供应商/业主为:Bali Eco Cycling
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:1-65,每个团体最多 15 人
用时: 8–10 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 早餐
- 瓶装水
- 午餐
- 咖啡和/或茶
- 空调车
未包含内容- 软饮料
- 含酒精的饮料
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 我们接载来自乌布、沙努尔、库塔、勒吉安、水明漾、苍古和努沙杜瓦地区的旅客。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。其他接送选项结账时,您可以从包含的接送点列表中进行选择。- Ubud, Gianyar Regency, Bali, Indonesia
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 提供婴儿座椅
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:62239P1- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 酒店提供素食选择,如果需要,请在预订时告知
- 重要提示 - 剩余(小时)将分配给从接机到送机的行程时间。
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 15 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:62239P1
- 1我们的每日巴厘岛生态自行车计划非常受家庭欢迎,我们甚至接待了一个家庭的四代人参加这次旅行。您的安全是我们的首要任务,我们配备澳大利亚标准的婴儿座椅安全设备。 在您的酒店接您后,我们将乘坐空调车前往 Penelokan(金塔马尼),在那里享用早餐,俯瞰活火山、巴杜尔山及其火山口湖,欣赏巴厘岛最壮丽的景色。 早餐后,开车一小段路,我们就骑着山地自行车穿过巴厘岛的中心地带,沿着非游客的秘密小路下坡行驶。我们骑行穿过小村庄和郁郁葱葱的稻田全景。 途中我们有很多站点,包括参观巴厘岛的住宅/院落。我们还会在一座村庄寺庙、一棵巨大的榕树和令人惊叹的稻田全景停下来。 旅行结束时,我们提供午餐。我们还迎合素食者。午餐后我们将参观瀑布,然后将您送至住宿处。
- GlennG2690 条分享外出最美好的一天这是我在巴厘岛度过的最美好的日子之一,我们的团队(4个人)享受了巴厘岛乡村的壮丽景色,同时更多地了解巴厘岛的生活文化。我们要特别为我们的导游和老师Dewa提出称赞,他的热情和与团队沟通的能力是一流的。从食物到自行车和酒店接送服务(感谢我们的司机雷)都没有任何问题。欣赏你们的工作,伙伴们,继续保持!撰写日期:2019年8月13日
- Nicole D0 条分享和巴厘岛最好的导游Punk的一场骑行之旅哇哦,这真是了解巴厘岛的好办法,我们和我们的生态导游Punk一起进行了一场生态游,这对我们来说很特别,他让我们和我们的十几岁的女儿更亲近了,并且知道如何用纯正的英语和现代的方式为我们讲述巴厘岛的故事!他的英语发音近乎完美,笑话也恰到好处,感谢你,punk!撰写日期:2019年8月7日
- crossynmeags0 条分享精彩体验!我极力推荐。自清晨醒来的每一分钟都是值得的。。我们的导游Marley很有趣,知识渊博,灵活,他让我们的一天变得非常神奇。远足、日出、温泉、三顿早餐和教育式的玩笑使一天的记忆变得长久。谢谢您!撰写日期:2019年7月5日
- Jennifer G0 条分享非常棒的导游我们的导游阿古斯热情友好,乐于助人——他知识渊博,对这个区域了如指掌。我们爬上巴图尔山,参观了温泉。山比较陡峭,爬上去很费劲,不过你的身体得到了一定的锻炼。撰写日期:2019年6月11日
- E3538UFemmal0 条分享令人惊叹的我们玩得很开心。我们的导游Agus非常友善,乐于助人,对我们照顾得很好。攀登和日出是不可思议的...作为一名独行旅客,我不可能要求更好的服务了,而Agus带来的能让团队团结在一起的能量是非常特别的。必须要参加这个旅行!撰写日期:2019年5月31日
- Chaswasle0 条分享非常好的自行车之旅!我们进行了一次自行车之旅,Dewa是我们的导游。这一天中,我们看到了很多景色,而且经过了很多巴厘岛当地人的住所,并且尝到了很美味的食物。Dewa和Gewa(我们的另一位导游)都超级友好,而且懂得很多。我们绝对会向我们的朋友推荐这次的旅行的!撰写日期:2019年4月1日
- heiditoronto0 条分享徒步穿越稻田我们花了很棒的一天徒步穿越稻田并且参观了乌布附近的古农卡威庙。我们的导游Kayan十分见多识广并且很有耐心地回答了我们很多问题。这次旅行是体验美丽乡村和认识当地农民的好方法。我强烈推荐巴厘岛生态游!撰写日期:2019年3月27日
- timjaspy0 条分享巴图尔山徒步令人印象深刻我太太和我很喜欢巴图尔山远足!这是一次很棒也很轻松的徒步旅行,一般的身体状况都适合参加,不要被其他的评论阻挡了你攀登的决心!山间小道很宽阔,每天有很多人来这里爬山。有导游带领使这次爬山的过程超级有趣,我们很喜欢这次的导游Kadek,他见闻丰富,对周围环境和当地文化都有深刻的见解。我们很高兴预订了这次旅行,旅行结束后感觉我们多了一个朋友!按摩和温泉都很棒,超越了预期。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2019年3月8日
