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墨尔本郊外,占地 556 英亩(225 公顷)的 Werribee 开放式动物园充分利用了澳大利亚广阔的空间。乘坐敞篷巴士穿越草原,观赏犀牛、长颈鹿等非洲动物;在宽敞的围栏内观赏大猩猩、河马、猎豹、狮子等动物;漫步在河边,周围是袋鼠和考拉等澳大利亚野生动物;聆听饲养员讲解。提前预订门票,确保周末也能入场。
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年龄 0-99
用时: 3 小时
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书面指南:中文, 英语
- 威勒比开放式动物园门票
- 在平原上享受非洲风格的开放式野生动物园
- 门票价格有助于动物园拯救 27 种本土物种免于灭绝
- 在适合您的时间到达,无需让孩子们起床
- 所有门将讲座和演讲
- 动物园一般入场
- 入场/门票 - 威勒比开放式动物园
未包含内容- 酒店接送服务
- 食品和饮料
- 无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 交通工具有无障碍设施
- 表面有无障碍通道
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6297WERRIBEE- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:6297WERRIBEE
- jrtakesontheworld0 条分享愉悦的一天在行程的最后一日,我们选择了威勒比开放式动物园。不过好像其他游客也有同样的想法,所以在入口排队的游客前进的速度十分缓慢;但是如果游客有动物园会员资格,可以提前进入动物园。大多数的游客是带有小孩的家庭,只有我们是一群成年人来参观游玩的。在野生动物园内,我们看到了长颈鹿、犀牛、骆驼、野牛、羚羊和鸵鸟,内心感到十分愉快。我们在游玩中结束了这愉悦的一天。撰写日期:2019年9月28日
- AndreaC8080 条分享比大多数动物园好很多我们在威勒比度过了很棒的一天……我们在大约11点30抵达这里,在开始参观前先吃了野餐午饭……我们直到四点半才结束游览,非常彻底地看到了所有东西。这里很容易去到各处,不是很大。我们乘坐游览巴士开始旅程,排队很长(学校假期),我们等了大约半小时。免费的游览巴士行程很有趣,看动物们的开放分布区也很好玩。这里还有一只新出生的犀牛,它可以自由活动,跑到了巴士旁边,距离非常近,这并不是在栅栏后面,真的很酷。我们看了大猩猩的管理员讲解(ranger talk),河马的似乎没有开放。孩子们喜欢所有在动物保护圈附近的小游乐场。这让他们感觉很有趣,而且让他们一直充满能量撰写日期:2019年9月25日
- peta89890 条分享一定要做的事情我们是从新南威尔士州来的,这是我们想要做的事情,因为我喜欢动物园,所以很高兴。这可能是我参观过的最好的动物园……跳上野生动物园巴士,在栖息地周围走一圈,你会看到动物们在四处走动。如果我们回到墨尔本,一定会喜欢这里的撰写日期:2019年9月22日
- aliqa20150 条分享令人惊艳的旅行我带着家人和小孩亲近大自然和动物,这是一次很棒的旅行。公园外面有不错的向导。可以小组进行狩猎旅行,但有限制,需要提前做好计划。撰写日期:2019年9月3日
- OnAir8195360 条分享没什么意思动物少得可怜,离得也远,自己走路很快就一圈。真心觉得折腾一趟去这个野生动物园没意思,门票这样看来就挺贵的了!撰写日期:2019年8月11日
- dchyu0 条分享比预期的好到达的时候最好先去排队坐大游览卡车,因为可能要等一段手。司机会沿途介绍经过的野生动物,也会开慢一点让你看得更清楚及拍照,是很有趣的经验。除此之外整个动物园不是太大,野外的设计风格挺特别,值得来一下,但绝对没有墨尔本动物园那么精彩。撰写日期:2019年8月6日
- Emeralde20140 条分享节省你的钱场地很大很好。我们去的那天,狮子和猎豹似乎都藏了起来。无尾猿没有被打扰。我喜欢猫鼬。我们乘公共汽车游览了动物园。看到了一些动物,强撑着听公共汽车司机说话。这个动物园的价格实在太高了。省下你的钱,去看大卫·艾登堡的电视剧吧。撰写日期:2019年7月21日
- TSUFAMI0 条分享以不同的方式欣赏动物园我们来参观这家动物园,是因为我们想带儿子以不同的方式去欣赏动物园。这是一家很大的动物园,所以必须进行一场观赏野兽的旅行 。只需老老实实坐好,即可欣赏动物,由有趣的导游引导。这个地方离城市很远,他们应该设置一下从韦里比街(Werribee St)出发的公交车或班车。我们从街上坐公交车一路来这里,时间有点晚,但是他们这边能搭乘出租车。撰写日期:2019年5月4日
- Dave B0 条分享评论轮椅可以通行。大多数展馆一路过来都有清楚的路标。只有坐观兽越野车的时候不太方便,但动物园的工作人员非常热情,帮助我上了车。这一天玩得超开心。可以跟各种野生动物近距离接触,展示了野生动物在野外的生活场景。很开心。这是我们第三次去这家动物园了...我们还会再来的。撰写日期:2019年4月13日
- Hugh L0 条分享这边非常值得来我们原来是没有带着很大的期待来到这个动物园的,不过在这里度过了很棒的一天。我们在这边能够近距离跟狮子和大猩猩接触,在这边的狩猎之旅也非常的愉快。在这个城市玩的这一天非常的开心,推荐大家来这边体验一下。撰写日期:2019年2月9日
- joen4090 条分享非常好但是可能在10年内第一次参观动物园。这是一个非常好的动物园,设施齐全,还有花园。 咖啡馆是好的,食物是好的,咖啡馆最棒的一部分是靠近猫鼬围栏附近的桌位。门票价格并不便宜,但如你所望,还有充足的免费停车。这是......但说实话,也许我有点太过于计较了,但动物们在哪里......他们在那里,但在很多情况下,除非你花钱可以近距离接触它们,否则就在很远的地方,孩子们感到无聊。 所以,虽然我建议你去参观,如果你想近距离看动物去墨尔本动物园,甚至像Halls Gap这样的小动物园。撰写日期:2019年1月17日
- leik0 条分享必要去的动物园这个动物很多开放式的设计,只要在不会受到攻击情况很多时候可以近距离和动物接触.动物园很大,有很多不同的动物,需要一天时间,你会找到很多的乐趣.撰写日期:2019年1月5日
