供应商/业主为:Real Desert Man Camel Safari
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:7-60,每个团体最多 50 人
用时: 24 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:英语, 法语, 西班牙语
语音导览:英语, 法语, 西班牙语
- 运输设施
- 前往沙丘的沙漠野生动物园
- 茶,小吃,矿泉水以及午餐和晚餐。
- 到市区的接送服务。
- 入场/门票 - 杰伊瑟尔梅尔
未包含内容- 有酒精的饮品
- 与购物,电话等有关的个人开支
- 杰伊瑟尔梅尔市观光
- 其他茶点
- 旅游保险
- 旺季的补充费用
- 行程中未包含的任何其他服务
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 我们将在早上8:00从城市的预定地点接客
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。提供机场接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的机场列表中进行选择。- Jaisalmer Airport, Jaisalmer India
其他接送选项结账时,您可以从包含的接送点列表中进行选择。- Real Desert Man Camel Safari Jaisalmer, near fort parking, Dhibba Para, Manak Chowk, Amar Sagar Pol, Jaisalmer, Rajasthan 345001, India
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
- 提供婴儿座椅
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:108514P9- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 50 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:108514P9
- DoMaSingap0 条分享沙漠中难忘的体验!因为这家公司的评价都很好,于是我们订了行程。我先和老板Sawai讨论,把行程定下来。除了沙漠游,到达Jaisalmer之前,他帮我们订了从Udaipur去Jodhpur、再从Jodhpur去Jaisalmer的司机,还订了城堡里的酒店。了解我们的预算后,他推荐了符合我们预期的漂亮酒店(房间够大,放入双人床+单人床都不嫌小)。期初我还有点小心翼翼,但一切都进行得很顺利:Sawai一直用WhatsApp跟我们保持联系,确保事情不出错,司机如约而至,酒店房间比预期的还好!沙漠游是最好的部分。我们中午出发,游览了湖和一个没人住的村庄(非常美),之后修整,展开骆驼之旅。我们骑了1.5小时,又在乡间逛了半小时(骆驼、牛、羊……),景色像是Clint Eastwood电影里的那种,到了沙丘,我们在那儿过夜。Ahbay Singh先生和他儿子Dapu是我们的向导。他们英文讲得很好,人很好,照料我们,又很专业。他们还照顾骆驼。日落时给我们吃开胃菜,又煮晚饭给我们吃,还给我们唱传统歌谣!床上用品也不错。早上日出前,他们叫醒我们,又给我们煮茶,早餐有红茶或咖啡。这趟体验美妙得难以言喻。但这还没结束!我们又骑骆驼出发了,要往第二晚的营地进发,我们继续骑行(只有我们3个!),其他人回到Jaisalmer。我们在Abhay的村庄停留吃午餐,棒极了。我们给村庄里的孩子买了笔和蜡烛,在他家吃了午餐,见到他的家人。能见见这些善良的人太好了,也更了解他们的生活,例如在谷歌地图上找其中一个男孩的家乡从卫星上看是什么样儿。我们很感激他们的和善。午饭后,我们骑骆驼去了帐篷营地,Sangram沙漠营地的Kheta热情地欢迎了我们。房间很宽敞,附设卫生间和舒适的床。文化展的品质之好让我们惊艳,歌谣和舞蹈都很美。他们让我们一起参与进去,还跳了舞!晚餐也非常美味。整趟旅程的体验都太棒了!必须承认,一开始有点担心,但所有部分都很好,超过预期!太感谢Sawai和Singh一家人了!撰写日期:2019年10月28日
- ramirotroncoso0 条分享真正的沙漠沙漠中的虚幻之旅。一切都简单易行:)你不需要带太多的东西,只需要有充足的精力和体能。撰写日期:2019年10月26日
- Dream7778650 条分享入住Jaisalmer度假酒店经介绍,我们去了这家酒店。真赞。很棒的服务。店主Gazi 英语说得很好。非常好的食物和娱乐设施。我们骑着骆驼去看日出日落。非常推荐撰写日期:2019年10月15日
