供应商/业主为:Gray Line San Francisco
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 45 人
用时: 14 小时
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- 优胜美地的往返交通让您在驾车途中放松身心
- 在约塞米蒂国家公园游览期间,您可以花一天时间游览国家公园
- 参加有导游的巴士游览,享受独立的时间探索
- 不要担心入场费 - 包括在内
- 乘坐空调豪华大巴运输
- 司机指南和英文解说
- 优胜美地国家公园门票
- 优胜美地谷的导游巴士之旅和优胜美地谷的空闲时间
- 从旧金山的两个出发地点中选择:渔人码头或联合广场
- 入场/门票 - 隧道观景点
- 入场/门票 - 新娘面纱瀑布
- 入场/门票 - 优胜美地峡谷
- 入场/门票 - El Capitan
- 入场/门票 - 优胜美地瀑布
未包含内容- 小费
- 额外的食物和饮料
- 酒店接送服务
- 优胜美地之旅从旧金山市中心的接客开始。乘坐豪华车上去美国国家公园,舒适自在。 到达目的地后,乘车游览山谷,然后独立探索。您可以参观Ansel Adams画廊,在Ahwahnee享用午餐(自费),沿着Merced河漫步,或租一辆自行车兜风(自费)。 当您登上车辆返回旧金山时,您在优胜美地国家公园的时间就结束了。您的一天以在原始出发点下车结束。
- 出发地点:多个会面地点选项。
- 选项 1478 Post St, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA联合广场出发地点 478 邮政圣。 早上 6:25 抵达办理入住手续 巴士于早上 6:40 出发 虽然没有实际位置,但您会发现 Encore 咖啡馆就位于隔壁。如需登上巴士,只需穿过街道与我们的代表见面并登上巴士即可。
- 选项 22805 Leavenworth St, San Francisco, CA 94133, USA灰线渔人码头出发地点 莱文沃斯街2805号 早上 6:10 抵达办理入住手续 巴士于早上 6:20 出发 虽然没有具体位置,但您可以轻松地在街对面找到 Pomegranate Café。只需在那里等候,我们的代表就会与您会面。
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2660SFOYOS- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 优胜美地之旅需要一整天。我们建议您穿着舒适的衣服,并在开车返回时带一个枕头睡觉。
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 此项体验设有最低出行人数限制。 如果行程由于未达到最低出行人数而取消,您可选择改期/不同体验或全额退款
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 45 人
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:2660SFOYOS
- 途经Financial DistrictSan Francisco Bay Bridge
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6途经Lower Yosemite Fall TrailValley Visitor CenterSentinel bridge
- 7
- 8
- Jeanette B0 条分享非常棒的红酒之旅我们到Sonoma和Napa来探寻红酒,玩得很尽兴。让我们格外意外的是我们的司机Gordon,他对附近非常熟悉,让我们此行锦上添花。而且态度和善,为人风趣幽默。撰写日期:2015年12月17日
- Highleghlady0 条分享Chablis-很棒的导游,载我们去Muir Woods和索萨利托很棒的导游-对San Francisco和以前其他令人失望的导游带我们去过的区域有了更多的了解,他还非常有趣。如果是他带我们参观的加利福尼亚和亚利桑那州就好了。去Muir Woods的旅行很棒,他接上我们,然后把我们带到索萨利托四处看了看。很值得,而且Muir Woods真的很神奇。撰写日期:2015年11月24日
- RBManchester0 条分享约塞米蒂国家公园一日游Manny是我们的导游,他知识渊博,整天下讲了很多资讯给我们听。但是当我们需要安静时,他也很知道分寸,知道什么时候该闭嘴不要说话。如果你的时间有限,你不能在约塞米蒂国家公园过夜的话,我会建议你参加这个行程,找manny做你的导游。撰写日期:2015年11月15日
