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您可以参观皇后凯瑟琳大帝的住所Tsarskoye Selo,享受圣彼得堡外的一日游。通过跳线优先输入节省大量时间。您的私人导游将向您介绍宏伟的宫殿的历史和文化,并带您体验像经过修复的琥珀屋和亚历山大一世的私人房间。
年龄 0-99
用时: 4 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:德语, 葡萄牙语, 英语, 意大利语, 法语, 西班牙语
- 历史和文化爱好者的一日游
- 参观圣彼得堡最受欢迎的景点之一,无需排队等候
- 乘坐舒适的空调车前往宫殿
- 从您的英语导游中了解有关俄罗斯历史的更多信息
- 私人专业导游4小时
- 私人旅游级车辆4小时
- 凯瑟琳宫和公园的门票和导游
- 免签文书(针对游轮乘客)
- 入场/门票 - 凯瑟琳宫殿及花园
- 保证免排队
未包含内容- 任何其他录取
- 餐/零食
- 小费
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提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。提供港口接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的港口列表中进行选择。- St Petersburg Port Passenger Terminal, р. Большая Нева,, Санкт-Петербург, Russia, 199034
- Cruise Ship Terminal, 199226, Makarova Embankment, дом 18, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 197198
- Morskoy Fasad, Prospekt Kruzenshterna, 18, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 199226
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 无障碍通道
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- 如果乘客陪同可协助他们上下车的人陪同,可容纳带可拆卸轮子的可折叠轮椅
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- 1普希金凯瑟琳宫和公园途经House of SovietsEgiptian GatesFyodorovskaya ChurchPloshchad' Pobedy
- lexi710 条分享很棒的私人旅行今天我们和娜迪亚、谢尔盖一起进行了一次私人旅行。我再怎么推荐这家旅行社也不为过。我在旅行前两周通过互联网进行了预订,并收到了我们的行程票,我进行了下载,这就是我们办理入境手续所需要的一切。他们带你去你想去的地方,并订票。圣彼得堡是最美丽的城市。娜迪亚是一位可爱的女士,知识渊博。我们行程8个小时,有一个小时午餐时间,你可以自由活动。我们去了一家酒吧喝了一杯俄罗斯酒。滴血教堂非常棒。他们带我们去了一个免费赠送伏特加和咖啡的市场。绝对是完美的一天。撰写日期:2019年8月23日
- Kevin & Rena M0 条分享与丽莎的私人旅行我们刚刚在Ulkotours结束了一天的私人旅行。我们的导游丽莎棒极了,我们再怎么推荐她也不为过。知识渊博,所有参观的地方都她都一一跟我们讲解,还跟我们说一些我们感兴趣的东西。谢谢你!撰写日期:2019年7月15日
- mule590 条分享一定要来这里,工作人员很专业,了解很多信息,知识丰富丽莎在游轮港口和我们见面,做了自我介绍,12个人到齐之后,她带我们一起上了旅游车前。丽莎告诉了我们每天要做什么,回答了我们所有的问题。她很有条理,考虑周到,能够详细介绍我们去的所有景点的细节,提供景点相关的信息。她的英语很好,这使我们感到很舒服。我不知道ULKO旅行社是由谁经营的,但我相信我读到的评论。而且,我们还在正宗的俄罗斯餐馆吃了两顿午餐,那里的食物非常好,真是额外的福利。我会毫不犹豫地再次选择ULKO 旅行社,特别是如果丽莎是导游的话。我们的司机(我忘了他的名字了)在这个繁忙的城市里把我们安全地带到了各处,做得很好。各方面都很专业。撰写日期:2019年5月13日
- happyfloridian10 条分享最好的旅游,最好的服务。这个旅游组织者太棒了!他们非常专业,知识渊博,彬彬有礼,而且反应迅速。从沟通到服务,一切都很好。强烈推荐给所有人。我真的认为Ulko Tours是俄罗斯和欧洲最好的旅行社,我以后的欧洲旅行就认准这家机构了。撰写日期:2019年4月24日
- Gary F0 条分享为期两天的圣彼得堡之旅我们一群人里面有两对夫妻,一个有点残疾。导游玛丽安和司机谢尔盖都很优秀,他们都很乐于助人,见闻广博,也很有幽默感。他让我们此次旅行变得非常难忘。撰写日期:2018年10月2日
- slatha0 条分享在圣彼得堡和丽莎一起度过了两天我们的8人小团队在圣彼得堡和丽莎一起度过了愉快的两天。丽莎绝对让人感到惊奇。她说一口流利的英语,给我们提供了很多关于俄罗斯历史、文化和人民的信息。小组旅行使得我们很容易地参观了我们旅行路线上的大部分地方。除了交押金,开始旅游之前是不需要付全款的。我肯定会向任何去圣彼得堡旅行的人推荐乌尔科之旅。撰写日期:2018年8月22日
