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- 私人英语导游
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- 免费瓶装水
- 私人空调车辆运输
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- 门票(350 元人民币/48 美元)
- 住宿
- 入场/门票 - 汉阳陵
- 入场/门票 - 大雁塔
- 入场/门票 - 西安城墙
- 入场/门票 - 回坊风情街
- 入场/门票 - 西安市
- 出发地点:提供旅行者接送服务。接送服务详情
- 您的导游和司机将根据您的飞行时间在机场等您。如果乘坐火车,您将在火车站接您。预订旅游时,请提供您的航班或火车信息。
提供机场接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的机场列表中进行选择。- Xianyang Airport, Xi'an China
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- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
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- 请穿舒适的步行鞋。
- 儿童必须由成人陪同。
- 这是一项私人游览/活动。 只有您的团队能够参加
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- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7493P8
- 浩志 伴0 条分享没想到这么顺利第一次用这个服务,我觉得非常不错。因为在兵马俑博物馆的门口,我用过自己的护照可以进去,而去会改变约的时间。谢谢!撰写日期:2023年10月8日
- choiyip1230 条分享高铁网上订票快捷,时间,车种类多,抵达目的地也多,详细说明,在当地以证件兑换火车票方便,火车准时,舒服,程坐过上海来回杭州,南京,北京,广州来回香港,深圳,贵州,从江,云南,桂林等地的高铁,经济实惠,安全,出票快捷。撰写日期:2019年12月14日
- RWC19tour0 条分享从香港经广州到成都,然后乘火车到北京。我们的票是在出发前大约一个月通过中国的火车应用程序预订的。所有的预订都通过电子邮件得到了及时的回复。送我们到香港酒店,2张在九龙西站取,其余2张在成都东站取。在两个非常大而繁忙的车站换乘也非常顺利。我对中国订票和售票的方式非常满意。我们去北京的时候没有准备好行李检查,在机场进行4个行李的扫描,包括火车上的一个。这些搜查适用于每一位乘客,而不仅仅是外国游客。撰写日期:2019年10月23日
- alejandroy3890 条分享动车景区旅游公司给我们定了动车票,还定错了。然后他们和我们取得了联系,把问题解决了。撰写日期:2019年10月22日
- davidsR7535LG0 条分享邮轮、火车和机票我想要感谢Sunny和Kelly在我们在中国游览期间帮助预定游轮、飞机和火车票。这让我们的游览毫无压力,非常愉快,非常感谢。撰写日期:2019年10月21日
- travelerrose480 条分享私人订制17日游——西安,成都,重庆,长江巡游,宜昌,张家界,长沙,桂林,杭州让旅行中国指南公司帮忙计划我们的中国传奇之旅,而不是选择其他两家公司,这是个非常明智且值得的决定。首先,我是个回头客;其次,他们给我提供了最棒的旅游日程;然后,价格格外实惠,令人难以拒绝,其中包括回头客的折扣外加汽车电子制动力分配。旅游顾问莱克西一路相伴,尽管在安排的旅行时,我们相隔几英里,这似乎没有造成什么困扰。我们这队人似乎都对未知的中国充满了无限的憧憬与敬畏。等待我们的旅途会是什么样的,我们也一无所知。预定的酒店都是四星或五星级酒店,早餐为西方人和亚洲人特别定制。我们参观的地方宛若梦境,如果不是亲眼所见,真是难以置信。莱克西非常耐心地解答我的一箩筐问题,回答迅速专业,令人放心。即使相隔千里,我也对她百般信赖。行程天衣无缝,旅途满载欢乐,大家就很感谢我。但我得说,莱克西才是大功臣。我确信,她已经俘获了大家百分百的钦佩,以后他们去中国其他地方旅游,他们会是回头客的。撰写日期:2019年9月30日
