马拉马拉海滩俱乐部 - 全天
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
这家Malamala Beach Club海滩俱乐部通行证可让您在私人岛屿上放松身心,是寻求一天休息和放松的旅客的完美选择。无需担心严格的行程 - 享受能够选择如何度过一天的灵活性。套餐包括非机动水上运动设备,如浮潜装备,皮划艇和站立式桨板,以及Wi-Fi和毛巾租赁服务。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 70 人
用时: 8 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 在Malamala Beach Club享受豪华和放松的终极一天
- 很多事情要做 - 包括水上运动,游泳池和海滩
- 包括非机动水上运动设备租赁服务
- 可轻松抵达那里 - 往返渡轮船票
- 您的一日通行证包括:
- 往返于德纳劳港往返于楠迪、德纳劳、武达和怀洛阿洛亚地区的预订巴士接送服务
- 从德纳劳港乘坐我们的高速双体船返回船只接送
- 使用非机动水上运动设备进行浮潜、皮划艇和站立桨登船
- 免费毛巾服务 - 每人1条
- 主俱乐部区提供免费无线网络连接
- 入场/门票 - Malamala Beach Club
未包含内容- 食品和饮料,包括酒精饮料(可购买)
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- Denarau Island, FijiSouth Sea Cruises 值机柜台位于丹娜拉港客运码头。
接送服务详情- 接车时间 : 非常重要 - 请参考我们网站上的接车时间表,因为您的接车时间将早于从德纳劳港码头出发的船舶时间,以便安排从您的酒店到码头的接车时间。 ************************************************** 全日通票 - 提供往返大部分楠迪/德纳劳、怀洛阿洛亚和珊瑚海岸/莫米湾酒店及度假村的免费巴士接送服务。 如果您错过了免费巴士接送服务,您需要自费自行寻找往返德纳劳港的路线。 请向您的酒店礼宾部查询确切的接机时间。 您必须在活动日期前至少48小时联系南海邮轮,以再次确认您的预订和大巴接送服务。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5204P32- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 每次预订最多15人
- 儿童必须由成人陪同
- 请携带泳衣、毛巾、防晒衣(包括帽子和防晒霜)、凉爽月份的轻便夹克或毛衣、用于可选购买的现金或信用卡、您的相机和乐趣!
- 您必须在活动日期前至少 24 小时联系 South Sea Cruises 以确认您的预订并安排您的大巴接送。
- 从南迪/维洛艾洛出发的酒店接客时间为上午 8.40、丹娜拉 -9.15 和珊瑚海岸 7.25
- 请在预定接载时间前 10 分钟准备好并在酒店大堂等候。酒店和时间显示在我们网站上的巴士时刻表上
- 住在楠迪、维洛艾洛和丹娜努地区的乘客于上午 09:30 从丹娜努港出发,并可于 4:15 或 5:15 从马拉玛拉海滩俱乐部出发
- 住在珊瑚海岸地区的乘客于上午 10 点从丹娜拉出发,并于 4 点 15 点离开马拉马拉海滩俱乐部,以连接免费巴士接送服务。
- 如果您不需要接载,请自行前往集合地点 - 丹娜拉码头客运码头的南海游轮登记柜台
- 如果出现恶劣天气和海况,我们保留取消所有水上活动的权利,包括浮潜、桨板冲浪和皮划艇。
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 70 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5204P32
低至 US$81.24
- 1被斐济著名的水晶般清澈的海水所环绕,马拉马拉海滩俱乐部向您介绍世界上第一个位于其自己岛屿上的海滩俱乐部,距离丹娜拉港仅 25 分钟路程。享受海滩俱乐部的一日通行证,体验白色沙滩、海滨小屋、度假风格的无边泳池,并从斐济地理位置最佳的岛屿欣赏 Mamanucas 的美景。马拉马拉海滩俱乐部提供美味的单点菜单,从小吃到满足您的渴望或太平洋风味的餐点和共享拼盘,一系列手工制作的鸡尾酒,以及全天混合欢快曲调的俱乐部式氛围。 喜欢你的一天并想再次访问马拉马拉海滩俱乐部吗?可以以优惠价格进行回访。只需出示您的原始一日通行证,即可享受从丹娜拉港乘坐南海游轮的折扣接送服务。马拉马拉海滩俱乐部,斐济最新的,也是世界上第一个岛屿海滩俱乐部!