- pdsingh260 条分享与孩子们一起游览的好地方Werribee动物园位于墨尔本西郊。这是一次非常好的体验,孩子们可以享受很多,因为他们可以从这么近的距离看到这么多的野生动物。野生动物园也是令人兴奋的。公园很适合坐下来放松。你可以在自然栖息地看到考拉和袋鼠。撰写日期:2018年12月14日
- Natalie R0 条分享动物园很棒我们作为一个工作组参加了大猩猩任务比赛。这个地方很美,可以近距离接触动物,并真正了解到他们的脆弱!一切都是人类造就的结果。我真的为大猩猩感到遗憾,在人们吃午餐的区域,它们转过身背对着主区域。虽然这看起来很惊人,但我发现这令人有点不安。所有动物都有很大的活动空间和良好的环境。希望有一天能带着家人来这里。撰写日期:2018年10月6日
- belinda s0 条分享最好早点来我建议你带上你的参观手册,去参加所有的地点。你不仅能了解这些美丽的动物,还能近距离看到它们。(如图所示)。星期四是幼儿日,孩子们可以参加其他活动。上午10点的儿童游猎巴士也很好,司机让孩子们开心不已。还有成年人可以去澳大利亚的动物分部,但我们没有觉得有什么特别之处。每餐大约19美元,儿童餐10美元,大薯片大约7美元。总的来说,是一次不错的出行。撰写日期:2018年9月20日
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73 条点评
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Les B
澳大利亚新南威尔士州1,030 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
As with all open range zoos the number of animals you will see is limited compared to a normal zoo however you get to see the animals in larger enclosures. Entry fee is average compared to other zoos I have visited but the ticket included a tour on the safari bus which in most other zoos would be an extra cost. The bus tour was very good however the noise of the engine in the first vehicle drowned out the talk by the driver which was a pity as from what we did hear would have been interesting. We spent about 3 hours at the zoo. We also brought afternoon tea at the cafe which was nice but a bit pricey.
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Dr Sudath Kondasinghe Physician
澳大利亚21 条分享
Unbelievable! So amazing! Must see attraction!
So many live animals in their own habitats.
So many live animals in their own habitats.
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Kirah B
1 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Was a fantastic zoo! We loved the size of the enclosures for the animals and most of all loved the Safari tour - seeing the animals up close not behind glass or bars was something special and more special for them to be able to live the way they do.
We seen some animals we hadn’t seen at a zoo before. Also we loved the shearing
Cottage area, the history behind that was Extraordinary. Definitely a place to visit again,
We seen some animals we hadn’t seen at a zoo before. Also we loved the shearing
Cottage area, the history behind that was Extraordinary. Definitely a place to visit again,
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新加坡新加坡9 条分享
Best zoo in Victoria. Having been to several zoos, I have to say this has been one of the best. Really enjoyed gazing the animals and the sheer vast expanse of the space. Staff were friendly as well.
Even if it rains, just take the tram ride and you’ll be fine. There‘s so much to do, one can easily spend half a day there - minimum.
Loved it. Will be back!
Even if it rains, just take the tram ride and you’ll be fine. There‘s so much to do, one can easily spend half a day there - minimum.
Loved it. Will be back!
