为期 8 天的小团体 Lemosho 乞力马扎罗山峰徒步旅行
为期 8 天的小团体 Lemosho 乞力马扎罗山峰徒步旅行
供应商/业主为:Climb Kili
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:8-99,每个团体最多 15 人
用时: 8 天
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现场指南:德语, 英语, 意大利语, 法语
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- 迎新礼包:详细行程装备清单攀登奇力旅行日记涂抹防水墨水旅行笔信息指南个人健身计划
- 入场/门票 - Mount Kilimanjaro
- 入场/门票 - Mount Kilimanjaro
- 入场/门票 - Mount Kilimanjaro
- 入场/门票 - Mount Kilimanjaro
- 入场/门票 - Mount Kilimanjaro
- 入场/门票 - Mount Kilimanjaro
- 入场/门票 - Mount Kilimanjaro
- 入场/门票 - Mount Kilimanjaro
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
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- Lesley G0 条分享哇!真是史诗般的体验!!文字已经不足以描述我这次超棒的经历了,这次我在ClimbKili.com网站上预定了攀登基利山!我的导游(三个都是!)对他们的工作业务非常了解,并且非常细心地照顾我们一行六人!Seraphin,JonJon,还有 Douglas三位导游将我们6个陌生人聚在一起组成一队,为我们带来了一段终生难忘的经历!同一个团队,同一个梦想!撰写日期:2019年2月14日
- michaelwellburn0 条分享乞力马扎罗山-在Lemosho路线计划中轻松而愉快的旅程在这次旅程中,Tiffany非常随和,是他组织了这次我们攀登乞力马扎罗山的行程。旅程途中,交流一直存在着,我们饮食的要求也得到了满足。与导游约翰一起度过的这段旅程与预期的完全一致。 我们的饮食得到满足后,便走着轻快的步伐开始了攀登之路。我真的很喜欢攀登乞力马扎罗山的冒险经历,沿着Lemosho计划的路线上风景很美。有些人想知道可爬行的时段...但乞力马扎罗山是全天候可爬的-详见照片。撰写日期:2017年11月17日
- Johnny_D_100 条分享登顶乞力马扎罗山做了攀爬乞力马扎罗山8天的lemosho路线计划,度过一段美好的时光!团队很照顾我们,天气大多是好的,并在9月24日登顶!Herment是我们的向导,他的团队真棒。每天一切都在有序进行,我们吃得不错(至少是一个露营旅行的标准),和我们在山上遇见的人度过一个愉快的时光,并且享受着征服非洲最大的山。他们的步伐缓慢使得看起来很容易。撰写日期:2017年10月4日
- bbergener0 条分享七天之旅我妻子和我有幸参加了这次旅程。真的很棒,我们去了很多美丽的地方,还遇见了很多可爱的人。我们运气很好,跟对了团队,导游懂得很多,也很友好。这次旅途虽然很累但是很值得。我们一整个团队都很棒,导游也没有放弃我们中的任何一个人,超级喜欢!希望有朝一日我可以和我的孩子一起来这里,让他们感受一下我曾看过的美景,认识我曾遇见的人们。撰写日期:2017年8月10日
- Corrine M0 条分享Kili俱乐部有训练有素的导游和最高的成功率!我刚刚从坦桑尼亚为期两周的旅行中回来,花了8天时间和Kili俱乐部(Lemosho路线)一起到乞力马扎罗山远足。我们小组一共有十个人,成功率达到100%。Herment, Good Love, Anton和Seraphin是我们的导游,我们感到很安全,他们会通知并关注每天的天气变化情况。导游非常细心,护工令人赞叹,热情的问候我们,每一次远足后他们会唱歌、跳舞来增强我们的精神。这是我迄今为止完成的最困难的事情,但是,最难忘,最有价值的是他们的细心照料,以及和Kili俱乐部一起的经历。撰写日期:2017年1月26日
- sdecarlo720 条分享人生中最美好的经历我不是一个徒步者,但是在乞力马扎罗山攀登是我的工作,现在有了一个休假的机会。正在准备聘用一个合适的教练来指导我们,但是,在我们到达非洲之前并没有意识到这件事情有多么重要。毕竟这里不是在家里(总不可能去强银行吧)。我只是在看了大量的博客和大量的研究之后碰巧发现了吉利攀登公司,最后选择了这家公司,这百分之百是一个明智的决定。我们的司机,向导和挑夫都非常不错。我们是在世界另一边的两个女人,非常的安全。如果你正在用生命冒险的话,选择吉利公司吧。撰写日期:2016年4月8日
