免排队:Jay Alexander Mind Tricks 现场表演@马拉喀什魔术剧院:
免排队:Jay Alexander Mind Tricks 现场表演@马拉喀什魔术剧院:
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- PashaFu0 条分享景点评价很棒的氛围,很棒的主持人,很棒的演出,很棒的整体体验!这是一个在SF真正的隐藏宝石,你会体验到在其他魔术表演难以体验到的体验。杰吸引了观众,让我们越来越想看他的魔术表演。他对自己所做的事情充满激情,这是显而易见的。我仍然不知道他大部分的戏法是怎么做的:)撰写日期:2019年7月22日
- PamD19650 条分享令人惊讶的我不知道杰为什么不在维加斯有个头条秀。他绝对是了不起的,我们感到很荣幸能成为他演出的一部分。预演很有趣,绝对值得你提前60-45分钟到场。这部剧不仅有趣,还有不可思议的魔力和精神状态。几乎每个人都参与到演出中,小团体和舞台表演的亲密无间是首屈一指的。这场演出是必看节目。撰写日期:2019年7月7日
- Mohan S0 条分享杰伊·亚历山大没有表演我们在评论上看到杰伊会表演,所以预定了5月26日去看他表演。然而,那天表演的却不是杰伊,而是另一个叫鲍勃的魔术师,他只是表演了常规魔术。我们事先没有得到任何通知说杰伊那天不会演出,这非常令人失望。鲍勃很好,很有娱乐性,但我们花钱并不是为了看他表演而是杰伊。就像在生日聚会上看魔术师。如果你打算去看杰伊表演魔术,最好事先确认一下他是否会真的出场。撰写日期:2019年5月30日
- Freebirdtravelblog0 条分享真正令人难忘的晚上这个场地舒适且私密。演出开始前的特写镜头非常有趣。杰·亚历山大在节目中将给你带来惊喜和娱乐。你会想再来这里的。撰写日期:2019年4月27日
- 544barrieb0 条分享好棒的夜晚多么棒的魔术表演啊。杰·亚历山大是真的很棒。和我18岁的儿子一起去的,观众(最多45人)有成年人,带着小孩的家庭,约会的人……它吸引了所有人。不要错过演出。撰写日期:2019年3月18日
- risaellen0 条分享很棒的表演!这真是一次独特的体验,比一般的魔术表演好多了!杰伊做了一场精彩的表演,让我都坐不住了。他还吸引了很多观众,给生活带来了活力。多么有趣的夜晚!撰写日期:2019年1月18日
- scooter8240 条分享一个美妙的夜晚!在参观旧金山的时候,我们度过了一个户外的夜晚,我们在一张必做清单上看到了这个剧场。多么美好的夜晚啊!小而亲密的剧院—为Jay's“心灵魔法师”的提供了完美场景,恰当地标榜魔术表演,心理和谎言。他是怎么做他所做的事的?谁知道呢,但那确实很有趣。我们这次是我们自己的旅行,但这是任何年龄都可以享受的东西。晚餐先于表演-我们选择了鹰嘴豆泥和串烧鸡-味道很好。这里是度过一个夜晚的好方式。撰写日期:2018年9月21日
- SJS24000 条分享如果你来旧金山,这里是一定要来的地方!!很棒的节目。我一时心血来潮订了这个节目,结果这是目前为止我们旅行中最棒的事情之一。我们和两个儿子(分别是15岁和13岁)一起去的,不过观众中有夫妻、小团体和家庭,每个人都很喜欢。我强烈推荐这里。杰伊亚历山大很优秀,那些小的亲密的设置使得那个夜晚非常特别。在场的每个人都觉得自己参与到了这些特别的事物中。如果你能买到票就去吧——真的很值。撰写日期:2018年8月6日
- Michelle G0 条分享我所见过最棒的表演!在去旧金山旅行的途中,我们带上了我们14岁和11岁的两个孩子一起看了这场表演,Jay的表演精妙绝伦,简直是棒呆了!我们笑得根本都停不下来,他表演把戏一个比一个厉害,十分精彩。这场表演的每一分钟都叫孩子们疯狂,我们也深深沉迷其中。我们提前到场参加了鸡尾酒舞会,获得了额外和Jay相处的时间。简直是棒炸了!撰写日期:2018年7月21日
- jennifercE6791BX0 条分享马拉喀什魔术剧场Jay非常有魅力,他的把戏让观众们大笑且敬畏。温馨的环境让每个人都觉得自己是这部剧的一部分。我强烈推荐一种愉快的方式度过一个夜晚——对所有年龄段的人来说都很有趣——对孩子来说没有什么不合适的(尽管并不是真正适合带小孩子去的),而且足够“精致”,成人群体不会觉得它是针对家庭的。如果不是因为6个月前我在纽约看到了类似的表演,我会给5分,相比之下我会给Jay4分。然而,如果我最近没有看到另一个魔术师整体表现稍好的一些非常相似的魔术表演,我将会给Jay评5分。这绝对是一个消磨夜晚的好方法并且票价非常公平。撰写日期:2018年6月30日
- Dennisgregg0 条分享10个赞我和妻子在这里玩得很开心。我忍不住所说或所想的是:“这是不可能的!!”我们并不是游客,我是一个土生土长的人。表演人员拥有良好的幽默感,众多的魔术种类和读心技巧。真的很棒,这是一个让人感觉亲密的小剧场,在那里有非常多的互动,并且一直持续着,真是太棒了! ! ! !撰写日期:2018年6月8日
- TL A0 条分享物有所值我发现这个魔术剧场就在我们酒店对面,很高兴我们去了这里。Jay是不可思议的。他四处走动,表演一些纸牌戏法发,节目很贴心,还很聪明。强烈推荐你来这里看表演。撰写日期:2018年5月15日
- Yvette O0 条分享令人愉快的晚上!!我们在旧金山待了一个星期,在TripAdvisor最吸引人的景点里,发现了马拉喀什魔术剧场。从开始到结束,我们度过了一个美妙的夜晚,从我们在等候区坐下的那一刻起就很愉快,我们喝了几杯,同时欣赏Jay Alexander的娱乐节目。真正的节目是如此的有趣,他是一个非常有趣的人,用每一个戏法和观众互动。我们度过了一个美好的夜晚,谢谢你们。撰写日期:2018年4月25日
