供应商/业主为:Polo Elite
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:6-70,每个团体最多 10 人
用时: 3 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:葡萄牙语, 英语, 西班牙语
- 适合所有技能水平的玩家,包括六岁以上的孩子
- 关于如何发挥的详细理论和实践课程
- 马上的两个马球练习与专业球员指南
- 从布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心往返的交通工具
- 从指定的会面点接送
- 马球课
- 使用头盔和播放器设备(不是靴子)
- 提供了所需的所有必要设备,而不是靴子。
未包含内容- 食物和饮料(您可以在休息时间自带野餐)
- 从布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心到马球牧场提供运输服务,该牧场位于城市郊外。在旅途中放松身心并节省能量,以精通本次马球比赛。 抵达后,听一堂理论课和一些骑马的基础知识。这次旅行从一开始就是学习者,因此不需要技能,任何人都可以玩。拿起头盔,系好马鞍,然后在真正的马球场地上进行两次马球比赛。讲师随时随地为您提供帮助,并为您提供阿根廷马球文化的真知灼见。当您获得自信时,以自己的步调和掌握技巧前进,想象一下成为一名专业马球运动员所需要的技巧和运动能力。
- 出发地点:
- Lima 707, C1073AAO Cdad. Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina接送点:利马和智利的一角 方向:在707 Lima Av(距Independencia地铁站1个街区)的前门
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7243P1- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 最低年龄为6岁,最大年龄为70岁
- 着装要求随意
- 由英语/西班牙语讲师指导
- 建议穿舒适的运动鞋
- 每次预订必须至少2人
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 10 人
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:7243P1
- Travelista190 条分享奇妙的体验!Fernando太好了!他养的马也很厉害!他欢迎我和我的朋友来到他的农场,并请我们去看他养的那些可爱的马球马!我有过骑马的经验,我朋友没有,但Fernando的安排让我们两人都玩得很尽兴!他还允许我们在那里开车。我们开车找到了一家路边烧烤摊吃午餐,真的很酷。如果有人想骑马,再找个真正的专家陪同,我绝对会向大家推荐Fernando的公司!撰写日期:2019年6月3日
- russellr04130 条分享看马球很开心!Fernando是一位很棒的向导!他从市中心接我们上车,然后开车送我们来看马球比赛。他自己也会玩马球,所以对这项运动非常了解,他会带你参观球场、马厩,并让你抚摸马儿,和马儿一起合影。撰写日期:2019年3月24日
- cmlplunkett0 条分享玩得很开心我们和费尔南多一起打马球的经历真是太愉快了。正如承诺的那样,我们从零开始击球,甚至在快到中午的时候还打了一会球。我们还学到了很多关于马球运动、竞标赛以及如何在城市内外的车道上进行比赛的知识。来这个地方非常方便,这半天的经历真是太有趣了,我们强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年3月2日
- Jayesh s0 条分享马球这是我们几个第一次骑马,很棒的体验。玩得很开心。感谢Fernando,你让整个体验非常迷人、兴奋。如果在布宜诺斯艾利斯的话,推荐来体验一下。撰写日期:2018年10月31日
- Yuan_Liu_Kern0 条分享First polo class and loved it!we had such a great time with Fernando and his horses. As a professional polo player competing in different continents, Fernándo is probably the first one to introduce Polo class to total amateurs in Buenos Aires. With a pleasant persona, he came to ride with us together with his dog to the ranch, and taught us (two total beginners) with his own horses in one afternoons time. He started by teaching us how to mount, and ended by positions balls around the grass to have us engage in a competition to hit the ball into goal. Yes, that means that when we arrived we barely knew how to ride a horse, by the time we left we were able to hit the ball on horseback! The horses are genuine polo race horses, and the ranch was nice too, we saw different animals wandering around in a sunny afternoon and it was very relaxing. I’d highly recommend anyone coming to Buenos Aires to his classes! 不知道为什么一定要五十个汉字 写英语难道不算字数么...感觉算是Tripadvisor的一个bug了.. 不知道为什么一定要五十个汉字 写英语难道不算字数么...感觉算是Tripadvisor的一个bug了.. 不知道为什么一定要五十个汉字 写英语难道不算字数么...感觉算是Tripadvisor的一个bug了.. 不知道为什么一定要五十个汉字 写英语难道不算字数么...感觉算是Tripadvisor的一个bug了..撰写日期:2018年10月5日