- MARGARET E0 条分享两天完美的私人旅程当我们通过游轮到达圣彼得堡时,我们安排了一个私人的两天行程,主要针对3个成年人和一个8岁的孩子。我们通过电子邮件约定了我们想看的景点,他们发送了初步的行程和价格。行程安排得很完美,虽然价格比我预期的要高,但也很值。我们有一个叫名叫伊丽娜(Irina)的司机和导游,非常出色。车子也很宽敞,很舒服。撰写日期:2018年7月13日
- cso_130 条分享强烈推荐我们临时决定为我们3天的圣彼得堡旅行雇一个导游。我发邮件联系了这个旅行社,家人给我推荐的这家旅行社。自始至终,导游Liz都很不错,服务很高效、专业、灵活、友好。一切都很快得安排好了,很不错。圣彼得堡的历史在Liz的导游和讲解下栩栩如生。我们最喜欢的是:他提供了恰如其分的信息,不太多也不太少,我们可以按照合适的速度进行游览。(和我们期待的一样,很快)。强烈推荐在圣彼得堡和导游一起游览,强烈推荐Liz和Ulko旅行社。撰写日期:2017年12月25日
- Kevin T0 条分享太棒了玛丽亚是一个绝对的明星,不走寻常路地向我们展示她的城市。 整个预订体验非常简单,互动很好。 司机的选择是一个绝对的额外惊喜 - 因为天气不好,但他很客气。 至于玛丽亚我们强烈推荐。撰写日期:2017年11月11日
- roxanabiffi0 条分享圣彼得堡两日私人游这是一次美妙的两日旅行。丽兹是我们的导游,她知识渊博,高效,耐心,善良又幽默!这两天真是壮观,设计良好,发展良好。我高度推荐Ulko旅行团。我听说他们非常好的。这点也可以理解,因为他们非常的优秀!谢谢你,丽兹和安得烈!撰写日期:2017年10月3日
- Lisa F0 条分享圣彼得堡两日精彩之旅!我们的圣彼得堡之旅真的特别棒,两天之内游览了尽可能多的景点:从彼得宫城到凯瑟琳宫,又搭地铁简单游览了下修道院。我们还在运河上玩了个痛快,体验了飞往彼得宫城的水上飞机。我们的导游liza知识渊博,对每件事物都很了解,我们提出的各种问题她都能完美应答。她的英文很好,不仅知识储备丰富,还跟我们讲了些生动有趣的轶事。我们的司机Andrew也特别好!我们停下来吃了两顿当地特色美食——美味为这次旅程再次加分。言语简直道不尽我跟丈夫这次圣彼得堡之旅的时光有多美好。记着一定要带上相机和舒适的鞋子,走路还是挺多的,尤其是第一天。撰写日期:2017年8月25日
- Minghua C0 条分享很棒的导游和司机我们的导游是Mariana,她对俄罗斯历史和艺术作品的广博知识给我们留下了深刻的印象。Mariana甚至把我们带到一个没有列入日程的美丽教堂,这样我们就可以在没有拥挤的人群的情况下看到美丽的建筑。这对我们来说简直就是很棒的奖励。午餐超出了我们的期望。司机也很好,照顾我们的财物。第一天我们吃午饭时,司机呆在车里,以确保我们留在车里的东西不会丢。如果我们再次来圣彼得堡玩,我会再次购买ULKO Tours的旅行行程。撰写日期:2017年7月15日
- Robin C0 条分享俄罗斯圣彼得堡的重要景点这是一次圣彼得堡的2天精彩之旅。日子过得很满,在鹅卵石路上行走的人很多。我们的导游埃琳娜非常出色,非常博学和乐于助人。她超出本职地去帮助每一个人,并确保能够解决他们的任何问题。这次旅行的价格很合理,跟我去过的任何一次旅游都差不多。我强烈推荐它。撰写日期:2017年5月30日
- Judy_Tlr0 条分享出色的导游,一次组织完美印象深刻的旅行我们从圣彼得堡的订了一天的Tsarkoye Selo和Peterhof之旅。我们不能完全用语言说出我们优秀的导游丽莎是如何完美计划着一天的。她英语说得很好,对于我们参观的所有景点的知识也很渊博。丽莎的解释是如此的丰富和有趣!我丈夫和我有非常多的问题,所有的问题都得到了解答。这次旅行我们得到了期望的一切,甚至更多!我们的司机Uri,也是一流的!我高度推荐这个旅行和丽莎导游!撰写日期:2017年4月18日
- Rebecca A0 条分享绝佳的旅行!!我们预定了三天之旅,丽兹是我们的导游!所为我们的导游,她太棒了。她们都非常博学而且漂亮。我们还有一个私人向导(和交通向导),他会带我们去很多重点的景点游玩!我无法想象在没有背景资料和个人经验下可以游览那么多的博物馆和景点。我会向任何游览圣彼得堡的人强烈推荐Ulko旅行团的。撰写日期:2017年2月28日
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10 条点评
Valeria v
2 条分享
2019年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Unsere Reiseleitung war super nett. Die Abholung und der Rücktransport haben super geklappt. Sie hätte allerdings unserem Geschmack nach auch gerne „fundiertere“ oder „geheimnisvolleren“ Details preis geben können, die eben nicht selbsterklärend sind. Für die 1,5 Stunden war der Preis natürlich sehr salzig, aber bei der Arbeit, die auf Grund der Restaurierung noch anfällt, verständlich.