- Bonza1920 条分享令人惊叹的景色从码头乘船到这家度假村,只需要25分钟的时间。只需要169美元,你就可以在这里游玩了,包括使用这里的游泳池、皮划艇、桨板、浮潜区域等,而且过来乘坐的船费也包含在里面。还可以在那里拍很多美丽的照片。我在bookme.com上找到这里的,本来想在工作日预定一间房,但当时已经订满了(如果成功预定了这里的房间,你就可以让工作人员把饮料拿到你的房间里面享用)。最后我们预定了一个稍微有点贵的套间,然后花了50斐济元来租了两张海滩躺椅,这真是一个非常明智的选择,很值得。我们的房间很有私密性,很安静。游泳池的位置也很好,旁边就是海滩躺椅。我们一整天都在那里进进出出,享受着。但那里也很吵,有很多小孩子在里面玩耍,他们会大叫,会溅起水花。因为我们不是很介意,所以觉得无所谓,这一切都取决于你的需求。另外,房间距离游泳池比较远,这一点我不是很喜欢。度假村里面的食物很美味,价格很合理——我在机场时,收到了来自斐济交通旅游公司的优惠券,里面有15%的食物和饮料折扣。总的来说,这是一个美丽的地方。撰写日期:2019年10月23日
- BettyMelbourne0 条分享很喜欢这里我在这里过生日,真的太棒了。还没决定去哪个岛,根据评论选择了这个岛,它才开发2年。设施现代化,干净。船很准时,运行平稳。租个海滩小屋很值得,感觉就像我们有自己的私人海滩和管家服务,非常的方便。水很清澈,但是没有看到很多鱼。总的来说,每个人都很享受这一天。撰写日期:2019年9月27日
- Richard A0 条分享太棒了这个美丽的岛屿离Nadi附近的Denarau Marina只有30分钟的路程。这个岛很小,适合散步或划水。工作人员非常友好,乐于助人,食物的价格也很合理。无边无际的泳池令人惊叹,甲板保养得很好。浴室设施状况良好,非常干净。在马拉马拉岛的这一天过得很开心。撰写日期:2019年9月27日
- lizp8420 条分享很棒的一天出游这个岛只供一日游者使用。这里有我们需要的一切-浮潜,站起来划桨板,皮划艇。有一个酒吧和餐厅,还有一个华丽的无边游泳池。我们花了额外的钱租了一辆敞篷车-不确定是否值得,因为这里有足够的空间和休息的地方。可爱的地方,管理良好,让我们一直都有玩的。撰写日期:2019年9月24日
- leannelelo19890 条分享简直就像天堂我无法用言语表达这个地方有多美丽。这个岛不仅像一个小天堂,而且那里的工作人员使它成为最难忘的经历。萨缪拉、德鲁和弗兰克,还有其他许多人,让我们在岛上度过了三天的美好时光,感觉就像一家人一样。我们非常喜欢这里,连续3天都来了这里,并确保我们每次都有小屋,因为感觉就像你有自己的私人海滩,服务非常好!这里的水很清澈,食物很美味,饮料很可口,气氛是很好,工作人员也棒极了,这个地方的一切都非常好。 Malamala Beach Club是访问斐济时的必去之地。撰写日期:2019年9月9日
- watitraveller790 条分享回头客我一而再再而三地来到这个令人惊叹的小岛,不仅仅是乘坐25分钟的船就可以从denarau marina到malamala海滩俱乐部,而是因为这里有友好的员工,很棒的食物和饮料,还有这里很赞的氛围。强烈推荐撰写日期:2019年9月8日
- anastasyams0 条分享喜欢Malamala我们真的很喜欢我们的马拉马拉之行!一开始,当我们登上南海游轮时,我看到很多人,感觉很紧张!船上的人太多了!但是这个岛足够大,可以容纳如此之多的游客,从来没有感到拥挤。在不太拥挤的情况下,创造一个很棒的氛围很好的海滩俱乐部。和斐济的大多数海滩一样,海滩上有很多珊瑚,所以到处走的时候一定要穿鞋!浮潜时,海水的能见度不是很好,但我确实看到一条暗礁鲨从我身边游过。我没有花很多时间在海里,而是选择在游泳池里休息,从游泳池里欣赏美丽的海滩。食物服务可能会有点慢,就像斐济其他地方一样。提前预定,尽情享受斐济时间吧!价格可能会有点高,但这是一个私人岛屿上的海滩俱乐部!我从来没见过哪家海滩俱乐部收费不高的。我们点了鸡肉三明治和滑块,都很棒!下午吃冰淇淋是一种很好的清凉方式,别错过了!专业提示:预订泳池边的日间床(只有12个可用),而不是小屋。游泳池很漂亮,你会喜欢跳进游泳池时的方便,有食物提供给你,在游泳池旁享受你的食物。其他顾客嫉妒的目光绝对是不可避免的!撰写日期:2019年8月24日
