Comfort Hybrid Boston City Bike Rental
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
年龄 0-99
用时: 24 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
- 所有必要的设备(自行车,头盔,锁和地图)
- 使用自行车
- 出发地点:
- Urban AdvenTours, 103 Atlantic Ave, Boston, MA 02110, USA
返程:此活动将在会面地点结束。 - 不提供无障碍通道
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
- 提供婴儿座椅
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5151BIKE- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 在各种天气条件下操作,请穿着合适
- 无心脏问题或其他重大疾病
- 大部分旅行者都可以参加
- 此项体验需要天气状况良好。 如果行程由于恶劣天气而取消,您可选择改期或全额退款
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:5151BIKE
- MandA64680 条分享非常棒的自行车之旅这种旅行是观赏波士顿美景的绝佳方式。灯塔山和自由之路。 北端,南端,后湾,查尔斯河,芬威公园,科普利广场和海滨区。 这是一个简单的地形,但有3名导游照顾着我们,所以非常安全。我们的导游很有见识,他让我们在整整3个小时的旅行中了解足够的信息。撰写日期:2019年8月20日
- Robert S0 条分享波士顿很棒的自行车之旅我和皮尔,汤姆在波士顿享受了一次很棒的旅程。安妮是我们的导游。她非常友善,关注客人并且对波士顿很了解。安全也很到位并且在绕着城市旅行的时候不需要有任何担心。希望我们有时间再来一次这种旅行。撰写日期:2017年5月8日
- secarlson20130 条分享单车上的波士顿我和我的丈夫都在寻找一种不同的不用跳上鸭子船或者电车来体会波士顿景点的方式。城市风光单车之旅实在是太完美了!我们有一个人数合适的小组,不过我们的三个导游必须要确保我们通过所有的十字路口并且一路保证我们的安全。我们最终停下来时我还没有意识到我的车轮覆盖了多长的土地了。对于每个人来说,不管这是不是你第一次在波士顿,或者返回的游客,我将极力推荐这场自行车上的旅行!撰写日期:2017年4月20日
- Therese H0 条分享见识波士顿的一种很棒的方式我们在下雨天的日子里只有一天可以去外面看看。是一个很棒的方式一览城市的风景,还可以做点锻炼。我们的导游很乐于助人。路线也很容易,都很平坦和铺面路。很多街上都有单车道线。当然值得推荐。撰写日期:2017年4月8日
- ReykjavikBikeTours0 条分享早上在波士顿骑单车太棒啦拥有雷克雅未克自行车之旅和单车租赁店,我对于在其他国家进行自行车环游有着极大的兴趣。那天我很享受和我的向导Alex,23岁的自行车爱好者,地质学毕业生,一起度过的三个小时。路线很简单,基本上是铺好的平路,而且出乎意外的是没什么车辆。我们骑行了大约13英里,游览了平时大部分独自步行的人注意不到的波士顿。Alex提供了很多信息,也乐于回答问题。谢谢你Alex,带给我一个在骑行环游波士顿中度过的如此美好的早晨。撰写日期:2017年1月23日
- Anna J0 条分享波士顿之旅的高潮部分我们请了城市旅游公司为我们安排了波士顿周末度假的行程,我强烈推荐。在那里工作的三个家伙陪我们聊天,给我们带来了很多乐趣。我们的导游是一位专家,他经验丰富,给我们介绍了很多关于波士顿的历史。 他还给我们介绍了一些游玩小贴士,比如关于当地食物和饮料的建议。我真的很喜欢这次旅行。感谢冰岛。撰写日期:2016年11月19日
- lin15610 条分享围绕波士顿美妙的骑行我之前来过波士顿,我不想只去游客路线。我们租了自行车,沿着我们地图上的路线进行了一天美妙的骑行。我们连续骑了好几个线路,但是我们真的很享受欣赏波士顿的另一面。撰写日期:2016年10月20日
- Kelvin C0 条分享超棒的自行车和服务如果你来波士顿,想选一辆高品质的公路自行车骑行环游,这里是你的首选!作为一名骑车手,我很喜欢骑车,我对这里提供的105装置公路自行车很满意。我自己的自行车大概重量是10公斤,举了一下这里的车,重量大概是7到8公斤,花了78美金,这车有24个小时是属于你的!在这里如果交一定的费用,还有带导游的行程,我并没有选择带导游的行程,但是在路上遇到了,我尾随了一顿,他们简直太酷了,非常专业,服务特别好!撰写日期:2016年7月30日
- Erika A0 条分享了解波士顿的好方法,好吧,美国!星期六,7月2日,我和一些人参加了一次自行车城市旅行,我特别喜欢这个地方。骑自行车来认识波士顿这个美好的城市很棒,因为它很平坦,建筑物集中。导游们指导我们这些车友,很熟练地引导我们穿越城镇。不仅如此,他们无所不知,吸引了我们的注意力和好奇心。我强烈推荐去这里!撰写日期:2016年7月20日
- AlanRaleigh0 条分享在波士顿的自行车之旅在我们假期开始的时候我们参加了这趟旅程,这是一个接触城市的很棒的方式。接下来几周我们就转成坐地铁了,感觉绕着波士顿骑行很舒服。撰写日期:2016年7月6日
