供应商/业主为:Abyss Tours
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄 7-80
用时: 6–7 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 根据行程安排住宿
- 8晚住宿
- 机场/出境税
- 所有税费,手续费和手续费
- 燃油附加费
- GST(商品和服务税)
- 地方税
- 国家公园收费
- 早餐
- 根据行程用餐(B =早餐,L =午餐,D =晚餐)
- 司机/导游
- 当地导游
- 酒店接送(如果选择了选项)
- 晚餐游轮(视情况而定)
- 私人旅游
- 往返机场私人接送服务
- 住宿使用
- 科钦(科钦三叉戟酒店或同等级别)
- Dewalokam(Dewalokam Home Stay)
- 慕那尔(Hotel Fragrant nature 或同级)
- Thekkady(酒店山区庭院或类似类别)
- Alleppey(高级船屋24小时冰沙全餐)
未包含内容- 饮料
- 小费
- 食品和饮料,除非另有说明
- 午餐(除非另有说明)
- 晚餐(除非另有说明)
- 出发地点:提供旅行者接送服务。提供机场接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的机场列表中进行选择。
- Kochi Airport, Kochi (Cochin) India
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:24536P17- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 在ALLEPPEY回水旅行的重要注意事项:
- 客人可于12:00入住,我们将欢迎您提供迎宾饮品,并在简短的简报介绍后开始游览,放松并享受运河,河流和死水,13:00船屋将停下来享用午餐,提供豪华菜单传统的喀拉拉邦美食。 (如果您需要任何特殊膳食,如北印度的主要食物或没有香料的食物等,必须提前通知)
- 14:00,它将继续巡游,覆盖美丽的河流和运河,棕榈树和靠近它的小房子,村庄稻田,教堂等,你也可以从当地渔民那里买新鲜的虾或螃蟹或karimeen给我们的厨师谁准备你的晚餐。
- 17:30小船船停泊(直到第二天早上08:00)我们大部分时间都会停在附近的土地上,因为你也有机会出去沿着河边或村庄散步然后回来,晚上享受您的晚餐,离开世界,在您的浮动天堂中享受美好的睡眠。
- 将提供Bedtea / Coffee,享受日出和呼吸无污染的空气。早餐时间为08:30,包括面包,黄油,果酱或Iddily / Dosa等。
- 条款和条件:
- 膳食计划适用于APAI /全食宿基础(即包括早餐,午餐和晚餐)
- 菜单通常用一些南印度食谱来固定。任何变更都要提前透露。
- 入住时间:中午12点,退房时间:上午9点。一次住宿是21小时而不是24小时。
- 饮料和任何烹饪订单将在实际收取额外费用。
- 船在夜间停泊在湖泊或运河中,并在17:30后不会巡航。
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 这是一项私人游览/活动。 只有您的团队能够参加
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:24536P17
- didixxx20150 条分享印度很不错的游览预定了喜马拉雅Social Journey and Abyss Tours公司印度分布2周北印度小团游。他们还组织了更北边的2周游,还有向南去班加罗尔。四周游览很棒。其中2周是我自己玩的,但是和这个公司和我也都有交流。司机很不错。服务员会一直联系我,确保我玩的开心,事情也都在计划中。谢谢你们所有的服务员,尤其是团队导游Abid,Ibrahim和Vijender。还有我在北印度一周的司机Rajesh Panwar,他人很棒。撰写日期:2019年10月30日
- Dohagan990 条分享金三角之旅我们的在金三角之旅中了解了很多印度北部的历史,文化和美食,完全超出了我们的期望。 我们住在很棒的酒店,知识渊博的当地导游带领我们进行游览。我们的导游是易卜拉欣,他非常棒,使这次旅行成为我们有史以来最好的团体旅行。易卜拉欣超越了所有人的期望,他确保我们每个人都能得到良好的照顾,而且旅途非常安全。撰写日期:2019年10月29日
- 可爱的小柔0 条分享印度之旅五星推荐Abyss Tours完美的印度之旅~认识了一帮超会玩的小伙伴~大家在旅途中玩的超级嗨的~十几天旅途辛苦了Abyss Tours团队所有的工作人员的精心安排和照顾~让我们能安全又放心地完成首次印度之旅~五星⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐推荐哈~looking forward to the next trip togethe撰写日期:2018年7月11日
- monya3330 条分享新年印度之旅,非常开心这家旅行团非常给力,熟悉地形和景点,行程中游戏互动已成为朋友,度过一个难忘的北印新春之旅。旺旺导游和旅行社大Boss亲自与我们接触,已成为朋友。Boss是个高颜值帅小伙,笑起来简直不能更帅,印度走心之旅,志同道合的人一起行走,可以交到真正的朋友,比如我们就在行程后三个月还齐聚首一堂,有时同城的团友共同约打球,吃饭。老板非常 nice,是个很好的旅行社,值得推荐。淳朴而集聚古老文明精华的印度,玩不够,值得再去~图片是帅气的导游朋友来中国。撰写日期:2018年7月3日
- 自然 叶0 条分享best choice in India我认为我们为印度之行做出的最明智的决定,就是选择并完全信任“Abyss tours”。旅行之前,所有的小问题和困惑都可以通过Abyss得到解决。到达印度后,我们有幸请到了我们的导游Ibrahim。和他在一起我们真的非常开心。他真的很乐于助人,而且很守时。总是带给我们轻松无负担的旅程,还告诉我们哪些应该尝试的特色食物,不能错过的风景,和值得购物的好去处。他确保我们每天都能尽情享受。当然,我也乐于推荐他给大家。谢谢他带给我们的美丽之旅。撰写日期:2018年6月26日
- CK1172737210 条分享Incredible India 2ND这不是一次单间的旅行,旅行获得感触以及享受远比书本上来的真实,有意义,即便萍水相逢,一次简单的旅途即成好友。再次诚挚的推荐给各位,不可思议的印度之旅,不同的文化,不同的风景,不同的人文地理,人生至少应该去一趟,绝不应错过,当然遇到好的导游能够让旅游的快乐,意义翻倍。请选择Ibrahim!!!撰写日期:2018年6月25日
- 2018stefanie0 条分享难忘的首次印度之行第一次在印度过新年,特别而有意义。 十天从德里到瓦拉纳西的游览,被印度的建筑,风土人情和景色深深吸引了。 特别感谢旅行社和两位帅气幽默的导游的周到服务和贴心安排,和以往参加过的跟团游体验完全不一样,大家就像朋友一样相处,方方面面都安排妥当。 想来印度的朋友强烈推荐哈撰写日期:2018年6月22日
- Ginozl0 条分享Nice trip十天初识北印。此行所见异国风情,因其繁多的宗教、人种、语言,漫长的历史,悬殊的贫富差距而别具特色魅力,大开眼界。中国旅行社在安全、食宿上的保障较好,安排的印度本地导游、司机也很热情。但行程上也有个别古堡景点,只余带宗教特色的清宫冷殿和当年的繁华传说,既无人间烟火气周遭也无美丽风景,在天朝子女看来印度古代国王的后宫史也没啥吸引力。个人猜测是旅行社在热门景点间的过渡安排,如同春节晚会总有几个节目用来方便(๑乛◡乛๑)。但总体上应予好评,再去印度还可以考虑他们。撰写日期:2018年3月27日
