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- 菲尔德自然历史博物馆门票
- 售票展品
- 入场/门票 - 菲尔德自然史博物馆
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- 3D 电影需额外收费,且需视供应情况而定。如需预订时间,建议早于上午 9 点至中午 12 点抵达
- 提供英语、西班牙语、法语、德语、意大利语、普通话、日语、韩语、波兰语和葡萄牙语的博物馆地图
- 博物馆开放时间为上午 9 点至下午 5 点,最后一次特别展览入场时间为下午 3:30,最后一次普通入场时间为下午 4 点。
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- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:38510FIELD
- traveltayx30 条分享必游之地!我和我的朋友们去了那里,这里的一切我们都很喜欢!我们是动物爱好者,所以我们喜欢参观动物展览,了解不同的动物以及它们来自哪里。我们喜欢恐龙展览,特别是SUE!你一定要见见Sue!她是有史以来最好的霸王龙!撰写日期:2019年8月29日
- JS197720170 条分享世界级的博物馆我们在这里的参观时间有限,但是看完了霸王龙和恐龙展区和埃及木乃伊展区,这三个展区都很棒,尤其是霸王龙花式,如果你对这些恰好很感兴趣的话那你一定会喜欢这里的。我们会再找一天回来看看的。撰写日期:2019年7月31日
- BearTravels330 条分享会议聚会这是一个举办会议聚会的独特场所。能够参观博物馆真的很棒。这儿还有个后露台,可以看到海军码头的美景。很棒的地方!撰写日期:2019年7月20日
- cgoncal0 条分享探索古老的文化菲尔德博物馆是一个绝佳的参观地点!每个人都有一些东西看。我和7岁,12岁和13岁的孩子一起去过,大家都非常喜欢这里。恐龙、古埃及、古代美洲、哺乳动物、鸟类...建议成为Go City会员。我购买了5天的通行证,博物馆和旅行团提供了很多选择。非常值得!撰写日期:2019年7月12日
- Shirleen S0 条分享在芝加哥参观“Sue”的快乐游我丈夫是个历史科学迷。我和我女儿就没那么有兴趣了……幸运的是,我们可以观看国家地理摄影优胜展示-这让我们大开眼界!我们也很喜欢大厅里所有的与幼儿互动的青少年志愿者——这是一个高质量的博物馆,不要错过了!撰写日期:2019年6月24日
- Charles S0 条分享菲尔德自然史博物馆这家自然历史博物馆的馆藏包括动物、细胞、恐龙化石……其中最棒的是“Sue”——在南达科塔发现的恐龙骨骼化石。这家博物馆很大,适合6岁以上的游客参观。撰写日期:2019年5月31日
- kengayheart0 条分享完美!这是参观的好地方!谁知道会有那么多种类的鸟?!当然,恐龙展览非常吸引人……嗯,霸王龙又回来了!不要错过埃及木乃伊展…庄严而有趣地回顾过去。这里绝对值得一游,强烈推荐给大家。撰写日期:2019年5月2日
- Americantravel170 条分享不错的博物馆用city pass看了各种各样的展览。有很多好看的和好玩的,真希望我们有更多的时间。恐龙展览很棒。虽然碰到了很多的学校团,也还能看到大部分的展览。撰写日期:2019年4月27日
- Barry H0 条分享非凡之旅这是非常奇妙的自然史博物馆,博物馆有三层,值得在这里度过一天的大部分时间。里面的空间很宽裕,不会觉得拥挤。在一层吃的午饭,价格很合理。这个博物馆简直是芝加哥的宝石。撰写日期:2019年4月20日
- Alwxa0 条分享这里有大型历史博物馆应该具备的一切这里适合所有年龄层的人。特别展览(2019年3月展出的是木乃伊等)有趣且信息丰富。博物馆很大,逛上一天的时间可能会很累,而且时间也不够。最好穿上舒服的鞋子。撰写日期:2019年3月6日
- Pottman0 条分享美好的一天这座博物馆老少咸宜,我们很喜欢展出的木乃伊,当然还有名叫Sue的恐龙…我们把大部分时间都花在参观恐龙上。一些展览和电影是额外收费的,有点令人失望,因为我们觉得不太值。我们唯一不会再去的是地下展览,不过孩子们可能会挺喜欢的。撰写日期:2019年2月21日
- Departure162226716060 条分享博物馆不是很大博物馆不是很大,动物标本做的都很逼真。周五去的,人也不多,只是语言不通,看介绍比较麻烦。还有个中国馆,也很不错。撰写日期:2019年2月9日
- bfindysz0 条分享在这里可以看到恐龙和别的所有东西。我上次来这里大概是50年前了。我记得那时候这里很黑很脏,但是今天这家博物馆是一个很明亮,有趣,具有教育意义,对参观者很友好的地方。这里有很多的恐龙骨架化石,包括著名的叫做苏的霸王龙,已经搬到了它的单独的陈列室,通风良好。在大厅有着很大的入口。我们还发现了一个很小的化石实验室,我三年级的孙女来到这里已经基本了解了化石是如何形成的了。在这里的参观很有趣,也很有教育意义。因为太冷了,这里的游客和员工都很少。虽然这里有很多的展品下架了,但是我们在这里还是有着很好的体验。撰写日期:2019年1月31日
- Robo C0 条分享非常棒的博物馆,家庭友善我们和我们的孙子们一起旅行,在这里度过了愉快的时光,我们认为来这里这将是一个全天的体验,所以我们在上午10点就到达了这里,然而展览和演示都组织得非常好,我们在短短的2小时内就参观完了所有,我建议大家可以获得城市通行证,因为它将为您节省大量时间和金钱,不仅仅是这个景点,还有Sky Deck以及更多的景点都可以使用。还有* 美食家小贴士 * Comissary Food很棒而且不贵 - 但在点餐之前你得有位子,好好享用吧!撰写日期:2019年1月13日
