半私人奢华 |圣托里尼岛双体船游轮,船上烧烤和饮料
半私人奢华 |圣托里尼岛双体船游轮,船上烧烤和饮料
供应商/业主为:Spiridakos Sailing Cruises
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- 带空调小型货车的免费酒店接送服务
- 免费毛巾、浮潜和安全设备
- 船上烧烤,享用当地葡萄酒、啤酒、软饮料和鸡尾酒
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- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- *领取信息* 预订后,我们将向您发送一条消息,其中包含确切的接载地点和时间。 接载时间为小型巴士,至少在游轮开始时间前一小时进行,接载地点可能距离您的酒店仅有很短的步行距离。 *您是游览圣托里尼岛的游轮客人吗?* 大多数小船会将您送到费拉旧港,但我们无法从那里接您,因为那里没有道路。您需要乘坐缆车到达我们位于费拉的办公室,并在我们的航行开始前至少一小时到达那里。 让我们知道补给船什么时间开始并返回您的游轮。我们需要确保您有足够的时间返回。
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- 根据希腊海事法,所有参与者在预订时需要提供护照姓名、性别、号码、有效期和国家/地区
- 饮酒最低年龄为18岁
- 提供素食选择,请在预订时提出您的要求
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 自带防晒霜、泳衣、太阳镜和风衣
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 20 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:17549P13
- 途经Amoudi BaySantorini Volcano
- 1途经Lighthouse
- 2
- 3途经Vlychada
- 146yajunl0 条分享一次无聊的旅行不觉得很有意思,温泉一点不热,浮潜水下面也没啥鱼。20个人食物很少,而且那个导游明明舱房里有餐桌空着,不让我们泳,我刚坐下吃饭就把我们轰到外面甲板上吃饭,外面的餐桌和甲板上都是人,最后没办法,我们只能坐在台阶上吃饭,还得来回来去给人让路,不明白这个人是什么意思,难道是因为他们在厨房吃饭,所以不让我们进去吗?撰写日期:2023年9月18日
- lucienzhangzl0 条分享梦幻爱琴海这趟旅行很棒,风景优美,食物也很好。船员都很友好,这趟旅行真的令人记忆深刻!是不可多得的人生体验!船是开放式的,所以不用担心晕船,你可以自由地在每一层你喜欢的地方待着,所有的风景都很棒!午餐是意面,烤鸡排,希腊沙拉和其他我不知道名字的很好吃的东西。撰写日期:2023年4月29日
- Freedom108938572630 条分享很好的一次体验工作人员Mario、Lasy还有其他船员非常友善和敬业,推荐!船上的设施很干净,厕所什么的都很干净。在路途中可以尽情享受阳光和海洋,很舒服的一天!撰写日期:2022年9月15日
- MissTravelPrincess0 条分享这趟旅途简直完美我们参加了这趟日落游船之旅,我们感到非常印象深刻。我们在船上吃的食物很美味,而且员工们会不竭余力地确保每个游客都能玩得尽兴。我们坐的这趟船很大,船只保养得很好,不过我们参团的一行人却不多。我强烈推荐你也来参加这旅行团。撰写日期:2019年10月24日
- jessew1227180 条分享日落巡游和Antonios,Despina,Hasan一起搭乘Alma Libre号,我们爱死这趟旅行了!度过了美好的时光,食物也好好吃!强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年10月19日
- Navigator029297008990 条分享圣托里尼岛豪华游艇我们一行6人从中国到Fira小镇参加游圣托里尼豪华游艇畅游爱琴海,边品尝海鲜大餐边欣赏美丽海景。该公司帅哥Tony热情细心解释行程,服务周到妥善安排令我们这次行程吃得开心玩得更加开心。会继续推荐给朋友。撰写日期:2019年10月18日
- antoniosorre0 条分享和家人一起在船上奇妙的一天,工作人员彬彬有礼,和蔼可亲,对所有乘客的关注度都很高,做得很好; 他们向我们展示了我们所走的道路,并简要介绍了Thera岛(布拉沃安东尼奥)的历史,感谢所有员工和船长。 最后,我还要强调陪同我们登机的穿梭司机的专业行为。 祝大家好运,工作人员彬彬有礼,工作人员友善,对所有乘客的关注最大,做得很好。 他们向我们展示了塞拉岛的足迹,非常感谢工作人员和船长。 最后,我还要强调陪同我们登机的穿梭司机。 对所有人都有帮助撰写日期:2019年10月13日
