供应商/业主为:India Magic Tours
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- 经济舱往返孟买和德里的往返航班
- 空调私人车辆运输
- 专业指导
- 隔夜住宿(如果选择了选项)
- 入场/门票 - 泰姬玛哈陵
- 入场/门票 - 阿格拉堡
未包含内容- 超重行李费(超过15公斤行李+ 5公斤手提行李)
- 食品和饮料
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 我们从所有地点接客,包括酒店、机场、旅馆、住宅区、火车站、港口等,无论您在城市范围内选择什么地点。 我们将在旅行前一天通过 Wassup 或电子邮件与您分享导游或司机的详细信息以及车辆号码。 请携带您的姓名 A4 大小卡片的人进行身份识别,卡片上也注明了我们的公司名称。 酒店:从大堂接客(司机将在接待区附近与您会面。 对于游轮客户:从游轮码头接客(游轮客户需要在出门处会面,您可以乘坐免费班车服务到达距离游轮码头约 1 分钟路程的出门处) 对于游轮客户:(轮椅交通)所有轮椅无障碍接送服务将在游轮码头进行。 机场:从抵达航站楼出门接客 火车站:在您的火车车厢外,请分享您的火车详细信息,包括车厢号和座位/卧铺号。 住宅:从门口接客。 返回点:到您的酒店/机场/火车站门口。
提供机场接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的机场列表中进行选择。- Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099, India
提供港口接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的港口列表中进行选择。- Mumbai Port - Green gate is pickup point.
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- 在预订时,游轮乘客必须在预订时提供以下信息:船名,停靠时间,下机时间和重新登机时间。
- 泰姬陵周五仍然关闭。
- 希望预订的邮轮乘客的强制性规则:
- 1.邮轮码头的接送时间必须在凌晨6点之前(上午12点至凌晨4点55分),并且船舶必须停靠超过22 HRS。
- 2.如果他们没有足够的时间在孟买,但他们仍然想要泰姬陵之旅,在这种情况下,如果客人同意“客人将在下一站被丢弃”在孟买之后,但它应该在印度(芒格洛尔,果阿或科钦邮轮码头)。但价格将增加每人100美元,因为我们可能要安排住在五星级酒店,然后旅游将成为一夜之旅,而不是当天。
- 3.如果客人在孟买有足够的时间,例如23日早上的船停靠,24日晚或中午4点之后或之后离开,那么他们可以选择泰姬陵过夜旅游。我们将在泰姬陵之旅后第二天带他们回孟买,包括住在五星级酒店,价格将增加100美元
- 由于周五泰姬陵仍然关闭,所以星期五可能没有同一天的旅行。
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 这是一项私人游览/活动。 只有您的团队能够参加
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:16386P1
4 个站点
第 1 天
第 2 天
- Laura K0 条分享和珍妮一起上的烹饪课很棒与珍妮的奇妙体验!市场之旅非常精彩,珍妮花时间解释了所有的食材。在烹饪课过程中,珍妮分享了她个人的故事,让制作印度菜肴非常简单!谢谢你的食谱和开胃香料,我会向每个人推荐这次体验的!撰写日期:2019年1月20日
- Kiran K0 条分享我们玩得很开心!在旅行社根据我们的指示定制了我们的行程后,宝莱坞之旅相继开始了。吉丁非常耐心和有帮助。他确保我们感觉舒适,并没有想匆忙促成协议。我们在寻找旅行社的过程中也了解了宝莱坞旅游,并且没有后悔在假期参加宝莱坞之旅。导游非常友好且知识渊博,会说英语且乐于助人。强烈推荐,你不会后悔的。撰写日期:2018年8月31日
- David S0 条分享不错拉凯什带领我们参观了孟买的贫民窟,他告诉了我们这里是什么样,生活环境如何,和任何关于贫民窟的知识,包括社区,学校,医院,寺庙等等。如果你想要了解印度文化的方方面面,那么这次旅行十分适合你。撰写日期:2018年1月24日
- tugman2910 条分享参观了所有的主景点参加了贫民窟徒步之旅,惊讶于当地人是如此礼貌、孩子们是如此快乐,尤其是在他们工作居住条件非常艰难的条件下。受教育程度很高没有给导游带来太多麻烦事去做,Sunil(印度魔术)是一个很棒的导游,和他在一起觉得很安全,并且他非常详细地回答了所有问题。司机Raj也是一位靠谱司机。旅途一共8小时,物有所值!撰写日期:2017年12月25日
- Fammiss0 条分享珍妮的咖喱烹饪班我订了一堂珍妮的烹饪课,因为评论说很棒。我能说什么呢?他们没有夸大其词。珍妮被证明是个极好的主人:她的好客、友善和耐心让我从一开始就感到很自在。至于烹饪:她一步一步地讲解,味道好极了。我确实学到了很多东西。如果我下次来孟买,我会再来这里和珍妮学习烹饪。撰写日期:2017年8月15日
- Julia33330 条分享组织良好的旅游我们刚刚从一个由神奇之旅组织的完美假期回来。这次旅行组织得很好,所有的司机,导游和住宿都是完美无缺的。特别感谢我们在德令哈市的司机Jussi,还有导游Veejay和Akshay。谢谢大家让我们的旅行变得很难忘。撰写日期:2017年4月21日