- CK1172737210 条分享Incredible India很即兴的一次但却很有很走心的收获。整个印度之旅超出了我的期待。不管是当地的民俗风情还是街头风景,都大大满足了我的好奇心。一次难忘的旅行,除了当地风景是硬件设施,这次接待的导游也是让人难以忘记。两个导游全程无微不至的照顾,再加上其幽默 风趣 和帅气的脸庞,都值回了票价,跟以往出行的导游不一样哦。别说印度没帅哥,这么巧这个团就让我碰到了两个,幸运吧。难得可贵的是一般旅行完时候都是各奔东西各回各家,我回来已经一个月了,依然跟群里的小伙伴们和导游们保持联系,俨然已成为朋友 anyway 很多人对印度还是有点偏见,这个神奇的国度不应该再被误解,没去过的小伙伴们 都应该把下一站旅程锁定印度 锁定这家旅行社。Incredible撰写日期:2018年3月25日
- Lizhi_7355320010 条分享不可思议的印度,永不忘却的新年因为缘分阴差阳错的加入的印度之旅,开始了不可思议的旅程,不可忘却印度的美,度过非常有意义的异国他乡新年。这10天有着各种难以忘怀的回忆,过得非常开心,也收获了一份特别的心意,感谢他的付出和关怀。大BOSS是克什米尔的帅哥,颜值高,人又好,导游也很靠谱,很有责任心,最后一天还去了大BOSS 的工作室做客,对于我们来说,他们不再是导游,而且好朋友了。朋友们,相信我,来印度就找 --- Ibrahim Zargar !!!撰写日期:2018年3月23日
- 可爱的小柔0 条分享Incredible India难忘的印度之旅~非常感谢Abyss Tours团队所有同事的精心安排和贴心服务~从住宿,餐饮,出行到各种景区的各种安排做得非常周到和细心,尤其感谢帅气的导游兼好友ibrahim 大帅哥十天的陪伴~让我们在印度度过了一个非常棒非常难忘的假期~五星好评~五星推荐!Incredible India ~ We'll be sure to come back!撰写日期:2018年3月14日
- 杨阳990 条分享非常棒服务非常好的旅行社!从每天维护得很干净,清新的巴士,幽默又帅气的导游,每天酒店的入住都帮助提行李,清点行李。选择的酒店都不错,自助餐厅都比较干净,环境好。每天的行程没有差错,十天的旅程非常难得。如果再多些时间在景点游玩和更多的讲解会更完美。撰写日期:2018年3月14日
- Weini20180 条分享Wonderful trip难忘的印度之旅,颠覆来之前的不必要的各种担忧,全程有贴心周到热情的导游,豪华舒适的酒店,各种地道美食,精心安排的行程,下次一定再找你。撰写日期:2018年3月14日
- 椰子髯0 条分享这是一个值得推荐和信赖的旅行社!今年春节我们一行22人来到印度这个不可思议的国家度过了愉快又难忘的10天旅程,感谢abyss tours的ibrahim精心安排,大家都非常开心,女孩子们都爱上了你哟!撰写日期:2018年3月14日
这些点评均为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。为符合我们业界领先的信任和安全标准,Tripadvisor 会对点评进行检查。阅读我们的透明度报告,了解更多信息。
2 条点评
Wayne R
加拿大温哥华18 条分享
Now we are in Kovalam, Kerala. Again this area is wonderful , the people, the food the restaurants , all excellent. We were in Goa before this and visited a not so good restaurant, which should have been better. I would not recommend Anteras beach club's restaurant. Very poor service, we felt ignored, they did not want our business.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Felicity D
11 条分享
2018年9月 • 好友
That our trip went ahead at all was a miracle. In August, Kerala was beset by terrible flooding and when I flew into Cochin the airport had only recently opened. However our accommodation at the Trident Hotel was excellent; the rooms surround a refreshing pool and the decor and ambience of the hotel was authentically south Indian. The hotel is on the island of Fort Cochin so there is a bit a travelling to get to Cochin and surrounds and typical hectic Indian traffic.Our tour guide in Cochin was from Cochin and was very fluent in the Portuguese colonial history. We saw the Chinese Fishing Net installation, the Mattancherry Palace and the Santa Cruz Cathedral Basilica. Unfortunately the Synagogue was closed which was disappointing as it was built by the Sephardic jews in the 16th century. Our favourite attraction was the Dhobi Khanna where we experienced the quaint charm of centuries old method of laundry maintenance and we could speak to the charming lungi clad men as they went about doing the the large consignments of linen.Don't miss this. From Cochin we headed to Dewalokam. This was a marvellous experience. Spice walks, lessons in animal husbandry and methane gas and a fantastic cooking class with Sudheesh. The fish curry was delicious.There was a fresh water swimming pool and a river; because of the floods the white water rafting was not available because the flood waters were too treacherous.
Munnar is a very beautiful Hill Station, be warned the roads are windy and full of pot holes probably more damaged by the recent flooding. There was plenty of evidence of landslides and mudslides.The local were amazingly resilient and uncomplaining about what had been a catastrophic situation.