- debbies5150 条分享17公里的蒙特雷卡梅尔之旅!很棒的旅行!这里的风景很优美,如果你没有来拜访过蒙特雷卡梅尔和圆石滩的话,一定要来看看!我们的司机Antonio L.真是好极了!他把让我们的旅行充满趣味和见闻放在第一位。这次旅行花了一天时间但是真的是很值得。在很漂亮的地方时,我们有很多机会出去拍照。撰写日期:2015年11月12日
- Mikki M0 条分享当心Gray Line之旅我们很喜欢这家酒店,大厅很宏伟,床非常舒服!我通过Victor预定了旅游,结果被转到了Gray Line。而Gray Line取消了一个行程却没有通知我们。团里的一位女士30分钟后打电话给他们,我们才知道行程被取消了。我们重新预订了,结果他们忘了来接我们,打电话前我就等了15分钟。一个男人叫着我们的名字,口音很奇怪,我们都听不懂。他载我们到码头下面的办公室,却没有人告诉我们要去哪里,也没人告诉我们怎么回事或者我们是不是预订成功了。最终,一位叫做Sonja的可爱女士向我们解释了程序,我们才能继续旅程。Sonja很不错,但是Gray Line之旅很糟糕。撰写日期:2015年4月28日
- AndersonB0 条分享穆尔森林公园和索萨力拓小镇之游这是我们参加的旅游团中最好的之一,他们很准时地到酒店接我们,然后极具效率地办理了手续。 在我们去穆尔森林公园的路上,我们的司机Jay给我们带来了不少的欢乐,他对很多东西都很了解。Jay还给我们提了很多关于在穆尔森林公园玩的建议,很完美。我们在丛林里逛了一个半小时才算把这个区域鉴赏完。在去索萨力拓小镇 的路上,Jay又给我们讲了很多有趣的故事。 索萨力拓小镇 挺让人失望的,因为那儿只有几家礼品店,画廊和餐厅。 我们真的应该多花些时间在穆尔森林公园,而不是把时间浪费在索萨力拓。 总的来说,这次的观光旅行组织得不错, 工作人员很有礼貌,而且乐于助人。撰写日期:2009年5月3日
- OpalGirl040 条分享在红木森林和索萨利托玩的很开心杰伊是我们的导游,他很棒,懂很多东西,我们下午去了红木森林和索萨利托,2个地方都很好玩。如果你没车而且想知道有关旧金山尤其是缪尔森林和旧金山及其周围的情况的话,这次旅游很值得参加。旅游巴士很小很舒服。我是和我3个女儿一起参加这次旅游的,她们一个10岁,其他2个8岁,她们都玩得很开心。谢谢你,杰伊!撰写日期:2009年3月24日
- T0-Tourist0 条分享不要参加他们的蒙特里/卡梅尔之旅在对TA和其它网站做了一个详尽的调查后,我们最终选择了跟一家顶级旅行社去蒙特里,然而,我和老婆都不了解这些旅行社如果人数不足以组成一个旅行团的时候他们会怎样相互调整游客,因此在不知情的情况下我们就被调整到了一个超级观光旅行团,跟他们一起去蒙特里。没有人通知我们做了这样的改变,甚至当我们在旅行的前一天去原来订的那家旅行社确定日期的时候都没有人告诉我们(Extranomical旅行社)。 当我看到一辆不一样的巴士停下来时,我就开始担心。毫无疑问,我的担心变成了现实。 我们坐上了一辆班车,司机同时也是导游口音很重,所以很难明白他说的话,班车开了2 1/2小时也没停下来让我们上厕所,然后我们又继续在路上行进了一个半小时(不是什么大问题......但是)。我们到了蒙特里,在那待了2个小时,然后麻烦就来了,班车上的电子系统开始出现故障,我们也没有空调、风扇或是私人系统可用了。司机不知道该怎么办,他打电话回办公室,他们给出了一连串的建议,但一个都没用。那天非常热(80F(26.67C)),只有司机和乘客座位处的窗户能打开。一个小时里,我们尝试了无数方法,打了无数电话回办公室后,我们决定继续开着这辆发热的班车前进,系统要出现任何问题都随它的便了。不用说,我们5点半才到卡梅尔,迟到了一个半小时,而所有好的商店都是在6点钟关门,一开始本来打算从下午4点钟开始,在那里停留一个半小时。我们回酒店也晚了一个半小时,那天从早上8点到晚上9点半都在外面。 我想有人会说故障可能发生在任何人身上,但是如果我们知道自己要跟这个旅游团出去,我们可能会另外预订一家旅行社,而不是他们替我们选择。实际上他们也应该安排另一辆车来接我们,让我们可以继续旅行,而不是因为一个不知名的系统而虚度光阴。 下次我们会问旅行社这样的问题"你会提供给我们预订的旅游团吗?"撰写日期:2008年7月10日
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281 条点评
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Gavin B
英国丹弗姆林6 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
We booked a day trip to Yosemite National Park, departing from Post Street, San Francisco, September 8th 2024.
