安塔利亚超级组合 W/漂流、吉普野生动物园、四轮摩托和滑索
安塔利亚超级组合 W/漂流、吉普野生动物园、四轮摩托和滑索
供应商/业主为:Excursiongo Antalya
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
每名成人 起
年龄限制:5-70,每个团体最多 80 人
用时: 10 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:俄文, 英语
- 酒店接送服务
- 吉普野生动物园、漂流、高空滑索和四轮摩托
- 指示
- 午餐
未包含内容- 饮料、个人消费、照片和视频
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 安塔利亚地区的大多数酒店都有严格的隐私规定。请在您酒店的正门而不是接待处与我们会面。
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。其他接送选项结账时,您可以从包含的接送点列表中进行选择。- Kemer, Antalya, Türkiye
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
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- 不推荐背部不适的旅行者参加
- 不建议孕妇参加
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 如果你有长头发,一定要带上发带。带上换洗衣服(你会被淋湿的!)、舒适的旧鞋、大毛巾和大量防晒霜。不要佩戴悬垂的耳环或首饰。
- 从安塔利亚出发的漂流之旅的唯一缺点是路途遥远。但是,我们使用舒适的空调巴士接送,让客人的旅程更轻松。
- 孕妇不得乘坐木筏旅行。
- 不适合身体有困难的客人。
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 80 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:360280P245
- 322yuxuanm0 条分享nice非常不错的一次体验,下水很好玩, 果冻海特别好看, 非常的出片。 天气也很好,音乐也很有氛围,午餐也不错,船的环境也很好,总之特别不错。而且chuan很chill,🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰撰写日期:2024年8月27日
- NorthStar049257521610 条分享Amazing trip整个旅程安排得很舒服,司机凌晨一点来酒店接我,晚上接近6点才送我回酒店,真的非常辛苦敬业。 热气球的体验是难忘的,飞升上天的那一刻,眼前的美景无法形容,气球缓缓上升,旁边也都是热气球,地面渐行渐远,有点激动,有点害怕,慢慢地就适应了。太美了。 棉花堡的泉水是温热的,地面是滑溜的,并不是像棉花那样软软的。 公园遗址也是一景,登山远眺,美景尽收眼底。 总之,这是一趟值得的旅行,谢谢团队,谢谢大家。撰写日期:2024年8月20日
- feiliy20240 条分享一次愉快的行程我和朋友一起,度过了一次完美的旅程,一路上风景都很棒,海水很漂亮也很舒适,可以在海里游泳度过愉快的一天,中午在船上的午餐也不错,作为土耳其旅游的一部分,会给我带来一段美好的回忆,是一次值得推荐的行程。撰写日期:2024年8月11日
- 620yal0 条分享果冻海很好很好的行程 海水很蓝 不用滤镜 一键出片的果冻海 会推荐 包车包食物 还有游船 各方面都很方便 省去了旅行计划的很大一部分 家庭出游省心省力 带了两个孩子来 游了两片海岛浴场 还有爱情海海岛上的海岛山洞打卡 推荐推荐大推荐撰写日期:2024年7月26日
- Mingrui G0 条分享性价比超高的Kerem Bay跳岛游安塔利亚是个美丽的城市,这次Kerem Bay跳岛游的旅途总体而言非常愉快。我们乘坐包车前往Kerem Bay,中间有时间下车休息吃早餐和购买饮品。我们有充足的时间下水游玩和在沙滩上晒日光浴。船上会提供帮助浮出水面的装备,所以不会游泳也没问题!旅行提供的午餐中规中矩。总体而言性价比高,值得一试!撰写日期:2024年6月22日
- 馨怡 邹0 条分享跳岛游很满意的行程,果冻海特别美。饭菜也可以吃饱,有蔬菜有肉有主食有饮料。工作人员都很贴心。太喜欢太喜欢安塔利亚的海了,太好看!!撰写日期:2024年6月22日
- dyangl20240 条分享跳岛游船如果你喜欢海岛的美景,如果你喜欢在海边游泳,如果你喜欢惬意的游船,这趟旅行沿途的风景特别好,船长很热情,很适合夏天在船上吹吹地中海的风,中间的温度也很适中,海水很清澈,中间在岛上可以游泳、跳水、晒日光浴,如果你来土耳其真的不能错过这趟旅行撰写日期:2024年5月27日
- zhaom3570 条分享Trip非常棒的体验,来土耳其玩之前提前预定了,早上会有车子来接到船上,在船上可以日光浴,船会停靠三个岛,一路上的果冻海真的非常好看,特别出片,路过一个景点的时候船还会停下来有导游给我们拍照,中午食物也很好吃!撰写日期:2024年5月16日
- _C1782SR0 条分享👍导游会英语和俄语,全程很有耐心的帮助我们,行程很有趣,去了三个海岛停留,海水很清澈,就是海上天气变化很快,下了一点雨🌧️水温刚好,可以下去玩水。包括一顿午饭,还可以,橙子很好吃🍊,和接送服务,很有趣。撰写日期:2024年5月11日
- 725diz0 条分享Good trip for the KadirKADIR 热情周到,风趣幽默,全程英语讲解,清晰有条理。 一天的行程非常丰富多彩 会在卡雷奇小镇游船 早上在周围看景观瀑布 中午的午餐非常好吃 导游会讲解历史文化 在安塔利亚大概九点出发 下午六点多结束 一天安排充实撰写日期:2024年1月27日