Don't miss the Kalaripayattu martial art display in Thekkady. Much more exciting than the Kathakali Dance experience. We had a pleasant afternoon at the Periyar Tiger Park and Wild Life
Sanctuary, although not a tiger to be seen. Infact we were told tigers hadn't been sighted from the boats for many years. Be prepared to be corseted into bright orange lift jackets which stay on for the entire trip. And then on to Alleppey where we saw the worst of the flooding. Here we stayed on a house boat. This is not an experience for everyone. The food is very average. We bought small crayfish at the local market and we offered to prepare the crayfish ourselves. But this wasn't an option. Enough to say that curry flavour overpowered the delicate crayfish meat. The night on the house boat is very long. Once it berths for the evening you can't get off. There are many flying bugs and mosquitos; they have no trouble penetrating the mosquito netting. There was a large TV screen but it wasn't working because of the damage to the network from the floods.Take food and fluids because there is nothing till brekky the next day. We did an early morning canoe ride in the backwater canals and the plight of the people was very obvious and sad, but life goes on and tourist dollars are appreciated. A final word for our wonderful and charming guide and driver Jojo. We thank him from the bottom of our hearts for putting up with us, taking us to the Toddy Shop to buy liquor and generally being so cheerful and good hearted.
Munnar is a very beautiful Hill Station, be warned the roads are windy and full of pot holes probably more damaged by the recent flooding. There was plenty of evidence of landslides and mudslides.The local were amazingly resilient and uncomplaining about what had been a catastrophic situation.
Don't miss the Kalaripayattu martial art display in Thekkady. Much more exciting than the Kathakali Dance experience. We had a pleasant afternoon at the Periyar Tiger Park and Wild Life
Sanctuary, although not a tiger to be seen. Infact we were told tigers hadn't been sighted from the boats for many years. Be prepared to be corseted into bright orange lift jackets which stay on for the entire trip. And then on to Alleppey where we saw the worst of the flooding. Here we stayed on a house boat. This is not an experience for everyone. The food is very average. We bought small crayfish at the local market and we offered to prepare the crayfish ourselves. But this wasn't an option. Enough to say that curry flavour overpowered the delicate crayfish meat. The night on the house boat is very long. Once it berths for the evening you can't get off. There are many flying bugs and mosquitos; they have no trouble penetrating the mosquito netting. There was a large TV screen but it wasn't working because of the damage to the network from the floods.Take food and fluids because there is nothing till brekky the next day. We did an early morning canoe ride in the backwater canals and the plight of the people was very obvious and sad, but life goes on and tourist dollars are appreciated. A final word for our wonderful and charming guide and driver Jojo. We thank him from the bottom of our hearts for putting up with us, taking us to the Toddy Shop to buy liquor and generally being so cheerful and good hearted.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
*即将售罄: 根据过去 30 天的 Viator 预订数据和从供应商处获取的信息,此体验很可能会在 Tripadvisor 旗下品牌 Viator 上售罄。