Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄 0-99
用时: 4 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 空调车
- 所有费用和税费
- 乘坐私人旅游指南乘坐豪华SUV或豪华面包车(迷你巴士)私人旅游,乘坐渡轮前往恶魔岛
- 瓶装水
- 恶魔岛门票
- 入场/门票 - 恶魔岛
未包含内容- 参观完恶魔岛后返回酒店
- 抱歉,由于我们的车辆没有配备残疾乘客,我们无法运送残疾乘客
- 午餐
- 小费/酬金是您自愿支付给导游的,以感谢其优质服务。
- 出发地点:提供多个接送地点。
- San Francisco, CA, USA可在以下地点的任何酒店或家中免费接客:旧金山市中心、诺布山区、渔人码头、日本城、联合广场和要塞区
接送服务详情- 旧金山市中心、渔人码头、联合广场、日本城、要塞、滨海区
提供酒店接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的酒店列表中进行选择。提供港口接送服务结账时,您可以从包含的港口列表中进行选择。- Pier 27, The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA
返程:- Alcatraz Landing Pier 33, Pier 33 Suite 200, San Francisco, CA 94111, USA我们将您送至旧金山 33 号码头的恶魔岛码头,并为您提供恶魔岛渡轮和监狱门票。恶魔岛是自助游。我们将您送至 33 号码头时,我们的游览就结束了。 注:恶魔岛门票视供应情况而定。
- 不提供无障碍通道
- 靠近公共交通
- 提供婴儿座椅
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:178032P1- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 我们对残障乘客的政策:抱歉,我们的车辆没有为残障乘客配备,因此,为了他们的安全和福祉,我们的商业保险不允许我们运送任何类型的残障人士
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 这是一项私人游览/活动。 只有您的团队能够参加
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:178032P1
- Erica G0 条分享穆尔森林之旅我们和利奥一起游览缪尔森林,度过了一个美好的下午。他是一个热情而知识渊博的导游,教给了我们很棒的一些知识!利奥同时也是一位出色的摄影师,他知道所有适合家庭摄影的好地方。强烈推荐!撰写日期:2019年7月19日
- pjohnides0 条分享穆尔森林和穆尔沙滩的私人驾车游我们的导游mary知识渊博,精力充沛。她对我们的两个孩子也很好,很有耐心。我建议参加那种有导游的旅行,这样你们整个家庭都可以欣赏美丽的景色了。撰写日期:2018年10月29日
- Marcia D0 条分享穆尔森林、塔玛佩斯山、斯廷森比奇海滩、索萨利托、越野车旅行哦,我的天啊,这是多么难以置信的经历啊!从Leo先生在酒店接我们六个人的那一刻起,直到他把我们送回酒店的那一刻,整个过程都太棒了!Leo先生学识渊博、非常有趣、待人友好、为人幽默、彬彬有礼,他给我们带来了难忘的一天!在过去的30年里,我参加了很多的旅行,但是没有什么能比得上我们和Leo先生在一起的经历!我们唯一的遗憾是没有预定另一个和Leo先生一起进行的金色地平线之旅!我们下次会再来的!撰写日期:2018年8月19日
- Ross C0 条分享3天的约塞米蒂私人冒险-太棒了!约翰的双眼能够明察秋毫,他了解公园的历史和地质,并讲述自己的奇闻轶事,让公园充满了活力,并且,乔恩还致力于为客户提供丰富、有趣和信息丰富的体验活动。撰写日期:2018年5月23日
- JFK_on_the_road0 条分享美好的硅谷一日游我们在硅谷玩了一天,约翰是我们的司机。我们的小组有3名成年人和3名青少年,我们在同一辆汽车中彼此适应的很好,感觉很舒服。约翰非常出色,他帮助我们安排了一条行程把硅谷里所有的主要目的地串联起来,有脸书、谷歌、苹果、斯坦福、计算机博物馆以及惠普、苹果和微晶片的诞生地。我们不可能自己找到所有这些地方,有人开车接送比自己开车和导航更让人放松。性价比很高。撰写日期:2018年1月12日
- Rajeswari B0 条分享硅谷之旅嗨,我们(我和我的丈夫)参加了硅谷和金色地平线之旅,真是太棒了。我们的导游玛丽见闻非常广博,使我们的这一天非常难忘。这是我们第一次访问美国和迷人的硅谷,这次旅行是最棒的。衷心感谢玛丽为我们定制了这次旅行。我们感谢并推荐给任何对硅谷私人导游旅行感兴趣的人。撰写日期:2017年12月24日
- KeirasDad0 条分享很棒的旅游我们预定了一天去蒙特雷,卡梅尔的游览,开了17英里的车路,经过了卵石滩等等景点。我们度过了美好的一天,玛丽是我们的导游。 玛丽非常知识渊博,有很多好故事跟我们分享,我们很高兴能与他相处。 这辆车很大,很干净,很舒服。 总之是美好的一天。撰写日期:2017年11月8日