- Frances D0 条分享假期时不要无聊哦这是我在假期中经历的最棒的短途旅行。我是一个随便骑马的骑手,但这项运动是激动人心的。费尔南多是一个优秀的老师。马被训练的很好,他们也很喜欢这项游戏。这很快,当你达到一个目标时会很激动。谢谢你,费尔南多。我很享受这天中的每一秒。而且我想介绍你去认识我的新朋友。在我的下次旅行中我还会来这的。现在我已经对这项运动上瘾了。撰写日期:2017年7月11日
- roccorelax0 条分享一次课学不会马球?你错了!我们通过朋友、朋友的朋友和朋友的朋友们听说了精英马球,这多美妙啊。我男朋友和我都没有骑马经验。一点也没有。一天开始时他们到市中心接我们,开车到一个美丽农场里的马球场。我们不知道该期待些什么,但是教练费尔南多对马的掌握,对我们能力和教练的信心,让我们很快就学会了。我们花了一天的时间努力练习,玩得很开心,也学习了很多。到最后,我们竟然可以打比赛。虽然打得不漂亮,但它是一个很好的体验。这会是我向去布宜诺斯艾利斯的朋友们推荐的第一件事。谢谢你,费尔南多!撰写日期:2017年5月17日
- Diane F0 条分享有趣和有挑战的户外活动在12月,我们一家(丈夫、2个十几岁的女孩和男孩)在这里的整个体验是超棒的。费尔南多,我们的教练非常棒。他知识渊博,是一个经验丰富的骑手和教练。我儿子和我丈夫是骑马新手,我们的教练让他们喜欢骑马并且在几小时内学习打马球。对我和我女儿来说,我们有更多骑马的经验,通过费尔南多教练的指导,提高了我们的技术。我们都从中体验了这么多的乐趣,并且有幸观看费尔南多打马球并和他相识。他是非常优雅的阿根廷绅士。值得注意的是,时间被很有效地使用了,不要停留吃午餐和长时间休息是个好主意,但是记得带水!最后,这里的马也是很漂亮的,训练得很好、健康、自律,非常棒的品种。撰写日期:2017年1月25日
- Samantha B0 条分享很棒的户外运动这是我们学习打马球最棒的一次。去那儿很方便,并且由于工作人员既冷静又耐心,整次活动组织的很好。我们虽然不是专业骑手,但对马还是有一点了解的。然而并没有什么用,因为我们在骑着马绕着球转圈圈。好吧,我承认,我的马有时任性地自己做决定了。我们只是学习了一些最基本的技能,所以如果你骑得好的话,你一定可以做的更好。后来我又骑了一小段,并用了一些小技巧来让我的马愿意配合我。我强烈建议任何一个会骑马的人去尝试一下。我们是夫妻二人加入别人一起玩的,如果是一大群人玩肯定很有趣。这是我此次阿根廷之旅的最大亮点。撰写日期:2016年8月22日
- Toronto1040 条分享旅途很美好我们一行5个人,中年父母以及三个20多岁的孩子,一起在这里度过了一个愉快的下午。这里距离BA45分钟车程。真的是一次美好的一日游。田园令人轻松,是一个一睹农村和生活方式的好机会。费尔南多涅托是一个出色的主持人,非常优秀,对阿根廷历史和政治(作为一个国际性的马球选手)了如指掌。这也是我们此行的亮点之一,强烈推荐。撰写日期:2016年4月11日
- David K0 条分享在布宜诺斯艾利斯一个非常惊奇的体验! 一定要试!费尔南多是难以置信的,如此耐心,推动我们快速学习和玩乐。他们关心照顾一切事情和真正知道他们在做什么。如果你在布宜诺斯艾利斯,我建议打马球并确保你和费尔南多在马球精英打马球。多么独特和愉快的体验!撰写日期:2016年1月22日
- M H0 条分享一定要试! 绝对不能错过一个非常特别又优秀的好活动!在一天之内,我和朋友们在老师Fernando的耐心教导学到了马球技术。我们骑的马都有收到很多顺联而且老师又好,所以虽然是我们第一次玩马球,我们玩得非常开心又觉得很安全。一定要试! 绝对不能错过一个非常特别又优秀的好活动!撰写日期:2011年8月11日
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240 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Elite Polo is operated by Nani (Fernando) Nieto, a professional Polo Player. We liked his website and we wanted to experience learning Polo. What we did not know from the website was that you ride on his own horses that are trained for Polo. And, the lessons are on an actual Polo field outside of Buenos Aires. The area is peaceful and local and was a lot of fun. After learning how to command the horses and then how to hit the ball, we paired up and played a game. Nani is very patient and has a gift of teaching.