- OnAir299638645490 条分享Brilliant tour with TracyWe had a very thorough tour of the Terracotta Warriors, the Small Wild Goose Pagoda, and the city wall. Tracy is very punctual picking us up at the hotel, and she explained and elaborated very clearly with fluent English about the historical details of every site that we visited. I was asking a lot of questions, and she is very nice to answer them all. Every site that we visited are impressive with this sense of long history, the parts of the weapons in the Terracotta Warrior Pits are my favorite of all, that gives a sight on the earliest mass production in Chinese History. 我们去了兵马俑,小雁塔和城墙。Tracy小姐姐全程都在用非常流利的英语为我们做讲解,我问了贼多问题她也都一个个耐心的解答了~2号俑坑内的兵器部件实在是太精美了,很难想象是那么多年前用简易机械如何大量生产的。撰写日期:2019年6月18日
- Lorenzo L0 条分享帮忙订了火车票这地方的服务超赞的,员工们帮我改正了错误的预订信息,而且没有向我们要钱,事实上还帮我们省了钱。真是太棒的。撰写日期:2018年8月8日
- snair12290 条分享帝王之都----西安来西安一定要去兵马俑,其次去回民街,大唐芙蓉园,明城墙,法门寺 华山,其他根据喜好了,本人是西安本地人,热爱自由,真挚友善,有想咨询的可以问我哈,乐意效劳!撰写日期:2017年6月26日
- Emilyrihanna0 条分享长安、长治久安除了兵马俑、请一定要去清真大寺。一座大寺就是一整件顶级文物。钟鼓楼随便逛逛就好、不需要太当真,有表演还是挺不错的。回民街的价位还是挺高的,西安小巷里的好吃也多又便宜,但回民街上有些古宅感觉挺好的呢…撰写日期:2015年11月5日
- faithgita0 条分享棒极了……中国导游公司棒极了!我们在中国玩的真的很开心。 我发了无数电子邮件将一切安排好之后,因为我点了两次,竟然付了两次钱。我真是太兴奋了。甚至连付了两次钱都不知道。 我收到了中国导游公司的电子邮件,在邮件里他们提醒我正在为我多余的付款进行退款。退款马上就打进了我的信用卡里。 ×××北京……一到机场,中国导游公司的导游就举着牌子在等我们了。 他把我们送到了4星级的中环假日酒店。导游回答了我们的全部问题,还给了我们一些第二天出行的信息以及晚餐的建议。 第一天在中环假日酒店吃的自助早餐有很多选择。我们早晨9点就出去了,而早晨8点半导游和司机就在酒店外面等着我们了。出行之前,我们在大厅里的货币兑换机里换了一些现金。 第一站是壮丽的天安门广场,然后是紫禁城。那里有太多景点可看了,我们不只有导游,还有私人照相师随时陪着我们。 我们在锦都久缘饭店吃的午饭,套餐里有很多好吃的饭菜,还包括了啤酒或软饮料。我们要了椰汁。 午饭之后我们去了天坛。然后晚餐去吃了北京烤鸭,很抱歉我忘记了饭店的名字,但是我们仿佛置身于皇宫之中。 回酒店的路上,我要求在路上停几分钟去丝绸市场逛了一下,然后才回的酒店。 司机和导游时刻准备着满足我们的一切要求。到酒店之前我们要求去药房买些安眠药,完全没有问题,药房里没有人会说英语,多亏了导游帮我们买到了药。 吃了药之后我们睡了个好觉,第二天吃了早餐之后,我们就去了奥运赛场……鸟巢、水立方、奥运村。司机带着我们逛了这些漂亮的地标性建筑。然后去了神路和明陵。 午饭安排在正院大宅门饭店,那里漂亮极了,饭菜也很棒。午饭期间我们欣赏到了很棒的现场娱乐表演,我都说不明白我欣赏到了如何好的表演,吃到了多么好吃的饭菜。我在桌子上留下了小费,女服务员还跑过来给我送了回来。 下午我们远足去爬了慕田峪长城。是我要求去慕田峪长城的,因为那里走路近一些,但是开车也要至少90分钟。 逛完长城之后,我们去了市场,那里很有意思,我买了一些桌布、围巾等等。