- JCardin940 条分享风很大,但是很棒!我们Airbnb的老板提到了一个“烟花汇演”的巡游,一年一次,我们决定去参加。他们开车把我们从锡拉岛的Airbnb住所接到了码头。一到达,船员不能更棒了!让我们感到受欢迎和舒适。遗憾的是,天公不作美,那天非常冷,风超大!从A点去到B点很艰难。一些人决定去温泉里游个泳,当他们出来的时候说那里不“热”。晚餐很棒,他们提供各种海鲜,鸡肉,当然还有希腊沙拉。晚上我们就准备看烟花表演了,Joanna, Pablo和Jawel给我们提供了鸡尾酒和毛毯。旅途其余的时间也是很令人放松且极其美好的。撰写日期:2019年9月30日
- Mrsmelissamarie0 条分享在圣托里尼必须要做的事!我们的队长是Kosas,助手是Nikolas和Angela。所有都非常棒!我们在这次旅行中获得了最好的体验。Nikolas是最棒的!他们做的食物美味极了。 我们吃了鸡肉,对虾。意大利面和希腊沙拉。一切都很棒。带我们去了三个便宜的地方,甚至还去了温泉。我会把这个推荐给大家。美妙的音乐和美好的氛围。甚至还有无限量的酒供应。 这整个经历让我们的圣托里尼之旅物有所值。撰写日期:2019年9月26日
- Lisandra R0 条分享很棒我们是昨天进行的海上游览,真的很棒。风景,船员和工作人员都很棒。安东尼奥也很棒。他给我们讲了每一停靠点所有相关的信息,而且一直都关注着船员。你可以在那里潜水和游泳,这真的很好。日落的风景不会让你失望的。强烈推荐这次行程。撰写日期:2019年9月16日
- Sehr_uh0 条分享我们希腊之旅的完美结局!优秀的员工和超赞服务!穿梭巴士把我和我的朋友从我们在伊亚的酒店接了回来,并提供了广告中宣传的所有服务。烧烤准备得很好,我们有很多吃的!我们的队长科斯塔斯和德安东尼(安东尼斯)工作很尽心尽力,确保我们过得很舒服,玩得很开心!安东尼还扮演了摄影师的角色,为我们拍了很多精彩的照片!强烈推荐Spiridakos邮轮之旅!撰写日期:2019年9月15日
- Q3892WU_0 条分享超赞的经历,可爱的工作人员Lianna, Antonis, Despina, 以及我们的船长 Kostas 都非常的棒,非常的友好,经验丰富,很善良而且很有趣。我喜欢这里的全体工作人员,他们的热情好客,以及所有的经历。食物真的很好吃,尤其是在航海的时候做的。如果你在在圣托里尼,这是必须要做的!撰写日期:2019年9月11日
- S1087LOkathyc0 条分享优秀的航行这次航行是我们在圣托里尼岛停留的一个亮点。和我一起旅行的朋友很紧张,船长(Kostas)和船员(Antonio, Kostas, and Despina )想尽办法让她放松。我们就在旅馆门前上的车,上了船,又被一辆舒适的面包车送回旅馆。航行让我们看到了令人难以置信的景色和惊人的日落。我们在船上吃的饭很好吃。撰写日期:2019年9月11日
- Troydan70 条分享这趟欣赏圣托里尼岛风光的游轮真是超赞的我们住的套间酒店的接待员推荐了这趟游船之旅,我们很高兴自己亲自体验了一番。我们可以从海上见到许多标志性景点,这点超赞的。我们参加的奢华日落游轮的感觉很棒哦。船上的食物和饮品都很赞。而且我们能够下海和鱼儿们一起游泳潜水,这感觉可真有意思。最后,我们还欣赏到了景色梦幻的日落。体验这游轮花的钱可真值。撰写日期:2019年9月9日
- jaredkr0 条分享太棒了!感谢所有船员!我们参加了日落巡航,非常喜欢它!5个小时的旅程包括去往不同颜色的海滩,几个游泳站点,泡温泉的时间(太棒了),食物,还有日落景色。船上有二十个人,这可能是最多的了。那里并不拥挤,每个人都能在阳光充足的地方休息。船员都很出色。我们要大加赞赏亚历克斯船长、丽达、雅各布和哈桑!他们使这次航行变得很愉快。我走进游轮时对这里的食物期望并不高,但这些食物却让我感到大吃一惊。这些食物都很好吃。我强烈推荐你一有机会就去潜水。你会看到成千上万的鱼。船有时会遇到岩石,如果你不擅长水上运动,那么这么长时间的航行可能对你不利。我一定会把它推荐给任何参观圣托里尼的人。撰写日期:2019年9月5日
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893 条点评
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Στέφανος Κ
1 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
Great experience
The Cruise with the Bonita was excellent and the crew with captain Stauros gave us a great experience during the sunset.