- David S0 条分享在巴厘岛观光的一个绝佳方式我是被一位工作中的朋友推荐参加的,而生态自行车之旅真没让人失望。 从在可以俯瞰火山和湖泊的全景位置那里吃的早餐,到参观传统的农家村庄大院,真是太棒了。 骑自行车挺容易的,90%路程只是滑行。 内诺是一个很好的导游。 强烈推荐。 超值的。撰写日期:2019年2月12日
- Kevin62_20120 条分享丛林徒步和火山攀登这一次我们跟随Bali Eco进行了两次旅行,丛林徒步和攀登黎明的巴杜尔火山。这两天都过的非常愉快。巴杜尔火山的景色真是太美了,因为我们在黎明就登上了山,我们亲自登上了顶峰.撰写日期:2019年1月24日
- sophieeclarkk0 条分享丰富的文化体验本想再多骑一下自行车的,但总的来说,这一天玩得很开心。我想向大家推荐这次旅行,无论个人能力如何,这都会是一次超棒的体验。我和我的家人以及另一组家庭,在Wayan和他的助手的带领下,一起参加了生态自行车骑行之旅。沿途,我们了解到了关于巴厘岛的很多事情,并看到了巴厘岛独特而自然的一面。旅行社总是很准时,各方面都很专业,也很热情。撰写日期:2019年1月10日
- Sightseer4832810 条分享服务差我预定了自行车之旅,但因为生病的缘故不得不取消该旅行。当我和该公司员工Mangku联系时,我被告知五个工作日内就会将钱退还给我。但是我并没有拿到退回的钱,而且我之后发给该公司的邮件都没人回复。撰写日期:2019年1月2日
- U3RXalexanderh0 条分享很棒的自行车旅行在自行车旅行中度过了美好的一天(95%的行程是下坡),还吃了一顿美餐,饱览了巴图尔山、咖啡种植园、稻田和巴厘岛之家。在这一天中我饱览了美丽的景色,丰富了经历,充实了知识。自行车旅行也非常适合家庭,他们提供婴儿座椅和儿童自行车。这里的工作人员也十分友好!撰写日期:2018年12月18日
- KSA20140 条分享巴厘岛度过很棒的一天我们参加生态自行车之旅度过了愉快的一天。非常专业的团队。学到了很多东西,感觉我们经历了真正的巴厘岛。骑车很容易,我们7岁的孩子也能轻松应对。唯一不好的是自行车的质量,但我们常骑山地自行车,所以我们有很高的标准。绝对会推荐这次旅行。而且物超所值。撰写日期:2018年12月15日
- andrew f0 条分享头等舱外出我承认我已经完成了大约4到5次样的旅行,一般是与朋友或家人一起游览巴厘岛。我在预订巴厘岛生态旅游时犯了一个错误,在过去几次我们一直使用巴厘岛生态环保自行车。但我认为他们可能是提供类似服务的公司,我们的自行车之旅在同一地点开始和结束。早餐场地已经搬迁,现在好多了。我们的导游“卡得卡”对我们非常有帮助而且见闻广泛。每次旅行我们都会学到更多东西,我无法形容自行车之旅一天有多美妙。全程都是下坡路,骑自行车不需要费多大力气,所有的自行车状况良好,并且有很好的制动性撰写日期:2018年11月7日
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176 条点评
2024年9月 • 家庭
An excellent full day activity starting with a good breakfast at a gorgeous view, a trip to an eco-coffee place with also a gorgeous view. Followed by the cycling.
The road is downhill all the way, we barely needed to pedal. However this is still a road with some traffic so whoever is riding should be able to control a bicycle going downhill and avoid the potholes (very few) and keep to the side away from vehicles. Still there was an emphasis on safety throughout. One guide was always behind and on the lookout for stragglers. And the van followed us throughout so that if anyone needed to tap out early it was possible, and they could go rest on the van.
We had two pit stops, one at a traditional bali family house where my toddler son had a lot of fun with their children in the garden, and one to a small temple where a small snack of sweet bananas was provided.
Lunch was decent at a lovely place with a fountain. And the last part of the trip, the waterfall was interesting. I realised I don't like swimming in waterfalls but it was an intersting experience nonetheless.
