次非常棒的旅行,如果我们再次去新加坡,我们会再来一趟,物有所值。撰写日期:2019年8月18日
- Linda B0 条分享所有动物园都应该是这样的!如果你去新加坡旅游,一定要把这个动物园列在你的待办事项清单上 - 它真的很壮观!与猩猩共进早餐是一种令人惊奇的体验,当动物从你旁边的树上荡来荡去时,别着急。蜥蜴会穿过你的道路,而且当蝙蝠飞过时要闪避 - 我们从未有过像这样的体验,下次来新加坡时,我们还会再来。我们无法在那里获得接送服务,因为我们住的是国内住宅而不是旅馆,所以我们自己去了那里。我们的导游很棒,他通过地图告诉我们,解释如何使用公共汽车以及乘车路线。我们非常喜欢这里,所以我们决定继续待下去,然后我们自己回去 - 这个动物园是一种真正令人惊叹的体验,是所有动物园应该运行的方式!撰写日期:2019年8月18日
- Flyer7418560 条分享这旅行团超赞的旅行团提供的接人服务很准时。全天玩下来,我们觉得这钱花得真值,非常谢谢你们哦。导游也很出色,不仅带我们到处参观,还确保每个人都能了解到自己要去的地方是什么。我们旅游期间还认识了些很可爱的人们,我们迫不及待想再回来游玩一次了。撰写日期:2019年8月18日
- Rachel D0 条分享一段很棒的经历在近距离观赏这些美丽的猩猩的同时,享受美味的早餐是多么美妙的经历啊。很棒的观赏了这三只猩猩在我们的早餐桌上玩耍,然后抓住机会拍了照,这是必做的事啊!新加坡动物园是令人惊喜的,有着良好的布局与许多近距离观赏的体验,利用这个机会来创造一段难忘的经验哦。撰写日期:2019年8月17日
- LM15500 条分享一流的向导服务我的向导友好、有趣又知识渊博。他的组织能力和沟通能力都非常优秀。动物园值得一去。早餐比较普通,但是独特的座位设计让我们可以和猩猩在一起吃饭。撰写日期:2019年8月17日
- Monkey02060 条分享新加坡动物园到酒店的接送服务很准时。早餐很好,但有点匆忙,因为我们要赶着在猩猩出来的时候到达并坐下用餐。缺点是,早餐10:30就结束了,但我们被告知回程巴士是在11:45,几乎没有时间可以逛动物园。所以我们放弃了乘坐回程巴士,并最终打车返回。我不知道有多少人真的乘坐了回程巴士,我认为把发车时间设在下午1:30会更合理。毕竟这是个很棒的动物园,我们希望能好好逛一逛。回程的出租车费不到18美元,所以如果有兴趣的话,我觉得可以直接在动物园预订早餐,并乘坐出租车前往。撰写日期:2019年8月16日
- imariswilliams0 条分享新加坡动物园我们度过了一段美好的时光!和猩猩一起吃早餐真是太有趣了。动物园很漂亮,我喜欢喂犀牛。撰写日期:2019年8月12日
- MANAVKABIR20190 条分享差劲的Viator服务体验我的viator公司服务体验很不好。我通过viator预定了新加坡动物园之旅,预先支付了全款,结果到点时没任何人过来接我们。也没人打电话给我们,导致我们只能自己打的去动物园,重新买票进入园内参观。随后,Viator公司也没有联系我们解决该问题,直到现在也没有收到他们的退款。我不建议任何人使用viator的服务。他们只有美国分部的国际客服热线。我打国际长途漫游电话给他们,花了15分钟解释问题,结果还是没有解决问题。撰写日期:2019年8月12日
- L K0 条分享能参加这个活动很酷我很兴奋能参与这个活动。我一个人去了,在动物园玩得很开心。动物园很棒。我参加了夜间动物园和河川生态园。如果你喜欢动物,我推荐你来哦。很期待看大猩猩。活动提供早餐和接送。他们把我接到活动场地,送到酒店。我唯一的感觉是,可怜的猩猩们已经完全习惯了。他们甚至都不抬头看。他们只是低下头,吃着被投喂的东西。我明白,因为那些糟糕的事情可能已经过去了,但有些令人失望。撰写日期:2019年8月12日
- Immiiren0 条分享大家不要来这边买票了简直就是一场骗局,来新加坡旅行之前我们就在这边买了两张票,本来想把这个作为我男朋友的生日礼物的,导游并没有到我们的酒店来接我们,在那天之我给票上的电话号码打了一个电话,确保一切都能够按计划进行,但是他们却没有人接电话,我甚至连上面的紧急电话号码都试过。打了好几次电话,没办法,我们最后还是自己打了的士过去。我们到达动物园的时候又必须去重新买票,因为我们买的票在这里是无效的,最后我们终于找到了我们的导游,他也没有给我们道歉,只是把钱还给了我们。这里的早餐非常的糟糕,你在这里也就只能得到一张橘子塘的照片而已。撰写日期:2019年8月9日
- athensofga0 条分享很多东西值得一看这是一个不错的动物园,但不是世界级的。太多的生物被限制在狭小的围场里。与此同时,还有许多开放的区域,如蝴蝶花园和鸟舍,都做得很好。撰写日期:2019年8月3日
- Matchin0 条分享纠正这个描述描述里说这是世界上唯一一个你可以和猩猩共进早餐的地方,……这是错误的——至少在巴厘岛你也可以这么做。虽然如此,这也是一次很棒的体验。撰写日期:2019年7月30日
- Roger G0 条分享很好的动物园这个动物园的布局很漂亮,游客和动物之间没有任何障碍。不幸的是,我们在那里的那天,很多动物都睡着了——可能是由于太热了!撰写日期:2019年7月25日
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69 条点评
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英国奥特林厄姆2 条分享
Poor food at site and less of an ability to see the animals from the tram than was the case on our first visit 12 years ago!! The team used to pause occasionally to allow sufficient time to locate and then view the animals
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Shannon B
德克萨斯州Highlands8 条分享
2025年1月 • 独自旅游
This experience was great; seeing the wide variety of animals at night. This was an experience I won't forget. This is an adventure that's a must see and do while in Singapore.
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Dear Shannon,
