供应商/业主为:360 Monte
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
07:00 从科托尔出发
07:20 佩拉斯特拍照点
08:50 在弗洛伊德食品厂短暂休息
10:00 在 Pošćenje 享用早餐,品尝传统和自制美食
10:40 出发前往 Dobri do/Bosaca
11:00 开始徒步
12:00 下午 Škrčki Pogled 观景点/Jablan 和黑湖观景点
01:00 抵达 Prutaš/Crvena Greda,休息 20 分钟
03:30 结束徒步,享用午餐
04:30 出发前往科托尔
08:00 抵达科托尔
长度:4 公里 - 2.5 英里
技术难度 - 5/10
步行难度 - 5/10
海拔高度:686/424 米 - 2250/2000 英尺
*至少需要 2 分钟升水 pp*
年龄限制:9-99,每个团体最多 20 人
用时: 13 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 早餐包括一份免费饮品。
- 晚餐
- 所有费用和税费
未包含内容- 不止一种饮料,给导游的小贴士
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- 选项 1360 Monte - Best Day Trips and Kotor Boat Tours, Stari Grad 284, Kotor 85330, Montenegro毗邻老城旅馆和 Scala Santa 餐厅。
- 选项 2Bus Stop To Sveti Stefan, Petrovac & Jaz Beach, 2 Mediteranska, Budva, Montenegro靠近 Perla 餐厅,在旅游信息中心前面。
- 选项 3Parkiralište, Parking, Tivat, Montenegro
- 选项 4PRO ECO, 2 X Hercegovačke Brigade, Herceg - Novi, MontenegroPRO ECO 商店对面的巴士站。
接送服务详情- 如果您需要接机服务,请在预订过程中预订您所住城市的选项之一,提供的选项有: 对于来自布德瓦的客人:早上 6 点在 2 Mediteranska 巴士站开往 Sveti Stefan / Petrovac 来自蒂瓦特的客人:早上 06:30 在黑山港停车 来自 Herceg Novi 的客人:早上 6 点在 PRO ECO 商店对面的巴士站
其他接送选项结账时,您可以从包含的接送点列表中进行选择。- Bus Stop To Sveti Stefan, Petrovac & Jaz Beach, 2 Mediteranska, Budva, Montenegro
- Parkiralište, Parking, Tivat, Montenegro
- PRO ECO, 2 X Hercegovačke Brigade, Herceg - Novi, Montenegro
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:30904P38- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 20 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:30904P38
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Explore142671394830 条分享满满的一天早上9点从kotor出发,游览黑山人文、自然景观,性价比较高。司机兼导游知识渊博,提供了所有信息,并在行程结束后带我们去了只有当地人才知道的废弃堡垒欣赏日落,让一天结束得很完美。推荐时间不多的游客参加!撰写日期:2024年4月21日
- AlexanderA30840 条分享黑山一日游的最佳选择黑山的精华所在,除了早餐店略显逊色以外,其他都能打个满分评价。 首先是路程不会很遥远,景点与景点之间的距离都比较近,最多也就连续坐车1.5h左右,这毫无疑问保证了团队的质量,基本不会出现赶路的情况。其次是景点的安排非常非常好,涅戈什陵墓和洛夫琴山国家公园的景色都异常壮丽(要是在采蒂涅能安排进入修道院就更完美了)。除此以外,这趟旅行还安排了在斯库台湖进行一小段的游船,沿途的风光同样不容忽视。最后是行程中的午餐推荐,15欧的价格能吃到四道式+酒(汤+沙拉+主食+甜品),这简直是白菜价。 总体来说,这趟行程非常完美,黑山南部壮丽的风光基本一览无余了。除了在科托尔出海以外,只要有额外的时间,我都会强烈建议选择参加这个团,毕竟黑山不仅仅只有海滨城市。撰写日期:2023年6月4日
- HeGuYuan0 条分享Highly recommend with 360 Monte1.专业热情的导游分(Lina) 2.值得花一整天来认识这历史古城及美景 3.传统菜令人印象深刻 4.柯特峡湾的美景相当独特 5.高品质接驳车及专业司机 6.导游(Lina)详细的解说历史及当地重要人物撰写日期:2019年8月26日
- Kumomomomo0 条分享深入群山,美丽有趣提前在360monte上订好了白水漂流之旅,预订时不需要几人成团,一个人也可以加入团队。从科托尔出发,三个小时的山路开进西北山地,远远离开城市,到达近国境线的地方。一路上风光非常美,山高谷深。到达营地后有一顿早餐,然后营地会提供一切需要的物品:潜水服,头盔,鞋子,救生衣。自己只需要在里面穿上泳衣(因为漂流时会打湿)。所有的东西包括换下来的自己的衣服都放在营地然后出发去漂流。漂流过程一个多小时,有缓有急,而且并不是特别激烈,属于有点刺激但又不用担心安全的那种。缓流处可以游泳,不过水非常凉。漂流结束在营地再享用一顿正餐,傍晚回到科托尔。作为一天的旅行很充实撰写日期:2019年6月27日