- Denise D0 条分享珍妮手把手教咖喱烹饪多好的一次经验!我订了一个素食烹饪班,很幸运能够遇到它的主人珍妮。她深入的教了我关于如何烹调这些美妙的食物的信息。珍妮是一位令人印象非常深刻的女士,她谈吐有趣和对待事物超级热情。我不仅向她学到了如何制作不同的印度菜,而且了解了珍妮的文化和背景知识。感谢她在家里招待我并给我上了有趣的课。我肯定会在家里学做这些可爱的食谱。撰写日期:2017年2月5日
- gingerluci0 条分享很棒的正宗印度美食烹饪体验我和我老公一起上了珍妮的手把手烹饪课程,以一种很棒的方式来度过这个下午。课程在珍妮家中举行,我们学到了很多关于印度食品的知识,也学会了做一些菜。珍妮和她的家人真的很友好——我们每时每刻都很愉快,我会毫不犹豫地向大家推荐这里:)撰写日期:2017年1月12日
- Jack B0 条分享Jenny's 的烹饪课很赞多么美妙的体验!詹妮解释了她在做这顿丰盛的饭菜时所做的每一步。我已经有一些印度烹饪的知识和它使用的香料,所以她根据我的背景定制这单很棒。食物真的很好。不会辣得要死,但是有辣味。食品是在安全卫生的条件下制备的,所以不需要担心。感谢这美好的体验!撰写日期:2016年10月16日
- VeroCaban0 条分享珍妮的超棒厨艺课!!!超赞的烹饪体验,珍妮是一个很好的老板。她花费时间了解我的背景然后她也向我分享她的事情。她给我一个手把手教学的体验,我们摆开所有的原材料。然后很好的摆放在我们上课的房间里。她很详细的解释每一种原料,这些让我对印度的烹饪有一个基本的了解也是打下了一定的基础。原料和香料对一道成功的菜来说是非常重要的。她很贴心的为我调整菜谱,为我的清淡口味。同时也为我调整我的食用量因为我是独自来的学生。在整节课上她都非常的耐心、风趣。而且对于我这种非常缺乏烹饪技巧的学生都很耐心。和她一起做饭是一次非常值得也很享受的事情。我超级推荐这个旅行体验,你绝对不会失望的!!!不错的!撰写日期:2016年5月30日
- jordyrockstar130 条分享上过的最好的烹饪课詹妮你给我们上了人生中最好的一次烹饪课。学到了很多家常菜,我非常的喜欢。这次无意,中上的课我觉得相当满意,也非常喜欢这里做的每道菜,饭菜可口,一应俱全,实在是太棒了,值得推荐。撰写日期:2016年5月27日
- Travel G0 条分享孟买美好的一天!这是一个不应错过的旅途!珍妮欢迎我们去她家,感觉就像和我们最喜欢的阿姨一起做饭。我们开始上了传统的chai,珍妮解释印度传统的成分。然后,我们参加了创作5个不同的菜肴。我们做饭时也与家人互动,了解文化。我觉得我学到了远超烹饪的很多东西,我很高兴选择了这次巡演。撰写日期:2016年5月27日
- Bobo12010 条分享很棒的烹饪课程如果你想了解印度菜和正宗的烹饪,这是一个还地方。珍妮是一个很棒的厨师,向你展示了许多技巧和窍门。我学会了如何做芝士,木豆,米饭和鸡肉和鱼肉咖喱,并迫不及待的想在家试试。你可以学习到地区差异,并得到更多的风味和香料的基本知识。珍妮是一个很有经验的厨师,每个人都可以学习到东西。极好的一次经验:-)撰写日期:2016年4月4日
- Adventurer0920 条分享珍妮的烹饪课--亲自动手做咖喱这里简直超乎我的预期。珍妮非常和善,让我们感觉很自在。能遇到这么一个诚信、善良、体贴的本地人,在她家里教我们做正宗的印度菜,真的是件非常好玩的事情。她和她的家人都非常漂亮,而且很有风度,我们跟他们一见如故。根据我们的要求,她教我们做羊肉咖喱,做出来的食物非常美味。我非常高兴,等不及回家去把这些菜做给家人吃。撰写日期:2016年2月17日
- ljmanners0 条分享“手把手教你做咖喱”非常有趣、友好,非常棒!跟India Magic旅行社合作,珍妮杜泽在2015年的新年前夕打开家门欢迎我,向我展示了如此制作(从零开始)帕劳豌豆,鱼类,沿海干鸡,黄豆和kadai芝士。我一直都很喜欢印度菜神奇的口感,但是被网上过于复杂的食谱吓到,再加上自己缺乏对技术的理解。珍妮的友好和热情指导充满了令人惊讶的乐趣,我还收到了一本食谱可以带回家,里面有一些制作快速、简单和美味印度菜肴的技巧和窍门。在烹饪之后,我们坐下来,享用了菜肴,我离开珍妮家的时候,知识和肚子都得到了满足,还交到了一位新朋友。当你去孟买的时候,一定要来这里。撰写日期:2015年12月31日
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6 条点评
1 条分享
2020年2月 • 独自旅游
I went to Mumbai for business. Since my flight arrived at 2:30am and could not check in , I took a same day trip to Taj Mahal. The tour company arranged me to take an early flight to Delhi and picked me up from the airport. The Driver John is good and the guide is very good too. He told the story, background for both the Taj Mahal and the nearby Agra Fort. He showed me where to take the best picture and I earned a few “Likes”. What is even better, the guide does not take any tips, he said this is company policy, which is not normally the case in India. Taj Mahal is very beautiful but not easy to go by yourself. I really recommend to take a private tour.
