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- Quinn D0 条分享驾驶之外的帮助古斯曾是个出色的司机,现在也是。从他到机场接我们的那一刻起,他就一直是我们在里约热内卢的向导。这是一个如此大的城市,不知道去哪里会让人不知所措——古斯是你最适合去咨询问题的人。他学识渊博,最重要的是诚实。你会和他相处得很舒服的。撰写日期:2019年6月30日
- Ibaez740 条分享城市导游我们和Gus在里约热内卢度过了一个美妙的一天。他对这座城市的深刻了解和富有洞察力的描述令人惊叹。他非常乐于助人,能顺应我们的爱好。在这座城市中最好的导游!撰写日期:2018年12月26日
- Vincentchan7370 条分享里约热内卢一日游Gus是个很专业的导游。虽然我们只在里约待了两天,但他带我们去参观了里约最主要的几个观光点,向我们介绍了很多当地情况。他细心照顾我们,还告诉我们每个景点的最佳拍照处,让我们拍到了不少美照。最重要的是,我们还享用了一顿美味的传统巴西烤肉午餐,对里约留下了极好的印象。非常感谢Gus。撰写日期:2018年11月15日
- Kjetil Ø0 条分享有史以来最好的向导!我们去巴西来了一场父子之旅,古斯(GUS)在里约欢迎了我们,帮助我们满足我们所有的实际需要,并且总是积极,友好,专业。当我们独自出行的时候,也能找得到他,并且一直跟着我们在里约度过了整个旅程。我热烈推荐古斯,他英语说得很流利,也知道里约所有的事情。一个热情的人。谢谢你让我们的旅程如此精彩!撰写日期:2018年10月4日
- christinecO4059QR0 条分享机场/大型游轮转换我是一个单独的女性旅行者,需要从机场到我的酒店,然后到第二天的邮轮码头。格斯和他的侄子很棒,帮我规划了旅程!所有事情都按计划进行。不幸的是,我的行李被耽搁了,格斯和他的机组人员一直等到和我同航班的人都离开了还在等。我只是通过电话保持联系!从机场到酒店的旅程太棒了!我以前从未去过里约,格斯给了我很多信息!第二天早上,他的侄子准时到了我的酒店,带我去游轮码头。我觉得他们的出租车服务非常安全。很推荐他们!撰写日期:2018年7月13日
- Helen F0 条分享我们游览了救世基督像、市中心还有城市森林般的景色导游格斯很好地带你融入他所热爱的这座城市,领略这里的人文景观。他懂得很多,并且可以了解你的兴趣。他在引导游客方面很在行,让我们沉浸在热带雨林的气氛中,给足够的时间去让我们去探索,交通也及时便利,整个过程都很有趣,我们学到很多东西。他很热爱他的导游工作,我们都被他的热情所感染了。最重要的是,他的英语很棒(这真的是太好了,都忘记提了这点)!撰写日期:2018年5月29日
- momosid60 条分享超赞的机场接送格斯和他的侄子温德尔,在我们去里约热内卢的旅途上承接了我家人的机场接送。我们被他们用灿烂的笑容和大颗心欢迎了!!!他们是优秀的司机而且一直很准时。格斯对城市生活和巴西历史非常了解,开始和结束里约热内卢的冒险能和他在一起对此我们对他不能有更多的感激!我会强烈推荐格斯给我的家人和朋友们!撰写日期:2017年9月24日
- Roger S0 条分享任务团队领导我跟着艾维斯旅行很多年了。他知识渊博,令旅游很有趣。他和我的旅行团一起工作,每年都要去里约热内卢,我们很高兴。强烈推荐艾维斯。撰写日期:2017年6月25日
- Roberto R0 条分享绝对超赞格斯知道很多知识,游客会觉得他让人很舒服。他还很乐于助人,而且行动迅速。他还告诉我们很多有趣的故事,向我展示了里约Copacabana Robert的另一面撰写日期:2017年5月14日
- rjkattu0 条分享很棒的导游Gus是我们在里约4月份玩的时候的导游,回答我们电子邮件的问题时很及时,耐心。他的英语很好,在沟通上没有问题。在公寓接我们时很快,带我们参观了这个里约美丽的城市,即使我们在8小时内带我们走了很多地方,但我们也没感觉累,他给我们许多时候自己漫步,耐心地给我们照相,他知道得很多,极力推荐他撰写日期:2017年4月17日
- Fudleysmith0 条分享很高兴被提供这样的杰出服务我们不能更满意了,Gus在游船码头接我们,为我们提供了美妙的一天,在里约热内卢看到了很多亮点。糖面包山,基督救世主,大教堂,平铺的楼梯,美丽的海滩,还有一家提供黑豆餐的很棒的餐馆。这家小餐馆太棒了以致于我们在那里吃饭的时候有一位新闻工作者正在拍摄一个片段。我们把我们自己交到Gus能干的双手上,从来没有失望。再次感谢,格里格和莉莉。撰写日期:2017年3月9日
- Sydney H0 条分享很棒的城市旅游从迈阿密飞行了一整夜后我和我的丈夫抵达了机场。Gus大约在早上9:30在机场与我们碰头,我们一整天都在里约游玩。Gus带我们参观了城市的著名景点包括糖面包山、基督救世主、美丽的海滩,还有大都会大教堂。游览完后,Gus送我们回酒店,告诉我们去哪里、什么时候出去散步比较安全,还帮我们安排了第二天从酒店到航船的车子。我们与Gus在一起很快乐。非常棒的一次旅行。撰写日期:2017年1月22日
