Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
有很多不同的方式可以看到大峡谷,可能很难计划旅行并选择您的交通方式。这个大峡谷铁路之旅让您轻松,让您可以看到一些最美丽的景色,就像1901年乘火车一样。此外,您还可以选择两个座位选择,并在大峡谷国家公园内的Maswik Lodge酒店升级为午餐。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 150 人
用时: 8 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 在大峡谷铁路之旅期间,以人们自1901年以来的方式旅行
- 您可以选择大峡谷火车上的长途汽车或一流的座位
- 到达大峡谷国家公园后,乘坐汽车沿着轮辋进行导游
- 升级为Maswik Lodge酒店的午餐,坐落在松树林中
- 往返列车(长途汽车或头等舱)
- 1.5小时轮圈巡回赛(如果选择了选项)
- 热自助午餐(如果选择了选项)
- 国家公园服务费(15美元)
- 销售税
未包含内容- 小费
- 早餐
- 午餐(除非选择选项)
- 1.5小时轮圈巡回赛(除非选择了选项)
- 酒店接送服务
- 这次大峡谷铁路探险之旅从亚利桑那州的威廉姆斯车站开始。办理登机手续并在登上火车之前,在户外剧院观看一场有趣的狂野西部枪战重演。 然后,登上火车,安顿好座位,准备穿越亚利桑那州北部的乡村,前往大峡谷国家公园。当您骑车时,音乐家会走过来招待您。 到达峡谷后,下火车并登上汽车游览南缘。 如果您已升级为包含午餐,则可以在环游之后在 Maswik Lodge 享用您的餐点。 在您返回车站之前,您可能会被一场伪造的老式火车抢劫案拦住!乘坐回程火车后,您的大峡谷之旅将在威廉姆斯车站结束。
- 出发地点:
- Grand Canyon Railway Depot, 280 N Grand Canyon Blvd, Williams, AZ 86046, USA
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
- 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2505TRAIN- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 如果火车不超过25英寸,火车可容纳电动滑板车。有一个特殊的电梯可以将踏板车提升到火车上。
- 请注意:亚利桑那州不遵守日光节约,并根据季节在MST(山地标准时间)和PST(太平洋标准时间)之间切换。
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- COVID-19发布后的安全更新-如果您开始显示与COVID-19相关的任何症状,或者您极有可能染上这种疾病,我们礼节性地要求您不要参加此旅游。请确保每组1人排队等候换票。强烈建议戴口罩。社交隔离将在火车平台和火车上进行。火车上的座位将受到限制,以最大程度地扩大社交距离,并要求客人迅速坐在座位上,保持过道通畅,并保持座位,但要使用洗手间。
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 150 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2505TRAIN
- Dorothy M0 条分享在去往大峡谷的火车上,列车长让在莫西“停了”下来!我和莫西在从亚利桑那州威廉斯到大峡谷南缘的火车上度过了一段愉快的时光。在旅途中,一位警长来到我们的车旁,然后莫西“停下”了。我们在一辆修复的普尔曼级轿车(大约1923年)上坐得很好。这辆经典的火车车厢有长凳式的座椅和窗户,可以让新鲜的山间空气进来。当你从你的经典火车车厢的舒适环境中游览乡村时,你会看到一个非凡的世界。看着地形从高沙漠到草原,草原到松树林。这是一种不断变化的风景。我们玩得很开心!我把它列在峡谷的“必须要去做”的活动清单上。仔细检查一下票:你会看到他的票上有“莫西”!撰写日期:2019年9月20日
- wfinn720 条分享棒极了!工作人员友好、博学,而且非常乐意提供帮助。 火车之旅舒适、有趣,可以看到世界7大自然奇观之一! 总而言之,这是一次很棒的体验。亚利桑那州 的威廉姆斯是一个非常酷的小镇,位于历史悠久的66号公路上。早点到或者晚点走可以更好的游览。 此外,如果你想省点钱,可以乘坐便宜点的车过去,然后乘坐贵一点的车返回,这样可以在结束了一天的大峡谷之旅后,放松一下,享受旅程!撰写日期:2019年8月29日
- Kathy M0 条分享必做体验!大家一定要去搭这个火车!!我们在火车上玩得很开心!我们的导游克里斯汀娜(给她一个赞!)非常漂亮,人也很好,有趣,让整个车的人都玩得很开心。她为我们提供了不少可尝试的活动,可以期待什么样的景色以及她私人的推荐。我们选择的一日往返套餐。对于我们俩来说,在大峡谷南区参观3.5小时已经足够。火车站的音乐极具娱乐性,在返程路上的“抢劫”事件非常有趣。年轻人们都很喜欢。总的来说,我会十分,并且极力推荐这里。威廉姆斯是一个不错的小镇。66公路从小镇种穿过。大家住在威廉姆斯,并体验一下这个火车。撰写日期:2019年8月7日