- PatVA5360 条分享和Climb Kili一起的令人惊叹的登山超级棒,另一个世界的景色,非常好的徒步旅行。我们和climb kili公司一起走了八天的lemosho路线,他们为我们在顶点高海拔地区的缺氧现象做好了准备。导游和食物都很好。撰写日期:2016年2月11日
- Samer H0 条分享与climbkili(坦桑尼亚攀登乞力马扎罗徒步旅行公司)一起走lemosho路线必须说,攀登乞力马扎罗山是我生命中最棒的经历,得感谢Climbkili公司。Climbkili公司有非常专业的导游,厨师和搬运工,还有完美的后勤和食品保障,这些让我们的攀登经历十分难忘。还要特别感谢我们的主导游Seraphine,和他的助手Augustine和Thobias,他们遵守承诺,带我们去了“非洲屋脊”!登录Climbkili.com,和Climbkili公司一起攀登雄伟的乞力马扎罗吧!强烈推荐哦!撰写日期:2016年1月15日
- rdnycgirl0 条分享有趣而成功的征服之旅我和男友玩的非常开心,这得归功于Climb Kili Team。一切都安排得十分周全,使得旅行得以顺利进行。所有的工作人员都很好,见多识广,亲切友好,效率很高。装备齐全,安全有保障。食物新鲜可口。我们的导游特别棒,见多识广,亲切友好,不停地鼓励我们,帮我们实现了我们的目标:勇攀高峰。我们还参加了一个为期三天的游猎旅行。玩的非常开心。居住设施温馨漂亮,风景优美,车子棒极了。如果你想征服乞力马扎罗山,不妨加入他们。撰写日期:2015年11月28日
- Sarah K0 条分享和Kili攀登协会一起攀登乞力马扎罗2015年9月我和Kili攀登协会一起攀登乞力马扎罗山。队伍中除了12名工作人员外就剩我和我的堂兄弟,我们的向导 Herment见多识广,把我们安全带到山顶并折返。他密切注视着我们日常的任何高原反应迹象,并确保我们能更好地适应。Kili攀登协会都非常优秀、非常有组织、反应迅速。他们也提供良好的设备出租(前一天我发现我的睡袋不够保暖),但帐篷相当不错。便携式厕所帐篷真是一种奢侈的享受!我强烈推荐跟Kili攀登协会预定并邀Herment作向导,你不会失望的!撰写日期:2015年11月10日
- Rob_from_MA0 条分享很棒的经历!我们十一个人在Climb Kili旅行公司的安排下爬了乞力马扎罗山,这是一次很棒的经历。Tiffany很会与人交流,回答了我们很多问题。在整个徒步旅行中,我们都在相互交流。Emanuel是一个很棒的导游,他说着一口流利的英语,对我们的各种要求都游刃有余。他还负责告知我们每天的行程安排。Climb Kili公司也很擅长考虑在一次像这样的徒步旅行中不可避免遇到的问题并做好准备。比如说,我们有一个帐篷的拉链卡住了,导致帐篷关不上。当我们把这个帐篷拿给Emanuel看之后,我们就再也没有看见这个出问题的帐篷了,不知道他是怎么处理的!总之我强烈推荐Climb Kili公司来负责你攀登乞力马扎罗山的旅途!撰写日期:2015年10月8日
- Bjarke P0 条分享好一座山!两个丹麦人,两个加拿大人,一个导游,和一群搬运工,一起爬了7天爬上了非洲最高峰。还能有什么不喜欢的,从满是厚脸无耻的猴子的茂密丛林,到岩石沙漠,到云上绚丽的日落。谢谢ClimbKili俱乐部的超棒的导游,我们安全舒适地到达目标。最后一程爬坡很艰苦,但下山后你看着自己的照片,会觉得值得。撰写日期:2015年8月22日
- eileenmarie4210 条分享爬乞力马扎罗山是最棒的经历!终生难忘的旅程!我和我的丈夫爬上了乞力马扎罗山庆祝我们一周年纪念,而且这实在是棒极了!我们爬的是威士忌路线,和我们的向导Seraphine度过了很愉快的时光。这次旅程只有6个人组成一组,所以这次的经历是非常个性的。Seraphine棒极了,我们向所有想经历这样的历险的人推荐他。撰写日期:2015年8月19日
- Dwangiane0 条分享与乞力登山队一起走过马卡梅路线:最美好的经历乞力登山队真的非常出色得使攀登乞力马扎罗山变成一生一次的非常享受的经历。不仅乞力登山队对我们照顾的非常周到,而且我也能感受到我们和他们十分亲近。食物很美味,导游和护工也非常值得称赞(他们都很强壮,动作也很迅速敏捷)他们使这七天马卡梅路线旅行的每一天都非常有趣,他们充沛的精力也深深的感染了我们,使我们能够攀登到顶峰。我们这六个人的团队每天都能在非常好的非常恰当的时间到达阵营,当然最后我们每个人都登上了山峰!我们总是以非常舒适和稳健的步伐攀登的,并且经常超过其他队伍,我觉得这点也正是乞力登山队与众不同的一点。撰写日期:2015年7月6日
