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现场指南:英语, 意大利语, 法语, 西班牙语
- 酒店接送和往返Kalambaka或Kastraki
- 私人车辆运输
- 瓶装水
- 英语口语指南
未包含内容- 入场费(每个修道院约3欧元)
- 食品和饮料
- 小费
- 入场/门票 - 米特奥拉修道院
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 我们提供从位于 Kalambaka 的所有酒店和 AirBNB 的接送服务和 卡斯特拉奇村。
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- 1在您当地的私人导游的陪同下,您将在特别的Meteora私人旅游中享受个性化的关注。适合初次参观的游客,今天上午和/或下午4小时的私人旅游是迈泰奥拉景点的理想介绍,让您有空闲时间自己探索卡兰巴卡市。
- anarmillay929180 条分享最棒的徒步旅行!我很早就拉着我的丈夫徒步穿过满是修道院的迈泰拉山,我们都很高兴我这么做了。Evan是一位非常厉害的导游,他给我们讲了很多关于我们看到的修道院的精彩有趣的故事。他对当地的野生动物也很了解!我们和一小群有趣的人进行了一次非常棒的徒步旅行。我们就在酒店外面被接上,然后被送到徒步旅行的起点,最后也被接了回去。一切都很完美!感谢美好的一天!撰写日期:2019年10月29日
- jelen540 条分享完美的导游导游让我们知道了很多有用的信息,我们永远也不会忘记他告诉我们的细节知识。景区车站设在风景优美的地方。撰写日期:2019年10月22日
- RockJosh0 条分享我们进行了徒步之旅和日落之旅这次旅行进行了两天半。第一天是徒步旅行,第二天是日落之旅。价格很好,物有所值!我是通过YouTube上面的《大卫在这里》旅行视频了解的这个行程。这些旅行是参观寺庙和获取大量信息的最佳方式!导游会很快把你从酒店接出来,带你去徒步旅行,然后开车去几座寺庙。在日落之旅中,你将坐下来欣赏眼前的美景!我们很喜欢!撰写日期:2019年9月26日
- joepE3008MR0 条分享从雅典到迈泰奥拉的全天往返行程火车的路程很长,本来应该是四个小时的,但是因为机器的问题,所以延迟了45分钟。话虽如此,但这一切都非常的值得!我们的导游是这里土生土长的人,非常的出类拔萃。她跟我们分享了她自己的经历。这里的景色非常的漂亮,建造这些修道院真的是非常令人惊叹。这是一次长途的火车旅行,但非常的值得!我们很高兴我们来了!撰写日期:2019年8月14日
- grigas860 条分享奇妙的一日游我和我的女朋友预订了从雅典到迈泰奥拉的2天火车旅行。头等车厢很舒服,视野很好,私密性也很好。当我们到达时,一辆出租车正等着送我们去旅馆。我们住在迈泰奥拉酒店,那里风景优美,景色壮丽。看日落是我做过的最酷的事情之一。我们的导游吉米是接受过高等教育的,她拥有着从古代历史到植物学的丰富的知识。面包车很豪华,修道院也很漂亮。这是在离开雅典之前,必须要做的事情。第二天早上,我们和导游克里斯一起去远足,他是一位经验丰富的登山者,他是本地人,对古代历史和自然也非常了解。这次远足很棒,虽然有点吃力,但是让我们的关系更加亲密。我百分之百的推荐来迈泰奥拉,我以后也会再来的!别忘了给你的导游小费,为了确保一切都是完美的,他们真的很努力的工作!撰写日期:2019年8月7日
- u94105490 条分享值得推荐参加2个半天的tour都非常棒!司机会选择美丽的景停下供团员拍照,领队的知识也相当丰富,让人更了解当地历史发展,即使是炎热的7月参加tour,他们的行程安排也不会使人太过疲惫,亲子团体或长辈团都值得推荐!撰写日期:2019年7月30日
- karl z0 条分享乘火车去迈泰奥拉修道院,这是一次我们不想错过的经历...我们从塞萨洛尼基乘火车前往迈泰奥拉。在Pareofarsolos换乘后,不到3个小时,我们就准时到达了卡兰巴卡,我们的导游玛丽亚和她的小巴已经在那里等我们了。在接下来的4个小时里,我们参观了2座修道院,听了玛利亚的解说,还参观了许多其他修道院,包括詹姆斯·邦德电影中的一座。即使那天偶尔有雨也不会影响我们的好心情,在我们再次坐上三个小时的火车去塞萨洛尼基之前,我们在当地一家餐馆吃了一顿经典的午餐,结束了旅程。撰写日期:2019年7月6日
- David H0 条分享Wonderful palce, must visit here once in your life!!实在太令人惊艳了,在峻峭的岩壁上建造的修道院令人叹为观止。旅行团提供的代订服务非常便利,另外也贴心地在事先提醒行程,在卡巴兰巴车站的接送服务也非常便利,在导游亲切的引导与介绍与司机先生的带领,在许多美丽的景点拍下了令人难忘的相片。限于时间,只入内参观了两家修道院,有点可惜。但是仍然是一个很棒的行程,大推荐!撰写日期:2019年6月16日
- 855lydiah0 条分享最好的旅行体验!坐火车从雅典进行两天三夜的迈泰奥拉-特尔斐之旅,一切都安排得井井有条!我们很开心,并且从导游那里学到了很多东西。尽管有一点细雨,我还是很享受早上在迈泰奥拉的徒步旅行。撰写日期:2019年5月29日
- DotTrace0 条分享和克里斯托斯一起的特别棒的徒步旅行。我们预订了为期三天的Meteora和Delphi之旅。旅行的安排井井有条。徒步旅行非常精彩,这一切都要归功于克里斯托斯,他知识渊博,体贴周到。他的带领很不错,把我们带到了有趣的观景点。他在攀登时还给我们提供了杆子。烤肉饼很好吃,算是徒步旅行中一份不错的收获。我们还和Vangelis一起参加了日落之旅,他们向我们展示了许多景点。开车的迪诺斯很友好,总是微笑,喜欢用各种姿势为我们拍照。感谢Visit Meteora旅行社为我们提供了一次难忘、令人记忆深刻的前往Meteora的旅行。撰写日期:2019年5月7日