The road is downhill all the way, we barely needed to pedal. However this is still a road with some traffic so whoever is riding should be able to control a bicycle going downhill and avoid the potholes (very few) and keep to the side away from vehicles. Still there was an emphasis on safety throughout. One guide was always behind and on the lookout for stragglers. And the van followed us throughout so that if anyone needed to tap out early it was possible, and they could go rest on the van.
We had two pit stops, one at a traditional bali family house where my toddler son had a lot of fun with their children in the garden, and one to a small temple where a small snack of sweet bananas was provided.
Lunch was decent at a lovely place with a fountain. And the last part of the trip, the waterfall was interesting. I realised I don't like swimming in waterfalls but it was an intersting experience nonetheless.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
澳大利亚Greater Sydney
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
Great day of cycling through the beautiful landscape. Our excellent guide Gustu shared his knowledge of Balinese life and customs. Highly recommended.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Sewing B
We had a brilliant day with Mudita and team. It was well organised and structured, the pick up was punctual and we enjoyed our breakfast with an amazing view of Mount Batur to start the day. The ride was easy on quiet roads and tracks through villages, rice paddies, stopping at a family home & small holding, a temple, rice fields and more. All along the way, everyone wanted to say hello and wave. Such beautiful people. Mudita shared so much about Balinese family life - it was fascinating. Lunch was delicious and our trip to the waterfall rounded the outing off nicely. Our 17 and 21 year old said it was their favourite day of the holiday. Cannot recommend enough.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Karen S
Oxted, England, United Kingdom
Absolutely loved this experience with my teenage son. Safe and easy cycling with mostly downhill hardly had to pedal, just glide along! Our tour guide Wayan was very knowledgeable with good English and took great care of us. Thank you 🙏
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
2024年7月 • 家庭
I can't recommend this for highly enjoy. Our guide Edi and driver were both fantastic. Nothing was to much trouble. We could take our time, never pressured to pressured to buy anything, food was fantastic, two great meals in two very different but beautiful settings. The mnt Bing was fun, all down hill, we especially enjoyed the if road trails through the rice paddies. Then a great swim at the waterfall to finish. Excellent value for money, a great family day out. Thanks so much!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
2024年7月 • 好友
A Very informative culturally educational experience . Tour guide was very friendly and accommodating. The bikes were well maintained and everyone in the group was able to cycle the route as it is mainly downhill. It was our 2nd time on this trip and we took our friends who had never been to Bali before. They also loved the experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
You'll learn so much about Balinese culture on this trip -- it is truly educational! You stop at a small agro farm and learn about what grows in Indonesia (cocoa, coffee, etc.) and sample different coffees and teas. The biking is more like coasting downhill -- you will hardly have to pedal. You get to enter a private family compound and learn about who lives where and why and about death and burial customs and which child inherits the compound and why it can never be sold. You'll learn about how Balinese children are named. You stop in a rice field and learn about planting and harvesting. And, you can ask any questions along the way or request to stop if you see something interesting (we added a stop at a roadside shop that did wood carving; we also asked our guide to find a large spider as we had that on an earlier trip and he did!) and your guide will happily accommodate. We are Americans living in Jakarta and every time we take visitors to Bali we do this tour with them. It was closed down during Covid so we were so excited they're operating the cycling tour again!!! It was the highlight of our visitors' time in Bali!!!! We learn something new every time. They are using a new restaurant at the end for lunch and it is excellent and a great change! This trip is so worth the price and never disappoints!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
I still wonder where the 'eco' and 'educational' parts were to be found in this tour (maybe because we rode a bicycle?). This tour is advertised to be a local unique experience and a 'signature' classic tour (all the marketing terminology is there) in reality it is nothing but a cheap, ordinary tour. Even the rice fields they took us to were the least impressive of all the ones I saw in Bali and well if you don't mind having a guide being excited like a kid to show you a rooster fight, caged animals and pigs screaming in their tiny slot well this tour is for you. Overpriced to top it all
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
This tour was the highlight of our two week trip to Ubud. Our host, Winnia, was full of smiles and personality, knowledge and hospitality. What we loved most about this tour, in addition to the host, was the diversity of experiences in just one tour - really good value! In the morning we visited a coffee & fruit plantation and then a stunning restaurant for buffet breakfast overlooking My Batur volcano. After this we organised the bikes and proceeded with the mostly downhill tour through village streets, with stops at a traditional compound home, temple, amazing mountain-top complete with fresh coconut waters, sacred Banyan tree, spider holding ( I opted out of this activity!!) and rice paddy fields. The scenery was stunning and we learnt so many interesting things! Our fellow tour group members were friendly and we enjoyed eating lunch together at another beautiful restaurant with stunning views to finish off the tour. Although we didn't bike as much as we expected so it was quite 'easy' in that respect, this was an awesome tour that we would highly recommend.