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Dear Valeria,
Thank you for your feedback! We are happy you have enjoyed your tour guide and the transfer services we have provided you with to Catherine's palace in Tsarskoye Selo (Pushkin)!
This place is one of the most wanted palaces to visit and thus indeed is very crowded and quite pricey.
Our guides usually spend a lot of time at various museums learning facts and stories, and the museum staff only provides us with proven facts. A lot of attention is paid to the restoration process, as well.
We really love to share historical and artistic insights with our guests, so that they would have more understanding about Russian history and artistic trends that had existed back then when the tsars had lived.
Elena Ulko
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Mike B
英国35 条分享
2019年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Our guide was Adina and she was fantastic!
We were picked up in our hotel lobby and driven in a very comfortable minibus to the venue which was only 45min from the centre of the City. It was an amazing place to visit and was just like having a member of the family take you through the palace and gardens. Adina was very knowledgable and put no pressure on us to get around the rooms and gardens.
Obtaining the 'beat the queue tickets is a must for this place. Some people were queuing from the 4 hour sign!!!
Thanks to Adina again for making our day!!
We were picked up in our hotel lobby and driven in a very comfortable minibus to the venue which was only 45min from the centre of the City. It was an amazing place to visit and was just like having a member of the family take you through the palace and gardens. Adina was very knowledgable and put no pressure on us to get around the rooms and gardens.
Obtaining the 'beat the queue tickets is a must for this place. Some people were queuing from the 4 hour sign!!!
Thanks to Adina again for making our day!!
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Dear Mike,
Thank you for your kind words about your tour with Alina (Adina)! We are truly lucky to have her as a part of our guiding team.
Indeed, Skip-The-Line Private Tour to Catherine's Palace that we offer is one of the most popular options as it minimizes waiting time and crowds. We are pleased to hear that you were able to feel the benefits of it yourself!