- Kristikjc0 条分享非常棒的体验非常棒的体验!首先,他们以非常优惠的价格从斋沙默尔的小机场接我们,将我们接到他们这里,因为我们的航班起飞得太早了,在我们的短途旅行开始之前,他们让我们在房间中快速淋浴并洗漱。他们推荐了一家很棒的商店,可以买些沙漠服装(不是必需的,但很有趣),还推荐了很棒的午餐场所。到了出发时间,我们在友善的司机的带领下探索了废弃的村庄!然后,我们回到吉普车上,驱车前往下一个地点,那里有骆驼在等待我们。我们的导游是沙漠地区的本地人,他询问了我们的家庭情况,并为我们讲了他的故事。他似乎很喜欢我们的文化,也热爱他们的文化。到达沙丘后,这里的景色非常壮观。其他工作人员拿出锅碗瓢盆和新鲜食物,他们将食物切成薄片并在篝火上烹饪。他们为我们准备了床铺,这与我在家里睡的床不同,但就露营而言,简直太舒服了。我们躺在床铺上看着头顶的星星,直到睡着。简直太神奇了。第二天早上,早餐很棒。在这次短途旅行中,他们为我们提供了很多帮助,让我们在斋沙默尔度过了愉快的时光!直到旅行结束后,他们的服务似乎仍然没有停止,对此我感到非常感谢!我会回来的,下次我会带上朋友一起来!感谢 。撰写日期:2019年9月23日
- louts0 条分享印度jaisalmer的沙漠探险旅程很精彩这次旅行是我们在印度探险的亮点! Sawai是最好的主持人BAR NONE!。他在机场迎接我们,建议我们去当地的餐馆和地方参观,然后驱车前往我们需要去的地方。我们住在一个可爱的酒店,他安排和推荐Jaisalmer旅游与推荐的导游,然后享受他的工作人员组织的夜间骆驼之旅。沙漠之旅非常棒!晚上有很多明星和很好的交谈。我一直觉得很安全,他确保在每一步都能得到很好的照顾。我们要求司机带我们去焦特布尔,他为我们安排了这个。 Sawai是一位优秀的英语演讲者,组织良好,具有非凡的善良感,使他与其他服务机构区别开来。如果您想知道自己是最好的导游 - 这个Safari之旅就是您的门票! 显示较少撰写日期:2019年3月27日
- NorthStar289866537470 条分享推荐大家来Rc是个好人,非常好的体验,夜晚的星空很好看,包括饭食.反正推荐大家来,算是为数不多的 在印度惊艳的地方.最后可以洗澡.凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字数凑字撰写日期:2019年1月10日
- beryl_shl0 条分享贾沙梅尔(Jaisalmer)的沙漠之旅 - 沙漠中追求一生一次的心灵飨宴这次是我第二次的心灵之旅来到了印度。但这次不同的是来到了斋浦尔(Jaipur)和贾沙梅尔(Jaisalmer),共8天7夜的印度之旅。 来到了斋浦尔,也是拉賈斯坦邦Rajasthan的首府,你可以看到粉红城市,也是北印旅游金三角的其中一角;风之宮殿 Hawa Mahal;斋普尔Jaipur城外的山上有三座城堡,琥珀堡Amber Fort、杰伊加尔堡Jaigarh Fort和纳哈加尔堡Nahargarh Fort,三者共同构建了环绕斋普尔Jaipur城市的坚固防线。从那依山而建的城堡,顺山势绵延的防御墙是的如此壮观,你可以感受到当时的辉煌,历史的痕迹与退色的浪漫之城,令人难忘! 第二天,就飞往贾沙梅尔(Jaisalmer),这就开始了我们的沙漠之旅。在沙漠中的4天内,我们2晚在沙漠上渡过,2晚在帐篷里渡过。每一天都在不同的地点进行了不同的活动。在沙漠上起火露营,唱歌,静坐,聊天与分享,享受着印度的香料奶茶,煎饼,咖喱饭,夜里看着辽阔的天空,满天都是漂亮又明亮的星星,看着许多划过的流星来许愿,骑着骆驼去沙丘看日落,返回小镇看吉普赛文化表演,了解沙漠里的村庄、绿洲、生态系统以及人们的生活状况等等。 最后2天就回到了Jaisalmer 的城市,那就是“黄金之城” (Golden City)。在这个城市里,大部分房屋建筑均采用金黄色的岩石雕刻而成,里面精雕细琢的建筑令人吃一惊。每到日落,在夕阳的照耀下,整个城市一片金黄色,光芒照人。最奇观的地点是杰伊瑟尔梅尔古堡 (Jaisalmer Fort),这座古堡是目前唯一还有老百姓居住的古堡, 他们都是从前代代传流的居民居住到现在,你还可以看到他们如何生活在这古堡内,感觉非常奇特。 沙漠千变万化的美丽的景象,总是让人觉得既神秘又震撼,是个非常好的体验旅程。非常感谢我们的meditation向导 - Mr Pradeep与Mr Sawai (Real Man Desert)的特别行程安排,让我们抛下城市的喧嚣繁华,来到了沙漠中追求一生一次的心灵飨宴。 来一趟沙漠之旅吧!让Real Desert Man- Camel Safari的老板Mr Sawai为你安排一趟令你难忘的快乐沙漠之旅吧!老板人很好,也很热情,很好招待的哦!撰写日期:2018年12月16日