- SLosee0 条分享Climb Kili的导游服务我真心推荐Climb Kili。我听说选择哪家当地导游服务会让你的旅行体验大相径庭,我后来相信确实是这样的。Emanuel和Veda从各方面来看都很完美。工作人员非常努力让我们以合理的价格享受到豪华的服务。我还是不能相信他们能够在冰雹之中在一万五千米的海拔之上帮我们搭出一个帐篷吃午餐。食物非常美味,所有工作人员都很优秀。我最后还在他们这里预订了爬山后探险活动,也超级棒的。包括两次行程之间在Moshi的景点参观。每个细节都很棒。我是单独旅行的,所以可以自由选择出行时期,不管成团的时间,这点很方便。不要再找其他家的了,这是中等价位中能带给你最纯粹的旅行体验的一家。撰写日期:2015年6月8日
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170 条点评
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Van H
7 条分享
2025年1月 • 好友
This was the trip of a lifetime because of the Climb Kili crew. Our guides Amani, Emanuel, and Isaiah made the long days fun with their sense of humor, encouragement, and unlimited patience. We could not have summited without the added support from Goodwin, who helped with our daypacks on the most challenging day. Thomas made sure our tents were set up clean and comfortably, even digging trenches around each one to collect any potential rainfall. I miss Balthasar’s daily wake up call with hot coffee served in the tents. The food (especially the fresh fruits) were incredibly delicious, and we looked forward to every meal. Kudos to Tiffany and Rickson who helped ensure everything was organized and so helpful and accommodating with delayed luggage and last minute added safari. I can not think of a better Kili operator and would definitely use Climb Kili again because of their impeccable attention to details and affability.
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Asante sana for your kind words! 💚🏔️ It’s truly rewarding to hear how our Climb Kili crew—Amani, Emanuel, Isaiah, Goodwin, Thomas, and Balthasar—enhanced your journey with their dedication, humor, and support. From Balthasar’s coffee wake-up calls to Thomas ensuring your tents were comfortable, every detail is designed to make your experience unforgettable. We’re delighted Tiffany and Rickson could assist with logistics and unexpected challenges. Thank you for choosing Climb Kili!
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Mike M
10 条分享
Amazing experience with ClimbKili on our 8 day Lemosho. Our guides, Manny and Cinga, had our backs the entire time, and got us to the summit. I can’t say enough good things about them!