- travel2live50 条分享神奇的马拉马拉我和妻子在马拉马拉度过了愉快的一天。设施齐全,面朝玛玛努卡群岛有一个美妙无边的泳池和一家很棒的餐馆。工作人员超级友好周到,试一试摩米卡蒙鸡尾酒,喝几杯,然后在沙发床上躺着休息一下,非常惬意。从南面吹来一阵阵微风,因此岛上这侧的房子吹的叮咚作响,但是另一侧的房间非常安静。我们很担心岛上人太多,但是尽管轮渡载满人员来来回回,这里为每一个人都留有空间。如果你有闲暇的一天,请确保天气晴朗,并在马拉马拉度过神奇的一天!撰写日期:2019年8月24日
- Ajeet D0 条分享很不错的地方,独自旅行或者团队出游都很适合很不错的海滩,一流的服务,室外活动的安排也很合理。泳池超级棒。这里的员工非常友好,好吃的食物更是让人觉得开心。以后肯定还会再来的。撰写日期:2019年8月19日
- 981vinp0 条分享非常棒的一日游第二次来游玩,周围环绕着美丽的沙滩和清澈的海水,让我想起更多的😁。我们在岛上进行浮潜,惊人地看到了美丽的礁石。食物美味,工作人员友好。我们在码头看到了礁🦈鲨宝宝。音乐可以更好一点,可以播放一些休息室音乐。总体体验很棒撰写日期:2019年8月19日
- 560yvettea0 条分享超棒的一天我们去斐济玩过几次,最喜欢迪纳罗,因为那里有很多装修不错的餐厅,而且到机场和港口都很近。斐济有很多漂亮的小岛,但是这次我们没有只待在小岛的外面玩,我们来了一次一日游去一些不同的地方。商量之后我们决定在马拉马拉岛开启一日游,因为我们喜欢这的景色设施和可以预订的房间。我们定的房间标准是最好离我们想去的地方都不远,所以游泳日床是最好的选择,我们在网上预订了4个人,床位2张,但是系统不能一个订单订两张床,所以我们下了两次单。但是从德纳罗转船到港口的费用包括在内,这还是相当优惠的。在南边海域坐大型双体船到马拉马拉快速直航30分钟。旅行很舒服,到岛之后景色跟我们期待的一样很美。 在详细的介绍之后,我们在前台用了信用卡登记,并收到了一个号码,以便我们购买所有的食品和饮料。这很方便。经过刚才的登记处就是餐厅和景色设施,紧接着就是我们预订了的游泳日床的游泳池区域。绝对跟我们看的一模一样!就在泳池的旁边看起来很美的一个地方,床很舒服躺两个人绰绰有余。 游泳池和它的周围设置是超棒的,周围海湾的景色和偌大的游泳池的边缘简直无缝连接。我们在游泳池,然后从游泳池甲板上现成的服务台订购了一些饮料。 在泳池玩了几个小时之后我们上了皮划艇然后浮潜,因为离我们待的地方不远,所以一点都不担心回来之后泳池人变多或者景色变化。浮潜还不错,看见了珊瑚礁上的游鱼,但是基于我做过很多类似于浮潜的运动,这次浮潜经历可以评价为达到平均水平吧。 我们回到游泳日床的时候又点了一批饮料,价格还行,不算便宜但是相对来说比德纳罗便宜。我最喜欢的饮料是醉椰子,很好喝。我们点了牛肉片和碎鸡肉卷,两个都配着薯条,味道也不错。 总的来说,今天过得很开心,虽然说这的景点不是说一定要来的,但是我还是建议过来看看感受一下,这里还是值得过来消费一下的。如果你喜欢私密一点的你可以预订小屋,如果你想离什么都近一点就可以预订像我们这次订的日床,真的非常推荐游泳池旁边的床,很美好的一天,谢谢你,马拉马拉!撰写日期:2019年8月5日
- Kassidy L0 条分享最好的地方!如果你来到斐济,而没有去马拉马拉,那你就错过了很多时光!这个岛屿斐济其他岛屿不同,这里有难以置信的食物、鸡尾酒,整个岛屿的体验都是先进的。我们很幸运参加了一日游还有“马拉马拉之夜”,这两项活动都非常令人着迷。斐济大部分地区都在渐渐的老化,没有任何新的项目脱颖而出,然而马拉马拉正在为此而努力。无论是白天的旅程还是在马拉马拉度过的美妙的夜晚,我都无法更加推荐这座岛屿,我会同时推荐这两项活动的!撰写日期:2019年7月21日