- Chris T0 条分享不可思议的建筑以及具有教育意义的展览“宏伟”这个词应该是对菲尔德博物馆的众多正面描述之一。我们最喜欢的展览就是南极洲化石展,但是我不太确定它是不是永久性的展出。对于一个四口之家来说,这是一次昂贵的旅行,但实际上你可以在那里度过一整天。撰写日期:2019年1月4日
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276 条点评
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密歇根307 条分享
We walked to the museum from our hotel and had trouble finding an open entrance. I imagine this was due to lower crowds in the winter, but some signage would have been helpful! The museum is massive, an easy way to spend a cold, snowy afternoon. We did get bored with exhibit after exhibit of taxidermy. While the Field Museum was definitely worth visiting, it's a one and done for us.
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墨西哥墨西哥城1,199 条分享
Absolutely impressive! Make sure to select what you want to see because (at least in our case) one day was not enough for us to see the whole museum.
The Egyptian and the Polynesian exhibitions are particularly great in terms of museography and of the items they hold. It feels a bit wrong that they are so far from the countries they belong to, but at least they are well preserved and can be appreciated by the visitors.
It is more of a mix between a natural history museum and an ethnographic museum, because it has areas dedicated to cultures from around the world.
We also visited the temporary exhibition on Cats and Felines. It was good overall though I think it should make more emphasis on important topics like environmental issues and conservation efforts, instead of making the conclusion about “sharing funny pictures of your pets”. Makes it seem childish and unimportant —which it’s not.
The lockers have an additional charge, but at least they are affordable and easy to use. They should be included within the fare in my opinion, because (at least in winter) they are a necessity, not a luxury.
The restrooms are clean and the staff is kind. The shop has interesting items but is ridiculously overpriced, so don’t even bother.
In conclusion, this museums makes for a whole day visit, and is really worth it.
The Egyptian and the Polynesian exhibitions are particularly great in terms of museography and of the items they hold. It feels a bit wrong that they are so far from the countries they belong to, but at least they are well preserved and can be appreciated by the visitors.
It is more of a mix between a natural history museum and an ethnographic museum, because it has areas dedicated to cultures from around the world.
