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用时: 2–4 小时
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- 独特的体验,因为它是该国唯一的可转换MINI Cooper之旅。
未包含内容- 不包括食物或饮料。您可以携带饮料和休闲食品,如能量棒或坚果。没有任何邋,,邋,或凌乱。请在MINI之外享受它们。
- 如果您想穿过金门大桥,将收取额外的通行费。
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- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。接送服务详情
- 我去任何地方接你。通常,这就是你住的地方。但是,我也可以在其他地方接您,例如您的游轮,您在参观完恶魔岛后正在吃午餐的地方,或者如果您乘坐公共交通工具进入城市,则可以在某个地点接您。不管你在哪里,我来找你!注意:在旧金山以外的地方取车需要额外收费。
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- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
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- DKSManchester0 条分享找不到比这更好的了在猫途鹰上找到了Reed,我们到旧金山的第一天安排了4个小时的城市之旅。难以相信这么段的时间内安排我们看了这么多东西、学了这么多东西。Reed是一位完美的导游,友好、博学,很明显热爱自己的工作,诺布山的城市之旅也很棒!撰写日期:2019年8月19日
- chrisrowland30 条分享很棒的旧金山之旅!!坐在敞篷的mini车上,配上Reed独到的见解,来一场旧金山的亮点(景点)私人之旅是很棒的!我们获得了一些很棒的拍照机会,沿着朗伯德街开车真是太棒了,你在普通的旅游巴士上做不到这样!!对于所有到旧金山旅游的人来说,都必须要试一试“里德之旅”。撰写日期:2019年7月17日
- homeoflight0 条分享游览旧金山的完美方式就在前一天我预定了这次旅行,很高兴Reed能满足我最后一个小小的要求。在接我的地方他给了我们简单和明确的指示,我们在他的很酷的mini车上开始了在旧金山的历险! 孩子们简直不要太开心,坐着车在城市里兜风,欣赏美丽的风景,听了很多的故事。在整个旅程中,Reed一直在照顾我们,给了我们舒适的毯子让我们保暖!我们等不及要再来这里一次!谢谢Reed给我们这美好的回忆,你简直太好了!撰写日期:2019年3月29日
- Doors2Manual0 条分享离开城镇去城市游玩的好方法当我在城镇有朋友和家人想来城市旅行的时候,而他们需要有人来当导游的时候(而我刚好正在工作!)我经常使用Small Car Big Time Tours。 它一直很成功 ,我强烈推荐! 里德很容易相处,迷人,有思想,知识渊博,这表明他真的很喜欢他的这份工作。 他可以根据自己的需要灵活调整,为您想要看到的东西定制旅行或提供行程建议,并向您展示他最喜欢的城市。 这些旅行非常的充实也很好玩,在上一次旅行之后,他跟进了Telegraph Hill的一些历史,他认为我会感兴趣。 您可以信赖Reed照顾您的友人,并且会过的很愉快!撰写日期:2018年12月23日
- Mmkm0460 条分享美妙的经历我们非常期待和Reid一起坐在他的小车里旅行3小时,结果我们没有失望。他以幽默而轻松的方式让这座城市变得栩栩如生。我们看了一些主要的景点,也看了一些路上发现的景点。途中我们可以随意停下来喝咖啡或者拍照。强烈推荐这个旧金山行车之旅,能了解到当地很多有趣的轶事,我们都不想离开了。撰写日期:2018年11月1日
- Tracey C0 条分享极好的投资!我们在旧金山待了三天。我们的航班早上9点到达,并且到下午3点我们登记入住。我们安排里德上午11点半到酒店接我们,他带我们进行了一场内容丰富、娱乐性质的3小时旅行,内容包括我们想要的一切,还有更多内容。 我们度过了美好的一天,在13个小时的飞行后,我们开着敞篷车在玉米田中兜风,看到了美丽的景色。被及时送回酒店办理入住手续。我强烈建议你在这次旅行中投资。它提供了一个很好的到达方向。我14岁的女儿也非常喜欢这次旅行。谢谢里德!撰写日期:2018年10月2日
- 283pamelag0 条分享车很小,旅行很棒,车很小Reed棒极了!他非常博学,乐于助人,有问必答。我们的三个小时旅行非常完美。唯一不好的是我们已经60多岁了,进出汽车很费劲。里德很乐于助人,也很通融,但是车内空间就是这样。要有心理准备。Reed说“不要在旧金山开车”,但是只要有适当的计划和耐心,这是可以做到的。我们在渔人码头附近的一个斜坡上停了下来,在回来见Reed之前吃了个外卖汉堡。然后我们向西离开了小镇,一边沿着海岸开车,一边欣赏悬崖小屋南面的壮观景色。撰写日期:2018年8月16日