- julieb0urne0 条分享有趣又丰富的家庭活动我和我的家人一起预订了波士顿的城市景色旅游,(包括我的丈夫和两个女儿,分别是11岁和14岁),这是我们在波士顿旅途中最喜欢的旅游线路之一。我们的女儿在乘车过程中做的很好,我都没有担心安全的问题,我们的导游有趣又懂得多,强烈推荐,对于较小一点的孩子来说要预订一个短途的旅行,我们11岁大的孩子做的很好,但是最后也耗尽了体力。撰写日期:2016年6月28日
- vanessagal0 条分享参观波士顿的超赞方式!我们一行6人周末参观了波士顿。第一天早上我们是骑自行车参观,这是最好的看波士顿的办法!我们的导游太美妙了;,见闻广博,很有帮助很风趣。我们学到了很多关于波士顿各个领域的历史以及有趣的事实。我强烈推荐在你旅程开始的时候进行这个,因为它真的可以帮助我们了解不同地区和领域,确定想重新浏览的区域。同样,导游可以指导你在哪吃,喝,等等。绝对是看到一个城市的最好方式!撰写日期:2016年6月5日
- Maureen K0 条分享有趣的剑桥骑行Greg和Michelle组织的行程很棒,我和家人一起去的(我丈夫和两个20岁和15岁的小孩)。我们游览了城市美丽的景色,了解了所有的历史事件。和家人一起的快乐时光。来波士顿一定要来哟!撰写日期:2016年5月15日
- Hikesleepeat0 条分享参观这个城市最好的方法格雷格是我们的导游,他很博学,很有趣也很重视安全问题。他做事情很有一套,而且给我们充足的休息时间欣赏风景。我们坐自行车旅游,自行车外形很酷,坐着挺舒服而且有个筐子可以放水。格雷格还帮我们拍了许多照片。撰写日期:2016年5月5日
- andrewrwvr0 条分享自行车租赁很棒为了好好地在市里逛逛,上周我从Urban AdvenTours租了一架自行车。我骑一架标准的混合动力车大约行进了20英里,非常棒。车子很给力(我需要用它在海滨大道上兜风),适当的控制手刹,非常舒适。自行车租赁协会很好,帮我调整好自行车的手刹还给我推荐路线,很赞的服务,很棒的车!期待下次再来骑行,这真得是在城市溜达最棒的方式。撰写日期:2016年4月5日
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13 条点评
Victoria Y
1 条分享
2023年9月 • 独自旅游
Absolutely rude and disrespectful staff! I am trying to speak to them respectfully about the prices of their bike tours and rentals. The staff member tells me my questions are inappropriate because this is a privately owned company. I am not from the Boston area and want to learn more about their bike services, programs, and if they offer discounts. He is angry and hangs up on me before I finish my sentence. Wow, I have no idea how they get such positive reviews. I would stay away from such a terrible company!
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Amy T
西维吉尼亚Bridgeport532 条分享
I really appreciated the time the gentleman took with me to get my seat at the correct height. They also were able to give me a city style bike, which helped me with my disability. The map was great and was just what I needed for my 20 mile ride. The only thing I would recommend is that they help with the helmets in getting them to fit better. Mine was sliding all over the place and I didn't want to take the time to make it fit better.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Robin M
巴巴多斯41 条分享
We rented two hybrid bikes and took them on the ferry to Provincetown. From there we rode to Hyannis (two days) mostly on the Cape Cod Rail Trail. From our Hyannis base we spent a day each riding around on Nantucket and Martha's Vinyard (ferry over in the morning and back in the evening). Then we rode back to Provincetown via Chatham.