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Jambo rafiki (Hello Friend 👋),
Thank you so much for sharing your experience on the 8-day Lemosho trek with Climb Kili! We’re so glad to hear that Manny and Cinga supported you every step of the way and helped you successfully reach the summit. Their dedication and care truly embody the spirit of our team.
It’s wonderful to know that your time on the mountain was so positive and that our team made the journey both memorable and successful. Your kind words mean the world to us, and we’re so grateful you chose Climb Kili for this incredible adventure.
Asante Sana! (Thank you) 💚🏔️
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Elysha E
44 条分享
I really enjoyed my experience with Climbkili. Our lead guide, Amani, was patient and professional. Our assistant guides, Isiah and Emmanuel, were playful and lighthearted but also supportive. They taught us a bunch of Swahili. Thomas, Balthazar, and others made our stay comfortable. The food was excellent. I’m not sure how I was so excited about the soup each day but it was amazing. I could not have done the whole trip without Karem and the rest of the porters. Their strength and athleticism are truly amazing. Hats off to the whole team because I know I could not have done it alone.
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Jambo rafiki (Hello Friend 👋),
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with Climb Kili! We’re delighted to hear how much you enjoyed your journey and the amazing support you received from the entire team. Amani’s patience and professionalism, paired with the playful and supportive nature of Isiah and Emmanuel, clearly made for a memorable trek. It’s wonderful to hear they even shared some Swahili with you—what a fun way to connect with the culture!
Thomas, Balthazar, and the rest of the team worked hard to make your experience comfortable, and we’re thrilled the meals, especially the soup, hit the mark. It’s heartwarming to hear your appreciation for Karem and the porters—their strength and dedication are the backbone of every successful climb, and it’s amazing that you recognized their contributions so thoughtfully.
Thank you for your kind words and for choosing Climb Kili for this incredible adventure. We’re so grateful to have been part of your journey and hope the memories of this trip stay with you forever. If you ever decide to return for another trek, we’d be honored to welcome you back!
Asante Sana! (Thank you) 💚🏔️
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
14 条分享
2024年12月 • 独自旅游
Look no further than Climb Kili for your next experience, they did a PHENOMENAL job on my journey to the summit of Kilimanjaro! I was a solo traveler who joined a group of 4 other travelers and had an amazing time!
From the start Climb Kili stood out from the rest of the tour operators I was looking at. Tiffany was very easy to get a hold of via email, responding with all the necessary info to my questions in a timely manner. The airport pickup at JRO was quick and easy with my driver waiting for me at the exit. Then our great guides (Raymond, Sos & Norbert) and porters for the trek went above and beyond in all ways - morning cups of tea in my tent, delicious meals everyday (shoutout to Chef Simon who accommodated my food allergy), welcome songs as we entered camp, and even carrying our bags the final way after we reached the summit. They were even the only tour company to offer a hot meal at lunch on the first day of the trek - all other tour companies had a cold box lunch at the start. Climb Kili went above and beyond in all ways!
Other notes - if you have sticker shock about the price of Kilimanjaro (I did), know that the price of Climb Kili is worth every penny. I also appreciated that Climb Kili provided tip recommendations as well, since I always struggle with what is an appropriate tip for a tour. Lastly, if you're a snacker like me, bring more snacks from home. The hotel had a limited selection and wasn't near a grocery/convenience store. The chef makes three great meals a day, but I needed my extra snacks throughout.
Thanks again Climb Kili for a great experience!
From the start Climb Kili stood out from the rest of the tour operators I was looking at. Tiffany was very easy to get a hold of via email, responding with all the necessary info to my questions in a timely manner. The airport pickup at JRO was quick and easy with my driver waiting for me at the exit. Then our great guides (Raymond, Sos & Norbert) and porters for the trek went above and beyond in all ways - morning cups of tea in my tent, delicious meals everyday (shoutout to Chef Simon who accommodated my food allergy), welcome songs as we entered camp, and even carrying our bags the final way after we reached the summit. They were even the only tour company to offer a hot meal at lunch on the first day of the trek - all other tour companies had a cold box lunch at the start. Climb Kili went above and beyond in all ways!