- abmp270 条分享位于约塞米蒂国家公园的金色地平线之旅我们全家在位于约塞米蒂国家公园里度过了愉快的金色地平线之旅。然而让我们的旅途最开心的还是导游Jon,他懂得很多;他陪同我们游览了整个地方,带我们看那些大多数游客都会忽略掉的一些景点。关于去哪里吃东西,到哪里去登山,哪里可以停留休息,哪里值得拍照,他给了我们很多有用的建议!这一天让我们充满了回忆,我们非常满足!这个私人旅行值得花钱来体验!作为一家人,我们给这里满分评价!撰写日期:2017年5月20日
- ken3760 条分享难以忘怀我们的导游乔恩(Jon)超棒绝对不亚于五星级!他不仅跟我们分享了他众多的经验还在行程中给我们指出了绝佳的拍摄点和所有有趣的景点以及当地的见识,让我们的这次旅程变得很难忘。我们还必须给他们的客户服务致上谢意,因为他们把预约弄的很快还很专业的回答了我们的咨询。撰写日期:2017年3月8日
- Emily N0 条分享很棒的两天之旅即使我们只有2天,但是我们的导游彼得知识渊博并且包容,所以我们能够看到很多美丽的东西。我们餐馆的是蒙特雷水族馆,17英里的路程,大瑟尔,赫斯特城堡,以及各种各样的路边经典,可以停下来看看动物和自然景点和美食。这种体验很棒-我们学到了很多,得到了很多图片,与导游相处得很好。感谢您充分利用我们的短时间!撰写日期:2016年12月30日
- JRG_750 条分享同亚当和皮特的一次精彩纳帕之旅金色地平线之旅的美好,我已经无法用言语来形容,尤其是亚当和皮特两人。很幸运有这两位非常博学的先生作为我们纳帕之旅的向导,本次旅行也是为了庆祝我的生日,旅行当天结束的时候,我们仿佛成了一家人。他们带我们去了一些很棒的酒庄,并去了酒郡许多我们以前从没参观过的地方。根据我们的兴趣爱好,他们为我们量身定制了一整天的行程。所到之处,我们都受到了贵宾般的礼遇。我们所驾驶的林肯领航者是全新的,驾乘感受很舒适,这让我们整天的行程更加出彩!亚当帮我们拍了很好看的照片,甚至用其中的一些照片为我制作了特别的生日视频,我会永远珍藏好的。皮特和亚当让我这次的生日永生难忘,期待下次和他们再次同游!撰写日期:2016年9月17日
- hmillard50 条分享和亚当一起游玩优美胜地很不错我们预定了Golden Horizon公司的5天的行程,游玩优美胜地,马默斯湖和死亡谷。内丽是负责帮我们预定的人,她的专业和乐于助人让整个预定体验很不错。她会耐心的回答我的所有问题,而且那些需要一到两天才能回馈的消息也会及时通知我。她在帮我们预定旅行酒店上也非常有帮助。我非常建议你让她来帮你订酒店,因为她对这个地区非常了解。我们五天行程的导游是亚当,他非常了解何为“顾客体验”,是他让我们能有这样出色的体验,包括用各种名胜古迹来给我们惊喜,我们非常喜欢。他非常懂得变通,让这次旅程符合我们的所有需求。这一次旅行非常棒,包含了观光、徒步,拍了很多照片。内丽和亚当,你们棒极了!撰写日期:2016年7月4日
- starfire8880 条分享私人旅行—去约塞米蒂国家公园游玩,很棒的一天!我们是五人之家,我们的导游Johnathan棒极了。他很随和,当我们行程上有些分歧,提些出要求,像停下来喝杯咖啡,短暂的农场购物,在博物馆花费了比较多的时间等等,他都很好打交道。他也很博学,并且和我们一起分享了约塞米蒂国家公园的历史。虽然私人旅游费用比普通的旅行大巴上的贵了一半儿,但是我们都认为很值。我们可以在我们喜欢、感兴趣的地方多花些时间,跳过那些我们不感兴趣的地方。而且导游Johnathan还会回答我们所有的问题。我们很有可能比在普通的旅行中学了更多关于Yosemite的东西。撰写日期:2016年5月29日
- ESheppard0 条分享全日游我们花了一整天的时间游览这里,这里非常好玩,玛丽非常不错,仿佛是为我们量身打造的这趟行程。这是一个了解这座城市非常好的方式。撰写日期:2016年4月27日
- Jennifer J0 条分享如果是给十颗星的话毫无疑问他们是十星Mary是最好的导游,这是一趟不能更好的旅行。出去看了金州勇士队的比赛,全部都看了,看了整整一天。我强烈推荐参加Golden Horizon的团,非常满意,这些人对你就像对家人一样。我的这次旅行好得没有词语可以来形容,我等不及要再这样旅游一次了。非常感谢。下次见。撰写日期:2016年2月11日
这些点评均为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。为符合我们业界领先的信任和安全标准,Tripadvisor 会对点评进行检查。阅读我们的透明度报告,了解更多信息。
229 条点评
Anton Elistratov
1 条分享
2023年2月 • 家庭
Ничего из оплаченного тура мне не было предоставлено. Компания просто получила мои деньги, ничего не предоставив взамен. Теперь факты: 1. В связи с тем, что услуга предоставлялась на английском языке, я запросил заменить оплаченного гида на гида, говорящего на моем языке, которого я нашел самостоятельно-получил отказ. 2. Я попросил просто предоставить мне билеты, отказавшись от других оплаченных услуг компании - получил отказ. 3. В процессе переписки по этим вопросам я получил оскорбления и угрозу обращения ими в суд по причине якобы полученных от меня оскорблений. При этом сообщали, что предоставляли услуги министрам и президентам и я оказался самым проблемным клиентом.