而且一番讨价还价之后能在这里买到最便宜的东西。我们的晚餐安排在晚上9点回假日酒店吃,所以我又要求他们把我送到丝绸市场,再去买了些东西。 导游还给了我一些打车回酒店的提示。 打车可不算方便,从丝绸市场打车到假日酒店要20分钟。我们按导游说的把酒店卡片给司机看。很多司机看了卡片却不拉我们。我们走了一个多小时问了几个人……但他们都不会说英语,也不会说我们听得懂的俄语或法语。我太怀念我的保姆了(我的导游)。 最后我走到附近一个很棒的酒店里,那里只有主管会说英语,我告诉他我们迷路了,需要打车去中环假日酒店。他叫了个行李生帮我们打了车,叫的第一辆就带我们回到了酒店。 在北京的最后一天我们非常忙碌,导游帮我们在中环假日酒店退了房。那天一早我们就去了北京动物园,只去看了熊猫馆。然后去中关村看了看那里著名的电子市场。在中钢大厦吃了午饭。 一进饭店我十分惊叹。真的无法相信那里是如此之好啊。 在导游的帮助下我们点了午餐。吃饭期间,司机和导游在旁边另一张桌上坐下了。他们告诉我们如果需要帮助的话可以找他们。下午我们又去了颐和园,傍晚他们把我们送到了机场。导游为我们打出了电子客票,确定了在我们大肆购物之后行李还没有超重,又帮我们办理了登机手续。直到我们过安检口的时候我们的保姆才离开,真不知道没有他我们会遇到多大的麻烦啊。忘了说了,到机场之后导游和司机帮我们把行李卸了下来,我给了他们两人每人一个感谢信,里面装了些小费。 ×××西安……我们在飞机上吃了晚饭,之前我们就知道有个漂亮的年轻女士会在机场等我们。她带我们入住了4星级的古都新世界大酒店,一切都非常简单顺利,入住之后大约晚上11点了。 酒店富丽堂皇。 我们在西安的第一个早晨是在酒店吃的自助餐。后来我们发现那里有两个早餐厅。有很多饭菜可以选。之后我们先去了秦始皇兵马俑博物馆……那里是一定得去的。 从博物馆出来我们又回到西安市中心吃了午饭。在乐轩华饭店我们惊喜的遇到了我们的导游。她给我们带了个礼物,我们还和她拍照留念。午饭很好吃。下午我们去了大雁塔。当天晚上我们吃了饺子宴。 第二天,我们早晨去了大清真寺,然后在旁边的市场里买了些东西。那天是礼拜六,我们很幸运的看到了好几场婚礼。午饭之后去了古城墙、鼓楼、省博物馆,我见过日本的茶道,这次很有幸见识了中国的茶道。 当天的晚餐不包括在旅行费用中,所以我们晚上自己回了酒店。在酒店对面的糕点店里买了一块水果蛋糕。 第二天一早他们就把我们送到了机场,还是中国导游公司的导游和司机帮我们搬下了行李、买票、通过安检。 ……上海……在飞机上我们吃了顿早午餐。一到上海机场,中国导游公司的导游就在那里等着我们了。他帮我们拿出行李,然后就去了4星级的亚繁龙门大酒店。酒店就在地铁站旁边。房间很不错,非常安静,但是还没准备好,所以导游就带我们去附近的饭店吃了午饭。这顿午饭不包括在旅行费用中。他帮我们点了菜。这是最有意思的一部分……我们要叉子……但没人送过来。导游去了他们的厨房,回来给我说“你肯定不相信,他们这里只有一把叉子”我说“你开玩笑吧”,然后他告诉我说“我也希望是在开玩笑,但是这里真的就这一把叉子”。 后来下午我们去了水货市场。导游帮我给计程车司机写了个条子,上面写着“带我去水货市场,在门口停车,帮我指出入口”。司机真的照办了。晚上我们在麦当劳吃了麦旋风。 酒店的早餐是自助式的,有很多选择。中国导游公司的人来酒店接我们,把我们带到了豫园,然后去了市场(我很喜欢那里)。 午饭后我们去了上海博物馆、外滩、南京路。 我们在位于南京路上的王宝和大酒店享受了我们的送别晚宴。饭菜棒极了。晚餐之后他们开车带我们游览了上海的夜景。 最后一天中国导游公司的导游中午12点来到酒店,帮我们退了房,然后带我们去机场。直到我们进了安检口他才离开。 中国导游公司的员工太专业了。他们就是我们的朋友、向导。我们遇到的3个导游就是我们的眼睛和耳朵。他们每分每秒都在照顾着我们。他们全天候为我们服务。而享受这些服务每个人只要不到1400美元(约合9194人民币)。 我真不知道应该怎样表达我对中国导游公司的感谢了。 这是一次无忧无虑的旅行。撰写日期:2010年11月22日
- Frank09360 条分享出色的中国旅行社中国导游公司是我们订过最好的公司之一。总能联系到他们,网上的咨询和预订也能及时回复。 他们的司机和导游是一流的,每次都准时接我们去景点。 我是和丈夫去的,每个景点都有私人导游和司机全程服务。 如果想去中国玩,又不想跟着大旅行团被赶着跑,还想有一流服务,那这家公司绝对首选。撰写日期:2010年10月28日