- Departure263349181510 条分享不可不去的印度沙漠之旅这是一个美好的沙漠骆驼行,骑着进入沙漠深处,在沙丘上感受印度的落日,傍晚躺在简易的床板上看着漫天星空,晚上坐在篝火旁听着风声共进晚餐,听老爷爷讲那过去的故事。大家一起唱歌聊天,氛围很好。还可以看到野生的小动物,在沙丘上翻滚,晚上躺在床上,在星空下入睡。清晨的阳光很暖和,一杯热热的chai ,一边看着日出。撰写日期:2018年11月1日
- Chen Yu L0 条分享绝对要来这里!!我们在旅途中认识到一位马来西亚的旅者,他强烈真诚建议这家旅行团。所以我们就来了😄 这间旅行团提供超优质的服务,在凌晨4点去接我们,还提供房间让我们休息(完全不收费用,出自内心的欢迎我们) 这里的价钱很优惠和实在,不用担心会被乱喊价。 带领我们在沙漠游玩的导游,人也超好,偶尔跟你聊聊天而已,不会硬跟你聊,还建议放松,享受沙漠带来的平静。 R.C. (老板的名字)人超级无敌好。知道我们住的房间不好,还叫我们搬来他的guest house 住(不我们在旅途中认识到一位马来西亚的旅者,他真诚建议这家旅行团。所以我们就来了😄 这间旅行团提供超优质的服务,在凌晨4点去接我们,还提供房间让我们休息(完全不收费用,出自内心的欢迎我们) 这里的价钱很优惠,不用担心会被乱喊价。 带领我们在沙漠游玩的导游,人真的超好,偶尔跟你聊天,不会硬跟你聊天,还建议你放松享受大自然。 R.C. (老板的名字)人超好的。知道我们住的房间不好,叫我们搬来他的guest house 住(不收钱,感动)但我们没有这样做。 我们搭乘凌晨的火车离开这里,R.C.还自愿载我们去火车站还又提供房间给我们休息(是不是超贴心的) 收钱,感动)但我们没有这样做。 隔天邀请我们去他们家的屋顶(饭店餐厅)用餐。我们搭乘凌晨的火车离开这里,R.C.还主动的说要载我们去火车站还又再次提供房间给我们休息(是不是超贴心的) 只能说,这是间友善的旅行团。把客人当成自家人的关心。 来吧,来到这里务必来找R.C.撰写日期:2018年10月28日
- Icecactus0 条分享十星推荐!我们订的是半天的旅程,上午打电话给旅行社下午出发前去交了钱到点就走了。当时也只有五个人,工作人员都很真诚很好的对我们,晚上九点半把我们送回了市里的酒店。真心推荐!撰写日期:2018年8月25日
- filwyt0 条分享超级完美的沙漠骆驼之旅老板超级好!全程服务都很棒,有房间可以休息,沙漠里面还有大营地。很完美的体验,超级推荐哦!还可以问老板帮忙买羊肉,带去营地加工,生炊就可以了,好吃的不要不要的。撰写日期:2018年4月4日
- 0 条分享在星光下骑骆驼的美好夜晚这是我们永远不会忘记的经历!我们在沙丘上呆了一夜,在篝火边唱歌吃东西,得到了很多乐趣。员工们非常友好,甚至给我们留了一间可以住的房间,因为我们的火车晚点了。我想说的是:如果你想去参加一个骆驼游程,这里就是你要去的地方!!非常感谢你们带来这次精彩的旅程!撰写日期:2017年12月16日
- Mario s0 条分享令人惊叹的夜晚在沙漠里进行了很棒的旅行,我们所有的导游都非常的友善,特别是迈克尔,他利用沙漠的篝火为我们准备了晚餐,甚至在晚上还在篝火旁唱了一首歌。我们睡得很好,还可以看着星星。强烈推荐 。撰写日期:2017年11月25日
- cerealquan0 条分享非常特别的一次旅行这个店的主人Sawai人非常好,聪明,以客户为中心。派人到我住的地方来接我,游玩之后又把我送回酒店。你还可以在他那洗澡换洗,非常方便。整个游玩过程也好,下午和第二天早上各有一段骑行,晚上躺在露天看星星,非常有情调。因为下午的两个小时只有我和向导,向导Deena带着我进行了很多骆驼奔跑的游戏~很好的一次体验。撰写日期:2017年10月11日
- jellyheintje0 条分享独特的体验并不是第一次去沙漠也不是第一次骑骆驼,但是是第一次在沙漠过夜,就是简简单单一张床,回到最原始的时候。这儿的人都很有意思,也很友善,Charan提供了不少帮助。这里有一群自带电影明星名字的拉贾斯坦人,还给我也弄了个印度名字,Chandu撰写日期:2017年10月2日
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40 条点评
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5 条分享
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侣
Real desert man safari tour
Me and my wife booked the real desert man tour for camel safari and sleeping under the stars and it was a really fantastic getaway for one night away from the city and into the peaceful dessert.