Definitely Worth it
The Cruise with the Bonita was excellent and the crew with captain Stauros gave us a great experience during the sunset.
Definitely Worth it
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5 条分享
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侣
What a wonderful experience! They deserve 5 stars. In June I did the excursion with my husband on the boat summer. The staff was very friendly, the treatment was very special for everyone, the food was delicious and tasty , the lady all the time asked us if we wanted more drinks and was very attentive and helpful! This has been one of the best experiences in Santorini, I recommend it!!!!
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爱尔兰273 条分享
Excellent - from the two drivers that picked up and dropped off to the crew onboard. George & Alex. Modern catamaran with lots of room for relaxing. Food and drinks great . I looked at many reviews for sunset cruises before booking and eventually at last minute settled on this one. It was a great choice. €170 each for sunset cruise incl pickup . I only needed to pay on arrival which suited me. I know that there are many great companies doing this type of cruise and you can be overcome with the number of choices available but I feel that if you book with Spiridakos , you won’t be disappointed.
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德国锡根3 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Absolute pleasure combined with fun and a very well organized crew….
We were at the boat „Summer“ and we had the sun on board. Danai had such a positive energy. Always on duty, very addicted to details and with the very pleasant situational awareness taking care of the guests. She loves her job and I would rate 6 stars for Danai.
Combined with a professional Crew and with 2 super cooks Ekram and Reno we had a perfect lunch which supported the positive mood on board.
Paolo the Captain took care of the boat in a professional way and was always ahead of the game. Thank you all so much for this experience which will find a nice place in our hearts. K & S
We were at the boat „Summer“ and we had the sun on board. Danai had such a positive energy. Always on duty, very addicted to details and with the very pleasant situational awareness taking care of the guests. She loves her job and I would rate 6 stars for Danai.
Combined with a professional Crew and with 2 super cooks Ekram and Reno we had a perfect lunch which supported the positive mood on board.
Paolo the Captain took care of the boat in a professional way and was always ahead of the game. Thank you all so much for this experience which will find a nice place in our hearts. K & S
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4 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
The boat was luxurious, the crew very friendly and dynamic. Stop swimming many. Drink and delicious food. However, no stop on the beach
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33 条分享
2024年7月 • 家庭
Spiridakos tours is very well known and sadly we were a group of 6 and not happy at all with our Catamaran Cruise. 1st there is nothing luxurious about having sooooo many rules. You had to sit on one corner of the boat to put lotion on, you had to walk in one direction if wet, you could not bring your towels or sit where you wanted, the cruise was interrupted constantly by the host. I have been on two other catamarans in Santorini and recently in Milos....all without the excessive rules and regulations and they were soooo much more enjoyable. Paying extra for luxury was just a ploy to pay for nothing more than you would have received on their normal cruise. They played lousy music and had the most awful wine to serve. In addition, they bring you to the hot springs but, don't advise to wear a dark bathing suit in advance because your suit may change colors from the sulfur, therefore preventing you from swimming at one of their swim spots.
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Dear MAG0215,
Thank you for sharing your feedback.
We genuinely regret that your experience with us did not meet your expectations.
Please send us an email at info@spiridakos.gr including your reservation number for us to offer further support. We could not verify a booking under your name.
We aim to provide a luxurious and safe experience for all our guests, and our guidelines are in place to ensure everyone’s comfort and safety on board.
Our experienced crew provide a security briefing at the start of each cruise, so our guests would know how to act in all circumstances.
However, we understand that these rules may have felt restrictive and impacted your enjoyment.
At your disposal for any clarification.
With warm regards,
Spiridakos Sailing Cruises
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
12 条分享
They can not be trusted! They pack the boat if they can. The hotel said 18 people The website 18 people It was 21. I saw 2 boats unload. Always more than 20….