- jsrdar0 条分享超棒!强烈推荐,简单但很好预定了三天两晚的Meteora和Delphi之旅。非常棒,各方面都很周到,性价比很高!我们能感受到细节考虑周详,安排面面俱到,导游棒极了!这家公司知道怎么让你在这样一辈子一次的经历中放大体验,节约精力。升级到火车一等座是很值的,在Kalabaka的酒店很完美。我强烈推荐这家公司,没有任何不足。顺便说一句,事后看,我们可能就不会选Delphi了,从Delphi到Athens 的公共大巴是此行不太愉快的经历,不过确实也把我们送到了目的地。撰写日期:2019年4月13日
- U7371SCandreat0 条分享从雅典到米洛塔的两天乘坐火车参观之旅下午3点,我和妈妈、姐姐从雅典乘火车来到这里,参加了日落之旅。我们爬上圣尼古拉斯修道院,参观了11世纪的拜占庭教堂,教堂内供奉着圣母玛利亚(里面的画像都非常美丽)。我们还看到了一些隐逸的洞穴,非常迷人。我们拍了很多精彩的照片,看到太阳落山的美景。第二天早上我们再次去做了远足参观。哇,这个地区真是太棒了。我们这两次旅行所遇到的导游都非常博学多闻。如果我们自己参观的话,我们肯定会遗漏很多景点,看不到如此美丽的风景。撰写日期:2019年3月19日
- AliciaY30 条分享非常棒的体验很有意思的徒步,路线安排的非常好,能看到最美的风景。多亏了导游的讲解,让我们能更好的欣赏。车况也很好,酒店接送非常准时。不能错过的体验撰写日期:2019年2月13日
- Pauline G0 条分享很棒的旅游体验这里真的是很有趣的。我们的导游给我们讲解了很多关于这座城市的故事,这座修道院……真的是太棒了!今天是阴天,所以我们是没有看到日落美景的,因为我们还有空闲的时间,之后我们还到别处去游览了^ ^推荐你到这边旅游!撰写日期:2019年2月4日
- Jeaniephelan0 条分享与友善的人一起享受美好旅行,探索极好的地方我们乘火车去迈泰奥拉的两日游安排得完美无缺。我们坐的头等舱,在日落时分和晨间徒步旅行,享受每一分钟。Monastiri 宾馆的员工热情而乐于助人。宾馆装饰得很漂亮,风景也很棒。日落之旅和清晨的徒步旅行都超棒。撰写日期:2018年12月11日
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44 条点评
Linda J
1 条分享
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
We recently traveled to the Meteora area from Athens using Visit Meteora for private transportation to and from Athens. The entire experience was flawless. We had a wonderful driver, Demitras (sp?) who picked us up promptly in Mercedes passenger van and drove us to our hotel in Kastraki. We also joined the sunset tour and the hiking tour. Both were fabulous! Driving back to Athens was via Delphi, where Visit Meteora arranged for a private tour of the ruins and museum. Everything was absolutely perfect from start to finish. I highly recommend spending time at least two nights in the area and using Visit Meteora to make you stay and transportation more enjoyable.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We are delighted to hear that your experience with Visit Meteora was flawless and that you enjoyed every aspect of your trip.
Demitras and our entire team strive to provide the best possible service, and we are thrilled to know that the transportation, sunset tour, and hiking tour met your expectations. It’s great to hear that your journey through Delphi and the private tour of the ruins and museum added to your memorable experience.
Your recommendation means a lot to us, and we are grateful for your kind words. We hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back to Meteora in the future for another incredible adventure.