The folks at Urban Adevn Tours were great, they ensured we were set up for a multiday ride and accommodated our various needs (we brought our own saddles and bike computers) They also kept our small carry on luggage while we rode. getting and returning the bikes was seamless and friendly.
The bikes were also top quality hybrids for a multiday ride and were trouble free. They came with front bags and racks for panniers.
Cape Cod is great for self guided biking with lots of places to stay and eat.
The folks at Urban Adevn Tours were great, they ensured we were set up for a multiday ride and accommodated our various needs (we brought our own saddles and bike computers) They also kept our small carry on luggage while we rode. getting and returning the bikes was seamless and friendly.
The bikes were also top quality hybrids for a multiday ride and were trouble free. They came with front bags and racks for panniers.
Cape Cod is great for self guided biking with lots of places to stay and eat.
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Eric W
4 条分享
I was very impressed with how they accommodated all of our special requests. We rented a tour guide so that all 7 of us could ride our own bikes through the city for our 3 hour tour. We had a rough morning when our keys were locked in the car and we were not able to make it to our 9:30 tour. Instead our tour did not leave until 12. We all loved our guide Jacob. We also appreciated Andrew helping us make our last minute changes happen so that we really enjoyed our time in Boston!
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Gerry M
1 条分享
My wife and I enjoy biking and wanted to incorporate it into our vacation. Urban AdvenTours outfitted us with great quality hybrid bikes at a reasonable price and went over some possible routes. We originally thought we'd just cycle the Charles River Esplanade (Cambridge side a little rough), but the locks and cable provided made it easy for us to expand it to a leisurely 6 hour day to include visiting Fenway Park and the USS Constitution, and having lunch - much easier than trying to walk or drive all around and pay for parking. We highly recommend it and will be back next time we're in Boston.
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Thanks for your awesome review Gerry, we're thrilled that you enjoyed our bikes and got to see lots of the city. We look forward to seeing you next time you both are back in Boston! "Keep It Wheel"
此回复为企业代表所写的主观评论,并不代表 TripAdvisor LLC 的观点。
Emma Kooij
1 条分享
2019年7月 • 家庭
I went with my family to Urban Adventours, and as a family with three teenage girls, I was skeptical at how this would go. However, I can assure you this is the best place in Boston to get your bikes. They have bikes for everyone, helmets that you can adjust to your comfort, and they take the time to adjust your bike and helmet for you before sending you off. You can choose a guided tour, or just take the bike for the day. We just took the bike for the day and we were off! They give every adult a lock with their bike, and the lovely basket that's in the front of the bike comes with a built-in map of the city and it's bike paths. The bikes are amazing, comfortable for every level of biker, and come with hydraulic brakes and gears that are easy to manage. The people there were fantastic and put up with the demands of all three teenagers, and at the end of our bike ride we came back with tired legs and huge smiles. I would recommend this to any group or family looking for a wonderful way to see Boston.
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Cheri P
犹他州盐湖城8 条分享
Nothing beats exploring Boston on a bike! We had one day for a quick look-see of the city, and Boston Bike Rental was quick and efficient in hooking us up, giving us a map and a guideline of what to see, in what order and answered our questions perfectly. It made our 5 hours in Boston very fun!
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法国巴黎25 条分享
2018年7月 • 独自旅游
All bikes are pretty new and in very good condition. Nice staff helping the customers for the settings of the bike. Pump and flat tyre kit was provided upon request. I will definitevely recommend renting your bikes here
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荷兰鹿特丹2 条分享
2018年7月 • 夫妻情侣
Servise fine. We rented from saturday morning until monday morning 9am but payed only 2 days. Perfect
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加拿大蒙特利尔4 条分享
Qu’elle déception : des velos en mauvais état (creuvaison des le premier kilomètre), un parcours ennuyeux et tout le long de l’autoroute et un personnel absent, ont rendu cet après-midi minable. Je suis surpris par le nombre de bons commentaires, alors que je préfère oublier cette société et andrew, le manager qui se moque de savoir si vous avez passé un bon moment ou pas.
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Do you have a helpful map or tour plan for those who want to rent your bikes and ride but have NO idea of where anything is?
When we rented from them they gave us a map with a good route through the parks. We found it easy to get around.
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