There was no welcome and no run down of itinerary when we got on the coach. It started off with the driver shouting at some guests telling them to move seats and muttering under his breath that the guests he was speaking to had “no common sense”. He should have been very aware that the majority of the guests on the coach were not native English speakers and his tone was unacceptable.
After discussing, what he called, the “gay flag” history, he then said “now it’s all about the transvestites” which raised a lot of eyebrows. This again is completely unacceptable and he should be a bit more knowledgable about the community, considering his home city of San Francisco has one of the largest LGBTQ+ populations in the world and significant history.
The driver also gave the guests the responsibility of making sure everyone was on the coach. I would think as a tour guide looking after and transporting a full coach of people, it would be HIS responsibility to do a head count at every stop. When he failed to hear us from the back of the coach that some people were missing at the first stop, he drove off before seeing the missing guests run over the parking lot. The driver then proceeded to scald us like school children for not telling him there were people missing (even though we did). He then proceeded to complain about this incident a further 3 times through the trip. Again, treating us like children for his lack of responsibility.
He also had a serious road rage problem that made a few guests uncomfortable. Never have I heard a coach driver use the horn more than he did and verbally abuse other drivers (all while being heard over the PA system). Speeding on corners on the inbound trip while in Yosemite with a high altitude and sheer drop also made us dread the return trip.
He was not very informative about the park either. He was more a fan of sharing personal anecdotes, people he knew, HOW MUCH HE EARNS and how he isn’t happy with only working 3 days a week.
This man should not be a tour guide with the type of attitude he has. Upon departure at the first stop at the end of the tour at Fisherman’s Wharf, he closed the door before all guests who were intending to get off, actually got to the door (because the gangway was being blocked by other guests). Instead of apologising and not making a scene about it, he shouted at us for not getting off quickly enough.
I will not be recommending this company and will certainly not be using them again on any return trips to San Francisco. For the amount of money we paid, we wish we hired a car and did the drive ourselves. Very very disappointing, and the attitude of the driver ruined the trip. We never got his name. All we know is he’s 75 and has a white beard.
I have left a review on another site and have also emailed the company directly, with no response.
There was no welcome and no run down of itinerary when we got on the coach. It started off with the driver shouting at some guests telling them to move seats and muttering under his breath that the guests he was speaking to had “no common sense”. He should have been very aware that the majority of the guests on the coach were not native English speakers and his tone was unacceptable.
After discussing, what he called, the “gay flag” history, he then said “now it’s all about the transvestites” which raised a lot of eyebrows. This again is completely unacceptable and he should be a bit more knowledgable about the community, considering his home city of San Francisco has one of the largest LGBTQ+ populations in the world and significant history.
The driver also gave the guests the responsibility of making sure everyone was on the coach. I would think as a tour guide looking after and transporting a full coach of people, it would be HIS responsibility to do a head count at every stop. When he failed to hear us from the back of the coach that some people were missing at the first stop, he drove off before seeing the missing guests run over the parking lot. The driver then proceeded to scald us like school children for not telling him there were people missing (even though we did). He then proceeded to complain about this incident a further 3 times through the trip. Again, treating us like children for his lack of responsibility.