Thank you for your kind words and feedback with regards to the Night Safari Tour. We are glad that you enjoyed your time in Singapore
With best regards
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Kathy L
3 条分享
The guide Paul Tan was nice, but he talked too fast, couldn’t understand what he was saying half the time.
As per the description we were supposed to have a guided walk after the tram, but that didn’t happen.
On the return back to our hotel, Paul left the bus after dropping a few people off the bus. He told the remaining guests (including my sister and I) the bus driver knows where to drop us off.
Well, the bus driver missed our stop at the Ritz-Carlton until we told him to stop. Not good.
I would like a partial refund for this trip
As per the description we were supposed to have a guided walk after the tram, but that didn’t happen.
On the return back to our hotel, Paul left the bus after dropping a few people off the bus. He told the remaining guests (including my sister and I) the bus driver knows where to drop us off.
Well, the bus driver missed our stop at the Ritz-Carlton until we told him to stop. Not good.
I would like a partial refund for this trip
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi Kathy,
Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your tour at Night Safari. Usually after the tour the tour guide does not follow the group during send back as they need to do their report after the tour so they do not go until the last send back.
Unfortunately, as you have already consumed the full tour including the send back we are unable to do a refund as this is a package tour.
With best regards
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
德国法兰克福22 条分享
Very good and reliable the pick up and drop off) service, which saves you a lot of change and a lot of driving time. The guide also tells a lot about the zoo and the city of Singapore during the trip to the zoo, answers all questions. His support saves a lot of searching and queuing at the zoo, and he also organizes access to the “Creatures of the Night” show in advance.
Of course, a very sensitive camera is necessary to take fairly decent shots and even the tram ride does not guarantee reliable visibility of the animals - but otherwise it would not be a night safari! Overall, however, the information from the “Creatures of the Night” show and the tram ride are rather superficial. At the Creatures of the Night Show, the crowds continue to chat, a tremendous noise level for which the nocturnal animals probably had to be desensitized first, incomprehensible to me, but does not seem to irritate the zookeepers at all.
Definitely something unique that doesn't exist elsewhere, including a worth seeing piece of Singapore. Due to the good organization and information, the additional price for the pick-up, the guide and the return trip is definitely worth it!