- am0recraft0 条分享大峡谷铁路铁路本身非常好。车厢很干净,提供的食物和饮料都很好。我们的服务员很有趣,很精力充沛,服务相当周到。大峡谷铁路为整个城镇提供了就业机会。这是一辆缓慢行驶的火车,其最高时速仅为每小时45英里。我对于为我们演奏的音乐家或“盗贼”不是很感兴趣,他们真的需要使娱乐节目变得更有趣些。老人和小孩儿都喜欢这里的火车。我们乘坐的是一辆很棒的小车厢,不是很拥挤。火车上最贵的座位挤满了人。我希望火车可以稍微改善,不仅仅是只有一个窗户可以欣赏景色,那样将更令人印象深刻。撰写日期:2019年7月10日
- 389nikkil0 条分享很棒的体验进到酒店区去找窗口取我们的票有点令人困惑。没有清楚的标志告诉你怎么走。登车后我们心情很放松,我们的导游是新人,但你完全看不出来,他做得特别好。他给我们讲了很多好故事,他指明并讲解了许多景点,很有趣。他还给我们送了水,以确保每个人都能在海拔变化时保证水分摄入。在来回的旅途中,他让每个人都参与了进来。班卓琴演奏者比利为我们提供了独特的娱乐享受。撰写日期:2019年6月24日
- schechterr0 条分享非常友好的服务员我同意之前看到的关于这里的五星好评,这也是我们选择大峡谷铁路之行的原因。不知道有没有遗漏,现在来分享我的经历和他们非常友好的服务员。我和妻子是老年人,妻子走路不方便。从酒店到铁路的短短距离,给我们提供了一辆车,这里还有一辆轮椅,而且他们有电梯可以帮助我妻子登上铁路。我们乘坐穹顶车来到大峡谷,然后乘坐一等坐车返回。两点提示:1。这趟穹顶之旅很值,即使只有一种途径,我建议在旅途的第一站乘坐穹顶车。 2.提前预定!撰写日期:2019年5月30日
- D B D0 条分享挺棒的!我们是坐火车往返这个景点的。此次旅行的导游知识渊博,一路上向我们介绍了许多关于这座峡谷里的动物的事情。在抵达大峡谷之前,我们一度挺失落的,因为十五年前我们来过这儿,而如今它商业化太严重了。不过,这条大峡谷铁路还是值得一览的。撰写日期:2019年5月17日
- Hejags0 条分享坐火车去峡谷然后回来我决定第四次去那(我搭档是第一次)坐火车而不是开车。一些很好,但是火车上有很多小朋友——从婴儿到11/12岁的儿童——意味着旅途中不时会有烦人的小孩来打扰你。为什么有人想带小孩坐两个小时以上的火车旅行(两次),风景很美,普尔曼车很舒服。免费水也很受欢迎。火车上的娱乐活动很好,但其中大部分包括“抢劫”,都是针对船上的小朋友,这是大峡谷铁路赚更多钱的手段。峡谷弥补了旅途中的失望。不过,我没付200美元去听幼稚的笑话撰写日期:2019年4月26日
- MyHumbleOpinion0 条分享去大峡谷旅行的很不错的方式!我们全家选择了3天的旅行套餐,我们住在Railway Depot酒店,第二天乘火车到大峡谷,住在Maswik旅馆,第二天乘火车回来,第三天晚上住在Railway Depot酒店。价格有点贵,但是在火车站餐厅方便地享用早餐和晚餐还是不错的。酒店大堂很好,入住也很方便,即使客人很多。Wild West秀的演员非常可爱,演员/指挥家也很有趣,他们在返程途中的火车上进行了表演。这是一次非常有趣的家庭记忆。撰写日期:2019年3月23日
- betthorn0 条分享不要坐圆顶游览车厢,没有他们说的自助餐座位很小,没有地方放东西。丹麦酥就是廉价的像挤压过的卷。不像承诺中那样有真正的欧陆式早餐或很棒的配菜。没什么景色可以看。租车,飞到凤凰城,开到大峡谷,我们每个人花了189块。感觉根本不值得。撰写日期:2019年3月10日
- dav56480 条分享很好的体验我推荐坐这里火车的一等座,娱乐项目很棒,座位很舒服,还有饮料和零食。工作人员们很友好。别忘了观看火车抢劫案,当然这是演出来的。撰写日期:2019年2月14日
- maryaling0 条分享很有趣我们一群人有5个成年人和4个孩子。我们乘大巴车去的,这很愉快。Amber Rose是我们的服务员。她真的非常棒。风度很好而且很健谈。他们有娱乐项目,在去的时候有一个小提琴手演奏,在回来的时候有一个手风琴手演奏。这非常的棒而且很不同。我推荐这个地方。这里还有火车“强盗”和Marshall。撰写日期:2019年1月4日
- 796tarynl0 条分享建议大家选择乘坐标准A车厢我们在去的路上坐的是标准A车厢,在回去的路上坐的是科科尼娜头等舱。每辆车都有一个服务人员,A车厢的罗斯真是太棒了,是我们这次乘车体验变得非常棒!头等舱有一些零食和饮料,还有一些更舒适的座椅,但我下回还会选择标准A车厢,因为Amber Rose在这个车厢!她很友好,很有风度,也很博学。她会花时间了解你和你来自哪里。她让车上的每个人都参与进来,并把你吸引到这种互动中来。我强烈推荐这里(选择在罗斯工作的时候再来!)撰写日期:2018年12月21日