He also had a serious road rage problem that made a few guests uncomfortable. Never have I heard a coach driver use the horn more than he did and verbally abuse other drivers (all while being heard over the PA system). Speeding on corners on the inbound trip while in Yosemite with a high altitude and sheer drop also made us dread the return trip.
He was not very informative about the park either. He was more a fan of sharing personal anecdotes, people he knew, HOW MUCH HE EARNS and how he isn’t happy with only working 3 days a week.
This man should not be a tour guide with the type of attitude he has. Upon departure at the first stop at the end of the tour at Fisherman’s Wharf, he closed the door before all guests who were intending to get off, actually got to the door (because the gangway was being blocked by other guests). Instead of apologising and not making a scene about it, he shouted at us for not getting off quickly enough.
I will not be recommending this company and will certainly not be using them again on any return trips to San Francisco. For the amount of money we paid, we wish we hired a car and did the drive ourselves. Very very disappointing, and the attitude of the driver ruined the trip. We never got his name. All we know is he’s 75 and has a white beard.
I have left a review on another site and have also emailed the company directly, with no response.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi Gavin! We’re deeply sorry to hear about your experience and sincerely apologize for the unacceptable behavior and lack of professionalism from the driver. This is not reflective of our standards. We appreciate your detailed feedback and will address these issues urgently to ensure they are corrected. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
澳大利亚悉尼1 条分享
Roman was extremely informative and was very entertaining. He had the trip extremely fun. He is an asset to the company.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi Ajit! Thank you for the great feedback! We’re delighted you enjoyed Roman’s informative and entertaining tour. We’ll be sure to pass on your compliments—he truly is an asset to our team! 🌟😊
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Todd C
6 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
So....in being 100% honest, after boking trips with Viator in the US and Europe over the past 10 years this is the worst one we have taken.
It began with check in by what I assume, based on his vehicle was an off duty officer. We then were 10 minutes into the trip when the driver shared the door did not work properly and leak ended up so severe that you could not talk to the person next to you because of the noise from the air coming in through the several inch gap on the broken door. I have a video. The driver shared this had been reported several times over several months but not repaired.
The Skyview window had a large crack and the driver while nice, drove in a very aggressive manner. Additionally, the check engine light was on the entire trip. I have a video of this as well. Not exactly what you want on a mountain voyage.
I strongly advise you to avoid this trip unless you enjoy being in a poorly maintained bus for an entire day and don't want to talk to anyone.
It began with check in by what I assume, based on his vehicle was an off duty officer. We then were 10 minutes into the trip when the driver shared the door did not work properly and leak ended up so severe that you could not talk to the person next to you because of the noise from the air coming in through the several inch gap on the broken door. I have a video. The driver shared this had been reported several times over several months but not repaired.
The Skyview window had a large crack and the driver while nice, drove in a very aggressive manner. Additionally, the check engine light was on the entire trip. I have a video of this as well. Not exactly what you want on a mountain voyage.
I strongly advise you to avoid this trip unless you enjoy being in a poorly maintained bus for an entire day and don't want to talk to anyone.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi F7! I’m truly sorry to hear about your experience. This is not the level of service we aim to provide. Your feedback is invaluable, and I’ve shared it with our team to address these issues promptly. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we appreciate your patience as we work to improve.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Sindy H
澳大利亚悉尼33 条分享
Yosemite is absolutely stunning.
But be prepared for a very long day with at least 10 hours+ on a pretty old uncomfortable bus.
Tour guide was very helpful though and she provided unlimited free snacks and drinks all day.
If you want to swim under the waterfall at Yosemite Falls take note to walk up the pathway to the left. Not climb over the rocks to the right (my mistake).
But be prepared for a very long day with at least 10 hours+ on a pretty old uncomfortable bus.
Tour guide was very helpful though and she provided unlimited free snacks and drinks all day.
If you want to swim under the waterfall at Yosemite Falls take note to walk up the pathway to the left. Not climb over the rocks to the right (my mistake).