В итоге за уплаченные мной 780$ я получил оскорбления и угрозу обращения в суд. Но не получил даже билеты, которые оплатил.
Экскурсию организовал самостоятельно. Остров и легендарная тюрьма перекрыли негативные впечатления, полученные от компании Viator, получившей от меня деньги за непредоставленные услуги.
В итоге за уплаченные мной 780$ я получил оскорбления и угрозу обращения в суд. Но не получил даже билеты, которые оплатил.
Экскурсию организовал самостоятельно. Остров и легендарная тюрьма перекрыли негативные впечатления, полученные от компании Viator, получившей от меня деньги за непредоставленные услуги.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
When lies become integrity -Trip Advisor has no credibility for approving this!!!!!!
***Please note that :This customer never showed up as shown below! This is 100% false and abusive - all these facts are documented on Viator platform in addition to all texts we received from his cell phone number which we can provide share with you. He canceled many times did not use our service.
This customer is from another planet and everything he says is 100% false & can be used against him if needed:
He cancelled and then changed his mind and then ignored us for weeks and never responded to us when he booked despite all the contacts, we initiated to reach him , and the messages we sent him through Viator(which can be consulted word by word and by date) .
He changed his mind over & over and he either was not coming or has other plans but he decided to torture us until the very last minute as you can see below:
He falsely claimed that Viator/Trip Advisor tour description is offered in Russian and we MUST provide that tour in Russian no matter what !!!
He lives in the US and keeps writing in Russian and never bothered to even write us not even once in English to torture us for no reason.
It’s 100 % false and misleading and we shared with him screenshots from Viator’s own website tour description(Product code: 178032P1) it’s not true with screenshot and copies. We called viator many times & they were shocked by his continuous misleading allegations & lack of consideration.