- alanspar0 条分享极大的享受-最好的!JAY很有趣,人性化,聪明,是一位出色的魔术师。他能很好地与观众互动。很幽默。他的魔术棒极了。他自己的故事温馨感人。我和我的妻子都很喜欢这个节目,就像我们以前参加过的一样。我们大笑,惊讶。如果你在旧金山的话,晚上没有比看他的表演更棒的活动了。我们在表演前吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐,然后脸上带着灿烂的笑容结束了这个夜晚。撰写日期:2018年2月24日
- Bankei H0 条分享非常愉快我们带了两个8岁和10岁的孙子来看的,他们很喜欢,我们也是。这绝对会是记忆中的一个篇章。这是一个充满异国情调的摩洛哥风情的小小舒适的剧院,以及杰伊的幽默和奇妙的魔力,我会向每个人推荐今晚的体验。撰写日期:2018年1月13日
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251 条点评
加利福尼亚圣罗莎3 条分享
2024年9月 • 家庭
This is a WONDERFUL show! Even though you'e up close, you won't be able to figure out how he does this variety of wonderful tricks. He's very friendly and involves the audience without making anyone uncomfortable. Be sure to enjoy the snacks before the show - he often comes out to visit and preview a couple of tricks AND stays after to be in your photos. An A+ way to spend an evening! Price is great, too.
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Mariela G
2 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Jay Alexander was very entertaining! We liked how the group was small and intimate. It helped us engage with Jay and really enjoy the show. This was our first magic show and it did not disappoint.
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Danny B.
加利福尼亚圣何塞25 条分享
This one-of-kind magic show simply put… gets better and better! Jay Alexander is an experienced mentalist that puts on a great show from start to finish. Teens and couples will benefit from the magic, optimism and friendly interactions with guests.
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1 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
Fantastic! Highly recommend! Personal experience in a big city! Great way to spend a couple of hours before or after dinner - or eat in the lounge. Absolutely brilliant! Bravo!
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5 条分享
2024年8月 • 夫妻情侣
An absolutely incredible experience. I was so skeptical about this show and was blown away! It's perfect for a date, family outing, etc. Absolutely amazing!!
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Roy S
4 条分享
It’s a delightful show of magic and mentalism that had us and the whole audience amused and amazed. Jay is a great performer and put on a great show. Throughout it, we were asking ourselves how he pulled it all off.