- garantido0 条分享和格斯在里约度过了美好的一天,很赞的导游,真的很有里约特色在傍晚去机场前,我还有一天的时间在里约逗留,我在网上看到了私人导游格斯的信息,然后他真的给了我快乐的一天。他真的是一位很不错的导游,和他在一起的一天非常的有趣,听到了很多有趣地方的典故。坐上他的车,我们游览了里约很多景区,我一直都感到很安全,虽然我带了很多的行李,我还拍了这个城市的很多照片。他讲的英语也很好,他是一个既知道他的城市的美好也了解它的不足的人,所以我们聊得很多。我真的想推荐格斯给你们,如果你们想了解里约的话。撰写日期:2016年11月5日
- Jerry W0 条分享在里约的美好时光-感谢格斯因为有格斯,我们全家在里约度过了一段美好的时光。他让我们感到很温暖很舒适。他甚至去机场接我们。很显然他对巴西的文化和历史都非常了解。而且他很有幽默感。我们的孩子们都很爱他。我们强烈推荐格斯做你的导游。撰写日期:2016年7月17日
- mechellebl0 条分享优秀的导游……知识渊博,平易近人,乐于助人格斯很棒!我的丈夫,我的女儿以及我和十二名来自菲尼克斯、亚利桑那州的美国人旅游者一组,我们的运气很好,因为格斯担任我们的导游。他带我们到基督救世主、甜面包山和地道的巴西窑烤店吃午餐。他带领我们这个大团队非常的友好、知识渊博而且很有耐心。我们很喜欢在去往目的地的路上,他会指出各种奥运会项目的举办场地,他会说:“把那个拍下并记住它,因为开幕式将在那里举行”或者“划船比赛将在那里举行”等等……有他作导游真的很有趣,因为他也有幽默感。我们强烈推荐他作为你们的导游!撰写日期:2016年6月21日
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45 条点评
Jane W
佛罗里达恩格尔伍德2 条分享
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侣
We toured for two days in Rio with Gus. He was great! We gave him a list of what we wanted to see and we did all those things plus a couple of his suggestions. His English is great and he is full of knowledge about Rio. He timed our visits to Christ the Redeemer and Sugarloaf so the crowds were not overwhelming.
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Thanks a slot for the great review. That makes me glad
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מוטי ל
Karmiel, Israel630 条分享
2024年1月 • 夫妻情侣
we did with augusto 3 full days of private tour. any attraction where there are line, augusto knows how to cut the line, then the tour is very efficient, without him we could visit maybe half of the popular attractions. augusto recognized our expectations and added many places we even we didn't know about. so we are very satisfied of the tour with him.
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Thanks a lot for the review . It was a pleasure
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加拿大萨斯卡通270 条分享
2024年2月 • 好友
I booked Augusto many months ahead of our arrival on Seabourn cruise (Feb 25-26, 2024). Gus was super quick to respond all my emails and he was very flexible. I already knew he could drive/guide us in his vehicle so I inquired if he could handle a group of 10. He informed me it was not a problem as he could rent a 15-passenger van with a driver.
