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用时: 24 小时
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- 我们在热带岛屿提供午餐,菜单选择。提供素食选择。
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- 出发地点:
- Jesselton Point Ferry Terminal, Jln Haji Saman, Pusat Bandar Kota Kinabalu, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia我们在08:45在Jesselton Point码头的Red British Phone Boxes见面。婆罗洲梦想船员的成员将在那里与您见面。船在09:00准时出发,请不要迟到。如果你要迟到,请致电+60178118149
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- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 12 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:65313P3
- Yuwangto0 条分享Nice experience for taking an open water diver courseSpend 4 days there for becoming a open water diver. The first day is the thesis part, while the rest 3 days we learn the basic skills in the sea with our instructor Easter and other skillful staff. Unforgettable memory the celebrate the 2020 new year by graduating from it. 四天三夜的ow潜水课程,比亚庇其他当地的潜店都要稍微多一天,但时间比较充裕,可以很好练习每一项技巧,总而言之,是一次非常美好的经历。撰写日期:2020年1月1日
- richard W0 条分享灿烂的一天,彻底的享受非常的专业,在潜水之前会问你有没有潜水资格认证,和以前的潜水经验,如果有日志记录就能更方便他们了解你的水平,不过我们没有这些经验。所有的潜水主管都是教练。我们在那里吃了午餐,并且选择了3个潜水项目。所有的珊瑚礁似乎都很容易到达,大多在10-15米的深度范围内,但最近几天能见度不是最好的,由于最近的恶劣天气,只能看到大概8米的距离。我们的教练充分参与并告诉我们关于鱼的注意事项,并在潜水时向我们展示了,很棒。午餐是当地的鱼/鸡肉/米饭/鱼汤选择在加耶岛拉链线附近的当地餐厅,非常好。总的来说,美好的一天,我会推荐婆罗之梦。撰写日期:2019年8月29日
- huangyurui880 条分享What an unforgettable experienceMe and my husband spend three days in the riverbank lodge and we love it! It’s surrounded by lush rainforest and so tranquil! We saw many wild animals there. I especially enjoy the river cruise along Kinabatangan River. We saw a very giant crocodile and many kinds of monkeys. We will come again! 我和我丈夫在河边小屋住了三天,我们都很喜欢!它被郁郁葱葱的热带雨林所环绕,非常宁静!我们在那里看到许多野生动物。我特别喜欢沿着基纳巴坦干河乘船游览。我们看到了一条非常大的鳄鱼和许多种猴子。我们会再来的!撰写日期:2019年7月26日
- BreeMarie120 条分享进阶开放水域潜水员一切都很棒。方向很好,教练都非常友好,每个人都知识渊博,每个人都很开心。我没有任何可以抱怨的,也很喜欢这段经历。这就像是观光和旅游的一站式商店。撰写日期:2019年7月16日
- TerryH4950 条分享很棒的一天,跟着一位很棒的船员在这订了一天的潜水之旅,非常满意。这里的人很好,设备很棒,潜水很愉快,午餐也很好吃。我对他们没有更多奢望了,尤其感谢我们的潜水教练,Amir,他是最棒的。撰写日期:2019年7月2日
