供应商/业主为:Cycle Portland Bike Tours and Rentals
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年龄限制:10-99,每个团体最多 14 人
用时: 2 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
现场指南:英语, 西班牙语
- 在这个带导游的自行车之旅中,沿着旅游路径,体验波特兰,就像当地人一样
- 在您近距离观看城市景点的同时享受一些运动
- 避开城市交通,穿过旧城区,中国城,穿过威拉米特河
- 包括无障碍自行车,头盔和雨具租赁服务
- 当地导游
- 自行车和头盔
- 雨具(如果下雨)
未包含内容- 食品和饮料
- 小费
- 您的旅行从市中心开始,在那里您会见导游并选择您的自行车。然后,穿过中国城到汤姆麦考尔海滨公园,在日本美国历史广场停留,在那里您可以了解波特兰的历史,欣赏城市的景色。 接下来,沿着城市的自行车友好的Greenways(指定的自行车道)游览波特兰的绿色空间和高耸的树木,俯瞰城市天际线的过去观景点。 然后骑车穿过位于市中心的绿色走廊South Park Blocks,欣赏该地区的创意城市设计,了解波特兰社区空间的未来。 参观珍珠区,这是一个美食家社区,到处都是精酿啤酒厂和各种类型的餐厅,让您的旅行完成。
- 出发地点:
- Cycle Portland - Bike Tours, Rentals, Repairs, 180 NW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR 97209, USA位于西北第三大道和戴维斯街的拐角处,与波特兰唐人街博物馆隔街相望,位于老城酿酒厂的拐角处。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:17093P1- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 我们的旅行团的最低年龄为 10 岁,电动自行车的最低年龄为 16 岁。
- 最低身高4'11“参加
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 14 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:17093P1
- 180 NW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR 97209, USA位于西北第三大道和戴维斯街的拐角处,与波特兰唐人街博物馆隔街相望,位于老城酿酒厂的拐角处。
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- Kalie2070 条分享租自行车的美好体验!我在这里租了一辆自行车,体验非常棒。工作人员很友好,乐于助人,而且这辆自行车很好开——我想把它带回家!来这里租车比使用共享自行车更容易。撰写日期:2019年8月27日
- LinLan80 条分享自助式自行车出租这是一家很棒的自行车店,位置很好,离我们酒店很近。这是我们这些年来第四次在这里租房子。他们不再有公路自行车了,但我们买了一辆混合动力车,这款车在我们的探险中表现不错。我们从波特兰交通局下载了一张从波特兰东部环线到鲍威尔巴特(29英里)的地图和提示单。我们骑了一半的塔博尔山,然后经过泉水径,在卡特兰迪亚停了下来。这里的人非常友好,乐于助人。撰写日期:2019年7月20日
- daviecapetown0 条分享波特兰骑行这是我们最棒的租车经历。我和我老公仅仅花了一个小时就游览了珍珠区和市中心,但我们还想再逛一个小时。骑电车游览波特兰,我感觉像回到了三十岁。电车使用说明特别棒。撰写日期:2018年12月29日
- John W0 条分享度过一下午的有趣方式Daniel带领的这趟旅程很有趣。在城市周围骑自行车是度过一下午的好方式,而且能体验一些波特兰的各式各样的酿造酒吧。Daniel友好亲切,是一下午的好向导。撰写日期:2018年8月23日
- Joe B0 条分享租赁7天的公路自行车不用麻烦把你的公路自行车运到波特兰了。租赁一辆公路自行车用一周,花费更少。这辆自行车很棒。他们把自行车调整过了,是准备就绪的,一切都符合我的规格。我骑了几百英里,一点问题也没有。撰写日期:2018年7月9日
- Scul12340 条分享非常棒的经历我妻子和我在波特兰度过了一周时间,我们决定沿着威拉米特河骑行。这得工作人员很帅气,并且为我们下午的骑行提供了两辆公路自行车。在享受了这段美好的骑行之旅后,我们归还了自行车,在买了一个酒杯后获得了一份免费的生啤酒。我唯一不满意的就是他们下班太早,下午六点就关门了。如果能多待一会那就太好了。撰写日期:2018年5月27日
- sfa590 条分享城市骑行之旅我妻子和我都很喜欢这个市内的骑行之旅,它把我们带领到了波特兰的市中心。自行车很舒适,操控方便。我们的导游Frederick很博学,保持的速度对每个人来说都很合适。Frederick给我们讲述了波特兰的历史,在河边骑行时还让我们领略到了城市的美景。如果你之前还没来过波特兰,那么在这趟旅行中你很快就能意识到波兰特无家可归的人口数量是多么的庞大。撰写日期:2017年9月25日
- KestrelRider0 条分享给电动自行车的日光浴波特兰周期没有日食,更不用说天气好了。当然这就是星期一的旅行,令人难忘。 但是这里的工作人员他们非常友好和乐于助人,电动自行车很棒。 我们找到当地人骑车,到达整个区域花费了一小时。 一个不错的城市和地区骑自行车!美好的一天!儿子和我永远不会忘记这里。撰写日期:2017年8月23日
- Tighedog0 条分享波特兰自行车租赁的好地方服务快速有很体面的自行车供租赁。不如我在家里骑的那么好,但基于这个价格,你不能抱怨什么了。可能很难找到停车场,但如果你能够在商店前拿到车,你可以很快速的出去。撰写日期:2017年7月10日
