供应商/业主为:Big Bus Tours
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- 以您自己的节奏探索旧金山,并计划自己的行程
- 一天内在超过 15 个主要站点停留,游览众多景点
- 可通过参加夜间之旅或索萨利托之旅和租赁自行车,游览更多景点
- 高级通行证和豪华通行证包含夜游
- 豪华通行证中包含 24 小时额外随上随下
- 随上随下巴士游
- 唐人街徒步之旅(有 2 日票可供选择)
- Flyer 或 7D 体验(如果选择了选项)
- 提供纪念品耳塞
- 从任何 Blazing Saddles 商店购买 1 小时自行车租赁即可免费获得 1 小时
- 敞篷双层巴士
未包含内容- 酒店接送
- 巴士观光路线从渔人码头开始,但您可以在任何站点停靠。只需将你的行程确认单兑换为门票,即可开始探索这座海湾之城。 热门景点包括 39 号码头、联合广场、艺术宫、金门大桥和伦巴第街。根据您自己的兴趣计划您当天的行程。除非您愿意,否则您不会在同一个地方长久逗留。 您的通票中包含唐人街徒步游览。如果您已升级,请参加索萨利托之旅,享受一小时自行车租赁服务。 您的体验将在您的通票到期日结束。如果您有时间,还可购买有效期为两天的通票。
- 无障碍通道
- 婴儿车可入内
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 婴儿必须坐在成人腿上
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5096SFOHOHO- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 经典 1 日游票可当天使用。下午 3 点后取的票,在取票后 24 小时之内有效。
- 适合轮椅使用者,请提前致电安排
- 在沿途的任何站点向 Big Bus 工作人员出示纸质或移动优惠券即可兑换。
- 下载免费的 Big Bus App,获取实时公交跟踪、公交站位置等信息
- 要获得全额退款,请至少在体验开始日期前 24 小时取消。
- 我是否必须去一个中心地点兑换我的 Big Bus 旧金山随上随下敞篷观光车票?
- 对于一日游,您只需在任何站点出示打印版或电子版的车票即可上车。夜游必须在 99 Jefferson Street, San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf 兑换门票。已于 2021年3月回答
- Big Bus San Francisco Hop-on Hop-off Open Top Tour 的末班车是几点?
- 最后一班巴士于下午 5:00 从第 1 站 - 旧金山游客中心出发。已于 2021年3月回答
- 我如何知道在 Big Bus 旧金山随上随下敞篷旅游期间使用哪个站点?
- 我们的现场指南和预先录制的评论将传达即将到来的站点。您还可以下载我们的免费应用程序,了解更多关于路线和时间的信息,以及在每个站点的景点和活动。已于 2021年3月回答
- Big Bus San Francisco Hop-on Hop-off Open Top Tour 轮椅可以使用吗?
- 是的,我们运营配备可容纳 650 磅的升降机的轮椅无障碍车辆,但并非所有车辆都配备。如果您需要无障碍车辆,请在结帐时的“特殊要求”框中告知我们。已于 2021年3月回答
旅行社对客户的问题作了如下回答。- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5096SFOHOHO
- JulestripX0 条分享与Donal同行的大巴之旅这是我们到目前为止旧金山之旅的亮点。在联合广场下车,让Donal带你参观唐人街,他还会向你讲述这座城市充满爱尔兰风情和热情的历史。来自贝利一家的感谢。撰写日期:2019年10月20日
- xit95i950 条分享游览城市的好方法一定要和现场导游一起上车。了解这座城市的好方法。网上预订还有折扣。撰写日期:2019年10月17日
- SamWil870 条分享非常棒!作为Alcatraz之旅套餐的一部分,我们预定了这次体验。我要感谢Gianni帮我们弄到票,简直是太棒了!我们买的是24小时随上随下的票,从下午4点开始使用,然后第二天全天都可以使用,覆盖了城市的大部分站点和地区,这也是从金门大桥返回旧金山的很好的方式。我们的导游(抱歉,我不记得他的名字了)是爱尔兰人,他很优秀,很博学,而且很爱笑!强烈推荐。撰写日期:2019年10月13日
- Curiosity322173409050 条分享Very Bad ServiceWhen waiting for the big bus at the stop of fisherman's wharf, we were quite lost since there were 2 stops in 30 meters in front of pier 39. To make sure we were in the right queue, one of us walked towards the driver who was standing at the front door and waiting for customers getting off. At this moment, he shouted to us "Right over there!" without listening to one single word. It was quite rude and loud just like we were theives rather than visitors. We did nothing, one of us was even still in the queue. I'm not sure it was a normal situation that most of visitors had met or it was only the case that Asian visitors would be treated. Really feel bad!!! 我们在渔人码头附近等车的时候,发现39号码头前有两个车站,相距不到30米。为了确认我们没有排错队,就想跟司机大哥确认下。这时司机大哥正在前门那边等候下车的乘客。我们其中一人走向司机的时候,司机完全不听我们的问题,直接非常粗鲁并大声地对我们喊到“就在那里!”我们明明什么都没做,甚至我们还有一个人仍然排在队伍里。我不确定这类事情是经常发生的还是只有亚洲游客才会碰到。但这 实在太让人失望!撰写日期:2019年10月10日