- _x8950 条分享good trip with KadirKadir 导游,赞👍 热情, 全程英语 介绍了很多土耳其的历史文化 和温馨提示!!! 海很蓝!! 导游服务周到 组织有序 一天的行程非常充实 午餐丰富 在安塔利亚九点出发 六点多结束 导游会介绍风景 在卡雷奇小镇游船 非常出片撰写日期:2024年1月27日
- jiahuz0 条分享good trip with kadirKadir为人很好,英文说得也不错,很清晰,,给新来土耳其玩耍的朋友推荐。 包餐!还行!! 诚恳推荐 Kadir为人很好,英文说得也不错,很清晰,,给新来土耳其玩耍的朋友推荐。 包餐!还行!! 诚恳推荐!!!!撰写日期:2024年1月27日
- A8084BM_0 条分享good trip with K a di rKadir 很好人 ,很负责,我们一天的行程非常的充实,然后导游组织有序,态度友好,服务周到,我们去了游船,午饭很好吃,导游讲解很棒,一天的行程也不是很贵,很值得,在安塔利亚大概九点多出发游览,然后六点结束撰写日期:2024年1月27日
- yiw9330 条分享出海之旅非常好的旅行体验,出海海景很美,海水很蓝很蓝,水质也很好。中途一共有三次游泳机会,大家一起跳水or下船去到沙滩边游泳。哪怕是海滩边的水域也能看到一些小型鱼群,中午午餐提供的炸鱼非常之好吃,值得一去!!撰写日期:2023年10月4日
- 970feiranl0 条分享Suluada的快乐体验不错的体验,提供有选择的午餐,跳水和游泳非常好玩,体验绿松石色的地中海。 可以选择点餐,茶或者咖啡,从安塔利亚,司机来接开车过来,大概两个小时,导游小姐姐人挺好的。果冻一样的美丽地中海。 Love Suluada!撰写日期:2023年10月4日
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144 条点评
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Dominique G
3 条分享
A very action-packed tour. It is important that you absolutely (!) Have to take change of clothes with you as all clothes get wet and dirty. So do the shoes. It is best to bring water shoes or similar. Lunch was world class.
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Vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung. Wir hoffen, Sie bald wiederzusehen.
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Nebojsa V
1 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Best experience ever. Eric did great job organising 4 diferent attractions for us.
Out of all 4, definitely the best was rafting with our guide Faro. Would definitely recommend
Out of all 4, definitely the best was rafting with our guide Faro. Would definitely recommend
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Thank you for your review. We hope to see you again soon.
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Divine Viviane M
英国伦敦7 条分享
This was a lovely experience. The best part was the white water rafting, it was the first time my husband and I were doing rafting, it could not be more perfect. We had the best experience, our tour guy/ captain of our raft Abu bakarr was amazing, he made the experience so fun. From when we arrived at the site he was so helpful, he made sure we understood the instructions! He really looked after my husband and I, he made sure we had food and everything we needed. He made the experience 10/
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Thank you for your review. We hope to see you again soon.