Other notes - if you have sticker shock about the price of Kilimanjaro (I did), know that the price of Climb Kili is worth every penny. I also appreciated that Climb Kili provided tip recommendations as well, since I always struggle with what is an appropriate tip for a tour. Lastly, if you're a snacker like me, bring more snacks from home. The hotel had a limited selection and wasn't near a grocery/convenience store. The chef makes three great meals a day, but I needed my extra snacks throughout.
Thanks again Climb Kili for a great experience!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you so much for sharing your experience on the 8-day Lemosho trek. We’re honored that you chose Climb Kili for this incredible journey and delighted to hear that your adventure was everything you had hoped for and more. Climbing Kilimanjaro is no small feat, and it means the world to us that we could play a part in making your summit experience safe, seamless, and truly memorable.
Your kind words about our team are deeply appreciated. It’s always our goal to provide not just a service but an experience that feels personal and supportive at every step. Whether it’s the guides offering encouragement, the porters providing their unmatched dedication, or the team handling all the details so you can focus on the climb, we take great pride in ensuring each climber feels cared for.
We’re so glad to know that the planning process with Tiffany gave you the confidence and information you needed to start your journey with ease. Preparing for Kilimanjaro can feel overwhelming, and her role in making things smooth and transparent is a big part of why we love what we do.
Knowing that our team on the ground met your expectations—whether through delicious meals, thoughtful gestures, or their tireless support on summit day—is incredibly rewarding. It’s climbers like you who remind us why we are so passionate about sharing the beauty of Kilimanjaro and ensuring every trekker feels valued and uplifted.
Thank you for your recommendation and for allowing us to be part of such a meaningful adventure. Should you ever decide to take on another journey—whether back to the mountain or elsewhere—we would be absolutely delighted to welcome you again.
Asante Sana! (Thank you) 💚🏔️
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Monica D
威斯康星Stevens Point24 条分享
2025年1月 • 家庭
I highly recommend the 8 day Lemosho route to the summit of Kilimanjaro to acclimate to the high elevation. Our guides and crew were top-notch and made for a super enjoyable climb. This route is scenic and not difficult (for a seasoned hiker), with the exception of the final 3000 feet. Be prepared for variable weather conditions and enjoy the trip. The Kosovo camp advantage prior to summitting is huge! Thanks Climb Kili!
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Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful experience! We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed the 8-day Lemosho route and found it both scenic and rewarding. It’s fantastic that our guides and crew made your climb enjoyable—they truly aim to create unforgettable adventures for every climber.
You’re absolutely right about the advantage of the Kosovo camp before summiting—it’s a game-changer for that final push! Thank you for highlighting the variable weather and for recommending the route for acclimatization—it’s helpful advice for future climbers.
Asante Sana! (Thank you) 💚🏔️
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Bethany W
1 条分享
2025年1月 • 好友
There is simply not enough room to say how phenomenal this experience has been, and that is entirely due to the professionalism, compassion and conscientiousness of the Climb Kili team. We chose the company initially based on their excellent reviews, safety record and the fact that the majority of trekkers are able to summit. I can’t tell you how lucky we felt to have chosen them! We felt tremendously safe in the hands of our knowledgeable, expert guides while on trek, and trusted the porters with our belongings without question. We sat down to three square, hearty and lovingly cooked meals per day thanks to the camp chef. On Summit night, none of us would have accomplished our goal had it not been for the support of the guides. Beyond this, though, I feel fortunate to have met such a beautiful group of people who are proud to share their country’s treasures with generosity and kindness. If you are contemplating a trip to Kilimanjaro, THIS is the company you want to go with!
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Jambo rafiki (Hello Friend 👋),
Thank you for such a heartfelt and glowing review of your experience with Climb Kili! It’s truly inspiring to hear how much the professionalism, compassion, and expertise of our team meant to you throughout your journey. Your words beautifully capture the dedication of our guides, porters, and chefs who work tirelessly to ensure every climber feels safe, supported, and well-fed—even during those challenging summit moments.