- 1127lamj0 条分享超长的一天团超长时间的一天游,我们6月8日参加这个团,由早上七点多出发,到晩上十点才回到。中途坐车的时间很多,如果会容易晕车,绝不建议参加这路线。 这景点大多都走山路,风景很美,中间会有早餐和午餐时间,所以去前可不用吃早餐。导游Nina,很喜欢开玩笑聊天,所以车程上也不会太闷,对景点的讲解也很专业,司机开车技术非常好,沿途的山路有不少危险的地方,但司机都开很很顺很稳,但开那么久的车感觉应该很累。唯一意见是:希望改善付款方式和安排,我们那天早上付款有一个小插曲:因为之前就知道这公司在小镇上也挺有名气,排名也高,就觉得这边一定会有信用卡付款,所以也没特意预备现金付费,到早上7点到达那边,职员跟我们说只能付现金‘叫我们去atm提款,其实我前一晩已经有尝试在当地提款,但当地的银行都没有银联,所以卡提不到钱,已经跟职员说我们提不到,但职员希望我们再去试,所以我们赶去广场找提款机,试了很久也不行,跑回旅行社那边,跟职员说真的领不到钱,职员才说,其实我们有信用卡机,只是常常刷不到,那就不如试刷一下,结果一刷就成功付款了,感觉是…… 为什么不早一点给我们试?因为明明已经说我们提不到现金,令我们跑来跑去,然后其他团友又在等我们…如果信用卡最后又真的付不了,到底那天会让我们出发吗?撰写日期:2019年6月14日
- Kwkerry0 条分享快闪一游在Kotor除了旧城及山上城堡可以走路游览,如不是自驾游,很建议参加这个一天本地游。 出发前360Monte就电邮确认了出发时间及地点。 出发当天有12人,小团集合行动等都很畅顺。导游Jelena 带团令人放松愉快,英语流畅,详细介绍景点及历史,给大家在打卡位拍美照,行程安排妥善。司机Steve 在山路驾驶也很安全,小型巴士舒适,空调充足。 行程包括在高点远眺Kotor Bay, 参观Lovcen国家公园陵墓,船游River of Crnnojevic, 导游采蒂涅,到Budva 道上给Sveti Stefan岛拍照。早午餐自费,价格合理,地道美味。由早上8时玩到黄昏7时半,快闪景点走一遍,当天天晴,风景很美。满意推荐。撰写日期:2019年6月1日
- Mia L0 条分享Full day tour in Kotor我参加360 Monte的两日全日游。 Ojnjen'Oggie'和Jelena是非常好的导游。 Ojnjen'Oggie'是一名优秀的驾驶,对每个人都有很好的热情。还有Jelena,即使天气不好,但她的日程安排也很灵活。我在科托尔度过了美好的时光,我将推荐我的朋友参加这次巡演。谢谢Ojnjen'Oggie'和Jelena。撰写日期:2018年10月12日
- Alex L0 条分享产品很赞的旅行社我们参加了一日游以及包车前往波士尼亚的服务;前者真的很棒,一日的行程让大家能好好认识黑山,而导游Jelena非常专业,也不时穿插好笑的言论让场面不曾冷过!后者整体来说不错,但八人的厢型车冷气真的太弱,坐在后面真的会窒息⋯⋯ 希望能改进这部分~撰写日期:2018年8月11日
- jillyeh0 条分享好看好玩好便宜我们于今年四月参加了黑山一日游的行程,有个漂亮导游nikolina讲解及照顾。 每个景点都如同各位所评论的一样精采。 我计划于明年带父母再度前往,仍会再参加montenegro360的tour.这是黑山的不二选择。`撰写日期:2017年11月2日
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13 条点评
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Nancy K
17 条分享
5/5 Pava is the most wonderful tour guide. This hike was moderately difficult for me and she was so patient. She has an abundance of knowledge and a very fun personality. The group that we had was amazing as well. We started as strangers and left off as friends. I can speak from all of us when i say we couldn’t have asked for a better tour guide. Thank you pava for making this a wonderful experience for us 🤍
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加利福尼亚奥克兰19 条分享
Absolutely incredible experience! My friend and I agreed this was a highlight from Montenegro. We couldn’t rent a car so we knew we had to book a hike through a tour agency and are so glad we went with this option! We are both in good shape so the hike wasn’t too challenging and we took lots of breaks for photos. We were able to hike at our own pace too which was great. Our guide Milo went above and beyond and made our experience one we will never forget. He is a gem! We got to have interesting deeper conversations and learn about Montenegro history.
And finally, the meals were fantastic! SO much delicious food, you will not leave hungry! I wouldn’t normally know which local dishes to order so it was such a fun experience having the dishes ordered for us. And the restaurant was so cute!