We went to see the abandoned village then headed towards the dessert.
Once we arrived and met Abhay we mounted on our camel and off we went into the dessert. Abhay was very accommodating and was always asking if we were ok and happy and he was a delight to spend time with having conversations.
We had a delicious home cooked meal in the dessert camp made from lots of different vegetables and rice and chipati bread
All the staff were fantastic and we both really enjoyed the tour. On route back to the jeep in the morning we also had a second camel ride which was a bonus. We got to see local life farmers with lots of their animals grazing and seeing the other side of life in Rajasthan.
The sky was absolutely beautiful in the evening seeing all the Stars.
Sunset and sunrise was stunning.
The camels are beautifully cared for by Abhay as you can clearly see his passion for them.
If your in jaisalmer and looking for a tour
Book with the real desert man
Me and my wife booked the real desert man tour for camel safari and sleeping under the stars and it was a really fantastic getaway for one night away from the city and into the peaceful dessert.
We went to see the abandoned village then headed towards the dessert.
Once we arrived and met Abhay we mounted on our camel and off we went into the dessert. Abhay was very accommodating and was always asking if we were ok and happy and he was a delight to spend time with having conversations.
We had a delicious home cooked meal in the dessert camp made from lots of different vegetables and rice and chipati bread
All the staff were fantastic and we both really enjoyed the tour. On route back to the jeep in the morning we also had a second camel ride which was a bonus. We got to see local life farmers with lots of their animals grazing and seeing the other side of life in Rajasthan.
The sky was absolutely beautiful in the evening seeing all the Stars.
Sunset and sunrise was stunning.
The camels are beautifully cared for by Abhay as you can clearly see his passion for them.
If your in jaisalmer and looking for a tour
Book with the real desert man
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Rachel B
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 好友
We absolutely LOVED real desert man safari - it was a once in a lifetime experience. From start to finish the staff were so kind and helpful - even picking us up from our early morning bus and letting us use their guest room facilities to shower and change before and after. We drove into the desert and did a camel trek, with guide Abhay who was fantastic (and who looked after the camels so well). After that we had a delicious dinner watching the sunset and camped under the stars. We felt very looked after and safe the whole time, and it has been a highlight of our trip so far. Huge thanks to Max, Abhey and everyone else at Real Desert Man Safari who made this an unforgettable experience!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Lisa E
4 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Highly recommend! We went out for one night sleeping under the stars. Abay is the most caring camel carer and we felt very welcomed, taken care of, and enjoyed all his stories from working as a camel guide for 40+ years. Very well organized, great food, and nice camels. So nice to get out in nature and away from noice and traffic. One of our highlights during our 2 weeks in India. Once again, highly recommend, don’t miss it!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Gareth R
英国伦敦46 条分享
It was FANTASTIC!! Can’t speak highly enough!
We were collected from our hotel in Jaisalmer at 8am by jeep, taken to the camp and were on our camels by 10.00. A ride through the village / fields to a lunch under a tree cooked by our very knowledgeable guide - Abeh - a really delight. (Great veg curry!)
A snooze in the heat before rounding up our camels and another 2 hours or so into the dunes for sunset at the camp and supper and cards and cold drinks!
Bed under the stars - amazing stars - on raised beds / mattresses.
Early breakfast, camel catching and then off back to the village - 2 or 3 hours, the last stretch at a fast trot / run… to the jeep and back to Jaisalmeer. And a shower!
Just perfect - can’t recommend more. I’m sure the other guides they have would be brilliant, but Abeh can really sing under the moonlight!