- ihaveDTravelBug0 条分享有趣的浮潜一日游。我们和导游一起玩了一整天的浮潜,导游格斯非常细心,注意到了远处一只小鲨鱼正在盯着我们,他还指给我们看。还有在珊瑚下打盹的五颜六色的鱼。尼莫还有其它的鱼类一点都不怕我们。他们只接待人数比较少的团队,为了让我们能够享受更大的空间。强烈推荐那些想要观察水中生物却没有时间潜水的人。撰写日期:2019年5月16日
- juliaw3540 条分享伟大的梦想实现了与专业又有趣的团队度过了绝妙的一天——水肺潜水探索之旅。我之前尝试过潜水,但是无法使我的耳朵保持平衡。教练Esther Koh从一开始就让我充满了信心,帮我实现梦想。现在我计划参加开放水域的潜水课程。言语无法表达我对公司尤其是对教练Esther的赞美!撰写日期:2019年5月1日
- LibbyColet0 条分享很棒的2次潜水体验Halid是一位出色而有风度的教练。在这里进行了2次轻松的潜水,水下能见度很高,有很多鱼。这里提供的设备很好。我看到了一些颜色很可爱的珊瑚。我们在餐馆吃了午餐,还享受了日光浴,因为这只是一次很短的游船旅行-这使得这一天比其他的长时间的乘船旅行更愉快!Halid对潜水真的非常了解!强烈推荐!谢谢!撰写日期:2019年4月21日
- Emma P0 条分享真是太棒了!这些人是最棒的!他们超级友好,非常有趣,但他们也很专业。我们真的感觉到被他们用一种很好、很轻松的方式照顾着。设备很棒,我们团体很小,这意味着我们可以很轻松地潜水。我们在几天的时间里潜水了6次,我们第三次回来的时候,只有我们两个和埃丝特 - 完美!我要大声说,埃丝特很可爱、很好相处也很爱笑。最重要的是,他善于发现大大小小的东西,这里有很多值得看的东西!在这里潜水真的很棒,一些潜水景点有最令人惊叹的硬珊瑚和软珊瑚。强烈推荐,他们被称为“梦之队”是有原因的!谢谢你们。艾玛&李 敬上。撰写日期:2019年4月3日
- suzanne w0 条分享潜水的东西很棒!一开始我很害怕,但是这些东西很好也很有趣。我的老师很耐心,很清楚地教我,不断地提醒我步骤/技巧。当我做一些锻炼失败时,他会再给我看一次,并鼓励我再试一次。我从他身上学到了很多!撰写日期:2019年3月28日
- Polly T0 条分享在东姑阿都拉曼海洋公园潜水我们喜欢在婆罗之梦的日子。通过电子邮件预定非常简单,然后鲍勃在度假村热情地欢迎了我们。我们的教练Basir非常棒:有趣、让人放心、非常专业。这是我们第一次潜水,他把每件事情都讲得很清楚,还给了我们很多练习的信心。时间在水下过得飞快,我们看到了美丽的珊瑚和热带鱼。潜水结束后,我们收到了完整的观光清单,这样我们就可以记住我们的这一天了。感谢婆罗之梦潜水中心,我们强烈推荐这一天。撰写日期:2019年3月14日
- donzieb0 条分享非常棒的潜水一日游!我在码头一遇到阿米尔,他就热情欢乐地向我介绍我在潜水当天所需要了解的一切。乘坐的船大方简洁,所有东西都在我们两次潜水和一顿美味午餐之前经过检查且准备得井井有条。所有船员都非常棒,乐于助人。鲸鲨前几天刚游到这里,所以我们对观赏鲸鲨活动感到庆幸!强烈推荐位于亚庇名为婆罗之梦的潜水点。在Magic Rock,我们看到了黄鲷,梅鲷鱼群,烟管鱼,炮弹鱼,天使鱼,河豚,豪猪,海蛞蝓和绿海龟。在沙皮岛南端,我们发现了梅鲷鱼群,神仙鱼,河豚,烟管鱼,黄鲷鱼群,刀片鱼,海蛞蝓和玳瑁。撰写日期:2019年3月7日
- jansM181DG0 条分享非常不错的有向导的潜水体验,队员很棒!和队员们在海洋公园度过了愉快的一天。喜欢有向导的浮潜,团队有趣,“大老板”也在里面)。同时也非常感谢我们后来看到的所有鱼/动物的邮件,因为我没有跟踪我自己。强烈建议再次与他们一起潜水!撰写日期:2019年2月10日
- trinamoore740 条分享婆罗之梦给了我们一生中最难忘的时光这是一家从头到尾都非常棒的公司,他们提供了很多关于旅游的信息,帮助我们决定了我认为在基纳巴唐岸河上最好的度假之地和体验!!从我们预定房间到接送,甚至在旅游结束后,他们都和我们保持联系以确保我们玩得开心。我们在基纳巴唐岸河野生动物度假村订了3天2夜的套餐,这真是我一生中最难忘的时刻,我将永远不会忘记这里的日子!!撰写日期:2019年1月18日
- Gwott0 条分享美好的潜水时间我们在这里度过了愉快的一天。我们在古雅岛周边潜水了两次,亚庇码头的一切都像预期的那样,这里设施齐全,工作人员热情助人。午餐地点非常舒适,这是了解潜水员的好方法(咖喱鸡很美味)。感谢埃斯特让我们度过了美好的一天,Graham Hal和Finn。撰写日期:2019年1月7日
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139 条点评
Colin R
3 条分享
2024年9月 • 好友
Bas and Yadi were fantastic. Great guidance from Bas, saw sharks, turtles and lots more. Great boating skills from Yadi. Would thoroughly recommend it.