He falsely claimed that we had to pick him way too far from San Francisco where he was staying near Santa Cruz, CA, and once again ;we proved to him that Viator (Product code: 178032P1) show that e only pick in San Francisco! Yet, he kept insisting nonstop! It his way or the highway!
He kept changing his mind nonstop as you can see , one day he wanted to cancel, the next day he said the opposite and kept making the same false claims. No reading for law or policy like doesn’t want to even understand what is included and what excluded from Viator website tour description/ Product code: 178032P1.
He is abusive, offensive, insulting- lacking civility & considerations!
Then you added a third and unauthorized person Aleksander Mosalov +1 (510) 230-3339.). to the tour without even informing us or Viator! He didn’t even want to understand why that was wrong because he imposes his own terms on you with total disregard for policy, law & regulation! It’s his own way or the highway. Once again, we complied and accepted that at no extra cost. Not only that, he expected us to even include that third person to his city tour at the last minute & even asked us to include him on the ferry trip to Alcatraz without prior notice! How can you talk to someone he refuses to understand the law policy, logic, and common sense ?
Monday 6,2023- he basically had no plans to show up and when final bothered to answer , he asked as shown on Viator Product code: 178032P1 that he doesn’t want to start the 8.30 am but at 11 am, we complied again and accepted.
Then he asked to pick up at 11 am on Tuesday 6,2023- at the Zephyr Hotel in San Francisco (50 Beach St, San Francisco, CA 94133) and we complied (please see Viator message/ Viator Product code: 178032P1 )
When he did not show up, the tour guide called him but he didn’t answer and then , he texted him and he finally responded saying that HE NO LONGER NEED THE SERVICE”. All these FACTS are documented !! He kept changing his mind like that nonstop because he knew he was not going to show up ! and he once again & FALSELY claims as you can see that we didn’t offer him the service! shouldn’t he be held accountable for misleading and lying NONSTOP?
Then after the tour guide left and drove far away, he asked him to come back , so once again, he changed his mind. Then he handed over his cell phone to a Russian interpreter (Aleksander Mosalov +1 (510) 230-3339) who asked the tour guide to make him another favor and go back to meet them as they requested at Pier 33 (Alcatraz ferry landing) to hand over Alcatraz tickets to them. Our tour guide once again, drove back and went to Pier 33 and even purchased a third Alcatraz ticket to his interpreter as a gift from us. This tour was 100% a loss for us!
with all the extra expenses and the time, we lost … we dot even need his men which we have never even received anyway from Viator. Any service provider would be willing to pau the double just to say away! What an endless nightmare?
Once again and despite all the above time, efforts, and extra expenses , they never showed up ! When they didn’t show up at Alcatraz ferry landing (at Pier 33) , the tour guide called him and asked if they were still coming or not , and he screamed at him saying ‘ we don’t need you or your damn service” and hung up. Are you serious? Again ! and yet, he falsely claims that we never provided the service !seriously ? No one else would have even put up 1% of what had gone through and yet, we went above & beyond to accommodate this strange man and he kept playing games nonstop!! How dare he denying facts , his own texts and messages on Viator and cell phones ?
He had been changing his mind since day one and he had no intention of showing up but decided to torture us all until the very last second! This insulting and offensive individual needs help not a tour service!! No one should go through so much stress and humiliation like that! This man should be banned from using Viator and trip Advisor, as he was banned from Alcatraz website who remove his own misleading review and lies.
This strange individual has no regard for any policy, laws or regulation. We told him that the National Park Service doesn’t allow tour guides to carry out guided tours on Alcatraz Island as they include the award-winning audio guided tour, but he didn’t care and went there with a tour guide as he says. Then he complained that the NPS & Alcatraz removed his misleading review he left on their website! We don’t even want his money and he should and must be banned from using Trip Advisor & Viator as he got banned from Alcatraz & Airbnb !