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2 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
Was an amazing day right up until I was sexually assaulted by 1 of the quad bike drivers ruined the holiday obviously my tour rep says they have got rid of the people that did this part of the tour,,,but have they?
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We are sorry to hear about your disappointing experience. However your tour was not purchased from our company. We are an online only travel agency and do not have reps in any hotel. Based on this fact, we shall also very much appreciate if you could kindly remove the negative review please.
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Murad D
1 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
Dün katıldığımız safari, rafting,zipline turundan biz çok memnun kaldık çok eğlendik dolu dolu bır gün geçirdik gruplardan sorumlu arkadaşlarda çok güler yüzlü iyi insanlardi tekrar katılmak isteyeceğim bı tur oldu emeği geçen herkese teşekkür ederiz
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Yorumunuz için çok teşekkürler. Sizleri en kısa zamanda tekrar aramızda görmeyi umuyoruz.
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Fritha R
9 条分享
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侣
The experience of this trip was amazing with the white water rapids as a stand out winner and the main event. The white water rapids was about 2.5 hours, the zip line about 5 minutes with two small zip lines that were a bit underwhelming, there were 11 in our party who all got put into one jeep for the 10 minute 'safari' which meant I couldn't really see anything as we were squished in. Be aware that this is not a safari just an off-road jeep ride. The buggy was fun (there were no quad bikes) but you had to share in twos which meant less driving time. This was maybe 15 minutes long. The tour providers will try to sell you goggles, face masks, water proof phone holders and wet shoes despite these not being advertised as important to have with you.
The main draw back of the day and reason we haven't given this five stars is because of the organisation. The tour really lacked having one person who speaks English that stays with you and tells you what's going on, how long between experiences and the general set up, for example that you come back to base in between each experience. We were mostly just shouted at when they were ready to herd us into the next bit so never knew if we had time to use the toilet/have a wash etc.
Despite this the day was fun and the white water rapids really saved the day. The white water rapids did have someone leading and explaining what to do, you do get utterly drenched so do bring a change of clothes. Lots of the boats will start water fights with you which is usually funny. I would recommend to just do the buggies and white water rapids if possible.
The main draw back of the day and reason we haven't given this five stars is because of the organisation. The tour really lacked having one person who speaks English that stays with you and tells you what's going on, how long between experiences and the general set up, for example that you come back to base in between each experience. We were mostly just shouted at when they were ready to herd us into the next bit so never knew if we had time to use the toilet/have a wash etc.
Despite this the day was fun and the white water rapids really saved the day. The white water rapids did have someone leading and explaining what to do, you do get utterly drenched so do bring a change of clothes. Lots of the boats will start water fights with you which is usually funny. I would recommend to just do the buggies and white water rapids if possible.
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Thanks for your review. We hope to see you again soon.
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Ali K
1 条分享
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
Starts a day with a very long ride in a packed Van, Jeep safari was horrible, zip line was less than 2 minutes and very bad, Rafting was nice but they didn’t let us swim. Buggy was okay. Staff was good for the most part but when we were doing safari my cap fell and he didn't stop. It would have taken few seconds. Not a great customer service. There are better options available, who actually have Zipline and buggy on the water!
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Taye M
1 条分享
2024年5月 • 家庭
Amazing experience! Booked a day full of activities for the kids and hubby and they came back soooo excited!! They had a really good time and I would recommend this for anyone who want to experience a good day out! And extra big thanks to Mete for being so sufficient and great customer service focused!
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Jane G
1 条分享
2024年5月 • 独自旅游
Very nice and friendly people lots of great different activity’s for a very good price . Food was great which was also included there’s fun for everybody there I went on my own but the staff was very friendly and helpful to make sure I was ok especially because I did the trip alone, The driver who picked me up was exactly on time and very friendly even stopped for toilet breaks for family’s. My favourite activity was the buggy’s, zip wire and rafting would definitely recommend it
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土耳其安塔利亚3 条分享
I really enjoyed this set of activities. The organisation was quick and fun thanks.tl Mete and his support. Activities were done nice and quick, no waiting around even at pickup and drop-off. Once again, thank you, Mete! 👍
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Thanks for your review. We hope to see you again soon.
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Hi, we are 4 persons from kemer. Where starts the activities? (Wich place?)
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