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Josh M
1 条分享
Alex, Azmi and Bas were fantastic and got to see some really cool sea life! Highly recommend everyone try this out during their KK visit.
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Cale W
加拿大温哥华3 条分享
Bas, Azmi, and Andrew were our guides and made our experience memorable. It was such a layed back crew, and we never felt rushed. They especially made time to spot sea life for us to see while snorkeling. Overall, I would recommend this tour for anyone looking for a great day trip around Gaya Island. Great job, fellas!
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Debbie B
澳大利亚尼尔森湾14 条分享
2024年8月 • 独自旅游
I did the Islands 3 snorkel tour with Borneo Dream and I have to say it was the best day. After a rocky start due to heavy rain we eventually set out from the harbour a few hours late but we still got in 3 great snorkels which were of just a comfortable duration each. Ian, Clayton and Yadi (the driver) were friendly, helpful, and very knowledgeable. Thanks guys. Oh and the lunch was pretty good too.
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英国埃文河畔斯特拉特福4 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
We’re a family of five and enjoyed a great day snorkelling near the islands of the National Park. Our guide was Ian, who is really experienced and pointed out what to look for beneath the surface. He was great with our children too. It was one of our favourite days of our two week holiday.
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6 条分享
2024年8月 • 独自旅游
it is a good trips. beautiful breach, professional tutor "Amir", he is nice, good presentation. Nice price. I will book again in the future❤️
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子俊 石
5 条分享
As a beginner, I chose this package on Viator. The crew member James and Jimmy are humorous,friendly and professional. James took me into the water and taught me throughout the first time snorkeling. And I was safe to do it myself later in the second and third snorkeling. The places they took us to snorkel by boat were beautiful and most importantly less crowded. So this was a special experience personally. And I would highly recommend James and his crew here.
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英国赛伦塞斯特4 条分享
Great day with Ian and De De on a family private snorkelling trip around the marine park. Cracking chicken curry for lunch.
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6 条分享
2024年7月 • 好友
Excellent snorkeling. I enjoyed the reefs at the 3 islands. It was well spaced out. The guide was great. He took good care of us. Thank you.
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Fru G
英国切尔滕纳姆14 条分享
Borneo Dream gave us a fantastic day out on/in the water. From start to finish the day was well organised, professional, safe and importantly fun!
We had 3 fantastic snorkelling sessions, guided brilliantly by Baz.
We saw an array of fish, some lovely corals, a reef shark, and not one, but three turtles! We were so impressed, the children were thrilled and a happy day had by all.
Lunch was great - not busy as we’d expected and very good choice of dishes.
Only extra advice - remember to reapply sun cream at lunch break!!
Thank you Ian, Baz and the whole team.
Highly recommended!
We had 3 fantastic snorkelling sessions, guided brilliantly by Baz.
We saw an array of fish, some lovely corals, a reef shark, and not one, but three turtles! We were so impressed, the children were thrilled and a happy day had by all.
Lunch was great - not busy as we’d expected and very good choice of dishes.
Only extra advice - remember to reapply sun cream at lunch break!!
Thank you Ian, Baz and the whole team.
Highly recommended!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hallo? No kids-13 and 16 on this activity? They are very good swimmers
Hello! May I know how will this activity operates during Ramadhan? Especially the hours and other related terms.
I would like to book for the 16 July 2022 but I cannot select the number of children. Is there a way to contact the company or tripadvisor to help me out with the booking?
Would like to know the duration of this trip? Will we arrive back at Jessleton at around mid afternoon or only in the evening? Some guidance would be greatly appreciated (:
Our ship doesn’t arrive until 12:00 and departs at 8:00 Feb 4th. Is this tour available in the afternoon?
I expect your resort could answer for you if you contact them. My trip was designed as a day trip convening fairly early on the morning and included a lunch stop away from base after the morning diving activity before the afternoon diving.
There was other organised snorkeling straight off the resort beach which which may have been more flexible, I didn't investigate.
Does this day tour require 24 hours?? Do you pick up from our hotel? If yes, what time will be reaching back our hotel after the tour?
Hi, do you late afternoon tour? Looking to snorkel just around the marine park on the day of arrival. Am only reaching kk at 3pm..
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