- jasont6840 条分享一个游览这座城市的好方式我们从未尝试过,所以尝试了一下。不算太贵,大概每人50美元。游览时间为2.5小时,游遍全城。我们一直确保坐在顶层,感觉很酷...就是有点冷。撰写日期:2019年9月29日
- Rickyb5950 条分享三天大巴旅行这是3天的旧金山之旅,夜游非常棒,有很多有趣的景点,推荐给每个来旧金山的人。撰写日期:2019年9月27日
- Polley010 条分享一定要试试旧金山这个地方这么大,所以巴士观光是很有必要的,这样能够看到整个城市。我们发现了一些我们从未听说过的地方,并且都很喜欢。Haight Ashbury这个地方值得参观。撰写日期:2019年9月26日
- AntonioMacaronio31010 条分享我的天啊我和我的女朋友Gill决定预订巴士之旅……来我们这一站的两辆公共汽车都挤满了人,我们不得不等上一段时间。终于上车了,我们不得不坐在破椅子上,听着一个沙哑的老人一样的声音,他更适合解说篮球而不是当导游!!没有看到窗外的风景,因为巴士已经被塑料包裹了!!座位也都是破了的。在体验了巴士之后,我们最终放弃乘坐了,下车了,感到很失望😔着还是5星好评的巴士呢⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️这里的导游是Miss B,司机是Mister Derek,我感觉应该让旧金山的员工来芝加哥教教他们应该怎样提供服务。我在楼下的窗户拍了一些还不错的照片😂😂😂😂此次的体验真的是太差了😞应该提供退款😭😭😭撰写日期:2019年9月24日
- popac7240 条分享了解这座城市的最好去处这条旅行线路真的很好,因为它展示了这座城市所有的主要景点。夜游真的很精彩。我在晚上7点和导游Greg一起去的,这是一种享受。值得一去。撰写日期:2019年9月23日
- Bnell270 条分享很棒的夜间旅行如果你想看看旧金山的夜景是怎么样的,那么搭乘大巴旅行是个很不错的方法!这趟旅行全程大约一个小时,时间不长但真的很值得。如果你要参加夜间旅行,一定要记得穿好保暖的衣服,坐在车的上层真的会有些冷。撰写日期:2019年9月23日
- Martin51920 条分享参观旧金山的最佳方式参观旧金山的好方法。有很多站可以下车,评论很有趣。这是一个很好的过桥去Sausalito的方式,因为有很多人想要过去,所以9月21日周六的时候有点混乱。排的队伍很长,但最终还是解决了。使用groupon获得更划算的价格。推荐这种旅游方式,这是参观这座城市及其他景点的最佳方式👍撰写日期:2019年9月22日
- Thechaser540 条分享游览旧金山的绝妙方式这次旅行并没有让我们失望,这是游览这座城市的绝佳方式。我们发现了一些我们不知道的地方,比如令人惊叹的嬉皮士之家,那里的服务非常棒,甚至每天早上9点到9点半都有班车从我们的住处接送我们。出色的导游还有很多有用的信息,在杜莎夫人蜡像馆度过了一次额外的旅行,并在那里度过了欢乐的感谢大巴士之旅,为我们提供了一次很棒的旧金山之行。我们现在在去檀香山的路上,并且已经买好了更多需要的门票。撰写日期:2019年9月19日
- Greg W0 条分享旅途中的新西兰人在离开旧金山只有两天的时间的时候,我们决定乘随上随下的大巴车去旅行。售票员真的很厉害!她帮我们制定了旅行计划,同时给了我们一些很好的旅行建议。于是我们出发了!🏃🏻♂️导游在车上非常热情!她学识渊博,以一种只有年轻、时髦的非裔美国女孩才能做到的方式分享奇闻异事!(更有趣的是她戴着巨大的“约翰·列侬”风格的太阳镜,留着一头怪兽般的爆炸头……🤩)。我们选择了索萨利托之旅,因为我妻子在卡尔加里的表弟说这是“必须要去的地方”!果然没有失望!我相信,如果我赢了美国的乐透,我会选择索萨利托成为我的新家……🤭回到巴士,我们返回了金门大桥,又重新坐上了红线公交车,继续随上随下地逛这座城市!真的是物超所值的一次旅行!途中也遇到了很好的人!这也是逛旧金山的一个很好的方式哦!👍撰写日期:2019年9月4日
- neil10660 条分享不值这个价格这次大巴车旅行被包含在我们购买的联票中。旅行线路是预先安排好的,可以带您前往许多景点,但是您下车之后还需要自己步行到景点。撰写日期:2019年9月4日
- francisbergin0 条分享导游都很棒我们买了一张2天的往返票。我们跟着尼尔(苏格兰人)上了一辆公共汽车,他非常友好,博学。当巴德在山上抛锚时,另一辆公共汽车被派来了。我们决定继续往前走到下一站。上车了,但没有现场解说。我们参加了夜游,很幸运有唐。他非常专业、知识渊博、活泼好动。我们还和爱尔兰人多纳一起去唐人街徒步旅行,非常棒。他也很友好博学。带我们去一些好地方买便宜的纪念品礼物。总的来说,我们的体验很好,而且我们的酒店离车站很近。建议:如果你想获得任何关于在桥上过夜的小贴士,那就带上保暖的衣服!!撰写日期:2019年8月21日
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2,693 条点评
Denise C
科罗拉多丹佛1 条分享
Blake once again you’re awesome at what you do! Customer service is a 10!!! We had a great experience at Pier 39 & on bus tour!!
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Julia S
2 条分享
2024年9月 • 独自旅游
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英国Barnoldswick108 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