- Katrina D0 条分享尽情享受小屋吧!相信我!尽情享受海滩小屋吧!它值得你付出的每一分钱。我们在最后一分钟这样做了,因为我们在德纳罗的度假胜地没有很好的海滩,但这里我们并没有感到失望,如前所述,小屋非常棒,真的让我们有了一个很好的经历。游泳池和公共区域看起来也很棒,但小屋的隐私和贵宾待遇棒极了。物有所值!撰写日期:2019年7月8日
- 180falcom0 条分享很棒的地方这是斐济的群岛的一个小岛,距离丹娜努港只有三十分钟路程。这个小岛很小,步行即可,这里有一个全酒牌餐厅,你需要在那预定一个沙发位找一个好的视角,那里不会拥挤。它在海滩边缘的地方有一个无边泳池,免费提供水上运动,如皮划艇、浮潜、直立式桨板,也提供救生衣,这是一个适合休闲放松的地方,但是不适合小孩,因为没有小孩可以玩的项目,但是如果你的孩子稍微大些,八岁左右的话就很适合了,浮潜超级棒,这里的工作人员也很友好,会一直为你提供食物和水,这里的日落很美,很值得一游。撰写日期:2019年6月20日
- MikeC7020 条分享天堂之感觉马啦马啦沙滩俱乐部真的很美丽,水清沙幼,在这地方休息真的很好,有天堂之感觉,不过由于没有职员跟随水上活动,你能看到很多没公德心的人破坏这地,如:拿走海洋生物拍照等等,希望有方法避免。 而且收取信用卡的才可使用岛上设施规矩有点怪怪的,我宁愿先在信用卡收款,再退回金钱好一点。撰写日期:2019年5月10日
这些点评均为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。为符合我们业界领先的信任和安全标准,Tripadvisor 会对点评进行检查。阅读我们的透明度报告,了解更多信息。
320 条点评
Matelita Leka
澳大利亚昆士兰13 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
We booked our hens party at the STUNNING Malamala Beach Club and it didn’t disappoint. The staff were so lovely ,throughout the booking process (Thank You- Tracey Lee) and team for a seamless express checkin as well & not forgetting Beach Club Manager- Mosese Tukaikeli and to all the crew working on the day of the event itself. You guys were amazing HANDS DOWN!!👏👏
We had a whole private venue to ourselves.Had our own private plunge pool, a male & female washroom, our own sound system and bar exclusively for us. We were even allowed to decorate venue exactly how we wanted, this included biodegradable decos as well as choosing the drinks we wanted , & the food was finger licking good. We also had our hens games planned for the day - I think that was the best part! sooo much fun & lots of space for our group of 27 ladies for our fun filled activities.
Everything was just an unforgettable experience for us and our bride and she definitely will not be forgetting the memories we shared on this day.