On Feb 25, we were a group of 7 and we visited Petropolis. We really enjoyed it. Gus was super informative. He is a great teacher, very patient and full of passion.
On Feb 26, we were a group of 9 and we visited the highlights of Rio de Janeiro. What a great time we all had.
Do not hesitate to hire Gus. His English is perfect, he is patient and he will not disappoint you! It is obvious he loves his job. We all loved him.
Chantal and Dennis
On Feb 25, we were a group of 7 and we visited Petropolis. We really enjoyed it. Gus was super informative. He is a great teacher, very patient and full of passion.
On Feb 26, we were a group of 9 and we visited the highlights of Rio de Janeiro. What a great time we all had.
Do not hesitate to hire Gus. His English is perfect, he is patient and he will not disappoint you! It is obvious he loves his job. We all loved him.
Chantal and Dennis
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You're such a sweet person. Can't thank you enough for your kind words. It was a pleasure
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Tad B
阿联酋迪拜6 条分享
2023年12月 • 夫妻情侣
Fantastic guide! Gus fully tailored our itinerary according to our preferences and allowed us to explore a lot of the city within the time we had (a weekend). Impeccable English and vast knowledge of the city's and country's history and context. Highly recommended.
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Thanks a lot for the review. It was a pleasure being with you
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英国伦敦140 条分享
2023年12月 • 家庭
I was looking for a private guide to help us more safely and easily navigate Rio. I had no idea what a good decision I made in booking Gus as our guide. We have traveled a lot and have had many guides all over the world, and Gus really stands out as the best. He really understands how to do this well. We hired him for two days to show us around Rio. I had a detailed list of places I had researched that I wanted to see, including restaurants. It was a challenge, and I knew we wouldn't get to everything. But Gus was masterful in organising the time and making sure we got as much done on my list as possible, while not being rushed, and he even added a few places that he felt we would enjoy that weren't on my list. He is skilled at logistics, which meant there was just no time wasted. He is also very easy to spend time with and just an all around nice guy. I knew within 5 minutes after meeting him on our first day that we made the right choice. We had a lot of fun chatting with him along the way and he helped us see Rio in a more authentic light than if we had tried to do this on our own. He even included lunches at the restaurants on my list that made sense with the itinerary, I mean it was perfect! Gus made our time in Rio better in every possible way--we saw way more, we had more fun, we felt way safer and he removed all the logistical stress. And to go above and beyond he booked us a dinner on another night separate from our tour and booked us a ride to the airport at the end of our stay, also separate from our tour. He made our time in Rio so, so much better. This guy could teach a master class in being a private tour guide. Thank you Gus!
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Amazing review. This is what makes my job so much worth it. Thank you sooo much for the lovely words. It was a pleasure bring with you !!
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Sd3 条分享
2023年12月 • 夫妻情侣
We were very fortunate to find and book Gus as our guide in Rio. He is an outstanding guide and a wonderful individual.
We have traveled all over the world and had many great guides but Gus clearly stands out as the best. We were with him for 5 days and he showed us all the known sites as well as several off the beaten path attractions. He was punctual, super friendly and incredibly knowledgeable. He made our trip to Brazil outstanding. We sadly parted on the last day, leaving a new found friend that felt like family.
If you have a chance to tour with Gus, don't hesitate. He is the best and will enhance your visit to wonderful Rio.
We miss you Gus and treasure you and the memories you helped to create. Thank you for a wonderful 5 days.
We have traveled all over the world and had many great guides but Gus clearly stands out as the best. We were with him for 5 days and he showed us all the known sites as well as several off the beaten path attractions. He was punctual, super friendly and incredibly knowledgeable. He made our trip to Brazil outstanding. We sadly parted on the last day, leaving a new found friend that felt like family.
If you have a chance to tour with Gus, don't hesitate. He is the best and will enhance your visit to wonderful Rio.
We miss you Gus and treasure you and the memories you helped to create. Thank you for a wonderful 5 days.
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My dearest new friend. Your words bring me tears. I do appreciate them !!! You and your husband are one of a kind . Hope to see you again
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卡罗莱纳州戈尔兹伯勒3 条分享
2023年11月 • 夫妻情侣
On the advice of my uncle and aunt, who toured with Gus a few years ago, my husband and I booked Gus for three days earlier this month. Gus is so warm and kind. He loves Rio and knows it well. From the moment he picked us up at the airport until we said goodbye, we felt like we were with a friend. We loved our conversations with him about Brazil's history, current events, geography, and politics. One of my fondest memories is the three of us singing "At the Copa Copacabana" together on the ride from the airport to our hotel moments after we met Gus! I highly recommend booking Gus if you go to Rio. We are hopeful more of our family meet this terrific guy.