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3 条分享
Fast and Easy redemption tickets via QR Code on Trip Advisor at the Werribee Zoo counter. Staff at Zoo is also friendly. Thank you.
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马来西亚斗湖2,185 条分享
No doubt that the operator has put in great effort to set up this open range, but it needs more animals, especially the local Australian ones like Koala bear. The walking tour is not up to expectation, as some areas are well setup, but could not see the animals. The safari tour is good with good commentator but need more animals to be attractive.
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澳大利亚堪培拉231 条分享
2024年4月 • 家庭
The first thing I have to say is don’t go to these place during a dust storm or before rain. The dust on the safari trail bus has no cover from dust nor seat belts for kids. Also it was hard to hear the driver. The zoo was not great with the feel of a conservation for climate change zoo. Lots of QR codes and drinking glasses for compost. But need more interaction stuff for people who don’t u QR codes. Also the buses have no way for a person with a cane or wheelchair too get on it.
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澳大利亚墨尔本17,413 条分享
2024年3月 • 夫妻情侣
My wife and I visited this Zoo recently, during a holiday where we stayed at a holiday apartment in Point Cook.
This was our second visit. During our previous visit last year, we had paid extra for the Deluxe Safari Tour. This time around, we decided to try the normal Safari Tour which is included in the General Admission Ticket.
We were lucky to see the three lion cubs at feeding time and watched them eat a chunk of raw meat. We were also lucky to see the three Gorillas at feeding time and watched them eat celery.
We will return next year to see the new and very large Elephant Closure that is currently under construction.
This was our second visit. During our previous visit last year, we had paid extra for the Deluxe Safari Tour. This time around, we decided to try the normal Safari Tour which is included in the General Admission Ticket.
We were lucky to see the three lion cubs at feeding time and watched them eat a chunk of raw meat. We were also lucky to see the three Gorillas at feeding time and watched them eat celery.
We will return next year to see the new and very large Elephant Closure that is currently under construction.
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台湾台北市19,018 条分享
2024年2月 • 好友
This is our first trip to the Werribee Coast in Victoria, Australia~
Werribee Open Wildlife Park was built in 1983.
Covering an area of 500 acres of tropical grassland, it is a vast open zoo.
There are wild zebras, rhinos, antelopes, and giraffes living here~
Another area is home to koalas, kangaroos and other animals~
We took an open park bus to enjoy the animals’ daily life up close~~
Werribee Open Wildlife Park was built in 1983.
Covering an area of 500 acres of tropical grassland, it is a vast open zoo.
There are wild zebras, rhinos, antelopes, and giraffes living here~
Another area is home to koalas, kangaroos and other animals~
We took an open park bus to enjoy the animals’ daily life up close~~
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Vanessa L
新喀里多尼亚Bourail139 条分享
2023年12月 • 家庭
Before coming to this park as a tourist, we were hesitating between the latter and the Melbourne Zoo and we decided to go to Weribee because we found it original to offer visitors the African version of safari.
We were a little disappointed, the layout of the park itself is incredible but where have the animals gone? When there were there were very few, maybe one of each but most of the enclosures we passed through, there were no animals, it was like the day after an animal escape film .
We tried the safari, so there too we queued (we were first in the queue) and then the bus arrives, they let the last ones in the queue enter first (but what?!? they work in reverse, it's not possible), so we found ourselves not having a place and waiting for the next bus when the one we were supposed to take wasn't even full.
It was this activity that made us choose this park but ultimately we were disappointed, the safari itself is a good idea, it makes for a good walk among the wildlife but still the same where are the animals? it was empty (there was a giraffe there, a rhino on the other and more empty enclosures...)
Finally, really disappointed! It's a shame because the layout of the park is there and they have everything to do well.
The staff, however, are very welcoming and friendly!
Well next time, we'll go try the Melbourne Zoo!
We were a little disappointed, the layout of the park itself is incredible but where have the animals gone? When there were there were very few, maybe one of each but most of the enclosures we passed through, there were no animals, it was like the day after an animal escape film .
We tried the safari, so there too we queued (we were first in the queue) and then the bus arrives, they let the last ones in the queue enter first (but what?!? they work in reverse, it's not possible), so we found ourselves not having a place and waiting for the next bus when the one we were supposed to take wasn't even full.
It was this activity that made us choose this park but ultimately we were disappointed, the safari itself is a good idea, it makes for a good walk among the wildlife but still the same where are the animals? it was empty (there was a giraffe there, a rhino on the other and more empty enclosures...)
Finally, really disappointed! It's a shame because the layout of the park is there and they have everything to do well.
The staff, however, are very welcoming and friendly!
Well next time, we'll go try the Melbourne Zoo!
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What is the recommended mode of transportation from the cruise ship port? Thanks
Could i book a wheelchair for my 90 year old father tomorrow please . We will be arriving around 11 am Thanks sarah
Hi! What about the ticket? Can we come there and do it and we have to do it online?
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