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狮子,老虎和海豚。天啊!在齐格弗里德和罗伊的秘密花园看到所有这些迷人的生物。位于Mirage Hotel and Casino酒店的便利位置,您可以轻松地将这个景点融入任何度假时间表。近距离观看丛林猫,因为它们在丛林般的围栏周围蜿蜒而行。从水下观察区域,您可以看到海豚在水面以下时如何游泳和玩耍。
年龄 0-99
用时: 8 小时 30 分
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 靠近各种丛林猫
- 观察海豚在水下游泳
- 在方便的时候去花园
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- 门票
- 入场/门票 - 齐格菲与罗伊的秘密花园与海豚馆
- 入场/门票 - 美丽华酒店白虎秀
- 入场/门票 - 美丽华酒店赌场
未包含内容- 酒店接送服务
- 停车/代客费
- 出发地点:
- Secret Garden & Dolphin Habitat, The Mirage, 3400 Las Vegas Blvd S, Las Vegas, NV 89109, USA
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 无障碍通道
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- Jav660 条分享如果您喜欢海豚,值得一游这个景点就在酒店旁边,您来到这里时,首先会进入海豚区。您可以在两个区域看到海豚,在参观中,您会经常看到有海豚在玩球,那不是在表演,而是自由地玩耍和跳跃。你可以坐在那里喝一杯,看着海豚们游泳,感觉很不错,您也可以进入水下观景台,看着海豚在水中游泳。再往前走,你会看到另一个海豚池,里面有一些成年海豚。这里不提供表演,除了海豚,没有什么其他可看的。您可以购买饲料给海豚喂食,不过我个人觉得,似乎不值得为此花费额外的钱。你可以与训练员一起与海豚们待一整天,这听起来不错,但价格很昂贵,而且需要提前预订。如果你有一个小时的时间,可以来这里逛逛,但期望不要太高,毕竟这里除了参观海豚之外没什么其他事可做。撰写日期:2019年9月26日
- bhan5590 条分享适合消磨一小时这个地方很适合消磨一小时,没有太多的可看的,但我们很喜欢。我确实感觉到与其他一些动物相比,某些小型大型猫科动物的围场要小一些,不确定为什么?撰写日期:2019年9月25日
- A4154YZdaver0 条分享大猫的笼子像地狱对这个令人震惊的地方感到非常恶心。海豚的场地不够大,而大猫的围栏太小了!白虎由于空间不足,看起来快要疯了。豹的笼子就像个监狱,它根本没有奔跑的空间。这个地方得停止营业。如果你想去参观,千万不要。看到这些动物在这么小的围栏里,我的妻子难受得哭了。撰写日期:2019年9月21日
- bamorrin0 条分享很有趣这是一次很棒的经历,尤其是当我们见到齐格弗里德本人时,他还和我们一起摆姿势照相。海豚表演太棒了。老虎、黑豹和狮子都很厉害。推荐你去维加斯的时候去一次。撰写日期:2019年9月19日
- karendQ3003UH0 条分享很好的业余活动。海豚只是游了一圈,花园非常漂亮,但是动物们都睡着了。很好的业余活动。海豚只是游了一圈,花园非常漂亮,但是动物们都睡着了。最精彩的是与齐格弗里德见面和交谈!使用优惠券,22美元对一个小景点来说有点贵。撰写日期:2019年9月4日
- bullium750 条分享不错所以这是一次自我引导的区域之旅,这里比我预期的要小,但你确实看到了两只大猫。海豚很有趣,你可以在20分钟内完成整个公园的步行。你可以观看这儿的一些培训课程。如果你想消磨时间的话,这是个非常不错的地方。我女儿很喜欢它,而且他们有一个地下观景区,非常有趣。你也可以花钱和海豚一起游泳,但是很贵。撰写日期:2019年8月28日
- jackwD9153EX0 条分享拉斯维加斯的宁静之地我和我的家人在一个星期四的早晨参观了此地,为了观看海豚训练课程,并花了1-1/2小时探索这座秘密花园,几乎没有什么人。票价好像有点贵,但是,请记住你身处拉斯维加斯,此地的一切都很贵!虽然不应把秘密花园与动物园混淆,但它的确为游客提供了观察海豚和几只热带环境中的大型猫科动物的机会,此地给人提供了心灵的宁静。来这里看看吧,小憩片刻,因为这里是一个远离炎热和“典型”的拉斯维加斯之地。撰写日期:2019年8月26日
- P601AHdavidb0 条分享我们旅行的亮点,要参加VIP之旅孩子们非常喜欢这次VIP海豚之旅。它能让你有幕后观察的机会,然后当你接近海豚时,你能得到一些与工作人员一对一的机会。还包括一张与海豚合影的家庭照片。很棒的时光。老虎和狮子的体验不能等同于海豚的体验。撰写日期:2019年8月17日
- ttlepine0 条分享姑娘们的拉斯维加斯之旅如果你喜欢海豚和老虎(或者猫科动物),这是一个必须去的景点。我们去的那天齐格弗里德也还在那里,所以我们和他合影留念。景区里有树荫,所以如果外面很热,你就可以不在阳光直射的地方(海豚区除外)。如果幸运的话,你会在互动的时候摸一摸海豚,这很有趣。强烈建议在拉斯维加斯的时候看看这个动物景点。撰写日期:2019年7月19日
- BNA-Wanderlust0 条分享对孩子来说很好玩齐格菲和罗伊的秘密花园和海豚馆的价格有些高了,如果你把它的规模和有限的动物数量和动物园相比。然而,它在拉斯维加斯提供了非常有趣的亲子活动,可以观赏海豚、白虎和其他大型猫科动物。一定注意其中一个海豚饲养员的讲话,看这些美丽的动物与他们的教练互动。观赏海豚既可以从水面上,也可以从水下观察窗观看。撰写日期:2019年6月23日