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi Sindy! Thank you for your feedback! We’re glad you enjoyed Yosemite’s beauty and found the tour guide helpful. We appreciate your notes on the bus and swimming tips and will consider your comments for future improvements
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Yoosik Ethan Oum
加拿大温哥华212 条分享
The positives are that the tour bus service was good, punctual and organized. The tour bus driver was friendly and very knowledgeable of the history of the city. Usually at the end of the day, the bus gets back into SFO around 830pm but he got us back by 7:30 pm which is a big plus because it is a long bus ride.
The negatives, none of which Gray LIne is at fault for. It is a four hour ride to Yosemite. And that includes the last half hour, at least, up this long and winding hill that curves and curves. This would be a huge problem for anyone with motion sickness. If I didn’t take gravol beforehand, this would’ve killed me. When we got there , we had three hours. The weather was scorching, and i tried a trail or two and got nervous about getting lost. I eventually found a trail that looked easy enough to get back from so i walked and took a few good pics, but with the hot weather, i just felt like going back and staying in the lounge and restaurant. Overall, I felt Yosemite is overrated. The few sights I saw are beautiful but is it worth a nauseating 4 hour ride? The Grand Canyon tour is better in my opinion. It would be hard to get lost, and everything is right there to see; you don’t have to hike through the forest and get lost to see the canyon. Overall, I’m glad I did it, but I would never come back. If I’m in SFO again, though, I will definitely be open to seeing Alcatraz again, which was a much better more unique experience.
The negatives, none of which Gray LIne is at fault for. It is a four hour ride to Yosemite. And that includes the last half hour, at least, up this long and winding hill that curves and curves. This would be a huge problem for anyone with motion sickness. If I didn’t take gravol beforehand, this would’ve killed me. When we got there , we had three hours. The weather was scorching, and i tried a trail or two and got nervous about getting lost. I eventually found a trail that looked easy enough to get back from so i walked and took a few good pics, but with the hot weather, i just felt like going back and staying in the lounge and restaurant. Overall, I felt Yosemite is overrated. The few sights I saw are beautiful but is it worth a nauseating 4 hour ride? The Grand Canyon tour is better in my opinion. It would be hard to get lost, and everything is right there to see; you don’t have to hike through the forest and get lost to see the canyon. Overall, I’m glad I did it, but I would never come back. If I’m in SFO again, though, I will definitely be open to seeing Alcatraz again, which was a much better more unique experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi Korean! Thank you for your detailed feedback! We’re glad you found our bus service and driver to be great. We appreciate your thoughts on the tour experience and are happy to hear you’d be open to exploring Alcatraz with us again! 😊
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Vinita S
2 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
The Grayline day trip to Yosemite was simply amazing. Our guide Joseph and driver Jack had a huge role to play in the success of the trip. The pickup process was seamless. The drive to Yosemite is extremely long but Jack's driving throughout the day was just perfect. Joseph ensured that he gave just the right kind of information along the way: history, geography, places to see, small anecdotes all with a touch of humour. He had a number of helpful suggestions and was always happy to answer any questions.
Yosemite itself is really beautiful though it was extremely hot and therefore uncomfortable. Nature reigns supreme and El Capitan, Half Dome, Cathedral rock are majestic and live upto their reputation. Both Bridal Veil Falls and Yosemite falls did not disappoint. We had 3 hours to explore the valley floor and in that time we could visit the lower Yosemite falls, cross the meadow and see the quaint, old charming church on the other side before we had to trace our return. Perhaps one should plan in advance the places one can cover, on foot, in the limited time available. We were so preoccupied with the natural beauty of Yosemite that we had no time to see the museum. The staff in the restaurant was helpful but maybe because of the crowds, the washrooms were not exactly the best. Overall, a trip which is to be strongly recommended.