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My dear, your words make me so glad. It fills my heart with joy. Thank you so much
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North Lincolnshire52 条分享
2023年11月 • 夫妻情侣
We booked Gus a few months ago for 5 days. I sent him a list of all the things we would like to do, and he got back to me quickly, with some other recommendations too. We were met at the airport, taken to our hotel, then embarked on 5 full days of brilliant tours and experiences. Gus is without doubt the best tour guide we have ever come across (and we've met a few!). He knows so much about his beautiful city, and loves to share it with everyone. We did all the main sites, plus quite a few others that were a bit off the beaten track. He seems to know just about everybody, has his own secret parking places, and can even get you into places just to use the rest room. If you have any time in Rio, be it a day or a week, you will not be disappointed with this delightful man!
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What a great review Alison. Thank you sooo much. I'll miss you. After 5 days together , we became friends. All the best
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Ian S
1 条分享
2023年9月 • 夫妻情侣
This was among the very best tours we have ever had as we travel throughout the globe. Gus was a fantastic personal tour guide who was incredibly knowledgeable. We saw so much in an unhurried and thoughtful way. He kept us safe, provided practical insight to culture, and was honestly just a kind and caring soul. He represented the very best of Brazil.
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Thank you so much for your kind words. You're such a nice couple .
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8 条分享
Me and my dad had a short, 4 day stay in Rio and hired Gus for our airport transfers and two days of tours. We were trying to see as much as we could in the little time we had and Gus made sure that happened as efficiently as possible.
First off, our flights were significantly delayed and the itinerary kept changing. Gus was quick to respond and still available to pick us up, even after our arrival time changed 3 times and we ended up at a different airport. Because of the delay, we had to change one of our tours to the only other full day we had available and thankfully Gus rearranged his schedule to accommodate us. I have traveled to 60+ countries and have had guides in most of them and I normally only leave reviews for the most exceptional one's.
The first tour we went on was a trip up to Christ the Redeemer and then Sugar Loaf. He made sure we went on a clear day to ensure the best views of the city. The trip was smooth and we were able to skip the lines and the crowds of people for the best experience and great pictures. After the tour, he made a lunch reservation for us at an amazing Brazilian steakhouse and dropped us off there.
The next day we went on a city tour. He showed us all the sights and we were able to cover a lot of ground in the little time that we had. He even stopped at the Maracana stadium which was on my bucket list to see and we still made it to the airport on time in rush hour Friday traffic.
Gus was available via Whatsapp throughout our whole stay and was giving us great recommendations and advice on what to do during our free time there. We felt very safe and it was great to know we had a friend in Rio. I would highly recommend hiring Gus and having the peace of mind that you will have a great experience.
First off, our flights were significantly delayed and the itinerary kept changing. Gus was quick to respond and still available to pick us up, even after our arrival time changed 3 times and we ended up at a different airport. Because of the delay, we had to change one of our tours to the only other full day we had available and thankfully Gus rearranged his schedule to accommodate us. I have traveled to 60+ countries and have had guides in most of them and I normally only leave reviews for the most exceptional one's.
The first tour we went on was a trip up to Christ the Redeemer and then Sugar Loaf. He made sure we went on a clear day to ensure the best views of the city. The trip was smooth and we were able to skip the lines and the crowds of people for the best experience and great pictures. After the tour, he made a lunch reservation for us at an amazing Brazilian steakhouse and dropped us off there.
The next day we went on a city tour. He showed us all the sights and we were able to cover a lot of ground in the little time that we had. He even stopped at the Maracana stadium which was on my bucket list to see and we still made it to the airport on time in rush hour Friday traffic.
Gus was available via Whatsapp throughout our whole stay and was giving us great recommendations and advice on what to do during our free time there. We felt very safe and it was great to know we had a friend in Rio. I would highly recommend hiring Gus and having the peace of mind that you will have a great experience.
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Luiza , my friend , I have no words to express my gratitude for your words. That makes me very glad. Always a pleasure to be with people like you and you dad. All the best
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