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受益于参观波士顿红袜队,棒球2018年世界系列赛冠军的芬威公园的参观和内幕信息。您的导游会分享关于红袜队棒球传奇的现场评论,并向您展示体育场的特色,如Pesky's Pole和Green Monster。您可以在上午和下午选择多种出发选择,并提供西班牙语和日语的双语旅行,并提前通知。
年龄限制:0-99,每个团体最多 180 人
用时: 1 小时
开始时间: 查看供应情况
书面指南:中文, 日语, 英语, 法语, 西班牙语
- 您可以在导游的带领下近距离观赏球场
- 包括球场入场和芬威公园生活博物馆的入口
- 指南提供了富有洞察力的评论
- 适合所有年龄段的体育迷
- 波士顿红袜队所在地芬威球场的1小时导览游
- 进入芬威公园生活博物馆
- 芬威球场专业导游
- 坐在世界著名的绿色怪物上
- 重温Ted Williams,Babe Ruth和Carl Yastrzemski等著名的红袜队球员的职业
- 重温红袜队的1903、1912、1915、1916、1918、2004、2007和2013年世界大赛冠军
- 所有Viator税费
- 入场/门票 - 芬威球场
未包含内容- 食品和饮料
- 除医疗袋或尿布袋外,不允许携带大于 12x12x6 的行李
- 出发地点:
- Jersey Street, Jersey St, Boston, MA 02215, USA芬威球场 泽西街4号 波士顿马萨诸塞州02215 总票务处或泽西街的D门登机口
返程:- Boston, MA 02215, USA芬威球场位于伊普斯维奇街的B号门
- 无障碍通道
- 允许携带服务型动物
- 靠近公共交通
如果您对无障碍设施有疑问,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:43406P1- 您将在预订时收到确认信息
- 旅行者应该具备正常的身体素质
- 儿童必须由成人陪同
- 可由多语种指南操作
- 在各种天气条件下操作,请穿着合适
- 除医疗袋或尿布袋外,不允许携带大于 12x12x6 的行李
- 此次游览/活动出行人数不得超过 180 人
- 一经售出,恕不退换,如果取消将收取 100% 的手续费。
- 如果您对此游览有疑问或需要协助预订,我们很乐意提供帮助。 只需致电下方的号码,并引用产品代码:43406P1
- Jersey St, Boston, MA 02215, USA芬威球场 泽西街4号 波士顿马萨诸塞州02215 总票务处或泽西街的D门登机口
- 1在预订时选择您首选的旅行开始时间,然后在芬威公园与您的导游会面。在接下来的60分钟内,您将获得内部人员对这座历史悠久的体育场的看法以及100多年棒球历史上最着名的时刻。看看俯瞰芬威右侧场地的屋顶甲板,观看体育场的亮点,如37英尺(11米)高的“绿色怪物”和“Pesky's Pole”。您的导游还将帮助您重温红色的最佳时刻。 Sox的历史,包括球队的世界大赛在1903年,1912年,1915年,1916年,1918年,2004年,2007年和2013年的胜利,以及威廉姆斯,“亚兹”,菲斯克,莱斯和蒂安等球队传奇的职业生涯。您还将有机会在芬威公园生活博物馆探索红袜队的大量纪念品和历史,包括超过170,000个体育场文物,150,000张照片和各种历史展示。有关芬威公园大量展品,文物和纪念品的更详细列表,请查看下面的行程详情。 行程芬威公园系列目前包括:•与芬威公园和波士顿红袜队历史相关的170,000多件文物•24,000多件3-D文物和150,000多张照片•来自红袜队大师的纪念品,如Ted Williams,Babe Ruth和Carl Yastrzemski•90支世界职业棒球队签下棒球队和36支比赛用棒球棒•来自历史悠久的2004年,2007年和2013年世界大赛的文物•17种不同的展示,其中8个位于芬威公园大厅,8个位于皇家根俱乐部的国家档案馆其他展示包括:•芬威早年•20世纪30年代的芬威•要记住的时刻:20世纪40年代至80年代•要记住的时刻:20世纪90年代 - 2008年•2013世界系列赛•世界系列棒球展•历史悠久的芬威公园储物柜:泰德威廉姆斯和约翰尼佩斯基•2004年,2007年和2013年世界系列棒球棒展示。
- Boston, MA 02215, USA芬威球场位于伊普斯维奇街的B号门
- K4152ZVbrittanym0 条分享是芬威球场来吧是芬威!你怎么能去波士顿而不去芬威球场呢?!是的,他的体育场很小,但是很有代表性。我已经去过好几次了,从来没有失望过。就像时光倒流。根据我的经验,他没有一个不好的位置,即使是在外场!我去看过比赛,只是在巡回赛上,这一切都是值得的。1000%推荐去芬威球场!撰写日期:2019年8月29日
- Tina8030 条分享和家人一起看的棒球巡回赛我很享受我们一家人到芬威球场的参观。这是我们去的第10个体育场,当然也是我们最喜欢的体育场之一。这里的历史,球迷,球队……都很棒!!比赛前的气氛非常好,街道会封闭,还有音乐和娱乐活动。总之芬威球场之旅很棒。撰写日期:2019年7月14日
- jishenker0 条分享它之所以是标志性建筑是有原因的这是大联盟中仍然在使用的最古老的球场,它有一种美妙的氛围和感觉。它在某些方面进行了更新,包括浴室、扩大特许经销权,西部的街道区实际上是球场的一部分(很安全),你可以在那里漫步、购买食物和浏览商店。这里有一种波士顿的感觉。它的座位一般都比较小,这个球场有很多悬挑和支撑梁,所以如果你从来没有来看过比赛,最好选择不太拥挤或没有遮挡视线的座位。撰写日期:2019年6月24日
- 138jillo0 条分享芬威球场之旅我们开始的时候打算晚上去芬威球场。朋友们建议还是早上参观。我们游览了整个球场,坐在绿色怪物的后面,经过记者席,听到了有关球场的精彩故事。参观的最后一站是博物馆。那里有个棒球,上面有每一支赢得过世界系列赛的球队的签名。还有关于红袜队球员的照片和故事。真心推荐这个行程。撰写日期:2019年5月31日
- JamesRBriggs0 条分享与我妻子的旅行我的妻子不是一个像我这样的妈妈的本地人,但仍然热爱芬威给我们带来的历史和感觉。和红袜队球迷一起在比赛前看看公园的美景真是太棒了。工人们都很好,天气也很好。强烈推荐!在这里能够享受到不是很昂贵的乐趣与记忆。撰写日期:2019年5月7日
- 161tamif0 条分享很棒的球场我和我的儿子们很喜欢此次芬威之行。它绝对是波士顿一个必看的景点。球场很漂亮。不过选座位时要注意,有很多杆子会挡住视线。我们坐在一垒线边上。我绝对推荐这儿!撰写日期:2019年4月28日