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Northern California25 条分享
India Magic has done a thoughtful job of planning this day trip to the Taj Mahal and Agra from Mumbai. They are extremely responsive to emails both before and during the tour and are willing to make changes to the itinerary at the request of the traveler.
As a solo woman traveler I am always concerned about safety but the India Magic team make sure that you feel looked after at all times. The drivers are pleasant and helpful and my guide in Agra, Faraz, did a fantastic job. He accommodated my request to skip lunch and shopping so that I would be able to spend more time at the Taj and the Agra Fort. As an added bonus he is a great photographer and I now have pictures with me in them - which is always a problem for a solo traveler.
It is a very long day (almost 20 hours in my case from the time I woke up to the time I returned to my hotel) but it is well worth it to see these fabulous places. Be sure to bring plenty of snacks to keep your energy up and take every opportunity to buy and drink water.
I was pleased and surprised at how easy it was to get around using the domestic airports and airlines in Mumbai and Delhi. The facilities and service are on par with U.S. airlines and airports. I will have no hesitation traveling this way in the future.
As a solo woman traveler I am always concerned about safety but the India Magic team make sure that you feel looked after at all times. The drivers are pleasant and helpful and my guide in Agra, Faraz, did a fantastic job. He accommodated my request to skip lunch and shopping so that I would be able to spend more time at the Taj and the Agra Fort. As an added bonus he is a great photographer and I now have pictures with me in them - which is always a problem for a solo traveler.
It is a very long day (almost 20 hours in my case from the time I woke up to the time I returned to my hotel) but it is well worth it to see these fabulous places. Be sure to bring plenty of snacks to keep your energy up and take every opportunity to buy and drink water.
I was pleased and surprised at how easy it was to get around using the domestic airports and airlines in Mumbai and Delhi. The facilities and service are on par with U.S. airlines and airports. I will have no hesitation traveling this way in the future.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for this awesome compliment.
Like to see you soon :)
Jitin Gopal
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Michael P
新西兰惠灵顿大区8 条分享
As a first (and possibly only) time traveller to India, on a business trip with limited for time for sight-seeing, I was keen to get away from my conference in Mumbai to see the Taj Mahal. This tour allows you get see one of the most beautiful sites in the world, from Mumbai.
The tour consists of: a hotel pick-up to get to Mumbai airport (my pick-up was 4am); return flights Mumbai-Delhi; a driver in a private car from Delhi to Agra (about 200km), a guided tour of the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort, a drive back to Delhi, flight back to Mumbai and then a driver back to the hotel. It is a full day (and I skipped the lunch to make the most of the sightseeing time), and I did not get back to my Mumbai hotel until 1230am the following day. All up, a 20 and a half hour day.
The tour worked like clockwork and there was a good amount of time (about four and a half hours) in Agra to see the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort. My driver from Delhi-Agra-Delhi (Josi) was outstanding and made seemingly light work of the horrific traffic jam that is Delhi.
Overall, a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the Taj Mahal from Mumbai in a very well organised and well priced tour. Inevitably, though, its a very long day and won't be for everyone.
Watch out, though, for the visit in Agra to the marble ornament manufacturer and the jewelry manufacturer. They're not cheap places to shop, and they were a slightly distasteful addition to an otherwise memorable experience.