The tour was a good way of orienting the city. The sound track on the headphones got very monotonous. But overall was worth the fee and enjoyable
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Tyke9, thank you for your honest feedback, we will make sure to share it with our customer satisfaction department.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Frank M
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
We loved the tour Erika Olsen was amazing and helpful plus resourceful!!! Thank you Erika and Big Bus she’s amazing at her job
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for the kind words, we will gladly share them with Erika and we hope to see you again soon!
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英国切姆斯福德9 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Went on the Big Bus for a tour around San Francisco. Saw all the sights and the commentary was instructive and amusing. A good experience.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
I am glad to hear that we were able to provide a good experience for you, and we hope to see you again soon!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Karen B
Nottingham3 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
We had a walking tour of china town with Blake. He was very informative and energetic. He was friendly and approachable. Blake knew the area and its history very well. He made it fun and we would recommend.
Tour date 15th September, we were the UK team
Tour date 15th September, we were the UK team
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Dear UK Team, Thank you for letting us know how great Blake was and thank you for joining the Chinatown Walking Tour with us!
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Kara W
1 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
The tour had just headphones and was provided a script for around the city (which was fine). Definitely bring a few layers as it gets extremely windy on top.
The first day, we had a great ride. The second day, we lost our ticket and were going to use the online version (as no one instructed us it was going to be a problem). We arrived and both drivers were extremely rude and condescending, stating that we were "going to have problems all day" and that we needed to call the office to pay extra since we didn't have the paper ticket, despite them not checking anyone else's tickets. Both drivers were so extremely rude, I can't believe they treat customers that way. It could've been solved amicably, but they immediately moved to disrespect. Would not recommend in this area.