- will3820180 条分享和本地人一起观光,这是唯一的方式这是我和我丈夫第一次来到旧金山。在参加了Reed的旅行之后,我想要告诉所有问我的人,和本地人一起观光是唯一好好了解这座城市的方法。我特别喜欢那些在这座城市长大并一直生活在这个城市的人讲的真实的城市故事。他对于旧金山历史的热爱让我们拥有了一个满分10分的旅程。在一个小轿车里看这座城市也是唯一的方式。我们在下午开始旅行,那个时间点稍微有点冷。Reed在后备箱准备了毯子,这让我想起了在纽约坐马车旅行的时候:)一定要参与这个旅行,你不会后悔的!撰写日期:2018年2月25日
- b2d2koster0 条分享经历过的最好的旅游里德是一位出色的导游,他接我们到酒店,在车里给我们铺上毯子,让我们在清凉的夏日里保持温暖。在整个旅行过程中,他对旧金山的解说和认知非常有趣。我们在旧金山的第二天参观了他的旅行,所以我们听说了一些地方,里德带我们去了所有我们提到的地方,让我们去拍些精彩的照片。他甚至在背景优美的地方给我们拍了一些家庭合照。因为里德的缘故,我们有了关于这次旅行的精彩照片和回忆。多谢。撰写日期:2017年12月14日
- hvaccan0 条分享非常赞的私家旅程在网上搜索时找到这儿,玩得非常开心。索诺玛红酒之旅超赞。挑选了三款不同的葡萄酒,非常适合我们。强烈推荐。服务超赞,正像他们承诺的一样“一切为你。”撰写日期:2017年10月1日
- Eva Z0 条分享太赞了!我们预定了一个两小时的旅程,每一分钟都很值得。我们甚至因为交通和停车的问题迟到了,但是他没有在意,仅仅说我们将骑行整2个小时。他是一个如此好又有趣的人,甚至当知道我们从德国来,我的父母不会说英语的时候他仍然努力尝试简单地交流,令我们所有人受益。撰写日期:2017年7月11日
- Maxine430 条分享迷你敞篷车上的快乐旅行完美的旅行,很棒的导游。我和我丈夫以及13岁大的儿子了解了很多关于旧金山的东西。这是游览这座城市的唯一方式。那天是一个阳光明媚的上午,但我们还是用了车里的毯子。里德给我发了几次电子邮件,以确保我们在3小时的旅行中看遍所有我们想看的东西。这次旅行物有所值,非常快乐有趣,也是我们旅行最精彩的部分!撰写日期:2017年5月8日
- BBlack_120 条分享非常享受的、全面的一日游第一次和我的两个女儿来旧金山玩。我们在城里的时间有限,所以我们决定最好的选择就是报一个私人团。我们的导游Reed陪我们玩了7个小时,过的非常愉快!整个行程很灵活,非常私人化,所以我们去了所有想去的地方。Reed很随和,知道的东西很多,而且非常喜欢他的家乡。迷你车在城里逛起来有快速有便捷,而且没有车顶,所以我们总是能拍到好的照片。我毫无疑虑推荐请Reed做导游逛旧金山。撰写日期:2016年4月21日
- stlstlstl10 条分享完美的三小时去金门大桥之前我们在旧金山待了五个小时,其中三个小时都有向导Reed跟我们一起。他是旧金山的老居民了,很了解这里的历史、街区、文化、建筑和食物,跟我分享了他所热爱的家乡的很多独特之处。他带给我们一次很棒的个性化旅程。我们还可以停下来欣赏美景及拍照。Reed很尽职,跟他在一起的每一分钟都不曾浪费,而且他还是个驾驶安全的好司机。撰写日期:2016年3月13日
- kathryn280 条分享4小时以上的旧金山私人之旅我强烈建议大家聘请里德·拉赫曼作为自己旧金山的私人旅游。这是我参加过的最好的旅游经历,我之前也去过很多地方的!里德对关于城市和它的历史的知识非常熟悉。我们学到了很多东西。他是一个奇妙的旅行伴侣,经验丰富,而且很有趣。考虑到他的知识面,经验和对我们要求的满足度,我觉得他开出的价格也非常合理。他还给了我们很多建议,要去的餐厅,该走走的地方等等。我们问了很多关于这个城市的问题,他能进行一一回答。我明年如果回来一定会再请他陪同。撰写日期:2016年1月24日
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205 条点评
英国Ixworth16 条分享
Reid is an excellent Guide and we had a 2 hour tour of the city which allowed us to get a great overview of where we wanted to explore further. It was good fun and we were able to visit where tour buses don’t.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Christine B
英国Penwortham38 条分享
Absolutely fantastic, perfect if you're short of time or even if your not. This is a brilliant way to see the city and Reed was brilliant at filling in any gaps. Completely customisable, cannot recommend Reed's service enough
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