The tour consists of: a hotel pick-up to get to Mumbai airport (my pick-up was 4am); return flights Mumbai-Delhi; a driver in a private car from Delhi to Agra (about 200km), a guided tour of the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort, a drive back to Delhi, flight back to Mumbai and then a driver back to the hotel. It is a full day (and I skipped the lunch to make the most of the sightseeing time), and I did not get back to my Mumbai hotel until 1230am the following day. All up, a 20 and a half hour day.
The tour worked like clockwork and there was a good amount of time (about four and a half hours) in Agra to see the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort. My driver from Delhi-Agra-Delhi (Josi) was outstanding and made seemingly light work of the horrific traffic jam that is Delhi.
Overall, a once in a lifetime opportunity to see the Taj Mahal from Mumbai in a very well organised and well priced tour. Inevitably, though, its a very long day and won't be for everyone.
Watch out, though, for the visit in Agra to the marble ornament manufacturer and the jewelry manufacturer. They're not cheap places to shop, and they were a slightly distasteful addition to an otherwise memorable experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
英国大伦敦1 条分享
2018年8月 • 独自旅游
I was picked up at Delhi airport by the driver, Prem from there i was taken on a tour of the city, for some shopping and places to eat, his knowledge of the city was first class.
The following day I was collected from my hotel by Prem and driven to Agra for my visit to the Taj Mahal, where I was met by my tour guide, Shesali who was with me for the day, the history of the Taj was told to me by Shesali and all the questions I asked she had all the answers, such a fantastic guide.While on the tour I was contacted twice by Gaurav who was checking that everything was okay and informing me that should I need any assistance he would be at the end of the phone, that was so reassuring to know.
Overall, I would recommend this tour operator to anyone who wishes to do what I did, as solo traveller you could not be in safer hands and with nicer people, My star rating would be 10, its just first class, in every way.
The following day I was collected from my hotel by Prem and driven to Agra for my visit to the Taj Mahal, where I was met by my tour guide, Shesali who was with me for the day, the history of the Taj was told to me by Shesali and all the questions I asked she had all the answers, such a fantastic guide.While on the tour I was contacted twice by Gaurav who was checking that everything was okay and informing me that should I need any assistance he would be at the end of the phone, that was so reassuring to know.
Overall, I would recommend this tour operator to anyone who wishes to do what I did, as solo traveller you could not be in safer hands and with nicer people, My star rating would be 10, its just first class, in every way.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Sir/Madam, We are happy to receive such positive reviews for the tour. Our sole motto is to satisfy our customers and we are glad we could meet that expectation. Regards, Mr Jitin Gopal
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
1 条分享
2018年2月 • 夫妻情侣
Hi, I booked a day tour to Taj Mahal with you and it got canceled the day before with a promise that I will get a refund! The reason was: The flights are to expensive for this day. So, the guide offered me to change the day to the next one - which was a Friday! Thank god I knew that Taj Mahal is closed on Friday otherwise we would probably make the trip for nothing!
Two weeks passed and I am still waiting for the money refund or at least any kind of answer from your side on this issue!
I mean we are talking here about 900 € for two people!!!!!
Two weeks passed and I am still waiting for the money refund or at least any kind of answer from your side on this issue!
I mean we are talking here about 900 € for two people!!!!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
You have all money back now,please accept apologies for late return due to bank issues for overseas payment.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
英国伦敦1 条分享
2016年5月 • 好友
Knowing that my colleague and I had a weekend free on our business trip, we wanted to explore much of India as we possibly could. We found a day trip to the Taj Mahal from Mumbai with India Magic. The price was reasonable given it included flights, private transportation and a private tour guide.
The organisation of the trip was so smooth. India Magic were in constant contact which meant that we were always up to date with information and felt comfortable knowing that we will be well looked after.
The experience of going to Agra and not only seeing the magnificent Taj Mahal but also the Agra Fort and stone works was amazing. Our tour guide had 20 years of experience and was so knowledgeable of the local area.
The fact we managed to do this whole trip in 24 hours and back to Mumbai was so convenient. Recommended most defiantly to those who have lack of time in India that want to see one of the seven wonders of the world.
The organisation of the trip was so smooth. India Magic were in constant contact which meant that we were always up to date with information and felt comfortable knowing that we will be well looked after.
The experience of going to Agra and not only seeing the magnificent Taj Mahal but also the Agra Fort and stone works was amazing. Our tour guide had 20 years of experience and was so knowledgeable of the local area.
The fact we managed to do this whole trip in 24 hours and back to Mumbai was so convenient. Recommended most defiantly to those who have lack of time in India that want to see one of the seven wonders of the world.
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Dear customer,
Many thanks for wonderful review this is like trophy of appreciation for us ,we always try to give more then the better and we are glad to serve you.
Thanks again,
Jitin Gopal
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Can this trip be expanded to one night and two days. Our ship will be in Mumbai for two days, arriving Jan 10 at 6:00AM and departing Jan 11 at 6:00 PM
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