We hope your time in Russia was a memorable one!
Julia Kharlamova
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德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市7 条分享
Traveling to St. Petersburg? Catherine’s Palace is an absolutely wonderful way to spend a half day. However, it is a very popular
place to go (and rightly so). Do yourself a favor and book a guided tour with UKLO tours. My wife and I so glad we did. It was well worth the price. Our wonderful personal guide, Julia, met us at our downtown St. Petersburg hotel. The car journey to Pushkin was expertly and comfortably navigated by Kirill. It was so nice not to hassle with public transportation to Pushkin. Julia spoke excellent English, was very informative, and has a delightful personality. She tailored the tour to things that we were interested in. She explained some of the history of St. Petersburg on our way to the Palace. We easily bypassed the lines of other tourists who were in large groups, since we were such a small group. Julia knew just where to go inside the Palace and the garden, which was so much more time efficient than if we were trying to tour the site by ourselves. She shared some interesting stories about the restoration since her uncle is part of the restoration team. This was certainly one of our favorite days in our trip to St. Petersburg and Scandinavia.
place to go (and rightly so). Do yourself a favor and book a guided tour with UKLO tours. My wife and I so glad we did. It was well worth the price. Our wonderful personal guide, Julia, met us at our downtown St. Petersburg hotel. The car journey to Pushkin was expertly and comfortably navigated by Kirill. It was so nice not to hassle with public transportation to Pushkin. Julia spoke excellent English, was very informative, and has a delightful personality. She tailored the tour to things that we were interested in. She explained some of the history of St. Petersburg on our way to the Palace. We easily bypassed the lines of other tourists who were in large groups, since we were such a small group. Julia knew just where to go inside the Palace and the garden, which was so much more time efficient than if we were trying to tour the site by ourselves. She shared some interesting stories about the restoration since her uncle is part of the restoration team. This was certainly one of our favorite days in our trip to St. Petersburg and Scandinavia.
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瑞士洛桑3 条分享
2019年6月 • 夫妻情侣
Our guide Ekaterina was very nice and gave us a very competent overview on St Pete in general. At Catherine’s Palace, we left with no question unanswered. Thanks!
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肯尼亚内罗毕5 条分享
2019年5月 • 夫妻情侣
The venue and our guide Marina, were a highlight of our trip to St. Petersburg. Highly recommend Catherine's Palace and ask for Marina. She is passionate and has a strong knowledge of the history of this incredible Palace. Enjoy
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5 条分享
2019年4月 • 好友
We had a wonderful trip to Pushkin and Catherine's Palace with Ekaterina. She was warm, friendly, very knowledgeable and quick to notice what would interest us most. We ducked past long group queues and were treated to a feast of interesting information without overload. The palace was amazing, but so was the car journey there and back (thanks to Serge!), as Katja made sure we didn't waste a minute of our time together. We got so much more out of this trip thanks to our wonderful guide and can only recommend others to visit the same way. Thank you!
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Dear Sam,
Thanks for such an amazing review.
Ekaterina, indeed, is a great guide and she enjoyed working with you, as well!
Hope to see you soon in Russia again.
Best regards,
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澳大利亚霍巴特27 条分享
If you Ever get to St Petersburg this must be on your bucket list.The beauty,the ornatness of this palace is breathtaking, from floor to ceiling from room to room the history is priceless, don't miss this one and the prices are amazingly cheap.
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Thank you for such warm words about Saint Petersburg!
We love it and it warms our hearts to know that our guests love it as much as we do:)
Next time, Moscow?
Let us know, and we will be delighted to assist you there as well!
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mark l
英国Fawkham7 条分享
2019年2月 • 夫妻情侣
Would highly recommend booking this tour, Our Guide Liz, was fantastic and also on the way provided us with a great deal of history about St Petersburg in WW2 as well as a brilliant tour of St Catherine's Palace !
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Dear MLindop1,
Thank you for this wonderful review! We hope we see you soon again onboard with UlkoTours to explore some more of Russia.