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Dear Lyxeloth66,
Thank you for sharing your feedback. We are genuinely sorry to hear about your concerns regarding the number of guests on board.
We strictly adhere to safety regulations and guidelines, ensuring that our boats are never overcrowded and always remain within safe limits.
Our standard capacity is communicated clearly to all booking platforms and partners, depending on the cruise type.
It seems there was a misunderstanding from the hotel regarding the maximum capacity of our catamarans. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please send us your reservation number at info@spiridakos.gr so we can further investigate your complaint and ensure that the hotel has the correct information to prevent this from happening again.
Your feedback is important to us, and we will review our processes to ensure clear communication and adherence to our stated capacity.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we hope to have the opportunity to provide you with a better experience in the future.
With warm regards,
Spiridakos Sailing Cruises
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
英国曼彻斯特269 条分享
It was OK, wish we’d chosen different company.
The transfers were very long - if you are staying in Oia then recommend you look for a company that either starts or ends at Ammoudi Bay.
Boat was nice but 22 people isn’t semi-private. The harbour you sail from is crazy busy - really feels like mass tourism and you will be one of a hundred boats doing the same thing.
Hot springs weren’t hot.
Food onboard was good. Wine was OK but not very generously offered. Letting us watch the sunset without a drink in particular I thought was really nickel and diming.
Crew friendly, nice to be out on the water, but on the whole expensive and too mass touristic for what you get.
The transfers were very long - if you are staying in Oia then recommend you look for a company that either starts or ends at Ammoudi Bay.
Boat was nice but 22 people isn’t semi-private. The harbour you sail from is crazy busy - really feels like mass tourism and you will be one of a hundred boats doing the same thing.
Hot springs weren’t hot.
Food onboard was good. Wine was OK but not very generously offered. Letting us watch the sunset without a drink in particular I thought was really nickel and diming.
Crew friendly, nice to be out on the water, but on the whole expensive and too mass touristic for what you get.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Geoggy08,
Thank you for taking the time to share your experience and for choosing us for your cruise in Santorini.
Please send us your reservation number at info@spiridakos.gr, since we could not find a booking under your name.
We're sorry to hear that your experience did not meet your expectations and appreciate your comments as they help us improve our services.
Regarding the number of guests, we maintain a capacity that ensures safety and comfort while allowing for a more intimate experience than larger tours of +60 guests. We apologize if 20 guests onboard a 46-foot brand new Lagoon catamaran felt too crowded and will take your feedback into account for future improvements.
We regret that the hot springs did not meet your expectations. This is a natural phenomenon which can not be predicted nor controlled. Santorini and the rest of the Cyclades are known for offering refreshingly cold water.
Additionally, we will review our beverage service to ensure guests feel well-cared for throughout the entire cruise, especially during key moments like the sunset.
We're glad to hear you enjoyed the food and found the crew friendly. Your positive comments are much appreciated.
Thank you again for your feedback. Please feel free to reach out to us at info@spiridakos.gr with your reservation number so we can address your concerns directly and ensure a better experience in the future.
With warm regards,
Spiridakos Sailing Cruises
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Elizabeth F
7 条分享
2024年7月 • 好友
Took the Sunset Cruise on July 3rd 2024 aboard the Summer with my Bestie, it was our last night in Greece and I can't think of a better way to have spent it. Our guide Danai was knowledgable, lively, kind and accommodating at every turn. The food was good and the Sunset Spectacular, the Captain knew exactly where to have us for all the best photos. I highly recommend this trip and request the Summer with Danai if you can!
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Tasoulis A
6 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Μια όμορφη εμπειρία με το catamaran happy day της εταιρίας Spiridakos sailing cruises να δεις και να μάθεις τη Σαντορίνη μεσα από τη θάλασσα με το καταπληκτικό πλήρωμα Endri,Mimoza και Κωνσταντίνο. Σας ευχαριστούμε πολύ
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Matthew F
Does the tour get dropped off at Port of Vlychada or at Ammoudi Bay?
Bonjour, pour une croisière demi journée semi privée, quel est le nombre maximal de participants ? Merci
What is the difference between this semi-private "luxury" tour and the semi-private "premium" tour you also operate?
Pour une croisière semi-privée, combien ça coûte ? Et combien sommes nous?
Pour un anniversaire, peut on demander un dessert et de la musique?!
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