- Andrew A0 条分享请不要浪费你的钱这个地方不值22美元。只能看到六种动物,还有,海豚表演并不能算真正的表演。能看到动物是很开心,但也不能每人收22美元呀。五分钟内就可以看完了。撰写日期:2019年5月31日
- meandmo19350 条分享还行如果不是包含在套票里,我不会花22美元去这里看。不到45分钟就看完了。到处都是礼品店和小吃店。撰写日期:2019年4月29日
- Wendy N0 条分享越来越好这个地方真是太棒了。从多个海豚池,到地下观景台,在那里我们可以看到年轻的海豚,到有狮子和老虎的花园。意想不到的是,我们可以和Siegfried Fischbacher交谈,并与他合影。非常喜欢我们的旅行。撰写日期:2019年4月23日
- kdougherty5270 条分享观看海豚表演很有趣这次体验的入场价格很高。观看海豚很有趣,表演很短但很赞。训练师和海豚都非常棒! 只需要大约半个小时的时间就可以看完所有表演,所以如果你没有超高的期望那就很有趣。撰写日期:2019年4月20日
- Belliago370 条分享每人每张门票是22美元这是我第一次参观这个景点,我喜欢动物,这是一个非常棒的小型公园。雄性白虎的声音非常响亮,令人敬畏,海豚训练表演也很棒,但是有些人在海豚表演中被弄湿了,过后他们会为你提供毛巾。这里有一个可以在地下观赏这些海豚的地方,那里有两只年幼的海豚宝宝,现在是四月,天气也很好。看起来大猫和海豚被照顾得很好,真是太棒了。撰写日期:2019年4月3日
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107 条点评
Phil S
74 条分享
A must see before the Mirage is demolished to make way for the new Hard Rock Casino. The big cats were impressive but lacked any interaction with each other and were held in small enclosures. The dolphins were great and the audience sat at the very edge of the pool with some audience participation available for additional fees. The girls doing the dolphin display were very knowledgeable and had a vary good rapport with the dolphins.
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英国伦敦5 条分享
2022年4月 • 家庭
We visited The Secret Garden at the Mirage hotel while on holiday April 2022 initially it seemed lovely and to see dolphins and tigers and lions felt like a dream visit. HOWEVER, on deeper reflection it did not seem right that the tigers and lions have very small inadequate enclosures with no stimulation, the white tiger was pacing aimlessly back and forth obviously bored and stressed by such an aimless existence. It was extremely upsetting. On return I contacted numerous animal welfare organisations who all told me they have been campaigning for years against this but because it’s not “illegal “ their hands are tied they can only keep raising awareness. So here I am. Over 15 dolphins have perished at this location, they have totally inadequate facilities for these dolphins. they used to have a lone elephant named Gilda who died there, the welfare organisations had campaigned for years to put her in a proper sanctuary with other elephants as they required companionship but thus was refused. She died there. Come in Mirage hotel and MGM, this is 2022 and people have more awareness, treat us with the same dignity that these poor animals also need and LISTEN and act, This is not right.
