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- 1Dundee Hills AVA 和酿酒葡萄种植区只是我们可以参观的北威拉米特山谷 6 个子 AVA 中的一个
- wpjordan20180 条分享私人2日旅行韦恩为我们11人的小组安排了两天的品酒会。他根据我们的兴趣选择了酿酒厂,但同时在包括私人品酒在内的选择中加入了他的个人色彩。这里的午餐是完美的-可以品尝各种各样的奶酪,肉类,坚果和生蔬菜。有韦恩在不会出错的。撰写日期:2019年7月19日
- Alix B0 条分享韦恩很棒 选他做导游吧选择导游韦恩会让你体验一次伟大的俄勒冈葡萄酒一日游,真的非常有趣。这次我们的团队内一共有四对夫妇,其中两对是因为庆祝生日而出来游玩度假的。韦恩竭尽全力让我们度过了完美的一天。在我预约韦恩之前,我本想多询价几家,但韦恩在电话中的叙述让我相信和他一起游览波特兰葡萄酒之乡一定会非常有趣,所以我就没有再打其他电话,直接在第一通电话就决定选择韦恩成为了我的导游。韦恩没有让大家失望,他的讲述和介绍很精彩,人也十分幽默,他对当地的葡萄酒文化以及酿造很了解,服务态度也非常棒!我们的旅行可能超时了一个多小时,因为我们绕道去了另一家酿酒厂,但韦恩对此毫无怨言。如果你想体验一次真正有趣的葡萄酒之旅,那就选择韦恩吧!这次和韦恩一起度过的葡萄酒之旅是我们本次波特兰之行中最棒的一个部分!撰写日期:2019年4月13日
- Stay616731023240 条分享有趣的时光在冬季月份进行一次葡萄酒之旅我是有一点疑虑的,但是我们经历了一段非常美好的时光。卡米尔有着葡萄酒的强大背景,提供了知识性的和有意思的故事使旅途非常有趣。虽然是40/50度的天气,她带着我们去参观了漂亮的风景,还让我们享受了一顿令人愉悦的户外午餐(她做的)。高度推荐热爱葡萄酒的人在俄勒冈享受自由的一天!撰写日期:2019年3月15日
- bonnieilene0 条分享旅程很棒如果你想体验威拉米特山谷信息最为丰富的葡萄酒之旅,那就来这吧!Wayne非常赞,对葡萄酒充满热情,他对音乐也有很高的造诣,能够很好地带领和协调旅行团,我们旅途全程的体验就像和朋友郊游一般,没有一点和陌生人相处的生涩之感。Wayne的老婆厨艺很棒,自制的食物非常美味。高度推荐!撰写日期:2018年8月25日
- delmarspin0 条分享美丽的景致!导游应该做得更好酿酒厂很漂亮!员工友好,但旅行的定价较高,收获不多。午餐很糟糕,样式也很差劲!而且我们每一次品酒都要付一次费,提前都没人告诉我们!撰写日期:2018年7月12日
- cricketboo0 条分享一趟很棒的俄勒冈葡萄酒之旅哇!这真是一次超棒的葡萄酒之旅。韦恩有着丰富的葡萄酒相关的知识,他对葡萄酒的选择也很精准。这里景色迷人,午餐简直超棒。这远远超出了我们的预期,而且很超值。我等不及要再来和韦恩一起去峡谷旅行。我们喜欢波特兰。再次感谢盛情款待。撰写日期:2018年4月20日
- MLA2460 条分享刻骨铭心的一天。在六月的时候,我们和Wayne进行了一次品酒之旅,留下了刻骨铭心的记忆。Wayne很博学,一直都让我们很开心。他努力让旅行符合所有人的期望,带我们去了很多很棒的酒窖。我们享受到了很好的待遇。午餐也很棒。此外,Wayne让我们可以买到喜欢的酒。我十分推荐大家尝试品酒之旅。撰写日期:2018年1月22日
- Nicole M0 条分享最好的葡萄酒之旅我和丈夫已经参加了超过15次的葡萄酒之旅,而这次几乎是顶级的。我们的导游学识渊博,也很有趣。他让我们玩得很开心。他带我们去了我们要求的地方,葡萄酒令人难以置信。当我们再回去的时候,我们肯定会用他。托德和妮可撰写日期:2017年11月13日
- dwolf8070 条分享非常棒的wineries我们非常喜欢俄勒冈州的葡萄酒之旅。导游泰瑞非常友好,知识渊博。她带我们去的所有酒庄都有不同的风格。她还带我们去了一家橄榄厂。位置都是华丽的。我们从不感到匆忙,所以我们有足够的时间来享受品尝风景的乐趣。撰写日期:2017年8月21日
- cookmaryellen0 条分享非常棒的旅行非常喜欢Teri做我们导游的这次旅行。我们去了5个不同的酒庄,所以得到了很多品酒的经验。午餐很棒。Teri讲了很多关于波特兰的东西,分享了很多有趣的关于波特兰的事。撰写日期:2017年8月13日