We met up in Buenos Aires at a coffee shop and Nani drove us to the Polo field which was about 40 minutes away. The lesson went an extra hour over and when Nani dropped us off in Buenos Aires city, we all decided to get empanadas at a traditional bar down a few side streets off the main boulevard. Nani is a kind and thoughtful host and a wonderful instructor. If you have time, this was a wonderful excursion immersion into Argentine culture.
We met up in Buenos Aires at a coffee shop and Nani drove us to the Polo field which was about 40 minutes away. The lesson went an extra hour over and when Nani dropped us off in Buenos Aires city, we all decided to get empanadas at a traditional bar down a few side streets off the main boulevard. Nani is a kind and thoughtful host and a wonderful instructor. If you have time, this was a wonderful excursion immersion into Argentine culture.
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Rihi J
1 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
This experience was great fun! The instructor was very friendly and we learned a lot about polo and polo history. I wanted more time riding the horses, but we had a lot of fun!
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Sebastien R
1 条分享
We are a Montreal group and we had a great polo experience!! Nani is a real professional and a very good teacher. We had no polo experience and after 2 hours of practice we were able to play a game. It was really fun.
Thank you very much for this beautiful activity!
Thank you very much for this beautiful activity!
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Kelsey N
14 条分享
2024年12月 • 独自旅游
An amazing experience - this is my 2nd time in Buenos Aires and 2nd time riding with Polo Elite. Great horses and instruction and one of my highlights. Fun for experienced or beginner riders, he makes it tailored to your needs. Highly recommend!
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Troy P
1 条分享
2024年12月 • 好友
Includes transportation, gear, training, and actually playing. Great experience at the farm and the horses are well trained. Would recommend to anyone wanting to try Polo, which I did not expect to do on my trip, but had a blast with!
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宾夕法尼亚费城11 条分享
It was a very nice experience with my fiance. No horse riding experience was needed (Nani was very patient and informative). We did a little match together and we were also able to see a lot of animals in their habitat! Highly recommended
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Sanne J
2 条分享
2024年11月 • 夫妻情侣
We stumbled across Polo Elite's polo class while looking for something to do on our last day in Buenos Aires.
Special time was made for us (when there was actually an important tournament to prepare for). The class was very nice, I would 100% recommend this experience!
Special time was made for us (when there was actually an important tournament to prepare for). The class was very nice, I would 100% recommend this experience!
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Manon V
1 条分享
2024年11月 • 好友
We were picked up by Nani in downtown Buenos Aires and then had two polo lessons. The horses were very sweet and well cared for. Nani adapts the lesson to your own level. It is therefore fun for beginners and advanced riders. It was a great experience! Absolutely recommended!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
8 条分享
We were a group of 3 with beginner level horseback riding experience. Nani was a patient and informative instructor, the ranch was beautiful and horses fantastic. We had a wonderful day outside of the city learning to play polo! It was the highlight of our trip and we can’t recommend it enough. Do it!
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内布拉斯加州Lakeside2 条分享
I had the best time! It was my first time playing polo even though I have ridden horses my entire life and had an absolute blast . There were riders of all experiences and the horses were well suited to each rider. I can’t wait to go back and try it some more!
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Hi, I would like to take a polo lesson at Polo Elite on Monday November 25. I’m solo. Is there anyway you can accommodate me?
Thank you,
Lesley Wright
Fernando, We are in BUE this weekend. Can you call me to arrange to Polo for one person tomorrow? My Argentine cell phone is 294-493-6928
Hi! If I would like to do this tour in late April/early May would the pick-up time be 8am or 3pm? Thanks!
Is there any chance to take part in this activity in the next two weeks? I can’t select anything.
I‘m looking forward to your answer.
Kind regards Mia
Yes! It is a lesson completely tailored to what you want to do. Would you like me to give you Fernando's email?
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*即将售罄: 根据过去 30 天的 Viator 预订数据和从供应商处获取的信息,此体验很可能会在 Tripadvisor 旗下品牌 Viator 上售罄。