- Sarah Y0 条分享波特兰的自行车之旅这趟自行车之旅让我拥有了一段美好时光。这不仅仅是个绝佳的机会来浏览城市,同样我也学习了很多的历史知识。波特兰整个地区对于环境保护的承诺有别于其他我看过的美国城市。我的导游超博学,平易近人且周到,让自行车之旅对我来说十分方便容易。我强烈推荐用这个旅程作为你了解这座城市的方式,当然,如果你需要使用自行车这个如神话般存在的基础设施,那么你需要增加点锻炼哦~撰写日期:2017年5月30日
- Vince P0 条分享超棒的体验我和女朋友决定不去安排好的酿酒厂旅行,而是自己安排。我列了一个镇里八家以上的粮酒厂,并且从那些很棒的人那儿租了几辆自行车。我们被非常热烈地欢迎了,并且帮我们熟练地装好了车。他们没有给我女朋友一个小型的可用的单速自行车,所以,他们给她做了免费升级。他们给乐我们地图、指明了方向、并且积极回答了我们的问题,这些东西给我们带来了一天的乐趣。我强烈推荐这家商店,当你来波特兰的时候,一定要试试。撰写日期:2017年3月4日
- gnifer0 条分享一个很棒且方便的常去地方去感受鹿我非常享受悠闲之旅并且想当地人一样探索。这个导游十分博学,对每一个地方都有很好的建议并且有一段很棒的单车旅行。我喜欢可以一点点探索城镇的南边,享受和其他旅客的谈话。撰写日期:2016年11月8日
- jabberjawz0 条分享很好的自行车骑行之旅我们在美丽的波兰市进行了一次很棒的自行车旅行。导游对波兰的历史非常了解。她为我们推荐了很多关于这个城市的酿酒厂和咖啡馆的意见。自行车很舒服。我甚至租了一辆公路自行车,准备在剩下的旅程中继续自己骑车。我一定会再来体验的!撰写日期:2016年9月29日
- Rohit R0 条分享好的,对他们错过所有最棒的部分感到很失望很多参观团沿着河东侧骑行,经过PSU校园和桥梁。我希望旅行团带我们穿越城市多样和有趣的临近街区,像阿尔伯塔省,NW,迪文逊街等。然而,他们仅在最后简短地游览了一个波尔街区。如果你想游览波特兰的景点,这是一个很好的旅游。如果像我一样,你想看到'真正的波特兰',这个不适合你。撰写日期:2016年7月27日
- Rachel W0 条分享在波兰做过的最喜欢的事这是一次很有趣而丰富的旅游。非常乐于助人又知识渊博的工作人员,让我留下了对自行车友好的美丽城市的很好的总体印象。当我去到一个新的地方,我喜欢学习旅客版的历史背景;往往你得到的有关这座城市的知识甚至比当地人还多。骑行很方便,我们的导游保持足够慢的步伐以适应这个包含不同健康程度人群的团队。只有一座矮山给一个团员带来了一些麻烦。我们走过了波兰12座桥中的两座,并看过了河流的壮丽景色和市中心的一些有趣的地方和大学校园的美景。 推荐!撰写日期:2016年7月10日
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217 条点评
Alan R
俄勒冈塞勒姆49 条分享
2024年8月 • 好友
This was actually my second tour I took with this company. I enjoyed the first one so much that I talked my out-of-state friend into doing this.
I asked my tour guide, Jaydon, to cover a different part of Portland from my first visit. He managed to take us to brand new areas to me that my friend still thoroughly enjoyed. I live in Salem and thought I had seen most of Portland. I was hoping for an enjoyable ride and to learn about that we visited. About 75% was brand new to me and really cool sites. Jaydon was very informative, and I enjoyed listening to him speak about the 25% I had seen previously. As before, I felt safe by mostly avoiding traffic and riding on well-marked bicycle lanes when on streets.
In all fairness both Jaydon and my previous tour guide were both knowledgeable and safety minded. The employees take turns, and I think you would get a quality tour no matter who leads the trip.
I asked my tour guide, Jaydon, to cover a different part of Portland from my first visit. He managed to take us to brand new areas to me that my friend still thoroughly enjoyed. I live in Salem and thought I had seen most of Portland. I was hoping for an enjoyable ride and to learn about that we visited. About 75% was brand new to me and really cool sites. Jaydon was very informative, and I enjoyed listening to him speak about the 25% I had seen previously. As before, I felt safe by mostly avoiding traffic and riding on well-marked bicycle lanes when on streets.