Best regards.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Gary F
Slatington, Pennsylvania, Usa43 条分享
On a cruise of the Baltic we stopped in St. Petersburg, Russia,we visited so many beautiful sites one of the most impressive and beautiful was Catherine's Palace and the Amber Room. The palace was so large and so ornate . We were greeted with champagne and a concert followed by a luscious dinner . A truely must see.
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卡罗莱纳州Kernersville339 条分享
After completely missing the Peterhof interiors (I could either stand in line over 3 hours or see the grounds), after much thought, I opted for this “skip the line” tour of Catherine’s Palace. Everything about the process was easy and smooth. I was able to compare a variety of tours on TripAdvisor-and because I’d waited so long, many were sold out. I only opted for this shorter, four hour tour because it was still available, I would definitely suggest going with a longer “skip the line” tour in order to have time to adequately see the grounds. But as far as the actual tour, it was fantastic! Even with it being just me-my tour guide walked us in right on time, AHEAD of larger tour groups. We were never rushed through rooms, and I was given tons of excellent background info. (Marina really knows her history and culture!) We then had a short amount of time in the gardens, but you’ll want more. Our driver was excellent, quickly getting us out of a traffic backup by detouring. The car was very nice, clean and air conditioned. I received several emails setting things up, then Marina arrived at my hotel for pickup right on time. On the way out of town, we had time to stop at the House of Soviets and The Monument to the Defenders of Leningrad. They are both important parts of St Petersburg history-make sure you ask to stop, not just drive by. The Monument has a small museum that is apparently well worth the time, but because my Palace tour was shorter, we had to move on. I have a HUGE issue with the fact that the ticket system at all of the summer palaces is skewed towards large tour groups-making it almost impossible for solo or small group ticket purchasers to avoid hours in the line specifically for Palace tickets. The only way to avoid that is with the “skip the line” tours, and I do feel that my money was well spent. The guides and site clearly have a smooth system set up, it certainly made for an easy day for me with hotel pickup and drop off! (And although many reviewers on TA talk about how easy it was to use public transport to get there, as I often do, just as many talk about it taking up to 90 minutes. The drive was 45, and you are able to stop in the old Soviet area.) If you must go this route, then I recommend a “skip the line” tour as the most efficient use of your time, and best value.
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Dear marftrip,
It is a great thing to hear that you've enjoyed your short tour through Catherine palace with Marina.
We have indeed worked hard to get a better option for pre-booked tours so that our guests would skip the huge lines at the entrances to museums.
We also are happy to read that you've liked the car and our driver. Marina is also a great guide and she really enjoyed touring with you.
Thank so much for this prompt review. We hope to see you again onboard with UlkoTours.
Best regards,
Elena Ulko,
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
I will be in St. Petersburg for 7 days in August. Can I accompany other tourists on your small group tours and if so, what would the cost be for a small group tour with others since I will be alone?
why is this tour so expensive? I would like a public tour and not a private one. Please advise
We are arriving on the MS Zosima Shashkov. How far is the boat from where we would meet our tour guide? We are very interested in taking this tour. We have a group of 10 adults.
Question for St.Petersburg Skip-The-Line Private Tour: Catherine's Palace with Amber Room in Tsarskoye Selo
We are arriving on the MS Zosima Shashkov. How far is the boat from where we would meet our tour guide? We are very interested in taking this tour. We have a group of 10 adults.
How long will I get at Catherine Palace (excluding travel time there and back?)
The Palace has route 1 available for both individuals or group, route 2 is only for group, so your tour includes both routes or just only route 1? Thanks
I was told by my guide that it’s just luck as to whichever you are assigned, but we ended up with the better route, route 1.
Anne v
so we will be picked up at our hotel in st.petersburg in the morning? (ekspo hotel) at what time ?
We were picked up at 10am and dropped off at about 2.30pm. That was enough time, as our heads needed to process what we had seen and the great information provided.
Hello, I would like if it´s possible that we join a tour with other people on 5th August, in a van with others. Thank you.
墨西哥Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl
quiero saber si hay guia en español, me interesa en español
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