Best regards,
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Scott B
9 条分享
2024年4月 • 家庭
First, this is the second Meteora tour we have taken with Visit Meteora Travel. This second tour was just as wonderful as our Meteora Sunset Tour. Evan, the tour guide, was warm, welcoming, and certainly an experienced hiker as well as knowledgeable about the local plants, fauna, and history of the Meteora monasteries. He has such an easy-going personality so it easy easy to converse with him and learn more about Meteora and Greece in general.
The small group was the perfect size to ensure access to the tour guide and also allow interaction among the other guests.
My wife thoroughly enjoyed our Meteora Hiking Tour with a visit to the monasteries!
The small group was the perfect size to ensure access to the tour guide and also allow interaction among the other guests.
My wife thoroughly enjoyed our Meteora Hiking Tour with a visit to the monasteries!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi there,
Thank you so much for choosing Visit Meteora Travel once again and for taking the time to leave this lovely review! We're thrilled to hear that your Meteora Hiking Tour with Evan was a success. It sounds like his expertise and friendly demeanor greatly enhanced your experience. We're glad that the group size allowed for a personal and interactive tour, making your adventure even more special. We look forward to welcoming you back for another memorable journey!
Warm regards,
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Manoj D
科威特Kuwait City32 条分享
2023年3月 • 家庭
A beautiful historical place of mountains and Monastery built by hand on steep mountain top +400 years back. The scenic beauty needs to be experienced. To walk up the mountain is a challenge. But, worth it!
We enjoyed the sunset view. Our family Reached Meteora from Athens by Bus at 6am. Still managed to see 3 Monasteries incl 1 Nunnery.
We enjoyed the sunset view. Our family Reached Meteora from Athens by Bus at 6am. Still managed to see 3 Monasteries incl 1 Nunnery.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for sharing your experience! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your Private Tour of Meteora with transport from Kalambaka. It's wonderful to know that you found the historical significance of the monasteries and the scenic beauty of the mountains to be truly captivating. We understand that walking up the mountain can be challenging, but we're glad to hear that you found it worth the effort. Watching the sunset over the breathtaking landscape must have been a memorable experience indeed. We're delighted that despite arriving from Athens by bus early in the morning, you were able to explore three monasteries, including one nunnery. We appreciate your feedback and hope to welcome you back to experience more of nature's beauty and architectural wonders in the future!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
南非比勒陀利亚3 条分享
2024年1月 • 家庭
Very professional, wonderful guide Vangeli.
Meteora is amazing, the monasteries are incredible. There are lots of stairs but definitely worth it.
Meteora is amazing, the monasteries are incredible. There are lots of stairs but definitely worth it.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for your kind words! We're delighted to hear that you had a professional and wonderful experience with our guide, Vangeli, and enjoyed the amazing sights of Meteora. The breathtaking monasteries and the effort of climbing stairs are indeed worth the experience. We appreciate your feedback and hope to welcome you on another adventure soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Helen G
1 条分享
2023年8月 • 好友
Tour guide gave great information that we would never have known otherwise making it more meaningful
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Valued customer,
Thank you for sharing your positive experience with us. We're delighted to hear that you appreciated the organization and informative nature of our tours, especially the Morning Walk. We understand that travelling during peak season can sometimes be overwhelming, so we put a lot of effort into ensuring our guests have a comfortable and enriching experience, away from the hustle and bustle.
Your feedback on our guides is truly heartening; their dedication to providing meaningful experiences and managing tours seamlessly is something we take great pride in.
We hope to have the opportunity to welcome you back for another tour in the future.
Best wishes,
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
荷兰阿姆斯特丹393 条分享
We had a wonderful experience with Jim our driver / guide on the half day private tour. He knew so much about the history and best spots for phtotos. A very pleasant man and morning. Money well spent! Thank you for making our visit even more special.
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Melbourne, Australia1 条分享
2023年7月 • 夫妻情侣
We had an amazing experience. The driver and our guide Chris were so knowledgeable and accommodating. One on the best tours we experienced during our trip. Definitely don’t miss it.
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卡罗莱纳州Wake Forest9 条分享
Amazing area. My favorite place to visit in Greece! The Meteora monasteries were something never seen anywhere else. The location is magical and the monasteries fascinating .
Highly recommend. We stayed at Divani Meteora Hotel. Wonderful!
Highly recommend. We stayed at Divani Meteora Hotel. Wonderful!
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Phillip T
1 条分享
Our tour guide, Katerina, was so wonderful that after we took her tour a few years ago, we decided to do it again, bringing along my retirement-age mother and a few family members. She will give you a look at places in Meteora that you will NOT find anywhere else. Highly recommended!
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Kathy P
1 条分享
Our private tour was with 3 couples. The monasteries were incredible. A must see if traveling to Greece. Our guide and driver were wonderful. Because one of the monastery’s was so crowded, our guide asked if we would like to see a hermitage, instead of waiting in a very long line at the monastery. We agreed, and it was worth seeing. We all had a great time.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Can we do a later tour since we are doing a train ride from Athens?

Fernando Rodríguez
I don't know. You can ask the company, Visit Meteora.
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