- 0 条分享带孩子一起去旅游很棒!!我们来中国各地旅游(4个成人,5个孩子)并且请了国旅导游(TCG)。我们计划好了自己旅游,按照我们的计划,每次都给我们安排一辆中巴,一位会说英语的导游带我们去景点,提前预订好好吃的食物(他们会给孩子们安排好)。整体来说非常轻松的假期!撰写日期:2010年10月27日
- Almerie0 条分享中国导旅公司:12天游北京-西安_桂林 - 阳朔 -上海标题:12天北京 - 西安 - 桂林 - 阳朔 - 桂林 - 上海 评论:从2010年7月21日到8月2日,我和朋友和中国导游公司在中国旅游。我们得到该公司的优质服务。这次旅游对我们付的价格来说,非常,非常物有所值。一切都包在内,我们在旅游时几乎不要花什么钱,除了购买礼品等。 酒店一流,位置极佳。所有的早餐都超出我们期望,该公司提供午餐和晚餐也是。 包在旅游里的2个演出令人惊叹。我们也感激每天提供的2瓶水 ,特别是每次午餐和晚餐的2瓶免费饮料。 饭菜真的特别好,服务非常好。导游(所有都是女士)见多识广,非常乐于助人,而且友善。对我们来说,去桂林参观和李河乘船游览是亮点。我向每一个希望在中国旅行的人推荐中国导游公司。 我们还从公司得到免费的团体照片(4张)和一件“T”恤衫。我必须指出,我们在那里时,非常,非常热。 如果我回来(我希望这样),我会在9月/ 10月旅行,那时气温较为温和!我经常旅行,可以诚实地说,这是目前为止组织得最好,最轻松的旅游,而且最物有所值。我得祝贺中国导游公司自始至终的出色服务。 Almerie Fourie 南非撰写日期:2010年8月31日
- Danielle S0 条分享和中国导游在中国呆了一个月为期25天的中国之行,北京 - 西安 - 丽江 - 昆明 - 桂林 - 阳朔 - 桂林 - 成都 - 重庆 - 长江上游 - 宜昌 - 上海 下面是我写给TravelChinaGuide.com的一封信,这是我(也是我老公)感谢中国导游公司的方式,因为他们,我们过了一个非常独特和难忘的假期旅行。如果有其他问题或需要进一步的评论,请告诉我。 亲爱的Abby和Ruby, 非常感谢你们的帮助,我们在你们美丽的国家过了一个很棒的假期。 我们所有的导游不仅非常专业,而且竭尽全力帮助我们了解他们的城市或地区的各个方面。他们都非常幽默,我们在比较各自的文化时,我们一直在一起笑,我们认为,如果我们在中国生活一段时间, Gloria (北京),Julia(西安),Rodney(丽江),Nancy (昆明),Sandy(桂林),Susan(成都)和Sean(上海)都有可能成为个人的朋友,,他们很容易相处,并使我们的旅行在各方面都完美而且有趣。他们的知识耐心让人惊讶。 在丽江,Rodney在帮我们管理超重的行李时表现特别突出:因为入住登记只排了一条队,我们等了45分钟,Rodney认为这太荒谬了,让门卫知道,我们都非常失望;门卫感到内疚,没有向我们收取超重行李费用就让我们过去了(我想我们买了太多的纪念品!)。我们三个人因为这件事笑了很久,Rodney维护了我们的利益。 遗憾的是,由于我老公得了小病,Sandy特别引人注目:这并不是说其他导游不乐于助人,但实际情况使Sandy有机会挺身而出。我们请酒店叫医生时,Sandy过来帮助翻译,并陪我们到附近的医院:医生医术精湛;她说,要几个小时后才有血液测试结果,所以她让我们回酒店休息,并承诺,一有结果就打Sandy的手机。桑迪在酒店大堂等候,我们在楼上,因为两个小时后,Sandy还没有听到任何消息,他亲自回到医院,拿到我们需要的。作为一个导游,真是非常专业...和导游比他更像一个守护神,依靠他,让人很安心。顺便说一下,多亏医生开的处方,我老公的不适很快消退了,我们此行的其余部分非常顺利。最后,再次显示了Sandy的协调能力,使我们的旅行更愉快:我喜欢中国结,我在度假期间,在几个地方看到,我想购买一个,晚上坐船游漓江,船上有一个大的红色中国结挂在船员区。桑迪问我是否喜欢,他主动提出向船员要,他的谈判很成功,现在这个中国结挂在我在美国的家门口! 我们的司机技术高超,甚至令人惊讶:我会很害怕在中国的城市开车,因为车太多了,但他们让我们感到安全,我们印象非常深刻。一个特别的司机值得一提:北京的黄先生。我和老公都特别喜欢当代建筑,因为北京好几天都有雾,我们从来没有真正看清鸟巢和水立方。因为我们在北京的最后一天天晴了,在去机场的路上,黄先生开车带我们经过这两个建筑,我们很感动,非常感激他的细心,我们永远不会忘记他和他的倡议。 Travelchinaguide.com在旅行前和服务期间的服务,是我们在世界各地旅行中见过的最棒的。我作为一个专业旅游顾问,我和各地很多旅游运营商打过交道,所以我真的强烈推荐你们的服务,我会很乐意回答任何问题:请随时把我的电子邮件地址给您的客户。 向所有中国导游的员工亲切问候 Danielle Danielle Santal,旅游顾问 旅行途中,隶属阿德勒旅行社The Adler Travel Agency撰写日期:2009年11月27日