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2020年3月 • 夫妻情侣
As over 70s we were informed that the company's insurance did not cover us, but the attention to safety by Hendra, our guide meant that we felt totally safe throughout. Due to Corona virus reducing the number of tourists there were only 4 in our group and we had a young man at the back as well as Hendra leading.
We had read it was a "mainly downhill" ride, - there certainly was more eating and drinking than pedalling, but it was so much more than a bike ride. We visited a coffee, cacao and fruit producer with tasting of numerous teas, coffees and chocolate. We passed on tasting the civet coffee! Then on to a buffet breakfast with wonderful views of Mount Batur and the lake. After selecting our bikes we went along quiet tarmac lanes giving us a chance to get used to them, stopping at a farm, then an attractive place for coconut water where Hendra showed us how to make a spoon from the outside of the coconut to eat the inside. Then through rice fields, off road now, stopping at a village house where we were given tea and coffee and shown inside the family home. Hendra explained so much about Balinese home life, culture, beliefs, religion and rituals around birth, marriage and death which was really interesting and he answered all our questions in his excellent English. We finished at an eco resort with a pool and and beautiful garden where we were served a 3 course late lunch and allowed to relax before being taken back to our hotels. If you want to experience a taste of less touristy Bali I recommend this tour.
We had read it was a "mainly downhill" ride, - there certainly was more eating and drinking than pedalling, but it was so much more than a bike ride. We visited a coffee, cacao and fruit producer with tasting of numerous teas, coffees and chocolate. We passed on tasting the civet coffee! Then on to a buffet breakfast with wonderful views of Mount Batur and the lake. After selecting our bikes we went along quiet tarmac lanes giving us a chance to get used to them, stopping at a farm, then an attractive place for coconut water where Hendra showed us how to make a spoon from the outside of the coconut to eat the inside. Then through rice fields, off road now, stopping at a village house where we were given tea and coffee and shown inside the family home. Hendra explained so much about Balinese home life, culture, beliefs, religion and rituals around birth, marriage and death which was really interesting and he answered all our questions in his excellent English. We finished at an eco resort with a pool and and beautiful garden where we were served a 3 course late lunch and allowed to relax before being taken back to our hotels. If you want to experience a taste of less touristy Bali I recommend this tour.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi, are there children/smaller bike options? My children are 9 and 11 and have been riding for years but will require smaller bikes. Thx
澳大利亚North Willoughby
My child is 10 and a small 10. she managed really well on a smaller bike which was provided.
Navjeet C
Hi - Please could you confirm if you pick-up and drop-off to The Daha Resort Resort & Spa in Semniyak? What time would pick-up be if the event starts at 8am?
If you contact Bali Eco Tours directly, they should be able to confirm for you. They were able to pick up from the hotel that I was staying in, in Seminyak
Lydia W
Hi, I am booked on the trip on Monday. We are really looking forward to it but we have changed our pick up location and I haven't been able to contact you on the phone/email. Please could you message me? Thank you. Westmore
Lindsey D
Hi. Are you able to pick up from Nusa Dua and if so what time would that be at?
Thanks. Lindsey
Hi Lindsey. At the official site of baliecocycling you can read pick up places from Sanur-Seminyak till Legian.. and also Nusa Dua!
For exact time you can mail or phone. Numbers: go to the site and scroll down
Good luck and enjoy the cycling.
An Hofmans Nijmegen Netherlands
Have herd great things about this tour but am concerned about booking in advance incase it is pouring on the day. what happens if we book and the weather is not good?
Trip usually goes ahead unless it's absolutely pouring rain. If not, they try and accommodate an alternative booking as best as possible. A slight sprinkle here and there will not deter your tour though.
Hi there. Me and my partner will be staying in ubud. What time will be pick up time? And we don’t want to do all day . What time does activities finish?
Hello, we stayed in Ubud as well and were picked up at 8.00 am on the dot. We got back to Ubud at around 16.00 but the traffic was quite back in the city centre so we got off in the middle of the shopping street (10 minutes from hotel) and had dinner before heading back.
I would like to go at 15/2/19 from Ubud center; is that possible? Thx Marieke
I would like to go at 15/2/19 from Ubud center; is that possible? Thx Marieke
Amber M
Hi we did a bike tour with you back in 2016 and had a great time, thanks. One of the great things was the lunch. I should have asked but didn’t what the salad was called that we had. My daughter is vegetarian and it was the best meal she had on our trip. I’m trying to find what it is called or get a recipe.
Can you help?
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