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参观贫民窟 - 桑杰殖民地,参观德里的另一面。参加导游是游览该地区的安全方式,意味着您不会迷失在迷宫般的环境中。参观当地的学校,寺庙,家庭和小企业,听听当地居民的故事,社区精神以及生活在贫民窟的生活。
年龄限制:3-99,每个团体最多 25 人
用时: 1 小时 45 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 探索德里贫民窟,导游指南,让您不会迷路
- 了解当地生活,参观家庭,学校和当地企业
- 选择上午或下午的旅行,以满足您的日程安排
- 享受仅限六人的私密小团体旅游
- 当地英语导游
- 水/冷饮
未包含内容- 酒店/住宅接送服务
- 小费
- 出发地点:多个会面地点选项。
- 选项 1Rajiv Chowk, Block B, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Delhi 110001, India我们在康诺特广场Rajiv Chowk地铁站1号门外集合,野生工艺品陈列室对面
- 选项 2Metro Station Harkesh Nagar Okhla, Sanjay Colony, Harkesh Nagar, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110020我们在 Harkesh Nagar Okhla 地铁站 2 号门外集合
返程:- Harkesh Nagar Okhla, Okhla Phase II, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110020, India这次旅行将在Harkesh Nagar Okhla地铁站结束,该地铁站将提供与城市其他地方的便捷连接。
- 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6283DELSLUM- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 请注意,整个印度的着装要求都很保守;需要遮盖肩膀和膝盖的谦虚和尊重的衣服
- 您当地旅行社的很大一部分收益将返回当地社区,以支持各种教育项目
- 出于对居民的尊重,在桑杰殖民地不允许拍照
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 25 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6283DELSLUM
- 1这次旅行将参观位于南德里的一个小贫民窟桑杰殖民地。虽然该地区主要是住宅区,但由于这里有许多工业,社区是一个活动的蜂巢
- Okhla Phase II, Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110020, India这次旅行将在Harkesh Nagar Okhla地铁站结束,该地铁站将提供与城市其他地方的便捷连接。
- 913patricks0 条分享很棒的3小时旧德里之旅刚结束在旧德里的三个小时的旅行回来,那真是太棒了。我们的导游Sam非常棒,有很多信息跟我们分享,给我们展示了一些非常有趣的地方,给出了一些见解,并回答了我们的每一个问题。提前预定和付款流程也绝对顺畅!撰写日期:2018年12月29日
- Samfra0 条分享如果旅行顾问能给6分,他们就能得到6分今天我们和《真实之旅》的维斯杰一起度过了整个上午和下午。多么鼓舞人心、知识渊博的导游。有史以来最好的城市之旅。我们参观了老德里,并参观了贫民窟。维斯杰,非常感谢你成为我们的向导,分享你的生活。撰写日期:2018年11月11日
- paulR75590 条分享很棒的旅程Lahaul和Spiti区很适合游客和徒步游客居住,斯皮蒂村也被叫做“小西藏”。附近壮丽的雪山和崎岖的山路美景诱惑着广大游客。游客们还可以游览附近的寺庙。这一片区域还有一座很有名的寺庙,去那游览也很有趣。撰写日期:2018年9月29日
- Judith A0 条分享和naresh一起的旧德里街头美食之旅我们去了很特别的食肆,这些靠我们自己是找不到的。而且这个旅游有一部分是简短的城市游览,真的很棒,我们学到了很多。naresh是个完美的导游,我们特别推荐和他一起进行游览。撰写日期:2018年8月4日
- Jenny R0 条分享旧德里之旅学识渊博友好的导游Sagar带领我们进行了一场美妙的旧德里之旅。我们根据这里的社会企业理念订了这个旅游团,不过从始至终这个服务给我们留下了深刻人印象;物有所值,轻松预订,导游很棒,而且让你感觉很好。非常推荐。我们期望不久的将来再来印度的时候能参加另一个旅行团。撰写日期:2018年6月2日
- Tao L0 条分享不可思议我们和Sagar一起参观了桑杰殖民地,度过了一个美好的早晨。Sagar让我们深刻地认识到,殖民地的人们是如何通过精心的回收布料来谋生的。我们还拜访了当地的全科医生,药剂师,询问了常见的疾病。走进一个当地的家庭,来到他们的屋顶,他回答了我们关于这个殖民地的所有问题,还给出他的观点。Sagar还带我们去吃了马萨拉茶,很不错,我们讨论了文化差异,板球,口音,教育,宗教和哲学。Sagar是一个非常有风度、谦逊,且乐于与我们谈论他自己的生活和经历的人,他还询问了我们的经历,这使我们的旅程充满了奇妙的体验。强烈推荐。撰写日期:2018年1月18日