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19 条点评
Ardor Fluids
突尼斯Manouba Governorate7 条分享
2024年6月 • 家庭
Very efficient customer service with quick responses. Agents are also reachable by phone and speak good English. We are satisfied.
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Dear valued guest, thank you for posting this cheerful comment! It is very glad to know you enjoyed a wonderful trip in Xian. It's our great pleasure to travel with you. And we look forward to planning your next vacation. Best regards.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
田纳西纳什维尔29 条分享
This was our 2nd destination with Travel China Guides. We were pleasantly greeted at the train station by our guide, Celine, and the driver (Mrs Liu) who helped us take our bags to the car. They drove us to the holiday inn big wild goose pagoda which was a great hotel. The next morning we were taken to the terra-cotta warriors, which was beyond our expectations. Of note, Celine took the time on the drive over to do an excellent job of explaining the history behind that emperor and his Terracotta Army. She then took us to a fabulous restaurant on site for some yummy local noodles. After that we visited the Small Wild Goose Pagoda and were given a very informative tour. We finished the day at the Muslim market and mosque which we throughly enjoyed. The following day, they took us to the Xi’an city wall where we biked on the top (very fun). Lastly, we went to the Han Yangling Mausoleum which dovetailed well with the Terracotta Army.
Celine and Mrs Liu were exceptional. Celine’s English, knowledge of history, and passion for tour guiding made our visit so special. We truly thank Celine for her hospitality and Travel China Guides for arranging such an incredible visit.
