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- 预订神秘景点,参观神秘海港
- 探索重建的19世纪航海村庄和历史悠久的企业
- 跳上实际的高桅横帆船,了解美国海事历史
- 享受全天开放,参观博物馆和停车场的服务,物超所值
- 停车费
- 整个19英亩的室内/室外博物馆体验
- 3艘高大的船只
- 入场/门票 - 神秘港
- 入场/门票 - Charles W. Morgan
未包含内容- 食品和饮料
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- 自购买之日起最多有效期一年
- 儿童必须由成人陪同
- 轮椅数量有限,先到先得
- 历史悠久的位船舶和一些展览建筑物的障碍可达性有限
- 如果因极端天气而关闭,您可以选择另一个日期
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- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:42083P1
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- CharlesCSF0 条分享非常值得去的博物馆这是全美国最大的海洋博物馆,有许多的场馆可以参观,还有一些真的船可以进去看看,有些场馆还是呈现18世纪的场景,还有服务人员在解说,因为内容相当的丰富,处处都有惊喜,走了一个下午并不会觉得特别累,虽然票价比较贵,但是非常的有教育价值撰写日期:2018年4月4日
- vawgrc0 条分享美丽的船港我们去的那天关闭了,因此我们没办法去观光。夏天这里应该很好看。漂亮的渔村中可以看到年迈的渔夫、河畔小屋和码头。撰写日期:2016年3月15日
- Patrick M0 条分享很适合做放松的地方不管你是打算过来看帆船的,还是过来买一些比较独特的东西、尝试一下这里的美食,这里都会是个度日的好地方。撰写日期:2016年2月25日
- cliovilla0 条分享这次体验值得再去好吧,放在一起说,适合大孩子和小孩子,以及内心孩子气的人。对于经度的研究很好,很吸引人……我所读的关于这个题目的书,看的电影都很有趣味性,我甚至计划去巴巴多斯岛旅行。撰写日期:2016年2月2日
- Jane B0 条分享一个绝妙的古迹神秘海港是个极好的地方,老少咸宜。这儿有一个1876年村庄的复制品,有历史悠久的船舶,包括世界上唯一的木制捕鲸三桅帆船,还有正规的室内展览。这儿整天都有训练有素而又专业的团队来做现场实物教学。海港位于美丽的神秘河上,能看到城镇的美景。当地的餐厅有美味的主菜,小吃和饮料。一个不容错过的景点。撰写日期:2016年1月7日
- elinor p0 条分享在海港很棒的一天我们在一个美好的冬日去的(不太冷),淡季一些项目没有开放/儿童是免费的。 我们很喜欢,待了5到6个小时,包括在那里吃了很棒的午餐。如果带小孩子,不要错过儿童博物馆,不错的艺术项目和游戏,让人很放松。景色很美丽。可能夏天的时候会更漂亮。撰写日期:2015年12月15日
- weemurree0 条分享让我们忙了好几个小时这里的职工解释的工作做得非常棒,解释了当地捕鲸团体的工作。charles W morgan是个漂亮的地方,在附近走走也很有趣。我们喜欢参观工匠的,库珀的,铁匠的,打印机的建筑。我们特别喜欢药剂师/医生的办公室。挂着有名无实的房间让我们印象非常深刻。我们在星期五的时候来这里,有很多人来这里旅游,否则的话这里不会那么拥挤的。撰写日期:2015年11月7日
- Dasheen S0 条分享很漂亮我们为了家庭聚会而来到这里旅行。我之前从未到过海港。所有在店铺和船上与我们交谈的人都非常友好,见多识广。我13岁的孩子非常享受这次旅行,这就能说明很多问题了。撰写日期:2015年10月24日
- PBFla0 条分享超出我的期望我一直想去神秘海港,最近秋季时,我们正好有机会来这里。这里超出了我的期望!去港口的价格包括两天的费用,你肯定可以在那儿待两天。由于天气原因,我们只在那里待了一天,但是我们仍然觉得物有所值。每一个建筑都很有特色,独具匠心。乘坐捕鲸船特别有趣,你会惊讶于捕鲸者是如何捕鲸的。这里有一个新建的多媒体建筑,里面有一些有价值的展品。我们甚至乘坐马车去了周围的村庄。如果你喜欢历史,作为一个活生生的历史博物馆,这个地方适合你。撰写日期:2015年10月13日
- Richard S0 条分享简直太吸引人了花了一整天的时间,还是没能理解这里的一切。我们了解到了捕鲸业对当地和国家的经济发展是多么重要,它是多么残忍的一个行业啊。美丽的船只和神奇的展览让你了解人们在这一时期是怎样生活和工作的。撰写日期:2015年10月11日
- 53Patsy380 条分享非常惊人的历史观光胜地Thompson先生为我们展示了这里会有什么被拿来换卖。船上的景色非常惊人,并且很有教育意义。Sabino正在被重新翻新。这是一艘燃煤的游船,秋天是一个来这里旅游的好时段,很多游客都已经返回了他们正常的工作和学习生活。撰写日期:2015年10月2日
- Gossie650 条分享价高但好玩这是老城的复制品。很有趣,但是$25的高价令人犹豫。摩根上尉船很好玩。如果你要省钱,就跳过这一项吧,除非你再没其他机会看看一座革命老城是什么样的、城里人们是如何生活的。咖啡厅不错,但是很贵——龙虾沙拉和两杯冰茶就要$36。撰写日期:2015年9月20日
- Lawrence A0 条分享神秘海港计划花上大半天时间参观完所有展览。每栋建筑物的讲解员都很学识广博和非常乐意介绍他们所在区域。The Galley餐馆的菜肴好吃,海港商铺有适合小孩和大人的高品质纪念品。撰写日期:2015年9月16日
- Peg B0 条分享夏天起航劳动节过得很愉快,在神秘河捷运乘坐了一趟时长40分钟的船。船长Carl Shillo向大家分享了很多关于神秘河的讯息,比如说吊桥、船只、某些当地建筑、历史和旅客等等。我强烈推荐大家到这里来。我在计划着下个月和其他旅客们一起再来这里。撰写日期:2015年9月7日
- BridgetteandJohn0 条分享经典的船展今年我们全家来到了海港。我的丈夫,我和我的父母度过了愉快的一天,他们观看了经典的船展。我们提前到了这里,看了看四周的景色,然后看了船展。非常神奇。我们幸运地坐在一个地方,那里有人讲解关于船和水手的知识。那里的工作人员非常友好,很好说话。浴室非常干净,整个海港都是这样。撰写日期:2015年9月1日
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234 条点评
Patricia N
118 条分享
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侣
Love all the history surrounding these places.
Especially great for kids, the lessons are endless.
Everything was clean, the personnel helpful and great facility.
Especially great for kids, the lessons are endless.