I highly recommend Malamala Beach Club for any event especially if you are planning a Hens day with your girls and gallls😉If you have been on the fence about booking at this beautiful spot, then let this review be the one to change your mind as it is worth every penny!!
We had a whole private venue to ourselves.Had our own private plunge pool, a male & female washroom, our own sound system and bar exclusively for us. We were even allowed to decorate venue exactly how we wanted, this included biodegradable decos as well as choosing the drinks we wanted , & the food was finger licking good. We also had our hens games planned for the day - I think that was the best part! sooo much fun & lots of space for our group of 27 ladies for our fun filled activities.
Everything was just an unforgettable experience for us and our bride and she definitely will not be forgetting the memories we shared on this day.
I highly recommend Malamala Beach Club for any event especially if you are planning a Hens day with your girls and gallls😉If you have been on the fence about booking at this beautiful spot, then let this review be the one to change your mind as it is worth every penny!!
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Temo V
2 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
Best views and amazing team. The beautiful scenery underwater was just spectacular and the crew in the kitchen cooked up a storm which was so tasty and bang on the money👏
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Holly L
5 条分享
2024年12月 • 夫妻情侣
Very clean and beautiful island to visit for the day. The full day is a long day, we got on the boat at 9.30 and left the island at 5.15.
I would recommend bringing your own food and drinks and the wait times can be quite long. Other than that it was a great day!
I would recommend bringing your own food and drinks and the wait times can be quite long. Other than that it was a great day!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Bula Vinaka Safari827103,
Thank you for sharing your review and rating with us. Sounds like you had a wonderful time on the island!
It prides us to learn from your feedback that the island was very clean, beautiful and that you enjoyed your day. On you next experience with us please check our website for details of our offering to ensure it meets with your requirements as we offer half and full day expereinces at your convenience. Also we please be advised that Malamala Beach Club is a licensed venue therefore no personal food or alcohol is permitted. Your feedback on wait times for has been highlighted with the team on the island for improvements.
Looking forward to you return to paradise for even more memorable expereinces soon.
Vinaka Vakalevu!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
斐济苏瓦540 条分享
We had a great day with friends at Malamala.
The boat ride was a quick 30mins and then the island and it's staff greet you!
To avoid hassles it's good to book a cabana for yourself otherwise the beach is plentiful to laze around on.
Food was delicious! And the crystal waters of the sea was nice and warm and so was the pool!
Surely a great place to be with friends!
The boat ride was a quick 30mins and then the island and it's staff greet you!
To avoid hassles it's good to book a cabana for yourself otherwise the beach is plentiful to laze around on.
Food was delicious! And the crystal waters of the sea was nice and warm and so was the pool!
Surely a great place to be with friends!
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Bula deepaknsheron1986,
Thank you for sharing your five star rating and review from your recent cruise to Malamala Beach Club.
We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the quick ride and felt warmly welcomed by our staff upon arrival to the island. It’s always a pleasure to learn that our guests enjoyed smooth and pleasant experiences.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, we certainly look forward to your return to out little piece of paradise soon!
Vinaka Vakalevu!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Julie Rigney
澳大利亚新南威尔士州40 条分享
The transfer from the resorts seemed easy enough except on the way back the bus was full? Very overwhelming as a family of 5.
The port itself was chaotic and setting expectations around this would be helpful.
The boat to the island was comfortable and the staff were lovely.
Food and drink on the island was terrible. Food cold. Drinks hot. Glad we packed snacks.
There is no way to call the concierge when you want something. You rely on them popping in and you being out of the water at the same time.
Half day was plenty of time for a family with small children. Wear your water shoes. Lots of broken coral.
Didn’t love the unisex toilets.
Snorkelling was so much fun except when we went to get the gear no-one was there so we just helped ourselves. It doesn’t seem like gear was washed either. Used items were sitting in a giant tub filled with water under a tap.
We had to drag the kayaks up the beach to our cabana to use them and had to return them also.
Would recommend the cabanas for shade.
When we went to take a picture of the swing there was a giant rope and boat behind it.. completely ruined the picture.
The day was too expensive for how disorganised it was.
The port itself was chaotic and setting expectations around this would be helpful.
The boat to the island was comfortable and the staff were lovely.