We’re honored to have had the opportunity to share the beauty of Kilimanjaro and Tanzania with you, and it’s wonderful to know the experience left you with not only memories of the climb but also a connection to the amazing people who make it possible. Your trust and kind recommendation mean the world to us.
Thank you for choosing Climb Kili to help you achieve this incredible goal. We hope the memories continue to inspire you for years to come!
Asante Sana! (Thank you) 💚🏔️
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乔治亚亚特兰大3 条分享
2024年12月 • 好友
Our group's experience was overall great! The best thing about this company is the people on the ground who took care of us and made our trek a success. The lead guide, Emanuel (aka Manny), and the assistant guides Singer and Erick were very experienced, knowledgeable, attentive, encouraging, and kind. The rest of Manny's team and all the porters were also great, and so hard-working! Thank you all for the experience of a lifetime!
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Jambo rafiki (Hello Friend 👋)!
Thank you for sharing your group’s experience—it’s wonderful to hear that your trek was such a success! Emanuel (Manny), Singer, Erick, and the entire team will be delighted to know how much their hard work, knowledge, and kindness meant to you. Their dedication to making your journey safe, encouraging, and memorable truly reflects the spirit of what we strive for at Climb Kili.
We’re honored to have been part of your adventure of a lifetime. Thank you for choosing us and for taking the time to share your thoughtful words. Wishing you many more incredible journeys ahead!
Asante Sana! (Thank you) 💚🏔️
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Mohamed E
阿联酋迪拜1 条分享
2024年12月 • 夫妻情侣
One of the best experiences of our lives! And Climb Kili made it much simpler and enjoyable. The high quality of food, operators, tents and the attention to details were always above expectations.
P.s: they have a permit to camp at Kusovo camp which gives you a one hour head start for summit day and its worth it!
Huge thank you to tiffany and Reymond.
P.s: they have a permit to camp at Kusovo camp which gives you a one hour head start for summit day and its worth it!
Huge thank you to tiffany and Reymond.
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Jambo rafiki (Hello Friend 👋)!
What an incredible adventure you’ve had! We’re so glad to hear that Climb Kili played a part in making it simpler and more enjoyable for you. The care we put into the details—like high-quality food, comfortable tents, and seamless logistics—truly aims to enhance every climber’s journey.
Camping at Kosovo Camp is such a great advantage for summit day, and we’re delighted you found it worthwhile. That extra hour makes a world of difference when tackling the final push to the peak!
A heartfelt thank you for acknowledging Tiffany and Reymond—they’ll be so pleased to know their efforts made your experience even more special.
We’re grateful for your kind words and wish you more incredible adventures ahead. Asante Sana! (Thank you) 💚🏔️
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Elise M
lille9 条分享
2025年1月 • 独自旅游
Everything was perfect, in terms of organization, safety, meals, kindness, atmosphere... I recommend 1000% and I perfected my English because the group was made up only of American and the local language in Tanzania is English 😉!
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Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback! We are delighted that you enjoyed every aspect of the experience, from the organization to the warm atmosphere. And kudos to you for improving your English while enjoying this incredible adventure! 😊 💚🏔️ Asante Sana! 💚🏔️
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Olivia S
泰国春蓬21 条分享
2025年1月 • 好友
Climb Kili helped me achieve my dream of summiting Kilimanjaro! I had the best experience with them on our 8 day Lemosho trip. Our amazing guides, Manny, Singer, and Eric helped make the climb doable and fun! Our chef, Magambo, waiter, Juve, and all of our porters ensured everything was smooth and successful. I’m sad that this trip is over but I will always remember the incredible experience I had with Climb Kili!
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Thank you so much for sharing your incredible experience! 🌟 We're so grateful to have been part of your journey to achieve your dream of summiting Kilimanjaro. Manny, Singer, Eric, Magambo, Juve, and the entire team will be so happy to hear your kind words—they truly are the heart of what makes our climbs special. Though the trip may be over, the memories and the summit will always stay with you. 😊 Asante Sana! 💚🏔️
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