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Gem B
英国盖茨黑德131 条分享
Ahhh this was a lovely stop off. Its not big but I'd say its worth the entry fee. Having never seen a dolphin before it was lovely to see them up so close. Personally I wouldnt bother paying the $100 for meet and greet unless you REALLY want to touch a dolphin. The experience lasts minutes and you get to see them up so close anyway. They also have a white tiger, red tiger, lion and leopards. Most of which were sleeping but we were lucky to see one pretty close walking around. Reasonably priced gift shop too.
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Michael Y
德克萨斯州休斯顿674 条分享
It's a bit pricey ($25 adults/$19 children < 12yr), but it was a fun experience for the kids. White tigers, lions, leopards...and you are pretty close to them. The dolphins have a training session that you should try to see...again, you are pretty close to them for great views and photos. You definitely don't feel like you are in Vegas at this oasis.
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亚利桑那Litchfield Park569 条分享
First of all it was HOT and the animals weren’t out. Some of the cages were empty and the lion was brought back just as we were leaving. The dolphins habitat was disappointing because we were expecting to see them to put on a show. We watched a few minutes of training and it was over. Other family members liked the underwater observatory. Training was very short! Admission was $25/adult, not sure of the charge for kids. If you purchase water buy the water bottle kind because they take the top off the regular water bottle and toss it before giving you your purchase. (They say the tops are harmful to the dolphins if dropped in the pool. People can be irresponsible.) I wanted to keep the water but without a top I tossed it in the trash.
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Ruben C
墨西哥华瑞兹城117 条分享
The Dolphins are awesome, very smart. Watching the Big Cats its always amazing hopefully they are taken to a bigger space when they close the doors to the public.
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James Mc
47 条分享
2020年11月 • 独自旅游
Great show they have dolphin training sessions where you can take pictures of the dolphins they also have the Tigers and lot one lion from the Siegfried and Roy show. They also have a small gift shop and snack bar. They also have underwater viewing area .
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Jn t
德克萨斯州斯德伯克48 条分享
Stop. if you are buying show tickets, if they have times. they are false. Call event. due to covid there are no shows. You can watch dolphins working out. tour tiger exabit. But there is no picture with, show to watch, time to go. They work them out every hour on the hour ( or close to it.) show selections and discounts are not them. So, beware. there are NO SHOWS right now. . I got discount thru mlife for show and picture with. Not happening. they will tell you normal entry is 50 for two and that's what you have. But, no pics due to Covid. They were nice. typical management hiding behind hourly type stuff. so no-one to complain to. just took our lumps and looked at tigers. Meat a wonderful woman who did our grandkids names in art at gift center. THANKS. DO NOT TRY TO LEAVE gift shop with lids, caps, or straws. they will stop you. Wildlife thing...
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Jeannie C
8 条分享
I'm just surprised how many are entertained by this. Thankfully I got the tickets for free because I have always wanted to see the secret garden but as suspected there was not much to see here. The dolphins were sweet and fun to watch. The lion and tigers did not seem happy. It seemed like the Tigers were sick or didn't feel well. It was hard to even get eye contact from them. They just looked miserable. It was very small. Value is maybe $10-$12. I would not pay $25 per ticket.
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纽约州Cambridge183 条分享
Nothing to boast about but not a bad place. Vegas is starting to have more and more things to do for kids but its still not a super kid friendly place, but this is one place you could take them. Its enough to keep a kid occupied or for anyone who likes tigers, lions and dolphins. Cute little quick dolphin show.
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You can come and go all day if you get a hand stamp for re-entry. The dolphin shows and meet and greet are held throughout the day. You need to book the meet and greet at the entry gate. $50 each but we'll worth the money. It includes a photo.
If not walking, I recommend Lyft or Uber. They are reasonable since most things are fairly close by. Walking works well to explore and see a lot more up close but takes time and some attractions are farther away.
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