Food and drink on the island was terrible. Food cold. Drinks hot. Glad we packed snacks.
There is no way to call the concierge when you want something. You rely on them popping in and you being out of the water at the same time.
Half day was plenty of time for a family with small children. Wear your water shoes. Lots of broken coral.
Didn’t love the unisex toilets.
Snorkelling was so much fun except when we went to get the gear no-one was there so we just helped ourselves. It doesn’t seem like gear was washed either. Used items were sitting in a giant tub filled with water under a tap.
We had to drag the kayaks up the beach to our cabana to use them and had to return them also.
Would recommend the cabanas for shade.
When we went to take a picture of the swing there was a giant rope and boat behind it.. completely ruined the picture.
The day was too expensive for how disorganised it was.
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Bula Jules,
We would like to thank you for choosing to cruise with us to Malamala Island for your day cruise.
It prides us to read that the vessel to the island was comfortable with lovely staff. We are also delighted that you enjoyed snorkelling and that you also appreciated the half day cruise which suited your family.
We are sorry that you were not happy with a few aspects of your expereinces.
To enable us to further investigate and respond appropriately, please email your booking details to customerservices@ssc.com.fj
Again thank you for choosing to cruise with us and we look forward to hearing from you soon as your feedback is of utmost importance.
Vinaka Vakalevu!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Jodie A
澳大利亚悉尼8 条分享
2024年11月 • 独自旅游
I booked a day bed for the day by the infinity pool, and it was so comfortable, with an amazing view. I was initially worried it might be too noisy there, but that wasn't the case at all. Music played the entire day, but not too loudly, and those using the pool mostly swam quietly and enjoyed the beautiful view.
The staff were very attentive and friendly, and I had the most delicious chicken salad there (and a yummy cocktail)! I had planned to paddle board and go snorkelling, but to be honest, the weather was unfortunately not great the day I went. Overcast (which didn't bother me much), but also very windy. It WAS wet season though, so this is not a complaint - just an unfortunate luck of the draw. By the end of the day, I was more than ready to head back. No doubt, on a glorious day, Malamala Beach Club would be a fantastic full day trip, and I would definitely go again.
The staff were very attentive and friendly, and I had the most delicious chicken salad there (and a yummy cocktail)! I had planned to paddle board and go snorkelling, but to be honest, the weather was unfortunately not great the day I went. Overcast (which didn't bother me much), but also very windy. It WAS wet season though, so this is not a complaint - just an unfortunate luck of the draw. By the end of the day, I was more than ready to head back. No doubt, on a glorious day, Malamala Beach Club would be a fantastic full day trip, and I would definitely go again.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Bula Vinaka 748jodiea,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful feedback!
We’re so happy to hear that you enjoyed your time at Malamala Beach Club. It’s great to know that the day bed by the infinity pool was comfortable and that the atmosphere was peaceful, with just the right balance of music to enhance your experience.
It also delights us the staff provided attentive and friendly service and that you enjoyed the delicious chicken salad and cocktail! We completely understand that the weather didn’t cooperate with your planned activities, but we’re glad that you were still able to relax and make the most of the day.
We agree that on a sunny day, Malamala Beach Club is an ideal destination for a full day trip, and we look forward to welcoming you back for another visit when the weather is more favourable.
Vinaka Vakalevu!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
纽约州罗切斯特24 条分享
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
Spent the day and rented cabana that came with own “butler”. He was stretched a bit thin, but was kind and…we were on Fiji time anyway. Well worth the price (did directly through their site). Clean place, good food and drink. Beautiful area, clean facilities. Thoroughly enjoyed!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Bula Vinaka Gvtwkr,
Thank you for choosing to cruise with us and also for sharing your experience with us!
We’re so pleased to hear that you had a wonderful day of relaxation at the resort. It’s great to know that you enjoyed the cabana as well as your own butler. Your feedback on the butler is appreciated and we have since highlighted your view with the management on the island for improvements.
We’re glad you found the facilities clean, the food and drinks enjoyable, and the area beautiful. It’s wonderful to hear that your overall experience was worth the price, and we look forward to welcoming you back for more moments of relaxation and enjoyment in the future.