- Where2gonexttime0 条分享无可比拟的球场!我每次来到芬威球场观看比赛或演唱会时,都会感到震撼。作为一个红袜队的粉丝,从观众席往下看这绿色的场地,并回忆球队的起起落落,是无可替代的感受。我非常喜欢在让我感到亲切的球场看演唱会。虽然这里的音效不是最好的,但这里实在太有波士顿风情了。这几年来这里提供的食物选择变好了些。洗手间很多——也很老旧。芬威一带最近被装修、翻新过,有很多非常适合在比赛前后与朋友相会的地方。撰写日期:2019年4月6日
- SHDJ20140 条分享史上第一个棒球场我们当时要在波士顿待几天,不得不去这地方。我们之前并不知道这里是世界上最古老的棒球场。我们来自英国,我平时不怎么观看棒球运动,不过此次参观之旅真得很棒。这里甚至让我们对棒球产生兴趣。此次参观之旅组织有序,让我们充分了解了棒球运动以及芬威球场和红袜子队的历史。这个历史悠久的棒球场有很多可看、可听、可了解的东西;无论你是否喜欢棒球或是之前从未看过棒球比赛,我都觉得这里值得(你)前往一游。撰写日期:2019年3月29日
- Rssslwebb0 条分享很棒的旅行我们终于在第二次来波士顿时有幸参观了芬威球场。我们是用城市通票游览的这里(顺便说一下,很划算!)。我们的导游是乔·R,他知识非常丰富——我想我们团里提的每一个问题就没有他不知道答案的!芬威球场是一个标志性的景点,虽然我们不是红袜队的球迷。我们很喜欢我们的旅程和我们去的那家大型礼品店。撰写日期:2019年3月16日
- roseannh20 条分享不是真正的幕后场景......球场很棒,在“绿色怪物”上坐几分钟感觉很好......但是这次旅行基本上是不断地从一个座位区移到另一个座位区。最后,我们确实在大记者席上面坐了几分钟,但对“幕后”这种形式并没抱大期望。没有球员体息区,没有更衣室,没有俱乐部会所--这是一次美妙的旅行,但不要期望看到很多你在比赛中看不到的东西。撰写日期:2019年2月23日
- Alex V0 条分享很棒的篮球体验!!很棒的打篮球氛围,如果你是一名真正的篮球迷的话,这里一定要来,它会带给你一种感觉,可以感受到比赛的每一个微小细节,而且不管你坐在什么位子,视觉都很棒撰写日期:2019年2月16日
- janjan02150 条分享具有历史及文化内涵相当值得买票进场看比赛,球场不大也较为老旧,但却相当具有魅力,交通方便,邻近其他景点,来到波士顿绝对值得一访!撰写日期:2019年2月3日
- Suzanne M0 条分享徒步到达红袜队的地盘我们在芬威球场玩得很开心,虽然球场上看不到多少棒球比赛。他们正在为某个比赛做准备。我们得到了很多“幕后”信息,但我们对不能进入休息区或更衣室感到失望,这两个地方我们在圣地亚哥的佩科公园看到了。撰写日期:2019年1月27日
- Deborah L0 条分享美丽的球场!如果你从未去过这个历史悠久的球场,那么一定要去。这是一个可以观看比赛的有趣场地。也可以到处参观一下,幕后场景和棒球场的秘密非常值得一看。撰写日期:2019年1月12日
- granth6490 条分享历史性的棒球场我不明白为什么人们会抱怨这个历史性的棒球场。是的,它很旧。这就是为什么在这里参加比赛是很酷的原因之一!那些历史、激情、绿巨魔队在我看来都是超棒的经历!整个旅程也很有乐趣。撰写日期:2018年12月5日
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伊利诺伊州芝加哥131 条分享
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侣
Looking for a little something to do on an afternoon in Boston and this was a nice little time filler. Our tour guide was wonderful. Very informative and informative with a sense of humor.
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Trevor D
4 条分享
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侣
Group way to large, but guides were great! Pay attention to the MLB bag policy before you go. IMH, take private/vip tours if you want to hear everything and dig a little deeper in the history.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
2 条分享
Good visit to Fenway. Our group was too large, but Bob did a great job moving us along. Would have been better with a smaller group.
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Laura B
2 条分享
2024年10月 • 独自旅游
What a fabulous experience for my first day in Boston! The guide was awesome and so knowledgeable. Highly recommend this tour for baseball fans and history buffs.
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亚利桑那凤凰城83 条分享
2024年10月 • 夫妻情侣
Definitely worth doing even if you aren't a baseball or Red Sox fan. Great history and tour guides who are very knowledgeable.
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Daniel B