Among the many messages we sent him here is one from Customer Care Viator customer.care@viator.com trying to calm him down & remind him of what he signed up for (was sent Mon, Feb 6, 12:52 PM from customer.care@viator.com )
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Brett F
6 条分享
2019年6月 • 家庭
We were taking the family to San Francisco for a week and wanted to see as much as we could see of the SF area and surrounding sights. We were told by many that we must make time for Yosemite, however our schedule did not allow for a lot of time for this. We found Golden Horizon and contacted them about their Yosemite 1 day Private SUV Tour. We went ahead and booked it and we WERE NOT DISAPPOINTED.
Leo was our guide / expert. He picked us up in San Francisco, took us out to Yosemite, made sure we stopped to get a lunch a great deli for a picnic later, and entertained the family for the entire 4+ hour drive with knowledge, history and stories of Yosemite and other adventures.
We reviewed other tours which would pick you up and "drop you off for 3 hours" for half of the cost of this tour. SO GLAD we didn't do that. Leo made sure that in four hours, we saw almost everything possible to see up to and including some short hikes to some amazing scenery. My wife is an avid photographer and Leo was very knowledgable about photography as well as everything at Yosemite and he helped her with making sure to maximize the trip.
Our kids, my wife and I can now all cross yosemite off of the bucket list. What an amazing natural treasure. As Leo mentioned, we were there at the best time of the year. Mid June = all of the passes are open, but all the snow is still melting which means all of the waterfalls, rivers and streams are at full force. Simply stunning.
Thanks to the customer support team for setting us up at the last moment (extraordinarily friendly) as well as Leo for a phenomenal experience. Absolutely would recommend.
Leo was our guide / expert. He picked us up in San Francisco, took us out to Yosemite, made sure we stopped to get a lunch a great deli for a picnic later, and entertained the family for the entire 4+ hour drive with knowledge, history and stories of Yosemite and other adventures.
We reviewed other tours which would pick you up and "drop you off for 3 hours" for half of the cost of this tour. SO GLAD we didn't do that. Leo made sure that in four hours, we saw almost everything possible to see up to and including some short hikes to some amazing scenery. My wife is an avid photographer and Leo was very knowledgable about photography as well as everything at Yosemite and he helped her with making sure to maximize the trip.
Our kids, my wife and I can now all cross yosemite off of the bucket list. What an amazing natural treasure. As Leo mentioned, we were there at the best time of the year. Mid June = all of the passes are open, but all the snow is still melting which means all of the waterfalls, rivers and streams are at full force. Simply stunning.
Thanks to the customer support team for setting us up at the last moment (extraordinarily friendly) as well as Leo for a phenomenal experience. Absolutely would recommend.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Regina E
1 条分享
2019年6月 • 夫妻情侣
I'm a country girl from Virginia, and was nervous booking with Golden Horizon Tours. I booked the 1/2 day San Francisco tour including tickets to Alcatraz. That morning, Mary met my husband and I in the lobby of our hotel. She was already waiting for us when we came out of the elevator a little early! Picked us up in a spotlessly clean black suburban. We toured the city in style, so thankful Mary is a great driver because I would have hated for my husband to have to maneuver through that madness! By the time the tour was over we had learned so much history we would have never learned on our own. Mary is a local, and her stories really added to the tour. Before she left us at the ferry to Alcatraz she gave us our tickets along with a wealth of information to help us finish our trip successfully. We missed her and talked about her for the rest of our trip!
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佛罗里达Ponte Vedra Beach11 条分享
My twenty year old son and I planned a Mother/Son get away to San Francisco to spend some quality alone time together. Preferring convenient and hassle free experiences, we explored our options of private tour companies. Lucky for us, we selected Golden Horizon Travel & Tours. We booked three of their tours: The Ultimate Grand City 8-hour Tour, The Muir Woods/Sausalito half day Tour and The Monterey, Carmel, 17-Mile Drive Tour.
We have found completing an overview tour of cities we travel to the first full day of our travel grants us a great overview of the area and helps us to determine which areas we may choose to explore further. We had the pleasure of having Mary, a San Francisco native, as our guide for this tour. Mary was gracious, kind and accommodating. She was knowledgeable of the history and was able to tell us how things have changed in the city during her years here. What a priceless gift.