- Rizzo M0 条分享很高兴免费升等成了庞蒂亚克套房我姐姐和我很惊讶也很开心得到了免费的升等,我们住进了庞蒂亚克套房。房间很漂亮。两张大床还有简易厨房。冰箱,水池,微波炉还有橱柜。我们肯定还会再来的!撰写日期:2018年12月3日
- Jan J0 条分享愉快的旅程,一切井然有序我们在铁路上度过了2天的旅行,我们并不失望。一切都组织得很好,我们的乘务员很照顾我们。乘务员们都非常有趣,见多识广,而且都很友好和乐于助人。撰写日期:2018年11月28日
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4,283 条点评
英国Holton Heath14 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
The view was beautiful. We loved the grand canyon. The train was a joke. We where in upper class. You couldn't see any scenery. Rock on one side and field on the other side. Thevsingers you couldn't hear. The hold up was bad acting.
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We appreciate you sharing your review and feedback!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
G. Colbow
2 条分享
2024年10月 • 独自旅游
The experience was really good. The train was very slow, so the tension to see the Grand Canyon was building already through the train ride. The service is friendly, swift and knowledgeable. The Canyon is breathtakingly beautiful. The bus tour was covering the Westside of the Canyon and the time at the Grand Canyon Village afterwards was a bit short. So I went to this natural wonder for a second time and by train again and discovered with the free shuttle bus service the east side of the 'big ditch in the groune'. The service and everything else was again very good. I am happy with my decision to take the Grand Canyon Railway.
Canyon is
Canyon is
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Thank you for your review!
GCR&H Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Linda C
亚利桑那Oracle10 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Absolutely wonderful experience in every way! We traveled in the luxury dome car and it was so fun. Food, drinks, views and entertainment were awesome. A special shout out to our car host, Noel. She was awesome!!!! Thank you Noel for really making the experience for us! We HIGHLY recommend the Grand Canyon Railway. We can't imagine a better way to travel to the Grand Canyon!!
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Thank you for your review and feedback!