Yosemite itself is really beautiful though it was extremely hot and therefore uncomfortable. Nature reigns supreme and El Capitan, Half Dome, Cathedral rock are majestic and live upto their reputation. Both Bridal Veil Falls and Yosemite falls did not disappoint. We had 3 hours to explore the valley floor and in that time we could visit the lower Yosemite falls, cross the meadow and see the quaint, old charming church on the other side before we had to trace our return. Perhaps one should plan in advance the places one can cover, on foot, in the limited time available. We were so preoccupied with the natural beauty of Yosemite that we had no time to see the museum. The staff in the restaurant was helpful but maybe because of the crowds, the washrooms were not exactly the best. Overall, a trip which is to be strongly recommended.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi Vinit! Thank you for your wonderful feedback! We're thrilled to hear that Joseph and Jack made your Yosemite trip memorable. We appreciate your tips about planning your visit and will work on improving the facilities. Thanks for recommending us, and we hope to see you on another adventure soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Leticia S
4 条分享
2024年7月 • 好友
Had an amazing experience with my family. Great organization. Kudos to the guide who was very friendly and knowledgeable! (Unfortunately I do not remember his name : 😔)
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi Y2! We’re so glad you and your family had an amazing experience! Thank you for your kind words about our guide. We hope to see you on another tour soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Mariano H
阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯1 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Very good experience, very informed Guide, exceptional service and excellent company organization.
Highly recommended.
Highly recommended.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi Mar! Thank you so much for your comment! We’re very happy to hear you had an excellent experience with our guide and the service. We look forward to seeing you on another tour soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
10 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Nice comfy bus. The driver was very friendly. He knows all the best photo spots and let us take pictures of them. But only the time was too short in the park for the price. Otherwise it was such a memorable day.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi Leej! We’re glad you enjoyed the comfy bus and friendly driver! We’re sorry to hear the park time felt short, but we’re happy you had a memorable day overall. Thanks for your feedback!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
1 条分享
2024年6月 • 夫妻情侣
We had a great tour. The trip was organized and efficient! Rob was an informative guide that really cared about the group having a great experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Hi! Thank you for your wonderful review! We're delighted to hear you had a great tour with Rob. We pride ourselves on organization and efficiency, and it's fantastic that you found the trip well-organized. We appreciate your kind words and hope to welcome you back for another memorable experience soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Hi, Around what time does the bus return to the departure point?
Also wanted to know if you would see the giant sequoias on this tour?
Hi, do you offer an option which allows me to stay 1 or 2 nights in Yosemite (arranged by myself), then going back with your bus? Thanks!
Is there a lot of smoke in the park which would be not good for photos?
I was there the second week of August 2022 and skies were as blue as can be.
How much time will we have in the park?
Where would we park in union square?
Hi, we had 3 hours to ourselves to explore the park. We were actually staying on Union Square so i'm afraid i can't help you regarding parking but as somebody said previously the Bart tops just down the road from the pick up point
We will be visiting San Francisco in the middle of February. What is the typical weather for Yosemite at that time of the year?
Some of the park may be closed because of snow. However the scenery in the parts you will be able to access will be stunning
we will be staying in oakland and planning this trip to Yosemite, from your schedule I can see the departure is 7am at union square. What time must we be at union square?
You need to be at the bus stop about 6:45. If you have brochures, you need to exchange them for tickets in the office (across street from the bus stop).
Hi! Does the tour include a stop to the Yosemite National Park Visitors Center. Would like to get our park stamp while there. Thanks
There is some free time in the afternoon to walk around by ourselves and the tour guide encouraged us to stop by the Visitor Center. We did stop by there. So the answer is yes.
Would it be possible to purchase just a one-way ticket to ride the coach to Yosemite? I'm a solo traveller who is unable to rent a car, so I'm looking for alternative ways to reach the park. I'm simply looking for a one-way transport option, nothing more. Thank you in advance!
we are interested to book a day tour to Yosemite national park from grayline.
i have a few question
1) is there any promo discount that i should enter to get cheaper price?
2) from the booking website, it is asking for only traveller information and payment details, how about pick up location?
3) do they pick up people from Oakland hotels which is only a 15mins ride away. if they don't pick up there, where are we suppose to meet for pick up.
4) where is the starting point of pick up
thanks in advance.
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