The pick-up and drop-off service is very good and reliable, saving you a lot of changing trains and a lot of travel time. The tour guide also tells you a lot about the zoo and the city of Singapore during the trip to the zoo and answers all your questions. His support saves you a lot of searching and queuing at the zoo. He also organizes access to the "Creatures of the Night" show in advance.
Of course, a very sensitive camera is necessary to take halfway decent pictures and the tram ride does not guarantee reliable visibility of the animals - but otherwise it wouldn't be a night safari!
Overall, however, the information from the "Creatures of the Night" show and the tram ride are rather superficial. At the Creatures of the Night show, the crowds keep chatting incessantly, an enormous noise level for which the nocturnal animals probably had to be desensitized first, which is incomprehensible to me, but it didn’t seem to irritate the zookeepers at all.
Definitely something unique that you can't find anywhere else, and a part of Singapore worth seeing. Due to the good organization and information, the extra cost for the pick-up, the tour guide and the return trip is definitely worth it!
Of course, a very sensitive camera is necessary to take fairly decent shots and even the tram ride does not guarantee reliable visibility of the animals - but otherwise it would not be a night safari! Overall, however, the information from the “Creatures of the Night” show and the tram ride are rather superficial. At the Creatures of the Night Show, the crowds continue to chat, a tremendous noise level for which the nocturnal animals probably had to be desensitized first, incomprehensible to me, but does not seem to irritate the zookeepers at all.
Definitely something unique that doesn't exist elsewhere, including a worth seeing piece of Singapore. Due to the good organization and information, the additional price for the pick-up, the guide and the return trip is definitely worth it!
The pick-up and drop-off service is very good and reliable, saving you a lot of changing trains and a lot of travel time. The tour guide also tells you a lot about the zoo and the city of Singapore during the trip to the zoo and answers all your questions. His support saves you a lot of searching and queuing at the zoo. He also organizes access to the "Creatures of the Night" show in advance.
Of course, a very sensitive camera is necessary to take halfway decent pictures and the tram ride does not guarantee reliable visibility of the animals - but otherwise it wouldn't be a night safari!
Overall, however, the information from the "Creatures of the Night" show and the tram ride are rather superficial. At the Creatures of the Night show, the crowds keep chatting incessantly, an enormous noise level for which the nocturnal animals probably had to be desensitized first, which is incomprehensible to me, but it didn’t seem to irritate the zookeepers at all.
Definitely something unique that you can't find anywhere else, and a part of Singapore worth seeing. Due to the good organization and information, the extra cost for the pick-up, the tour guide and the return trip is definitely worth it!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Sir / Madam,
Thank you very much for giving us a positive feedback and review of your tour. Happy that you enjoyed your tour and had great time.
With best regards
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
香港2 条分享
2024年12月 • 夫妻情侣
Waited an hour for the tour bus to show up. Arrived late and missed part of the show. Not enough time to walk around. Driver took us back to the wrong hotel!
The experience is worthwhile but advised to go as individuals not on a group tour!
The experience is worthwhile but advised to go as individuals not on a group tour!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Sir / Madam,
First, would like to apologize for your not so good experience during your Night Safari tour.
We will investigate from our end and inform your travel agent.
With best regards
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
加利福尼亚圣拉斐尔17 条分享
2024年12月 • 夫妻情侣
There was lots of confusion about pick up and without help from hotel we could have missed tour. Tour guide was confused, talked too much and was not very helpful.
Hard to see animals at night.
Hard to see animals at night.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Patricia G
4 条分享
A fantastic evening at the Night Zoo in Singapore started with an animal showing and which was wonderful, ten onto the tram for a ride around the park to view the nocturnal animals in their natural habitat…no cages for these animals.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Stella D
英国卡迪夫30 条分享
2024年10月 • 家庭
Our guide, Paul, was amazing - he had a plan and sticking to it meant we skipped the queues and had plenty of time to see everything. My father in law is almost 90 and really appreciated being picked up at the hotel and dropped off afterwards. Everything went very smoothly and we saw some fabulous animals - don't miss out on the walk around the Fishing Cat area as the otters, pangolins and crocodiles are a treat to see (as well as the Fishing Cats.)
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Dear sir / madam,
Thank you very much for your kind review and positive feedback. Our Tour Guides are committed to serve our clients with the best of their abilities. Will definitely share the review with Paul.