We also visited the temporary exhibition on Cats and Felines. It was good overall though I think it should make more emphasis on important topics like environmental issues and conservation efforts, instead of making the conclusion about “sharing funny pictures of your pets”. Makes it seem childish and unimportant —which it’s not.
The lockers have an additional charge, but at least they are affordable and easy to use. They should be included within the fare in my opinion, because (at least in winter) they are a necessity, not a luxury.
The restrooms are clean and the staff is kind. The shop has interesting items but is ridiculously overpriced, so don’t even bother.
In conclusion, this museums makes for a whole day visit, and is really worth it.
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Jeremy F
1 条分享
Definitely 5 out of 5 came for our engagement and it was perfect! Would recommend for a weekend trip with the family as well staff was friendly and building was very clean
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Robert Camper
新罕布什尔州康科德105 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Our family was planning a trip to Chicago and this was part of the "City Pass." Looked fun, we love museums, so decided to add it to our itinerary. It was a very good museum, almost too much "stuff." Whatever your interest, there could be a whole display of whatever that interest is. It was a bit too "static" for my 16 year old son. He enjoyed it, but I think at times was a bit like "how many skeletons can we see?" But there were a lot of interesting displays. When we visited there were large sections covered in brown paper due to something with indigenous people. While I get that, and respect that, seems like they could have taken those items out of the displays for the time being, and closed off a room or something (or displayed something else in their place).
I was a tiny bit disappointed as this museum could have been anywhere in the country. I guess I should have expected that, but didn't see much that was directly "Illinois" related. It is still a very good museum, and will probably be on our "to do again" list if we return to Chicago someday.
I was a tiny bit disappointed as this museum could have been anywhere in the country. I guess I should have expected that, but didn't see much that was directly "Illinois" related. It is still a very good museum, and will probably be on our "to do again" list if we return to Chicago someday.
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南卡罗来纳希尔顿头岛655 条分享
We spent an interesting and educational cold January day at the museum. We bought our tickets through TripAdvisor on line and walked right in; there was an additional charge for the special Cats exhibit that was worth the price. This was my first visit to the museum. It is large and comprehensive. We spent 5 hours there and did not come close to seeing everything. Plenty to see when we return to Chicago!
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墨西哥墨西哥城1,247 条分享
It's an extraordinary museum. It has an excellent museography, on very varied subjects... All interesting. Also the museum is Huge!!!
I arrived early (open at 9am), put on comfortable shoes and prepare to walk (enjoy) lots of information, beautiful objects, scientific and cultural elements
I arrived early (open at 9am), put on comfortable shoes and prepare to walk (enjoy) lots of information, beautiful objects, scientific and cultural elements
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肯塔基路易斯维尔108 条分享
Great museum! Plan to spend a few hours as there is much to see. All of the dinosaur stuff is great! Especially SUE
Must go if in Chicago.
Must go if in Chicago.
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Laurence P
英国Newhaven439 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
Wow - what a colelction. The exhibits seemed never ending. Make sure you allow enough time to see everything.
Food is very expensive here, so take a snack with you if you can (wish we did). $120 for a small lunch / 4.
Food is very expensive here, so take a snack with you if you can (wish we did). $120 for a small lunch / 4.
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Gina F
19 条分享
The dinosaurs did not disappoint. We spent 3 hours at the museum and did not see everything. We spent the most time in the dinosaur exhibits and the Egypt exhibits. The gemstones were beautiful. There was just the right amount of reading and a lot of visual exhibits that would be good for all ages.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Megan S
德克萨斯州沃思堡66 条分享
Loved this!! The dinosaurs were our main attraction but the museum is huge & you could stay here for 3+ hours easily. Great experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
My name is Sultan, of Yemeni origin, residing in the United States of America, Illinois. I would like to ask, are there artifacts from the Yemeni civilization in your wonderful museum?
Thank you,
Yes. You can park in the Soldier Field garage about a block away for $22. There is also limited street parking across the street, and a parking lot a few blocks away for $20.
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