- Swati G0 条分享桑杰殖民地(贫民窟)徒步旅行现实之旅是惊人的! !行程安排得很完美。导游知识渊博,有良好的英语和沟通能力。真的很享受参观期间的美景。额外的好处是,每一个参加这次旅行的人,80%的利润都是通过现实给予社区的,他们在这个地区做了惊人的能力建设和就业能力的工作。强烈推荐它。撰写日期:2017年11月18日
- Smriti L0 条分享Lutyen's Delhi的自行车之旅星期日早上在Lutyen的德令哈市,骑自行车的壮观旅行,天气完美,和我最棒的男孩们一起!!Abhishek是我们的向导,他是我见过的最好的男孩,他是一位真正的导游,他让我们感觉到旅游的舒适,一直是我们的幸福和安全感。他的学科知识很好,我们在旅行中有很好的交流,体验很好。整个旅程平稳,步伐完美,使这段经历令人难忘。我们谈论和分享关于世界的观点和看法,聊的很开心,希望旅行可以一直这么赞哦。撰写日期:2017年9月23日
- Kalimanzira0 条分享有思想、有活力的导游,有创意的景点清晨在新德里的自行车之旅是体验主要地标的好方法,在德里的道路上行驶也很有趣,没有其他交通工具!对桑杰殖民地的贫民窟之旅也是有趣的,放松的,而现实之旅让我们与那里的人建立了很好的关系。我们与居民们进行了精彩的对话。旧德里的旅行也很有趣,你可以自己去探索,但是我们的导游给我们告诉了一些我们自己不易发现的隐藏的隧道和小路。亚非石和盖特在导游图上都是灰色的。撰写日期:2017年8月26日
- enzo2005000 条分享老德里观光游我们第二次体验Reality Tours的机会,很棒的公司,第一次是孟买。很棒的一段时间,见到了很多德里的亮点。我们的导游Shehnaz很棒,为我们想过去看的地方制定了游览路线。没有好的导游和司机你很难游遍德里。Reality Tours提供这种组合。Shehnaz很好,我们一定会向去那儿旅游的家人朋友推荐她。Steve and Jacqui。撰写日期:2017年3月9日
- Katrine B0 条分享无与伦比之旅这是一个超赞的组织。我在孟买去了达拉维贫民窟旅游,现在我又在旧德里旅游...好吧,德里。导游非常友好、知识渊博,他们整个途中都会告诉你非常有趣的信息。我强烈推荐这个组织,我保证跟他们的旅途会跟达拉维之旅和旧德里之旅一样有趣。撰写日期:2017年1月28日
- CazzieGLondon0 条分享美食街之旅现实之旅总是能干一件伟大的事,因此,虽然我们知道自己安然无恙,但是我们可爱的导游却向我们展示了我们自己永远不会经历的德里一隅。相比于德里的狂躁,这里似乎疲惫不堪,但是他们用自己最好的一面去展示,并喂饱你的味觉,沿途很真实。这是一段非常有趣的行程,我们非常喜欢Sihk 寺庙里的公众厨房。撰写日期:2016年11月10日
- Ernest19640 条分享美食之旅---德里导游,Om非常非常英俊,一个演员,他说待会见。他学识渊博且为人友善。他带我们去各种地方吃列在单子上的美食。他带我们去的地方多破败,是德里破败的旧城部分,我担心食物的干净,但是两天之后我没有生病,所以我认为他带我去的地方很好。我是独自旅行者,在这个过程中还有另外两个人但是那个女人和她的丈夫生病了,所以他们并没有继续旅行。如果你得了德里痢疾,为什么你要进行美食之旅呢?对吧?撰写日期:2016年7月6日
- Joe G0 条分享贫民窟之旅-优秀和有洞察力游览持续了一两个小时,引导你通过该群体呈现出社区设施,以及桑杰殖民地和社区如何运作。这是一个非常有见地的经验,并且在德里的任何旅行所必须看的。我们遇到的人都面带微笑-准备和几个激动的当地人握手。我们也尝试了几个美味的菜。谢谢你,现实之旅!撰写日期:2016年7月5日
- Pearn07090 条分享德里街头美食之旅去年当我们游览孟买的时候,我们来到这里,对贫民窟之旅印象非常深刻,我们决定再去,现在我们住在德里。这趟旅行太充实了,不仅仅是一次街头美食之旅,我们还参观了旧德里的一些地方,了解到更多有关我们现在称之为家的地方的历史。我们的导游Jitu和Deepak很棒,很有益,讲流利的英语,而且非常有趣。我们已经把这个地方推荐给了我们的朋友,会再次使用这家旅游公司,在今年晚些全家游览的时候!撰写日期:2016年5月27日
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254 条点评
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Susan H
4 条分享
2025年1月 • 好友
I went to India to immerse myself in Indian culture. This tour was part of the plan. Our guide, Kushi was very knowlegable about the colony. She was also very respectful of the community we visited. No photos allowed as we were "not visiting a zoo". We really toured the nitty gritty but felt safe the whole time. It was also good to take the metro with our guide to get there as another experience of Indian life. I would highly recommend this tour.