- Pipi160 条分享真痛快!在猫途鹰网上看了如此棒的旅游点评之后,我们很高兴跟Wayne预订了这个景点,Wayne非常有趣并且一般情况下他知道很多关于葡萄酒的知识,尤其是波特兰的。我们参观了4个极好的酒庄,并且在其中一个风景如画的酒庄里享受了一顿轻淡的野餐。感谢Wayne,让我们在威拉米特河谷地区度过美好的一天。撰写日期:2017年7月20日
- mlsutton0 条分享威勒米特山谷极好的红酒旅行超棒的一天!Wayne对他所做的一切很有激情,而且表现出来了。他知道很多红酒的知识,这很有用。我们参观了5个不同的酿酒厂,每家都有很好的酒。如果想在酒村度过美妙的一天的话,我很推荐这个旅程哦。撰写日期:2017年5月30日
- jeancourtney30 条分享葡萄酒度假很多有趣和很棒的酒!Larry是非常好的-他对他的酿酒场和酒都了如指掌。他对我们的需求非常的随和,午餐非常棒。我们一定会再次利用旅行来麻烦Larry!撰写日期:2017年4月7日
- Anne S0 条分享品尝威拉米特河谷葡萄酒这是一次美妙的葡萄酒之旅!我们可以说几个我们想去参观的地方,我们的导游Teri Joly同时也带我们参观了一些特殊的地方,所有的这些地方都是非常棒的。Teri是及其友好和乐于助人的导游!我一定会再来一次这个伟大的俄勒冈葡萄酒之旅!撰写日期:2017年3月9日
- jennifersL7519IA0 条分享开心,有趣,希望能再来Wayne非常好!他是本地人,很了解宗教,很幽默,而且知道在波特兰该如何拥有一段美好的时光。我们乘坐的车很干净,很宽敞而且很舒适——来自一个会晕车的人。午餐!午餐超级棒!轻量级的午餐就足够我们4个能吃很多的人吃了——当我们在一个葡萄园里游览时,在恰当的时间,为我们提供了搭配适宜的食物。我们游览的葡萄酒酿造厂有着久远的历史,友善又知识渊博的工作人员,我们很享受这次见面并且分享了他们的果汁。希望我们能和Wayne一起再次回到这里游览。撰写日期:2017年1月27日
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15 条点评
Caitlin S
1 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
Trust me when I say Wayne and team are the Michael Jordans of wine tours in the valley. Having Wayne as our guide made our trip an unforgettable experience. Wayne was a wonderful host and managed to add two phenomenal wineries to our list at the last moment. It was our ten year anniversary and he made it very memorable for us. We will most certainly be back and be contacting A Great Oregon Wine Tour for another private tour! Thank you!!!!
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David W
印第安那格林伍德2 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Wayne arranged for six winery visits/tastings over two different days. One included a food pairing at Soter Vineyards which was excellent. We also visited Knudsen, Bledsoe|McDaniel, Ayoub, Evesham Wood/Haden Fig, and Bethel Heights. The vehicles were fine, and Wayne (owner) was knowledgeable and entertaining. Would use again!