We then had the pleasure of meeting Jon for our Muir Woods, Sausalito and Marin Headland Tours. As this is a half day tour we requested to add on an extra hour to spend more time exploring a few extra sites. Again, Jon was knowledgeable about the area offering us added opportunities to see places of interest to us that added to our experience (ie - The Marine Mammal Center, The Record Plant Recording Studio where Prince recoded his first album, etc). Jon further showed us many areas of Sausalito that we may not have seen if not for his guidance.
Finally, we had the pleasure to once again have Mary as our guide for The Monterey, Carmel, and 17-Mile Drive Tour. Mary made this day long tour pleasurable and comfortable showing us many sites we may not have found on our own. Such a lovely way to spend our last day in the Bay Area.
Both Mary and Jon are 5/5 star guides and you will not go wrong with either of them!
We have found completing an overview tour of cities we travel to the first full day of our travel grants us a great overview of the area and helps us to determine which areas we may choose to explore further. We had the pleasure of having Mary, a San Francisco native, as our guide for this tour. Mary was gracious, kind and accommodating. She was knowledgeable of the history and was able to tell us how things have changed in the city during her years here. What a priceless gift.
We then had the pleasure of meeting Jon for our Muir Woods, Sausalito and Marin Headland Tours. As this is a half day tour we requested to add on an extra hour to spend more time exploring a few extra sites. Again, Jon was knowledgeable about the area offering us added opportunities to see places of interest to us that added to our experience (ie - The Marine Mammal Center, The Record Plant Recording Studio where Prince recoded his first album, etc). Jon further showed us many areas of Sausalito that we may not have seen if not for his guidance.
Finally, we had the pleasure to once again have Mary as our guide for The Monterey, Carmel, and 17-Mile Drive Tour. Mary made this day long tour pleasurable and comfortable showing us many sites we may not have found on our own. Such a lovely way to spend our last day in the Bay Area.
Both Mary and Jon are 5/5 star guides and you will not go wrong with either of them!
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Thank you so much for your excellent trip review. We truly appreciate your feedback and look forward to offering you another exceptional experience in the future.
Kind regards,
Golden Horizon Travel, Inc.
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2 条分享
2019年3月 • 家庭
We had a fabulous time with our guide Leo. The trip well exceeded our expectations.
Leo was extremely knowledgeable. We enjoyed our relaxing trip from San Francisco, down the coast.
Leo was friendly and flexible with where we stopped to eat & tour during our entire trip.
I think Big Sur was our favorite, or was it Carmel, or Hearst Castle, or the strawberry fields. Too many fun filled stops to mention.
Our trip was packed with all the hot stops and loads of fun! We highly recommend booking with Golden Horizon Tours.
OH!! Our favorite Stop was IN AND OUT BURGER, On our way to the airport!!! Thanks for the secret information Leo!!
Leo was extremely knowledgeable. We enjoyed our relaxing trip from San Francisco, down the coast.
Leo was friendly and flexible with where we stopped to eat & tour during our entire trip.
I think Big Sur was our favorite, or was it Carmel, or Hearst Castle, or the strawberry fields. Too many fun filled stops to mention.
Our trip was packed with all the hot stops and loads of fun! We highly recommend booking with Golden Horizon Tours.
OH!! Our favorite Stop was IN AND OUT BURGER, On our way to the airport!!! Thanks for the secret information Leo!!
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Thank you so much for your excellent trip review. We truly appreciate your feedback and look forward to offering you another exceptional experience in the future.
Kind regards,
Golden Horizon Travel, Inc.
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Hyannis, MA14 条分享
2019年3月 • 夫妻情侣
I booked this company as my parents only speak spanish and they were traveling by themselves and wanted a reliable and friendly service to show them around San Francisco as I’ve already been and wanted them to experience what I saw already in a different trip. They were fascinated by the customer service and all the information provided. They said their tour guide Marina Furlan was friendly and full of knowledge. I’m glad I decided to book with them. If you need the tour in a specific language, reach out to the agency and they will make sure to give you a custom quote and guarantee a guide in your native language. Booking was super easy and they responded to my inquiries in a timely manner. Thanks for taking care of my parents.
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Thank you so much for your excellent trip review. We truly appreciate your feedback and look forward to offering you another exceptional experience in the future.