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Susan H
6 条分享
Kushi was a wonderful guide
She carefully guided us up down and around the Sanjay Colony
She was full of information and very respectful about life in the colony. This tour was a once in a lifetime walk
She carefully guided us up down and around the Sanjay Colony
She was full of information and very respectful about life in the colony. This tour was a once in a lifetime walk
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Eveliina Teivainen
芬兰赫尔辛基6 条分享
I had a lovely afternoon with my guide Kiran at the sanjay slum. She was showing me lots of different places in a slum and she gave me lots of understanding about people's everyday life in Sanjay Slum. Heartfelt experience 🙏🏽❤️
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澳大利亚悉尼2 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
Amazing experience! Naresh was so informative and patient with our young son who is 8 and asked A LOT of questions. Very well organised. A must to see and very family friendly. Thank you again!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Michiru T
2 条分享
It was such a wonderful experience.
This tour is conducted by reality tours and travel, an NGO that deals with local poverty.
Komal knew the slums and answered all my questions.
The slums I went to were safe. The people of the slums were working hard every day.
The NGO offers classes using English and computers to help children in slums become independent.
It was a tour of amazing NGOs working on slum issues. Kamal was a great guide too!!
I was very satisfied.
This is a tour you should be on.
This tour is conducted by reality tours and travel, an NGO that deals with local poverty.
Komal knew the slums and answered all my questions.
The slums I went to were safe. The people of the slums were working hard every day.
The NGO offers classes using English and computers to help children in slums become independent.
It was a tour of amazing NGOs working on slum issues. Kamal was a great guide too!!
I was very satisfied.
This is a tour you should be on.