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Pascale C
加拿大多伦多3 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
I strongly recommend A Great Oregon Wine Tour. We had a great day with Camille. She is extremely friendly and pleasant and most importantly, she is very knowledgeable of the Oregon wine industry. We had a great day!
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阿拉巴马Madison3 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
Excellent experience for my wife and I. A great variety of locations and our guide was wonderfully entertaining and enjoyable (and very knowledgeable). We would certainly recommend to anyone!
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Mike C
加拿大吉布森斯9 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
An amazing day guided by Wayne around some of the vineyards of the Willamette Valley in Oregon. Knowledgeable, informal and entertaining (and doing all the driving) made for a relaxing, but educative day. New to this wine region, we learnt a lot and that he knew so much of the area and the individual wineries, their history, owners and production made it all the more special. We wouldn't hesitate to go back and do another visit with A Great Oregon Wine Tour!
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Lauren G
5 条分享
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侣
Can't think of a better day than touring Hood River Wine Country with Camille-- she was incredible, entertaining and knew more about the wines than some of the folks at the wineries. We're already planning a return trip to the area next June and a day in wine country with Camille is at the top of our list. Thank you for sharing your day and expertise with us (and HBD Sweet!)!
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1 条分享
2024年5月 • 夫妻情侣
Booked a private tour for my wife and myself. Wayne made the day most memorable. If you are undecided as to which wine tour company or if you think you might want to do it yourself - just pick A Great Oregon Wine Tour and ask for Wayne. Let him do all the planning because he knows EVERYONE in the region. We visited 3 wineries and that made for a great day trip. Plus Wayne will take you to a nice stop or two to begin your day, as most wineries in the area don't open til 11am anyway. The box lunch was also fantastic and allowed us to keep moving to the next winery.
We will do this trip again and ask Wayne to take us to all his favorite small wineries.
We will do this trip again and ask Wayne to take us to all his favorite small wineries.
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Sara F
6 条分享
My daughter and I did a full day wine tour yesterday with Great Oregon wine tours. We were with Camille who has 20 plus years working in the Oregon wine industry and could answer any questions we had. As we drove around she told us all the backstories of the wineries and when we stopped at vineyards she took the time to explain the way they prune the grapes and why. She had immense wine knowledge and took us to three great wineries. We did 3 for the day and had plenty of time at each place to explore - nothing was rushed. At the second winery we had a great lunch that she had made sandwiches for. She adjusted the plan based on the weather for the day being a bit took cold/rainy for a picnic. She made us enjoying our day a priority. I would strongly recommend a Great Oregon wine tour if you want a casual fun wine tour where you will taste great wines but also leave understanding a lot more about the Williamette valley. We will be back.
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Margaret S
马里兰哥伦比亚1 条分享
2023年9月 • 好友
We have toured with Camille for several years. This year we did the Willamette Valley with our Girls Who Swirl wine group, and then took a second day and went on a private tour to Columbia River Gorge wineries. Camille really has great relationships with boutique wineries and caters to us completely. I cannot recommend A great Oregon Wine Tour enough!
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MAGGIE.... You guys are so fun to spend time with!
You are the only people we have taken out more than 3 times so YOU WIN!!! Or should I say We All Win!! Thank you for the great review but mostly for the friendship (and wine glasses) we have forged..
Next year I really have to up my game even more.
CGEERS My Friend, and thank you for such a nice review.
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Carolyn G
Pompano Beach, FL, United States2 条分享
2023年9月 • 好友
The tour, guide, wine, scenery were amazing! It was a perfect day with friends!! Camille is so knowledgeable. We had a wonderful day. We highly recommend this tour to anyone!!
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Hi Carolyn, and thank you for taking the time to leave me such a sweet review and the recommendation. We are always happy to hear that our guests all had a great day with us in wine country.
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