Everything was clean, the personnel helpful and great facility.
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We are so pleased that you had such a great time visiting us. In the spring, we will have even more fun things to see and activities for all ages. We hope you will come back to see us again soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Sandra R
7 条分享
2024年12月 • 家庭
Beautiful seaport! Is a fun-learn experience! Is a fun experiece even to grown ups. Highly recommended in Christmas!....
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Thank you for the kind review, especially noting that it is a great experience for all ages. We hope to see you back again soon!
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Megan I
肯塔基路易斯维尔176 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
We did not know what to expect but we had the BEST time at this museum. We spent the majority of our day there because there was so much to see. It was all incredibly interesting and there was a great diversity to the exhibits. Some are interactive, some art, some history, etc.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Sounds like you got a lot out or your time with us. There is definitely so much to see and do at the Museum. Thank you for your wonderful review.
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Pat L
新泽西Ocean Township14 条分享
2024年11月 • 家庭
Mystic Seaport Museum is a beautiful place to explore. There is so much history to be learned about Mystic's past of not only the superb ships but of the people who had made this place their home.
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Thank you for the kind review. We are grateful you were able to have a nice time here at the Mystic Seaport Museum.
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堪萨斯威奇托5 条分享
I scheduled my visit even though it was for a Monday in late October. I arrived shortly after opening, and obviously, there were few visitors at this time period. Regardless, it became quite evident that in peak season, there is plenty of space and room to manage large crowds. Amazing attention to detail, this is really a living museum. I was able to interact and have wonderful conversations with the knowledgeable re-enacters and staff members. The print maker, the forger and the cooperage among other trades were actively working. More buildings were self guided, which presented a picture of life back in the ship building days. Obviously, the focus is upon the ship building, living and working conditions, craftsmanship, trade routes etc...one gets the full picture here.
I suggest comfortable shoes, and don't look at your watch. Interact with the staff, ask questions, and explore the grounds. Hidden treasures are found around every corner.
I suggest comfortable shoes, and don't look at your watch. Interact with the staff, ask questions, and explore the grounds. Hidden treasures are found around every corner.
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Thank you for the review and visit. With 19 acres and 40 buildings there is always more to explore. Have a great Fall season!