加拿大隆格伊118 条分享
A reputation that is not overrated. This baseball stadium offers a unique atmosphere with its 112-year-old history. The enclosure of this baseball stadium gives us the Impression of never being totally inside a building. The walls are covered with relics demonstrating the rich history of the Boston Red Sox Authority.
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Meg M
伊利诺伊州乔利埃特23 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
I read the reviews and was skeptical about how good it could be. I am
Not even that big of a baseball
Fan. The tour blew me away. It was really well done and what really impressed me is that we were not rushed and no matter where you were (at front or back) you were able to hear everything. Just extremely impressed. I recommend this to everyone.
Not even that big of a baseball
Fan. The tour blew me away. It was really well done and what really impressed me is that we were not rushed and no matter where you were (at front or back) you were able to hear everything. Just extremely impressed. I recommend this to everyone.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
Caleigh T
95 条分享
This was one of the highlights of our vacation. I'll preface this review by saying I think anyone would enjoy this tour even if they aren't a huge baseball fan. The history of the stadium is enough to keep you interested along the tour. Now, if you are a baseball fan- you will be star-struck. If you are a Red Sox fan- you will be in Heaven.
Our tour started at the gate across from the gift shop. It was easy to find the check-in point. If you purchase this tour from a third party vendor, you will first check-in at the kiosk a few feet away from the security check point.
Don't worry though- the staff are all nice and will help you find your way if you get lost.
The group size is fairly large, but the staff does a great job making sure everyone has an opportunity to capture the perfect photos. The lead tour guide carries a microphone with an amplifier so you should not have a hard time hearing the information.
Now, let me warn you. Once you step foot onto the lower level of the seating and take in the magnificent field - you will want to go to a game. At least, that's what happened to us. The stadium is designed in a way that makes you feel as though you are on the field in the middle of the action. In truth, there is not a bad seat in the stadium.
Throughout your journey, you will hear historical facts about the stadium, sit atop the green monster, go to the press box and contemplate a career change, see the Red Sox garden and see some of the organizations treasures.
Why is the green monster so tall? Why is there a red seat in the stadium? What happened with the Red Sox and Babe Ruth? You will get all of these answers and more.