Kind regards,
Golden Horizon Travel, Inc.
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Jim P
Fort Worth, Texas, United States11 条分享
2018年11月 • 好友
We used Golden Horizon Tours to book a day trip from San Francisco to Armstrong Redwood Forrest and the Russian River Valley in Sonoma County to visit some wineries.
Our guide for the day was Mary, she picked us up promptly at 8:00 at our hotel in a nice Ford Expedition XL. There were a total of 5 in our group, my wife, my son, daughter and her husband. We had plenty of room and some really nice conversations while we traveled. Mary grew up in the area and had lot of stories about visiting the Redwoods and Russian River Valley as a kid. Our first stop was Armstrong Redwood Forrest, which is about an hour away. This Forrest is a little further north than Muir Woods, but it is a lot less crowded, no parking or entry fees and is a little older Forrest with larger older trees than Muir Woods. We had a nice 2 hour walk in the woods, it was extremely beautiful and relaxing.
We then went to Korbel Winery for a nice lunch and a free tour of the winery and free tasting. The Winery is beautiful, built in the 1880s and the tour was very interesting. I am not really a Champagne fan, but I really enjoyed the three we sampled, they were all quite good.
We then visited two other wineries, Merry Edwards Winery, which included a free tasting of 5 of their wines (4 Pinot Noirs and one Sauvignon Blanc). All 5 were great, we found out that the Russian River Valley is one of the best places in the world to grow Pinot Noir grapes, which happens to be one of our favorite wine types.
We then had an extremely nice and intimate wine tasting at Dutton Estate Winery. We were only supposed to get 4 tastings, but we received at least 6. We all sat around a fire place and the rep would bring in a bottle, discuss it and then we would taste. We had tons of questions and some awesome discussions.
Mary than took us back to the Hotel, we got back around 6:15. All in all it was a great fun day and one of the highlights of our trip.
I would highly recommend Mary and Golden Horizons if you are planning a trip to the Bay area.
Our guide for the day was Mary, she picked us up promptly at 8:00 at our hotel in a nice Ford Expedition XL. There were a total of 5 in our group, my wife, my son, daughter and her husband. We had plenty of room and some really nice conversations while we traveled. Mary grew up in the area and had lot of stories about visiting the Redwoods and Russian River Valley as a kid. Our first stop was Armstrong Redwood Forrest, which is about an hour away. This Forrest is a little further north than Muir Woods, but it is a lot less crowded, no parking or entry fees and is a little older Forrest with larger older trees than Muir Woods. We had a nice 2 hour walk in the woods, it was extremely beautiful and relaxing.
We then went to Korbel Winery for a nice lunch and a free tour of the winery and free tasting. The Winery is beautiful, built in the 1880s and the tour was very interesting. I am not really a Champagne fan, but I really enjoyed the three we sampled, they were all quite good.
We then visited two other wineries, Merry Edwards Winery, which included a free tasting of 5 of their wines (4 Pinot Noirs and one Sauvignon Blanc). All 5 were great, we found out that the Russian River Valley is one of the best places in the world to grow Pinot Noir grapes, which happens to be one of our favorite wine types.
We then had an extremely nice and intimate wine tasting at Dutton Estate Winery. We were only supposed to get 4 tastings, but we received at least 6. We all sat around a fire place and the rep would bring in a bottle, discuss it and then we would taste. We had tons of questions and some awesome discussions.
Mary than took us back to the Hotel, we got back around 6:15. All in all it was a great fun day and one of the highlights of our trip.
I would highly recommend Mary and Golden Horizons if you are planning a trip to the Bay area.
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Thank you so much for your excellent trip review. We truly appreciate your feedback and look forward to offering you another exceptional experience in the future.
Kind regards,
Golden Horizon Travel, Inc.
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泰国曼谷167 条分享
2018年11月 • 好友
My friend and I joined 2 days private tour to Yosemite National Park from San Francisco in early November,2018. We got amazing experience with splendid views of the national park. Our guide was very informative, friendly and helpful. We saw a lot of beautiful places included waterfall, lakes, mountains and forest. The only little negative aspect for Non US tourists was the compulsory 15% tip of the total cost of the tour. It was very very expensive for me and my guide asked for the tips before we arrived San Francisco. Otherwise, other than the very expensive tips, I recommended the Yosemites day trip for everyone.