With best regards
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Jade H
澳大利亚珀斯265 条分享
2024年10月 • 独自旅游
I kind of feel like I need to write two reviews for this experience. Let’s start with the tour unfortunately the tour was not what it all cracked up to be. To start with the coach that was supposed to pick me up for the tour didn’t turn up so after waiting for an hour and a half I called to find out what was going on thinking that maybe they were just running really late. Maybe the traffic was bad. The phone conversation I had they explained that the coach forgot to pick me up so they were going to organise someone to come and get me. This was all well and good however we were running extremely late at this point. Now this was my last night in Singapore and I really wanted to go so I agreed. The driver that came and picked me up was very friendly. However it was still a little bit nerve wracking knowing that I was now going to be travelling with an unknown person by myself. By the time I got to the night Safari it was really late which meant I actually missed most of the experiences at the Safari. I didn’t get to see any of the shows and there was no time to get to have a look around. The only thing I had time to do was to go on the tram which was part of the Safari which was actually incredible. When I spoke to the tour guide about the shows he said that I can’t go and suggested that I could go for a walk whilst I wait for everyone else. When I tried to explain to him that I had a disability that meant that I actually couldn’t just walk around and the main reason that I wanted to come to the night Safari was to one see the Safari but also see the shows his response continue to be just go for a walk It’s not that hard. The tour in general felt extremely rushed and I get that I got there late but that was not on me. On the way back the coach arrived at the first hotel to drop off they then made half the people get off the coach and get into different cars and then I was dropped off at some random street side. I was told that I needed to walk the rest of the way which again was not part of the Tour. The tour stated that you get picked up and dropped off at your hotel. Now there was an agreement about a different hotel as my hotel was not listed and that was completely fine because it was actually on the same street however this didn’t occur. It was really disappointing to know that anyone that I spoke to throughout this tour just kind of passed the blame onto someone else and didn’t actually take any accountability and didn’t even apologise which you know it wouldn’t have hurt for someone to just acknowledge the mistakes and just apologise. Like it really does ruin an experience when you left frustrated because it kind of takes away from the amazing experience that it could’ve been. Now in regards to the actual Night Safari I can imagine how If I’d seen it all it would’ve been absolutely incredible. In saying this I would actually recommend the night Safari by itself because being able to see all these animals from a tram experience seeing how they’re cared for and really looked after especially some that are so close to extinction is just amazing. I would say that I definitely would go to the night Safari again however I would probably look into a different tour option because having the transport is convenient because it’s not close to the city, however this actually became very inconvenient experience.
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2 条分享
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侣
Great tour! Our guide Siwa was knowledgeable, clear and so funny! We were picked up at our hotel and then everything was taken care of for us… we saw the Creatures of the Night show and then we took the tram.. we had no waiting - Siwa got us in separately, it was like being a VIP. After the tram, we had plenty of time to take one of the trails or grab a snack… then we were brought back to our hotel! Excellent from start to finish.
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Dear Sir / madam,
Thank you for the kind words and positive review. We will definitely share your good feedback with our Tour Guide Siwa. We are glad that you enjoyed your tour.
With best regards
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Singapore Night Safari with Priority Tram Boarding & Return Transfer
Can you tell me if there is a pick up from Village Residence Clarke Quay by Far East Hospitality
No we were picked up from the Pan Pacific where we were staying. However we stopped at several hotels to pick up guests on the way to the zoo. There were lots of hotels listed on the booking site where the company picked up. Good luck. Enjoy.
Do you pick up from the Orchard hotel. I have limited mobility too as need a stick to walk and can’t queue for long.
So need to know that this can accommodated?
Thank you
I recommend you book with a tour operator such as Viator to gain direct access to the Zoo and to avoid long queues to board zoo trains. The tour operator also provided commentary during our tour of the zoo. Our tour operator picked us up from our hotel and dropped us off at a central point to board buses to the zoo. We were also dropped off at our hotel at the end of the tour. This is more costly than booking yourself but the convenience was worth extra cost. The tour operator will advise their pick up and drop off locations.
We did the night tour. The night lighting is very subdued and some of the paths are not even with inclines, which maybe an issue depending upon how restricted your mobility is.
Hi, I will be staying with Family at 36 Sturdee Road. What is my closest pick up point please?
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