英国曼彻斯特5 条分享
2024年8月 • 好友
From start to finish this was a fabulous tour, we loved travelling around in Reed’s convertible mini on a sunny day.
Reed’s knowledge & enthusiasm of SF was exceptional and a perfect gentleman too. We requested a few places we wished to visit and left the rest to Reed, we weren’t disappointed, photo stops too. We recommend booking this tour directly with Reed at smallcarbigtimes, you won’t be disappointed.
Reed’s knowledge & enthusiasm of SF was exceptional and a perfect gentleman too. We requested a few places we wished to visit and left the rest to Reed, we weren’t disappointed, photo stops too. We recommend booking this tour directly with Reed at smallcarbigtimes, you won’t be disappointed.
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laurie r
俄勒冈波特兰2 条分享
2024年6月 • 家庭
Reed’s knowledge of the city was amazing! We not only had a beautiful tour, we had an education. My 17 year old granddaughter and I would highly recommend this tour.
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加利福尼亚贝尼西亚3 条分享
2024年3月 • 家庭
Small Car Big Time Tours
I highly recommend this tour company! Reed is a very enthusiastic and highly knowledgeable tour guide. He is VERY funny (imagine Martin Short giving a tour), but also knows a great deal of the history of San Francisco and the surrounding areas. I will note that I am a fifth generation native of San Francisco; my wife and I took this tour on something of a lark. Honestly, I thought I knew everything about the city, but I learned things I never knew about. Reed will customize your tour to your wants. For us, we wanted to see the lesser known sights of the city and were surprised to see so many, and learn how they came to be. You will absolutely love this tour. Please note “Small Car Big Time Tours” is the perfect name for the company. The car is a Mini Cooper, so the number in your party is limited, and if you are very tall or long of limb, you may be sitting front and back with your tour mates and may feel the close quarters by the end of your tour, but hey, it’s right there in the title!
Reed is a wonderful guide and a terrific human being. Don’t wait for out of town guests, you’ll have a blast.