In all fairness both Jaydon and my previous tour guide were both knowledgeable and safety minded. The employees take turns, and I think you would get a quality tour no matter who leads the trip.
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Daniel V
1 条分享
2024年8月 • 好友
The bike tour was a great time! We had a loaded cast of characters that made it memorable. Charlotte as our guide was amazing. Would recommend! Just know it's a nice long rode.
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Jolanta F
28 条分享
We had a lot of fun and enjoyed sightseeing Portland with our fun tour guide Chris. He was very knowledgeable and helpful.
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Susan C
1 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
We had a great time on our 2-hour bike tour of Portland with Charlotte! The e-bikes we used worked great - the ride is easy so e-bikes aren't necessary, but we like to use them whenever we can for a more leisurely ride. This was our first time in Portland and was a great way to see the city. Charlotte did a great job guiding us through the city and providing interesting information on the various places we stopped. Overall, highly recommend!
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Anthony Deng
加利福尼亚洛杉矶6 条分享
I had never ridden an e-bike before, so I was really looking forward to touring Portland this way. The additional controls on the bike were really easy to understand and use, and the pedal assist really made bicycling so much easier. Not only did I have an amazing time riding around the city, I really enjoyed the commentary of our tour guide, Donovan. You can tell that he really loves his job, and he loves Portland. I would definitely recommend anyone looking to get an overview of Portland to make this their first stop.
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6 条分享
Nice ride around riverfront and informative. We rented e-bikes but would choose regular bikes if had do over. Really didn’t need the power and electric bikes are heavier.
Our Guide (Donovan) grew up in Portland and was knowledgeable.
Our Guide (Donovan) grew up in Portland and was knowledgeable.
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Robert G
1 条分享
2024年7月 • 好友
Charley was our tour leader on their all new bike tour through Forest Park!!
She was awesome and the tour was top notch biking through town to Forest Park crossing bridge to St John AMAZING!!
She was awesome and the tour was top notch biking through town to Forest Park crossing bridge to St John AMAZING!!
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宾夕法尼亚Rydal14 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
My husband and I chose the e-bikes for this tour. This is a very enjoyable way to see the city of Portland. Donovan, our guide , was knowledgeable and friendly. The ride was approximately 2 hours and we covered approximately 12 miles. Much of the ride was along the Willamette river trial which was lovely. Donavan shared some interesting facts about the city and the environs. The bikes are easy to use and safe.
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Giandomenico B
4 条分享
Donovan was an informative and friendly guide. He led us through some of the most beautiful areas of the city and stopped occasionally to give us important historical information about Portland.
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3 条分享
We had a blast on our bike tour with Donovan as our guide. He’s full of great Portland knowledge and recommendations. The tour took us by all of the bridges and even on a floating bicycle bridge. We saw more of the nature-oriented sites, which we wouldn’t have seen otherwise. Great experience!
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Hi, my sister is an adult with Down syndrome. We bought her an e-trike from an east coast company. Trikes are essential options for people with disabilities (physical and/or intellectual/developmental). I'm surprised no bike tour companies in Portland offer the option of choosing a trike or e-trike (e-trikes (electric trikes) help those with mobility/strength issues or joint pain ride pain free and conquer uphill/uneven terrain). Please try to add such options to your rental choices (and see how you can adjust your routes accordingly)... it will make your tours much more accommodating and accessible. Thank you!
I cannot remember exactly but I think it is on their Web site. I would give them a ring they are very friendly and will tell you how many people have booked on the day(s) you are thinking of booking. There were only 3 on my trip but still went ahead.
Hello. I'd like to book this tour either this coming Sunday or Monday. Which day would be better? Would it be better to join on Monday as it'd be more quiet on the road or do we get to see more things happening such as events, etc. on Sunday? Please let me know. Thanks!
I think it would be fine to do either. We went on the tour on the 4th of July at 10AM and didn't have any trouble with pedestrians. The roads are so bike friendly, that I don't think you have anything to worry about even if it was a busier day.
We arrive via the American Queen Cruise Boat in Vancouver at 8 am. would we be able to make it for the 10 am bike tour?
Vancouver, WA? Yes - A quick Uber connection would work. Vancouver B.C.? No - it is 9 hours away (on a great day with no traffic)
Is there any option to keep the bikes for a time after the tour? What additional cost would be involved if so?
Best is to contact them with this question by mail or give them a call.. I think it will be possible, their rates are fair.
If my flight arrives into Portland at approximately 1100 - would I have time to get to the shop to attend a 1 pm tour? I am bringing a carry on so no luggage to wait for. Just wondering how long it could take to get around via public transportation. Tnx
yes, PDX airport is a 20-25 minute ride to downtown Portland. Probably $20 Uber or Lyft.
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