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Domi A
1 条分享
2024年12月 • 独自旅游
I had a great tour with Kiran! I was alone with her and as we are almost the same age it was very interesting to get her point of view on her life growing up in Sanjay camp near Sanjay Colony. Thanks 😊
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Vittorio B
2 条分享
2024年11月 • 好友
Saurav (Sam) was an exceptional tour guide in gosting and organising the trip to its fullest extent - accommodating our requests based on how we were feeling throughout the trip!
He took is to Sanjay colony (where e grew up) and talked us through all the great work him and his team are doing to help the community.
I feel like i have made a friend for life. Thank you so much Sam!
He took is to Sanjay colony (where e grew up) and talked us through all the great work him and his team are doing to help the community.
I feel like i have made a friend for life. Thank you so much Sam!
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Cuthbert v
6 条分享
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侣
The tour of the Sanjay shanty town was a great experience for Eileen and I. We saw how people with nothing can get on and improve their livelihoods with some help from outside. Met a lot of people and came away thinking that, yes, things can get better.
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Aubrey W
4 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
Fascinating tour. Our guide Sam was exceptionally knowledgeable. He made the experience something we will remember forever. A must for visitors to Delhi!!!!
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I would love to book a private tour, with my boyfriend and me as the only guests. Is that possible? If yes, how much would it cost & how can I book it?
Thanks a lot!

hilin j
Hi you send email
driverindiatourindia@gmail com
I am wanting to do this morning tour and than go straight to another tour (by same company) meeting at connaught place but i am nervous to catch the train back to connaught place by myself from the Slum Colony. Will the guide help me buy a train ticket back to connaught place and help me get on the right train? I am a solo female traveller and it will be my first morning in Delhi by myself.
I also traveled alone when I took the slum tour, the metro is very easy to use.
Nothing to worry, the metro has a female only cart.
And the guide will tell you how to get back to connaught place.
If you don't want to take the metto you can always take Uber.
Enjoy your trip.
Im interested in the Tour with Lunch. How long is the entire tour including lunch? Do you have to find transport back to hotel from lunch house? With the 'Cooking Experience' Tour do you also see the slums for 3 hours or is it just a cooking class? Can you choose what you would like to make to eat? I have dietary requirements. Thank
1. The tour lasts 3 hours and a half
2. The Sanjay Colony is next to a metro station. The guides meet you there and bring you back as well after the family lunch (they are very lovely)
I not sure what day I will be in new deli Can I book the day before for this tour if I have a free day ? Thank you Glenda
We asked to reschedule the day before and that was no problem either. Got a prompt response too.
I'm planning a trip of 14 of us, I have read that there is a max of 6 per tour. Is there one tour at each time or is there multiple tours going in the morning/afternoon? Thanks in advance.
You can definitely do tours with larger groups of people. The group will be divided into a few smaller groups so that there will be a maximum of 6 people per guide.
Wondering if it would be acceptable to donate writing paper and pencils to the school when we visit. Would have people willing to send with me to drop off at the school
That would be fantastic! Wish I had had the forethought to do that before I went.
So we will be staying at the Taj Palace Hotel, Diplomatic Enclave. How do we get to the start of the tour from the hotel, and how do we get back from the tour back to our hotel?
Take a taxi to Connaught Place. The metro entrances are all numbered around the circle with big blue signs. I believe you meet your guide at #1. Then you and your guide take the metro together to Sanjay. The Taj Palace will get you a taxi, and there are also taxis and auto rickshaws you can hire yourself just outside the main hotel gate :)
I see that this tour meets up at Departure Point Connaught Place, Rajiv Chowk Metro Station Gate 1. India is new so as much as I want to take this tour I am scared of getting lost traveling to the Metro station with all the scam I hear about Tuk Tuk driving taking you to another place Is it fairly easy to get there? Can my Hotel help me arrange this tour?
We had no issues at all travelling by tuk tuk, taxi, uber, and metro in New Delhi. if you are apprehensive about taking a tuk tuk, you could use uber or have your hotel assist you. The tour was a lot of fun!
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