I highly recommend this tour company! Reed is a very enthusiastic and highly knowledgeable tour guide. He is VERY funny (imagine Martin Short giving a tour), but also knows a great deal of the history of San Francisco and the surrounding areas. I will note that I am a fifth generation native of San Francisco; my wife and I took this tour on something of a lark. Honestly, I thought I knew everything about the city, but I learned things I never knew about. Reed will customize your tour to your wants. For us, we wanted to see the lesser known sights of the city and were surprised to see so many, and learn how they came to be. You will absolutely love this tour. Please note “Small Car Big Time Tours” is the perfect name for the company. The car is a Mini Cooper, so the number in your party is limited, and if you are very tall or long of limb, you may be sitting front and back with your tour mates and may feel the close quarters by the end of your tour, but hey, it’s right there in the title!
Reed is a wonderful guide and a terrific human being. Don’t wait for out of town guests, you’ll have a blast.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Lauren S
19 条分享
2024年2月 • 夫妻情侣
My husband and I did a 3-hour ride with Reed. It was by far one of my favorite ways to see a new city! It was a gorgeous day so the views were amazing. Reed is so informative and personable, plus it was just the 2 of us. No crowded big top buses. 5/5 stars! Thank you for a perfect trip, Reed!
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Lisa s
3 条分享
2023年10月 • 家庭
Get in touch with Reed directly at 4155295404 It was a fantastic day! He offers a private tour in his cool mini Cooper convertible! He knows so much about the area and I would book him every time I visit to do a bit of a different itinerary since he knows so many different things to do in the San Fran area. The custom tour was just what we wanted and such a fun day!
He also has a website called smallcarbigtimetours for your convenience.
He also has a website called smallcarbigtimetours for your convenience.
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密苏里圣路易斯69 条分享
2023年10月 • 夫妻情侣
Just had to say what a wonderful day we had with “ Small Cars, Big Time Tours” and Reed as our host ! My husband and I arrived in San Francisco on a Celebrity cruise ship. Our ship arrived later in the afternoon than originally expected, due to whale migration in the area. Reed was awesome at accommodating this shift in schedule. He met us at the pier in a convertible Mini Cooper right on time. We crossed the Golden Gate Bridge with the top down and were off on our adventure. Reed was great and filled our request with an afternoon at a Sonoma winery called Gundlach Bundschu. The wine tasting and charcuterie was wonderful.
On the way back to San Francisco, Reeds knowledge of the city he loves is most evident, as he regaled us with stories and history of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Presidio, Lombard Street and more. We toured through the city and upon our request for the best pizza in town, Reed dropped us at Tony’s for the best pizza ever!
Do not hesitate to reach out to Reed and “ Small Cars, Big Time Tours for a great time in San Francisco!!
On the way back to San Francisco, Reeds knowledge of the city he loves is most evident, as he regaled us with stories and history of the Golden Gate Bridge, the Presidio, Lombard Street and more. We toured through the city and upon our request for the best pizza in town, Reed dropped us at Tony’s for the best pizza ever!
Do not hesitate to reach out to Reed and “ Small Cars, Big Time Tours for a great time in San Francisco!!
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
密苏里圣路易斯53 条分享
2023年9月 • 夫妻情侣
This is a extremely easy review to write. You should do it. Small Car Big Time Tours is outstanding, Reed is very knowledgeable of the city, area and state. We drove out to Sonoma, visited a winery, tour through the city, saw many different sites and Reed did a great job of explaining everything. Also, he provides detailed communication, and information before we arrived. He will make it all about whatever you want to do. He is a true professional. I highly recommend this experience.
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1 条分享
2023年9月 • 独自旅游
After months of being housebound during Arizona's blistering summer, I was eager to feel the cool air in my face, take in the sights, and do a bit of wine tasting. Reed's customized tour did not disappoint! Though I've been to San Francisco a million times, Reed managed to show me neighborhoods I'd never explored and regale me with his extensive knowledge of the city. But that was just the beginning... We took the top down trip over the Golden Gate, always a thrill, and headed into Sonoma for a couple of excellent wine tastings and a phenomenal Mexican lunch. Reed made this entire adventure so easy and relaxed - truly one of the very best days of my summer.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
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