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Debra R
乔治亚罗斯韦尔20 条分享
The museum is a wonderful combination of history, science, art, and culture. Every staff person was knowledgeable and friendly. Every exhibit was interesting. I was amazed by the diversity of information and experiences. Very highly recommended for the curious. I wish I lived here so I could come back for the events.
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Thank you for the review and visit. We are happy you got to step back in time with us here at the Mystic Seaport Museum.
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Linda P
纽约州Ballston Spa415 条分享
2024年10月 • 独自旅游
My second time here, it has been quite a few years. Not too many people in October and I bought a multipass to go to the aquarium for a discount same day. Free parking- nice. Many of the buildings in the "village" had staff to talk, explain and show. Beautiful surroundings on the water, small boats to rent if you want to go on the river, food available, really nice gift store and several full size ships in the water. Extra buildings and activities just for kids and places to go inside if cold or raining. The buildings surrounding the museum from street side also have posted tablets from the original owners info.
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Thank you for visiting! That is great you came for a second visit. There is always something new to see at the Mystic Seaport Museum.
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Mark H
威斯康星Fond du Lac4,446 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
If you're touring New England, I think visiting Mystic Seaport should be a priority. It's only about an hour from Newport, RI.
This "living museum" tell the story about maritime life and industry with great insight from tradespeople. Yes, there are sailing ships and after being onboard you'll wonder how people could tolerate such conditions. The museum exhibits are comprehensive.
Even if you try to breeze through it, plan on a minimum of a couple hours, but better yet plan on half a day.
Most kids will like it and it's expansive enough for the m to burn off some energy.
This "living museum" tell the story about maritime life and industry with great insight from tradespeople. Yes, there are sailing ships and after being onboard you'll wonder how people could tolerate such conditions. The museum exhibits are comprehensive.
Even if you try to breeze through it, plan on a minimum of a couple hours, but better yet plan on half a day.
Most kids will like it and it's expansive enough for the m to burn off some energy.
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Thanks for visiting! Very glad you enjoyed your visit. We hope you visit again soon!
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加利福尼亚Penryn181 条分享
We enjoyed our visit; we stayed about 3 hours and it was not crowded. We wish there had been an audio tour accompaniment. The best spots were the places that had people who actively shared information—not waiting for questions to be asked. In the shipyard, a man was energetically telling us about all the restoration and the materials used in the process—we loved that.
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Thank you for the kind review. We are grateful you were able to have a nice time here at the Mystic Seaport Museum. Have a great Fall season.
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西维吉尼亚帕克斯堡34 条分享
I feel like the way they have closed off all the streets and “hidden” the ship is a little skeezy. I thought you’d be able to just go snap a pic and leave. We didn’t have time or interest to tour the whole grounds or ship. I can see $30 to tour the ship. But it’s being hidden from the public to get people to pay $30 and that just didn’t sit right with me. It seems to me you used to be able to walk aRound the grounds or view the ship from affair for free and now they have cornered it off. Google maps acted like you could drive on streets that are now blocked off. Kinda lame, Mystic. I kept my money.
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Dear Crazycatlady923,
People often confuse Mystic Seaport Museum with the Shops at Old Mystic Village. The Shops at Old Mystic Village is a free attraction where visitors can visit numerous boutiques in a scenic New England Setting. The Mystic Seaport Museum is an outdoor history museum set on 19 acres. The campus houses 3 tall ships, including the worlds last authentic whaleship-a national landmark-The Charles W. Morgan. Visitors can board the whaleship as well as the working shipyard where we restore/build historic and replicas of historic vessels on the grounds. We also have formal exhibits in the north part of campus as well as a maritime village with a daily schedule of demonstrations from our professional Interpretation team. It appears you may have been confused and we would hope you would reconsider you poor review as it appears your made your judgement without paying the admission fee or experiencing the museum.
Gabriel Gresko, Director, Visitor Services
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We plan to visit in September. We are in the area for 4 days and would expect that Monday would be the best day as we would guess that families are more apt to go on a weekend. Should we buy our tickets in advance or should we just get them when we are there? We are both seniors if that makes a difference. Please advise on the best day for us to go. Thank you.
We plan to meet there to celebrate a birthday on July 14,2018. There will be 10 adults and two children. Do we really have to buy tickets far in advance?
No, you don't. But if you want to go on any of the cruises, like the 30 minute harbor cruise or the downriver cruise you may want to get those tickets a bit in advance as they can sell out on busy weekends.
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