Now- the COOLEST part was at the end. You get taken into a room where all of the World Series balls are (starting from 1920s), trophies, bases from historic games and more. We could have spent half the day in that room soaking in the history. Overall, an amazing tour and a cannot miss on your trip to Boston. After all, what is Boston without Fenway.
Our tour started at the gate across from the gift shop. It was easy to find the check-in point. If you purchase this tour from a third party vendor, you will first check-in at the kiosk a few feet away from the security check point.
Don't worry though- the staff are all nice and will help you find your way if you get lost.
The group size is fairly large, but the staff does a great job making sure everyone has an opportunity to capture the perfect photos. The lead tour guide carries a microphone with an amplifier so you should not have a hard time hearing the information.
Now, let me warn you. Once you step foot onto the lower level of the seating and take in the magnificent field - you will want to go to a game. At least, that's what happened to us. The stadium is designed in a way that makes you feel as though you are on the field in the middle of the action. In truth, there is not a bad seat in the stadium.
Throughout your journey, you will hear historical facts about the stadium, sit atop the green monster, go to the press box and contemplate a career change, see the Red Sox garden and see some of the organizations treasures.
Why is the green monster so tall? Why is there a red seat in the stadium? What happened with the Red Sox and Babe Ruth? You will get all of these answers and more.
Now- the COOLEST part was at the end. You get taken into a room where all of the World Series balls are (starting from 1920s), trophies, bases from historic games and more. We could have spent half the day in that room soaking in the history. Overall, an amazing tour and a cannot miss on your trip to Boston. After all, what is Boston without Fenway.
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Tracey B
堪萨斯堪萨斯城12 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
Our guide, Matt was wonderful! The tour was fabulous! We learned so much about the history of Fenway. We loved sitting in the Green Monster area and experiencing the view from there. When we were in the press box, we had a beautiful view of Boston. We were also very impressed to learn about the rooftop garden. Highly recommend this tour.
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Christopher B
52 条分享
2024年9月 • 夫妻情侣
This was $25 a ticket and well worth it. The stadium is really small and the tour lasted about an hour and fifteen minutes. Not knowing much about baseball was not a disadvantage. The stadium is old ( but in excellent condition) and has kept some of its old quirks. You get to go up on the ‘Green Monster’ and the Press Office. The views are spectacular because the stadium is so small. A local advised me to try and get tickets on an App called StubHub which tells you if the price is good or bad. Because you have seen the stadium you can get a better idea what seats to book. We got two tickets $25 each.
My only grudge is you cannot take back packs into the stadium either for a game OR the tour. This means you get sent to a local barber who charges $5 CASH ONLY to look after your bag!! had $4 cash but a fellow visitor I never met gave me the $5. Whoever you are thank you.
My only grudge is you cannot take back packs into the stadium either for a game OR the tour. This means you get sent to a local barber who charges $5 CASH ONLY to look after your bag!! had $4 cash but a fellow visitor I never met gave me the $5. Whoever you are thank you.
此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor LLC 的观点。 Tripadvisor 对点评进行检查。
What is the difference between the Public Tour ($25) and the Pregame Tour ($40), other than cost?
I am sorry I don't know. When we were there the Sox's were not playing, they came back the week after we left. All that was happening at Fenway when we visited was preparing the stadium for 2023 season. We just enjoyed our guide and the experience of walking around Fenway Park, seating in the original seats also in the green monster seats. I am sure whatever tour you decide on you will enjoy the rich history.
If you're not staying in Boston and are just driving in , you really need to plan ahead. The day we were there there was no nearby parking so we went to more remote garages and they were full. Street parking is only two hours and what we found was so far away, we werent' sure we could get there and back. We missed the first tour, but they allowed us on the next one after we payed a man $25 to watch our car in a place where it wasn't allowed. We took the tour and got our car back, but next time we will come real early, get a space in a garage somewhere and uber to the location.
Backpacks are not allowed on the tour. Are there lockers or storage available for a bag during the tour?
Yes we were told that when we arrived. The tour guide showed us a small store across the street where we could leave them. I believe it was $5 and it was a small liquor store.
I didn't know it until we started walking in.
The tour was fabulous!
do not miss it!!
Do you have to be vaccinated in order to do the tour? I see on the MLB website for the stadium the vaccination requirement was removed on 03/2022 but on my ticket through trip advisor it still states you have to be vaccinated,
We went during spring break, and no vaccination proof required. Boston overall was not very restricted for Covid / masks, and restaurants were "normal." City was clean and felt safe everywhere, including subway system.
if there is a game that day can we stay for the game or do we kicked out
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