More to follow.
Celine and Mrs Liu were exceptional. Celine’s English, knowledge of history, and passion for tour guiding made our visit so special. We truly thank Celine for her hospitality and Travel China Guides for arranging such an incredible visit.
More to follow.
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Dear chrisw411,
Thank you for your detailed post of the wonderful Xi’an trip! How cheerful to know you were happy with the trip and our service! Our travel experts with years of experience master all travel types to meet your needs. Thank you again for choosing us. We look forward to serving you again!
Best regards.
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Nicky C
3 条分享
We as a team of five spent two days with our travel guider Lily, she was so nice to organize the whole trip per our request, and very professional to introduce the whole journey and helped us know the city and Chinese history in a much better way. She's also very friend and patient, her recommendation of food are very good in terms of quality, price, service, environment etc. It is not an easy work to provide such a high quality service with the two days raining. Thanks a lot for her help to make this journey a wonderful one.
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Dear Nicky C,
Great appreciation for your detailed review! It thrills us that your trip is lovely and enjoyable. Our guides and consultants are all travel experts with years of experience. They work as hard as they can to present you with an unparalleled tour. Thank you again for choose us and we look forward to the next trip with you. Best regards!
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Dad Travels Beijing
7 条分享
My family recently moved to Beijing and we wanted to travel within China over a short weekend. Cindy at Travel China Guide took care of everything from the train bookings to the hotel and the tickets to the Terra Cotta Warriors and other attractions.
Roger was a helpful guide and was good with our two young children.
Xi'an was a great city to visit, we really enjoyed the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Muslim Quarter "Snack Street". The Wild Goose Pagoda was impressive but not much to do there. However, the refurbished "Chinatown" area across the street is spectacularly lighted at night with lots of great food stalls and people-watching to be had.
Thanks to Cindy, Roger, and the rest of Travel China Guide staff who helped for a good weekend!
Roger was a helpful guide and was good with our two young children.
Xi'an was a great city to visit, we really enjoyed the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Muslim Quarter "Snack Street". The Wild Goose Pagoda was impressive but not much to do there. However, the refurbished "Chinatown" area across the street is spectacularly lighted at night with lots of great food stalls and people-watching to be had.
Thanks to Cindy, Roger, and the rest of Travel China Guide staff who helped for a good weekend!
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Dear DadTravelsBeijing,
Greetings from TravelChinaGuide! Many thanks for taking time and sharing the review of your recent family tour with us. We feel really glad to know that we have helped you to arrange a good weekend in Xi'an and you were pleased with our travel consultant Cindy and local guide Roger. Thanks so much for your recognition on both our booking service and tour service. We will always strive to be perfect and provide the best service to our clients. Please keep in touch should you come back to China. Best wishes!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
2 条分享
Our visit to Xi’an was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Much of this is due to our guide, Jackie. He was the epitome of a professional guide, knowledgeable, organized, informative and very personable. In one and a half days we visited the Terracotta Army Museum, the City Wall and the Muslim Quarter, the Shaanxi History Museum, the Small Wild Goose Pagoda and had a wonderful lunch with a local family (who went out of her way to accommodate my wife’s food allergies). Thank you Jackie.
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Dear dcdjsd,
Thanks for sharing your fantastic Xi'an tour review with us! It is a pleasure to know that our professional guide Jacky has brought you an enjoyable experience in Xi'an and you even enjoyed your lunch at the local home. We feel so excited that all what we did for you were to your expectation. Thanks for your highly praise and we wish to have the second time to serve you. Best regards!
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Sylvia S
2 条分享
We recently visited Xi’an and had a fantastic guide named Mervyn through China Highlights. She was very personable and knowledgeable about the attractions we visited. She was flexible and patient (we take a lot of pictures) and allowed us to spend as much time as we wanted at various places. She was also extremely helpful in helping us find some personal we thought we lost. I highly recommend her.
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Dear Sylvia S,
We are happy to read your comments here and know that you have had a fantastic time in Xi'an with Mervyn's company. Thank you for your recommendation and welcome to visit China again in the near future. Best wishes!