And finally, the meals were fantastic! SO much delicious food, you will not leave hungry! I wouldn’t normally know which local dishes to order so it was such a fun experience having the dishes ordered for us. And the restaurant was so cute!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
加拿大多伦多102 条分享
Great experience - a must in Kotor if you like nature! The tour caps at 7 so you really get to know your hiking mates (perfect for solo travellers). Be prepared that this is a strenuous hike for 5-6 hours. There are two options - hiking to the Prutas summit or hiking into the Paradise Valley where there are beautiful glacial lakes. Milo checks with the group before deciding on the route for the day. Wear proper shoes as the path is very rocky and slippery. Some scrambling involved. Two meals are provided (before and after the hike) and they are hearty and delicious. It's a long day (12+ hours) because of how far the park is from Kotor/Budva, but Milo is the perfect guide and driver, making the time fly by with his jokes and philosophical musings.
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Cath H
马来西亚3 条分享
2023年6月 • 好友
It was an amazing trip! Our guide Milo was kind and funny, food provided was great. Durmitor National Park was breathtakingly beautiful. I am thoroughly impressed. Would definitely come again, and will not hesitate to recommend it to my friends and family!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Peppi R
1 条分享
I had plans to stay near Durmitor national park for few days and my first plan was to use public transport services. However, there wasn't local bus route at the time from Kotor to Žabljak. I contacted 360 Monte travel agency to ask possibility to participate on a day trip to Durmitor but stay there instead of coming back with rest of the group to Kotor. Everyone at the agency were super helpful and nice and said, that I could possibly get ride back to Kotor few days later if, they organize
trip on that day and have free spot on the bus. I join the group few days later at Žabljak and were able to see Ostrog Monastary and this way get the full tour. Both tour guides Igor and Milos were very knowledgeable and maintained a good atmosphere during the trip. I would highly recommend the agency and their Services.
trip on that day and have free spot on the bus. I join the group few days later at Žabljak and were able to see Ostrog Monastary and this way get the full tour. Both tour guides Igor and Milos were very knowledgeable and maintained a good atmosphere during the trip. I would highly recommend the agency and their Services.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
1 条分享
Amazing tour and great guide!
Although the journey from Kotor to Durmitor was almost 3hs long, I managed to sleep most of the time and just woke up to grab our fantastic breakfast on a local mountain farm and experienced their traditional food.
After that, we headed to the mountain and started hiking, which wasn't easy for me but still worth it. The guide Pava is great, she has a great knowledge of the park but also about general Montenegro history, besides being attentive, chatty and kind. The mountain guide was also super nice to us and the two of them always made sure we were throughout the whole tour.
Although the journey from Kotor to Durmitor was almost 3hs long, I managed to sleep most of the time and just woke up to grab our fantastic breakfast on a local mountain farm and experienced their traditional food.
After that, we headed to the mountain and started hiking, which wasn't easy for me but still worth it. The guide Pava is great, she has a great knowledge of the park but also about general Montenegro history, besides being attentive, chatty and kind. The mountain guide was also super nice to us and the two of them always made sure we were throughout the whole tour.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
以色列Rishon Lezion6 条分享
2022年8月 • 独自旅游
The whole tour was great nose to tail. The road to the place was very scenery but for those who wanted to sleep there were not unnecessary stops which was comfortable. The choice of the restaurant we had breakfast and dinner at was perfect because it manifests the vibe of mountain people, their culture and their traditional food. Some livestock were around grazing the grass and it was able to pet them. The hiking in the beautiful Durmitor National park was very rewarding. The climb itself wasn't easy but it was worth it. The guide Pava was excellent by every parameter! Very nice, thoughtful, chatty, knowledgeable, very approachable and kind. Made my trip way better. Pava was very attentive to any need of the group member and showed great example of a guide. I advice though for people who consider taking this tour to be fit and in good shape.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Mathias S
3 条分享
Great tour, fantastic guide! Had the pleasure of joining this tour in June '22. Everything about the tour was so good and well planned, nothing was left for chance. including the transportation, the food (at an amazing local mountain farm) and the hike itself.
Pava had answers for whatever questions we had, spanning from politics in the balkans to cultural traditions in Montenegro. They also made sure we felt safe the whole tour, and I was never in doubt regarding my own safety.
Would definitely recommend for everyone who wants to see the Durmitors and are short on time
Pava had answers for whatever questions we had, spanning from politics in the balkans to cultural traditions in Montenegro. They also made sure we felt safe the whole tour, and I was never in doubt regarding my own safety.
Would definitely recommend for everyone who wants to see the Durmitors and are short on time
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gustavo g
1 条分享
2022年6月 • 好友
The entire day is very well planned, from drive to the stunning Northern Montenegro, to amazing breakfast/late lunch break, hiking route & guidance. During the trip, we got to learn a lot about Montenegro in general, had the most delicious meals of our trip (home grown/made food, great quality) and we were enjoying in breathtaking views during the entire hike, and also got to experience a closeup of part of the wildlife of Mt. Durmitor (chamois having their "lunch" just a couple meters from us). To sum up, this was an excellent opportunity to explore the mountains of Montenegro in a short period of time we had in Kotor, so the tour really provides a perfect package for travelers that prefer active holidays but don't have much time in the country.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
*即将售罄: 根据过去 30 天的 Viator 预订数据和从供应商处获取的信息,此体验很可能会在 Tripadvisor 旗下品牌 Viator 上售罄。