GCR&H Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Jim B
2 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
We booked a package at the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel. One night at the hotel plus dinner on arrival evening and breakfast the next morning at Fred Harvey Restaurant. Also included was a train ride to Grand Canyon Village, the Freedom Tour at the south rim upon arrival, and one night at the Maswik Lodge, plus the return train ride to the Grand Canyon Hotel. Upon arrival, the staff was very welcoming and there to assist you in any way needed. The room was nice and clean with comfortable beds. However, the noisy air conditioning unit kept my wife awake most of the night. We went to the Fred Harvey Restaurant for dinner around 6:30pm. The salad bar and dessert were the best items included with the buffet. The other foods we tried were either dry, hard or undercooked. The next morning we walked to the Fred Harvey Restaurant for breakfast. The breakfast buffet was mediocre at best. At 9:00 am, we watched an entertaining cowboy show before the 9:30 am departure on the train to the Grand Canyon. The 2.5 hour train ride to the canyon had some nice scenery and entertainment. Our car attendant was very knowledgeable and discussed the history of the the train during the ride. She went to each seat in the car and discussed ideas of how to plan your day/and overnight stay at the canyon. The train ride to the canyon went by fairly quick. At the Grand canyon train depot we got on the Freedom tour bus. The driver was professional, courteous, and knowledgeable. He took us to two different stops on the south rim. At each stop we had 30 minutes to walk the trails and take pictures. Normally, drop off would be at the train depot where we boarded the bus. However, on this day he had enough time to take us to Maswik Lodge where we would be spending the night. Our room was not ready so we had a late lunch at the Maswik lodge food court. Pizza, salads, wraps, taco salad, burritos, BBQ, burgers , fries, and chicken strips were the options. Lunch was very good. About 3:45 pm our room was ready. It was a quarter mile downhill walk to the room with a walking boot on my right leg, ridiculous! The property owner should invest in a golf cart to take guests without vehicles to their rooms. The room was small with metal chairs and a tv about the size of a computer monitor. Our luggage was in the room upon arrival. The bed was comfortable, but you could here any movement by the guests in the room above us. We walked back up to the main lodge about 5:00pm to determine our next activity for the evening. We found out there were free shuttles running every 10 minutes inside Grand Canyon Village and along the rim. You just needed to choose the color of shuttle for where you wanted to go. We opted to stay on the shuttle (blue) inside the village for some nice sunset pictures of the canyon. The next morning we had a nice breakfast at Maswik lodge and caught a (blue) shuttle to the transfer point (red) shuttle that took us to hermits rest with several stops in between. We then took the shuttle back to the train depot for our return ride to Grand Canyon Railway Hotel. The return train ride seemed to take longer as we had already seen the scenery. They did have a staged robbery on the train, which was appealing to the younger crowd. Again, our luggage was at the train depot upon arrival. The hotel/ train package was a nice way to see the canyon without driving to Grand Canyon National Park. I want to compliment all of the staff we interacted with, they were very professional and informative. They were friendly and welcoming.
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Thank you for sharing your review and feedback!
GCR&H Team
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Mike B
弗吉尼亚Mineral1,045 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
During a recent trip to the Grand Canyon, we spent a couple of days in Williams, AZ, and stayed at the Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel (I reviewed the hotel separately). On our 2nd day there, we bought tickets on the Grand Canyon Railway as part of our hotel package. We booked the First Class car, which is about middle of the pack in terms of the options you have. Pretty pricey, but we thought, once in a lifetime, right? Turns out, I think we might have been just as happy in Coach.
Before you board the train, they put on a 15 min cowboy show right down from where you get on the train, which was fun. After that, you get on the train. Our seats were the first two in First Class, which I don't recommend....because you're facing backwards. On our particular train ride, there were lots of openings up in the observation level of the car (the bubbles on top), so our Car Bartender, Nancy, took about half of us up there, no extra charge. Those seats are more expensive, but they do all face forward. And you definitely see more of the landscape on the trip. However, the day we went the temp was in the 80s, so it definitely got warm. Probably the biggest disappointment on the trip was the landscape. To be fair, we didn't know what to expect. But after a few minutes of the beautiful Ponderosa pine trees and the prairie land where we saw a few cows...that was pretty much it for 2 hours.
There was a "buffet" (a few snacks & sodas) in our car, and after we got rolling Nancy came on the intercom and announced it was open and rows 1-5 could go down. However, she never came back on and told anyone else they could go, so we didn't even see it until we were exiting the train.
Once we made it to the Grand Canyon Village, we figured it all out from the map Nancy passed out on the train. The instructions given as we exited were not very clear at all, so be sure to have the map. But ultimately, the train doesn't move from where they park to let you off, and it's right down the hill from El Tovar, so easy to get your way back. Just be mindful of your time if you take the village shuttles around (which we did). The Blue shuttle, the main one around the village, was jam packed and makes A LOT of stops...so plan accordingly.
On the way back, we did sit in First Class, in our backwards seats, and that is not the way to go. But at that point, after a solid day at the village, we just wanted to get back to the hotel (didn't get to try the "buffet" on the way back, either, lol)
All this being said, it is a nice easy way to get to the GC Village. This being our first trip to the Canyon, it helped us get our bearings, and the 2nd and 3rd days we were there were a breeze because we now knew where things were and how to get around. But I recommend whichever car you go for....request a front facing seat.
Before you board the train, they put on a 15 min cowboy show right down from where you get on the train, which was fun. After that, you get on the train. Our seats were the first two in First Class, which I don't recommend....because you're facing backwards. On our particular train ride, there were lots of openings up in the observation level of the car (the bubbles on top), so our Car Bartender, Nancy, took about half of us up there, no extra charge. Those seats are more expensive, but they do all face forward. And you definitely see more of the landscape on the trip. However, the day we went the temp was in the 80s, so it definitely got warm. Probably the biggest disappointment on the trip was the landscape. To be fair, we didn't know what to expect. But after a few minutes of the beautiful Ponderosa pine trees and the prairie land where we saw a few cows...that was pretty much it for 2 hours.