We were collected from our hotel in Jaisalmer at 8am by jeep, taken to the camp and were on our camels by 10.00. A ride through the village / fields to a lunch under a tree cooked by our very knowledgeable guide - Abeh - a really delight. (Great veg curry!)
A snooze in the heat before rounding up our camels and another 2 hours or so into the dunes for sunset at the camp and supper and cards and cold drinks!
Bed under the stars - amazing stars - on raised beds / mattresses.
Early breakfast, camel catching and then off back to the village - 2 or 3 hours, the last stretch at a fast trot / run… to the jeep and back to Jaisalmeer. And a shower!
Just perfect - can’t recommend more. I’m sure the other guides they have would be brilliant, but Abeh can really sing under the moonlight!
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12 条分享
We were looking forward to our day on a camel and night under the stars as the highlight of our trip and it exceeded all expectations.
Our host and guide, Abey, was charming and entertaining (and is a fine singer!). the camels were easy to ride and even sat down and got up when we asked!
Food delicious, beds comfortable and the peace and silence under a canopy of astonishing stars was wonderful. Shooting stars all night.
Super easy to organise, everything done over WhatsApp.
Couldn’t recommend more highly.
Our host and guide, Abey, was charming and entertaining (and is a fine singer!). the camels were easy to ride and even sat down and got up when we asked!
Food delicious, beds comfortable and the peace and silence under a canopy of astonishing stars was wonderful. Shooting stars all night.
Super easy to organise, everything done over WhatsApp.
Couldn’t recommend more highly.
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1 条分享
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侣
This is an available and very responsive agency. You can go there with your eyes closed. Once there, everything is very well explained to you about how the activity will take place. The safari was great, the feeling of being alone in the world (because it was a small group). A more than perfect sunset in the desert and a magnificent night under the stars.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
3 条分享
Very nice experience with Real Desert Man Camel Safari. Everything was perfect ! We had a great safari with the camels in the dunes at sunset. Then we had a local dinner with traditional song and dance. Finally a night in the desert under the stars, with breakfast. I recommend !
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4 条分享
Amazing experience of long time carmel ride, Fantastic stars, MARVELOUS sunset and sunrise, excellent guide and tasty foods.
We really enjoyed this experience.
I strongly recommend this activity for Japanese tourists.
We really enjoyed this experience.
I strongly recommend this activity for Japanese tourists.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
We thank you very much for trusting our guidance into this experience and taking valuable time to write this feedback, it means a lot to us to know you enjoyed your stay.
It has been a pleasure to host you and we hope to see you again.
Best wishes from the "Real Desert Man Camel Safari" team.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
日本5 条分享
2024年2月 • 好友
The camel safari tour here is a long one that costs 3,000 rupees and runs from 8am to 11am the next day.
Most camel safaris start at 2pm and cost 2,500 rupees, but that's definitely not enough.
I recommend booking a camel safari tour in Jaisalmer here.
The owner is very kind.
He will even look after your luggage, and let you come back from the desert and take a shower for free.
And he gave us a free car ride to Jaisalmer Station.
Thank you very much.
I would recommend him to Japanese people!
Most camel safaris start at 2pm and cost 2,500 rupees, but that's definitely not enough.
I recommend booking a camel safari tour in Jaisalmer here.
The owner is very kind.
He will even look after your luggage, and let you come back from the desert and take a shower for free.
And he gave us a free car ride to Jaisalmer Station.
Thank you very much.
I would recommend him to Japanese people!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
We thank you very much for trusting our guidance into this experience and taking valuable time to write this feedback, it means a lot to us to know you enjoyed your stay.
It has been a pleasure to host you and we hope to see you again.
Best wishes from the "Real Desert Man Camel Safari" team.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Sabrina Sangha S
1 条分享
2024年1月 • 好友
We went for the one night under the stars option. Thoroughly enjoyed our time with our guide Abhi! We stayed a night at the guest house the night before our desert tour, which was clean. Abhi taught us how to ride the camels facing the front and sitting to the side and all about the local area and animals. all three meals were delicious and comfortable bedding was provided for the night. Abhi did an amazing job at recording lots of videos and photos for us too! It was also really to see how well all the camels were treated. They were allowed to roam round all night, and we stopped for them to get water.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
We thank you very much for trusting our guidance into this experience and taking valuable time to write this feedback, it means a lot to us to know you enjoyed your stay.
It has been a pleasure to host you and we hope to see you again.
Best wishes from the "Real Desert Man Camel Safari" team.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
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