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Thank you so much for your excellent trip review. We truly appreciate your feedback and look forward to offering you another exceptional experience in the future.
Kind regards,
Golden Horizon Travel, Inc.
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明尼苏达Little Falls164 条分享
2018年10月 • 家庭
We were a group of 7 that booked 2 separate days with Golden Horizon Tours. We were lucky enough to have Mary as a guide both days. Mary was struggling with a cold on day 1, but with only a half day with us, she was able to get some rest. Day 1 tour consisted of a trip to Muir Woods, Sausalito and drop off at Alcatraz pier. Mary picked us up in a luxury SUV and was a great guide and driver. She's a lifetime San Francisco resident and was a wealth of knowledge. She was very patient with our 3 daughters and also kind and courteous to the adults. After a short walk into Muir Woods, she left us to explore on our own for about an hour. After a quick stop in Sausalito for lunch, we were dropped at the Alcatraz pier with plenty of time. Golden Horizon had obtained these tickets for us. The next day Mary was back to pick us up at our hotel for a full day tour of San Francisco. We trekked all over the city. We saw many iconic sights stopped for many pictures and even did some souvenir shopping. Again Mary was patient with my kids! We would never have been able to see all of these sights on our own. We appreciate that Golden Horizon offered these tours for us to get the most of our time in San Francisco. I'll be honest that I was a little leery when the manager at our hotel had never heard of Golden Horizon Tours. Thankfully it worked out great! Our tour was set to end at 6pm. We didn't return to the hotel until closer to 6:30. Mary didn't rush us or comment on the extra time of our tour. We never felt rushed and didn't fell like we missed out on anything. Mary even spent some time talking to my father (who isn't very talkative) about his time in the army and his time in the San Francisco/Oakland area). Mary was very personable and made sure we got the most of our tour. If you are looking for a personal tour of San Francisco, choose Golden Horizon Tours! You won't regret it.
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Thank you so much for your excellent trip review. We truly appreciate your feedback and look forward to offering you another exceptional experience in the future.
Kind regards,
Golden Horizon Travel, Inc.
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Michelle E
澳大利亚珀斯7 条分享
2018年10月 • 夫妻情侣
We are an older couple from Australia and my husband is a golf enthusiast. We wanted a nice easy last day before our evening flight out of San Francisco home and picked the perfect tour and struck gold with Leo, our young tour guide. He is 5 star 💫 We have found in our travels that a Tour guide can make or break your experience and Leo certainly made our tour an exceptional one. He is super knowledgeable and such a likeable lad, a true gem. We were picked up by Leo in a beautiful SUV from our hotel in the city with all our luggage at 7.30am. We drove to Monterey passing through Silicon Valley. Leo provided so much information along the way and pointed out so many places/history and genuinely interesting facts it was amazing. Monterey is beautiful and we had plenty of stops along the way as needed for coffee or rest rooms. Leo then took us to the famous Pebble Beach Golf Club where we took pics and I had an Arnold Palmer drink - recommended - very refreshing. Leo knows exactly the best places for photos. My husband got a photo in a golf cart and got to see many of the famous holes he’d only seen on TV. The 17 mile drive to Carmel is outstanding. We stopped in Carmel (this is the cutest quirkiest little town - it is so gorgeous to walk around) for lunch, browsing shops, eating gelato and ice creams and Leo showed us his favourite hidden gem places there which were lovely - like the secret garden bookstore. We then continued along the stunning coastal drive finally getting back on to the main road to return to the airport - which could have been a bit boring on a main highway but Leo was still pointing out nearby places of interest and providing us with more history and interesting facts about the area. We couldn’t be more pleased with our tour / a perfect end to our holiday and Leo made it truly amazing for us. Thanks so much!!! I would thoroughly recommend Golden Horizon tours to everyone - they are very responsive to questions and most helpful.
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Thank you so much for your excellent trip review. We truly appreciate your feedback and look forward to offering you another exceptional experience in the future.
Kind regards,
Golden Horizon Travel, Inc.
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