There was a "buffet" (a few snacks & sodas) in our car, and after we got rolling Nancy came on the intercom and announced it was open and rows 1-5 could go down. However, she never came back on and told anyone else they could go, so we didn't even see it until we were exiting the train.
Once we made it to the Grand Canyon Village, we figured it all out from the map Nancy passed out on the train. The instructions given as we exited were not very clear at all, so be sure to have the map. But ultimately, the train doesn't move from where they park to let you off, and it's right down the hill from El Tovar, so easy to get your way back. Just be mindful of your time if you take the village shuttles around (which we did). The Blue shuttle, the main one around the village, was jam packed and makes A LOT of stops...so plan accordingly.
On the way back, we did sit in First Class, in our backwards seats, and that is not the way to go. But at that point, after a solid day at the village, we just wanted to get back to the hotel (didn't get to try the "buffet" on the way back, either, lol)
All this being said, it is a nice easy way to get to the GC Village. This being our first trip to the Canyon, it helped us get our bearings, and the 2nd and 3rd days we were there were a breeze because we now knew where things were and how to get around. But I recommend whichever car you go for....request a front facing seat.
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GCR&H Team
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Ontario190 条分享
What a great experience. Carol was a fabulous and attentive hostess with fabulous stories. Comfort ride in first class with nice snacks and drinks. Enjoyed the entertainment from the two singers to the robbers. Lots of laughs. Good lunch and bus ride with the Parks guide. Very informative. Highly recommend this experience to anyone who wants to see the Grand Canyon and enjoy the journey there and back. Will research the Kincaid legend!
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GCR&H Team
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Richard K
16 条分享
Great trip on the train. Booked luxury parlor class car. It was well worth the money. Teryl who was the PSA for the car was phenomenal. Her information on the canyon and her stories were very interesting and entertaining. The snacks and beverages were a nice suprise. She definitely added to the experience. I would definitely do it again.
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Thank you for your review, we are so pleased that you enjoyed the experience!
GCR&H Team
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康涅狄格Vernon23 条分享
We have driven to the Grand Canyon before but this is the first time we took a train to get there. This was by far the best way to go. We left from Williams Train Station and the ride was about 2 hours and 15 minutes. During the train ride we were entertained by performers on violin and guitar and had food and drink on the train. We arrived directly at Grand Canyon and proceeded to a bus that took us for lunch and then 2 spots for seeing Grand Canyon. When driving it took over 3 hours to get to the Canyon and we always had traffic to enter the Grand Canyon. This was the most relaxing way to see the Grand Canyon. We were entertained again on the way back on the train. I highly recommend taking the train to see the Grand Canyon.
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GCR&H Team
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2 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
Great trip, train ride, bus tour of Grand Canyon, buffet meal, entertainment on and off the train. Full day ending with a nice meal in Williams.
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GCR&H Team
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佛罗里达353 条分享
We took a bus from front of our hotel Bright Angel to Williams to catch the train back up to Grand Canyon. Bus ride was 1 hour and our guide was pretty informative, like listening to Animal Planet / National Historic channel 🤗 now the train ride was slow and in my opinion not interesting. But our host was great with jokes, entertainment was good, cowboy playing harmonica . Oh before you het to train, they have little cowboy show in town (Williams) that you can watch. Next time will tell try to stay out of the park (if there is a next time) 😀
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GCR&H Team
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We are thinking of going as a family of 3. That usually means 1 of us (usually me, the dad) sits by himself, which is fine. But on the train, does that mean a stranger/another party would be sitting next to me? Or would the seat next to me be unoccupied (on purpose)?
yes you can sit together. on first class you will sit accross from each other.
Is there a Train that leaves from Flagstaff ?
What is your telephone number?
I need your phone number in order to cancel one of the tickets we made reservations for.
I was excited to see your trip agenda. We have been seeking arrangements that would allow flying into one of the towns near the Canyon and being able to spend time in the area and at least two days in the canyon itself. Who did you go through for your trip and what was the cost.
Thanks much.
Does it make a difference which side of the train you sit on, going out and coming back on the train to Grand Canyon South Rim
Really makes no difference which side you sit on. You aren't seeing the Grand Canyon from the train. You will get some great views of the country side, fields, mountains and forests though. Which side you sit on may only make a difference as to what animal life you see, but then that can change day to day.
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