The first day, we had a great ride. The second day, we lost our ticket and were going to use the online version (as no one instructed us it was going to be a problem). We arrived and both drivers were extremely rude and condescending, stating that we were "going to have problems all day" and that we needed to call the office to pay extra since we didn't have the paper ticket, despite them not checking anyone else's tickets. Both drivers were so extremely rude, I can't believe they treat customers that way. It could've been solved amicably, but they immediately moved to disrespect. Would not recommend in this area.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize this did not live up to your expectations or ours. When you have a moment, would you be able to email us at sfreservations@bigbustours.com to let us know more about your time with us and how we can improve?
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Linda S
177 条分享
This was a great way for this first time visitor and likely last time visitor to see all those iconic SF places we have all grown up hearing about. The tour was about 2 hours long. We were seated on top and it is very very windy so secure your hair, hat and belongings or they will be gone! You are able to jump on and off at places along the way and spend time wandering. We needed to catch a ferry so did not have time to do this. If you would like to get on and off at multiple places I would recommend taking the tour earlier in the day. Golden Gate was one place that the bus stopped so all could get off and take pics but only for 10 minutes.
Our tour guide provided commentary throughout. Sometimes the things said did not resonate with everyone. At other times we were already past places he was talking about. And there was way too many comments about tipping your tour guide.
The only con I have was we traveled at a rate of speed that did not allow you to fully see and appreciate the sites. I would guess to cover all these iconic sites and not disturb other SF traffic that this was necessary but be prepared.
I would consider this a must do especially if you have limited time in SF.
Our tour guide provided commentary throughout. Sometimes the things said did not resonate with everyone. At other times we were already past places he was talking about. And there was way too many comments about tipping your tour guide.
The only con I have was we traveled at a rate of speed that did not allow you to fully see and appreciate the sites. I would guess to cover all these iconic sites and not disturb other SF traffic that this was necessary but be prepared.
I would consider this a must do especially if you have limited time in SF.
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Thank you so much for the recommendation and great feedback about our City Bus Tour. We hope to see you again.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
英国牛津96 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
Having used Big Bus tours in numerous cities; before travelling from the UK, we purchased “2 Day Hop on Hop off” tickets for San Francisco. The website appeared to suggest that there were 2 routes although the documents relating to these did not print too well. However, we discovered that the so-called Blue Route was not included and having queued patiently, we were asked for another USD39.
Annoyingly, the male staff member who talked to us was so rude, we decided to walk away rather than part with more money.
A pity really because our next trip to Dubai coming very soon means we have to decide if we trust Big Bus tours any longer.
Annoyingly, the male staff member who talked to us was so rude, we decided to walk away rather than part with more money.
A pity really because our next trip to Dubai coming very soon means we have to decide if we trust Big Bus tours any longer.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We apologize this did not live up to your expectations or ours. When you have a moment, would you be able to email us at sfreservations@bigbustours.com to let us know more about your time with us and how we can improve?
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Christopher W
2 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
Blake was great -
Super entertaining and super informative. He made the experience very immersive and we learned a lot.
- Team Florida (9/14/2024)
Super entertaining and super informative. He made the experience very immersive and we learned a lot.
- Team Florida (9/14/2024)
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Dear Team Florida,
We are glad that you enjoyed the tour with Blake. We hope to see you again.
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
When purchasing the two day bus ticket, can you use the bus the day prior to the specified Alcatraz visit or does it need to be used the day following the visit?
I found that has a package for night tour. But the availability hours say only to 6:30pm but the sunset occurs only after 8PM in summer. The night tour has to work until 10 PM or work only to 6:30 PM?
I believe the night tour is not hop on hop off, so it starts at beginning and they time the stops for best view of sunset.
If I chose the premium ticket, does that include both the red route and the blue route? Or would I have to pick one or the other? Thank you.
Probably a stupid question as I have never done this before. But are you allowed to hop off at whatever stop, look around for however long you want and then get on the next one and see the rest of the stops? Thank you.
yes, there s a brochure which indicates locations you visit
I read something about Chinatown walking tour being part of on/off bus tour, but now I can't find it. Is a Chinatown walking tour part of this package. If so, is there any reading material on it. What is included?
The walking tour is not included in the hop on hop off bus. Also they have recently changed the starting point by Fisherman’s wharf. The moved 2 blocks West be sure of the starting point if that is where you are getting on
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