Vinaka Vakalevu!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Ruci T
斐济苏瓦80 条分享
2024年11月 • 好友
Malamala Beach Club is located along the Malolo Group. It takes about 25 - 30 minutes to travel from Port Denarau to the island.
Upon the arrival, you are greeted with homely welcome by energetic staff.
The food is awesome especially the Fijian fish Kokoda and burgers. The service is superb.
The moment of love of laughter is when you have your coconut 🥥 drink (bu)while soaking the sun or dipping in the pool overlooking the deep blue 🌊🌊🌊🌊.
You will love this experience!!
Upon the arrival, you are greeted with homely welcome by energetic staff.
The food is awesome especially the Fijian fish Kokoda and burgers. The service is superb.
The moment of love of laughter is when you have your coconut 🥥 drink (bu)while soaking the sun or dipping in the pool overlooking the deep blue 🌊🌊🌊🌊.
You will love this experience!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Bula rucit2021,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience at Malamala Beach Club! We’re so glad you enjoyed the scenic journey to the island and were welcomed with warmth and energy from our staff. It’s fantastic to hear that you loved the Fijian fish Kokoda as well as the burgers, and superb service.
We are delighted that you were able to experience a coconut drink while soaking up the sun or relaxing by the pool with such breathtaking views. We're thrilled you had such a memorable time, and we agree that it surely is an experience you won’t forget!
We look forward to welcoming you back for even more moments of relaxation and fun in the near future.
Vinaka Vakalevu!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Reece F
新西兰奥克兰中心地区1 条分享
2024年12月 • 好友
Aye was fabulous really enjoyed all the activities available. Also enjoyed the drinks and the amazing service of all the staff.
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Bula Vinaka 813reecef.
Thank you so much for sharing your feedback!
We're thrilled to hear that you had a fabulous time and enjoyed all the activities, drinks, and exceptional service from our staff. Your kind words mean a lot to us, and we’re delighted that we could make your experiences memorable.
We hope to welcome you back soon for another amazing stay!
Vinaka Vakalevu!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Bianca B
加利福尼亚圣地亚哥2 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
Best hidden gem. I loved every second of this place. The staff was so friendly. The location was so close to the airport I was able to hang during a long layover and make it back with plenty of time to spare.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Bula biancamN2823IL,
Thank you for choosing to cruise with us.
It sounds like you had an amazing experience! I'm so glad to hear that the staff made you feel welcome and that you found the location was perfect for your layover. We are happy that you found a hidden gem that added to your travel experiences. Looking forward to welcoming you back home to paradise soon.
Vinaka Vakalevu!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Why my trip be canceled? I didn’t cancel my trip. I just checked my ticket on phone, and I found out it’s be canceled already, I don’t know why, and I already paid for it. I need know why it’s happen
I am staying at the Plantation island resort. Is there an option for me to take this?
For 1 adult (me), quick questions -
1) Can I leave my belongings (cellphone, keys, small cash, hotel card keys, shoes, snacks) unattended on the Sun loungers when I go for a swim or kayaking in water ? Will it be safe or there's a chance it'll get stolen ?
2) What you'd say is compelling in visiting Malamala vs going to South Sea island or Tivua island (Captain Cook, private) ?
Thanks in advance.
Malamala any day over others. Just exercise caution, put your stuff in a bag 😊
Has anyone booked a full day at Malamala beach, when getting off a P&O cruise?
Hello, do you provide life vests for the children and also snorkels for children or do we need to bring our own?
Yes they provide everything you need for kayaking paddle boarding or snorkeling. Variety of life jackets sizes were available
We have 6 adults, 3 kids over 3 and 2 kids under 3, there is no option for Infant which supposed to be free of charge?
You can ask this question at the tour desk at denaru marina or at your resort your desk prior to departure. If you are staying at the resort may be easier to pay for a days babysitting which is around $90fjd for 8 hrs
Can anyone who has gotten a Grand Cabana let me know what the beach is like in front of it?
How far is it from the main pool?
Thank you :)
Hi, is a half day trip here enough or too short? Will be travelling with kids aged 3, 4, 5 and 7 and wondering if there’s enough to occupy them all day.
Take a whole day trip. The kids will be entertained throughout the day. Alot to do for a little island.
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