The pre-show food was surprisingly good. We had the kebab and the soup. Both were tasty and arriving early gave us a chance to meet Jay before the show and see some close up card tricks.
The venue itself is quirky. It’s a very small theater and dining space in the basement of the building. The decor is a mix of Moroccan and old magic shows. It’s not great but that’s more than made up for by the warm hospitality and fun show.
The pre-show food was surprisingly good. We had the kebab and the soup. Both were tasty and arriving early gave us a chance to meet Jay before the show and see some close up card tricks.
The venue itself is quirky. It’s a very small theater and dining space in the basement of the building. The decor is a mix of Moroccan and old magic shows. It’s not great but that’s more than made up for by the warm hospitality and fun show.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
加利福尼亚West Menlo Park4 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
Not my first time seeing Jay perform; I never get tired of it. And this is in a small venue, where every seat is up close and personal. Plus, he invites audience members to come up and participate in each "trick". I sat next to a couple of kids [not mine] who must have been 10 or 12. On the other side were my wife, adult son and his significant other. I don't know who had the better time, them or me. Jay's mastery of his craft is matched by his stage presence and commentary.
With Beach Blanket Babylon long gone, this is an ideal way of entertaining family or visitors from out of town. You can arrive early for dinner or dine out before or after the show. Note to those driving: use the indoor parking lot in the block above the Marrakech. As Jay like's to say, "it just gets better".
With Beach Blanket Babylon long gone, this is an ideal way of entertaining family or visitors from out of town. You can arrive early for dinner or dine out before or after the show. Note to those driving: use the indoor parking lot in the block above the Marrakech. As Jay like's to say, "it just gets better".
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
科罗拉多恩格尔伍德1 条分享
2024年8月 • 家庭
I was in San Francisco with my father and brother for a few days. Without question, this was the highlight of our trip. From the moment we entered the theater, we knew that we were in for something special. Without exaggeration, the evening was like nothing I've ever experienced!
Jay Alexander certainly has a presence and unbelievable talent. But he's completely approachable, too: Jay is as friendly, inviting, humble, and down-to-earth as anyone you'll ever meet. After one evening, I feel like I know him well enough to refer to him by his first name in this review!
The experience is an intimate one: To say that there is audience participation doesn't do it justice. Over the course of the show, Jay develops a connection between himself and the audience, as all great performers do. But he takes this much further and effectively builds a community *among* the audience members for the evening.
While I'm dying to walk through the entire act in this review, spoilers are obviously not cool. =) Suffice to say that I have NO idea how he did ANY of his magic, and each illusions was more amazing than the last.
All of these positive reviews are real: the guy's incredible, and everyone left wearing big smiles.
Jay Alexander certainly has a presence and unbelievable talent. But he's completely approachable, too: Jay is as friendly, inviting, humble, and down-to-earth as anyone you'll ever meet. After one evening, I feel like I know him well enough to refer to him by his first name in this review!
The experience is an intimate one: To say that there is audience participation doesn't do it justice. Over the course of the show, Jay develops a connection between himself and the audience, as all great performers do. But he takes this much further and effectively builds a community *among* the audience members for the evening.
While I'm dying to walk through the entire act in this review, spoilers are obviously not cool. =) Suffice to say that I have NO idea how he did ANY of his magic, and each illusions was more amazing than the last.
All of these positive reviews are real: the guy's incredible, and everyone left wearing big smiles.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
25 条分享
Great light-hearted entertainment, small venue, close-up experience.
Kids (12, 14) loved it and were mesmerized.
Pre-show entertainment is good fun with a glass of wine and some appetizers.
The decor of the theater is unique and adds to the character of the show.
Not a must-do when you are in San Francisco for only 2 days but definitely recommend if you have an extra night to spare.
Kids (12, 14) loved it and were mesmerized.
Pre-show entertainment is good fun with a glass of wine and some appetizers.
The decor of the theater is unique and adds to the character of the show.
Not a must-do when you are in San Francisco for only 2 days but definitely recommend if you have an extra night to spare.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Anne T
1 条分享
2024年7月 • 夫妻情侣
I’m still trying to figure out how Jay does this stuff. He’s amazing and what a fun show for pretty much all ages!! We went with another couple and enjoyed some great food and drinks but the show was the topper! Enjoyed it so much that I hired him for my company’s corporate sales event for 120 employees just a few weeks later and everyone loved him! Go see Jay. You’ll be amazed, laugh and be left wondering, “how the heck did he do that?!”
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