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2 条分享
2019年4月 • 夫妻情侣
We had an excellent tour with them. Coming from India we were not sure about the places to stay, visit and eat! But the Guide,Lily was good and made sure that we got Vegetarian food at all the places we visited.
Her English too was excellent and it was easy to converse with her and her knowledge of the historic places was good too.
We would recommend them highly for have free travel.
Her English too was excellent and it was easy to converse with her and her knowledge of the historic places was good too.
We would recommend them highly for have free travel.
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Dear Exploration291890,
Thank you for sharing your tour review with us! It is joyful to see that you had an excellent tour in Xi'an with us. From your words we learn that our guide Lily's excellent knowledge and great service have made your Xi'an trip a great experience. Thanks for your kind recommendation and hope that you can use our service again in the near future. Have a nice day!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
6 条分享
2019年8月 • 独自旅游
The Terra Cotta Warriors were breathtaking and the Provincial Museum amazing. A special treat was the Tai Chi lesson arranged by my guide Lola. She organized a 1-on-1 lesson with a Tai Chi Master in Wild Goose Pagoda Park. Lola was awesome!
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Dear laurarc2019,
Greetings from TravelChinaGuide! What a nice thing to know that you had an awesome time in Xi'an, visited many amazing places and did Tai Chi with the company of our guide Lola. Thank you for your recognition on our over arrangements and our tour service. Welcome to use our service again should you return. Have a nice day!
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4 条分享
we are a group of six consist of elderly 82 & 67, kids, 8 & 6 and adult,..we came to xi'an in late evening because of airplane delayed from beijing,.fortunately celine help us to book a resto near hotel so we can eat dinner although the resto almost closed. celine is a workmanlike,friendly,& helpful.she has patient with us because we are slow group with wheelchair elderly, but she can manage time so we can see all the destination and enjoy it. tks celine and travel china which made our holiday unforgettable and wonderfull.
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Dear beldandy99,
Thank you for sharing your Xi'an tour review with us! We are glad that your group had an unforgettable and wonderful tour with our guide Celine's company. Besides, it is also good to know that Celine has provided excellent services for you, she helped you with booking a restaurant at first night and took special care of the elders and children in your group. We do agree with you that Celine is a friendly and helpful guide. Thanks again for your support on our work. We hope to have another chance to serve you in the future. Best regards!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
3 条分享
2019年8月 • 家庭
We came to Xi’an for a weekend trip with our 11 month-old baby son. Thanks to Celine our trip was very interesting and really enjoyable. Celine was very courteous, always on time and extremely knowledgable about the city and its attractions. Most importantly, she showed great care and kindness towards our baby son and she knew very well how to interact with and entertain him. This made our trip so much easier and more comfortable. She happily accommodated us when we needed to make alterations to our itinerary and was very flexible to suit our needs. Celine is not only a great storyteller but she also has a thorough knowledge of the history of the city and the heritage sites we visited. She was always happy to answer all our questions. As we are currently living in Beijing, we particularly enjoyed talking with her about the day-to-day living in contemporary China. In addition, Celine gave us useful hints of where to buy things we needed, especially those for the baby. Her restaurant recommendations were very accurate and we ended up eating all our meals in the places she suggested. She always had our interest and safety in mind, and when we visited the muslim street she ensured that we savoured only the safe food (which was delicious nonetheless). We would definitely recommend seeing Xi’an and its top sights with Celine. Thanks to her, this was our best city trip in China so far.
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Dear spxvqbi,
We are thankful for taking your precious time and sharing this detailed Xi'an tour review on Tripadvisor. Besides, we are more than excited to know that our guide Celine's excellent service has met your satisfaction. From your words we learn that Celine took good care of your baby son and gave you full of information about this ancient city throughout the tour. She was also careful about your safety when in Muslim Quarter. Celine is indeed an excellent guide who deserves your positive words on her. Thank you for your kind recommendation on our tour service. Wish to serve you again in China.
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I have half day on 17th and full day on 18th, can we customise our tour?
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